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CompilerCorrectness: comments and a medium-size simplification of flattening
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@ -8,8 +8,14 @@ Require Import Frap.
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* In this chapter, we'll work with a small variation on the imperative language
* from the previous chapter. *)
(* Let's look at another example of what we can model with operational
* semantics: correctness of compiler transformations. Our inspiration here is
* the seminal project CompCert, which uses Coq to verify a realistic C
* compiler. We will adopt the same *simulation*-based techniques as CompCert,
* albeit on a simpler language and with simpler compiler phases. We'll stick
* to transformations from the source language to itself, since that's enough to
* illustrate the big ideas. Here's the object language that we'll use, which
* is _almost_ the same as from Chapter 7. *)
Inductive arith : Set :=
| Const (n : nat)
@ -30,7 +36,7 @@ Inductive cmd :=
* interesting differences between the behaviors of different nonterminating
* programs. A correct compiler should preserve these differences. *)
(* The next span of notations and definitions is the same as last chapter. *)
(* The next span of notations and definitions is the same as from Chapter 7. *)
Coercion Const : nat >-> arith.
Coercion Var : var >-> arith.
@ -70,7 +76,8 @@ Inductive plug : context -> cmd -> cmd -> Prop :=
(* Here's our first difference. We add a new parameter to [step0], giving a
* _label_ that records which _externally visible effect_ the step has. For
* this language, output is the only externally visible effect, so a label
* records an optional output value. *)
* records an optional output value. Including this element makes our semantics
* a _labeled transition system_. *)
Inductive step0 : valuation * cmd -> option nat -> valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| Step0Assign : forall v x e,
@ -92,6 +99,7 @@ Inductive step0 : valuation * cmd -> option nat -> valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| Step0Output : forall v e,
step0 (v, Output e) (Some (interp e v)) (v, Skip).
(* It's easy to push labels through steps with context. *)
Inductive cstep : valuation * cmd -> option nat -> valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| CStep : forall C v c l v' c' c1 c2,
plug C c c1
@ -116,17 +124,36 @@ Inductive generate : valuation * cmd -> list nat -> Prop :=
Hint Constructors plug step0 cstep generate.
(* Notice that [generate] is defined so that, for any two of a starting state's
* traces, one is a prefix of the other. The same wouldn't necessarily hold if
* our language were nondeterministic. *)
(* We define trace inclusion to capture the notion of
* _preserving all behaviors_. *)
Definition traceInclusion (vc1 vc2 : valuation * cmd) :=
forall ns, generate vc1 ns -> generate vc2 ns.
Infix "<|" := traceInclusion (at level 70).
(* And trace equivalence captures _having the same behaviors_. *)
Definition traceEquivalence (vc1 vc2 : valuation * cmd) :=
vc1 <| vc2 /\ vc2 <| vc1.
Infix "=|" := traceEquivalence (at level 70).
(* Trace equivalence is an appropriate notion of correctness, to relate the
* "before" and "after" programs of a compiler transformation. Note that here
* we break from our usual modus operandi, as we will not be using invariants to
* characterize correctness! This kind of trace equivalence is one of the other
* big concepts that competes with invariants to unify different correctness
* notions. *)
(* Here's a simple example program, which outputs how days have elapsed at the
* end of each one-month period (with a simplified notion of "month"!). *)
Definition daysPerWeek := 7.
Definition weeksPerMonth := 4.
Definition daysPerMonth := (daysPerWeek * weeksPerMonth)%arith.
(* We are purposely building an expression with arithmetic that can be resolved
* at compile time, to give our optimizations something to do. *)
Example month_boundaries_in_days :=
"acc" <- 0;;
@ -136,10 +163,17 @@ Example month_boundaries_in_days :=
Output "acc"
(* Oh no! We must have calculated it wrong, since we got zero! *)
(* And, yes, we know this spot can never be reached. Some of our
* optimizations will prove it for us! *)
(* Moderately laboriously, we can prove a particular example trace for this
* program, including its first two outputs. Traces of all lengths exist,
* because the program does not terminate, generating new output infinitely
* often. *)
Hint Extern 1 (interp _ _ = _) => simplify; congruence.
Hint Extern 1 (interp _ _ <> _) => simplify; congruence.
@ -185,8 +219,11 @@ Proof.
(** * Basic Simulation Arguments and Optimizing Expressions *)
(* Let's define an optimization that just simplifies expressions. *)
Fixpoint cfoldArith (e : arith) : arith :=
match e with
| Const _ => e
@ -234,8 +271,16 @@ Fixpoint cfoldExprs (c : cmd) : cmd :=
| Output e => Output (cfoldArith e)
(* Here's what our optimization does to the example program. *)
Compute cfoldExprs month_boundaries_in_days.
(* It's actually not obvious how to prove trace equivalence for this kind of
* optimization, and we should be on the lookout for general principles that
* help us avoid rehashing the same argument structure for each optimization.
* To let us prove such principles, we first establish a few key properties of
* the object language. *)
(* First, any program that isn't a [Skip] can make progress. *)
Theorem skip_or_step : forall v c,
c = Skip
\/ exists v' l c', cstep (v, c) l (v', c').
@ -250,13 +295,7 @@ Proof.
end; eauto 10.
Lemma deterministic0 : forall vc l vc',
step0 vc l vc'
-> forall l' vc'', step0 vc l' vc''
-> l = l' /\ vc'' = vc'.
invert 1; invert 1; simplify; propositional.
(* Now, a set of (boring) lemmas relevant to contexts: *)
Theorem plug_function : forall C c1 c2, plug C c1 c2
-> forall c2', plug C c1 c2'
@ -288,6 +327,17 @@ Proof.
end; eauto.
(* Finally, the big theorem we are after: the [cstep] relation is
* deterministic. *)
Lemma deterministic0 : forall vc l vc',
step0 vc l vc'
-> forall l' vc'', step0 vc l' vc''
-> l = l' /\ vc'' = vc'.
invert 1; invert 1; simplify; propositional.
Theorem deterministic : forall vc l vc',
cstep vc l vc'
-> forall l' vc'', cstep vc l' vc''
@ -304,16 +354,31 @@ Proof.
(* OK, we are ready for the first variant of today's big proof technique,
* _simulation_. The method is much like with invariants. Recall that, in our
* old workhorse technique, we pick a predicate over states, and we show that
* all steps preserve it. Simulation is very similar, but now we have a
* two-argument predicate or _relation_ between states of two systems. The
* relation is a simulation when it is able to track execution in one system by
* playing appropriate steps in the other. For deterministic systems like ours,
* the existence of a simulation implies trace equivalence. *)
Section simulation.
(* Here's the kind of relation we assume. *)
Variable R : valuation * cmd -> valuation * cmd -> Prop.
(* Starting from two related states, when the lefthand one makes a step, the
* righthand one can make a matching step, such that the new states are also
* related. *)
Hypothesis one_step : forall vc1 vc2, R vc1 vc2
-> forall vc1' l, cstep vc1 l vc1'
-> exists vc2', cstep vc2 l vc2' /\ R vc1' vc2'.
(* When a righthand command is related to [Skip], it must be [Skip], too. *)
Hypothesis agree_on_termination : forall v1 v2 c2, R (v1, Skip) (v2, c2)
-> c2 = Skip.
(* First (easy) step: [R] implies left-to-right trace inclusion. *)
Lemma simulation_fwd' : forall vc1 ns, generate vc1 ns
-> forall vc2, R vc1 vc2
-> generate vc2 ns.
@ -335,6 +400,9 @@ Section simulation.
unfold traceInclusion; eauto using simulation_fwd'.
(* Second (slightly harder) step: [R] implies right-to-left trace
* inclusion. *)
Lemma simulation_bwd' : forall vc2 ns, generate vc2 ns
-> forall vc1, R vc1 vc2
-> generate vc1 ns.
@ -374,6 +442,8 @@ Section simulation.
unfold traceInclusion; eauto using simulation_bwd'.
(* Put them together and we have trace equivalence. *)
Theorem simulation : forall vc1 vc2, R vc1 vc2
-> vc1 =| vc2.
@ -381,6 +451,9 @@ Section simulation.
End simulation.
(* Now to prove our particular optimization. First, original steps can be
* lifted into optimized steps. *)
Lemma cfoldExprs_ok' : forall v1 c1 l v2 c2,
step0 (v1, c1) l (v2, c2)
-> step0 (v1, cfoldExprs c1) l (v2, cfoldExprs c2).
@ -392,12 +465,14 @@ Proof.
end; eauto.
(* It helps to add optimization on contexts, as a proof device. *)
Fixpoint cfoldExprsContext (C : context) : context :=
match C with
| Hole => Hole
| CSeq C c => CSeq (cfoldExprsContext C) (cfoldExprs c)
(* The optimization can be applied over [plug]. *)
Lemma plug_cfoldExprs1 : forall C c1 c2, plug C c1 c2
-> plug (cfoldExprsContext C) (cfoldExprs c1) (cfoldExprs c2).
@ -406,10 +481,14 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve plug_cfoldExprs1.
Lemma cfoldExprs_ok : forall v c,
(* The main correctness property! *)
Theorem cfoldExprs_ok : forall v c,
(v, c) =| (v, cfoldExprs c).
(* Notice our clever choice of a simulation relation here, much as we often
* choose strengthened invariants. We basically just recast the theorem
* statement as a two-state predicate using equality. *)
apply simulation with (R := fun vc1 vc2 => fst vc1 = fst vc2
/\ snd vc2 = cfoldExprs (snd vc1));
simplify; propositional.
@ -423,6 +502,9 @@ Qed.
(** * Simulations That Allow Skipping Steps *)
(* Here's a reasonable variant of the last optimization: when an [If] test
* expression reduces to a constant, replace the [If] with whichever branch is
* guaranteed to run. *)
Fixpoint cfold (c : cmd) : cmd :=
match c with
| Skip => c
@ -438,10 +520,16 @@ Fixpoint cfold (c : cmd) : cmd :=
| Output e => Output (cfoldArith e)
(* Here's how our running example optimizes further. *)
Compute cfold month_boundaries_in_days.
(* It will be helpful to have a shorthand for steps that don't generate output.
* [Notation] is a useful way to introduce a shorthand so that it looks exactly
* the same as its expansion, to all Coq tactics. *)
Notation silent_cstep := (fun a b => cstep a None b).
(* Silent steps have a few interesting properties, proved here. *)
Lemma silent_generate_fwd : forall ns vc vc',
silent_cstep^* vc vc'
-> generate vc ns
@ -483,17 +571,34 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve silent_generate_fwd silent_generate_bwd generate_Skip.
(* You might have noticed that our old notion of simulation doesn't apply to the
* new optimization. The reason is that, because the optimized program skips
* some steps, some steps in the source program may not have matching steps in
* the optimized program. Let's extend simulation to allow skipped steps. *)
Section simulation_skipping.
(* Now the relation takes a number as an argument. The idea is that, for
* [R n vc1 vc2], at most [n] steps of [vc1] may go unmatched by [vc2], before
* we finally find one that matches. It is an interesting exercise to work
* out why, without tracking such quantities, this notion of simulation
* wouldn't imply trace equivalence! *)
Variable R : nat -> valuation * cmd -> valuation * cmd -> Prop.
(* Now this key hypothesis has two cases. *)
Hypothesis one_step : forall n vc1 vc2, R n vc1 vc2
-> forall vc1' l, cstep vc1 l vc1'
(* Case 1: Skipping a (silent!) step, decreasing [n] *)
-> (exists n', n = S n' /\ l = None /\ R n' vc1' vc2)
(* Case 2: Matching the step like before; note how [n]
* resets to an arbitrary new limit! *)
\/ exists n' vc2', cstep vc2 l vc2' /\ R n' vc1' vc2'.
Hypothesis agree_on_termination : forall n v1 v2 c2, R n (v1, Skip) (v2, c2)
-> c2 = Skip.
(* The forward direction is just as easy to prove. *)
Lemma simulation_skipping_fwd' : forall vc1 ns, generate vc1 ns
-> forall n vc2, R n vc1 vc2
-> generate vc2 ns.
@ -516,6 +621,8 @@ Section simulation_skipping.
unfold traceInclusion; eauto using simulation_skipping_fwd'.
(* This one isn't so obvious: a step on the right can now be matched by
* _one or more_ steps on the left, preserving [R]. *)
Lemma match_step : forall n vc2 l vc2' vc1,
cstep vc2 l vc2'
-> R n vc1 vc2
@ -585,6 +692,15 @@ Section simulation_skipping.
End simulation_skipping.
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ >= _) => linear_arithmetic.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <> _) => linear_arithmetic.
(* We will need to do some bookkeeping of [n] values. This function is the
* trick, as we only need to skip steps based on removing [If]s from the code.
* That means the number of [If]s in a program is an upper bound on skipped
* steps. (It's not a tight bound, because some [If]s may be in branches that
* are themselves removed by the optimization!) *)
Fixpoint countIfs (c : cmd) : nat :=
match c with
| Skip => 0
@ -595,8 +711,8 @@ Fixpoint countIfs (c : cmd) : nat :=
| Output _ => 0
Hint Extern 1 (_ < _) => linear_arithmetic.
(* Our notion of [step0] porting must now allow some skipped steps, also showing
* that they decrease [If] count. *)
Lemma cfold_ok' : forall v1 c1 l v2 c2,
step0 (v1, c1) l (v2, c2)
-> step0 (v1, cfold c1) l (v2, cfold c2)
@ -612,6 +728,8 @@ Proof.
end; propositional; eauto.
(* Now some fiddling with contexts: *)
Fixpoint cfoldContext (C : context) : context :=
match C with
| Hole => Hole
@ -650,10 +768,12 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve plug_countIfs.
(* The final proof is fairly straightforward now. *)
Lemma cfold_ok : forall v c,
(v, c) =| (v, cfold c).
(* Note the use of [countIfs] in the simulation relation. *)
apply simulation_skipping with (R := fun n vc1 vc2 => fst vc1 = fst vc2
/\ snd vc2 = cfold (snd vc1)
/\ countIfs (snd vc1) < n)
@ -676,12 +796,27 @@ Qed.
(** * Simulations That Allow Taking Multiple Matching Steps *)
(* Some optimizations actually transform code toward lower-level languages.
* Let's take the example of breaking compound expressions into step-by-step
* computations using new temporary variables. *)
(* We'll use this function to give us an infinite supply of disjoint
* temporaries. *)
Fixpoint tempVar (n : nat) : string :=
match n with
| O => "_tmp"
| S n' => tempVar n' ++ "'"
Compute tempVar 0.
Compute tempVar 1.
Compute tempVar 2.
(* With that kind of temporary, we need to watch our for name clashes with
* variables that already exist in a program. These Boolean functions check for
* lack of clashes. We also prove some properties that will come in handy
* later. *)
Fixpoint noUnderscoreVar (x : var) : bool :=
match x with
| String "_" _ => false
@ -786,45 +921,61 @@ Fixpoint noUnderscore (c : cmd) : bool :=
| Output e => noUnderscoreArith e
(* It's good to verify that our example program makes the grade. *)
Compute noUnderscore month_boundaries_in_days.
Fixpoint flattenArith (tempCount : nat) (dst : var) (e : arith) : nat * cmd :=
(* Now here's the optimization. First, we flatten expressions. The idea is
* that argument [tempCount] gives us the index of the next temporary we should
* use, also guaranteeing that earlier code only uses lower-numbered
* temporaries. Argument [dst] is a variable where we should write the result
* of the expression. A return value is a command that has the
* effect of writing the value of [e] into [dst]. *)
Fixpoint flattenArith (tempCount : nat) (dst : var) (e : arith) : cmd :=
match e with
| Const _
| Var _ => (tempCount, Assign dst e)
| Var _ => Assign dst e
| Plus e1 e2 =>
let x1 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c1) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c2) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x2 e2 in
(tempCount, Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Plus x1 x2))))
let c1 := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar (S tempCount) in
let c2 := flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) x2 e2 in
Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Plus x1 x2)))
| Minus e1 e2 =>
let x1 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c1) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c2) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x2 e2 in
(tempCount, Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Minus x1 x2))))
let c1 := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar (S tempCount) in
let c2 := flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) x2 e2 in
Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Minus x1 x2)))
| Times e1 e2 =>
let x1 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c1) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar tempCount in
let (tempCount, c2) := flattenArith (S tempCount) x2 e2 in
(tempCount, Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Times x1 x2))))
let c1 := flattenArith (S tempCount) x1 e1 in
let x2 := tempVar (S tempCount) in
let c2 := flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) x2 e2 in
Sequence c1 (Sequence c2 (Assign dst (Times x1 x2)))
(* For simplicity, the main optimization only flattens variables in
* assignments. *)
Fixpoint flatten (c : cmd) : cmd :=
match c with
| Skip => c
| Assign x e => snd (flattenArith 0 x e)
| Assign x e => flattenArith 0 x e
| Sequence c1 c2 => Sequence (flatten c1) (flatten c2)
| If e then_ else_ => If e (flatten then_) (flatten else_)
| While e body => While e (flatten body)
| Output _ => c
(* Here's what it does on our example. *)
Compute flatten month_boundaries_in_days.
(* The alert reader may noticed that, yet again, we picked a transformation that
* our existing simulation relations can't handle directly, at least if we put
* the original system on the left and the compiled version on the right. Now
* we need a single step on the left to be matched by _one or more_ steps on the
* right. *)
Section simulation_multiple.
(* At least we can remove that pesky numeric parameter of [R]. *)
Variable R : valuation * cmd -> valuation * cmd -> Prop.
Hypothesis one_step : forall vc1 vc2, R vc1 vc2
@ -837,6 +988,8 @@ Section simulation_multiple.
Hypothesis agree_on_termination : forall v1 v2 c2, R (v1, Skip) (v2, c2)
-> c2 = Skip.
(* The forward direction is easy, as usual. *)
Lemma simulation_multiple_fwd' : forall vc1 ns, generate vc1 ns
-> forall vc2, R vc1 vc2
-> generate vc2 ns.
@ -858,7 +1011,9 @@ Section simulation_multiple.
unfold traceInclusion; eauto using simulation_multiple_fwd'.
(* A version of [generate] that counts how many steps run *)
(* The backward proof essentially proceeds by strong induction on
* _how many steps it took to generate a trace_, which we facilitate by
* defining a [generate] variant parameterized by a step count. *)
Inductive generateN : nat -> valuation * cmd -> list nat -> Prop :=
| GenDoneN : forall vc,
generateN 0 vc []
@ -871,6 +1026,9 @@ Section simulation_multiple.
-> generateN sc vc' ns
-> generateN (S sc) vc (n :: ns).
(* We won't comment on the other proof details, though they could be
* interesting reading. *)
Hint Constructors generateN.
Lemma generateN_fwd : forall sc vc ns,
@ -962,10 +1120,18 @@ Section simulation_multiple.
End simulation_multiple.
(* Now, to verify our particular flattening translation. First, one wrinkle is
* that, by writing to new temporary variables, valuations will _not_ be exactly
* the same acorss the sides of our relation. Here is the sense in which we
* need the sides to agree: *)
Definition agree (v v' : valuation) :=
forall x,
noUnderscoreVar x = true
-> v $? x = v' $? x.
(* That is, they only need to agree on variables that aren't legal
* temporaries. *)
(* There no follow a whole bunch of thrilling lemmas about agreement. *)
Ltac bool :=
@ -1015,15 +1181,24 @@ Proof.
Lemma agree_add_tempVar_bwd_prime : forall v v' n nv,
agree (v $+ (tempVar n ++ "'", nv)%string) v'
-> agree v v'.
change (tempVar n ++ "'")%string with (tempVar (S n)) in *.
eauto using agree_add_tempVar_bwd.
Lemma agree_refl : forall v,
agree v v.
Hint Resolve agree_add agree_add_tempVar_fwd agree_add_tempVar_bwd agree_refl.
Hint Resolve agree_add agree_add_tempVar_fwd agree_add_tempVar_bwd agree_add_tempVar_bwd_prime agree_refl.
Hint Extern 1 (_ >= _) => linear_arithmetic.
(* And here are two more unremarkable lemmas. *)
Lemma silent_csteps_front : forall c v1 v2 c1 c2,
silent_cstep^* (v1, c1) (v2, c2)
@ -1047,19 +1222,51 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve tempVar_contra.
Hint Extern 1 (_ <> _) => linear_arithmetic.
Lemma self_prime_contra : forall s,
(s ++ "'")%string = s -> False.
induct s; simplify; equality.
Hint Resolve self_prime_contra.
(* We've now proved all properties of [tempVar] that we need, so let's ask Coq
* not to reduce applications of it anymore, to keep goals simpler. *)
Opaque tempVar.
(* This is our workhorse lemma, establishing correct compilation of assignments
* with [flattenArith]. *)
Lemma flatten_Assign : forall e dst tempCount,
noUnderscoreArith e = true
(* We compile an expression [e] with no variable clashes. *)
-> (forall n, n >= tempCount -> dst <> tempVar n)
(* Our destination variable [dst] is distinct from any temporary that we give
* [flattenArith] permission to use. *)
-> forall v1 v2, agree v1 v2
(* The valuations on the two sides agree on non-temporaries. *)
(* THEN we conclude existence of further values, such that *)
-> exists v c v2',
fst (flattenArith tempCount dst e) >= tempCount
/\ silent_cstep^* (v2, snd (flattenArith tempCount dst e)) (v, c)
silent_cstep^* (v2, flattenArith tempCount dst e) (v, c)
(* The compiled program steps silently to an intermediate state. *)
/\ cstep (v, c) None (v2', Skip)
(* Next, it runs one final silent step (arithmetic never outputs). *)
/\ agree (v1 $+ (dst, interp e v1)) v2'
(* The place we end up agrees with the original lefthand valuation, with the
* destination updated with the requested value. *)
/\ v2' $? dst = Some (interp e v1)
/\ (forall n, n < tempCount -> dst <> tempVar n -> v2' $? tempVar n = v2 $? tempVar n).
(* The destination has had the right value set. (This isn't redundant with
* the last fact because the destination might be a temporary, in which case
* [agree] ignores it. *)
/\ (forall n, n < tempCount -> dst <> tempVar n -> v2' $? tempVar n = v2 $? tempVar n)
(* We have not touched any temporaries both less than [tempCount] and not
* equal to the destination *).
induct e; bool.
@ -1092,109 +1299,109 @@ Proof.
unfold agree in H1.
apply H1 in H.
rewrite H.
cases (dst ==v tempVar n); simplify; subst; auto.
eapply IHe1 with (dst := tempVar tempCount) (tempCount := S tempCount) in H1; eauto; clear IHe1.
cases (flattenArith (S tempCount) (tempVar tempCount) e1); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar n) (tempCount := S n) in H5; eauto; clear IHe2.
cases (flattenArith (S n) (tempVar n) e2); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar (S tempCount)) (tempCount := S (S tempCount)) in H4; eauto; clear IHe2.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount + tempVar n); eexists.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount + tempVar (S tempCount)); eexists.
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, c0;; dst <- tempVar tempCount + tempVar n)).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x2, x3;; dst <- tempVar tempCount + tempVar (S tempCount))).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) (tempVar (S tempCount)) e2;; dst <- tempVar tempCount + tempVar (S tempCount))).
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
(* Apologies for the copy-and-paste between the binary-operator cases! *)
eapply IHe1 with (dst := tempVar tempCount) (tempCount := S tempCount) in H1; eauto; clear IHe1.
cases (flattenArith (S tempCount) (tempVar tempCount) e1); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar n) (tempCount := S n) in H5; eauto; clear IHe2.
cases (flattenArith (S n) (tempVar n) e2); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar (S tempCount)) (tempCount := S (S tempCount)) in H4; eauto; clear IHe2.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount - tempVar n); eexists.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount - tempVar (S tempCount)); eexists.
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, c0;; dst <- tempVar tempCount - tempVar n)).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x2, x3;; dst <- tempVar tempCount - tempVar (S tempCount))).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) (tempVar (S tempCount)) e2;; dst <- tempVar tempCount - tempVar (S tempCount))).
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
eapply IHe1 with (dst := tempVar tempCount) (tempCount := S tempCount) in H1; eauto; clear IHe1.
cases (flattenArith (S tempCount) (tempVar tempCount) e1); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar n) (tempCount := S n) in H5; eauto; clear IHe2.
cases (flattenArith (S n) (tempVar n) e2); simplify.
eapply IHe2 with (dst := tempVar (S tempCount)) (tempCount := S (S tempCount)) in H4; eauto; clear IHe2.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount * tempVar n); eexists.
eexists; exists (dst <- tempVar tempCount * tempVar (S tempCount)); eexists.
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, c0;; dst <- tempVar tempCount * tempVar n)).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x2, x3;; dst <- tempVar tempCount * tempVar (S tempCount))).
apply trc_trans with (y := (x1, flattenArith (S (S tempCount)) (tempVar (S tempCount)) e2;; dst <- tempVar tempCount * tempVar (S tempCount))).
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
eauto 7 using trc_trans.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H11.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H6.
rewrite H9.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
rewrite H5.
erewrite interp_agree with (v := v1 $+ (tempVar tempCount, interp e1 v1)) (v' := v1) by eauto.
rewrite H12 by eauto.
rewrite H10 by eauto.
(* Now that reasoning can be fit within a general theorem about [step0]. Note
* how the conclusions use [cstep] instead of [step0], to accommodate steps
* within the structure of a term in the [Assign] case. *)
Lemma flatten_ok' : forall v1 c1 l v2 c2,
step0 (v1, c1) l (v2, c2)
-> noUnderscore c1 = true
@ -1219,6 +1426,8 @@ Proof.
eauto using noUnderscoreVar_tempVar.
(* Now, some thrilling lemmas about underscores and plugging! *)
Lemma noUnderscore_plug : forall C c0 c1,
plug C c0 c1
-> noUnderscore c1 = true
@ -1312,11 +1521,14 @@ Qed.
Hint Resolve noUnderscore_plug_context noUnderscore_plug_fwd.
(* Finally, the main correctness theorem. *)
Lemma flatten_ok : forall v c,
noUnderscore c = true
-> (v, c) =| (v, flatten c).
(* Note that our simulation relation remembers lack of underscores, and it
* enforces mere agreement between valuations, rather than full equality. *)
apply simulation_multiple with (R := fun vc1 vc2 => noUnderscore (snd vc1) = true
/\ agree (fst vc1) (fst vc2)
/\ snd vc2 = flatten (snd vc1));
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