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Start of AbstractInterpretation book chapter
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@ -1696,6 +1696,130 @@ As we study new kinds of programming languages, we will see how to model them op
Almost every new proof technique is phrased as an approach to establishing invariants of transition systems based on small-step semantics.
Almost every new proof technique is phrased as an approach to establishing invariants of transition systems based on small-step semantics.
\chapter{Abstract Interpretation and Dataflow Analysis}
The last two chapters showed us both how to build a transition system from a program automatically and how to find an invariant for a transition system automatically.
Let's now combine these ideas to find invariants for programs automatically, in a particular way associated with the technique of \emph{dataflow analysis}\index{dataflow analysis} used to drive many compiler optimizations.
Throughout, we'll stick with the example of the small imperative language whose semantics we studied in the last chapter.
We'll confine our attention to its basic small-step semantics via the $\to$ relation.
Model checking builds up increasingly larger finite sets of reachable states in a system.
A state $(v, c)$ of our imperative language combines \emph{control state}\index{control state} $c$ (the next command to execute) with \emph{data state} $v$ (the values of the variables), and so model checking will find invariants that restrict both components.
We say that model checking is \emph{path-sensitive}\index{path-sensitive analysis} because its invariants can distinguish between the different data states that can be associated with the same control state, reached along different paths in the program's executions.
Path-sensitive analyses tend to be much more computationally expensive than \emph{path-insensitive}\index{path-insensitive analysis} analyses, whose invariants collapse together all ways of reaching the same control state.
Dataflow analysis is one such path-insensitive approach, and its underlying theory is \emph{abstract interpretation}\index{abstract interpretation}.
\section{Definition of an Abstract Interpretation}
An abstract interpretation is a particular sort of abstraction, of the kind we met in studying model checking.
In that more general setting, we can represent concrete states with any sorts of abstract states.
In abstract interpretation, we most commonly associate each variable with an independent abstract description.
One example, which we'll formalize in more detail shortly, would be to label each variable as ``even,'' ``odd,'' or ``either.''
An \emph{abstract interpretation} (for our example imperative language) is a tuple $\angled{\mathbb D, \top, \mathcal C, \hat{+}, \hat{-}, \hat{\times}, \join, \mathcal R}$, where $\mathbb D$ is a set (the domain of the analysis); $\top \in \mathbb D$; $\mathcal C : \mathbb N \to \mathbb D$; $\hat{+}, \hat{-}, \hat{\times}, \join : \mathbb D \times \mathbb D \to \mathbb D$; and $\mathcal R \subseteq \mathbb N \times \mathbb D$.
The idea is that:
\item Abstract versions of numbers are $\mathbb D$ values.
\item $\top$ (``top'')\index{top element of an abstract interpretation} is the least specific abstract value, representing any concrete value.
\item $\mathcal C$ maps any constant to its most precise abstraction.
\item $\hat{+}$, $\hat{-}$, and $\hat{\times}$ push abstraction through arithmetic operators, calculating their most precise abstractions.
\item $\join$ (``join'')\index{join operation of an abstract interpretation} computes the \emph{least upper bound}\index{least upper bound} of two abstract values: the most specific value that represents any value associated with either input.
\item $\mathcal R$ formalizes the idea of which concrete values are covered by which abstract values.
For $a, b \in \mathbb D$, define $a \sqsubseteq b$ to mean $\forall n \in \mathbb N. \; (n \; \mathcal R \; a) \Rightarrow (n \; \mathcal R \; b)$. That is, $b$ is at least as general as $a$.
An abstract interpretation must satsify the following algebraic laws:
\item $\forall a \in \mathbb D. \; a \sqsubseteq \top$
\item $\forall n \in \mathbb N. \; n \; \mathcal R \; \mathcal C(n)$
\item $\forall n, m \in \mathbb N. \; \forall a, b \in \mathbb D. \; n \; \mathcal R \; a \land m \; \mathcal R \; b \Rightarrow (n + m) \; \mathcal R \; (a \hat{+} b)$
\item $\forall n, m \in \mathbb N. \; \forall a, b \in \mathbb D. \; n \; \mathcal R \; a \land m \; \mathcal R \; b \Rightarrow (n - m) \; \mathcal R \; (a \hat{-} b)$
\item $\forall n, m \in \mathbb N. \; \forall a, b \in \mathbb D. \; n \; \mathcal R \; a \land m \; \mathcal R \; b \Rightarrow (n \times m) \; \mathcal R \; (a \hat{\times} b)$
\item $\forall a, b, a', b' \in \mathbb D. \; a \sqsubseteq a' \land b \sqsubseteq b' \Rightarrow (a \hat{+} b) \sqsubseteq (a' \hat{+} b')$
\item $\forall a, b, a', b' \in \mathbb D. \; a \sqsubseteq a' \land b \sqsubseteq b' \Rightarrow (a \hat{-} b) \sqsubseteq (a' \hat{-} b')$
\item $\forall a, b, a', b' \in \mathbb D. \; a \sqsubseteq a' \land b \sqsubseteq b' \Rightarrow (a \hat{\times} b) \sqsubseteq (a' \hat{\times} b')$
\item $\forall a, b \in \mathbb D. \; a \sqsubseteq (a \join b)$
\item $\forall a, b \in \mathbb D. \; b \sqsubseteq (a \join b)$
As an example, consider this formalization of even-odd analysis, whose proof of soundness is left as an exercise to the reader.
\mathbb D &=& \{\E, \O, \top\} \\
\mathcal C(n) &=& \textrm{$\E$ or $\O$, depending on parity of $n$} \\
\E \; \hat{+} \; \E &=& \E \\
\E \; \hat{+} \; \O &=& \O \\
\O \; \hat{+} \; \E &=& \O \\
\O \; \hat{+} \; \O &=& \E \\
\_ \; \hat{+} \; \_ &=& \top \\
\E \; \hat{-} \; \E &=& \E \\
\_ \; \hat{-} \; \_ &=& \top \\
\E \; \hat{\times} \; \_ &=& \E \\
\_ \; \hat{\times} \; \E &=& \E \\
\O \; \hat{\times} \; \O &=& \O \\
\top \; \hat{\times} \; \top &=& \top \\
\E \join \E &=& \E \\
\O \join \O &=& \O \\
\_ \join \_ &=& \top \\
n \; \mathcal R \; \E &=& \textrm{$n$ is even} \\
n \; \mathcal R \; \O &=& \textrm{$n$ is odd} \\
n \; \mathcal R \; \top &=& \textrm{always}
We generally think of an abstract interpretation as forming a \emph{lattice}\index{lattice}, which is roughly the algebraic structure characterized by operations like $\join$, when $\join$ truly returns the \emph{most specific} or \emph{least} upper bound of its two arguments. We visualize the even-odd lattice like so.
\begin{center}\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node(top) {$\top$};
\node(E) [below left of=top] {$\E$};
\node(O) [below right of=top] {$\O$};
\draw(top) -- (E);
\draw(top) -- (O);
The idea is that taking the join of two elements moves us \emph{up} the lattice to their lowest common ancestor.
An edge going up from $a$ to $b$ indicates that $a \sqsubseteq b$.
As another example, consider a lattice tracking prime factors of numbers, up to 5.
Then the picture version might go like so:
\begin{center}\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm]
\node(top) {$\{2, 3, 5\}$};
\node(twothree) [below left of=top] {$\{2, 3\}$};
\node(twofive) [below of=top] {$\{2, 5\}$};
\node(threefive) [below right of=top] {$\{3, 5\}$};
\node(two) [below of=twothree] {$\{2\}$};
\node(three) [below of=twofive] {$\{3\}$};
\node(five) [below of=threefive] {$\{5\}$};
\node(emp) [below of=three] {$\{\}$};
\draw(top) -- (twothree);
\draw(top) -- (twofive);
\draw(top) -- (threefive);
\draw(twothree) -- (two);
\draw(twothree) -- (three);
\draw(twofive) -- (two);
\draw(twofive) -- (five);
\draw(threefive) -- (three);
\draw(threefive) -- (five);
\draw(two) -- (emp);
\draw(three) -- (emp);
\draw(five) -- (emp);
Since $\sqsubseteq$ is clearly transitive, upward-moving paths across multiple nodes also imply $\sqsubseteq$ relationships between their endpoints.
It's worth verifying quickly that any two nodes in this graph have a unique lowest common ancestor, which is the proper result of the $\join$ operation on those nodes.
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