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SessionTypes: commented
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2 changed files with 143 additions and 26 deletions
@ -9,22 +9,43 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
(* One natural view of process algebra is as a way of orchestrating multiple
* agents that communicate with each other through prearranged protocols.
* Session types are a way of doing static analysis, in the style of type
* checking as we saw in earlier chapters, to guarantee that agents play well
* together. Specifically, in this chapter, we'll confine our attention to
* avoiding stuckness: a set of agents should either reach a state where
* everyone is done or should continue stepping forever. A counterexample would
* be a configuration where each of two agents is blocked waiting for input from
* the other -- a classic deadlock. *)
(** * Basic Two-Party Session Types *)
(** * Basic Two-Party Session Types *)
(* We'll consider some gradations of fanciness in our session type systems.
* Even the final version will have some notable expressiveness weaknesses, but
* we'll still be able to handle a variety of nontrivial protocols. Each
* variant will be confined to its own module, allowing us to reuse names. *)
Module BasicTwoParty.
Module BasicTwoParty.
(** ** Defining the type system *)
(** ** Defining the type system *)
Inductive type :=
Inductive type :=
| TSend (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : type)
| TSend (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : type)
(* This type applies to a process that begins by sending a value of type [A]
* over channel [ch], then continuing according to type [t]. *)
| TRecv (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : type)
| TRecv (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : type)
(* This type is the dual of the last one: the process begins by receiving a
* value of type [A] from channel [ch]. *)
| TDone.
| TDone.
(* This type describes processes that are done. Notice that we make our lives
* easier by not supporting any of the other constructs (parallel composition,
* duplication, ...) from our process algebra! *)
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
(* The typing rules mostly just formalize the comments from above. *)
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
Notation "!!! ch ( A ) ; k" := (TSend ch A k%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0) : st_scope.
Notation "??? ch ( A ) ; k" := (TRecv ch A k%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0) : st_scope.
Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
| HtSend : forall ch (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
| HtSend : forall ch (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
hasty k t
hasty k t
@ -34,7 +55,22 @@ Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
-> hasty (Recv ch k) (TRecv ch A t)
-> hasty (Recv ch k) (TRecv ch A t)
| HtDone :
| HtDone :
hasty Done TDone.
hasty Done TDone.
(* Notice, though, that the premise of [HtRecv] does quantification over all
* possible values that might come down the channel [ch]. The follow-up type [t]
* must be independent of those values, though. *)
(* Some notations will let us write nicer-looking types. *)
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
Notation "!!! ch ( A ) ; k" := (TSend ch A k%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0) : st_scope.
Notation "??? ch ( A ) ; k" := (TRecv ch A k%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0) : st_scope.
(* This tactic happens to be good for automating typing derivations. *)
Ltac hasty := simplify; repeat ((constructor; simplify)
|| match goal with
| [ |- hasty _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) ] => cases E
| [ |- hasty (match ?E with _ => _ end) _ ] => cases E
(** * Examples of typed processes *)
(** * Examples of typed processes *)
@ -44,14 +80,12 @@ Definition addN (k : nat) (input output : channel) : proc :=
!!output(n + k);
!!output(n + k);
Ltac hasty := simplify; repeat ((constructor; simplify)
(* Let's prove it against a type, which looks a lot like the program itself. *)
|| match goal with
Definition addN_type input output :=
| [ |- hasty _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) ] => cases E
(???input(nat); !!!output(nat); TDone)%st.
| [ |- hasty (match ?E with _ => _ end) _ ] => cases E
Theorem addN_typed : forall k input output,
Theorem addN_typed : forall k input output,
hasty (addN k input output) (???input(nat); !!!output(nat); TDone).
hasty (addN k input output) (addN_type input output).
@ -59,6 +93,11 @@ Qed.
(** * Complementing types *)
(** * Complementing types *)
(* We will focus on pairs of interacting processes, where one process follows a
* session type, and the other process follows the *complement* of that type,
* guaranteeing that they agree on the protocol. *)
(* Complementation just flips all sends and receives. *)
Fixpoint complement (t : type) : type :=
Fixpoint complement (t : type) : type :=
match t with
match t with
| TSend ch A t1 => TRecv ch A (complement t1)
| TSend ch A t1 => TRecv ch A (complement t1)
@ -66,18 +105,21 @@ Fixpoint complement (t : type) : type :=
| TDone => TDone
| TDone => TDone
(* Here's a simple client for our adder example. *)
Definition add2_client (input output : channel) : proc :=
Definition add2_client (input output : channel) : proc :=
??output(_ : nat);
??output(_ : nat);
(* It checks out against the complement of the type from before. *)
Theorem add2_client_typed : forall input output,
Theorem add2_client_typed : forall input output,
hasty (add2_client input output) (complement (???input(nat); !!!output(nat); TDone)).
hasty (add2_client input output) (complement (addN_type input output)).
(** * Parallel execution preserves the existence of complementary session types. *)
(** * Main theorem: deadlock freedom for complementary processes *)
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Initial := {pr};
Initial := {pr};
@ -88,12 +130,15 @@ Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Hint Constructors hasty.
Hint Constructors hasty.
(* The next two lemmas state some inversions that connect stepping and
* typing. *)
Lemma input_typed : forall pr ch A v pr',
Lemma input_typed : forall pr ch A v pr',
lstep pr (Input {| Channel := ch; TypeOf := A; Value := v |}) pr'
lstep pr (Input {| Channel := ch; TypeOf := A; Value := v |}) pr'
-> forall t, hasty pr t
-> forall t, hasty pr t
-> exists k, pr = Recv ch k /\ pr' = k v.
-> exists k, pr = Recv ch k /\ pr' = k v.
induct 1; invert 1; eauto.
invert 1; invert 1; eauto.
Lemma output_typed : forall pr ch A v pr',
Lemma output_typed : forall pr ch A v pr',
@ -101,9 +146,12 @@ Lemma output_typed : forall pr ch A v pr',
-> forall t, hasty pr t
-> forall t, hasty pr t
-> exists k, pr = Send ch v k /\ pr' = k.
-> exists k, pr = Send ch v k /\ pr' = k.
induct 1; invert 1; eauto.
invert 1; invert 1; eauto.
(* A key strengthened invariant: when two processes begin life as complementary,
* they remain complementary forever after, though the shared type may
* change. *)
Lemma complementarity_forever : forall pr1 pr2 t,
Lemma complementarity_forever : forall pr1 pr2 t,
hasty pr1 t
hasty pr1 t
-> hasty pr2 (complement t)
-> hasty pr2 (complement t)
@ -139,6 +187,8 @@ Proof.
eauto 10.
eauto 10.
(* The main theorem: it's an invariant that the system is done or can take a
* step. *)
Theorem no_deadlock : forall pr1 pr2 t,
Theorem no_deadlock : forall pr1 pr2 t,
hasty pr1 t
hasty pr1 t
-> hasty pr2 (complement t)
-> hasty pr2 (complement t)
@ -155,6 +205,7 @@ Proof.
invert H0; invert H1; simplify; eauto.
invert H0; invert H1; simplify; eauto.
(* Applying the theorem to our earlier example is easy. *)
Example adding_no_deadlock : forall k input output,
Example adding_no_deadlock : forall k input output,
input <> output
input <> output
-> invariantFor (trsys_of (addN k input output
-> invariantFor (trsys_of (addN k input output
@ -163,7 +214,7 @@ Example adding_no_deadlock : forall k input output,
\/ exists pr', lstep pr Silent pr').
\/ exists pr', lstep pr Silent pr').
eapply no_deadlock with (t := (???input(nat); !!!output(nat); TDone)%st);
eapply no_deadlock with (t := addN_type input output);
@ -172,6 +223,11 @@ End BasicTwoParty.
(** * Two-Party Session Types *)
(** * Two-Party Session Types *)
(* That last type system has a serious weakness: it doesn't allow communication
* patterns to vary, based on what was received on channels earlier in
* execution. Let's switch to a simple kind of *dependent* session types, where
* send and receive types bind message values for use in decision-making. *)
Module TwoParty.
Module TwoParty.
(** ** Defining the type system *)
(** ** Defining the type system *)
@ -180,11 +236,9 @@ Inductive type :=
| TSend (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| TSend (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| TRecv (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| TRecv (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| TDone.
| TDone.
(* Note the big change: each follow-up type [t] is parameterized on the value
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
* sent or received. As with our mixed-embedding programs, within these
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
* functions we may employ the full expressiveness of Gallina. *)
Notation "!!! ch ( x : A ) ; k" := (TSend ch (fun x : A => k)%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0, x at level 0) : st_scope.
Notation "??? ch ( x : A ) ; k" := (TRecv ch (fun x : A => k)%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0, x at level 0) : st_scope.
Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
| HtSend : forall ch (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
| HtSend : forall ch (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
@ -196,6 +250,11 @@ Inductive hasty : proc -> type -> Prop :=
| HtDone :
| HtDone :
hasty Done TDone.
hasty Done TDone.
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
Notation "!!! ch ( x : A ) ; k" := (TSend ch (fun x : A => k)%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0, x at level 0) : st_scope.
Notation "??? ch ( x : A ) ; k" := (TRecv ch (fun x : A => k)%st) (right associativity, at level 45, ch at level 0, x at level 0) : st_scope.
Ltac hasty := simplify; repeat ((constructor; simplify)
Ltac hasty := simplify; repeat ((constructor; simplify)
|| match goal with
|| match goal with
| [ |- hasty _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) ] => cases E
| [ |- hasty _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) ] => cases E
@ -213,6 +272,8 @@ Fixpoint complement (t : type) : type :=
(** ** Example *)
(** ** Example *)
(* Let's demonstrate the power of the strengthened type system. We'll model an
* online store communicating with a customer. *)
Section online_store.
Section online_store.
Variables request_product in_stock_or_not send_payment_info payment_success add_review : channel.
Variables request_product in_stock_or_not send_payment_info payment_success add_review : channel.
@ -243,6 +304,8 @@ Section online_store.
(* Yes, that type again looks a lot like the program! However, we abstract
* away the details of all non-[bool] messages. *)
Theorem customer_hasty : forall product payment_info,
Theorem customer_hasty : forall product payment_info,
hasty (customer product payment_info) customer_type.
hasty (customer product payment_info) customer_type.
@ -274,14 +337,15 @@ Section online_store.
End online_store.
End online_store.
(** * Parallel execution preserves the existence of complementary session types. *)
(** * Main theorem: deadlock freedom for complementary processes *)
(* The proof is essentially identical to before, which is kind of neat, given
* the fundamental new capability that we added. *)
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Initial := {pr};
Initial := {pr};
Step := lstepSilent
Step := lstepSilent
(* Note: here we force silent steps, so that all channel communication is
* internal. *)
Hint Constructors hasty.
Hint Constructors hasty.
@ -375,6 +439,10 @@ End TwoParty.
(** * Multiparty Session Types *)
(** * Multiparty Session Types *)
(* Let's generalize to any number of agents participating in a protocol. We
* won't support all reasonable protocols, and it's an edifying exercise for the
* reader to think up examples that this type system rejects. *)
Module Multiparty.
Module Multiparty.
(** ** Defining the type system *)
(** ** Defining the type system *)
@ -382,6 +450,11 @@ Module Multiparty.
Inductive type :=
Inductive type :=
| Communicate (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| Communicate (ch : channel) (A : Set) (t : A -> type)
| TDone.
| TDone.
(* Things are quite different now. We define one protocol with a series of
* communications, not specifying read vs. write polarity. Every agent will be
* checked against this type, referring to a mapping that tells us which agent
* controls the receive end and which the send end of each channel. Exactly one
* agent will have each role. *)
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
Delimit Scope st_scope with st.
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
Bind Scope st_scope with type.
@ -389,15 +462,20 @@ Notation "!!! ch ( x : A ) ; k" := (Communicate ch (fun x : A => k)%st) (right a
Section parties.
Section parties.
Variable party : Set.
Variable party : Set.
(* We will formalize typing with respect to some (usually finite) set of
* parties/agents. *)
Record parties := {
Record parties := {
Sender : party;
Sender : party;
Receiver : party
Receiver : party
Variable channels : channel -> parties.
Variable channels : channel -> parties.
(* As promised, every channel is assigned a unique sender and receiver. *)
Inductive hasty (p : party) : bool -> proc -> type -> Prop :=
Inductive hasty (p : party) : bool -> proc -> type -> Prop :=
(* The first two rules look up the next channel and confirm that the current
* process is in the right role to perform a send or receive. *)
| HtSend : forall ch rr (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
| HtSend : forall ch rr (A : Set) (v : A) k t,
channels ch = {| Sender := p; Receiver := rr |}
channels ch = {| Sender := p; Receiver := rr |}
-> rr <> p
-> rr <> p
@ -408,18 +486,29 @@ Section parties.
-> sr <> p
-> sr <> p
-> (forall v, hasty p false (k v) (t v))
-> (forall v, hasty p false (k v) (t v))
-> hasty p mayNotSend (Recv ch k) (Communicate ch t)
-> hasty p mayNotSend (Recv ch k) (Communicate ch t)
(* Not all parties participate in all communications. Uninvolved parties may
* (or, rather, must!) skip protocol steps. *)
| HtSkip : forall mayNotSend ch sr rr (A : Set) pr (t : A -> _) (witness : A),
| HtSkip : forall mayNotSend ch sr rr (A : Set) pr (t : A -> _) (witness : A),
channels ch = {| Sender := sr; Receiver := rr |}
channels ch = {| Sender := sr; Receiver := rr |}
-> sr <> p
-> sr <> p
-> rr <> p
-> rr <> p
-> (forall v, hasty p true pr (t v))
-> (forall v, hasty p true pr (t v))
-> hasty p mayNotSend pr (Communicate ch t)
-> hasty p mayNotSend pr (Communicate ch t)
| HtDone : forall mayNotSend,
| HtDone : forall mayNotSend,
hasty p mayNotSend Done TDone.
hasty p mayNotSend Done TDone.
(* What was that peculiar [bool] parameter? If [true], it prohibits the
* process from running a [Send] as its next action. The idea is that, when a
* process sits out one step of a protocol, its next action (if any) had
* better be a receive, so that it gets some signal to wake up and resume
* participating. Otherwise, the deadlock-freedom analysis is more
* complicated. *)
End parties.
End parties.
(** * Parallel execution preserves the existence of complementary session types. *)
(** * Main theorem: deadlock freedom for complementary processes *)
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Initial := {pr};
Initial := {pr};
@ -428,6 +517,8 @@ Definition trsys_of pr := {|
Hint Constructors hasty.
Hint Constructors hasty.
(* We prove that the type system rules out fancier constructs. *)
Lemma hasty_not_Block : forall party (channels: _ -> parties party) p mns ch pr t,
Lemma hasty_not_Block : forall party (channels: _ -> parties party) p mns ch pr t,
hasty channels p mns (BlockChannel ch pr) t
hasty channels p mns (BlockChannel ch pr) t
-> False.
-> False.
@ -457,6 +548,9 @@ Qed.
Hint Immediate hasty_not_Block hasty_not_Dup hasty_not_Par.
Hint Immediate hasty_not_Block hasty_not_Dup hasty_not_Par.
(* Next, we characterize how channels must be mapped, given typing of a
* process. *)
Lemma input_typed' : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) p mns ch (A : Set) (k : A -> _) t,
Lemma input_typed' : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) p mns ch (A : Set) (k : A -> _) t,
hasty channels p mns (Recv ch k) t
hasty channels p mns (Recv ch k) t
-> exists sr (witness : A), channels ch = {| Sender := sr; Receiver := p |}
-> exists sr (witness : A), channels ch = {| Sender := sr; Receiver := p |}
@ -501,6 +595,8 @@ Proof.
(* Here is a crucial additional typing judgment, applying to lists of parties.
* The parties' code is lined up with lopsided trees of parallel composition. *)
Inductive typed_multistate party (channels : channel -> parties party) (t : type)
Inductive typed_multistate party (channels : channel -> parties party) (t : type)
: list party -> proc -> Prop :=
: list party -> proc -> Prop :=
| TmsNil : typed_multistate channels t [] Done
| TmsNil : typed_multistate channels t [] Done
@ -511,6 +607,7 @@ Inductive typed_multistate party (channels : channel -> parties party) (t : type
Hint Constructors typed_multistate.
Hint Constructors typed_multistate.
(* This fancier typing judgment gets a fancier tactic for type-checking. *)
Ltac side :=
Ltac side :=
match goal with
match goal with
@ -537,6 +634,9 @@ Ltac hasty := simplify; repeat match goal with
| [ |- hasty _ _ _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) _ ] => cases E
| [ |- hasty _ _ _ (match ?E with _ => _ end) _ ] => cases E
(* Now follow quite a few fiddly lemmas. Commentary resumes at a crucial
* lemma. *)
Lemma no_silent_steps : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) p mns pr t,
Lemma no_silent_steps : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) p mns pr t,
hasty channels p mns pr t
hasty channels p mns pr t
-> forall pr', lstep pr Silent pr'
-> forall pr', lstep pr Silent pr'
@ -948,6 +1048,10 @@ Proof.
(* Note how the strengthened invariant here is a natural analogue of the one
* for our previous type system. Instead of calling out two composed actors, we
* use predicate [typed_multistate] to constrain process [pr] to include all
* parties from [all_parties]. *)
Lemma complementarity_forever : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr t,
Lemma complementarity_forever : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr t,
NoDup all_parties
NoDup all_parties
-> (forall p, In p all_parties)
-> (forall p, In p all_parties)
@ -973,6 +1077,8 @@ Proof.
exfalso; eauto using complementarity_forever_done.
exfalso; eauto using complementarity_forever_done.
(* To state deadlock-freedom, it will help to have a general characterization of
* when a set of agents are completely finished running. *)
Inductive inert : proc -> Prop :=
Inductive inert : proc -> Prop :=
| InertDone : inert Done
| InertDone : inert Done
| InertPar : forall pr1 pr2,
| InertPar : forall pr1 pr2,
@ -982,6 +1088,8 @@ Inductive inert : proc -> Prop :=
Hint Constructors inert.
Hint Constructors inert.
(* Now a few more fiddly lemmas. See you again at the [Theorem]. *)
Lemma typed_multistate_inert : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr,
Lemma typed_multistate_inert : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr,
typed_multistate channels TDone all_parties pr
typed_multistate channels TDone all_parties pr
-> inert pr.
-> inert pr.
@ -1090,6 +1198,9 @@ Proof.
first_order; eauto.
first_order; eauto.
(* The statement is pleasingly similar to for our prior type system. The main
* new wrinkle is the list [all_parties] of all possible parties, as the first
* two hypotheses enforce. *)
Theorem no_deadlock : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr t,
Theorem no_deadlock : forall party (channels : _ -> parties party) all_parties pr t,
NoDup all_parties
NoDup all_parties
-> (forall p, In p all_parties)
-> (forall p, In p all_parties)
@ -1109,6 +1220,9 @@ Proof.
(* Let's redo our online-store example as a degenerate case of multiparty
* protocols. *)
Inductive store_party := Customer | Merchant.
Inductive store_party := Customer | Merchant.
Section online_store.
Section online_store.
@ -1194,6 +1308,8 @@ Section online_store.
End online_store.
End online_store.
(* Next, let's add a new party, to exercise the type system more fully. *)
Inductive store_party' := Customer' | Merchant' | Warehouse.
Inductive store_party' := Customer' | Merchant' | Warehouse.
Section online_store_with_warehouse.
Section online_store_with_warehouse.
@ -55,3 +55,4 @@ SharedMemory.v
Add table
Reference in a new issue