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191 lines
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(** Exercise sheet for lecture 2: Fundamentals of Coq.
The goal is to replace all of the "..." by suitable Coq code
satisfying the specification below.
Written by Anders Mörtberg.
Minor modifications made by Marco Maggesi.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Definition idfun : forall (A : UU), A -> A := fun (A : UU) (a : A) => a.
Definition const (A B : UU) (a : A) (b : B) : A := a.
(** * Booleans *)
Definition ifbool (A : UU) (x y : A) : bool -> A :=
bool_rect (fun _ : bool => A) x y.
Definition negbool : bool -> bool :=
ifbool bool false true.
Definition andbool (b : bool) : bool -> bool :=
ifbool (bool -> bool) (idfun bool) (const bool bool false) b.
(** Exercise: define boolean or: *)
Definition orbool (b : bool) : bool -> bool :=
ifbool (bool -> bool) (const bool bool true) (idfun bool) b.
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in orbool true true. (* true *)
Eval compute in orbool true false. (* true *)
Eval compute in orbool false true. (* true *)
Eval compute in orbool false false. (* false *)
(** * Natural numbers *)
Definition nat_rec (A : UU) (a : A) (f : nat -> A -> A) : nat -> A :=
nat_rect (fun _ : nat => A) a f.
Definition pred : nat -> nat := nat_rec nat 0 (const nat nat).
Definition even : nat -> bool := nat_rec bool true (fun _ b => negbool b).
(** Exercise: define a function odd that tests if a number is odd *)
Definition odd : nat -> bool := nat_rec bool false (fun _ b => negbool b).
(* This should satisfy *)
Eval compute in odd 24. (* false *)
Eval compute in odd 19. (* true *)
Beware of big numbers: [UniMath.Foundations.Preamble] only defines notation up to 24.
(** Exercise: define a notation "myif b then x else y" for "ifbool _ x y b"
and rewrite negbool and andbool using this notation. *)
Notation "'myif' b 'then' x 'else' y" := (ifbool _ x y b) (at level 1).
(** Note that we cannot introduce the notation "if b then x else y" as
this is already used. *)
Definition negbool' (b : bool) : bool := myif b then false else true.
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in negbool' true. (* false *)
Eval compute in negbool' false. (* true *)
Definition andbool' (b1 b2 : bool) : bool := myif b1 then b2 else false.
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in andbool true true. (* true *)
Eval compute in andbool true false. (* false *)
Eval compute in andbool false true. (* false *)
Eval compute in andbool false false. (* false *)
Definition add (m : nat) : nat -> nat := nat_rec nat m (fun _ y => S y).
Definition iter (A : UU) (a : A) (f : A → A) : nat → A :=
nat_rec A a (λ _ y, f y).
(* Type space and then \hat to enter the symbol ̂. *)
Notation "f ̂ n" := (λ x, iter _ x f n) (at level 10).
Definition sub (m n : nat) : nat := pred ̂ n m.
(** Exercise: define addition using iter and S *)
Definition add' (m : nat) : nat → nat := iter nat m S.
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in add' 4 9. (* 13 *)
Definition is_zero : nat -> bool := nat_rec bool true (fun _ _ => false).
Definition eqnat (m n : nat) : bool :=
andbool (is_zero (sub m n)) (is_zero (sub n m)).
Notation "m == n" := (eqnat m n) (at level 50).
(** Exercises: define <, >, ≤, ≥ *)
Check nat_rec.
Definition ltnat (m n : nat) : bool :=
nat_rec bool false (fun _ _ => true) (sub n m).
(* Fixpoint ltnat (m n : nat) : bool :=
match m with
| O => match n with O => false | S _ => true end
| S m' => match n with O => false | S n' => ltnat m' n' end
end. *)
Notation "x < y" := (ltnat x y).
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in (2 < 3). (* true *)
Eval compute in (3 < 3). (* false *)
Eval compute in (4 < 3). (* false *)
Definition gtnat (m n : nat) : bool :=
nat_rec bool false (fun _ _ => true) (sub m n).
Notation "x > y" := (gtnat x y).
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in (2 > 3). (* false *)
Eval compute in (3 > 3). (* false *)
Eval compute in (4 > 3). (* true *)
Definition leqnat (m n : nat) : bool := negbool (gtnat m n).
Notation "x ≤ y" := (leqnat x y) (at level 10).
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in (2 ≤ 3). (* true *)
Eval compute in (3 ≤ 3). (* true *)
Eval compute in (4 ≤ 3). (* false *)
Definition geqnat (m n : nat) : bool := negbool (ltnat m n).
Notation "x ≥ y" := (geqnat x y) (at level 10).
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in (2 ≥ 3). (* false *)
Eval compute in (3 ≥ 3). (* true *)
Eval compute in (4 ≥ 3). (* true *)
(** * Coproduct and integers *)
Definition coprod_rec {A B C : UU} (f : A → C) (g : B → C) : A ⨿ B → C :=
@coprod_rect A B (λ _, C) f g.
Definition Z : UU := coprod nat nat.
Notation "⊹ x" := (inl x) (at level 20).
Notation "─ x" := (inr x) (at level 40).
Definition Z1 : Z := ⊹ 1.
Definition Z0 : Z := ⊹ 0.
Definition Zn3 : Z := ─ 2.
Definition Zcase (A : UU) (fpos : nat → A) (fneg : nat → A) : Z → A :=
coprod_rec fpos fneg.
Definition negate : Z → Z :=
Zcase Z (λ x, ifbool Z Z0 (─ pred x) (is_zero x)) (λ x, ⊹ S x).
(** Exercise (harder): define addition for Z *)
Definition Zdiff : nat -> nat -> Z := fun x y =>
if x > y then inl (sub x y)
else (if x < y then inr (sub y x) else inl O).
Definition Zadd : Z -> Z -> Z :=
fun x y => Zcase (Z -> Z)
(fun x' => Zcase Z (fun y' => inl (add x' y')) (fun y' => Zdiff x' y'))
(fun x' => Zcase Z (fun y' => Zdiff y' x') (fun y' => inr (S (add x' y'))))
x y.
(* This should satisfy: *)
Eval compute in Zadd Z0 Z0. (* ⊹ 0 *)
Eval compute in Zadd Z1 Z1. (* ⊹ 2 *)
Eval compute in Zadd Z1 Zn3. (* ─ 1 *) (* recall that negative numbers are off-by-one *)
Eval compute in Zadd Zn3 Z1. (* ─ 1 *)
Eval compute in Zadd Zn3 Zn3. (* ─ 5 *)
Eval compute in Zadd (Zadd Zn3 Zn3) Zn3. (* ─ 8 *)
Eval compute in Zadd Z0 (negate (Zn3)). (* ⊹ 3 *)