use syn::*; #[test] fn test_unit() { let raw = "struct Unit;"; let json = r#" { "struct": { "ident": "Unit", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let ser: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let ser = Item::from(&ser); assert_eq!(ser, actual); } #[test] fn test_struct() { let raw = " #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Item { pub ident: Ident, pub attrs: Vec } "; let json = r#" { "struct": { "attrs": [ { "style": "outer", "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "derive" } ] }, "tokens": [ { "group": { "delimiter": "parenthesis", "stream": [ { "ident": "Debug" }, { "punct": { "op": ",", "spacing": "alone" } }, { "ident": "Clone" } ] } } ] } ], "vis": "pub", "ident": "Item", "fields": { "named": [ { "vis": "pub", "ident": "ident", "colon_token": true, "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "Ident" } ] } } }, { "vis": "pub", "ident": "attrs", "colon_token": true, "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "Vec", "arguments": { "angle_bracketed": { "args": [ { "type": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "Attribute" } ] } } } ] } } } ] } } } ] } } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_union() { let raw = " union MaybeUninit { uninit: (), value: T } "; let json = r#" { "union": { "ident": "MaybeUninit", "generics": { "params": [ { "type": { "ident": "T" } } ] }, "fields": [ { "ident": "uninit", "colon_token": true, "ty": { "tuple": { "elems": [] } } }, { "ident": "value", "colon_token": true, "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "T" } ] } } } ] } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_enum() { let raw = r#" /// See the std::result module documentation for details. #[must_use] pub enum Result { Ok(T), Err(E), Surprise = 0isize, // Smuggling data into a proc_macro_derive, // in the style of ProcMacroHack = (0, "data").0 } "#; let json = r#" { "enum": { "attrs": [ { "style": "outer", "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "doc" } ] }, "tokens": [ { "punct": { "op": "=", "spacing": "alone" } }, { "lit": "\" See the std::result module documentation for details.\"" } ] }, { "style": "outer", "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "must_use" } ] } } ], "vis": "pub", "ident": "Result", "generics": { "params": [ { "type": { "ident": "T" } }, { "type": { "ident": "E" } } ] }, "variants": [ { "ident": "Ok", "fields": { "unnamed": [ { "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "T" } ] } } } ] } }, { "ident": "Err", "fields": { "unnamed": [ { "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "E" } ] } } } ] } }, { "ident": "Surprise", "fields": "unit", "discriminant": { "lit": { "int": "0isize" } } }, { "ident": "ProcMacroHack", "fields": "unit", "discriminant": { "field": { "base": { "tuple": { "elems": [ { "lit": { "int": "0" } }, { "lit": { "str": "\"data\"" } } ] } }, "index": 0 } } } ] } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_attr_with_path() { let raw = r#" #[::attr_args::identity fn main() { assert_eq!(foo(), "Hello, world!"); }] struct Dummy; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "attrs": [ { "style": "outer", "path": { "leading_colon": true, "segments": [ { "ident": "attr_args" }, { "ident": "identity" } ] }, "tokens": [ { "ident": "fn" }, { "ident": "main" }, { "group": { "delimiter": "parenthesis", "stream": [] } }, { "group": { "delimiter": "brace", "stream": [ { "ident": "assert_eq" }, { "punct": { "op": "!", "spacing": "alone" } }, { "group": { "delimiter": "parenthesis", "stream": [ { "ident": "foo" }, { "group": { "delimiter": "parenthesis", "stream": [] } }, { "punct": { "op": ",", "spacing": "alone" } }, { "lit": "\"Hello, world!\"" } ] } }, { "punct": { "op": ";", "spacing": "alone" } } ] } } ] } ], "ident": "Dummy", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_attr_with_non_mod_style_path() { let raw = r#" #[inert ] struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "attrs": [ { "style": "outer", "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "inert" } ] }, "tokens": [ { "punct": { "op": "<", "spacing": "alone" } }, { "ident": "T" }, { "punct": { "op": ">", "spacing": "alone" } } ] } ], "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_attr_with_mod_style_path_with_self() { let raw = r#" #[foo::self] struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "attrs": [ { "style": "outer", "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "foo" }, { "ident": "self" } ] } } ], "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_pub_restricted() { // Taken from tests/rust/src/test/ui/resolve/auxiliary/ let raw = r#" pub(in m) struct Z(pub(in m::n) u8); "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "vis": { "restricted": { "in_token": true, "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "m" } ] } } }, "ident": "Z", "fields": { "unnamed": [ { "vis": { "restricted": { "in_token": true, "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "m" }, { "ident": "n" } ] } } }, "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "u8" } ] } } } ] } } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_vis_crate() { let raw = r#" crate struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "vis": "crate", "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_pub_restricted_crate() { let raw = r#" pub(crate) struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "vis": { "restricted": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "crate" } ] } } }, "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_pub_restricted_super() { let raw = r#" pub(super) struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "vis": { "restricted": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "super" } ] } } }, "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_pub_restricted_in_super() { let raw = r#" pub(in super) struct S; "#; let json = r#" { "struct": { "vis": { "restricted": { "in_token": true, "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "super" } ] } } }, "ident": "S", "fields": "unit" } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); } #[test] fn test_ambiguous_crate() { // The field type is `(crate::X)` not `crate (::X)`. let raw = "struct S(crate::X);"; let json = r#" { "struct": { "ident": "S", "fields": { "unnamed": [ { "ty": { "path": { "segments": [ { "ident": "crate" }, { "ident": "X" } ] } } } ] } } } "#; let actual = syn::parse_str(raw).unwrap(); let json: syn_serde::Item = serde_json::from_str(json).unwrap(); let json = Item::from(&json); assert_eq!(json, actual); }