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synced 2025-03-19 11:12:28 +00:00
ProgramDerivation: ADT refinement and one general principle for it
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@ -152,3 +152,139 @@ Print impl.
* here. *)
* here. *)
Transparent max.
Transparent max.
Eval compute in impl (1 :: 7 :: 8 :: 2 :: 13 :: 6 :: nil).
Eval compute in impl (1 :: 7 :: 8 :: 2 :: 13 :: 6 :: nil).
(** * Abstract data types (ADTs) *)
Record method_ {state : Type} := {
MethodName : string;
MethodBody : state -> nat -> comp (state * nat)
Arguments method_ : clear implicits.
Inductive methods {state : Type} : list string -> Type :=
| MethodsNil : methods []
| MethodsCons : forall (m : method_ state) {names},
methods names
-> methods (MethodName m :: names).
Arguments methods : clear implicits.
Notation "'method' name [[ self , arg ]] = body" :=
{| MethodName := name;
MethodBody := fun self arg => body |}
(at level 100, self at level 0, arg at level 0).
Record adt {names : list string} := {
AdtState : Type;
AdtConstructor : comp AdtState;
AdtMethods : methods AdtState names
Arguments adt : clear implicits.
Notation "'ADT' { 'rep' = state 'and' 'constructor' = constr ms }" :=
{| AdtState := state;
AdtConstructor := constr;
AdtMethods := ms |}.
Notation "'and' m1 'and' .. 'and' mn" :=
(MethodsCons m1 (.. (MethodsCons mn MethodsNil) ..)) (at level 101).
(** * ADT refinement *)
Inductive RefineMethods {state1 state2} (R : state1 -> state2 -> Prop)
: forall {names}, methods state1 names -> methods state2 names -> Prop :=
| RmNil : RefineMethods R MethodsNil MethodsNil
| RmCons : forall name names (f1 : state1 -> nat -> comp (state1 * nat))
(f2 : state2 -> nat -> comp (state2 * nat))
(ms1 : methods state1 names) (ms2 : methods state2 names),
(forall s1 s2 arg s2' res,
R s1 s2
-> f2 s2 arg (s2', res)
-> exists s1', f1 s1 arg (s1', res)
/\ R s1' s2')
-> RefineMethods R ms1 ms2
-> RefineMethods R (MethodsCons {| MethodName := name; MethodBody := f1 |} ms1)
(MethodsCons {| MethodName := name; MethodBody := f2 |} ms2).
Record adt_refine {names} (adt1 adt2 : adt names) := {
ArRel : AdtState adt1 -> AdtState adt2 -> Prop;
ArConstructors : forall s2,
AdtConstructor adt2 s2
-> exists s1, AdtConstructor adt1 s1
/\ ArRel s1 s2;
ArMethods : RefineMethods ArRel (AdtMethods adt1) (AdtMethods adt2)
Ltac choose_relation R :=
match goal with
| [ |- adt_refine ?a ?b ] => apply (Build_adt_refine _ a b R)
end; simplify.
(** ** Example: numeric counter *)
Definition counter := ADT {
rep = nat
and constructor = ret 0
and method "increment1"[[self, arg]] = ret (self + arg, 0)
and method "increment2"[[self, arg]] = ret (self + arg, 0)
and method "value"[[self, _]] = ret (self, self)
Definition split_counter := ADT {
rep = nat * nat
and constructor = ret (0, 0)
and method "increment1"[[self, arg]] = ret ((fst self + arg, snd self), 0)
and method "increment2"[[self, arg]] = ret ((fst self, snd self + arg), 0)
and method "value"[[self, _]] = ret (self, fst self + snd self)
Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => simplify; linear_arithmetic.
Theorem split_counter_ok : adt_refine counter split_counter.
choose_relation (fun n p => n = fst p + snd p).
unfold ret in *; subst.
repeat constructor; simplify; unfold ret in *; subst;
match goal with
| [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => invert H
end; eauto.
Grab Existential Variables.
exact 0.
(** * General refinement strategies *)
Lemma RefineMethods_refl : forall state names (ms : methods state names),
RefineMethods (@eq _) ms ms.
induct ms.
cases m; constructor; first_order.
subst; eauto.
Theorem refine_constructor : forall names state constr1 constr2 (ms : methods _ names),
refine constr1 constr2
-> adt_refine {| AdtState := state;
AdtConstructor := constr1;
AdtMethods := ms |}
{| AdtState := state;
AdtConstructor := constr2;
AdtMethods := ms |}.
match goal with
| [ |- adt_refine ?a ?b ] => apply (Build_adt_refine names a b (@eq _))
end; simplify.
apply RefineMethods_refl.
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