get rid of terminal aliases

This commit is contained in:
Michael Zhang 2021-06-09 01:48:34 -05:00
parent 5c09d658b9
commit d91eb65d4d
6 changed files with 41 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
watchexec -ce py -i gen 'mypy *.py && python && mypy gen/*.py'
watchexec -ce py,lark -i gen 'mypy *.py && python && mypy gen/*.py'

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@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ class Parser(Transformer[List[Decl]]):
def node_ref_name(self, items: List[str]) -> NodeRefByName: return NodeRefByName(items[0])
def expr_dot(self, items: List[Expr]) -> Expr:
[left, _, right] = items
[left, right] = items
return ExprDot(left, right)
def expr_add(self, items: List[Expr]) -> Expr:
[left, _, right] = items
[left, right] = items
return ExprAdd(left, right)
def expr_mul(self, items: List[Expr]) -> Expr:
[left, _, right] = items
[left, right] = items
return ExprMul(left, right)
def expr_call(self, items: List[Expr]) -> Expr:
[func, _, args, _] = items
[func, args] = items
return ExprMul(func, args)
def sep_trail(self, items: List[Tree]) -> List[T]:

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@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
from typing import *
from agast import *
def typecheck(program: List[Decl]) -> None:
class TypecheckResult:
def __init__(self, pd: str):
self.parser_data = pd
def typecheck(program: List[Decl]) -> TypecheckResult:
i = 0
def gen(name: str = "") -> str:
return f"__ag{i:03}{name}"
@ -13,5 +18,12 @@ def typecheck(program: List[Decl]) -> None:
# a high-level dictionary of productions; this has sub-productions
# that should be further expanded at a later step before converting
# into lark code
productions_hi: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = dict()
for node in filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, Node), program):
return TypecheckResult("")

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@ -18,18 +18,26 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
ast = trans.transform(cst)
print("ast", ast)
parser_data = ""
res = typecheck(ast)
if not os.path.exists("gen"):
with open("gen/", "w") as f:
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from lark import Lark
from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Optional, Callable
from lark import Lark, Transformer
T = TypeVar('T')
class Thunk(Generic[T]):
''' A thunk represents a value that may be computed lazily. '''
value: Optional[T]
def __init__(self, func: Callable[[], T]):
self.func = func
self.value = None
def get(self) -> T:
if self.value is None:
self.value = self.func()
return self.value
parser = Lark('''{res.parser_data}''')
class Trans(Transformer[None]):
parser = Lark('''{parser_data}''')

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ sep_trail{item, punc}: item (punc item)? punc?
iface: "iface" ident "{" sep_trail{iface_field, ","} "}"
iface_field: ident ":" ident
node: NODE ident ":" ident "{" variant* "}"
node: "node" ident ":" ident "{" variant* "}"
variant: prod "=>" "{" equation_* "}"
prod: sym*
sym: sym_rename
@ -17,37 +17,23 @@ sym_rename: "<" ident ":" node_ref ">"
node_ref: node_ref_name
node_ref_name: ident
equation_: equation SEMI
equation: expr EQ expr
equation_: equation ";"
equation: expr "=" expr
expr: expr_dot
| expr_add
| expr_mul
| expr_call
| expr_name
expr_dot: expr DOT expr
expr_add: expr ADD expr
expr_mul: expr MUL expr
expr_call: expr LPAR args RPAR
expr_dot: expr "." expr
expr_add: expr "+" expr
expr_mul: expr "*" expr
expr_call: expr "(" args ")"
expr_name: ident
args: expr (COMMA expr)? COMMA?
args: sep_trail{expr, ","}
ident: IDENT
IDENT: /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|(_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/
IFACE: "iface"
NODE: "node"
LANG: "<"
RANG: ">"
ADD: "+"
MUL: "*"
COMMA: ","
COLON: ":"
LPAR: "("
RPAR: ")"
EQ: "="
DOT: "."
SEMI: ";"
%import python.STRING
%import common.WS

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@ -1 +1 @@
watchexec --shell=powershell -ce py -i gen './run.ps1'
watchexec --shell=powershell -ce py,lark -i gen './run.ps1'