diff --git a/LogicProgramming.v b/LogicProgramming.v
index fbd48b2..0241341 100644
--- a/LogicProgramming.v
+++ b/LogicProgramming.v
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(** Formal Reasoning About Programs
- * Supplementary Coq material: proof by reflection
+ * Supplementary Coq material: unification and logic programming
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
* Much of the material comes from CPDT by the same author. *)
@@ -921,6 +921,7 @@ Section autorewrite.
Hint Rewrite f_g.
Lemma f_f_f' : forall x, f (f (f x)) = f x.
+ Proof.
intros; autorewrite with core.
@@ -948,6 +949,7 @@ Section autorewrite.
Hint Rewrite f_g.
Lemma f_f_f' : forall x, f (f (f x)) = f x.
+ Proof.
intros; autorewrite with core.
diff --git a/LogicProgramming_template.v b/LogicProgramming_template.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a8d816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LogicProgramming_template.v
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+(** Formal Reasoning About Programs
+ * Supplementary Coq material: unification and logic programming
+ * Author: Adam Chlipala
+ * License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
+ * Much of the material comes from CPDT by the same author. *)
+Require Import Frap.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+(** * Introducing Logic Programming *)
+(* Recall the definition of addition from the standard library. *)
+Definition real_plus := Eval compute in plus.
+Print real_plus.
+(* Alternatively, we can define it as a relation. *)
+Inductive plusR : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
+| PlusO : forall m, plusR O m m
+| PlusS : forall n m r, plusR n m r
+ -> plusR (S n) m (S r).
+(* Let's prove the correspondence. *)
+Theorem plusR_plus : forall n m r,
+ plusR n m r
+ -> r = n + m.
+Theorem plus_plusR : forall n m,
+ plusR n m (n + m).
+Example four_plus_three : 4 + 3 = 7.
+ reflexivity.
+Print four_plus_three.
+Example four_plus_three' : plusR 4 3 7.
+Print four_plus_three'.
+Example five_plus_three : plusR 5 3 8.
+(* Demonstrating _backtracking_ *)
+Example seven_minus_three : exists x, x + 3 = 7.
+ apply ex_intro with 0.
+Example seven_minus_three' : exists x, plusR x 3 7.
+(* Backwards! *)
+Example seven_minus_four' : exists x, plusR 4 x 7.
+Example seven_minus_three'' : exists x, x + 3 = 7.
+Example seven_minus_four : exists x, 4 + x = 7.
+Example seven_minus_four_zero : exists x, 4 + x + 0 = 7.
+Check eq_trans.
+Section slow.
+ Hint Resolve eq_trans.
+ Example zero_minus_one : exists x, 1 + x = 0.
+ Time eauto 1.
+ Time eauto 2.
+ Time eauto 3.
+ Time eauto 4.
+ Time eauto 5.
+ debug eauto 3.
+ Abort.
+End slow.
+Example from_one_to_zero : exists x, 1 + x = 0.
+Example seven_minus_three_again : exists x, x + 3 = 7.
+Example needs_trans : forall x y, 1 + x = y
+ -> y = 2
+ -> exists z, z + x = 3.
+(** * Searching for Underconstrained Values *)
+Print Datatypes.length.
+Example length_1_2 : length (1 :: 2 :: nil) = 2.
+Print length_1_2.
+Example length_is_2 : exists ls : list nat, length ls = 2.
+Print Forall.
+Example length_is_2 : exists ls : list nat, length ls = 2
+ /\ Forall (fun n => n >= 1) ls.
+Print length_is_2.
+Definition sum := fold_right plus O.
+Example length_and_sum : exists ls : list nat, length ls = 2
+ /\ sum ls = O.
+Print length_and_sum.
+Example length_and_sum' : exists ls : list nat, length ls = 5
+ /\ sum ls = 42.
+Print length_and_sum'.
+Example length_and_sum'' : exists ls : list nat, length ls = 2
+ /\ sum ls = 3
+ /\ Forall (fun n => n <> 0) ls.
+Print length_and_sum''.
+(** * Synthesizing Programs *)
+Inductive exp : Set :=
+| Const (n : nat)
+| Var
+| Plus (e1 e2 : exp).
+Inductive eval (var : nat) : exp -> nat -> Prop :=
+| EvalConst : forall n, eval var (Const n) n
+| EvalVar : eval var Var var
+| EvalPlus : forall e1 e2 n1 n2, eval var e1 n1
+ -> eval var e2 n2
+ -> eval var (Plus e1 e2) (n1 + n2).
+Hint Constructors eval.
+Example eval1 : forall var, eval var (Plus Var (Plus (Const 8) Var)) (var + (8 + var)).
+ auto.
+Example eval1' : forall var, eval var (Plus Var (Plus (Const 8) Var)) (2 * var + 8).
+ eauto.
+Example eval1' : forall var, eval var (Plus Var (Plus (Const 8) Var)) (2 * var + 8).
+Example synthesize1 : exists e, forall var, eval var e (var + 7).
+Print synthesize1.
+(* Here are two more examples showing off our program-synthesis abilities. *)
+Example synthesize2 : exists e, forall var, eval var e (2 * var + 8).
+Print synthesize2.
+Example synthesize3 : exists e, forall var, eval var e (3 * var + 42).
+Print synthesize3.
+Theorem linear : forall e, exists k n,
+ forall var, eval var e (k * var + n).
+Section side_effect_sideshow.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variables P Q : A -> Prop.
+ Variable x : A.
+ Hypothesis Px : P x.
+ Hypothesis Qx : Q x.
+ Theorem double_threat : exists y, P y /\ Q y.
+ Proof.
+ eexists; propositional.
+ eauto.
+ eauto.
+ Qed.
+End side_effect_sideshow.
+(** * More on [auto] Hints *)
+Theorem bool_neq : true <> false.
+Section forall_and.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variables P Q : A -> Prop.
+ Hypothesis both : forall x, P x /\ Q x.
+ Theorem forall_and : forall z, P z.
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+End forall_and.
+(** * Rewrite Hints *)
+Section autorewrite.
+ Variable A : Set.
+ Variable f : A -> A.
+ Hypothesis f_f : forall x, f (f x) = f x.
+ Hint Rewrite f_f.
+ Lemma f_f_f : forall x, f (f (f x)) = f x.
+ Proof.
+ intros; autorewrite with core; reflexivity.
+ Qed.
+ Section garden_path.
+ Variable g : A -> A.
+ Hypothesis f_g : forall x, f x = g x.
+ Hint Rewrite f_g.
+ Lemma f_f_f' : forall x, f (f (f x)) = f x.
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+ End garden_path.
+ Lemma in_star : forall x y, f (f (f (f x))) = f (f y)
+ -> f x = f (f (f y)).
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+End autorewrite.
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 6bb5e66..143485b 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ ProofByReflection_template.v