diff --git a/frap_book.tex b/frap_book.tex index 585c45d..f3b0ece 100644 --- a/frap_book.tex +++ b/frap_book.tex @@ -2434,6 +2434,118 @@ Even fixing the empty heap in the starting state, there is some nondeterminism i It is natural to allow this nondeterminism in allocation, since typical memory allocators in real systems don't give promises about predictability in the addresses that they return. +\section{Type Soundness} + +\newcommand{\reft}[1]{#1 \; \mathsf{ref}} + +For $\lambda$-calculus with references, we can prove a similar type-soundness theorem to what we proved last chapter, though the proof has a twist or two. +To start with, we should define our extended type system, with one new case for references. +$$\begin{array}{rrcl} + \textrm{Types} & \tau &::=& \mathbb N \mid \tau \to \tau \mid \underline{\reft{\tau}} +\end{array}$$ + +Here are the rules from last chapter's basic $\lambda$-calculus, which we can keep unchanged. +$$\infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{x}{\tau}}{ + \msel{\Gamma}{x} = \tau +} +\quad \infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{n}{\mathbb N}}{} +\quad \infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{e_1 + e_2}{\mathbb N}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma}{e_1}{\mathbb N} + & \hasty{\Gamma}{e_2}{\mathbb N} +}$$ +$$\infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{\lambda x. \; e}{\tau_1 \to \tau_2}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma, x : \tau_1}{e}{\tau_2} +} +\quad \infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{e_1 \; e_2}{\tau_2}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma}{e_1}{\tau_1 \to \tau_2} + & \hasty{\Gamma}{e_2}{\tau_1} +}$$ + +We also need a rule for each of the reference primitives. +$$\infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{\newref{e}}{\reft{\tau}}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma}{e}{\tau} +} +\quad \infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{\; \readref{e}}{\tau}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma}{e}{\reft{\tau}} +} +\quad \infer{\hasty{\Gamma}{\writeref{e_1}{e_2}}{\tau}}{ + \hasty{\Gamma}{e_1}{\reft{\tau}} + & \hasty{\Gamma}{e_2}{\tau} +}$$ + +That's enough notation to let us state type soundness, which is indeed provable. + +\begin{theorem}[Type Soundness] + If $\hasty{}{e}{\tau}$, then $\neg \textrm{stuck}$ is an invariant of $\mathbb T(e)$. +\end{theorem} + +However, we will need to develop some more machinery to let us state the strengthened invariant that makes the proof go through. + +\newcommand{\rhasty}[4]{#1; #2 \vdash #3 : #4} + +The trouble with our typing rules is that they disallow location constants, but those constants \emph{will} arise in intermediate states of program execution. +To prepare for them, we introduce \emph{heap typings}\index{heap typings} $\Sigma$, partial functions from locations to types. +The idea is that a heap typing $\Sigma$ models a heap $h$ by giving the intended type for each of its locations. +We define an expanded typing judgment of the form $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\Gamma}{e}{\tau}$, with a new parameter included solely to enable the following rule. +$$\infer{\rhasty{\Sigma}{\Gamma}{\ell}{\tau}}{ + \msel{\Sigma}{\ell} = \tau +}$$ + +We must also extend every typing rule we gave before, adding an extra ``$\Sigma;$'' prefix threaded mindlessly through everything. +We never extend $\Sigma$ as we recurse into subexpressions, and we only examine it in leaves of derivations corresponding to $\ell$ expressions. + +We have made some progress toward stating an inductive invariant for the type-soundness theorem. +The essential idea of the proof is found in the invariant choice $I(h, e) = \exists \Sigma. \; \rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{e}{\tau}$. +However, we can tell that something is suspicious with this invariant, since it does not mention $h$. +We should also somehow characterize the relationship between $\Sigma$ and $h$. + +\newcommand{\heapty}[2]{#1 \vdash #2} + +Here is a first cut at defining a relation $\heapty{\Sigma}{h}$. +$$\infer{\heapty{\Sigma}{h}}{ + \forall \ell, \tau. \; \msel{\Sigma}{\ell} = \tau \Rightarrow \exists v. \; \msel{h}{\ell} = v \land \rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{v}{\tau} +}$$ + +In other words, whenever $\Sigma$ announces the existence of location $\ell$ meant to store values of type $\tau$, the heap $h$ actually stores some value $v$ for $\ell$, and that value has the right type. +Note the tricky recursion inherent in typing $v$ with respect to the very same $\Sigma$. + +This rule as stated is not \emph{quite} sufficient to make the invariant inductive. +We could get stuck on a $\newref{e}$ expression if the heap $h$ becomes \emph{infinite}, with no free addresses left to allocate. +Of course, we know that finite executions, started in the empty heap, only produce finite intermediate heaps. +Let's remember that fact with another condition in the $\heapty{\Sigma}{h}$ relation. +$$\infer{\heapty{\Sigma}{h}}{ + (\forall \ell, \tau. \; \msel{\Sigma}{\ell} = \tau \Rightarrow \exists v. \; \msel{h}{\ell} = v \land \rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{v}{\tau}) + & (\exists \; \mathsf{bound}. \; \forall \ell \geq \mathsf{bound}. \; \ell \notin \dom{h}) +}$$ + +The rule requires the existence of some upper bound $\mathsf{bound}$ on the already-allocated locations. +By construction, whenever we need to allocate a fresh location, we may choose $\mathsf{bound}$, or indeed any location greater than it. + +We now have the right machinery to define an inductive invariant, namely: +$$I(h, e) = \exists \Sigma. \; \rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{e}{\tau} \land \heapty{\Sigma}{h}$$ + +We prove variants of all of the lemmas behind last chapter's type-safety proof, with a few new ones and twists on the originals. +Here we give some highlights. + +\begin{lemma}[Heap Weakening] + If $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\Gamma}{e}{\tau}$ and every mapping in $\Sigma$ is also included in $\Sigma'$, then $\rhasty{\Sigma'}{\Gamma}{e}{\tau}$. +\end{lemma} + +\begin{lemma}\label{preservation0} + If $\smallstepo{(h, e)}{(h', e')}$, $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{e}{\tau}$, and $\heapty{\Sigma}{h}$, then there exists $\Sigma'$ such that $\rhasty{\Sigma'}{\mempty}{e'}{\tau}$, $\heapty{\Sigma'}{h'}$, and $\Sigma'$ preserves all mappings from $\Sigma$. +\end{lemma} + +\begin{lemma}\label{generalize_plug} + If $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{\plug{C}{e_1}}{\tau}$, then there exists $\tau_0$ such that $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{e_1}{\tau_0}$ and, for all $e_2$ and $\Sigma'$, if $\rhasty{\Sigma'}{\mempty}{e_2}{\tau_0}$ and $\Sigma'$ preserves mappings from $\Sigma$, then $\rhasty{\Sigma'}{\mempty}{\plug{C}{e_2}}{\tau}$. +\end{lemma} + +\begin{lemma}[Preservation]\label{preservation} + If $\smallstep{(h, e)}{(h', e')}$, $\rhasty{\Sigma}{\mempty}{e}{\tau}$, and $\heapty{\Sigma}{h}$, then there exists $\Sigma'$ such that $\rhasty{\Sigma'}{\mempty}{e'}{\tau}$ and $\heapty{\Sigma'}{h'}$. +\end{lemma} + + + + %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix