TypesAndMutation: type safety with garbage collection

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Adam Chlipala 2016-03-24 10:24:54 -04:00
parent 48e75a5ab5
commit 0845fa85b4
3 changed files with 238 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Module Type S.
Parameter remove : forall A B, fmap A B -> A -> fmap A B. Parameter remove : forall A B, fmap A B -> A -> fmap A B.
Parameter join : forall A B, fmap A B -> fmap A B -> fmap A B. Parameter join : forall A B, fmap A B -> fmap A B -> fmap A B.
Parameter merge : forall A B, (option B -> option B -> option B) -> fmap A B -> fmap A B -> fmap A B. Parameter merge : forall A B, (option B -> option B -> option B) -> fmap A B -> fmap A B -> fmap A B.
Parameter restrict : forall A B, (A -> bool) -> fmap A B -> fmap A B. Parameter restrict : forall A B, (A -> Prop) -> fmap A B -> fmap A B.
Parameter includes : forall A B, fmap A B -> fmap A B -> Prop. Parameter includes : forall A B, fmap A B -> fmap A B -> Prop.
Notation "$0" := (empty _ _). Notation "$0" := (empty _ _).
@ -121,8 +121,17 @@ Module Type S.
Axiom dom_add : forall A B (m : fmap A B) (k : A) (v : B), Axiom dom_add : forall A B (m : fmap A B) (k : A) (v : B),
dom (add m k v) = {k} \cup dom m. dom (add m k v) = {k} \cup dom m.
Axiom lookup_restrict : forall A B (f : A -> bool) (m : fmap A B) k, Axiom lookup_restrict_true : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k,
lookup (restrict f m) k = if f k then lookup m k else None. P k
-> lookup (restrict P m) k = lookup m k.
Axiom lookup_restrict_false : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k,
~P k
-> lookup (restrict P m) k = None.
Axiom lookup_restrict_true_fwd : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k v,
lookup (restrict P m) k = Some v
-> P k.
Hint Extern 1 => match goal with Hint Extern 1 => match goal with
| [ H : lookup (empty _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] => | [ H : lookup (empty _ _) _ = Some _ |- _ ] =>
@ -132,7 +141,7 @@ Module Type S.
Hint Resolve includes_lookup includes_add empty_includes. Hint Resolve includes_lookup includes_add empty_includes.
Hint Rewrite lookup_empty lookup_add_eq lookup_add_ne lookup_remove_eq lookup_remove_ne Hint Rewrite lookup_empty lookup_add_eq lookup_add_ne lookup_remove_eq lookup_remove_ne
lookup_merge lookup_restrict using congruence. lookup_merge lookup_restrict_true lookup_restrict_false using congruence.
Hint Rewrite dom_empty dom_add. Hint Rewrite dom_empty dom_add.
@ -187,8 +196,8 @@ Module M : S.
Definition merge A B f (m1 m2 : fmap A B) : fmap A B := Definition merge A B f (m1 m2 : fmap A B) : fmap A B :=
fun k => f (m1 k) (m2 k). fun k => f (m1 k) (m2 k).
Definition lookup A B (m : fmap A B) (k : A) := m k. Definition lookup A B (m : fmap A B) (k : A) := m k.
Definition restrict A B (f : A -> bool) (m : fmap A B) : fmap A B := Definition restrict A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) : fmap A B :=
fun k => if f k then m k else None. fun k => if decide (P k) then m k else None.
Definition includes A B (m1 m2 : fmap A B) := Definition includes A B (m1 m2 : fmap A B) :=
forall k v, m1 k = Some v -> m2 k = Some v. forall k v, m1 k = Some v -> m2 k = Some v.
@ -414,10 +423,28 @@ Module M : S.
destruct (decide (k' = k)); intuition congruence. destruct (decide (k' = k)); intuition congruence.
Qed. Qed.
Theorem lookup_restrict : forall A B (f : A -> bool) (m : fmap A B) k, Theorem lookup_restrict_true : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k,
lookup (restrict f m) k = if f k then lookup m k else None. P k
-> lookup (restrict P m) k = lookup m k.
Proof. Proof.
auto. unfold lookup, restrict; intros.
destruct (decide (P k)); tauto.
Theorem lookup_restrict_false : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k,
~P k
-> lookup (restrict P m) k = None.
unfold lookup, restrict; intros.
destruct (decide (P k)); tauto.
Theorem lookup_restrict_true_fwd : forall A B (P : A -> Prop) (m : fmap A B) k v,
lookup (restrict P m) k = Some v
-> P k.
unfold lookup, restrict; intros.
destruct (decide (P k)); intuition congruence.
Qed. Qed.
End M. End M.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
Require Import Frap. Require Import Frap.
Module Rlc. Module References.
Notation loc := nat. Notation loc := nat.
Inductive exp : Set := Inductive exp : Set :=
@ -389,4 +389,202 @@ Module Rlc.
cases s. cases s.
eauto. eauto.
Qed. Qed.
End Rlc. End References.
Module GarbageCollection.
Import References.
Fixpoint freeLocs (e : exp) : set loc :=
match e with
| Var _ => {}
| Const _ => {}
| Plus e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| Abs _ e1 => freeLocs e1
| App e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| New e1 => freeLocs e1
| Read e1 => freeLocs e1
| Write e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| Loc l => {l}
Inductive reachableLoc (h : heap) : loc -> loc -> Prop :=
| ReachSelf : forall l, reachableLoc h l l
| ReachLookup : forall l e l' l'',
h $? l = Some e
-> l' \in freeLocs e
-> reachableLoc h l' l''
-> reachableLoc h l l''.
Inductive reachableLocFromExp (h : heap) : exp -> loc -> Prop :=
| ReachFromExp : forall l e l',
l \in freeLocs e
-> reachableLoc h l l'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l'.
Inductive step : heap * exp -> heap * exp -> Prop :=
| StepRule : forall C e1 e2 e1' e2' h h',
plug C e1 e1'
-> plug C e2 e2'
-> step0 (h, e1) (h', e2)
-> step (h, e1') (h', e2')
| StepGc : forall h h' e lDefinitelyGone,
(forall l e',
reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> h $? l = Some e'
-> h' $? l = Some e')
-> (forall l e',
h' $? l = Some e'
-> h $? l = Some e')
-> h $? lDefinitelyGone <> None
-> h' $? lDefinitelyGone = None
-> step (h, e) (h', e).
Hint Constructors step.
Definition trsys_of (e : exp) := {|
Initial := {($0, e)};
Step := step
(** * Type soundness *)
Definition unstuck (he : heap * exp) := value (snd he)
\/ (exists he', step he he').
Lemma progress : forall ht h, heapty ht h
-> forall e t,
hasty ht $0 e t
-> value e
\/ exists he', step (h, e) he'.
eapply References.progress in H0; t.
Lemma reachableLocFromExp_trans : forall h e1 l e2,
reachableLocFromExp h e1 l
-> freeLocs e1 \subseteq freeLocs e2
-> reachableLocFromExp h e2 l.
invert 1; simplify.
sets; eauto.
Hint Resolve reachableLocFromExp_trans.
Hint Extern 1 (_ \in _) => simplify; solve [ sets ].
Hint Extern 1 (_ \subseteq _) => simplify; solve [ sets ].
Hint Constructors reachableLoc reachableLocFromExp.
Lemma hasty_restrict : forall H h H' G e t,
heapty H h
-> hasty H G e t
-> (forall l t, reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> H $? l = Some t
-> H' $? l = Some t)
-> hasty H' G e t.
induct 2; simplify; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma reachableLoc_sandwich : forall h l l' e l'',
reachableLoc h l l'
-> h $? l' = Some e
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l''
-> reachableLoc h l l''.
induct 1; simplify; eauto.
invert H0; eauto.
Lemma reachableLocFromExp_sandwich : forall h e l e' l',
reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> h $? l = Some e'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e' l'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l'.
invert 1; simplify.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply reachableLoc_sandwich; eauto.
Lemma preservation : forall h1 e1 h2 e2,
step (h1, e1) (h2, e2)
-> forall H1 t, hasty H1 $0 e1 t
-> heapty H1 h1
-> exists H2, hasty H2 $0 e2 t
/\ heapty H2 h2.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply generalize_plug in H; eauto.
invert H; propositional.
eapply preservation0 in H6; eauto.
invert H6; propositional.
exists (restrict (reachableLocFromExp h1 e2) H1).
eapply hasty_restrict; eauto.
invert H0.
assert (H1 $? l = Some t0) by assumption.
apply H8 in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
assert (heapty H1 h1) by assumption.
invert H2.
exists bound; simplify; propositional.
assert (reachableLocFromExp h1 e2 l) by (eapply lookup_restrict_true_fwd; eassumption).
apply H3 in H2.
invert H2; propositional.
apply H4 in H2; auto.
eexists; propositional.
eapply hasty_restrict.
assert (H1 $? l0 = Some t1) by assumption.
apply H3 in H13.
invert H13; propositional.
rewrite lookup_restrict_true; auto.
eapply reachableLocFromExp_sandwich; eauto.
cases (h2 $? l); eauto.
apply H8 in H2.
apply H5 in Heq.
Hint Resolve progress preservation.
Theorem safety : forall e t, hasty $0 $0 e t
-> invariantFor (trsys_of e)
(fun he' => value (snd he')
\/ exists he'', step he' he'').
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun he' => exists H,
hasty H $0 (snd he') t
/\ heapty H (fst he')); eauto.
apply invariant_induction; simplify; eauto.
subst; simplify.
invert H0.
cases s; cases s'; simplify.
invert 1.
cases s.
End GarbageCollection.

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@ -21,3 +21,4 @@ OperationalSemantics.v
AbstractInterpretation.v AbstractInterpretation.v
LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness_template.v LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness_template.v
LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness.v LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness.v