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First full draft of Interpreter chapter

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Adam Chlipala 2016-02-07 11:43:25 -05:00
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commit 583446eaf3

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@ -506,7 +506,6 @@ We write $v$ for a valuation (finite map).
\denote{n}v &=& n \\
\denote{x}v &=& v(x) \\
\denote{e_1 + e_2}v &=& \denote{e_1}v + \denote{e_2}v \\
\denote{e_1 - e_2}v &=& \denote{e_1}v - \denote{e_2}v \\
\denote{e_1 \times e_2}v &=& \denote{e_1}v \times \denote{e_2}v
@ -516,13 +515,14 @@ It's important to remember that plus \emph{inside} the brackets is syntax, while
To test our semantics, we define a \emph{variable substitution} function\index{substitution}.
A substitution $\subst{e}{x}{e'}$ stands for the result of running through the syntax of $e$, replacing every occurrence of variable $x$ with expression $e'$.
A substitution $\subst{e}{x}{e'}$ stands for the result of running through the syntax of $e$, repla
cing every occurrence of variable $x$ with expression $e'$.
\subst{n}{x}{e} &=& n \\
\subst{x}{x}{e} &=& e \\
\subst{y}{x}{e} &=& y \textrm{, when $y \neq x$} \\
\subst{(e_1 + e_2)}{x}{e} &=& \subst{e_1}{x}{e} + \subst{e_2}{x}{e} \\
\subst{(e_1 - e_2)}{x}{e} &=& \subst{e_1}{x}{e} - \subst{e_2}{x}{e} \\
\subst{(e_1 \times e_2)}{x}{e} &=& \subst{e_1}{x}{e} \times \subst{e_2}{x}{e}
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ In that sense, with this translation, we make progress toward efficient implemen
\newcommand{\compile}[1]{{\left \lfloor #1 \right \rfloor}}
\newcommand{\concat}[2]{#1 \bowtie #2}
Throughout this book, we will use notation $\compile{\ldots}$ for compilation, where the floor-based notation suggestions \emph{moving downward} to a lower abstraction level.
Throughout this book, we will use notation $\compile{\ldots}$ for compilation, where the floor-based notation suggests \emph{moving downward} to a lower abstraction level.
Here is the compiler that concerns us now, where we write $\concat{s_1}{s_2}$ for concatenation of two stacks $s_1$ and $s_2$.
\compile{n} &=& \mathsf{PushConst}(n) \\
@ -624,6 +624,100 @@ As usual, we leave proof details for the associated Coq code, but the key insigh
We strengthen the statement by considering both an arbitrary initial stack $s$ and a sequence of extra instructions $\overline{i}$ to be run after $e$.
\section{A Simple Higher-Level Imperative Language}
\newcommand{\repet}[2]{\mathsf{repeat} \; #1 \; \mathsf{do} \; #2 \; \mathsf{done}}
The interpreter approach to semantics is usually the most convenient one, when it applies.
Coq requires that all programs terminate, and that requirement is effectively also present in informal math, though it is seldom called out with the same terms.
Instead, with math, we worry about whether recursive systems of equations are well-founded, in appropriate senses.
From either perspective, extra encoding tricks are required to write a well-formed interpreter for a Turing-complete\index{Turing-completeness} language.
We will dodge those complexities for now by defining a simple imperative language with bounded loops, where termination is easy to prove.
We take the arithemtic expression language as a base.
\textrm{Command} & c &::=& \mathsf{skip} \mid x \leftarrow e \mid c; c \mid \repet{e}{c}
Now the implicit state, read and written by a command, is a variable valuation, as we used in the interpreter for expressions.
A $\mathsf{skip}$ command does nothing, while $x \leftarrow e$ extends the valuation to map $x$ to the value of expression $e$.
We have simple command sequencing $c_1; c_2$, in addition to the bounded loop $\repet{e}{c}$, which executes $c$ a number of times equal to the value of $e$.
To give the semantics, we need a few commonplace notations that are worth reviewing.
We write $\id$ for the identity function\index{identity function}, where $\id(x) = x$; and we write $f \circ g$ for composition of functions\index{composition of functions} $f$ and $g$, where $(f \circ g)(x) = f(g(x))$.
We also have iterated self-composition\index{self-composition}, written like \emph{exponentiation} of functions\index{exponentiation of functions} $f^n$, defined as follows.
f^0 &=& \id \\
f^{n+1} &=& f^n \circ f
From here, $\denote{\ldots}$ is easy to define yet again, as a transformer over variable valuations.
\denote{\mathsf{skip}}v &=& v \\
\denote{x \leftarrow e}v &=& \mupd{v}{x}{\denote{e}v} \\
\denote{c_1; c_2}v &=& \denote{c_2}(\denote{c_1}v) \\
\denote{\repet{e}{c}}v &=& \denote{c}^{\denote{e}v}(v)
To put this semantics through a workout, let's consider a simple \emph{optimization}\index{optimization}, a transformation whose input and output programs are in the same language.
There's an additional, fuzzier criterion for an optimization, which is that it should improve the program somehow, usually in terms of running time, memory usage, etc.
The optimization we choose here may be a bit dubious in that respect, though it is related to an optimization found in every serious C\index{C programming language} compiler.
In particular, let's tackle \emph{loop unrolling}\index{loop unrolling}.
When the iteration count of a loop is a constant $n$, we can replace the loop with $n$ sequenced copies of its body.
C compilers need to work harder to find the iteration count of a loop, but luckily our language includes loops with very explicit iteration counts!
To define the transformation, we'll want a recursive function and notation for sequencing of $n$ copies of a command $c$, written $^nc$.
^0c &=& \mathsf{skip} \\
^{n+1}c &=& c; {^nc}
\newcommand{\opt}[1]{{\left | #1 \right |}}
Now the optimization itself is easy to define.
We'll write $\opt{\ldots}$ for this and other optimizations, which move neither down nor up a tower of program abstraction levels.
\opt{\mathsf{skip}} &=& \mathsf{skip} \\
\opt{x \leftarrow e} &=& x \leftarrow e \\
\opt{c_1; c_2} &=& \opt{c_1}; \opt{c_2} \\
\opt{\repet{n}{c}} &=& ^n\opt{c} \\
\opt{\repet{e}{c}} &=& \repet{e}{\opt{c}}
Note that, when multiple defining equations apply to some function input, by convention we apply the \emph{earliest} equation that matches.
Let's prove that this optimization preserves program behavior; that is, we prove that it is \emph{semantics preserving}\index{semantics preservation}.
$\denote{\opt{c}}v = \denote{c}v$.
It all looks so straightforward from that statement, doesn't it?
Indeed, there actually isn't so much work to do to prove this theorem.
We can also present it as a commuting diagram much like the prior one.
c \arrow{r}{\opt{\ldots}} \arrow{dr}{\denote{\ldots}} & \opt{c} \arrow{d}{\denote{\ldots}} \\
& \denote{c}
The statement of Theorem \ref{unroll} happens to already be in the right form to do induction directly, but we need a helper lemma, capturing the interaction of $^nc$ and the semantics.
$\denote{^nc} = \denote{c}^n$.
Let us end the chapter with the commuting-diagram version of the lemma statement.
c \arrow{r}{^n\ldots} \arrow{d}{\denote{\ldots}} & ^nc \arrow{d}{\denote{\ldots}} \\
\denote{c} \arrow{r}{\ldots^n} & \denote{c}^n