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synced 2025-03-19 11:12:28 +00:00
A little more text for the new FirstClassFunctions examples
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@ -230,11 +230,22 @@ Qed.
(** * A language of functions and its interpreter *)
(* Let's now work through an example of a language and its interpreter.
* Specifically, we'll define a language of first-class functions and
* higher-order functions. It would be natural to make our language statically
* typed, but it turns out we need a bit more Coq sophistication to implement a
* proper interpreter for such an embedded language, which we'll postpone for
* module DependentInductiveTypes. Instead, here's a simple "universal type"
* along the lines of dynamically typed languages like Python. *)
Inductive dyn :=
| Bool (b : bool)
| Number (n : nat)
| List (ds : list dyn).
(* Next, we implement dynamic versions of a few handy library functions.
* Notice that they have arbitrary default behavior when passed improperly typed
* arguments. *)
Definition dmap (f : dyn -> dyn) (x : dyn) : dyn :=
match x with
| List ds => List (map f ds)
@ -263,6 +274,7 @@ Definition dnot (x : dyn) : dyn :=
| x => x
(* Here's our syntax-tree type for functions (transformations). *)
Inductive xform :=
| Identity
| Compose (xf1 xf2 : xform)
@ -274,10 +286,12 @@ Inductive xform :=
| IsZero
| Not.
(* And here's our simple interpreter. *)
Fixpoint transform (xf : xform) : dyn -> dyn :=
match xf with
| Identity => id
| Identity => id (* from the Coq standard library *)
| Compose f1 f2 => compose (transform f1) (transform f2)
(* ditto for [compose] *)
| Map f => dmap (transform f)
| Filter f => dfilter (transform f)
@ -290,6 +304,7 @@ Fixpoint transform (xf : xform) : dyn -> dyn :=
Compute transform (Map IsZero) (List [Number 0; Number 1; Number 2; Number 0; Number 3]).
Compute transform (Filter IsZero) (List [Number 0; Number 1; Number 2; Number 0; Number 3]).
(* Here's a grab bag of optimizations of our programs. *)
Fixpoint optimize (xf : xform) : xform :=
match xf with
| Compose xf1 xf2 =>
@ -316,6 +331,9 @@ Fixpoint optimize (xf : xform) : xform :=
| _ => xf
(* This tactic turns out to work well to prove our optimizations correct. We'll
* have to wait for module IntroToProofScripting to understand better what is
* going on. *)
Ltac optimize_ok :=
simplify; unfold compose, dmap in *;
repeat match goal with
@ -325,6 +343,8 @@ Ltac optimize_ok :=
| [ H : forall x : dyn, _ = _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H
end; auto.
(* Now, a few useful alegbraic properties of our wrapper functions. *)
Lemma dnot_dnot : forall d, dnot (dnot d) = d.
induct d; simplify; trivial.
@ -440,6 +460,7 @@ Fixpoint size (xf : xform) : nat :=
| Filter xf => 1 + size xf
(* Answer: no! *)
Theorem optimize_optimizes : forall xf, size (optimize xf) <= size xf.
induct xf; simplify; try linear_arithmetic;
@ -465,6 +486,8 @@ Fixpoint dsize (d : dyn) : nat :=
| List ds => 1 + sum (map dsize ds)
(* Some lemmas first, and then the main theorem result *)
Lemma dsize_positive : forall d, 1 <= dsize d.
induct d; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
@ -589,13 +612,15 @@ Fixpoint seqself (c : cmd) (n : nat) : cmd :=
| S n' => Sequence c (seqself c n')
(* Now consider a more abstract way of describing optimizations concisely. *)
(* Now consider a more abstract way of describing optimizations concisely.
* We package tree-rewriting functions of two kinds, in records. *)
Record rule := {
OnCommand : cmd -> cmd;
OnExpression : arith -> arith
(* Such a strategy can be applied *bottom-up* in a syntax tree. *)
Fixpoint bottomUp (r : rule) (c : cmd) : cmd :=
match c with
| Skip => r.(OnCommand) Skip
@ -604,6 +629,7 @@ Fixpoint bottomUp (r : rule) (c : cmd) : cmd :=
| Repeat e body => r.(OnCommand) (Repeat (r.(OnExpression) e) (bottomUp r body))
(* Here are a few handy *combinators* for building [rule]s. *)
Definition crule (f : cmd -> cmd) : rule :=
{| OnCommand := f; OnExpression := fun e => e |}.
Definition erule (f : arith -> arith) : rule :=
@ -612,6 +638,7 @@ Definition andThen (r1 r2 : rule) : rule :=
{| OnCommand := compose r2.(OnCommand) r1.(OnCommand);
OnExpression := compose r2.(OnExpression) r1.(OnExpression) |}.
(* Two basic examples of rules *)
Definition plus0 := erule (fun e =>
match e with
| Plus e' (Const 0) => e'
@ -623,6 +650,7 @@ Definition unrollLoops := crule (fun c =>
| _ => c
(* Let's see what effects they have on simple examples. *)
Compute bottomUp plus0
(Sequence (Assign "x" (Plus (Var "x") (Const 0)))
(Assign "y" (Var "x"))).
@ -637,10 +665,13 @@ Compute bottomUp (andThen plus0 unrollLoops)
(Sequence (Assign "x" (Plus (Var "x") (Const 0)))
(Assign "y" (Var "x")))).
(* Here is a good semantic correctness notion for rules. *)
Definition correct (r : rule) :=
(forall c v, exec (r.(OnCommand) c) v = exec c v)
/\ (forall e v, interp (r.(OnExpression) e) v = interp e v).
(* Some theorems for proving correctness of our combinators *)
Theorem crule_correct : forall f,
(forall c v, exec (f c) v = exec c v)
-> correct (crule f).
@ -663,6 +694,7 @@ Proof.
unfold andThen; first_order; simplify; eauto using eq_trans.
(* A bottom-up traversal with a correct rule is also correct. *)
Theorem bottomUp_correct : forall r,
correct r
-> forall c v, exec (bottomUp r c) v = exec c v.
@ -687,6 +719,8 @@ Proof.
(* A twist: we can also package bottom-up traversal as a rule in its own right,
* which can then be used in other bottom-up traversals! *)
Definition rBottomUp (r : rule) : rule :=
{| OnCommand := bottomUp r;
OnExpression := r.(OnExpression) |}.
@ -700,6 +734,9 @@ Proof.
unfold correct; propositional.
(* This example demonstrates how this kind of nested traversal can find
* additional optimizations. Watch as the program shrinks while we ratchet up
* the level of nesting. *)
Definition zzz := Assign "x" (Plus (Plus (Plus (Var "x") (Const 0)) (Const 0)) (Const 0)).
Compute bottomUp plus0 zzz.
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