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ConcurrentSeparationLogic: comments
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@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ Require Import Frap Setoid Classes.Morphisms SepCancel.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
(* Let's combine the subjects of the last two lectures, to let us prove
* correctness of concurrent programs that do dynamic management of shared
* memory. *)
(** * Shared notations and definitions; main material starts afterward. *)
Notation heap := (fmap nat nat).
@ -24,12 +30,19 @@ Ltac simp := repeat (simplify; subst; propositional;
(** * A shared-memory concurrent language with loops *)
(* Let's work with a variant of the imperative language from last time. *)
(* Let's work with a variant of the shared-memory concurrent language from last
* time. We add back in result types, loops, and dynamic memory allocation. *)
Inductive loop_outcome acc :=
| Done (a : acc)
| Again (a : acc).
Definition valueOf {A} (o : loop_outcome A) :=
match o with
| Done v => v
| Again v => v
Inductive cmd : Set -> Type :=
| Return {result : Set} (r : result) : cmd result
| Fail {result} : cmd result
@ -45,6 +58,9 @@ Inductive cmd : Set -> Type :=
| Par (c1 c2 : cmd unit) : cmd unit.
(* The next span of definitions is copied from SeparationLogic.v. Skip ahead to
* the word "Finally" to see what's new. *)
Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Notation "'for' x := i 'loop' c1 'done'" := (Loop i (fun x => c1)) (right associativity, at level 80).
Infix "||" := Par.
@ -287,10 +303,13 @@ Infix "|->?" := allocated (at level 30) : sep_scope.
(* The whole thing is parameterized on a map from locks to invariants on their
* owned state. The map is a list, with lock [i] getting the [i]th invariant in
* the list. Lock numbers at or beyond the list length are forbidden. *)
* the list. Lock numbers at or beyond the list length are forbidden. Beyond
* this new wrinkle, the type signature of the predicate is the same. *)
Inductive hoare_triple (linvs : list hprop) : forall {result}, hprop -> cmd result -> (result -> hprop) -> Prop :=
(* First, we have the basic separation-logic rules from before. *)
(* First, we have the basic separation-logic rules from before. The only change
* is in the threading-through of parameter [linvs]. *)
| HtReturn : forall P {result : Set} (v : result),
hoare_triple linvs P (Return v) (fun r => P * [| r = v |])%sep
| HtBind : forall P {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) Q R,
@ -363,12 +382,13 @@ Proof.
(** * Examples *)
Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto.
(* Here comes some automation that we won't explain in detail, instead opting to
* use examples. *)
* use examples. Search for "nonzero" to skip ahead to the first one. *)
Theorem use_lemma : forall linvs result P' (c : cmd result) (Q : result -> hprop) P R,
hoare_triple linvs P' c Q
@ -473,6 +493,12 @@ Hint Resolve try_ptsto_first.
(** ** The nonzero shared counter *)
(* This program has two threads shared a numeric counter, which starts out as
* nonzero and remains that way, since each thread only increments the counter,
* with the lock held to avoid race conditions. (Actually, the lock isn't
* needed to maintain the property in this case, but it's a pleasant starting
* example, and reasoning about racey code is more involved.) *)
Example incrementer :=
for i := tt loop
_ <- Lock 0;
@ -485,6 +511,8 @@ Example incrementer :=
Return (Again tt)
(* Recall that each lock has an associated invariant. This program only uses
* lock 0, and here's its invariant: memory cell 0 holds a positive number. *)
Definition incrementer_inv :=
(exists n, 0 |-> n * [| n > 0 |])%sep.
@ -492,8 +520,13 @@ Theorem incrementers_ok :
[incrementer_inv] ||- {{emp}} (incrementer || incrementer) {{_ ~> emp}}.
unfold incrementer, incrementer_inv.
(* When we must prove a parallel composition, we manually explain how to split
* the precondition into two, one for each new thread. In this case, there is
* no local state to share, so both sides are empty. *)
fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep).
(* This loop invariant is also trivial, since neither thread has persistent
* local state. *)
loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep).
cases (r0 ==n 0); ht.
@ -514,9 +547,41 @@ Proof.
(* Hm, we used exactly the same proof code for each thread, which makes sense,
* since they share the same code. Let's take advantage of this symmetry to
* prove that any 2^n-way composition of this code remains correct. *)
Fixpoint incrementers (n : nat) :=
match n with
| O => incrementer
| S n' => incrementers n' || incrementers n'
Theorem any_incrementers_ok : forall n,
[incrementer_inv] ||- {{emp}} incrementers n {{_ ~> emp}}.
induct n; simp.
unfold incrementer, incrementer_inv.
loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep).
cases (r0 ==n 0); ht.
fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep); eauto.
(** ** Producer-consumer with a linked list *)
(* First, here's a literal repetition of the definition of linked lists from
* SeparationLogic.v. *)
Fixpoint linkedList (p : nat) (ls : list nat) :=
match ls with
| nil => [| p = 0 |]
@ -539,6 +604,12 @@ Proof.
end; cancel.
(* Now let's use linked lists as shared stacks for communication between
* threads, with a lock protecting each stack. To start out with, here's a
* producer-consumer example with just one stack. The producer is looping
* pushing the consecutive even numbers to the stack, and the consumer is
* looping popping numbers and failing if they're odd. *)
Example producer :=
_ <- for i := 0 loop
cell <- Alloc 2;
@ -578,15 +649,12 @@ Example consumer :=
(* Invariant of the only lock: cell 0 points to a linked list, whose elements
* are all even. *)
Definition producer_consumer_inv :=
(exists ls p, 0 |-> p * linkedList p ls * [| forallb isEven ls = true |])%sep.
Definition valueOf {A} (o : loop_outcome A) :=
match o with
| Done v => v
| Again v => v
(* Let's prove that the program is correct (can never [Fail]). *)
Theorem producer_consumer_ok :
[producer_consumer_inv] ||- {{emp}} producer || consumer {{_ ~> emp}}.
@ -629,6 +697,12 @@ Qed.
(** ** A length-3 producer-consumer chain *)
(* Here's a variant on the last example. Now we have three stages.
* Stage 1: push consecutive even numbers to stack 1.
* Stage 2: pop from stack 1 and push to stack 1, reusing the memory for the
* list node.
* Stage 3: pop from stack 2 and fail if odd. *)
Example stage1 :=
_ <- for i := 0 loop
cell <- Alloc 2;
@ -682,6 +756,7 @@ Example stage3 :=
(* Same invariant as before, for each of the two stacks. *)
Definition stages_inv root :=
(exists ls p, root |-> p * linkedList p ls * [| forallb isEven ls = true |])%sep.
@ -749,6 +824,11 @@ Qed.
(** * Soundness proof *)
(* We can still prove that the logic is sound. That is, any state compatible
* with a proved Hoare triple has the invariant that it never fails. See the
* book PDF for a sketch of the important technical devices and lemmas in this
* proof. *)
Hint Resolve himp_refl.
Lemma invert_Return : forall linvs {result : Set} (r : result) P Q,
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