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2016-02-16 11:29:08 -05:00
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <>
* Chapter 4: Transition Systems
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: *)
Require Import Frap.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* This command will treat type arguments to functions as implicit, like in
* Haskell or ML. *)
(* Here's a classic recursive, functional program for factorial. *)
Fixpoint fact (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => 1
| S n' => fact n' * S n'
(* But let's reformulate factorial relationally, as an example to explore
* treatment of inductive relations in Coq. First, these are the states of our
* state machine. *)
Inductive fact_state :=
| AnswerIs (answer : nat)
| WithAccumulator (input accumulator : nat).
(* *Initial* states *)
Inductive fact_init (original_input : nat) : fact_state -> Prop :=
| FactInit : fact_init original_input (WithAccumulator original_input 1).
(** *Final* states *)
Inductive fact_final : fact_state -> Prop :=
| FactFinal : forall ans, fact_final (AnswerIs ans).
(** The most important part: the relation to step between states *)
Inductive fact_step : fact_state -> fact_state -> Prop :=
| FactDone : forall acc,
fact_step (WithAccumulator O acc) (AnswerIs acc)
| FactStep : forall n acc,
fact_step (WithAccumulator (S n) acc) (WithAccumulator n (acc * S n)).
(* We care about more than just single steps. We want to run factorial to
* completion, for which it is handy to define a general relation of
* *transitive-reflexive closure*, like so. *)
Inductive trc {A} (R : A -> A -> Prop) : A -> A -> Prop :=
| TrcRefl : forall x, trc R x x
| TrcFront : forall x y z,
R x y
-> trc R y z
-> trc R x z.
(* Transitive-reflexive closure is so common that it deserves a shorthand notation! *)
Notation "R ^*" := (trc R) (at level 0).
(* Now let's use it to execute the factorial program. *)
Example factorial_3 : fact_step^* (WithAccumulator 3 1) (AnswerIs 6).
(* It will be useful to give state machines more first-class status, as
* *transition systems*, formalized by this record type. It has one type
* parameter, [state], which records the type of states. *)
Record trsys state := {
Initial : state -> Prop;
Step : state -> state -> Prop
(* The example of our factorial program: *)
Definition factorial_sys (original_input : nat) : trsys fact_state := {|
Initial := fact_init original_input;
Step := fact_step
(* A useful general notion for transition systems: reachable states *)
Inductive reachable {state} (sys : trsys state) (st : state) : Prop :=
| Reachable : forall st0,
sys.(Initial) st0
-> sys.(Step)^* st0 st
-> reachable sys st.
(* To prove that our state machine is correct, we rely on the crucial technique
* of *invariants*. What is an invariant? Here's a general definition, in
* terms of an arbitrary transition system. *)
Definition invariantFor {state} (sys : trsys state) (invariant : state -> Prop) :=
forall s, sys.(Initial) s
-> forall s', sys.(Step)^* s s'
-> invariant s'.
(* That is, when we begin in an initial state and take any number of steps, the
* place we wind up always satisfies the invariant. *)
(* Here's a simple lemma to help us apply an invariant usefully,
* really just restating the definition. *)
Lemma use_invariant' : forall {state} (sys : trsys state)
(invariant : state -> Prop) s s',
invariantFor sys invariant
-> sys.(Initial) s
-> sys.(Step)^* s s'
-> invariant s'.
unfold invariantFor.
eapply H.
Theorem use_invariant : forall {state} (sys : trsys state)
(invariant : state -> Prop) s,
invariantFor sys invariant
-> reachable sys s
-> invariant s.
invert H0.
eapply use_invariant'.
(* What's the most fundamental way to establish an invariant? Induction! *)
Lemma invariant_induction' : forall {state} (sys : trsys state)
(invariant : state -> Prop),
(forall s, invariant s -> forall s', sys.(Step) s s' -> invariant s')
-> forall s s', sys.(Step)^* s s'
-> invariant s
-> invariant s'.
induct 2; propositional.
(* [propositional]: simplify the goal according to the rules of propositional
* logic. *)
apply IHtrc.
eapply H.
Theorem invariant_induction : forall {state} (sys : trsys state)
(invariant : state -> Prop),
(forall s, sys.(Initial) s -> invariant s)
-> (forall s, invariant s -> forall s', sys.(Step) s s' -> invariant s')
-> invariantFor sys invariant.
unfold invariantFor; intros.
eapply invariant_induction'.
apply H.
Definition fact_invariant (original_input : nat) (st : fact_state) : Prop :=
(* We must fill in a better invariant. *)
Theorem fact_invariant_ok : forall original_input,
invariantFor (factorial_sys original_input) (fact_invariant original_input).
(* Therefore, every reachable state satisfies this invariant. *)
Theorem fact_invariant_always : forall original_input s,
reachable (factorial_sys original_input) s
-> fact_invariant original_input s.
eapply use_invariant.
apply fact_invariant_ok.
(* Therefore, any final state has the right answer! *)
Lemma fact_ok' : forall original_input s,
fact_final s
-> fact_invariant original_input s
-> s = AnswerIs (fact original_input).
Theorem fact_ok : forall original_input s,
reachable (factorial_sys original_input) s
-> fact_final s
-> s = AnswerIs (fact original_input).
apply fact_ok'.
apply fact_invariant_always.
(** * A simple example of another program as a state transition system *)
(* We'll formalize this pseudocode for one thread of a concurrent, shared-memory program.
local = global;
global = local + 1;
(* This inductive state effectively encodes all possible combinations of two
* kinds of *local*state* in a thread:
* - program counter
* - values of local variables that may be ready eventually *)
Inductive increment_program :=
| Lock
| Read
| Write (local : nat)
| Unlock
| Done.
2016-02-16 11:29:08 -05:00
(* Next, a type for state shared between threads. *)
Record inc_state := {
Locked : bool; (* Does a thread hold the lock? *)
Global : nat (* A shared counter *)
(* The combined state, from one thread's perspective, using a general
* definition. *)
Record threaded_state shared private := {
Shared : shared;
Private : private
Definition increment_state := threaded_state inc_state increment_program.
(* Now a routine definition of the three key relations of a transition system.
* The most interesting logic surrounds saving the counter value in the local
* state after reading. *)
Inductive increment_init : increment_state -> Prop :=
| IncInit :
increment_init {| Shared := {| Locked := false; Global := O |};
Private := Lock |}.
Inductive increment_step : increment_state -> increment_state -> Prop :=
| IncLock : forall g,
increment_step {| Shared := {| Locked := false; Global := g |};
Private := Lock |}
{| Shared := {| Locked := true; Global := g |};
Private := Read |}
| IncRead : forall l g,
increment_step {| Shared := {| Locked := l; Global := g |};
Private := Read |}
{| Shared := {| Locked := l; Global := g |};
Private := Write g |}
| IncWrite : forall l g v,
increment_step {| Shared := {| Locked := l; Global := g |};
Private := Write v |}
{| Shared := {| Locked := l; Global := S v |};
Private := Unlock |}
| IncUnlock : forall l g,
increment_step {| Shared := {| Locked := l; Global := g |};
Private := Unlock |}
{| Shared := {| Locked := false; Global := g |};
Private := Done |}.
Definition increment_sys := {|
Initial := increment_init;
Step := increment_step
(** * Running transition systems in parallel *)
(* That last example system is a cop-out: it only runs a single thread. We want
* to run several threads in parallel, sharing the global state. Here's how we
* can do it for just two threads. The key idea is that, while in the new
* system the type of shared state remains the same, we take the Cartesian
* product of the sets of private state. *)
Inductive parallel1 shared private1 private2
(init1 : threaded_state shared private1 -> Prop)
(init2 : threaded_state shared private2 -> Prop)
: threaded_state shared (private1 * private2) -> Prop :=
| Pinit : forall sh pr1 pr2,
init1 {| Shared := sh; Private := pr1 |}
-> init2 {| Shared := sh; Private := pr2 |}
-> parallel1 init1 init2 {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}.
Inductive parallel2 shared private1 private2
(step1 : threaded_state shared private1 -> threaded_state shared private1 -> Prop)
(step2 : threaded_state shared private2 -> threaded_state shared private2 -> Prop)
: threaded_state shared (private1 * private2)
-> threaded_state shared (private1 * private2) -> Prop :=
| Pstep1 : forall sh pr1 pr2 sh' pr1',
(* First thread gets to run. *)
step1 {| Shared := sh; Private := pr1 |} {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr1' |}
-> parallel2 step1 step2 {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}
{| Shared := sh'; Private := (pr1', pr2) |}
| Pstep2 : forall sh pr1 pr2 sh' pr2',
(* Second thread gets to run. *)
step2 {| Shared := sh; Private := pr2 |} {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr2' |}
-> parallel2 step1 step2 {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}
{| Shared := sh'; Private := (pr1, pr2') |}.
Definition parallel shared private1 private2
(sys1 : trsys (threaded_state shared private1))
(sys2 : trsys (threaded_state shared private2)) := {|
Initial := parallel1 sys1.(Initial) sys2.(Initial);
Step := parallel2 sys1.(Step) sys2.(Step)
(* Example: composing two threads of the kind we formalized earlier *)
Definition increment2_sys := parallel increment_sys increment_sys.
(* Let's prove that the counter is always 2 when the composed program terminates. *)
(** We must write an invariant. *)
Inductive increment2_invariant :
threaded_state inc_state (increment_program * increment_program) -> Prop :=
| Inc2Inv : forall sh pr1 pr2,
increment2_invariant {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}.
(* This isn't it yet! *)
(* Now, to show it really is an invariant. *)
Theorem increment2_invariant_ok : invariantFor increment2_sys increment2_invariant.
(* Now, to prove our final result about the two incrementing threads, let's use
* a more general fact, about when one invariant implies another. *)
Theorem invariant_weaken : forall {state} (sys : trsys state)
(invariant1 invariant2 : state -> Prop),
invariantFor sys invariant1
-> (forall s, invariant1 s -> invariant2 s)
-> invariantFor sys invariant2.
unfold invariantFor; simplify.
apply H0.
eapply H.
(* Here's another, much weaker invariant, corresponding exactly to the overall
* correctness property we want to establish for this system. *)
Definition increment2_right_answer
(s : threaded_state inc_state (increment_program * increment_program)) :=
s.(Private) = (Done, Done)
-> s.(Shared).(Global) = 2.
(** Now we can prove that the system only runs to happy states. *)
Theorem increment2_sys_correct : forall s,
reachable increment2_sys s
-> increment2_right_answer s.
eapply use_invariant.
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := increment2_invariant).
(* Note the use of a [with] clause to specify a quantified variable's
* value. *)
apply increment2_invariant_ok.
invert H0.
unfold increment2_right_answer; simplify.
invert H0.
(* Here we use inversion on an equality, to derive more primitive
* equalities. *)