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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/>
* Chapter 16: Concurrent Separation Logic
* Chapter 17: Concurrent Separation Logic
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *)
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
Require Import Frap SepCancel ModelCheck Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Arith.Div2 Eqdep.
(** * Some odds and ends from past chapters *)
Ltac simp := repeat (simplify; subst; propositional;
@ -15,12 +14,31 @@ Ltac simp := repeat (simplify; subst; propositional;
end); try linear_arithmetic.
(** * Orientation *)
(* We've now done plenty of Coq proofs that apply to idealizations of real-world
* programming languages. What happens when we want to connect to real
* development ecosystems? The corresponding book chapter works through several
* dimensions of variation across approaches. The whole subject is an active
* area of research, and there aren't standard solutions that everyone agrees
* on. The rest of this code file develops one avant-garde approach. *)
(** * Bitvectors of known length *)
(* One way we can increase realism is ditching the natural numbers for
* bitvectors of fixed size, as we find in, e.g., registers of most computer
* processors. A simple dependent type definition gets the job done. *)
Inductive word : nat -> Set :=
| WO : word O
| WS : bool -> forall {n}, word n -> word (S n).
(* The index of a [word] tells us how many bits it takes up. *)
(* Next come a set of operation definitions, whose details we will gloss
* over. *)
Fixpoint wordToNat {sz} (w : word sz) : nat :=
match w with
| WO => O
@ -44,11 +62,15 @@ Fixpoint natToWord (sz n : nat) : word sz :=
Definition wzero {sz} := natToWord sz 0.
Definition wone {sz} := natToWord sz 1.
Notation "^" := (natToWord _) (at level 0).
(* Note this notation that we do use later, for "casting" a natural number into
* a word. (We might "lose" bits if the input number is too large!) *)
Definition wplus {sz} (w1 w2 : word sz) : word sz :=
natToWord sz (wordToNat w1 + wordToNat w2).
Infix "^+" := wplus (at level 50, left associativity).
(* And we will also use this notation in the main development, as a binary
* addition operator. The remaining definitions are safe to gloss over. *)
Definition whd {sz} (w : word (S sz)) : bool :=
match w in word sz' return match sz' with
@ -148,6 +170,9 @@ Proof.
(* Oh, but pay attention to this one: much of our development will be
* paramterized over what word size to consider. Any module implementing this
* type explains one particular choice. *)
Module Type BIT_WIDTH.
Parameter bit_width : nat.
Axiom bit_width_nonzero : bit_width > 0.
@ -156,6 +181,10 @@ End BIT_WIDTH.
(** * A modification of last chapter's language, to use words instead of naturals *)
(* There actually isn't much to say about this language and its separation
* logic. We are almost just copying and pasting word operations for [nat]
* operations. Also, we drop failure and dynamic memory allocation, since they
* would just distract from the main point. *)
Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Definition wrd := word bit_width.
@ -180,9 +209,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
| Write (a v : wrd) : cmd unit
| Loop {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) : cmd acc.
(* We're leaving out allocation and deallocation, to avoid distraction from
* the main point of the examples to follow. *)
Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Notation "'for' x := i 'loop' c1 'done'" := (Loop i (fun x => c1)) (right associativity, at level 80).
@ -217,37 +243,22 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Step := (step (A := result))^*
(* Now let's get into the first distinctive feature of separation logic: an
* assertion language that takes advantage of *partiality* of heaps. We give our
* definitions inside a module, which will shortly be used as a parameter to
* another module (from the book library), to get some free automation for
* implications between these assertions. *)
Module Import S <: SEP.
Definition hprop := heap -> Prop.
(* A [hprop] is a regular old assertion over heaps. *)
(* Implication *)
Definition himp (p q : hprop) := forall h, p h -> q h.
(* Equivalence *)
Definition heq (p q : hprop) := forall h, p h <-> q h.
(* Lifting a pure proposition: it must hold, and the heap must be empty. *)
Definition lift (P : Prop) : hprop :=
fun h => P /\ h = $0.
(* Separating conjunction, one of the two big ideas of separation logic.
* When does [star p q] apply to [h]? When [h] can be partitioned into two
* subheaps [h1] and [h2], respectively compatible with [p] and [q]. See book
* module [Map] for definitions of [split] and [disjoint]. *)
Definition star (p q : hprop) : hprop :=
fun h => exists h1 h2, split h h1 h2 /\ disjoint h1 h2 /\ p h1 /\ q h2.
(* Existential quantification *)
Definition exis {A} (p : A -> hprop) : hprop :=
fun h => exists x, p x h.
(* Convenient notations *)
Notation "[| P |]" := (lift P) : sep_scope.
Infix "*" := star : sep_scope.
Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := (exis (fun x => .. (exis (fun y => p)) ..)) : sep_scope.
@ -257,9 +268,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Local Open Scope sep_scope.
(* And now we prove some key algebraic properties, whose details aren't so
* important. The library automation uses these properties. *)
Lemma iff_two : forall A (P Q : A -> Prop),
(forall x, P x <-> Q x)
-> (forall x, P x -> Q x) /\ (forall x, Q x -> P x).
@ -355,7 +363,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
End S.
Export S.
(* Instantiate our big automation engine to these definitions. *)
Module Import Se := SepCancel.Make(S).
Export Se.
@ -436,11 +443,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
(* Now, we carry out a moderately laborious soundness proof! It's safe to skip
* ahead to the text "Examples", but a few representative lemma highlights
* include [invert_Read], [preservation], [progress], and the main theorem
* [hoare_triple_sound]. *)
Lemma invert_Return : forall {result : Set} (r : result) P Q,
hoare_triple P (Return r) Q
-> forall h, P h -> Q r h.
@ -582,7 +584,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
(* Temporarily transparent again! *)
Transparent heq himp lift star exis ptsto.
Lemma preservation : forall {result} (c : cmd result) h c' h',
@ -766,7 +767,6 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
cases s; simp; eauto.
(* Fancy theorem to help us rewrite within preconditions and postconditions *)
Instance hoare_triple_morphism : forall A,
Proper (heq ==> eq ==> (eq ==> heq) ==> iff) (@hoare_triple A).
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
(** * Examples *)
(** * Examples, starting with reusable tactics *)
Global Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto.
@ -942,7 +942,13 @@ Module MixedEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
End MixedEmbedded.
(** * A simple C-like language with just two data types *)
(** * A simple C-like language, embedded deeply *)
(* In [DeepAndShallowEmbeddings], we saw how to extract programs from the last
* language to OCaml and run them with an interpreter. That interpreter needs
* to be trusted, and its performance isn't so great. It could be better to
* generate C-like syntax trees in Coq and output them directly. We will use
* this next language to that end. *)
Module DeeplyEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Definition wrd := word bit_width.
@ -1017,8 +1023,13 @@ Module DeeplyEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Step := step
(** ** Printing as C code *)
(* Here we have the pay-off: even within Coq, it is easy to print these syntax
* trees as normal C (concrete) syntax. The functions speak for
* themselves! *)
Fixpoint wordS {sz} (w : word sz) : string :=
match w with
| WO => ""
@ -1063,10 +1074,19 @@ End DeeplyEmbedded.
(** * Connecting the two *)
(* Reasoning about the mixed-embedding language is much more pleasant than for
* the deep-embedding language. Let's implement a verified translation from the
* former to the latter. The translation will be an inductive judgment. *)
Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Module Import DE := DeeplyEmbedded(BW).
Module Import ME := MixedEmbedded(BW).
(* Key insight: we translate with respect to a valuation [V], telling us the
* values of the variables in the deep-embedding world. When we hit a value
* of the mixed-embedding world, one translation option is to find a variable
* known to hold that value, outputting that variable as the translation! *)
Inductive translate_exp (V : valuation) : forall {A}, A -> exp -> Prop :=
| TrAdd : forall (v1 v2 : wrd) e1 e2,
translate_exp V v1 e1
@ -1077,16 +1097,12 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
-> translate_exp V v (Var x)
| TrConst : forall v,
translate_exp V v (Const v).
(* Something subtle happens in this last case. We can turn any value into a
* constant of the deep embedding? Sounds like a cop-out! See a note below
* on why the cop-out doesn't apply. *)
Fixpoint couldWrite (x : var) (s : stmt) : bool :=
match s with
| Assign y _ => if x ==v y then true else false
| Skip
| DE.Write _ _ => false
| Seq s1 s2
| IfThenElse _ s1 s2 => couldWrite x s1 || couldWrite x s2
| WhileLoop _ s1 => couldWrite x s1
(* Things get pretty intricate from here on, including with a weird sort of
* polymorphism over relations. We will only comment on the main points. *)
Inductive translate_result (V : valuation) (v : wrd) : stmt -> Prop :=
| TrReturn : forall e,
@ -1122,6 +1138,7 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
| TwoWords => wrd * wrd
(* This is the main relation for translating commands. *)
Inductive translate
: forall {rt}, (valuation -> rtt rt -> stmt -> Prop)
-> valuation -> forall {A}, cmd A -> stmt -> Prop :=
@ -1134,11 +1151,21 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
-> x <> "acc"
-> translate_exp V v e
-> (forall w, translate translate_return (V $+ (x, w)) (c w) s1)
(* ^-- Note this crucial case for translating [Bind]. We require that
* the translation of the body be correct for any possible value of the
* mixed-embedding variable, so long as we guarantee that the value is
* also stashed in deep-embedding variable [x] before proceeding! *)
-> translate translate_return V (Bind (Return v) c) (Seq (Assign x e) s1)
| TrAssigned : forall rt (translate_return : valuation -> rtt rt -> stmt -> Prop) V B (v : wrd) (c : wrd -> cmd B) x s1,
V $? x = Some v
-> translate translate_return V (c v) s1
-> translate translate_return V (Bind (Return v) c) (Seq Skip s1)
(* ^-- Note also "extra" rules like this one, which won't be used in
* translating a command in the first place. Instead, they are only used to
* "strengthen the induction hypothesis" in the simulation proof we use to
* show soundness of translation. In other words, execution of
* mixed-embedding programs generates intermediate states (e.g., with "extra"
* [Skip]s) that we still need to relate to the deep embedding. *)
| TrRead : forall rt (translate_return : valuation -> rtt rt -> stmt -> Prop) V B (a : wrd) (c : wrd -> cmd B) e x s1,
V $? x = None
-> x <> "i"
@ -1154,6 +1181,10 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
| TrAssignedUnit : forall rt (translate_return : valuation -> rtt rt -> stmt -> Prop) V B (c : unit -> cmd B) s1,
translate translate_return V (c tt) s1
-> translate translate_return V (Bind (Return tt) c) (Seq Skip s1)
(* Next, note that the [Loop] rules only apply to a restricted pattern, to
* simplify the formalism. The next rule is the one used in compilation,
* while the rest are only used internally in the soundness proof. *)
| TrLoop : forall V (initA initB : wrd) body {A} (c : wrd * wrd -> cmd A) ea s1 s2,
V $? "i" = None
-> V $? "acc" = None
@ -1276,6 +1307,8 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
(Seq (Seq s' (WhileLoop (Var "i") s1)) s2).
(* Here are tactics to compile programs automatically. *)
Ltac freshFor vm k :=
let rec keepTrying x :=
let H := fresh in
@ -1307,6 +1340,8 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
eapply TrLoop; [ simplify; equality | simplify; equality | | intros | intros ]
(** ** Some examples of compiling programs *)
Example adder (a b c : wrd) :=
Bind (Return (a ^+ b)) (fun ab => Return (ab ^+ c)).
@ -1393,6 +1428,22 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Definition reverse_alt_compiled := Eval simpl in proj1_sig translate_reverse_alt.
(** ** Soundness proof *)
(* We omit explanation of most of these details, which get rather hairy.
* Also, these proof scripts are not exactly modeling best practices in
* automation. Maybe some day the author will be motivated to clean them
* up. *)
(* We do point out here that one recurring motif throughout the lemmas is
* taking a translation run and applying it in a *larger* valuation than was
* used as input. Intuitively, it is OK to run with extra variables around,
* if we don't actually read them. This opportunity is important for
* translated loop bodies, which, after the first loop iteration, get run with
* their own past variable settings still in place, even though the body
* provably never reads its own past settings of temporary variables. *)
Lemma eval_translate : forall H V V' e v,
eval H (V $++ V') e v
-> forall (v' : wrd), translate_exp V v' e
@ -1435,6 +1486,8 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
simplify; equality.
(* Complex statement here, really dealing mostly with the whole idea of
* ignoring parts of valuations! *)
Lemma step_translate_loop : forall V (c : cmd (wrd * wrd)) s,
translate (rt := TwoWords) translate_loop_body V c s
-> forall H H' V' V'' s',
@ -2615,9 +2668,9 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
eapply lookup_None_dom.
rewrite lookup_join2 by (eapply lookup_None_dom; simplify; eauto).
Grab Existential Variables.
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
@ -2636,6 +2689,9 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
(* This is the invariant for simulation! Note the crucial addition of extra
* variables in the valuation. We carefully chose the two languages to treat
* the heap identically, so we can require heap equality. *)
Inductive translated : forall {A}, DE.heap * valuation * stmt -> ME.heap * cmd A -> Prop :=
| Translated : forall A H V V' s (c : cmd A),
translate (rt := OneWord) translate_result V c s
@ -3107,7 +3163,7 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
repeat econstructor.
Grab Existential Variables.
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
@ -3135,6 +3191,8 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
exact (^0) || exact (Return (^0)).
(* The main theorem! Prove a Hoare triple in the high-level language;
* conclude safe execution in the low-level language. *)
Theorem hoare_triple_sound : forall P (c : cmd wrd) Q V s H,
hoare_triple P c Q
-> P H
@ -3170,6 +3228,9 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
(** ** Applying the main theorem to the earlier examples *)
Theorem adder_ok : forall a b c,
adder a b c
@ -3277,6 +3338,8 @@ End MixedToDeep.
(** * Getting concrete *)
(* Let's generate C code for the concrete bitwidth of 32. *)
Module Bw32.
Definition bit_width := 32.
Theorem bit_width_nonzero : bit_width > 0.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/>
* Chapter 17: Process Algebra and Behavioral Refinement
* Chapter 18: Process Algebra and Behavioral Refinement
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *)
@ -26,9 +26,10 @@ The main narrative, also present in the book PDF, presents standard program-proo
* Chapter 12: `HoareLogic.v`
* Chapter 13: `DeepAndShallowEmbeddings.v`
* Chapter 14: `SeparationLogic.v`
* Chapter 15: `SharedMemory.v`
* Chapter 16: `ConcurrentSeparationLogic.v`
* Chapter 17: `MessagesAndRefinement.v`
* Chapter 15: `Connecting.v`
* Chapter 16: `SharedMemory.v`
* Chapter 17: `ConcurrentSeparationLogic.v`
* Chapter 18: `MessagesAndRefinement.v`
There are also two supplementary files that are independent of the main narrative, for introducing programming with dependent types, a distinctive Coq feature that we neither use nor recommend for the problem sets, but which many students find interesting (and useful in other contexts).
* `SubsetTypes.v`: a first introduction to dependent types by attaching predicates to normal types (used after `CompilerCorrectness.v` in the last course offering)
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/>
* Chapter 15: Operational Semantics for Shared-Memory Concurrency
* Chapter 16: Operational Semantics for Shared-Memory Concurrency
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *)
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