Some N-related library content contributed by Sam Gruetter

This commit is contained in:
Adam Chlipala 2020-02-08 14:56:10 -05:00
parent 89863fd999
commit 0ed668481d

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Require Import Eqdep String Arith Lia Program Sets Relations Map Var Invariant Bool ModelCheck. Require Import Eqdep String NArith Arith Lia Program Sets Relations Map Var Invariant Bool ModelCheck.
Export Ascii String Arith Sets Relations Map Var Invariant Bool ModelCheck. Export Ascii String Arith Sets Relations Map Var Invariant Bool ModelCheck.
Require Import List. Require Import List.
Export List ListNotations. Export List ListNotations.
@ -98,7 +98,25 @@ Ltac instantiate_obviouses :=
| [ H : _ |- _ ] => instantiate_obvious H | [ H : _ |- _ ] => instantiate_obvious H
end. end.
Ltac induct e := (inductN e || dependent induction e); instantiate_obviouses. (** * Interlude: special notations and induction principle for [N] *)
(* Note: recurse is an identifier, but we will always use the name "recurse" by convention *)
Declare Scope N_recursion_scope.
Notation "recurse 'by' 'cases' | 0 => A | n + 1 => B 'end'" :=
(N.recursion A (fun n recurse => B))
(at level 11, A at level 200, n at level 0, B at level 200,
format "'[hv' recurse 'by' 'cases' '//' '|' 0 => A '//' '|' n + 1 => B '//' 'end' ']'")
: N_recursion_scope.
Open Scope N_recursion_scope.
Lemma indN: forall (P: N -> Prop),
P 0%N -> (* base case to prove *)
(forall n: N, P n -> P (n + 1)%N) -> (* inductive case to prove *)
forall n, P n. (* conclusion to enjoy *)
Proof. setoid_rewrite N.add_1_r. exact N.peano_ind. Qed.
Ltac induct e := (induction e using indN || inductN e || dependent induction e); instantiate_obviouses.
Ltac invert' H := inversion H; clear H; subst. Ltac invert' H := inversion H; clear H; subst.
@ -335,9 +353,9 @@ Inductive ordering (n m : nat) :=
| Eq (_ : n = m) | Eq (_ : n = m)
| Gt (_ : n > m). | Gt (_ : n > m).
Local Hint Constructors ordering. Local Hint Constructors ordering : core.
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => lia. Local Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => lia : core.
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ > _) => lia. Local Hint Extern 1 (_ > _) => lia : core.
Theorem totally_ordered : forall n m, ordering n m. Theorem totally_ordered : forall n m, ordering n m.
Proof. Proof.
@ -409,3 +427,44 @@ Ltac dep_cases E :=
try match goal with try match goal with
| [ H : _ = E |- _ ] => try rewrite <- H in *; clear H | [ H : _ = E |- _ ] => try rewrite <- H in *; clear H
end. end.
(** * More with [N] *)
Lemma recursion_step: forall {A: Type} (a: A) (f: N -> A -> A) (n: N),
N.recursion a f (n + 1) = f n (N.recursion a f n).
intros until f. setoid_rewrite N.add_1_r.
eapply N.recursion_succ; cbv; intuition congruence.
Ltac head f :=
match f with
| ?g _ => head g
| _ => constr:(f)
(* If a function f is defined as
recurse by cases
| 0 => base
| k + 1 => step recurse k
and we have an occurrence of (f (k + 1)) in our goal, we can use
"unfold_recurse f k" to replace (f (k + 1)) by (step (f k) k),
ie it allows us to unfold one recursive step. *)
Ltac unfold_recurse f k :=
let h := head f in
let rhs := eval unfold h in f in
lazymatch rhs with
| N.recursion ?base ?step =>
let g := eval cbv beta in (step k (f k)) in
rewrite (recursion_step base step k : f (k + 1) = g) in *
| _ => let expected := open_constr:(N.recursion _ _) in
fail "The provided term" f "expands to" rhs "which is not of the expected form" expected
(* This will make "simplify" a bit less nice in some cases (but these are easily worked around using
linear_arithmetic). *)
Arguments N.mul: simpl never.
Arguments N.add: simpl never.