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mirror of https://github.com/achlipala/frap.git synced 2025-03-21 11:42:29 +00:00

Connecting: pretty-printing C code

This commit is contained in:
Adam Chlipala 2018-04-30 13:23:57 -04:00
parent 869b70561f
commit 8ce5c8fb0b
2 changed files with 57 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -962,14 +962,6 @@ Module DeeplyEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
| IfThenElse (e : exp) (s1 s2 : stmt)
| WhileLoop (e : exp) (s1 : stmt).
Inductive type :=
| Scalar
| ListPointer (t : type).
Definition type_eq : forall t1 t2 : type, sumbool (t1 = t2) (t1 <> t2).
decide equality.
Definition heap := fmap wrd wrd.
Definition valuation := fmap var wrd.
@ -1024,6 +1016,48 @@ Module DeeplyEmbedded(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
Initial := {(H, V, s)};
Step := step
(** ** Printing as C code *)
Fixpoint wordS {sz} (w : word sz) : string :=
match w with
| WO => ""
| WS false w' => wordS w' ++ "0"
| WS true w' => wordS w' ++ "1"
Definition binS {sz} (w : word sz) : string :=
"0b" ++ wordS w.
Fixpoint expS (e : exp) : string :=
match e with
| Var x => x
| Const n => binS n
| Add e1 e2 => expS e1 ++ " + " ++ expS e2
| Read e1 => "*(" ++ expS e1 ++ ")"
| NotNull e1 => expS e1 ++ " <> NULL"
Definition newline := String (Ascii.ascii_of_nat 10) "".
Fixpoint stmtS' (indent : string) (s : stmt) : string :=
match s with
| Skip => ""
| Assign x e => indent ++ x ++ " = " ++ expS e ++ ";"
| Write ae ve => indent ++ "*(" ++ expS ae ++ ") = " ++ expS ve ++ ";"
| Seq s1 s2 => stmtS' indent s1 ++ newline ++ stmtS' indent s2
| IfThenElse e s1 s2 => indent ++ "if (" ++ expS e ++ ") {" ++ newline
++ stmtS' (" " ++ indent) s1 ++ newline
++ indent ++ "} else {" ++ newline
++ stmtS' (" " ++ indent) s2 ++ newline
++ indent ++ "}"
| WhileLoop e s1 => indent ++ "while (" ++ expS e ++ ") {" ++ newline
++ stmtS' (" " ++ indent) s1 ++ newline
++ indent ++ "}"
Definition stmtS := stmtS' "".
End DeeplyEmbedded.
@ -1247,7 +1281,7 @@ Module MixedToDeep(Import BW : BIT_WIDTH).
let H := fresh in
(assert (H : vm $? x = None) by (simplify; equality);
clear H; k x)
|| let x' := eval simpl in (x ++ "'")%string in keepTrying x' in
|| let x' := eval simpl in (x ++ "_")%string in keepTrying x' in
keepTrying "tmp".
Ltac translate := simpl;
@ -3243,14 +3277,21 @@ End MixedToDeep.
(** * Getting concrete *)
Module Bw64.
Definition bit_width := 64.
Module Bw32.
Definition bit_width := 32.
Theorem bit_width_nonzero : bit_width > 0.
unfold bit_width; linear_arithmetic.
End Bw64.
End Bw32.
Module MixedEmbedded64.
Module Import ME := MixedEmbedded(Bw64).
End MixedEmbedded64.
Module MixedEmbedded32.
Module Import ME := MixedToDeep(Bw32).
Definition adder_exported := Eval compute in DE.stmtS adder_compiled.
Definition reader_exported := Eval compute in DE.stmtS reader_compiled.
Definition incrementer_exported := Eval compute in DE.stmtS incrementer_compiled.
Definition summer_exported := Eval compute in DE.stmtS summer_compiled.
Definition reverse_alt_exported := Eval compute in DE.stmtS reverse_alt_compiled.
End MixedEmbedded32.

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ DeepAndShallowEmbeddings.v