define left module composition and graded module composition

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Michael Zhang 2024-12-30 15:30:21 -05:00
parent 953e80c3b1
commit f7f4f434aa
2 changed files with 24 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ module _ {R : Ring } where
(g : LeftModuleHom N P)
LeftModuleHom M P
compLeftModule {M = M} {N} {P} f g =
fg , record { pres0 = pres0 ; pres+ = pres+ ; pres- = {! !} ; pres⋆ = {! !} } where
open LeftModuleStr (M .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0M; _+_ to _+M_; -_ to -M_)
open LeftModuleStr (N .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0N; _+_ to _+N_; -_ to -N_)
open LeftModuleStr (P .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0P; _+_ to _+P_; -_ to -P_)
fg , record { pres0 = pres0 ; pres+ = pres+ ; pres- = pres- ; pres⋆ = pres⋆ } where
open LeftModuleStr (M .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0M; _+_ to _+M_; -_ to -M_; _⋆_ to _⋆M_)
open LeftModuleStr (N .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0N; _+_ to _+N_; -_ to -N_; _⋆_ to _⋆N_)
open LeftModuleStr (P .snd) using () renaming (0m to 0P; _+_ to _+P_; -_ to -P_; _⋆_ to _⋆P_)
fg = g .fst f .fst
@ -39,4 +39,17 @@ module _ {R : Ring } where
pres- : (x : M .fst) fg (-M x) -P (fg x)
pres- x = {! !}
-- g(f(-x)) ≡ g(-f(x)) ≡ -g(f(x))
pres- x =
let p = refl {x = g .fst (f .fst (-M x))} in
let p = p cong (g .fst) (f .snd .IsLeftModuleHom.pres- x) in
let p = p g .snd .IsLeftModuleHom.pres- (f .fst x) in
pres⋆ : (r : R ) (y : M .fst) fg (r ⋆M y) r ⋆P fg y
-- g(f(r⋆y)) ≡ g(r⋆f(y)) ≡ r⋆g(f(y))
pres⋆ r y =
let p = refl {x = g .fst (f .fst (r ⋆M y))} in
let p = p cong (g .fst) (f .snd .IsLeftModuleHom.pres⋆ r y) in
let p = p g .snd .IsLeftModuleHom.pres⋆ r (f .fst y) in

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import ThesisWork.Ext
' '' : Level
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ gradedHomComp {G = G} {M₁} {M₂} {M₃} (mkGradedHom feqv fp ffn) (mkGradedHo
fgFn : {x y : G } fg x y M₁ x -[lm]→ M₃ y
fgFn {x} {y} p = {! !}
-- p : f(g(x)) ≡ y
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
fgFn {x} {y} p = compLeftModule (ffn refl) (gfn p)
-- p : g(f(x)) ≡ y
-- break into f(x) ≡ z and g(z) ≡ y for some z
-- just pick z = f(x) and the second can use p