SharedMemory: formulated a strategy for proving partial-order reduction, based on completing each trace to a stuck state

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Adam Chlipala 2016-04-23 21:09:53 -04:00
parent 3b7d898b0f
commit 606efc383d

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@ -536,18 +536,48 @@ Admitted.
propositional; subst; equality. propositional; subst; equality.
Qed.*) Qed.*)
Inductive firstThread : cmd -> cmd -> cmd -> Prop := Record summary := {
| FtPar : forall c1 c2 c11 c12, Reads : set nat;
firstThread c1 c11 c12 Writes : set nat;
-> firstThread (Par c1 c2) c11 (Par c12 c2) Locks : set nat
| FtDone : forall c, }.
match c with
| Par _ _ => False Inductive summarize : cmd -> summary -> Prop :=
| _ => True | SumReturn : forall r s,
end summarize (Return r) s
-> firstThread c c (Return 0). | SumFail : forall s,
summarize Fail s
| SumBind : forall c1 c2 s,
summarize c1 s
-> (forall r, summarize (c2 r) s)
-> summarize (Bind c1 c2) s
| SumRead : forall a s,
a \in s.(Reads)
-> summarize (Read a) s
| SumWrite : forall a v s,
a \in s.(Writes)
-> summarize (Write a v) s
| SumLock : forall a s,
a \in s.(Locks)
-> summarize (Lock a) s
| SumUnlock : forall a s,
a \in s.(Locks)
-> summarize (Unlock a) s.
Inductive summarizeThreads : cmd -> list (cmd * summary) -> Prop :=
| StPar : forall c1 c2 ss1 ss2,
summarizeThreads c1 ss1
-> summarizeThreads c2 ss2
-> summarizeThreads (Par c1 c2) (ss1 ++ ss2)
| StAtomic : forall c s,
summarize c s
-> summarizeThreads c [(c, s)].
Inductive nextAction : cmd -> cmd -> Prop := Inductive nextAction : cmd -> cmd -> Prop :=
| NaReturn : forall r,
nextAction (Return r) (Return r)
| NaFail :
nextAction Fail Fail
| NaRead : forall a, | NaRead : forall a,
nextAction (Read a) (Read a) nextAction (Read a) (Read a)
| NaWrite : forall a v, | NaWrite : forall a v,
@ -560,133 +590,481 @@ Inductive nextAction : cmd -> cmd -> Prop :=
nextAction c1 c nextAction c1 c
-> nextAction (Bind c1 c2) c. -> nextAction (Bind c1 c2) c.
Inductive commutes : cmd -> cmd -> Prop := Definition commutes (c : cmd) (s : summary) : Prop :=
| ComReadRead : forall a1 a2, match c with
commutes (Read a1) (Read a2) | Return _ => True
| ComReadWrite : forall a1 a2 v, | Fail => True
a1 <> a2 | Read a => ~a \in s.(Writes)
-> commutes (Read a1) (Write a2 v) | Write a _ => ~a \in s.(Reads) \cup s.(Writes)
| ComReadLock : forall a1 a2, | Lock a => ~a \in s.(Locks)
commutes (Read a1) (Lock a2) | Unlock a => ~a \in s.(Locks)
| ComReadUnlock : forall a1 a2, | _ => False
commutes (Read a1) (Unlock a2) end.
| ComWriteRead : forall a1 v a2, Inductive stepC : heap * locks * list (cmd * summary) -> heap * locks * list (cmd * summary) -> Prop :=
a1 <> a2 | StepDone : forall h l r s cs1 cs2,
-> commutes (Write a1 v) (Read a2) stepC (h, l, cs1 ++ (Return r, s) :: cs2) (h, l, cs1 ++ cs2)
| ComWriteWrite : forall a1 a2 v1 v2, | StepFirst : forall h l c h' l' c' s cs,
a1 <> a2 step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> commutes (Write a1 v1) (Write a2 v2) -> stepC (h, l, (c, s) :: cs) (h', l', (c', s) :: cs)
| ComWriteLock : forall a1 v a2, | StepAny : forall h l c h' l' s cs1 c1 s1 cs2 c1',
commutes (Write a1 v) (Lock a2) (forall c0 h'' l'' c'', nextAction c c0
| ComWriteUnlock : forall a1 v a2, -> List.Forall (fun c_s => commutes c0 (snd c_s)) (cs1 ++ (c1, s1) :: cs2)
commutes (Write a1 v) (Unlock a2) -> step (h, l, c) (h'', l'', c'')
-> False)
-> step (h, l, c1) (h', l', c1')
-> stepC (h, l, (c, s) :: cs1 ++ (c1, s1) :: cs2) (h', l', (c, s) :: cs1 ++ (c1', s1) :: cs2).
| ComLockRead : forall a1 a2, Definition trsys_ofC (h : heap) (l : locks) (cs : list (cmd * summary)) := {|
commutes (Lock a1) (Read a2) Initial := {(h, l, cs)};
| ComLockWrite : forall a1 a2 v, Step := stepC
commutes (Lock a1) (Write a2 v) |}.
| ComLockLock : forall a1 a2,
a1 <> a2
-> commutes (Lock a1) (Lock a2)
| ComLockUnlock : forall a1 a2,
a1 <> a2
-> commutes (Lock a1) (Unlock a2)
| ComUnlockRead : forall a1 a2,
commutes (Unlock a1) (Read a2)
| ComUnlockWrite : forall a1 a2 v,
commutes (Unlock a1) (Write a2 v)
| ComUnlockLock : forall a1 a2,
a1 <> a2
-> commutes (Unlock a1) (Lock a2)
| ComUnlockUnlock : forall a1 a2,
a1 <> a2
-> commutes (Unlock a1) (Unlock a2)
| CommFail : forall c, Lemma commutes_sound : forall h l c2 h' l' c2',
commutes c Fail
| CommReturn : forall c r,
commutes c (Return r)
| CommBind : forall c c1 c2,
commutes c c1
-> (forall r, commutes c (c2 r))
-> commutes c (Bind c1 c2)
| CommPar : forall c c1 c2,
commutes c c1
-> commutes c c2
-> commutes c (Par c1 c2).
Lemma commutes_sound1 : forall h l c2 h' l' c2',
step (h, l, c2) (h', l', c2') step (h, l, c2) (h', l', c2')
-> forall c1 h'' l'' c1', step (h', l', c1) (h'', l'', c1') -> forall s c1 h'' l'' c1', step (h', l', c1) (h'', l'', c1')
-> commutes c1 c2 -> summarize c2 s
-> commutes c1 s
-> exists h1 l1, step (h, l, c1) (h1, l1, c1') -> exists h1 l1, step (h, l, c1) (h1, l1, c1')
/\ step (h1, l1, c2) (h'', l'', c2'). /\ step (h1, l1, c2) (h'', l'', c2').
Proof. Proof.
induct 1; simplify; eauto. induct 1; simplify; eauto.
invert H1. invert H1.
apply IHstep in H0; first_order. eapply IHstep in H0; eauto; first_order.
eauto. eauto.
invert H0; invert H; eauto. invert H0; invert H; simplify; propositional; eauto.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
eauto. eauto.
replace (h' $! a) with (h' $+ (a1, v) $! a) by (simplify; equality). assert (a <> a0) by sets.
replace (h' $! a) with (h' $+ (a0, v) $! a) by (simplify; equality).
eauto. eauto.
invert H0; invert H; eauto. invert H0; invert H; simplify; propositional; eauto.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
eauto. eauto.
replace (h $+ (a, v) $+ (a1, v1)) with (h $+ (a1, v1) $+ (a, v)) by maps_equal. assert (a <> a0) by sets.
replace (h $+ (a, v) $+ (a0, v0)) with (h $+ (a0, v0) $+ (a, v)) by maps_equal.
eauto. eauto.
invert H1. invert H1.
eapply IHstep in H5; eauto.
first_order; eauto.
invert H1. invert H1.
eapply IHstep in H6; eauto.
first_order; eauto.
invert H1; invert H0; eauto. invert H1; invert H0; simplify; propositional; eauto.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
replace ((l \cup {a}) \cup {a1}) with ((l \cup {a1}) \cup {a}) by sets. replace ((l \cup {a}) \cup {a0}) with ((l \cup {a0}) \cup {a}) by sets.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
constructor. constructor.
sets; propositional. sets; propositional.
replace (l \cup {a} \setminus {a1}) with ((l \setminus {a1}) \cup {a}) by sets. replace (l \cup {a} \setminus {a0}) with ((l \setminus {a0}) \cup {a}) by sets.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
invert H1; invert H0; eauto. invert H1; invert H0; simplify; propositional; eauto.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
replace ((l \setminus {a}) \cup {a1}) with ((l \cup {a1}) \setminus {a}) by sets. replace ((l \setminus {a}) \cup {a0}) with ((l \cup {a0}) \setminus {a}) by sets.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
do 2 eexists; propositional. do 2 eexists; propositional.
constructor. constructor.
sets; propositional. sets; propositional.
replace ((l \setminus {a}) \setminus {a1}) with ((l \setminus {a1}) \setminus {a}) by sets. replace ((l \setminus {a}) \setminus {a0}) with ((l \setminus {a0}) \setminus {a}) by sets.
constructor. constructor.
sets. sets.
Qed. Qed.
Hint Constructors commutes. Hint Constructors summarize.
Lemma commutes_sound2 : forall h l c2 h' l' c2', Lemma summarize_step : forall h l c h' l' c' s,
step (h, l, c2) (h', l', c2') step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> forall c1, commutes c1 c2 -> summarize c s
-> commutes c1 c2'. -> summarize c' s.
Proof. Proof.
induct 1; invert 1; simplify; eauto. induct 1; invert 1; simplify; eauto.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma summarize_steps : forall h l c h' l' c' s,
step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> summarize c s
-> summarize c' s.
induct 1; eauto.
cases y.
cases p.
eauto using summarize_step.
Fixpoint pow2 (n : nat) : nat :=
match n with
| O => 1
| S n' => pow2 n' * 2
Inductive boundRunningTime : cmd -> nat -> Prop :=
| BrtReturn : forall r,
boundRunningTime (Return r) 0
| BrtFail :
boundRunningTime Fail 0
| BrtRead : forall a,
boundRunningTime (Read a) 1
| BrtWrite : forall a v,
boundRunningTime (Write a v) 1
| BrtLock : forall a,
boundRunningTime (Lock a) 1
| BrtUnlock : forall a,
boundRunningTime (Unlock a) 1
| BrtBind : forall c1 c2 n1 n2,
boundRunningTime c1 n1
-> (forall r, boundRunningTime (c2 r) n2)
-> boundRunningTime (Bind c1 c2) (S (n1 + n2))
| BrtPar : forall c1 c2 n1 n2,
boundRunningTime c1 n1
-> boundRunningTime c2 n2
-> boundRunningTime (Par c1 c2) (pow2 (n1 + n2)).
Lemma pow2_pos : forall n,
pow2 n > 0.
induct n; simplify; auto.
Lemma pow2_mono : forall n m,
n < m
-> pow2 n < pow2 m.
induct 1; simplify; auto.
specialize (pow2_pos n); linear_arithmetic.
Hint Resolve pow2_mono.
Lemma pow2_incr : forall n,
n < pow2 n.
induct n; simplify; auto.
Hint Resolve pow2_incr.
Lemma pow2_inv : forall n m,
pow2 n <= m
-> n < m.
specialize (pow2_incr n).
Lemma use_pow2 : forall n m k,
pow2 m <= S k
-> n <= m
-> n <= k.
apply pow2_inv in H.
Lemma use_pow2' : forall n m k,
pow2 m <= S k
-> n < m
-> pow2 n <= k.
specialize (@pow2_mono n m).
Hint Constructors boundRunningTime.
Lemma boundRunningTime_step : forall c n h l h' l',
boundRunningTime c n
-> forall c', step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> exists n', boundRunningTime c' n' /\ n' < n.
induct 1; invert 1; simplify; eauto.
apply IHboundRunningTime in H4; first_order; subst.
eexists; propositional.
apply IHboundRunningTime1 in H3; first_order; subst.
eauto 6.
apply IHboundRunningTime2 in H3; first_order; subst.
eauto 6.
invert H.
Require Import Classical.
Theorem complete_trace : forall k c n,
boundRunningTime c n
-> n <= k
-> forall h l, exists h' l' c', step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
/\ (forall h'' l'' c'',
step (h', l', c') (h'', l'', c'')
-> False).
induct k; simplify.
invert H; try linear_arithmetic.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H.
specialize (pow2_pos (n1 + n2)).
invert H.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply trc_one.
invert H.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply trc_one.
invert H.
destruct (classic (a \in l)).
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H1.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply trc_one.
invert H1.
destruct (classic (a \in l)).
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply trc_one.
invert H1.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H1.
eapply IHk in H1; eauto; first_order.
cases x1.
specialize (H2 r).
eapply IHk in H2; eauto; first_order.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
eapply trc_trans.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
eapply TrcFront.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply StepBindRecur_star.
invert H3.
assert (Hb1 : boundRunningTime c1 n1) by assumption.
assert (Hb2 : boundRunningTime c2 n2) by assumption.
eapply IHk in H1; eauto using use_pow2; first_order.
invert H.
eapply IHk in H2; eauto using use_pow2; first_order.
invert H.
cases x1.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
apply trc_one.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
invert H; eauto.
cases y.
cases p.
specialize (boundRunningTime_step Hb2 H3); first_order.
assert (boundRunningTime (Par x1 c) (pow2 (n1 + x3))) by eauto.
eapply IHk in H6; eauto using use_pow2'; first_order.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
eapply TrcFront.
cases y.
cases p.
specialize (boundRunningTime_step Hb1 H3); first_order.
assert (boundRunningTime (Par c c2) (pow2 (x2 + n2))) by eauto.
eapply IHk in H6; eauto using use_pow2'; first_order.
do 3 eexists; propositional.
eapply TrcFront.
Lemma notAboutToFail_step : forall h l c h' l' c',
step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> notAboutToFail c = false
-> notAboutToFail c' = false.
induct 1; simplify; eauto; try equality.
apply andb_false_iff in H0.
apply andb_false_iff.
apply andb_false_iff in H0.
apply andb_false_iff.
Lemma notAboutToFail_steps : forall h l c h' l' c',
step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> notAboutToFail c = false
-> notAboutToFail c' = false.
induct 1; simplify; eauto.
cases y.
cases p.
eauto using notAboutToFail_step.
Lemma boundRunningTime_steps : forall h l c h' l' c',
step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> forall n, boundRunningTime c n
-> exists n', boundRunningTime c' n' /\ n' <= n.
induct 1; simplify; eauto.
cases y.
cases p.
specialize (boundRunningTime_step H1 H); first_order.
eapply IHtrc in H2; eauto.
Lemma translate_trace : forall h l c h' l' c',
step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> (forall h'' l'' c'', step (h', l', c') (h'', l'', c'') -> False)
-> notAboutToFail c' = false
-> forall cs, summarizeThreads c cs
-> exists h' l' cs', stepC^* (h, l, cs) (h', l', cs')
/\ Exists (fun c_s => notAboutToFail (fst c_s) = false) cs'.
Lemma Forall_Exists_contra : forall A (f : A -> bool) ls,
Exists (fun x => f x = false) ls
-> Forall (fun x => f x = true) ls
-> False.
induct 1; invert 1; equality.
Theorem step_stepC : forall h l c (cs : list (cmd * summary)) n,
summarizeThreads c cs
-> boundRunningTime c n
-> invariantFor (trsys_ofC h l cs) (fun p => let '(_, _, cs) := p in
List.Forall (fun c_s => notAboutToFail (fst c_s) = true) cs)
-> invariantFor (trsys_of h l c) (fun p =>
let '(_, _, c) := p in
notAboutToFail c = true).
apply NNPP; propositional.
unfold invariantFor in H2.
apply not_all_ex_not in H2; first_order.
apply imply_to_and in H2; propositional.
apply not_all_ex_not in H4; first_order.
apply imply_to_and in H2; propositional.
cases x0.
cases p.
cases (notAboutToFail c0); propositional.
assert (exists n', boundRunningTime c0 n' /\ n' <= n) by eauto using boundRunningTime_steps.
eapply complete_trace in H2; eauto.
specialize (trc_trans H4 H2); simplify.
assert (notAboutToFail x2 = false) by eauto using notAboutToFail_steps.
unfold invariantFor in H1; simplify.
eapply translate_trace in H7; eauto.
apply H1 in H7; auto.
eapply Forall_Exists_contra.
apply H9.