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MessagesAndRefinement: refines_Par

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Adam Chlipala 2016-05-07 21:25:37 -04:00
parent db7a355195
commit 137121dcdc

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@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ End Example1.
Inductive RDup (R : proc -> proc -> Prop) : proc -> proc -> Prop :=
| RDupLeaf : forall pr1 pr2,
R pr1 pr2
R pr1 pr2
-> RDup R pr1 pr2
| RDupDup : forall pr1 pr2,
RDup R pr1 pr2
@ -496,3 +496,106 @@ Proof.
unfold simulates in *.
propositional; eauto using refines_Dup_Silent, refines_Dup_Action.
(** ** Par *)
Inductive RPar (R1 R2 : proc -> proc -> Prop) : proc -> proc -> Prop :=
| RPar1 : forall pr1 pr2 pr1' pr2',
R1 pr1 pr1'
-> R2 pr2 pr2'
-> RPar R1 R2 (pr1 || pr2) (pr1' || pr2').
Hint Constructors RPar.
Lemma refines_Par_Action : forall R1 R2 : _ -> _ -> Prop,
(forall pr1 pr2, R1 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1' a, lstep pr1 (Action a) pr1'
-> exists pr2' pr2'', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ lstep pr2' (Action a) pr2''
/\ R1 pr1' pr2'')
-> (forall pr1 pr2, R2 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1' a, lstep pr1 (Action a) pr1'
-> exists pr2' pr2'', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ lstep pr2' (Action a) pr2''
/\ R2 pr1' pr2'')
-> forall pr1 pr2, RPar R1 R2 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1' a, lstep pr1 (Action a) pr1'
-> exists pr2' pr2'', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ lstep pr2' (Action a) pr2''
/\ RPar R1 R2 pr1' pr2''.
invert 3; simplify.
invert H1.
eapply H in H8; eauto.
eauto 10.
eapply H0 in H8; eauto.
eauto 10.
Lemma refines_Par_Silent : forall R1 R2 : _ -> _ -> Prop,
(forall pr1 pr2, R1 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1', lstepSilent pr1 pr1'
-> exists pr2', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ R1 pr1' pr2')
-> (forall pr1 pr2, R1 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1' a, lstep pr1 (Action a) pr1'
-> exists pr2' pr2'', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ lstep pr2' (Action a) pr2''
/\ R1 pr1' pr2'')
-> (forall pr1 pr2, R2 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1', lstepSilent pr1 pr1'
-> exists pr2', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ R2 pr1' pr2')
-> (forall pr1 pr2, R2 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1' a, lstep pr1 (Action a) pr1'
-> exists pr2' pr2'', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2'
/\ lstep pr2' (Action a) pr2''
/\ R2 pr1' pr2'')
-> forall pr1 pr2, RPar R1 R2 pr1 pr2
-> forall pr1', lstepSilent pr1 pr1'
-> exists pr2', lstepSilent^* pr2 pr2' /\ RPar R1 R2 pr1' pr2'.
invert 5; simplify.
invert H3.
eapply H in H10; eauto.
first_order; eauto.
eapply H1 in H10; eauto.
first_order; eauto.
eapply H0 in H8; eauto.
eapply H2 in H9; eauto.
eexists; propositional.
apply trc_trans with (x1 || pr2').
apply trc_trans with (x1 || x).
apply trc_one.
eapply H0 in H8; eauto.
eapply H2 in H9; eauto.
eexists; propositional.
apply trc_trans with (x1 || pr2').
apply trc_trans with (x1 || x).
apply trc_one.
Theorem refines_Par : forall pr1 pr2 pr1' pr2',
pr1 <| pr1'
-> pr2 <| pr2'
-> pr1 || pr2 <| pr1' || pr2'.
invert 1; invert 1.
exists (RPar x x0).
unfold simulates in *.
propositional; eauto using refines_Par_Silent, refines_Par_Action.