SharedMemory: proved the easier case of step->stepC

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Adam Chlipala 2016-04-24 08:30:25 -04:00
parent 606efc383d
commit ec5df8f782

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@ -1015,15 +1015,206 @@ Proof.
eauto. eauto.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma translate_trace : forall h l c h' l' c', Inductive stepsi : nat -> heap * locks * cmd -> heap * locks * cmd -> Prop :=
step^* (h, l, c) (h', l', c') | StepsiO : forall st,
stepsi O st st
| StepsiS : forall st1 st2 st3 i,
step st1 st2
-> stepsi i st2 st3
-> stepsi (S i) st1 st3.
Hint Constructors stepsi.
Theorem steps_stepsi : forall st1 st2,
step^* st1 st2
-> exists i, stepsi i st1 st2.
induct 1; first_order; eauto.
Lemma Exists_app_fwd : forall A (P : A -> Prop) ls1 ls2,
Exists P (ls1 ++ ls2)
-> Exists P ls1 \/ Exists P ls2.
induct ls1; invert 1; simplify; subst; eauto.
apply IHls1 in H1; propositional; eauto.
Lemma Exists_app_bwd : forall A (P : A -> Prop) ls1 ls2,
Exists P ls1 \/ Exists P ls2
-> Exists P (ls1 ++ ls2).
induct ls1; simplify; propositional; eauto.
invert H0.
invert H0; eauto.
Lemma summarizeThreads_aboutToFail : forall c cs,
summarizeThreads c cs
-> notAboutToFail c = false
-> Exists (fun c_s => notAboutToFail (fst c_s) = false) cs.
induct 1; simplify; eauto.
apply andb_false_iff in H1; propositional; eauto using Exists_app_bwd.
Hint Resolve summarizeThreads_aboutToFail.
Lemma summarizeThreads_nonempty : forall c,
summarizeThreads c []
-> False.
induct 1.
cases ss1; simplify; eauto.
Hint Immediate summarizeThreads_nonempty.
Hint Constructors stepC summarizeThreads.
Lemma step_pick : forall h l c h' l' c',
step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> forall cs, summarizeThreads c cs
-> exists cs1 c0 s cs2 c0', cs = cs1 ++ (c0, s) :: cs2
/\ ((step (h, l, c0) (h', l', c0')
/\ summarizeThreads c' (cs1 ++ (c0', s) :: cs2))
\/ exists r, c0 = Return r
/\ h' = h
/\ l' = l
/\ summarizeThreads c' (cs1 ++ cs2)).
induct 1; invert 1.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto 10 using summarize_step.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto 10 using summarize_step.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto 10 using summarize_step.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto 10 using summarize_step.
apply IHstep in H3; first_order; subst.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
do 5 eexists; propositional.
left; propositional.
change (x ++ (x3, x1) :: x2 ++ ss2)
with (x ++ ((x3, x1) :: x2) ++ ss2).
rewrite app_assoc.
rewrite <- app_assoc; simplify.
do 5 eexists; propositional.
right; eexists; propositional.
rewrite app_assoc.
invert H1.
apply IHstep in H5; first_order; subst.
rewrite app_assoc.
do 5 eexists; propositional.
left; propositional.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
rewrite app_assoc.
do 5 eexists; propositional.
right; eexists; propositional.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
invert H1.
invert H2.
eexists [], _, _, _, _; simplify; propositional.
eauto 10.
invert H0.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto using summarize_step.
eexists [], _, _, [], _; simplify; propositional; eauto using summarize_step.
(* Here's a gnarly bit to make up for simplification in the proof above.
* Some existential variables weren't determined, but we can pick their values
* here. *)
Grab Existential Variables.
exact Fail.
exact Fail.
exact Fail.
exact l'.
exact h'.
Lemma translate_trace_matching : forall h l c h' l' c',
step (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> forall c0 s cs, summarizeThreads c ((c0, s) :: cs)
-> ~(exists c1 h'0 l'0 c'0,
nextAction c0 c1
/\ Forall (fun c_s => commutes c1 (snd c_s)) cs
/\ step (h, l, c0) (h'0, l'0, c'0))
-> exists cs', stepC (h, l, (c0, s) :: cs) (h', l', cs')
/\ summarizeThreads c' cs'.
eapply step_pick in H; eauto.
first_order; subst.
cases x; simplify.
invert H.
invert H.
eauto 10.
cases x; simplify.
invert H.
eexists; propositional.
apply StepDone with (cs1 := []).
invert H.
change ((c0, s) :: x ++ (Return x4, x1) :: x2)
with (((c0, s) :: x) ++ (Return x4, x1) :: x2).
Lemma translate_trace : forall i h l c h' l' c',
stepsi i (h, l, c) (h', l', c')
-> (forall h'' l'' c'', step (h', l', c') (h'', l'', c'') -> False) -> (forall h'' l'' c'', step (h', l', c') (h'', l'', c'') -> False)
-> notAboutToFail c' = false -> notAboutToFail c' = false
-> forall cs, summarizeThreads c cs -> forall cs, summarizeThreads c cs
-> exists h' l' cs', stepC^* (h, l, cs) (h', l', cs') -> exists h' l' cs', stepC^* (h, l, cs) (h', l', cs')
/\ Exists (fun c_s => notAboutToFail (fst c_s) = false) cs'. /\ Exists (fun c_s => notAboutToFail (fst c_s) = false) cs'.
Proof. Proof.
Admitted. induct i; simplify.
invert H.
eauto 10.
cases cs.
exfalso; eauto.
cases p.
destruct (classic (exists c1 h' l' c', nextAction c0 c1
/\ Forall (fun c_s => commutes c1 (snd c_s)) cs
/\ step (h, l, c0) (h', l', c'))).
invert H.
cases st2.
cases p.
eapply translate_trace_matching in H5; eauto.
eapply IHi in H6; eauto.
eauto 6.
Lemma Forall_Exists_contra : forall A (f : A -> bool) ls, Lemma Forall_Exists_contra : forall A (f : A -> bool) ls,
Exists (fun x => f x = false) ls Exists (fun x => f x = false) ls
@ -1061,6 +1252,7 @@ Proof.
specialize (trc_trans H4 H2); simplify. specialize (trc_trans H4 H2); simplify.
assert (notAboutToFail x2 = false) by eauto using notAboutToFail_steps. assert (notAboutToFail x2 = false) by eauto using notAboutToFail_steps.
unfold invariantFor in H1; simplify. unfold invariantFor in H1; simplify.
apply steps_stepsi in H7; first_order.
eapply translate_trace in H7; eauto. eapply translate_trace in H7; eauto.
first_order. first_order.
apply H1 in H7; auto. apply H1 in H7; auto.