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ConcurrentSeparationLogic chapter: soundness proof
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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -3887,6 +3887,118 @@ The rules are coordinating conceptual ownership transfers between local memory a
The accompanying Coq code shows a few example verifications of interesting programs.
\section{Soundness Proof}
\newcommand{\guarded}[2]{#1 \longrightarrow #2}
We can adapt the separation-logic soundness proof to concurrency, with just a few new ideas.
First, we will appreciate some new connectives for writing assertions.
One simple one is a guarded predicate, defined like so, for pure proposition $\phi$ (the guard) and separation-logic assertion $P$.
\guarded{\phi}{P} &=& \mt{if} \; \phi \; \mt{then} \; P \; \mt{else} \; \emp
\renewcommand{\bigstar}[3]{\Asterisk_{#1 \in #2} #3}
\newcommand{\bigstarp}[3]{\Asterisk_{#1 \in #2} {\left ( #3 \right )}}
The other key addition will be the ``big star,'' \emph{iterated separating conjunction}, with quantification over finite sets, written like $\bigstar{x}{S}{P(x)}$.
The definition is:
\bigstar{x}{\{v_1, \ldots, v_n\}}{P(x)} &=& P(v_1) * \ldots * P(v_n)
The reader may be worried about the inherently unordered nature of sets.
For each ordering of a set, we get a syntactically distinct formula on the righthand side of the defining equation.
Luckily, separating conjunction $*$ is associative and commutative, so all orders lead to logically equivalent formulas.
With those preliminaries out of the way, we can state the soundness theorem, referring again to the \emph{not-about-to-fail} predicate $\mathsf{natf}$ from last chapter, extended appropriately to say that loops are not about to fail.
If $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$, and if a heap $h$ satisfies the predicate $(P * \bigstar{\ell}{L}{\mathcal I(\ell)})$, then $\mathsf{natf}$ is an invariant of the system starting at state $(h, \emptyset, c)$.
The theorem lays out restrictions on the starting heap.
It must have a segment to serve as the root thread's local heap, matching precondition $P$.
Then, for each lock $\ell \in L$, there must be an associated memory region satisfying $\mathcal I(\ell)$.
Our use of separating conjunction forces each of these regions to occupy disjoint memory from all the others.
Some key lemmas support the proof.
Here are the highlights.
The first is representative of a family of lemmas that we prove, one for each syntactic construct of the object language.
If $\hoare{P}{\mt{Read} \; a}{Q}$, then there exists $R$ such that $P \Rightarrow \exists v. \; \ptsto{a}{v} * R(v)$ and, for all $r$, $\ptsto{a}{r} * R(r) \Rightarrow Q(r)$.
By induction on the derivation of $\hoare{P}{\mt{Read} \; a}{Q}$.
As another example incorporating more of the complexities of concurrency, we have this lemma.
If $\hoare{P}{c_1 || c_2}{Q}$, then there exist $P_1$, $P_2$, $Q_1$, and $Q_2$ such that $\hoare{P_1}{c_1}{Q_1}$, $\hoare{P_2}{c_2}{Q_2}$, $P \Rightarrow P_1 * P_2$, and $Q_1(()) * Q_2(()) \Rightarrow Q(())$.
By induction on the derivation of $\hoare{P}{c_1 || c_2}{Q}$.
One somewhat surprising case is when the frame rule begins the derivation.
We have some predicate $R$ that is added to both the precondition and postcondition.
In picking $P_1$, $P_2$, $Q_1$, and $Q_2$, we have a choice as to where we incorporate $R$.
The two threads together leave $R$ alone, so clearly either thread individually does, too.
Therefore, we arbitrarily incorporate $R$ in $P_1$ and $Q_1$.
Two lemmas express crucial techniques to isolate elements within iterated conjunction.
If $v \in S$, then $\bigstar{x}{S}{P(x)} \Rightarrow P(v) * \bigstar{x}{S \setminus \{v\}}{P(x)}$.
By induction on the cardinality of $S$.
If $v \notin S$, then $P(v) * \bigstar{x}{S}{P(x)} \Rightarrow \bigstar{x}{S \cup \{v\}}{P(x)}$.
By induction on the cardinality of $S$.
If $\smallstep{(h, l, c)}{(h', l', c')}$, $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$, and $h$ satisfies $(P * R * \bigstarp{\ell}{L}{\guarded{\ell \notin l}{\mathcal I(\ell)}})$, then there exists $P'$ such that $\hoare{P'}{c'}{Q}$, where $h'$ satisfies $(P' * R * \bigstarp{\ell}{L}{\guarded{\ell \notin l'}{\mathcal I(\ell)}})$.
By induction on the derivation of $\smallstep{(h, l, c)}{(h', l', c')}$.
The cases for lock and unlock respectively use Lemmas \ref{chunkslock} and \ref{chunksunlock}.
Note that we include the parameter $R$ solely to get a strong enough induction hypothesis for steps of commands $c_1 || c_2$.
We need to know that a step by one thread does not change the private heap of the other thread.
To draw that conclusion, in appealing to the induction hypothesis, we extend $R$ with precisely that private state.
$\bigstar{\ell}{L}{\mathcal I(\ell)} \Rightarrow \bigstarp{\ell}{L}{\guarded{\ell \notin \emptyset}{\mathcal I(\ell)}}$.
By induction on the cardinality of $L$.
If $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$, and if a heap $h$ satisfies the predicate $(P * \bigstar{\ell}{L}{\mathcal I(\ell)})$, then an invariant of the system starting at state $(h, \emptyset, c)$ is: for reachable state $(h', l', c')$, there exists $P'$ where $\hoare{P'}{c'}{Q}$, such that $h'$ satisfies $(P' * \bigstar{\ell}{L}{\guarded{\ell \notin L}{\mathcal I(\ell)}})$.
By invariant induction\index{invariant induction}, using Lemma \ref{nonelocked} for the base case and Lemma \ref{cslpreservation} for the induction step, the latter with $R = \emp$.
If $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$ and $c$ is about to fail, then $P$ is unsatisfiable.
By induction on the derivation of $\hoare{P}{c}{Q}$.
The overall soundness proof proceeds by invariant weakening\index{invariant weakening} to the invariant established by Lemma \ref{cslinvariant}.
We prove the inclusion of new invariant in old by Lemma \ref{cslprogress}.
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