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OperationalSemantics chapter: contextual
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@ -1018,9 +1018,7 @@ Module Concurrent.
interp e v = 0
-> step0 (v, While e body) (v, Skip)
| Step0Par1 : forall v c,
step0 (v, Parallel Skip c) (v, c)
| Step0Par2 : forall v c,
step0 (v, Parallel c Skip) (v, c).
step0 (v, Parallel Skip c) (v, c).
Inductive cstep : valuation * cmd -> valuation * cmd -> Prop :=
| CStep : forall C v c v' c' c1 c2,
@ -1137,8 +1135,6 @@ Module Concurrent.
-> step (v, While e body) (v, Skip)
| StepParSkip1 : forall v c,
step (v, Parallel Skip c) (v, c)
| StepParSkip2 : forall v c,
step (v, Parallel c Skip) (v, c)
| StepPar1 : forall v c1 c2 v' c1',
step (v, c1) (v', c1')
-> step (v, Parallel c1 c2) (v', Parallel c1' c2)
@ -1434,6 +1434,7 @@ The intuition behind the rules may come best from working out an example.
Here is a step-by-step (literally!) derivation that finds $v$.
& (\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}, \assign{\mathtt{output}}{1}; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
\to & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \skipe; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
\to & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
\to & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, (\assign{\mathtt{output}}{\mathtt{output} \times \mathtt{input}}; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}); \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
\to & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, (\skipe; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}); \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
@ -1519,6 +1520,149 @@ For instance, consider program $P = \while{\mathtt{n}}{\assign{\mathtt{a}}{\math
\section{Contextual Small-Step Semantics}
The reader may have noticed some tedium in certain rules of the small-step semantics, like this one.
$$\infer{\bigstep{(v, c_1; c_2)}{v_2}}{
\bigstep{(v, c_1)}{v_1}
& \bigstep{(v_1, c_2)}{v_2}
This rule is an example of a \emph{congruence rule}\index{congruence rule}, which shows how to take a step and \emph{lift} it into a step within a larger command, whose other subcommands are unaffected.
Complex languages can require many congruence rules, and yet we feel like we should be able to avoid repeating all this boilerplate logic somehow.
A common way to do so is switching to \emph{contextual small-step semantics}\index{contextual small-step semantics}.
We illustrate with our running example language.
The first step is to define a set of \emph{evaluation contexts}\index{evaluation contexts}, which formalize the spots within a larger command where interesting steps are enabled.
\textrm{Evaluation contexts} & C &::=& \Box \mid C; c
We define the operator of \emph{plugging}\index{plugging evaluation contexts} an evaluation context in the natural way.
\plug{\Box}{c} &=& c \\
\plug{(C; c_2)}{c} &=& \plug{C}{c}; c_2
For this language, the only interesting case of evaluation contexts is the one that allows us to \emph{descend into the left subcommand}, because the old congruence rule invoked the step relation recursively for that position.
\newcommand{\smallstepo}[2]{#1 \to_0 #2}
The next ingredient is a reduced set of basic step rules, where we have dropped the congruence rule.
$$\infer{\smallstepo{(v, \assign{x}{e})}{(\mupd{v}{x}{\denote{e}v}, \skipe)}}{}
\quad \infer{\smallstepo{(v, \skipe; c_2)}{(v, c_2)}}{}$$
$$\infer{\smallstepo{(v, \ifte{e}{c_1}{c_2})}{(v, c_1)}}{
\denote{e}v \neq 0
\quad \infer{\smallstepo{(v, \ifte{e}{c_1}{c_2})}{(v, c_2)}}{
\denote{e}v = 0
$$\infer{\smallstepo{(v, \while{e}{c_1})}{(v, c_1; \while{e}{c_1})}}{
\denote{e}v \neq 0
\quad \infer{\smallstepo{(v, \while{e}{c_1})}{(v, \skipe)}}{
\denote{e}v = 0
\newcommand{\smallstepc}[2]{#1 \to_\mathsf{c} #2}
We regain the full coverage of the original rules with a new relation $\to_\mathsf{c}$, saying that we may apply $\to_0$ at the active subcommand within a larger command.
$$\infer{\smallstepc{(v, C[c])}{(v', C[c'])}}{
\smallstepo{(v, c)}{(v', c')}
Let's revisit last section's example, to see contextual semantics in action, especially to demonstrate how to express an arbitrary command as an evaluation context plugged with another command.
\newcommand{\smallstepcs}[2]{#1 \to^*_\mathsf{c} #2}
There exists valuation $v$ such that $\smallstepcs{(\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}, \mathtt{factorial})}{(v, \skipe)}$ and $\msel{v}{\mathtt{output}} = 2$.
& (\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}, \assign{\mathtt{output}}{1}; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}, \plug{(\Box; \mathtt{factorial\_loop})}{\assign{\mathtt{output}}{1}}) \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \skipe; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \plug{\Box}{\skipe; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}}) \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \plug{\Box}{\mathtt{factorial\_loop}}) \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, (\assign{\mathtt{output}}{\mathtt{output} \times \mathtt{input}}; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}); \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{1}, \plug{((\Box; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}); \mathtt{factorial\_loop})}{\assign{\mathtt{output}}{\mathtt{output} \times \mathtt{input}}}) \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, (\skipe; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}); \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \plug{(\Box; \mathtt{factorial\_loop})}{\skipe; \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1})} \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{2}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \plug{\Box; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}}{\assign{\mathtt{input}}{\mathtt{input} - 1}}) \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{1}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \skipe; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}) \\
= & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{1}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \plug{\Box}{\skipe; \mathtt{factorial\_loop}}) \\
\to^*_\mathsf{c} & \ldots \\
\to_\mathsf{c} & (\mupd{\mupd{\mempty}{\mathtt{input}}{0}}{\mathtt{output}}{2}, \skipe)
Clearly the final valuation assigns $\mathtt{output}$ to 2.
\subsection{Equivalence of Small-Step, With and Without Evaluation Contexts}
This new semantics formulation is equivalent to the other two, as we establish now.
If $\smallstep{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$, then $\smallstepc{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$.
By induction on the derivation of $\smallstep{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$.
If $\smallstepo{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$, then $\smallstep{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$.
By cases on the derivation of $\smallstepo{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$.
If $\smallstepo{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$, then $\smallstep{(v, C[c])}{(v', C[c'])}$.
By induction on the structure of evaluation context $C$, appealing to the last lemma.
If $\smallstepc{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$, then $\smallstep{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$.
By inversion on the derivation of $\smallstepc{(v, c)}{(v', c')}$, followed by an appeal to the last lemma.
\subsection{Evaluation Contexts Pay Off: Adding Concurrency}
To showcase the convenience of contextual semantics, let's extend our example language with a simple construct for running two commands in parallel\index{parallel composition of threads}, implicitly extending the definition of plugging accordingly.
\textrm{Commands} & c &::=& \ldots \mid c || c
To capture that idea that \emph{either} command in a parallel construct is allowed to step next, we extend evaluation contexts like so:
\textrm{Evaluation contexts} & C &::=& \ldots \mid C || c \mid c || C
We need one more basic step rule, to ``garbage-collect'' threads that have finished.
$$\infer{\smallstepo{(v, \skipe || c)}{(v, c)}}{}$$
And that's it!
The new system faithfully captures our usual idea of threads executing in parallel.
All of the theorems proved previously about contextual steps continue to hold.
In fact, in the accompanying Coq code, literally the same proof scripts establish the new versions of the theorems, with no new human proof effort.
It's not often that concurrency comes for free in a rigorous proof!
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