diff --git a/ProofByReflection.v b/ProofByReflection.v
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+(** Formal Reasoning About Programs
+ * Supplementary Coq material: proof by reflection
+ * Author: Adam Chlipala
+ * License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
+ * Much of the material comes from CPDT by the same author. *)
+Require Import List Frap.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Set Asymmetric Patterns.
+(* Our last "aside" on effective Coq use (in IntroToProofScripting.v)
+ * highlighted a very heuristic approach to proving. As an alternative, we will
+ * study a technique called proof by reflection. We will write, in Gallina (the
+ * logical functional-programming language of Coq), decision procedures with
+ * proofs of correctness, and we will appeal to these procedures in writing very
+ * short proofs. Such a proof is checked by running the decision procedure.
+ * The term _reflection_ applies because we will need to translate Gallina
+ * propositions into values of inductive types representing syntax, so that
+ * Gallina programs may analyze them, and translating such a term back to the
+ * original form is called _reflecting_ it. *)
+(** * Proving Evenness *)
+(* Proving that particular natural number constants are even is certainly
+ * something we would rather have happen automatically. The Ltac-programming
+ * techniques that we learned last week make it easy to implement such a
+ * procedure. *)
+Inductive isEven : nat -> Prop :=
+| Even_O : isEven O
+| Even_SS : forall n, isEven n -> isEven (S (S n)).
+Ltac prove_even := repeat constructor.
+Theorem even_256 : isEven 256.
+ prove_even.
+Set Printing All.
+Print even_256.
+Unset Printing All.
+(* Here we see a term of Coq's core proof language, which we don't explain in
+ * detail, but roughly speaking such a term is a syntax tree recording which
+ * lemmas were used, and how their quantifiers were instantiated, to prove a
+ * theorem. This Ltac procedure always works (at least on machines with
+ * infinite resources), but it has a serious drawback, which we see when we
+ * print the proof it generates that 256 is even. The final proof term has
+ * length super-linear in the input value, which we reveal with
+ * [Set Printing All], to disable all syntactic niceties and show every node of
+ * the internal proof AST. The problem is that each [Even_SS] application needs
+ * a choice of [n], and we wind up giving every even number from 0 to 254 in
+ * that position, at some point or another, for quadratic proof-term size.
+ *
+ * It is also unfortunate not to have static typing guarantees that our tactic
+ * always behaves appropriately. Other invocations of similar tactics might
+ * fail with dynamic type errors, and we would not know about the bugs behind
+ * these errors until we happened to attempt to prove complex enough goals.
+ *
+ * The techniques of proof by reflection address both complaints. We will be
+ * able to write proofs like in the example above with constant size overhead
+ * beyond the size of the input, and we will do it with verified decision
+ * procedures written in Gallina. *)
+Fixpoint check_even (n : nat) : bool :=
+ match n with
+ | 0 => true
+ | 1 => false
+ | S (S n') => check_even n'
+ end.
+(* To prove [check_even] sound, we need two IH strengthenings:
+ * - Effectively switch to _strong induction_ with an extra numeric variable,
+ * asserted to be less than the one we induct on.
+ * - Express both cases for how a [check_even] test might turn out. *)
+Lemma check_even_ok' : forall n n', n' < n
+ -> if check_even n' then isEven n' else ~isEven n'.
+ induct n; simplify.
+ linear_arithmetic.
+ cases n'; simplify.
+ constructor.
+ cases n'; simplify.
+ propositional.
+ invert H0.
+ specialize (IHn n').
+ cases (check_even n').
+ constructor.
+ apply IHn.
+ linear_arithmetic.
+ propositional.
+ invert H0.
+ apply IHn.
+ linear_arithmetic.
+ assumption.
+Theorem check_even_ok : forall n, check_even n = true -> isEven n.
+ simplify.
+ assert (n < S n) by linear_arithmetic.
+ apply check_even_ok' in H0.
+ rewrite H in H0.
+ assumption.
+(* As this theorem establishes, the function [check_even] may be viewed as a
+ * _verified decision procedure_. It is now trivial to write a tactic to prove
+ * evenness. *)
+Ltac prove_even_reflective :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- isEven ?N] => apply check_even_ok; reflexivity
+ end.
+Theorem even_256' : isEven 256.
+ prove_even_reflective.
+Set Printing All.
+Print even_256'.
+Unset Printing All.
+(* Notice that only one [nat] appears as an argument to an applied lemma, and
+ * that's the original number to test for evenness. Proof-term size scales
+ * linearly.
+ *
+ * What happens if we try the tactic with an odd number? *)
+Theorem even_255 : isEven 255.
+ (*prove_even_reflective.*)
+(* Coq reports that [reflexivity] can't prove [false = true], which makes
+ * perfect sense! *)
+(* Our tactic [prove_even_reflective] is reflective because it performs a
+ * proof-search process (a trivial one, in this case) wholly within Gallina. *)
+(** * Reifying the Syntax of a Trivial Tautology Language *)
+(* We might also like to have reflective proofs of trivial tautologies like
+ * this one: *)
+Theorem true_galore : (True /\ True) -> (True \/ (True /\ (True -> True))).
+ tauto.
+Print true_galore.
+(* As we might expect, the proof that [tauto] builds contains explicit
+ * applications of deduction rules. For large formulas, this can add a linear
+ * amount of proof-size overhead, beyond the size of the input.
+ *
+ * To write a reflective procedure for this class of goals, we will need to get
+ * into the actual "reflection" part of "proof by reflection." It is impossible
+ * to case-analyze a [Prop] in any way in Gallina. We must_reify_ [Prop] into
+ * some type that we _can_ analyze. This inductive type is a good candidate: *)
+(* begin thide *)
+Inductive taut : Set :=
+| TautTrue : taut
+| TautAnd : taut -> taut -> taut
+| TautOr : taut -> taut -> taut
+| TautImp : taut -> taut -> taut.
+(* We write a recursive function to _reflect_ this syntax back to [Prop]. Such
+ * functions are also called _interpretation functions_, and we have used them
+ * in previous examples to give semantics to small programming languages. *)
+Fixpoint tautDenote (t : taut) : Prop :=
+ match t with
+ | TautTrue => True
+ | TautAnd t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 /\ tautDenote t2
+ | TautOr t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 \/ tautDenote t2
+ | TautImp t1 t2 => tautDenote t1 -> tautDenote t2
+ end.
+(* It is easy to prove that every formula in the range of [tautDenote] is
+ * true. *)
+Theorem tautTrue : forall t, tautDenote t.
+ induct t; simplify; propositional.
+(* To use [tautTrue] to prove particular formulas, we need to implement the
+ * syntax-reification process. A recursive Ltac function does the job. *)
+Ltac tautReify P :=
+ match P with
+ | True => TautTrue
+ | ?P1 /\ ?P2 =>
+ let t1 := tautReify P1 in
+ let t2 := tautReify P2 in
+ constr:(TautAnd t1 t2)
+ | ?P1 \/ ?P2 =>
+ let t1 := tautReify P1 in
+ let t2 := tautReify P2 in
+ constr:(TautOr t1 t2)
+ | ?P1 -> ?P2 =>
+ let t1 := tautReify P1 in
+ let t2 := tautReify P2 in
+ constr:(TautImp t1 t2)
+ end.
+(* With [tautReify] available, it is easy to finish our reflective tactic. We
+ * look at the goal formula, reify it, and apply [tautTrue] to the reified
+ * formula. Recall that the [change] tactic replaces a conclusion formula with
+ * another that is equal to it, as shown by partial execution of terms. *)
+Ltac obvious :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?P ] =>
+ let t := tautReify P in
+ change (tautDenote t); apply tautTrue
+ end.
+(* We can verify that [obvious] solves our original example, with a proof term
+ * that does not mention details of the proof. *)
+Theorem true_galore' : (True /\ True) -> (True \/ (True /\ (True -> True))).
+ obvious.
+Set Printing All.
+Print true_galore'.
+Unset Printing All.
+(* It is worth considering how the reflective tactic improves on a pure-Ltac
+ * implementation. The formula-reification process is just as ad-hoc as before,
+ * so we gain little there. In general, proofs will be more complicated than
+ * formula translation, and the "generic proof rule" that we apply here _is_ on
+ * much better formal footing than a recursive Ltac function. The dependent
+ * type of the proof guarantees that it "works" on any input formula. This
+ * benefit is in addition to the proof-size improvement that we have already
+ * seen.
+ *
+ * It may also be worth pointing out that our previous example of evenness
+ * testing used a test [check_even] that could sometimes fail, while here we
+ * avoid the extra Boolean test by identifying a syntactic class of formulas
+ * that are always true by construction. Of course, many interesting proof
+ * steps don't have that structure, so let's look at an example that still
+ * requires extra proving after the reflective step. *)
+(** * A Monoid Expression Simplifier *)
+(* Proof by reflection does not require encoding of all of the syntax in a goal.
+ * We can insert "variables" in our syntax types to allow injection of arbitrary
+ * pieces, even if we cannot apply specialized reasoning to them. In this
+ * section, we explore that possibility by writing a tactic for normalizing
+ * monoid equations. *)
+Section monoid.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variable e : A.
+ Variable f : A -> A -> A.
+ Infix "+" := f.
+ Hypothesis assoc : forall a b c, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).
+ Hypothesis identl : forall a, e + a = a.
+ Hypothesis identr : forall a, a + e = a.
+ (* We add variables and hypotheses characterizing an arbitrary instance of the
+ * algebraic structure of monoids. We have an associative binary operator and
+ * an identity element for it.
+ *
+ * It is easy to define an expression-tree type for monoid expressions. A
+ * [Var] constructor is a "catch-all" case for subexpressions that we cannot
+ * model. These subexpressions could be actual Gallina variables, or they
+ * could just use functions that our tactic is unable to understand. *)
+ Inductive mexp : Set :=
+ | Ident : mexp
+ | Var : A -> mexp
+ | Op : mexp -> mexp -> mexp.
+ (* Next, we write an interpretation function. *)
+ Fixpoint mdenote (me : mexp) : A :=
+ match me with
+ | Ident => e
+ | Var v => v
+ | Op me1 me2 => mdenote me1 + mdenote me2
+ end.
+ (* We will normalize expressions by flattening them into lists, via
+ * associativity, so it is helpful to have a denotation function for lists of
+ * monoid values. *)
+ Fixpoint mldenote (ls : list A) : A :=
+ match ls with
+ | nil => e
+ | x :: ls' => x + mldenote ls'
+ end.
+ (* The flattening function itself is easy to implement. *)
+ Fixpoint flatten (me : mexp) : list A :=
+ match me with
+ | Ident => []
+ | Var x => [x]
+ | Op me1 me2 => flatten me1 ++ flatten me2
+ end.
+ (* This function has a straightforward correctness proof in terms of our
+ * [denote] functions. *)
+ Lemma flatten_correct' : forall ml2 ml1,
+ mldenote (ml1 ++ ml2) = mldenote ml1 + mldenote ml2.
+ Proof.
+ induction ml1; simplify; equality.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite flatten_correct'.
+ Theorem flatten_correct : forall me, mdenote me = mldenote (flatten me).
+ Proof.
+ induction me; simplify; equality.
+ Qed.
+ (* Now it is easy to prove a theorem that will be the main tool behind our
+ * simplification tactic. *)
+ Theorem monoid_reflect : forall me1 me2,
+ mldenote (flatten me1) = mldenote (flatten me2)
+ -> mdenote me1 = mdenote me2.
+ Proof.
+ simplify; repeat rewrite flatten_correct; assumption.
+ Qed.
+ (* We implement reification into the [mexp] type. *)
+ Ltac reify me :=
+ match me with
+ | e => Ident
+ | ?me1 + ?me2 =>
+ let r1 := reify me1 in
+ let r2 := reify me2 in
+ constr:(Op r1 r2)
+ | _ => constr:(Var me)
+ end.
+ (* The final [monoid] tactic works on goals that equate two monoid terms. We
+ * reify each and change the goal to refer to the reified versions, finishing
+ * off by applying [monoid_reflect] and simplifying uses of [mldenote]. *)
+ Ltac monoid :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?me1 = ?me2 ] =>
+ let r1 := reify me1 in
+ let r2 := reify me2 in
+ change (mdenote r1 = mdenote r2);
+ apply monoid_reflect; simplify
+ end.
+ (* We can make short work of theorems like this one: *)
+ Theorem t1 : forall a b c d, a + b + c + d = a + (b + c) + d.
+ simplify; monoid.
+ (* Our tactic has canonicalized both sides of the equality, such that we can
+ * finish the proof by reflexivity. *)
+ reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ (* It is interesting to look at the form of the proof. *)
+ Set Printing All.
+ Print t1.
+ Unset Printing All.
+ (* The proof term contains only restatements of the equality operands in
+ * reified form, followed by a use of reflexivity on the shared canonical
+ * form. *)
+End monoid.
+(* Extensions of this basic approach are used in the implementations of the
+ * [ring] and [field] tactics that come packaged with Coq. *)
+(** * A Smarter Tautology Solver *)
+(* Now we are ready to revisit our earlier tautology-solver example. We want to
+ * broaden the scope of the tactic to include formulas whose truth is not
+ * syntactically apparent. We will want to allow injection of arbitrary
+ * formulas, like we allowed arbitrary monoid expressions in the last example.
+ * Since we are working in a richer theory, it is important to be able to use
+ * equalities between different injected formulas. For instance, we cannot
+ * prove [P -> P] by translating the formula into a value like
+ * [Imp (Var P) (Var P)], because a Gallina function has no way of comparing the
+ * two [P]s for equality. *)
+(* We introduce a synonym for how we name variables: natural numbers. *)
+Definition propvar := nat.
+Inductive formula : Set :=
+| Atomic : propvar -> formula
+| Truth : formula
+| Falsehood : formula
+| And : formula -> formula -> formula
+| Or : formula -> formula -> formula
+| Imp : formula -> formula -> formula.
+(* Now we can define our denotation function. First, a type of truth-value
+ * assignments to propositional variables: *)
+Definition asgn := nat -> Prop.
+Fixpoint formulaDenote (atomics : asgn) (f : formula) : Prop :=
+ match f with
+ | Atomic v => atomics v
+ | Truth => True
+ | Falsehood => False
+ | And f1 f2 => formulaDenote atomics f1 /\ formulaDenote atomics f2
+ | Or f1 f2 => formulaDenote atomics f1 \/ formulaDenote atomics f2
+ | Imp f1 f2 => formulaDenote atomics f1 -> formulaDenote atomics f2
+ end.
+Section my_tauto.
+ Variable atomics : asgn.
+ (* Now we are ready to define some helpful functions based on the [ListSet]
+ * module of the standard library, which (unsurprisingly) presents a view of
+ * lists as sets. *)
+ Require Import ListSet.
+ (* The [eq_nat_dec] below is a richly typed equality test on [nat]s. We'll
+ * get to the ideas behind it next week. *)
+ Definition add (s : set propvar) (v : propvar) := set_add eq_nat_dec v s.
+ (* We define what it means for all members of an variable set to represent
+ * true propositions, and we prove some lemmas about this notion. *)
+ Fixpoint allTrue (s : set propvar) : Prop :=
+ match s with
+ | nil => True
+ | v :: s' => atomics v /\ allTrue s'
+ end.
+ Theorem allTrue_add : forall v s,
+ allTrue s
+ -> atomics v
+ -> allTrue (add s v).
+ Proof.
+ induct s; simplify; propositional;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- context[if ?E then _ else _] ] => destruct E
+ end; simplify; propositional.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem allTrue_In : forall v s,
+ allTrue s
+ -> set_In v s
+ -> atomics v.
+ Proof.
+ induct s; simplify; equality.
+ Qed.
+ (* Now we can write a function [forward] that implements deconstruction of
+ * hypotheses, expanding a compound formula into a set of sets of atomic
+ * formulas covering all possible cases introduced with use of [Or]. To
+ * handle consideration of multiple cases, the function takes in a
+ * continuation argument (advanced functional-programming feature that often
+ * puzzles novices, so don't worry if it takes a while to digest!), which will
+ * be called once for each case. *)
+ Fixpoint forward (f : formula) (known : set propvar) (hyp : formula)
+ (cont : set propvar -> bool) : bool :=
+ match hyp with
+ | Atomic v => cont (add known v)
+ | Truth => cont known
+ | Falsehood => true
+ | And h1 h2 => forward (Imp h2 f) known h1 (fun known' =>
+ forward f known' h2 cont)
+ | Or h1 h2 => forward f known h1 cont && forward f known h2 cont
+ | Imp _ _ => cont known
+ end.
+ (* A [backward] function implements analysis of the final goal. It calls
+ * [forward] to handle implications. *)
+ Fixpoint backward (known : set propvar) (f : formula) : bool :=
+ match f with
+ | Atomic v => if In_dec eq_nat_dec v known then true else false
+ | Truth => true
+ | Falsehood => false
+ | And f1 f2 => backward known f1 && backward known f2
+ | Or f1 f2 => backward known f1 || backward known f2
+ | Imp f1 f2 => forward f2 known f1 (fun known' => backward known' f2)
+ end.
+End my_tauto.
+Lemma forward_ok : forall atomics hyp f known cont,
+ forward f known hyp cont = true
+ -> (forall known', allTrue atomics known'
+ -> cont known' = true
+ -> formulaDenote atomics f)
+ -> allTrue atomics known
+ -> formulaDenote atomics hyp
+ -> formulaDenote atomics f.
+ induct hyp; simplify; propositional.
+ apply H0 with (known' := add known p).
+ apply allTrue_add.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ eapply H0.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ eapply IHhyp1 in H.
+ simplify; propositional.
+ simplify.
+ eapply IHhyp2.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H; propositional.
+ eapply IHhyp1.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H; propositional.
+ eapply IHhyp2.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ eapply H0.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+Lemma backward_ok' : forall atomics f known,
+ backward known f = true
+ -> allTrue atomics known
+ -> formulaDenote atomics f.
+ induct f; simplify; propositional.
+ cases (in_dec Nat.eq_dec p known); propositional.
+ eapply allTrue_In.
+ eassumption.
+ unfold set_In.
+ assumption.
+ equality.
+ equality.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H; propositional.
+ eapply IHf1.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ apply andb_true_iff in H; propositional.
+ eapply IHf2.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ apply orb_true_iff in H; propositional.
+ left.
+ eapply IHf1.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ right.
+ eapply IHf2.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ eapply forward_ok.
+ eassumption.
+ simplify.
+ eapply IHf2.
+ eassumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+ assumption.
+Theorem backward_ok : forall f,
+ backward [] f = true
+ -> forall atomics, formulaDenote atomics f.
+ simplify.
+ apply backward_ok' with (known := []).
+ assumption.
+ simplify.
+ propositional.
+(* Find the position of an element in a list. *)
+Ltac position x ls :=
+ match ls with
+ | [] => constr:(@None nat)
+ | x :: _ => constr:(Some 0)
+ | _ :: ?ls' =>
+ let p := position x ls' in
+ match p with
+ | None => p
+ | Some ?n => constr:(Some (S n))
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac vars_in P acc :=
+ match P with
+ | True => acc
+ | False => acc
+ | ?Q1 /\ ?Q2 =>
+ let acc' := vars_in Q1 acc in
+ vars_in Q2 acc'
+ | ?Q1 \/ ?Q2 =>
+ let acc' := vars_in Q1 acc in
+ vars_in Q2 acc'
+ | ?Q1 -> ?Q2 =>
+ let acc' := vars_in Q1 acc in
+ vars_in Q2 acc'
+ | _ =>
+ let pos := position P acc in
+ match pos with
+ | Some _ => acc
+ | None => constr:(P :: acc)
+ end
+ end.
+Ltac reify_tauto' P vars :=
+ match P with
+ | True => Truth
+ | False => Falsehood
+ | ?Q1 /\ ?Q2 =>
+ let q1 := reify_tauto' Q1 vars in
+ let q2 := reify_tauto' Q2 vars in
+ constr:(And q1 q2)
+ | ?Q1 \/ ?Q2 =>
+ let q1 := reify_tauto' Q1 vars in
+ let q2 := reify_tauto' Q2 vars in
+ constr:(Or q1 q2)
+ | ?Q1 -> ?Q2 =>
+ let q1 := reify_tauto' Q1 vars in
+ let q2 := reify_tauto' Q2 vars in
+ constr:(Imp q1 q2)
+ | _ =>
+ let pos := position P vars in
+ match pos with
+ | Some ?pos' => constr:(Atomic pos')
+ end
+ end.
+(* Our final tactic implementation is now fairly straightforward. First, we
+ * [intro] all quantifiers that do not bind [Prop]s. Then we reify. Finally,
+ * we call the verified procedure through a lemma. *)
+Ltac my_tauto :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- forall x : ?P, _ ] =>
+ match type of P with
+ | Prop => fail 1
+ | _ => intro
+ end
+ end;
+ match goal with
+ | [ |- ?P ] =>
+ let vars := vars_in P (@nil Prop) in
+ let p := reify_tauto' P vars in
+ change (formulaDenote (nth_default False vars) p)
+ end;
+ apply backward_ok; reflexivity.
+(* A few examples demonstrate how the tactic works: *)
+Theorem mt1 : True.
+ my_tauto.
+Print mt1.
+Theorem mt2 : forall x y : nat, x = y -> x = y.
+ my_tauto.
+Print mt2.
+(* Crucially, both instances of [x = y] are represented with the same variable
+ * 0. *)
+Theorem mt3 : forall x y z,
+ (x < y /\ y > z) \/ (y > z /\ x < S y)
+ -> y > z /\ (x < y \/ x < S y).
+ my_tauto.
+Print mt3.
+(* Our goal contained three distinct atomic formulas, and we see that a
+ * three-element environment is generated.
+ *
+ * It can be interesting to observe differences between the level of repetition
+ * in proof terms generated by [my_tauto] and [tauto] for especially trivial
+ * theorems. *)
+Theorem mt4 : True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ False -> False.
+ my_tauto.
+Print mt4.
+Theorem mt4' : True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ True /\ False -> False.
+ tauto.
+Print mt4'.
+(* The traditional [tauto] tactic introduces a quadratic blow-up in the size of
+ * the proof term, whereas proofs produced by [my_tauto] always have linear
+ * size. *)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1052404..a0375be 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ The main narrative, also present in the book PDF, presents standard program-proo
* Chapter 5: `TransitionSystems.v`
* `IntroToProofScripting.v`: writing scripts to find proofs in Coq
* Chapter 6: `ModelChecking.v`
+ * `ProofByReflection.v`: writing verified proof procedures in Coq
* Chapter 7: `OperationalSemantics.v`
* Chapter 8: `AbstractInterpretation.v`
* Chapter 9: `LambdaCalculusAndTypeSoundness.v`
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index be158d8..cae3edc 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ IntroToProofScripting.v