more work on homotopy group LES
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 441 additions and 12 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.HITs.TypeQuotients
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.LES
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
-- The long exact sequence of homotopy groups
@ -47,7 +50,7 @@ module _ where
NFin3+ .Index = NFin3
NFin3+ .succ = sucNFin3
Fiber : {A B : Pointed ℓ} (f : A →∙ B) → Pointed ℓ
Fiber : {A B : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ : A →∙ B) → Pointed ℓ
Fiber {A = A , a} {B = B , b} (f , feq) = (fiber f b) , a , feq
-- General definition of p₁ as the first projection
@ -57,18 +60,77 @@ p₁ = fst , refl
-- Lemma 4.1.5 in FVD thesis
-- Suppose given a pointed map f : A →∗ B
module _ {A∙ @ (A , a) B∙ @ (B , b) : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ @ (f , f-eq) : A∙ →∙ B∙) where
-- Fix this instance of p1
p1 = p₁ {A∙ = A∙} {B∙ = B∙} {f∙ = f∙}
-- Let p1 : fib_f →∗ A be the first projection.
lol : (f∙ .fst a ≡ b) , f-eq ≃∙ (b ≡ b) , (λ i → b)
lol .fst = pathToEquiv (cong (λ z → z ≡ b) f-eq)
lol .snd i j = {! !}
leg1 : (Σ (fiber f b) λ (a' , p) → a' ≡ a) , ((a , f-eq) , refl) ≃∙ (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b)) , (a , refl , f-eq)
leg1 = isoToEquiv (iso f1 g1 {! !} {! !}) , {! !} where
f1 : (Σ (fiber f b) λ (a' , p) → a' ≡ a) → (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b))
f1 (fib , fib-eq) = (fib .fst) , fib-eq , subst (λ p → f∙ .fst p ≡ b) (sym fib-eq) f-eq
g1 : (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b)) → (Σ (fiber f b) λ (a' , p) → a' ≡ a)
g1 (a , a-pf , f-a) = (a , subst (λ p → f∙ .fst p ≡ b) (sym a-pf) f-eq) , a-pf
fg : section f1 g1
fg x = {! !}
leg2 : (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b)) , (a , refl , f-eq) ≃∙ (f a ≡ b) , f-eq
leg2 = isoToEquiv (iso f1 g1 {! !} {! !}) , {! !} where
f1 : (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b)) → (f a ≡ b)
f1 (a' , a-prf , f-prf) = subst (λ p → f p ≡ b) a-prf f-prf
g1 : (f a ≡ b) → (Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b))
g1 p = a , refl , p
fg : section f1 g1
fg p = substRefl {B = λ p → f p ≡ b} p
gf : retract f1 g1
gf (a' , a-prf , f-prf) =
{! !}
-- f(a',a-prf,f-prf) = subst (λ p → f p ≡ b) a-prf f-prf
-- g(f(...)) = a , refl , subst (λ p → f p ≡ b) a-prf f-prf
-- ≡ a' , a-prf , f-prf
-- this becomes: a , refl , subst (λ p → f p ≡ b) refl f-prf ≡ a , refl , f-prf
leg3 : (f a ≡ b) , f-eq ≃∙ (b ≡ b) , refl
leg3 = (isoToEquiv (iso f1 g1 fg {! λ _ → refl !})) , {! !} where
f1 : f a ≡ b → b ≡ b
f1 p = subst (λ x → x ≡ b) p p
g1 : b ≡ b → f a ≡ b
g1 p = f-eq ∙ p
fg : section f1 g1
fg p =
-- g1(p) = f-eq ∙ p
-- f1(g1(p)) = subst (λ x → x ≡ b) (f-eq ∙ p) (f-eq ∙ p)
{! !}
-- Then there is a pointed natural equivalence e_f
lemmaEqv∙ : Fiber p₁ ≃∙ Ω B∙
lemmaEqv∙ : Fiber p1 ≃∙ Ω B∙
lemmaEqv∙ =
Fiber p₁ ≃∙⟨ {! !} ⟩
(f a ≡ b) , f-eq ≃∙⟨ {! !} ⟩
Fiber p1 ≃∙⟨ idEquiv∙ (Fiber p1) ⟩
(Σ (fiber f b) λ (a' , p) → a' ≡ a) , ((a , f-eq) , refl) ≃∙⟨ leg1 ⟩
(Σ A λ a' → (a' ≡ a) × (f a' ≡ b)) , (a , refl , f-eq) ≃∙⟨ {! leg2 !} ⟩
(f a ≡ b) , f-eq ≃∙⟨ leg3 ⟩
(b ≡ b) , refl ≃∙⟨ idEquiv∙ (Ω B∙) ⟩
Ω B∙ ∎≃∙
-- wtf : (f a ≡ b) → (b ≡ b)
-- wtf p = subst (λ x → x ≡ b) p p
-- wtf2 : (f a ≡ b) ≃ (b ≡ b)
-- wtf2 = isoToEquiv (iso {! wtf !} {! !} {! !} {! !})
-- Fiber p1 ≃∙⟨ idEquiv∙ (Fiber p1) ⟩
-- fiber fst a , (a , f-eq) , refl ≃∙⟨ {! !} ⟩
-- (f a ≡ b) , f-eq ≃∙⟨ {! !} ⟩
-- (b ≡ b) , refl ≃∙⟨ idEquiv∙ (Ω B∙) ⟩
-- Ω B∙ ∎≃∙
-- lemmaEqv∙ .snd = {! !}
module πLES {X Y : Pointed ℓ} (f : X →∙ Y) where
@ -106,7 +168,7 @@ module πLES {X Y : Pointed ℓ} (f : X →∙ Y) where
_ : ASeq 2 ≡ F
_ = refl
_ : ASeq 3 ≡ Fiber (fst , {! refl !})
_ : ASeq 3 ≡ Fiber (fst , refl)
_ = refl
fSeq : (n : ℕ) → (ASeq (suc n) →∙ ASeq n)
@ -180,10 +242,10 @@ module πLES {X Y : Pointed ℓ} (f : X →∙ Y) where
gSeq (suc (suc (suc n))) = {! !}
diagHom : (n : ℕ) → GroupHom (πGr (suc n) Y) (πGr n F)
diagHom n = {! δ .fst !} , {! !}
diagHom n = {! δ .fst !} , record { pres· = {! !} ; pres1 = {! !} ; presinv = {! !} }
πSeqHom : (n : NFin3) → GroupHom (πSeq (sucNFin3 n)) (πSeq n)
πSeqHom (n , 0 , p) = πHom n f
πSeqHom (n , 1 , p) = πHom n p₁
πSeqHom (n , 2 , p) = diagHom n
πSeqHom (n , suc (suc (suc k)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)
πSeqHom (n , suc (suc (suc k)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order hiding (eq)
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty renaming (rec to ⊥-rec)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Lemma415
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Util
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Step1 renaming (A to A')
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
module _ where
open SuccStr
NFin3 : Type ℓ-zero
NFin3 = ℕ × Fin 3
sucNFin3 : NFin3 → NFin3
sucNFin3 (n , 0 , _) = n , fsuc fzero
sucNFin3 (n , 1 , _) = n , fsuc (fsuc fzero)
sucNFin3 (n , 2 , _) = (suc n) , fzero
sucNFin3 (n , suc (suc (suc _)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)
NFin3+ : SuccStr ℓ-zero
NFin3+ .Index = NFin3
NFin3+ .succ = sucNFin3
module _ {ℓ} {X∙ @ (X , x₀) : Pointed ℓ} {Y∙ @ (Y , y₀) : Pointed ℓ} where
module ΩLES (f∙ @ (f , f-eq) : X∙ →∙ Y∙) where
-- Fiber of f
F∙ : Pointed ℓ
F∙ = fiber f y₀ , x₀ , f-eq
-- Fix this instance of p1
p1 = p₁ {f∙ = f∙}
Lift∙ : (ℓ ℓ' : Level) → Pointed ℓ → Pointed (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ')
Lift∙ ℓ ℓ' P = (Lift {j = ℓ'} (P .fst)) , lift (P .snd)
seq : (n* : NFin3) → Pointed ℓ
seq (n , 0 , _) = (Ω^ n) Y∙
seq (n , 1 , _) = (Ω^ n) X∙
seq (n , 2 , _) = ((Ω^ n) F∙)
seq (n , suc (suc (suc _)) , p) = ⊥-rec (¬m+n<m p)
fibfst : (n : ℕ) → (Ω^ n) F∙ →∙ (Ω^ n) X∙
fibfst n = Ω^→ n p1
A : (n : ℕ) → Pointed ℓ
A = A' f∙
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Lemma415 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Util
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
module _ {A∙ @ (A , a₀) : Pointed ℓ} {B∙ @ (B , b₀) : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ @ (f , f₀) : A∙ →∙ B∙) where
p1 : Fiber f∙ →∙ A∙
p1 = fst , refl
leg2 : (Σ (fiber f b₀) λ (a , p) → a ≡ a₀) , ((a₀ , f₀) , refl) ≃∙ (Σ A λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀)) , (a₀ , refl , f₀)
leg2 = isoToEquiv (iso fw gw (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl)) , refl where
fw : (Σ (fiber f b₀) λ (a , p) → a ≡ a₀) → (Σ A λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀))
fw ((a , p) , q) = a , q , p
gw : (Σ A λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀)) → (Σ (fiber f b₀) λ (a , p) → a ≡ a₀)
gw (a , q , p) = (a , p) , q
-- p : f(a) ≡ b₀
-- q : a ≡ a₀
-- ap_f(q) : f(a) ≡ f(a₀)
-- sym(ap_f(q)) ∙ p : f(a₀) ≡ b₀
-- f₀ : f(a₀) ≡ b₀
-- sym(f₀) ∙ sym(ap_f(q)) ∙ p : b₀ ≡ b₀
leg3 : (Σ A λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀)) , (a₀ , refl , f₀) ≃∙ (f a₀ ≡ b₀) , f₀
leg3 = (isoToEquiv (iso fw gw fg gf)) , eq where
P : A → Type ℓ
P a = f a ≡ b₀
fw : Σ A (λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀)) → f a₀ ≡ b₀
fw (a , p , feq) = subst P p feq
gw : f a₀ ≡ b₀ → Σ A (λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀))
gw p = a₀ , refl , p
fg : section fw gw
fg p = substRefl {B = λ a → f a ≡ b₀} p
gf : retract fw gw
-- p : f a₀ ≡ b₀
-- fw (gw p) ≡ p
-- fw (a₀ , refl , p) ≡ p
-- subst (λ a' → f a' ≡ b₀) refl p ≡ p
test : (feq : f a₀ ≡ b₀) → subst P refl feq ≡ feq
test feq = substRefl {B = P} feq
module _ (a : A) (p : a ≡ a₀) (feq : f a ≡ b₀) where
-- bottomFace : Square (subst P p feq) (subst P refl feq) (λ i → f (p (~ i))) refl
-- bottomFace i j = subst {! !} {! !} {! !} {! !}
topFace : Square (λ i → f (p (~ i))) (λ i → b₀) (subst P p feq) feq
-- topFace = {! !}
gf (a , p , feq) i = p (~ i) , (λ j → p (~ i ∨ j)) , λ j → topFace a p feq j i
-- gw (fw (a , p , feq)) ≡ (a , p , feq)
-- gw (subst (λ a' → f a' ≡ b₀) p feq) ≡ (a , p , feq)
-- (a₀ , refl , p) ≡ (a , p , feq)
eq : subst P refl f₀ ≡ f₀
eq = substRefl {B = P} f₀
leg4 : (f a₀ ≡ b₀) , f₀ ≃∙ Ω B∙
leg4 = isoToEquiv (iso fw gw fg gf) , eq where
fw : f a₀ ≡ b₀ → b₀ ≡ b₀
fw p = sym f₀ ∙ p
gw : b₀ ≡ b₀ → f a₀ ≡ b₀
gw p = f₀ ∙ p
fg : section fw gw
fg p = assoc (sym f₀) f₀ p ∙ cong (_∙ p) (lCancel f₀) ∙ sym (lUnit p)
gf : retract fw gw
gf p = assoc f₀ (sym f₀) p ∙ cong (_∙ p) (rCancel f₀) ∙ sym (lUnit p)
eq : sym f₀ ∙ f₀ ≡ refl
eq = lCancel f₀
eqv∙ : Fiber p1 ≃∙ Ω B∙
eqv∙ =
Fiber p1 ≃∙⟨ idEquiv∙ (Fiber p1) ⟩
(Σ (fiber f b₀) λ (a , p) → a ≡ a₀) , ((a₀ , f₀) , refl) ≃∙⟨ leg2 ⟩
(Σ A λ a → (a ≡ a₀) × (f a ≡ b₀)) , (a₀ , refl , f₀) ≃∙⟨ leg3 ⟩
(f a₀ ≡ b₀) , f₀ ≃∙⟨ leg4 ⟩
Ω B∙ ∎≃∙
-Ω : Ω A∙ →∙ Ω B∙
-Ω = Ω→ f∙ ∘∙ sym∙
module _ {A∙ @ (A , a₀) : Pointed ℓ} {B∙ @ (B , b₀) : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ @ (f , f₀) : A∙ →∙ B∙) where
p1 : Fiber f∙ →∙ A∙
p1 = fst , refl
q1 : Fiber p1 →∙ Fiber f∙
q1 = fst , refl
r1 : Fiber q1 →∙ Fiber p1
r1 = fst , refl
-- TODO: Finish
comm : ≃∙map (eqv∙ f∙) ∘∙ r1 ≡ -Ω f∙ ∘∙ ≃∙map (eqv∙ p1)
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Step1 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Util
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Lemma415
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
arrow : (ℓ : Level) → Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)
arrow ℓ = Σ (Pointed ℓ) (λ X → Σ (Pointed ℓ) (λ Y → X →∙ Y))
F : arrow ℓ → arrow ℓ
F (X , Y , f) = ((fiber (f .fst) (Y .snd)) , (X .snd , f .snd)) , X , (fst , refl)
F^ : (n : ℕ) → arrow ℓ → arrow ℓ
F^ zero x = x
F^ (suc n) x = F (F^ n x)
module _ {X∙ @ (X , x) : Pointed ℓ} {Y∙ @ (Y , y) : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ @ (f , f₀) : X∙ →∙ Y∙) where
p1 : arrow ℓ → Pointed ℓ
p1 (X , Y , f) = X
p2 : arrow ℓ → Pointed ℓ
p2 (X , Y , f) = Y
p3 : (a : arrow ℓ) → (p1 a →∙ p2 a)
p3 (X , Y , f) = f
A : (n : ℕ) → Pointed ℓ
A n = p2 (F^ n (X∙ , Y∙ , f∙))
f^ : (n : ℕ) → A (suc n) →∙ A n
f^ n = p3 (F^ n (X∙ , Y∙ , f∙))
Aⁿ⁺²≡fibfⁿ : (n : ℕ) → A (suc (suc n)) ≡ Fiber (f^ n)
Aⁿ⁺²≡fibfⁿ n = refl
ker→im : (n : ℕ) → (b : fst (A (suc n))) → isInKer∙ (f^ n) b → isInIm∙ (f^ (suc n)) b
ker→im n b isInKer = (b , isInKer) , refl
-- b is in the kernel of fⁿ means that fⁿ(b) ≡ 0_(Aⁿ)
-- we need to prove that there is some (a : Aⁿ⁺²) s.t fⁿ⁺¹(a) ≡ b
-- but since Aⁿ⁺² ≡ fiber(fⁿ), then fst(a) : Aⁿ⁺¹ and snd(a) : fⁿ(fst(a)) ≡ 0_(Aⁿ)
im→ker : (n : ℕ) → (b : fst (A (suc n))) → isInIm∙ (f^ (suc n)) b → isInKer∙ (f^ n) b
im→ker n b (a , aIsInIm) = goal where
a' : fiber (f^ n .fst) (A n .snd)
a' = a
a'1 : A (suc n) .fst
a'1 = fst a'
a'2 : (f^ n .fst) a'1 ≡ A n .snd
a'2 = snd a'
a'IsInIm : (f^ (suc n) .fst) a' ≡ b
a'IsInIm = aIsInIm
goal : (f^ n .fst) b ≡ A n .snd
goal = subst (λ p → (f^ n .fst) p ≡ A n .snd) a'IsInIm a'2
-- b isInIm means that there exists some (a : Aⁿ⁺²) s.t fⁿ⁺¹(a) ≡ b
-- we need to prove that fⁿ(b) ≡ 0_(Aⁿ)
-- but since Aⁿ⁺² ≡ fiber(fⁿ), fst(a) : Aⁿ⁺¹ and snd(a) : fⁿ(fst(a)) ≡ 0_(Aⁿ)
-- so we just need to substitute some fst(a) ≡ b into snd(a)
AⁿisExact : (n : ℕ) → isExactAt∙ (f^ (suc n)) (f^ n)
AⁿisExact n b = (ker→im n b) , (im→ker n b)
open ExactSequence∙
ASeq : ExactSequence∙ ℕ+
ASeq .seq = A
ASeq .fun = f^
ASeq .exactness = AⁿisExact
eqvf : (A 3) ≃∙ (Ω Y∙)
eqvf = eqv∙ f∙
-- Diagonal map
δ : Ω Y∙ →∙ Fiber f∙
δ = p₁ ∘∙ ≃∙map (invEquiv∙ eqvf)
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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Step2 where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Structures.Successor
open import ThesisWork.Exactness
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Util
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Step1
open import ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Lemma415
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
pattern 3+ n = suc (suc (suc n))
module _ {X∙ @ (X , x) : Pointed ℓ} {Y∙ @ (Y , y) : Pointed ℓ} (f∙ @ (f , f₀) : X∙ →∙ Y∙) where
F∙ = Fiber f∙
B : (n : ℕ) → Pointed ℓ
B 0 = Y∙
B 1 = X∙
B 2 = F∙
B (3+ n) = Ω (B n)
g^ : (n : ℕ) → B (suc n) →∙ B n
g^ 0 = f∙
g^ 1 = p₁
g^ 2 = δ f∙
g^ (3+ n) = -Ω (g^ n)
_ : A f∙ 3 ≡ B 3
_ = ua∙ (eqv∙ f∙ .fst) (eqv∙ f∙ .snd)
module Lemma416 where
η : (n : ℕ) → A f∙ n ≃∙ B n
η 0 = idEquiv∙ Y∙
η 1 = idEquiv∙ X∙
η 2 = idEquiv∙ F∙
η (3+ n) =
A f∙ (3+ n) ≃∙⟨ eqv∙ (f^ f∙ n) ⟩
Ω (A f∙ n) ≃∙⟨ cong-≃∙ Ω (η n) ⟩
Ω (B n) ∎≃∙
eqvfg : (n : ℕ) → (≃∙map (η n) ∘∙ f^ f∙ n) ∙∼ (g^ n ∘∙ ≃∙map (η (suc n)))
eqvfg 0 = {! !}
eqvfg 1 = {! !}
eqvfg 2 = {! !}
eqvfg (3+ n) = {! !}
open ExactSequence∙
BSeq : ExactSequence∙ ℕ+
BSeq .seq = B
BSeq .fun = g^
BSeq .exactness = {! !}
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Step3 where
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module ThesisWork.HomotopyGroupLES2.Util where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level
-- Pointed fiber
Fiber : {X∙ Y∙ : Pointed ℓ} → (f∙ @ (f , f-eq) : X∙ →∙ Y∙) → Pointed ℓ
Fiber {X∙ = X∙} {Y∙ = Y∙} f∙ @ (f , f-eq) = (fiber f (Y∙ .snd)) , X∙ .snd , f-eq
-- General definition of p₁ as the first projection
p₁ : {A∙ B∙ : Pointed ℓ} {f∙ : A∙ →∙ B∙} → Fiber f∙ →∙ A∙
p₁ = fst , refl
sym∙ : {A∙ @ (A , a) : Pointed ℓ} → (Ω A∙) →∙ (Ω A∙)
sym∙ = sym , refl
Lift∙ : {i j : Level} → Pointed i → Pointed (ℓ-max i j)
Lift∙ {i = i} {j = j} P = (Lift {j = j} (P .fst)) , lift (P .snd)
cong-≃∙ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} → {A∙ B∙ : Pointed ℓ} → (f : Pointed ℓ → Pointed ℓ') → (p : A∙ ≃∙ B∙) → f A∙ ≃∙ f B∙
cong-≃∙ {ℓ = ℓ} {ℓ' = ℓ'} {B∙ = B∙} f p = Equiv∙J (λ T∙ T≃∙B → f T∙ ≃∙ f B∙) (idEquiv∙ (f B∙)) p
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
include: src src/ThesisWork src/AOP talks
include: src src/AOP talks
depend: standard-library cubical
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