Fixed to work in Coq 8.4, too

This commit is contained in:
Adam Chlipala 2016-02-18 17:51:58 -05:00
parent cf65c18ebf
commit 2c601b04a0
3 changed files with 20 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ Ltac invert0 e := invert e; fail.
Ltac invert1 e := invert0 e || (invert e; []).
Ltac invert2 e := invert1 e || (invert e; [|]).
Ltac simplify := repeat progress (simpl in *; intros; try autorewrite with core in *; repeat unifyTails);
Ltac simplify := repeat (unifyTails; pose proof I);
repeat match goal with
| [ H : True |- _ ] => clear H
repeat progress (simpl in *; intros; try autorewrite with core in *);
repeat (removeDups || doSubtract).
Ltac propositional := intuition idtac.

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@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Ltac model_check_infer :=
apply multiStepClosure_ok; simplify; model_check_steps.
Ltac model_check_find_invariant :=
simplify; eapply invariant_weaken; [ model_check_infer | ].
simplify; eapply invariant_weaken; [ model_check_infer | ]; cbv beta in *.
Ltac model_check := model_check_find_invariant; model_check_finish.

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@ -169,9 +169,22 @@ Proof.
unfold constant; intuition eauto using removeDups_fwd, removeDups_bwd.
Ltac someMatch ls :=
match ls with
| ?x :: ?ls' =>
let rec someMatch' ls :=
match ls with
| x :: _ => idtac
| _ :: ?ls' => someMatch' ls'
in someMatch' ls'
| _ :: ?ls' => someMatch ls'
Ltac removeDups :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[constant ?ls] ] =>
someMatch ls;
erewrite (@removeDups_ok _ ls)
by repeat (apply RdNil
|| (apply RdNew; [ simpl; intuition congruence | ])