From 0eea46080fecf8e1a45291577d7a48e1c8bf3bb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Adam Chlipala Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 14:52:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] FirstClassFunctions: start of a new example with a language of functions over dynamically typed values --- FirstClassFunctions.v | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 180 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/FirstClassFunctions.v b/FirstClassFunctions.v index 0ab7d38..c55be96 100644 --- a/FirstClassFunctions.v +++ b/FirstClassFunctions.v @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * Author: Adam Chlipala * License: *) -Require Import Frap. +Require Import Frap Program. (* Next stop in touring the basic Coq ingredients of functional programming and * proof: functions as first-class data. These days, most trendy programming @@ -228,8 +228,187 @@ Proof. Qed. +(** * A language of functions and its interpreter *) + +Inductive dyn := +| Failure +| Bool (b : bool) +| Number (n : nat) +| Pair (d1 d2 : dyn) +| List (ds : list dyn). + +Definition idIfList (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | List _ => x + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition idIfBool (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | Bool _ => x + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition dmap (f : dyn -> dyn) (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | List ds => List (map f ds) + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition dfilter (f : dyn -> dyn) (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | List ds => List (filter (fun arg => match f arg with + | Bool b => b + | _ => false + end) ds) + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition dfold (f : dyn -> dyn) (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | Pair acc (List ds) => + fold_left (fun arg acc' => f (Pair arg acc')) ds acc + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition disZero (x : dyn) : dyn := + Bool (match x with + | Number 0 => true + | _ => false + end). + +Definition dadd (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | Pair (Number n1) (Number n2) => Number (n1 + n2) + | _ => Failure + end. + +Definition dnot (x : dyn) : dyn := + match x with + | Bool b => Bool (negb b) + | _ => Failure + end. + +Inductive xform := +| Identity +| IdentityIfBool +| IdentityIfList +| Compose (xf1 xf2 : xform) +| Map (xf1 : xform) +| Filter (xf1 : xform) +| Fold (xf1 : xform) + +| IsZero +| Add +| Not. + +Fixpoint interp (xf : xform) : dyn -> dyn := + match xf with + | Identity => id + | IdentityIfBool => idIfBool + | IdentityIfList => idIfList + | Compose f1 f2 => compose (interp f1) (interp f2) + | Map f => dmap (interp f) + | Filter f => dfilter (interp f) + | Fold f => dfold (interp f) + + | IsZero => disZero + | Add => dadd + | Not => dnot + end. + +Compute interp (Map IsZero) (List [Number 0; Number 1; Number 2; Number 0; Number 3]). +Compute interp (Filter IsZero) (List [Number 0; Number 1; Number 2; Number 0; Number 3]). + +Fixpoint optimize (xf : xform) : xform := + match xf with + | Compose xf1 xf2 => + match optimize xf1, optimize xf2 with + | Identity, xf2' => xf2' + | xf1', Identity => xf1' + | Not, Not => IdentityIfBool + | Map xf1', Map xf2' => Map (Compose xf1' xf2') + | xf1', xf2' => Compose xf1' xf2' + end + | Map xf1 => + match optimize xf1 with + | Identity => IdentityIfList + | xf1' => Map xf1' + end + | _ => xf + end. + +Ltac optimize_ok := + simplify; unfold compose, dmap in *; + repeat match goal with + | [ H : forall x : dyn, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite H + end; + repeat match goal with + | [ H : forall x : dyn, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H + end; auto. + +Lemma dnot_dnot : forall d, dnot (dnot d) = idIfBool d. +Proof. + induct d; simplify; trivial. + + SearchRewrite (negb (negb _)). + rewrite negb_involutive. + trivial. +Qed. + +Hint Rewrite dnot_dnot. + +Lemma map_identity : forall A (f : A -> A) (ls : list A), + (forall x, x = f x) + -> map f ls = ls. +Proof. + induct ls; simplify; equality. +Qed. + +Hint Rewrite map_identity map_map using assumption. + +Lemma map_same : forall A B (f1 f2 : A -> B) ls, + (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) + -> map f1 ls = map f2 ls. +Proof. + induct ls; simplify; equality. +Qed. + +Lemma List_map_same : forall A (f1 f2 : A -> dyn) ls, + (forall x, f1 x = f2 x) + -> List (map f1 ls) = List (map f2 ls). +Proof. + simplify. + f_equal. + apply map_same; assumption. +Qed. + +Hint Immediate List_map_same : core. + +Theorem optimize_ok : forall xf x, interp (optimize xf) x = interp xf x. +Proof. + induct xf; simplify; try equality. + + { + cases (optimize xf1); optimize_ok; + (cases (optimize xf2); optimize_ok). + + cases x; simplify; trivial. + } + + { + cases (optimize xf); optimize_ok; + (cases x; optimize_ok). + } +Qed. + + (** * Motivating continuations with search problems *) +(* We're getting into advanced material here, so it may often make sense to stop + * before this point in a class presentation. But, if you want to learn about + * one of the classic cool features of functional programming.... *) + (* One fascinating flavor of first-class functions is *continuations*, which are * essentially functions that are meant to be called on the *results* of other * functions. To motivate the idea, let's first develop a somewhat slow