FirstClassFunctions: CPS versions of classics

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Adam Chlipala 2018-02-18 13:05:56 -05:00
parent 3a018fbf16
commit a30079d6b4
2 changed files with 110 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
Require Import Frap. Require Import Frap.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(** * Classic list functions *) (** * Classic list functions *)
@ -28,7 +26,7 @@ Fixpoint foldl {A B : Set} (f : A -> B -> B) (acc : B) (ls : list A) : B :=
| x :: ls' => foldl f (f x acc) ls' | x :: ls' => foldl f (f x acc) ls'
end. end.
Record programming_languages := { Record programming_language := {
Name : string; Name : string;
PurelyFunctional : bool; PurelyFunctional : bool;
AppearedInYear : nat AppearedInYear : nat
@ -71,3 +69,111 @@ Compute map Name (filter PurelyFunctional languages).
Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear languages). Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear languages).
Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear (filter PurelyFunctional languages)). Compute foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear (filter PurelyFunctional languages)).
(** * The classics in continuation-passing style *)
Fixpoint mapK {A B R : Set} (f : A -> (B -> R) -> R) (ls : list A) (k : list B -> R) : R :=
match ls with
| nil => k nil
| x :: ls' => f x (fun x' => mapK f ls' (fun ls'' => k (x' :: ls'')))
Fixpoint filterK {A R : Set} (f : A -> (bool -> R) -> R) (ls : list A) (k : list A -> R) : R :=
match ls with
| nil => k nil
| x :: ls' => f x (fun b => filterK f ls' (fun ls'' => k (if b then x :: ls'' else ls'')))
Fixpoint foldlK {A B R : Set} (f : A -> B -> (B -> R) -> R) (acc : B) (ls : list A) (k : B -> R) : R :=
match ls with
| nil => k acc
| x :: ls' => f x acc (fun x' => foldlK f x' ls' k)
Definition NameK {R : Set} (l : programming_language) (k : string -> R) : R :=
k (Name l).
Definition PurelyFunctionalK {R : Set} (l : programming_language) (k : bool -> R) : R :=
k (PurelyFunctional l).
Definition AppearedInYearK {R : Set} (l : programming_language) (k : nat -> R) : R :=
k (AppearedInYear l).
Definition maxK {R : Set} (n1 n2 : nat) (k : nat -> R) : R :=
k (max n1 n2).
Compute mapK NameK languages (fun ls => ls).
Compute filterK PurelyFunctionalK languages (fun ls => mapK NameK ls (fun x => x)).
Compute mapK AppearedInYearK languages (fun ls => foldlK maxK 0 ls (fun x => x)).
Compute filterK PurelyFunctionalK languages
(fun ls1 => mapK AppearedInYearK ls1
(fun ls2 => foldlK maxK 0 ls2 (fun x => x))).
Theorem mapK_ok : forall {A B R : Set} (f : A -> (B -> R) -> R) (f_base : A -> B),
(forall x k, f x k = k (f_base x))
-> forall (ls : list A) (k : list B -> R),
mapK f ls k = k (map f_base ls).
induct ls; simplify; try equality.
rewrite H.
apply IHls.
Theorem names_ok : forall langs,
mapK NameK langs (fun ls => ls) = map Name langs.
apply mapK_ok with (f_base := Name).
unfold NameK.
Theorem filterK_ok : forall {A R : Set} (f : A -> (bool -> R) -> R) (f_base : A -> bool),
(forall x k, f x k = k (f_base x))
-> forall (ls : list A) (k : list A -> R),
filterK f ls k = k (filter f_base ls).
induct ls; simplify; try equality.
rewrite H.
apply IHls.
Theorem purenames_ok : forall langs,
filterK PurelyFunctionalK langs (fun ls => mapK NameK ls (fun x => x))
= map Name (filter PurelyFunctional langs).
rewrite filterK_ok with (f_base := PurelyFunctional); trivial.
apply mapK_ok with (f_base := Name); trivial.
Theorem foldlK_ok : forall {A B R : Set} (f : A -> B -> (B -> R) -> R) (f_base : A -> B -> B),
(forall x acc k, f x acc k = k (f_base x acc))
-> forall (ls : list A) (acc : B) (k : B -> R),
foldlK f acc ls k = k (foldl f_base acc ls).
induct ls; simplify; try equality.
rewrite H.
apply IHls.
Theorem latest_ok : forall langs,
mapK AppearedInYearK langs (fun ls => foldlK maxK 0 ls (fun x => x))
= foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear langs).
rewrite mapK_ok with (f_base := AppearedInYear); trivial.
apply foldlK_ok with (f_base := max); trivial.
Theorem latestpure_ok : forall langs,
filterK PurelyFunctionalK langs
(fun ls1 => mapK AppearedInYearK ls1
(fun ls2 => foldlK maxK 0 ls2 (fun x => x)))
= foldl max 0 (map AppearedInYear (filter PurelyFunctional langs)).
rewrite filterK_ok with (f_base := PurelyFunctional); trivial.
rewrite mapK_ok with (f_base := AppearedInYear); trivial.
apply foldlK_ok with (f_base := max); trivial.

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ DataAbstraction.v
DataAbstraction_template.v DataAbstraction_template.v
Interpreters_template.v Interpreters_template.v
Interpreters.v Interpreters.v
TransitionSystems_template.v TransitionSystems_template.v
TransitionSystems.v TransitionSystems.v
IntroToProofScripting.v IntroToProofScripting.v