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Start of TypesAndMutation chapter
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@ -2351,6 +2351,89 @@ Since the basic proof structure matches our standard one, the main insight is th
In this case, invariant $I(e) = \; \hasty{}{e}{\tau}$ is that crucial insight, including the original design of the set of types and the typing relation.
\chapter{Types and Mutation}
The syntactic approach to type soundness continues to apply to \emph{impure} functional languages, which combine imperative side effects with first-class functions.
We'll study the general domain through its most common exemplar: lambda calculus with \emph{mutable references}\index{mutable references}\index{references}.
\section{Simply Typed Lambda Calculus with Mutable References}
\newcommand{\writeref}[2]{#1 := #2}
Here is an extension of the lambda-calculus syntax from last chapter, with additions underlined.
\textrm{Variables} & x &\in& \mathsf{Strings} \\
\textrm{Numbers} & n &\in& \mathbb N \\
\textrm{Expressions} & e &::=& n \mid e + e \mid x \mid \lambda x. \; e \mid e \; e \mid \underline{\newref{e} \mid \; \readref{e} \mid \writeref{e}{e}}
\newcommand{\elet}[3]{\mathsf{let} \; #1 = #2 \; \mathsf{in} \; #3}
The three new expression forms deal with \emph{references}, which act like, for instance, Java objects that only have single public fields.
We write $\newref{e}$ to allocate a new reference initialized with value $e$, we write $\readref{e}$ for reading the value stored in reference $e$, and we write $\writeref{e_1}{e_2}$ for overwriting the value of reference $e_1$ with $e_2$.
An example is worth a thousand words, so let's consider a concrete program.
We'll use two notational shorthands:
\elet{x}{e_1}{e_2} &\triangleq& (\lambda x. \; e_2) \; e_1 \\
e_1; e_2 &\triangleq& \elet{\_}{e_1}{e_2} \textrm{(for $\_$ a variable not used anywhere else)}
Here is a simple program that uses references.
$$\elet{r}{\newref{0}}{\writeref{r}{\; \readref{r} + 1}; \readref{r}}$$
This program (1) allocates a new reference $r$ storing the value 0; (2) increments $r$'s value by 1; and (3) returns the new $r$ value, which is 1.
To be more formal about the meanings of all programs, we extend the operational semantics from last chapter.
First, we add some new kinds of evaluation contexts.
\textrm{Evaluation contexts} & C &::=& \Box \mid C \; e \mid v \; C \mid C + e \mid v + C \\
&&& \mid \; \underline{\newref{C} \mid \; \readref{C} \mid \writeref{C}{e} \mid \writeref{v}{C}}
Next we define the basic reduction steps of the language.
In contrast to last chapter's semantics for pure lambda calculus, here we work with states that include not just expressions but also \emph{heaps}\index{heaps} $h$, partial functions from references to their current stored values.
We begin by copying over the two basic-step rules from last chapter, threading through the heap $h$ unchanged.
$$\infer{\smallstepo{(h, (\lambda x. \; e) \; v)}{(h, \subst{e}{x}{v})}}{}
\quad \infer{\smallstepo{(h, n + m)}{(h, n \textbf{+} m)}}{}$$
To write out the rules that are specific to references, it's helpful to extend our language syntax with a form that will never appear in original programs, but which does show up at intermediate execution steps.
In particular, let's add an expression form for \emph{locations}\index{locations}, the runtime values of references, and let's say that locations also count as values.
\textrm{Locations} & \ell &\in& \mathbb N \\
\textrm{Expressions} & e &::=& n \mid e + e \mid x \mid \lambda x. \; e \mid e \; e \mid \newref{e} \mid \; \readref{e} \mid \writeref{e}{e} \mid \underline{\ell} \\
\textrm{Values} & v &::=& n \mid \lambda x. \; e \mid \underline{\ell}
Now we can write the rules for the three reference primitives.
$$\infer{\smallstep{(h, \newref{v})}{(\mupd{h}{\ell}{v}, \ell)}}{
\ell \notin \dom{h}
\quad \infer{\smallstep{(h, \readref{\ell})}{(h, v)}}{
\msel{h}{\ell} = v
\quad \infer{\smallstep{(h, \writeref{\ell}{v'})}{(\mupd{h}{\ell}{v'}, v')}}{
\msel{h}{\ell} = v
To evaluate a reference allocation $\newref{e}$, we nondeterministically\index{nondeterminism} pick some unused location $\ell$ and initialize it with the requested value.
To read from a reference in $\readref{e}$, we just look up the location in the heap; the program will be \emph{stuck} if the location is not already included in $h$.
Finally, to write to a reference with $\writeref{e_1}{e_2}$, we check that the requested location is already in the heap (we're stuck if not), then we overwrite its value with the new one.
Here is the overall step rule, which looks just like the one for basic $\lambda$-calculus, with a heap wrapped around everything.
$$\infer{\smallstep{(h, \plug{C}{e})}{(h', \plug{C}{e'})}}{
\smallstepo{(h, e)}{(h', e')}
As a small exercise for the reader, it may be worth using this judgment to derive that our example program from before always returns 1.
Even fixing the empty heap in the starting state, there is some nondeterminism in which final heap it returns: the possibilities are all the single-location heaps, mapping their single locations to value 1.
It is natural to allow this nondeterminism in allocation, since typical memory allocators in real systems don't give promises about predictability in the addresses that they return.
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