finish confluence

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Michael Zhang 2024-12-24 02:26:22 -05:00
parent c28002e625
commit eeb4d2777c
3 changed files with 242 additions and 0 deletions

src/AOP/LTL.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
module LTL where
open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (+-identityʳ)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; step-≡-; _∎)
infixr 5 F_ , G_
infix 2 _≅_ _⊨_
data Empty : Set where
¬ : Set Set
¬ A = A Empty
record {A : Set} (P : A Set) : Set where
constructor ⟨_,_⟩
wit : A
proof : P wit
syntax (λ x B) = ∃[ x ] B
data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
⟨_,_⟩ : A B A × B
Atom : Set
Atom =
data Formula : Set where
: Formula
_ : Atom Formula
F_ G_ : Formula Formula
data Bool : Set where
true, false : Bool
data List (A : Set) : Set where
[] : List A
_::_ : A List A List A
-- Drop the first n elements
drop : {A : Set} List A (m : ) List A
drop xs zero = xs
drop [] (suc m) = []
drop (x :: xs) (suc m) = drop xs m
Path : Set
Path = List (Atom Bool)
_at_ : Path (m : ) Path
_at_ = drop
data _⊨_ : Path Formula Set where
⊨⊤ : {π : Path} π
⊨G : {π : Path} {ϕ : Formula} ( i π at i ϕ) π G ϕ
⊨F : {π : Path} {ϕ : Formula} (∃[ i ] (π at i ϕ)) π F ϕ
_iff_ : (A B : Set) Set
A iff B = (A B) × (B A)
data _≅_ : Formula Formula Set where
sem : {ϕ ψ : Formula}
( {π : Path} (π ϕ) iff (π ψ))
ϕ ψ
-- A helper lemma
subst : {π₁ π₂ : Path} {ϕ : Formula} π₁ ϕ π₁ π₂ π₂ ϕ
subst x refl = x
-- G is idempotent
idem-G : {ϕ : Formula} G G ϕ G ϕ
idem-G {ϕ} = sem forward , {! !} where
forward : {π} π G G ϕ π G ϕ
forward {π} (⊨G x) = ⊨G (λ i helper i (x i)) where
helper : (i : ) (π at i) G ϕ (π at i) ϕ
helper i (⊨G x) = x {! i !}
-- F is idempotent
idem-F : {ϕ : Formula} F F ϕ F ϕ
idem-F = {! !}

src/AOP/VecEnc.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
module VecEnc where
open import Data.Nat
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl; cong; subst)
This problem is about encoding Vectors as iterated products,
i.e. Vec A n = (A × × A) for n times,
using eliminators instead of dependent pattern matching.
{- Setup -}
data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
_,_ : A B A × B
π1 : {A B} A × B A
π1 (x , y) = x
π2 : {A B} A × B B
π2 (x , y) = y
data One : Set where
one : One
{- Eliminator for -}
iter :
{i}{P : Set i}
P 0 ((n : ) P n P (suc n))
(n : ) P n
iter z s zero = z
iter z s (suc n) = s n (iter z s n)
{- Q1: Give the Vector type as iterated products. -}
Vec : Set Set
Vec A n = iter One (λ _ A* A* × A) n
{- Q2 : Give the constructors nil and cons. -}
nil : {A} Vec A 0
nil = one
cons : {A n} A Vec A n Vec A (suc n)
cons x ls = ls , x
{- Q3 : Give the eliminator. -}
one-elim : {i} {P : One Set i} (p : P one) (o : One) P o
one-elim p one = p
elim-vec :
{i A}{P : (n : ) Vec A n Set i}
(P 0 (nil {A}))
({n} (x : A) (xs : Vec A n) P n xs P (suc n) (cons {A} {n} x xs))
{n}(xs : Vec A n) P n xs
elim-vec {i} {A} {P} nn cc {n} xs = f xs where
f = iter {P = λ n (a : Vec A n) P n a}
(λ a one-elim {P = λ x P 0 x} nn a)
(λ m x a let z = cc {n = m} {! !} {! !} {! !} in {! !}) n
{- Q4: Implement append using the eliminator. -}
append : {A m n} Vec A m Vec A n Vec A (m + n)
append {A} {m} {n} xs ys = elim-vec {P = λ x v {! Vec !}} {! !} {! !} {! !}

src/AOP/confluence.agda Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
open import Data.Product
Relation : Set Set
Relation X = X X Set
variable X : Set
data _⁼ (R : Relation X) : Relation X where
⁼-refl : {x} (R ) x x
⁼-rel : {x y} R x y (R ) x y
data _⋆ (R : Relation X) : Relation X where
⋆-refl : {x} (R ) x x
⋆-step : {x y z} R x y (R ) y z (R ) x z
LocalConfluent : Relation X Set
LocalConfluent R = {x a b} R x a R x b ∃[ y ] (R ) a y × (R ) b y
GlobalConfluent : Relation X Set
GlobalConfluent R = {x a b} (R ) x a (R ) x b ∃[ y ] (R ) a y × (R ) b y
SemiConfluent : Relation X Set
SemiConfluent R = {x a b} R x a (R ) x b ∃[ y ] (R ) a y × (R ) b y
StrongConfluent : Relation X Set
StrongConfluent R = {x a b} R x a R x b ∃[ y ] (R ) a y × (R ) b y
global2local : (R : Relation X) GlobalConfluent R LocalConfluent (R )
global2local R gcr x~a x~b =
let gc = gcr x~a x~b in
gc .proj₁ , ⋆-step (gc .proj₂ .proj₁) ⋆-refl , ⋆-step (gc .proj₂ .proj₂) ⋆-refl
lemma1 : {R : Relation X} {a b c} (R ) a b (R ) b c (R ) a c
lemma1 ⋆-refl rb = rb
lemma1 (⋆-step x ra) rb = ⋆-step x (lemma1 ra rb)
lemma2 : {R : Relation X} {a} {b} ((R ) ) a b (R ) a b
lemma2 {a} {b} ⋆-refl = ⋆-refl
lemma2 {a} {b} (⋆-step ⋆-refl s) = lemma2 s
lemma2 {a} {b} (⋆-step (⋆-step r s) t) = ⋆-step r (lemma1 s (lemma2 t))
local2global : (R : Relation X) LocalConfluent (R ) GlobalConfluent R
local2global R lcr x~a x~b =
let lc = lcr x~a x~b in
lc .proj₁ , lemma2 (lc .proj₂ .proj₁) , lemma2 (lc .proj₂ .proj₂)
global2semi : (R : Relation X) GlobalConfluent R SemiConfluent R
global2semi R gcr x~a x~b = gcr (⋆-step x~a ⋆-refl) x~b
semi2global : (R : Relation X) SemiConfluent R GlobalConfluent R
semi2global R scr {b = b} ⋆-refl x~b = b , x~b , ⋆-refl
semi2global R scr (⋆-step x~y y~a) x~b =
let sc = scr x~y x~b in
let IH = semi2global R scr y~a (sc .proj₂ .proj₁) in
IH .proj₁ , IH .proj₂ .proj₁ , lemma1 (sc .proj₂ .proj₂) (IH .proj₂ .proj₂)
lemma3 : (R : Relation X) StrongConfluent R SemiConfluent R
lemma3 R scr {a = a} x~a ⋆-refl = a , ⋆-refl , ⋆-step x~a ⋆-refl
lemma3 R scr x~a (⋆-step x~y y~b) with scr x~a x~y
lemma3 R scr {b = b} x~a (⋆-step x~y z~b) | z , a~z , ⁼-refl = b , (lemma1 a~z z~b) , ⋆-refl
lemma3 R scr x~a (⋆-step x~y y~b) | z , a~z , ⁼-rel y~z =
let IH = lemma3 R scr y~z y~b in
IH .proj₁ , lemma1 a~z (IH .proj₂ .proj₁) , IH .proj₂ .proj₂
strong2global : (R : Relation X) StrongConfluent R GlobalConfluent R
strong2global R scr = semi2global R (lemma3 R scr)
-- Old direct proof before reading the hint:
-- strong2global R scr {a = a} x~a ⋆-refl = a , ⋆-refl , x~a
-- strong2global R scr {b = b} ⋆-refl x~b = b , x~b , ⋆-refl
-- strong2global R scr {a = a} {b = b} (⋆-step {y = p} x~p p~a) (⋆-step {y = q} x~q q~b) =
-- sc₄ , {! a~sc₄ !} , {! b~sc₄ !} where
-- helper : ∀ {sc₁} (q~b : (R ⋆) q b) (q~sc₁ : (R ⁼) q sc₁) → ∃[ sc₃ ] ((R ⋆) sc₁ sc₃) × ((R ⋆) b sc₃)
-- helper q~b ⁼-refl = b , q~b , ⋆-refl
-- helper q~b (⁼-rel q~sc₁) = strong2global R scr (⋆-step q~sc₁ ⋆-refl) q~b
-- IH₁ = scr x~p x~q
-- sc₁ = IH₁ .proj₁
-- p~sc₁ = IH₁ .proj₂ .proj₁
-- q~sc₁ = IH₁ .proj₂ .proj₂
-- IH₂ = strong2global R scr p~a p~sc₁
-- sc₂ = IH₂ .proj₁
-- a~sc₂ = IH₂ .proj₂ .proj₁
-- sc₁~sc₂ = IH₂ .proj₂ .proj₂
-- IH₃ = helper q~b q~sc₁
-- sc₃ = IH₃ .proj₁
-- sc₁~sc₃ = IH₃ .proj₂ .proj₁
-- b~sc₃ = IH₃ .proj₂ .proj₂
-- IH₄ = strong2global R scr sc₁~sc₂ sc₁~sc₃
-- sc₄ = IH₄ .proj₁
-- sc₂~sc₄ = IH₄ .proj₂ .proj₁
-- sc₃~sc₄ = IH₄ .proj₂ .proj₂
-- a~sc₄ = lemma1 a~sc₂ sc₂~sc₄
-- b~sc₄ = lemma1 b~sc₃ sc₃~sc₄