import { atom, PrimitiveAtom, useAtom } from "jotai"; import { selectAtom } from "jotai/utils"; import type { NextPage } from "next"; import { useState } from "react"; import EditBox from "../components/EditBox"; import ReceiptItem, { IReceiptItem } from "../components/ReceiptItem"; import Totals from "../components/Totals"; import parseInput, { ParsedInputDisplay } from "../lib/parseInput"; const totalAtom = atom(0); const receiptAtom = atom[]>([]); const receiptTotalAtom = atom((get) => { const totalValue = get(totalAtom); const receipt = get(receiptAtom); const totals = new Map(); let subtotalSum = 0; for (const itemAtom of receipt) { const item = get(itemAtom); const price = get(item.price); const splitBetween = get(item.splitBetween); const numSplitters = splitBetween.length; if (numSplitters == 0) continue; const eachPrice = price / numSplitters; subtotalSum += price; for (const personAtom of splitBetween) { const person = get(personAtom); const personName =; let accum = totals.get(personName) || 0; accum += eachPrice; totals.set(personName, accum); } } if (subtotalSum == 0) return totals; const newTotals = new Map(); const proportion = totalValue / subtotalSum; for (const [person, value] of totals.entries()) { newTotals.set(person, value * proportion); } return newTotals; }); const Home: NextPage = () => { const [receipt, setReceipt] = useAtom(receiptAtom); const [total] = useAtom(receiptTotalAtom); const [input, setInput] = useState(""); const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", { style: "currency", currency: "USD", }); const add = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let parsed = parseInput(input); console.log(parsed); const price = atom(parsed.price || 0); const splitBetween = atom( [...parsed.splitBetween].map((a) => atom({ name: a })) ); setReceipt((prev) => [ ...prev, atom({ name: parsed.itemName, price, splitBetween }), ]); setInput(""); return false; }; return (


setInput(} value={input} style={{ padding: "8px", fontSize: "1.5em" }} />
Receipt Total:
    {, i) => { return (
  • ); })}
Total breakdown:
    {[].map(([person, value], i) => (
  • {person}: {formatter.format(value)}
  • ))}
); }; export default Home;