AbstractInterpretation: interval_sound

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Adam Chlipala 2016-03-05 21:34:15 -05:00
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commit b2de37b496

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@ -59,8 +59,10 @@ Module SimpleAbstractInterpreter.
-> a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y); -> a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y);
JoinSoundRight : forall x y n, a.(Represents) n y JoinSoundRight : forall x y n, a.(Represents) n y
-> a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y); -> a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y);
JoinComplete : forall x y n, a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y) JoinComplete : forall x y z n, a.(Represents) n (a.(Join) x y)
-> a.(Represents) n x \/ a.(Represents) n y -> (forall n, a.(Represents) n x -> a.(Represents) n z)
-> (forall n, a.(Represents) n y -> a.(Represents) n z)
-> a.(Represents) n z
}. }.
Hint Resolve TopSound ConstSound AddSound SubtractSound MultiplySound Hint Resolve TopSound ConstSound AddSound SubtractSound MultiplySound
@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ Module SimpleAbstractInterpreter.
exists x; ring. exists x; ring.
exists x0; ring. exists x0; ring.
exists x0; ring. exists x0; ring.
exists x0; ring.
exists x0; ring.
Qed. Qed.
@ -433,7 +437,7 @@ Module SimpleAbstractInterpreter.
unfold merge_astate in *; simplify. unfold merge_astate in *; simplify.
cases (st2 $? x1); simplify; try equality. cases (st2 $? x1); simplify; try equality.
cases (x ==v x1); simplify; try equality. cases (x ==v x1); simplify; try equality.
invert H5; eauto 10. invert H5; eauto 6.
rewrite Heq in H5. rewrite Heq in H5.
invert H5; eauto. invert H5; eauto.
apply H3 in Heq; propositional; eauto. apply H3 in Heq; propositional; eauto.
@ -592,7 +596,7 @@ Module SimpleAbstractInterpreter.
cases (s1 $? x); auto. cases (s1 $? x); auto.
cases (s2 $? x); auto. cases (s2 $? x); auto.
simplify. simplify.
apply JoinComplete in H3; propositional; eauto. eauto using JoinComplete.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma subsumed_add : forall a, absint_sound a Lemma subsumed_add : forall a, absint_sound a
@ -1281,4 +1285,334 @@ Module SimpleAbstractInterpreter.
eapply final_even; eauto; simplify; equality. eapply final_even; eauto; simplify; equality.
Qed. Qed.
(** * Another abstract interpretation: intervals *)
Record interval := {
Lower : nat;
Upper : option nat
Infix "<=?" := le_lt_dec.
Definition impossible (x : interval) :=
match x.(Upper) with
| None => false
| Some u => if x.(Lower) <=? u then false else true
Definition interval_join (x y : interval) :=
if impossible x then y
else if impossible y then x
else {| Lower := min x.(Lower) y.(Lower);
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 =>
match y.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some y2 => Some (max x2 y2)
end |}.
Lemma interval_join_impossible1 : forall x y,
impossible x = true
-> interval_join x y = y.
unfold interval_join; simplify.
rewrite H; equality.
Lemma interval_join_impossible2 : forall x y,
impossible x = false
-> impossible y = true
-> interval_join x y = x.
unfold interval_join; simplify.
rewrite H, H0; equality.
Lemma interval_join_possible : forall x y,
impossible x = false
-> impossible y = false
-> interval_join x y = {| Lower := min x.(Lower) y.(Lower);
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 =>
match y.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some y2 => Some (max x2 y2)
end |}.
unfold interval_join; simplify.
rewrite H, H0; equality.
Hint Rewrite interval_join_impossible1 interval_join_impossible2 interval_join_possible
using assumption.
(*Lemma interval_join_possible_bwd : forall x y,
impossible (interval_join x y) = false
-> impossible x = false /\ impossible y = false.
unfold impossible, interval_join; simplify.
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ _ : context[match ?E with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => cases E; simplify
| [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify
end; propositional.
exfalso; linear_arithmetic.
invert Heq.
cases (Upper x); simplify.
cases (Upper y); simplify.
cases (min (Lower x) (Lower y) <=? max n n0).
cases (Lower x <=? n).
cases (Lower x <=? n).
cases (impossible x); simplify.
unfold impossible in H; simplify; equality.
cases (impossible y); simplify; equality.
Definition interval_combine (f : nat -> nat -> nat) (x y : interval) :=
if impossible x || impossible y then
{| Lower := 1; Upper := Some 0 |}
else {| Lower := f x.(Lower) y.(Lower);
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 =>
match y.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some y2 => Some (f x2 y2)
end |}.
Lemma interval_combine_possible_fwd : forall f x y,
impossible x = false
-> impossible y = false
-> interval_combine f x y
= {| Lower := f x.(Lower) y.(Lower);
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 =>
match y.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some y2 => Some (f x2 y2)
end |}.
unfold interval_combine; simplify.
rewrite H, H0; simplify; equality.
Lemma interval_combine_possible_bwd : forall f x y,
impossible (interval_combine f x y) = false
-> impossible x = false /\ impossible y = false.
unfold interval_combine; simplify.
cases (impossible x); simplify.
unfold impossible in H; simplify; equality.
cases (impossible y); simplify; equality.
Hint Rewrite interval_combine_possible_fwd using assumption.
Definition interval_subtract (x y : interval) :=
if impossible x || impossible y then
{| Lower := 1; Upper := Some 0 |}
{| Lower := match y.(Upper) with
| None => 0
| Some y2 => x.(Lower) - y2
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 => Some (x2 - y.(Lower))
end |}.
Lemma interval_subtract_possible_fwd : forall x y,
impossible x = false
-> impossible y = false
-> interval_subtract x y
= {| Lower := match y.(Upper) with
| None => 0
| Some y2 => x.(Lower) - y2
Upper := match x.(Upper) with
| None => None
| Some x2 => Some (x2 - y.(Lower))
end |}.
unfold interval_subtract; simplify.
rewrite H, H0; simplify; equality.
Lemma interval_subtract_possible_bwd : forall x y,
impossible (interval_subtract x y) = false
-> impossible x = false /\ impossible y = false.
unfold interval_subtract; simplify.
cases (impossible x); simplify.
unfold impossible in H; simplify; equality.
cases (impossible y); simplify; equality.
Hint Rewrite interval_subtract_possible_fwd using assumption.
Record interval_rep (n : nat) (i : interval) : Prop := {
BoundedBelow : i.(Lower) <= n;
BoundedAbove : match i.(Upper) with
| None => True
| Some n2 => n <= n2
Hint Constructors interval_rep.
Definition interval_absint := {|
Top := {| Lower := 0; Upper := None |};
Constant := fun n => {| Lower := n;
Upper := Some n |};
Add := interval_combine plus;
Subtract := interval_subtract;
Multiply := interval_combine mult;
Join := interval_join;
Represents := interval_rep
Hint Resolve mult_le_compat.
Lemma interval_imply : forall k1 k2 u1 u2,
impossible {| Lower := k1; Upper := u1 |} = false
-> (forall n,
interval_rep n {| Lower := k1; Upper := u1 |}
-> interval_rep n {| Lower := k2; Upper := u2 |})
-> k1 >= k2
/\ match u2 with
| None => True
| Some u2' => match u1 with
| None => False
| Some u1' => u1' <= u2'
/\ impossible {| Lower := k2; Upper := u2 |} = false.
assert (k1 >= k2 \/ k1 < k2) by linear_arithmetic.
invert H1.
cases u2; auto.
cases u1.
assert (n >= n0 \/ n < n0) by linear_arithmetic.
assert (interval_rep n0 {| Lower := k2; Upper := Some n |}).
apply H0.
constructor; simplify; auto.
unfold impossible in H; simplify.
cases (k1 <=? n0); equality.
invert H1; simplify; auto.
assert (interval_rep (S (max k1 n)) {| Lower := k2; Upper := Some n |}).
apply H0.
constructor; simplify; auto.
invert H1; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
unfold impossible; simplify.
cases u2; try equality.
cases (k2 <=? n); try equality; try linear_arithmetic.
assert (interval_rep k1 {| Lower := k2; Upper := Some n |}).
apply H0.
unfold impossible in H; simplify.
cases u1.
cases (k1 <=? n0); try equality.
constructor; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
constructor; simplify; auto; linear_arithmetic.
invert H1; simplify.
assert (interval_rep k1 {| Lower := k2; Upper := u2 |}).
apply H0.
unfold impossible in H; simplify.
cases u1.
cases (k1 <=? n); try equality.
constructor; simplify; linear_arithmetic.
constructor; simplify; auto; linear_arithmetic.
invert H1; simplify; try linear_arithmetic.
Lemma impossible_sound : forall n x,
interval_rep n x
-> impossible x = true
-> False.
invert 1.
unfold impossible.
cases (Upper x); simplify; try equality.
cases (Lower x <=? n0); try equality.
Lemma mult_bound1 : forall a b n a' b',
a' * b' <= n
-> a <= a'
-> b <= b'
-> a * b <= n.
transitivity (a' * b'); eauto.
Lemma mult_bound2 : forall a b n a' b',
n <= a' * b'
-> a' <= a
-> b' <= b
-> n <= a * b.
transitivity (a' * b'); eauto.
Hint Immediate mult_bound1 mult_bound2.
Theorem interval_sound : absint_sound interval_absint.
constructor; simplify; eauto;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : interval |- _ ] => cases x
end; simplify;
(repeat match goal with
| [ _ : interval_rep _ (interval_join ?x ?y) |- _ ] =>
cases (impossible x); simplify; eauto;
cases (impossible y); simplify; eauto
| [ H : interval_rep _ ?x |- _ ] =>
cases (impossible x); [ exfalso; solve [ eauto using impossible_sound ] | invert H ]
| [ H : impossible _ = _ |- _ ] => apply interval_combine_possible_bwd in H; propositional; simplify
| [ H : impossible _ = _ |- _ ] => apply interval_subtract_possible_bwd in H; propositional; simplify
| [ H : forall x, _ |- _ ] => apply interval_imply in H; auto
| [ |- context[interval_join ?x _] ] =>
match goal with
| [ _ : impossible x = _ |- _ ] => fail 1
| _ => cases (impossible x); simplify
| [ |- context[interval_join _ ?x] ] =>
match goal with
| [ _ : impossible x = _ |- _ ] => fail 1
| _ => cases (impossible x); simplify
end; propositional; constructor; simplify;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _] => invert H
| [ _ : context[match ?X with _ => _ end] |- _ ] => cases X
| [ |- context[match ?X with _ => _ end] ] => cases X
end; eauto; try equality; linear_arithmetic).
End SimpleAbstractInterpreter. End SimpleAbstractInterpreter.