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2018-02-18 17:49:36 +00:00
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <>
* Supplementary Coq material: first-class functions and continuations
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: *)
Require Import Frap.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(** * Classic list functions *)
Fixpoint map {A B : Set} (f : A -> B) (ls : list A) : list B :=
match ls with
| nil => nil
| x :: ls' => f x :: map f ls'
Fixpoint filter {A : Set} (f : A -> bool) (ls : list A) : list A :=
match ls with
| nil => nil
| x :: ls' => if f x then x :: filter f ls' else filter f ls'
Fixpoint foldl {A B : Set} (f : A -> B -> B) (acc : B) (ls : list A) : B :=
match ls with
| nil => acc
| x :: ls' => foldl f (f x acc) ls'
Record programming_languages := {
Name : string;
PurelyFunctional : bool;
AppearedInYear : nat
Definition pascal := {|
Name := "Pascal";
PurelyFunctional := false;
AppearedInYear := 1970
Definition c := {|
Name := "C";
PurelyFunctional := false;
AppearedInYear := 1972
Definition gallina := {|
Name := "Gallina";
PurelyFunctional := true;
AppearedInYear := 1989
Definition haskell := {|
Name := "Haskell";
PurelyFunctional := true;
AppearedInYear := 1990
Definition ocaml := {|
Name := "OCaml";
PurelyFunctional := false;
AppearedInYear := 1996
Definition languages := [pascal; c; gallina; haskell; ocaml].
Compute map Name languages.
Compute map Name (filter PurelyFunctional languages).
Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear languages).
Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear (filter PurelyFunctional languages)).