(** Formal Reasoning About Programs * Chapter 20: Concurrent Separation Logic * Author: Adam Chlipala * License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *) Require Import Frap Setoid Classes.Morphisms SepCancel. Set Implicit Arguments. Set Asymmetric Patterns. (* Let's combine the subjects of SeparationLogic and SharedMemory, to let us * prove correctness of concurrent programs that do dynamic management of shared * memory. *) (** * Shared notations and definitions; main material starts afterward. *) Notation heap := (fmap nat nat). Notation locks := (set nat). Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <= _) => linear_arithmetic : core. Local Hint Extern 1 (@eq nat _ _) => linear_arithmetic : core. Ltac simp := repeat (simplify; subst; propositional; try match goal with | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H end); try linear_arithmetic. (** * A shared-memory concurrent language with loops *) (* Let's work with a variant of the shared-memory concurrent language from last * time. We add back in result types, loops, and dynamic memory allocation. *) Inductive loop_outcome acc := | Done (a : acc) | Again (a : acc). Definition valueOf {A} (o : loop_outcome A) := match o with | Done v => v | Again v => v end. Inductive cmd : Set -> Type := | Return {result : Set} (r : result) : cmd result | Fail {result} : cmd result | Bind {result result'} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) : cmd result | Loop {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) : cmd acc | Read (a : nat) : cmd nat | Write (a v : nat) : cmd unit | Lock (a : nat) : cmd unit | Unlock (a : nat) : cmd unit | Alloc (numWords : nat) : cmd nat | Free (base numWords : nat) : cmd unit | Par (c1 c2 : cmd unit) : cmd unit. (* The next span of definitions is copied from SeparationLogic.v. Skip ahead to * the word "Finally" to see what's new. *) Notation "x <- c1 ; c2" := (Bind c1 (fun x => c2)) (right associativity, at level 80). Notation "'for' x := i 'loop' c1 'done'" := (Loop i (fun x => c1)) (right associativity, at level 80). Infix "||" := Par. Fixpoint initialize (h : heap) (base numWords : nat) : heap := match numWords with | O => h | S numWords' => initialize h base numWords' $+ (base + numWords', 0) end. Fixpoint deallocate (h : heap) (base numWords : nat) : heap := match numWords with | O => h | S numWords' => deallocate (h $- base) (base+1) numWords' end. Inductive step : forall A, heap * locks * cmd A -> heap * locks * cmd A -> Prop := | StepBindRecur : forall result result' (c1 c1' : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) h l h' l', step (h, l, c1) (h', l', c1') -> step (h, l, Bind c1 c2) (h', l', Bind c1' c2) | StepBindProceed : forall (result result' : Set) (v : result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) h l, step (h, l, Bind (Return v) c2) (h, l, c2 v) | StepLoop : forall (acc : Set) (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) h l, step (h, l, Loop init body) (h, l, o <- body init; match o with | Done a => Return a | Again a => Loop a body end) | StepRead : forall h l a v, h $? a = Some v -> step (h, l, Read a) (h, l, Return v) | StepWrite : forall h l a v v', h $? a = Some v -> step (h, l, Write a v') (h $+ (a, v'), l, Return tt) | StepAlloc : forall h l numWords a, a <> 0 -> (forall i, i < numWords -> h $? (a + i) = None) -> step (h, l, Alloc numWords) (initialize h a numWords, l, Return a) | StepFree : forall h l a numWords, step (h, l, Free a numWords) (deallocate h a numWords, l, Return tt) | StepLock : forall h l a, ~a \in l -> step (h, l, Lock a) (h, l \cup {a}, Return tt) | StepUnlock : forall h l a, a \in l -> step (h, l, Unlock a) (h, l \setminus {a}, Return tt) | StepPar1 : forall h l c1 c2 h' l' c1', step (h, l, c1) (h', l', c1') -> step (h, l, Par c1 c2) (h', l', Par c1' c2) | StepPar2 : forall h l c1 c2 h' l' c2', step (h, l, c2) (h', l', c2') -> step (h, l, Par c1 c2) (h', l', Par c1 c2'). Definition trsys_of (h : heap) (l : locks) {result} (c : cmd result) := {| Initial := {(h, l, c)}; Step := step (A := result) |}. (* Next, we define our notion of assertion and instantiate the generic * separation-logic cancelation automation, in exactly the same way as * before. *) Module Import S <: SEP. Definition hprop := heap -> Prop. (* We add the locks to the mix. *) Definition himp (p q : hprop) := forall h, p h -> q h. Definition heq (p q : hprop) := forall h, p h <-> q h. (* Lifting a pure proposition: it must hold, and the heap must be empty. *) Definition lift (P : Prop) : hprop := fun h => P /\ h = $0. (* Separating conjunction, one of the two big ideas of separation logic. * When does [star p q] apply to [h]? When [h] can be partitioned into two * subheaps [h1] and [h2], respectively compatible with [p] and [q]. See book * module [Map] for definitions of [split] and [disjoint]. *) Definition star (p q : hprop) : hprop := fun h => exists h1 h2, split h h1 h2 /\ disjoint h1 h2 /\ p h1 /\ q h2. (* Existential quantification *) Definition exis A (p : A -> hprop) : hprop := fun h => exists x, p x h. (* Convenient notations *) Notation "[| P |]" := (lift P) : sep_scope. Infix "*" := star : sep_scope. Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := (exis (fun x => .. (exis (fun y => p)) ..)) : sep_scope. Delimit Scope sep_scope with sep. Notation "p === q" := (heq p%sep q%sep) (no associativity, at level 70). Notation "p ===> q" := (himp p%sep q%sep) (no associativity, at level 70). Local Open Scope sep_scope. (* And now we prove some key algebraic properties, whose details aren't so * important. The library automation uses these properties. *) Lemma iff_two : forall A (P Q : A -> Prop), (forall x, P x <-> Q x) -> (forall x, P x -> Q x) /\ (forall x, Q x -> P x). Proof. firstorder. Qed. Local Ltac t := (unfold himp, heq, lift, star, exis; propositional; subst); repeat (match goal with | [ H : forall x, _ <-> _ |- _ ] => apply iff_two in H | [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : split _ _ $0 |- _ ] => apply split_empty_fwd in H end; propositional; subst); eauto 15. Theorem himp_heq : forall p q, p === q <-> (p ===> q /\ q ===> p). Proof. t. Qed. Theorem himp_refl : forall p, p ===> p. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem himp_trans : forall p q r, p ===> q -> q ===> r -> p ===> r. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem lift_left : forall p (Q : Prop) r, (Q -> p ===> r) -> p * [| Q |] ===> r. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem lift_right : forall p q (R : Prop), p ===> q -> R -> p ===> q * [| R |]. Proof. t. Qed. Local Hint Resolve split_empty_bwd' : core. Theorem extra_lift : forall (P : Prop) p, P -> p === [| P |] * p. Proof. t. apply split_empty_fwd' in H1; subst; auto. Qed. Theorem star_comm : forall p q, p * q === q * p. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem star_assoc : forall p q r, p * (q * r) === (p * q) * r. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem star_cancel : forall p1 p2 q1 q2, p1 ===> p2 -> q1 ===> q2 -> p1 * q1 ===> p2 * q2. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem exis_gulp : forall A p (q : A -> _), p * exis q === exis (fun x => p * q x). Proof. t. Qed. Theorem exis_left : forall A (p : A -> _) q, (forall x, p x ===> q) -> exis p ===> q. Proof. t. Qed. Theorem exis_right : forall A p (q : A -> _) x, p ===> q x -> p ===> exis q. Proof. t. Qed. End S. Export S. (* Instantiate our big automation engine to these definitions. *) Module Import Se := SepCancel.Make(S). (* ** Some extra predicates outside the set that the engine knows about *) (* Capturing single-mapping heaps *) Definition heap1 (a v : nat) : heap := $0 $+ (a, v). Definition ptsto (a v : nat) : hprop := fun h => h = heap1 a v. (* Helpful notations, some the same as above *) Notation "[| P |]" := (lift P) : sep_scope. Notation emp := (lift True). Infix "*" := star : sep_scope. Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := (exis (fun x => .. (exis (fun y => p)) ..)) : sep_scope. Delimit Scope sep_scope with sep. Notation "p === q" := (heq p%sep q%sep) (no associativity, at level 70). Notation "p ===> q" := (himp p%sep q%sep) (no associativity, at level 70). Infix "|->" := ptsto (at level 30) : sep_scope. Fixpoint multi_ptsto (a : nat) (vs : list nat) : hprop := match vs with | nil => emp | v :: vs' => a |-> v * multi_ptsto (a + 1) vs' end%sep. Infix "|-->" := multi_ptsto (at level 30) : sep_scope. Fixpoint zeroes (n : nat) : list nat := match n with | O => nil | S n' => zeroes n' ++ 0 :: nil end. Fixpoint allocated (a n : nat) : hprop := match n with | O => emp | S n' => (exists v, a |-> v) * allocated (a+1) n' end%sep. Infix "|->?" := allocated (at level 30) : sep_scope. (** * Finally, the Hoare logic *) (* The whole thing is parameterized on a map from locks to invariants on their * owned state. The map is a list, with lock [i] getting the [i]th invariant in * the list. Lock numbers at or beyond the list length are forbidden. Beyond * this new wrinkle, the type signature of the predicate is the same. *) Inductive hoare_triple (linvs : list hprop) : forall {result}, hprop -> cmd result -> (result -> hprop) -> Prop := (* First, we have the basic separation-logic rules from before. The only change * is in the threading-through of parameter [linvs]. *) | HtReturn : forall P {result : Set} (v : result), hoare_triple linvs P (Return v) (fun r => P * [| r = v |])%sep | HtBind : forall P {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) Q R, hoare_triple linvs P c1 Q -> (forall r, hoare_triple linvs (Q r) (c2 r) R) -> hoare_triple linvs P (Bind c1 c2) R | HtLoop : forall {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) I, (forall acc, hoare_triple linvs (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I) -> hoare_triple linvs (I (Again init)) (Loop init body) (fun r => I (Done r)) | HtFail : forall {result}, hoare_triple linvs [| False |]%sep (Fail (result := result)) (fun _ => [| False |])%sep | HtRead : forall a R, hoare_triple linvs (exists v, a |-> v * R v)%sep (Read a) (fun r => a |-> r * R r)%sep | HtWrite : forall a v', hoare_triple linvs (exists v, a |-> v)%sep (Write a v') (fun _ => a |-> v')%sep | HtAlloc : forall numWords, hoare_triple linvs emp%sep (Alloc numWords) (fun r => r |--> zeroes numWords * [| r <> 0 |])%sep | HtFree : forall a numWords, hoare_triple linvs (a |->? numWords)%sep (Free a numWords) (fun _ => emp)%sep (* Next, how to handle locking: the thread takes ownership of a memory chunk * satisfying the lock's invariant. *) | HtLock : forall a I, nth_error linvs a = Some I -> hoare_triple linvs emp%sep (Lock a) (fun _ => I) (* When unlocking, the thread relinquishes ownership of a memory chunk * satisfying the lock's invariant. *) | HtUnlock : forall a I, nth_error linvs a = Some I -> hoare_triple linvs I (Unlock a) (fun _ => emp)%sep (* When forking into two threads, divide the (local) heap among them. * For simplicity, we never let parallel compositions terminate, * so it is appropriate to assign a contradictory overall postcondition. *) | HtPar : forall P1 c1 Q1 P2 c2 Q2, hoare_triple linvs P1 c1 Q1 -> hoare_triple linvs P2 c2 Q2 -> hoare_triple linvs (P1 * P2)%sep (Par c1 c2) (fun _ => [| False |])%sep (* Now we repeat these two structural rules from before. *) | HtConsequence : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : hprop) (Q' : _ -> hprop), hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> P' ===> P -> (forall r, Q r ===> Q' r) -> hoare_triple linvs P' c Q' | HtFrame : forall {result} (c : cmd result) P Q R, hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> hoare_triple linvs (P * R)%sep c (fun r => Q r * R)%sep. Notation "linvs ||- {{ P }} c {{ r ~> Q }}" := (hoare_triple linvs P%sep c (fun r => Q%sep)) (at level 90, c at next level). Lemma HtStrengthen : forall linvs {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (Q' : _ -> hprop), hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> (forall r, Q r ===> Q' r) -> hoare_triple linvs P c Q'. Proof. simplify. eapply HtConsequence; eauto. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma HtStrengthenFalse : forall linvs {result} (c : cmd result) P (Q' : _ -> hprop), hoare_triple linvs P c (fun _ => [| False |])%sep -> hoare_triple linvs P c Q'. Proof. simplify. eapply HtStrengthen; eauto. simplify. unfold himp; simplify. cases H0. tauto. Qed. Lemma HtWeaken : forall linvs {result} (c : cmd result) P Q (P' : hprop), hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> P' ===> P -> hoare_triple linvs P' c Q. Proof. simplify. eapply HtConsequence; eauto. reflexivity. Qed. (** * Examples *) Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. (* Here comes some automation that we won't explain in detail, instead opting to * use examples. Search for "nonzero" to skip ahead to the first one. *) Theorem use_lemma : forall linvs result P' (c : cmd result) (Q : result -> hprop) P R, hoare_triple linvs P' c Q -> P ===> P' * R -> hoare_triple linvs P c (fun r => Q r * R)%sep. Proof. simp. eapply HtWeaken. eapply HtFrame. eassumption. eauto. Qed. Theorem HtRead' : forall linvs a v, hoare_triple linvs (a |-> v)%sep (Read a) (fun r => a |-> v * [| r = v |])%sep. Proof. simp. apply HtWeaken with (exists r, a |-> r * [| r = v |])%sep. eapply HtStrengthen. apply HtRead. simp. cancel; auto. subst; cancel. Qed. Theorem HtRead'' : forall linvs p P R, P ===> (exists v, p |-> v * R v) -> hoare_triple linvs P (Read p) (fun r => p |-> r * R r)%sep. Proof. simp. eapply HtWeaken. apply HtRead. assumption. Qed. Lemma HtReturn' : forall linvs P {result : Set} (v : result) Q, P ===> Q v -> hoare_triple linvs P (Return v) Q. Proof. simp. eapply HtStrengthen. constructor. simp. cancel. subst. assumption. Qed. Ltac basic := apply HtReturn' || eapply HtWrite || eapply HtAlloc || eapply HtFree || (eapply HtLock; simplify; solve [ eauto ]) || (eapply HtUnlock; simplify; solve [ eauto ]). Ltac step0 := basic || eapply HtBind || (eapply use_lemma; [ basic | cancel; auto ]) || (eapply use_lemma; [ eapply HtRead' | solve [ cancel; auto ] ]) || (eapply HtRead''; solve [ cancel ]) || (eapply HtStrengthen; [ eapply use_lemma; [ basic | cancel; auto ] | ]) || (eapply HtConsequence; [ apply HtFail | .. ]). Ltac step := step0; simp. Ltac ht := simp; repeat step. Ltac conseq := simplify; eapply HtConsequence. Ltac use_IH H := conseq; [ apply H | .. ]; ht. Ltac loop_inv0 Inv := (eapply HtWeaken; [ apply HtLoop with (I := Inv) | .. ]) || (eapply HtConsequence; [ apply HtLoop with (I := Inv) | .. ]). Ltac loop_inv Inv := loop_inv0 Inv; ht. Ltac fork0 P1 P2 := apply HtWeaken with (P := (P1 * P2)%sep); [ eapply HtPar | ]. Ltac fork P1 P2 := fork0 P1 P2 || (eapply HtStrengthenFalse; fork0 P1 P2). Ltac use H := (eapply use_lemma; [ eapply H | cancel; auto ]) || (eapply HtStrengthen; [ eapply use_lemma; [ eapply H | cancel; auto ] | ]). Ltac heq := intros; apply himp_heq; split. (* Fancy theorem to help us rewrite within preconditions and postconditions *) Local Instance hoare_triple_morphism : forall linvs A, Proper (heq ==> eq ==> (eq ==> heq) ==> iff) (@hoare_triple linvs A). Proof. Transparent himp. repeat (hnf; intros). unfold pointwise_relation in *; intuition subst. eapply HtConsequence; eauto. rewrite H; reflexivity. intros. hnf in H1. specialize (H1 r _ eq_refl). rewrite H1; reflexivity. eapply HtConsequence; eauto. rewrite H; reflexivity. intros. hnf in H1. specialize (H1 r _ eq_refl). rewrite H1; reflexivity. Opaque himp. Qed. Theorem try_ptsto_first : forall a v, try_me_first (ptsto a v). Proof. simplify. apply try_me_first_easy. Qed. Local Hint Resolve try_ptsto_first : core. (** ** The nonzero shared counter *) (* This program has two threads sharing a numeric counter, which starts out as * nonzero and remains that way, since each thread only increments the counter, * with the lock held to avoid race conditions. (Actually, the lock isn't * needed to maintain the property in this case, but it's a pleasant starting * example, and reasoning about racey code is more involved.) *) Example incrementer := for i := tt loop _ <- Lock 0; n <- Read 0; _ <- Write 0 (n + 1); _ <- Unlock 0; if n ==n 0 then Fail else Return (Again tt) done. (* Recall that each lock has an associated invariant. This program only uses * lock 0, and here's its invariant: memory cell 0 holds a positive number. *) Definition incrementer_inv := (exists n, 0 |-> n * [| n > 0 |])%sep. Theorem incrementers_ok : [incrementer_inv] ||- {{emp}} (incrementer || incrementer) {{_ ~> emp}}. Proof. unfold incrementer, incrementer_inv. (* When we must prove a parallel composition, we manually explain how to split * the precondition into two, one for each new thread. In this case, there is * no local state to share, so both sides are empty. *) fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep). (* This loop invariant is also trivial, since neither thread has persistent * local state. *) loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). cases (r0 ==n 0); ht. cancel. linear_arithmetic. cancel. cancel. cancel. loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). cases (r0 ==n 0); ht. cancel. linear_arithmetic. cancel. cancel. cancel. cancel. Qed. (* Hm, we used exactly the same proof code for each thread, which makes sense, * since they share the same code. Let's take advantage of this symmetry to * prove that any 2^n-way composition of this code remains correct. *) Fixpoint incrementers (n : nat) := match n with | O => incrementer | S n' => incrementers n' || incrementers n' end. Theorem any_incrementers_ok : forall n, [incrementer_inv] ||- {{emp}} incrementers n {{_ ~> emp}}. Proof. induct n; simp. unfold incrementer, incrementer_inv. loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). cases (r0 ==n 0); ht. cancel. linear_arithmetic. cancel. cancel. cancel. fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep); eauto. cancel. Qed. (** ** Producer-consumer with a linked list *) (* First, here's a literal repetition of the definition of linked lists from * SeparationLogic.v. *) Fixpoint linkedList (p : nat) (ls : list nat) := match ls with | nil => [| p = 0 |] | x :: ls' => [| p <> 0 |] * exists p', p |--> [x; p'] * linkedList p' ls' end%sep. Theorem linkedList_null : forall ls, linkedList 0 ls === [| ls = nil |]. Proof. heq; cases ls; cancel. Qed. Theorem linkedList_nonnull : forall p ls, p <> 0 -> linkedList p ls === exists x ls' p', [| ls = x :: ls' |] * p |--> [x; p'] * linkedList p' ls'. Proof. heq; cases ls; cancel; match goal with | [ H : _ = _ :: _ |- _ ] => invert H end; cancel. Qed. (* Now let's use linked lists as shared stacks for communication between * threads, with a lock protecting each stack. To start out with, here's a * producer-consumer example with just one stack. The producer is looping * pushing the consecutive even numbers to the stack, and the consumer is * looping popping numbers and failing if they're odd. *) Example producer := _ <- for i := 0 loop cell <- Alloc 2; _ <- Write cell i; _ <- Lock 0; head <- Read 0; _ <- Write (cell+1) head; _ <- Write 0 cell; _ <- Unlock 0; Return (Again (2 + i)) done; Return tt. Fixpoint isEven (n : nat) : bool := match n with | O => true | S (S n) => isEven n | _ => false end. Example consumer := for i := tt loop _ <- Lock 0; head <- Read 0; if head ==n 0 then _ <- Unlock 0; Return (Again tt) else tail <- Read (head+1); _ <- Write 0 tail; _ <- Unlock 0; data <- Read head; _ <- Free head 2; if isEven data then Return (Again tt) else Fail done. (* Invariant of the only lock: cell 0 points to a linked list, whose elements * are all even. *) Definition producer_consumer_inv := (exists ls p, 0 |-> p * linkedList p ls * [| forallb isEven ls = true |])%sep. (* Let's prove that the program is correct (can never [Fail]). *) Theorem producer_consumer_ok : [producer_consumer_inv] ||- {{emp}} producer || consumer {{_ ~> emp}}. Proof. unfold producer_consumer_inv, producer, consumer. fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep); ht. loop_inv (fun o => [| isEven (valueOf o) = true |]%sep). match goal with | [ H : r = 0 -> False |- _ ] => erewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ H) end. cancel. simp. apply andb_true_iff; propositional. cancel. cancel. cancel. loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). cases (r0 ==n 0). ht. cancel. setoid_rewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ n). ht. apply andb_true_iff in H. simp. cases (isEven r4); ht. cancel. cancel. simp. rewrite Heq in H0. simp. try equality. cancel. cancel. cancel. Qed. (** ** A length-3 producer-consumer chain *) (* Here's a variant on the last example. Now we have three stages. * Stage 1: push consecutive even numbers to stack 1. * Stage 2: pop from stack 1 and push to stack 2, reusing the memory for the * list node. * Stage 3: pop from stack 2 and fail if odd. *) Example stage1 := _ <- for i := 0 loop cell <- Alloc 2; _ <- Write cell i; _ <- Lock 0; head <- Read 0; _ <- Write (cell+1) head; _ <- Write 0 cell; _ <- Unlock 0; Return (Again (2 + i)) done; Return tt. Example stage2 := for i := tt loop _ <- Lock 0; head <- Read 0; if head ==n 0 then _ <- Unlock 0; Return (Again tt) else tail <- Read (head+1); _ <- Write 0 tail; _ <- Unlock 0; _ <- Lock 1; head' <- Read 1; _ <- Write (head+1) head'; _ <- Write 1 head; _ <- Unlock 1; Return (Again tt) done. Example stage3 := for i := tt loop _ <- Lock 1; head <- Read 1; if head ==n 0 then _ <- Unlock 1; Return (Again tt) else tail <- Read (head+1); _ <- Write 1 tail; _ <- Unlock 1; data <- Read head; _ <- Free head 2; if isEven data then Return (Again tt) else Fail done. (* Same invariant as before, for each of the two stacks. *) Definition stages_inv root := (exists ls p, root |-> p * linkedList p ls * [| forallb isEven ls = true |])%sep. Theorem stages_ok : [stages_inv 0; stages_inv 1] ||- {{emp}} stage1 || stage2 || stage3 {{_ ~> emp}}. Proof. unfold stages_inv, stage1, stage2, stage3. fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep); ht. fork (emp%sep) (emp%sep); ht. loop_inv (fun o => [| isEven (valueOf o) = true |]%sep). match goal with | [ H : r = 0 -> False |- _ ] => erewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ H) end. cancel. simp. apply andb_true_iff; propositional. cancel. cancel. cancel. loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). simp. cases (r0 ==n 0). ht. cancel. setoid_rewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ n). ht. apply andb_true_iff in H. simp. erewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ n). cancel. simp. apply andb_true_iff in H1. apply andb_true_iff. simp. cancel. cancel. cancel. loop_inv (fun _ : loop_outcome unit => emp%sep). simp. cases (r0 ==n 0). ht. cancel. setoid_rewrite (linkedList_nonnull _ n). ht. apply andb_true_iff in H. simp. simp. cases (isEven r4); ht. cancel. cancel. simp. rewrite Heq in H0. simp. try equality. cancel. cancel. cancel. Qed. (** * Soundness proof *) (* We can still prove that the logic is sound. That is, any state compatible * with a proved Hoare triple has the invariant that it never fails. See the * book PDF for a sketch of the important technical devices and lemmas in this * proof. *) Local Hint Resolve himp_refl : core. Lemma invert_Return : forall linvs {result : Set} (r : result) P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Return r) Q -> P ===> Q r. Proof. induct 1; propositional; eauto. cancel. eauto using himp_trans. rewrite IHhoare_triple; eauto. Qed. Local Hint Constructors hoare_triple : core. Lemma invert_Bind : forall linvs {result' result} (c1 : cmd result') (c2 : result' -> cmd result) P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Bind c1 c2) Q -> exists R, hoare_triple linvs P c1 R /\ forall r, hoare_triple linvs (R r) (c2 r) Q. Proof. induct 1; propositional; eauto. invert IHhoare_triple; propositional. eexists; propositional. eapply HtWeaken. eassumption. auto. eapply HtStrengthen. apply H4. auto. simp. exists (fun r => x r * R)%sep. propositional. eapply HtFrame; eauto. eapply HtFrame; eauto. Qed. Transparent heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma invert_Loop : forall linvs {acc : Set} (init : acc) (body : acc -> cmd (loop_outcome acc)) P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Loop init body) Q -> exists I, (forall acc, hoare_triple linvs (I (Again acc)) (body acc) I) /\ P ===> I (Again init) /\ (forall r, I (Done r) ===> Q r). Proof. induct 1; propositional; eauto. invert IHhoare_triple; propositional. exists x; propositional; eauto. unfold himp in *; eauto. eauto using himp_trans. simp. exists (fun o => x o * R)%sep; propositional; eauto. rewrite H0; eauto. rewrite H3; eauto. Qed. (* Now that we proved enough basic facts, let's hide the definitions of all * these predicates, so that we reason about them only through automation. *) Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma unit_not_nat : unit = nat -> False. Proof. simplify. assert (exists x : unit, forall y : unit, x = y). exists tt; simplify. cases y; reflexivity. rewrite H in H0. invert H0. specialize (H1 (S x)). linear_arithmetic. Qed. Lemma invert_Read : forall linvs a P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Read a) Q -> exists R, (P ===> exists v, a |-> v * R v)%sep /\ forall r, a |-> r * R r ===> Q r. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. eauto 7 using himp_trans. exists (fun n => x n * R)%sep; simp. rewrite H1. cancel. rewrite <- H2. cancel. Qed. Lemma invert_Write : forall linvs a v' P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Write a v') Q -> exists R, (P ===> (exists v, a |-> v) * R)%sep /\ a |-> v' * R ===> Q tt. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. exists emp; simp. cancel; auto. cancel; auto. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. eauto 7 using himp_trans. exists (x * R)%sep; simp. rewrite H1. cancel. cancel. rewrite <- H2. cancel. Qed. Lemma invert_Alloc : forall linvs numWords P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Alloc numWords) Q -> forall r, P * r |--> zeroes numWords * [| r <> 0 |] ===> Q r. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. cancel. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. rewrite H0; eauto. eauto 7 using himp_trans. rewrite <- IHhoare_triple. cancel. Qed. (* Temporarily transparent again! *) Transparent heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma zeroes_initialize' : forall h a v, h $? a = None -> (fun h' : heap => h' = h $+ (a, v)) ===> (fun h' => h' = h) * a |-> v. Proof. unfold himp, star, split, ptsto, disjoint; simp. exists h, (heap1 a v). propositional. maps_equal. unfold heap1. rewrite lookup_join2. simp. simp. apply lookup_None_dom in H. propositional. cases (h $? k). rewrite lookup_join1; auto. eauto using lookup_Some_dom. rewrite lookup_join2; auto. unfold heap1; simp. eauto using lookup_None_dom. unfold heap1 in *. cases (a ==n a0); simp. Qed. (* Opaque again! *) Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma multi_ptsto_app : forall ls2 ls1 a, a |--> ls1 * (a + length ls1) |--> ls2 ===> a |--> (ls1 ++ ls2). Proof. induct ls1; simp; cancel; auto. replace (a + 0) with a by linear_arithmetic. cancel. rewrite <- IHls1. cancel. replace (a0 + 1 + length ls1) with (a0 + S (length ls1)) by linear_arithmetic. cancel. Qed. Lemma length_zeroes : forall n, length (zeroes n) = n. Proof. induct n; simplify; auto. rewrite app_length; simplify. linear_arithmetic. Qed. Lemma initialize_fresh : forall a' h a numWords, a' >= a + numWords -> initialize h a numWords $? a' = h $? a'. Proof. induct numWords; simp; auto. Qed. Lemma zeroes_initialize : forall numWords a h, (forall i, i < numWords -> h $? (a + i) = None) -> (fun h' => h' = initialize h a numWords) ===> (fun h' => h' = h) * a |--> zeroes numWords. Proof. induct numWords; simp. cancel; auto. rewrite <- multi_ptsto_app. rewrite zeroes_initialize'. erewrite IHnumWords. simp. rewrite length_zeroes. cancel; auto. auto. rewrite initialize_fresh; auto. Qed. Lemma invert_Free : forall linvs a numWords P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Free a numWords) Q -> P ===> a |->? numWords * Q tt. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. cancel; auto. rewrite H0. rewrite IHhoare_triple. cancel; auto. rewrite IHhoare_triple. cancel; auto. Qed. (* Temporarily transparent again! *) Transparent heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma do_deallocate' : forall a Q h, ((exists v, a |-> v) * Q)%sep h -> Q (h $- a). Proof. unfold ptsto, star, split, heap1; simp. invert H1. replace ($0 $+ (a, x1) $++ x0 $- a) with x0; auto. maps_equal. cases (k ==n a); simp. specialize (H a). simp. cases (x0 $? a); auto. exfalso; apply H; equality. rewrite lookup_join2; auto. apply lookup_None_dom. simp. Qed. Lemma do_deallocate : forall Q numWords a h, (a |->? numWords * Q)%sep h -> Q (deallocate h a numWords). Proof. induct numWords; simp. unfold star, exis, lift in H; simp. apply split_empty_fwd' in H0; simp. apply IHnumWords. clear IHnumWords. apply do_deallocate'. Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. match goal with | [ H : ?P h |- ?Q h ] => assert (P ===> Q) by cancel end. Transparent himp. apply H0; auto. Opaque himp. Qed. Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma invert_Lock : forall linvs a P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Lock a) Q -> exists I, nth_error linvs a = Some I /\ P * I ===> Q tt. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto 10. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. eexists; simp. eauto. cancel. eexists; simp. eauto. rewrite H0; eauto using himp_trans. eexists; simp. eauto. rewrite <- H2. cancel. Qed. Lemma invert_Unlock : forall linvs a P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Unlock a) Q -> exists I, nth_error linvs a = Some I /\ P ===> Q tt * I. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto 10. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. eexists; simp. eauto. cancel. eexists; simp. eauto. rewrite <- H1; eauto using himp_trans. eexists; simp. eauto. rewrite H2. cancel. Qed. Lemma invert_Par : forall linvs c1 c2 P Q, hoare_triple linvs P (Par c1 c2) Q -> exists P1 P2 Q1 Q2, hoare_triple linvs P1 c1 Q1 /\ hoare_triple linvs P2 c2 Q2 /\ P ===> P1 * P2. Proof. induct 1; simp; eauto 7. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. symmetry in x0. apply unit_not_nat in x0; simp. eauto 8 using himp_trans. exists (x * R)%sep, x0, (fun r => x1 r * R)%sep, x2; simp; eauto. rewrite H3; cancel. Qed. (* Temporarily transparent again! *) Transparent heq himp lift star exis ptsto. (* Guarded predicates *) Definition guarded (P : Prop) (p : hprop) : hprop := fun h => IFF P then p h else emp%sep h. Infix "===>" := guarded : sep_scope. Theorem guarded_true : forall (P : Prop) p, P -> (P ===> p) === p. Proof. unfold heq, guarded, IF_then_else; simp. Qed. Theorem guarded_false : forall (P : Prop) p, ~P -> (P ===> p) === emp. Proof. unfold heq, guarded, IF_then_else; simp. Qed. (* Iterated separating conjunction *) Fixpoint bigstar A (P : nat -> A -> hprop) (ls : list A) : hprop := match ls with | nil => emp | x :: ls' => P 0 x * bigstar (fun n => P (S n)) ls' end%sep. Definition lockChunks (l : locks) (ls : list hprop) := bigstar (fun i I => (~i \in l) ===> I)%sep ls. Lemma use_himp : forall P Q, P ===> Q -> forall h, P h -> Q h. Proof. auto. Qed. Lemma ptsto_out : forall h a v p, h $? a = Some v -> (exists v', a |-> v' * p v')%sep h -> (a |-> v * p v)%sep h /\ forall v', (a |-> v' * p v)%sep (h $+ (a, v')). Proof. invert 2. invert H1. simp. invert H2. unfold split in H0; subst. rewrite lookup_join1 in H. unfold heap1 in H. simplify. invert H. exists (heap1 a v), x1; simp. eauto. unfold ptsto. eauto. unfold heap1; simplify. sets. invert H2. unfold split in H0; subst. rewrite lookup_join1 in H. unfold heap1 in H. simplify. invert H. exists (heap1 a v'), x1; simp. unfold split. maps_equal. rewrite lookup_join1. unfold heap1; simplify; auto. unfold heap1; simplify; sets. repeat rewrite lookup_join2; auto. unfold heap1; simplify; sets. unfold heap1; simplify; sets. unfold disjoint in *; simp. apply (H1 a0); eauto. cases (a ==n a0); simp. unfold heap1 in *; simplify; equality. unfold heap1 in *; simplify; equality. unfold ptsto. eauto. unfold heap1; simplify; sets. Qed. Lemma specialize_hprop : forall (p : hprop) h, p h -> (fun h' => h' = h) ===> p. Proof. unfold himp; equality. Qed. Opaque heq himp lift star exis ptsto. Lemma bigstar_impl : forall A ls (p q : nat -> A -> hprop), (forall i x, p i x ===> q i x) -> bigstar p ls ===> bigstar q ls. Proof. induct ls; simplify; auto. rewrite H. rewrite IHls. cancel. simp. eauto. Qed. Lemma guarded_impl : forall P Q p, (P <-> Q) -> (P ===> p) ===> (Q ===> p). Proof. simp. excluded_middle P. repeat rewrite guarded_true by propositional. auto. repeat rewrite guarded_false by propositional. auto. Qed. Lemma lockChunks_lock' : forall l I linvs (f : nat -> nat) a, ~f a \in l -> nth_error linvs a = Some I -> (forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) -> bigstar (fun i I => (~f i \in l) ===> I)%sep linvs ===> I * bigstar (fun i I => (~(f i \in {f a} \cup l)) ===> I)%sep linvs. Proof. induct linvs; simplify. cases a; simplify; try unfold error in *; equality. cases a0; simplify. invert H0. rewrite guarded_true by sets. rewrite guarded_false by sets. cancel. apply bigstar_impl. simp. apply guarded_impl. sets. apply H1 in H2. equality. apply (IHlinvs (fun n => f (S n))) in H0; auto. rewrite H0. cancel. apply guarded_impl. sets. apply H1 in H3. equality. simp. apply H1 in H2. equality. Qed. Lemma lockChunks_lock : forall a l I linvs, ~a \in l -> nth_error linvs a = Some I -> lockChunks l linvs ===> I * lockChunks ({a} \cup l) linvs. Proof. simp. apply lockChunks_lock' with (f := fun n => n); auto. Qed. Lemma lockChunks_unlock' : forall l I linvs (f : nat -> nat) a, f a \in l -> nth_error linvs a = Some I -> (forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y) -> I * bigstar (fun i I => (~f i \in l) ===> I)%sep linvs ===> bigstar (fun i I => (~(f i \in l \setminus {f a})) ===> I)%sep linvs. Proof. induct linvs; simplify. cases a; simplify; try unfold error in *; equality. cases a0; simplify. invert H0. rewrite guarded_false by sets. rewrite guarded_true by sets. cancel. apply bigstar_impl. simp. apply guarded_impl. sets. apply H0; propositional. apply H1 in H4. equality. apply (IHlinvs (fun n => f (S n))) in H0; auto. rewrite <- H0. cancel. apply guarded_impl. sets. apply H2; propositional. apply H1 in H5. equality. simp. apply H1 in H2. equality. Qed. Lemma lockChunks_unlock : forall a l I linvs, a \in l -> nth_error linvs a = Some I -> I * lockChunks l linvs ===> lockChunks (l \setminus {a}) linvs. Proof. simp. apply lockChunks_unlock' with (f := fun n => n); auto. Qed. Lemma preservation : forall linvs {result} (c : cmd result) h l c' h' l', step (h, l, c) (h', l', c') -> forall P Q R, hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> (P * R * lockChunks l linvs)%sep h -> exists P', hoare_triple linvs P' c' Q /\ (P' * R * lockChunks l' linvs)%sep h'. Proof. induct 1; simplify. apply invert_Bind in H0; simp. eapply IHstep in H0; eauto. simp. eauto. apply invert_Bind in H; simp. specialize (invert_Return H); eauto using HtWeaken. apply invert_Loop in H; simp. eexists; simp. econstructor. eauto. simp. cases r. apply HtReturn'. auto. eapply HtStrengthen. eauto. eauto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H1. eauto. apply invert_Read in H0; simp. assert ((exists v, a |-> v * (x v * R * lockChunks l' linvs))%sep h'). eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H0. cancel. eapply ptsto_out in H2; eauto. eexists; simp. apply HtReturn'. eauto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. apply invert_Write in H0; simp. assert ((exists v, a |-> v * (x * R * lockChunks l' linvs))%sep h). eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H0. cancel. eapply ptsto_out in H2; eauto. propositional. eexists; simp. apply HtReturn'. eauto. eapply use_himp; try apply H5. cancel. apply invert_Alloc with (r := a) in H1. eexists; propositional. apply HtReturn'. eassumption. apply use_himp with ((P * R * lockChunks l' linvs) * a |--> zeroes numWords)%sep. cancel. apply use_himp with ((fun h' => h' = h) * a |--> zeroes numWords)%sep. cancel. eauto using specialize_hprop. eapply use_himp. apply zeroes_initialize; auto. simp. apply invert_Free in H. eexists; propositional. instantiate (1 := Q tt). apply HtReturn'. auto. apply do_deallocate; simplify. change (fun f => (Q tt * lockChunks l' linvs) f)%sep with (Q tt * lockChunks l' linvs)%sep. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H. cancel. apply invert_Lock in H0. simp. eexists; propositional. apply HtReturn'; auto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite <- H3. cancel. apply lockChunks_lock; auto. apply invert_Unlock in H0. simp. eexists; propositional. apply HtReturn'; auto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H3. cancel. rewrite <- lockChunks_unlock; eauto. cancel. apply invert_Par in H0. simp. eapply IHstep in H2. simp. eexists; propositional. apply HtStrengthenFalse. econstructor. eassumption. eassumption. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. apply invert_Par in H0. simp. eapply IHstep in H0. simp. eexists; propositional. apply HtStrengthenFalse. econstructor. eassumption. eassumption. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite H4. cancel. Qed. Definition allLockChunks (linvs : list hprop) := bigstar (fun _ I => I) linvs. Lemma allLockChunks_lockChunks' : forall linvs (f : nat -> nat), bigstar (fun _ I => I) linvs ===> bigstar (fun i I => (~f i \in {}) ===> I) linvs. Proof. induct linvs; simp; auto. rewrite guarded_true by sets. rewrite IHlinvs. cancel. Qed. Lemma allLockChunks_lockChunks : forall linvs, allLockChunks linvs ===> lockChunks {} linvs. Proof. simp. apply allLockChunks_lockChunks' with (f := fun n => n). Qed. Lemma hoare_triple_sound' : forall linvs P {result} (c : cmd result) Q, hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> forall h, (P * allLockChunks linvs)%sep h -> invariantFor (trsys_of h {} c) (fun p => let '(h, l, c) := p in exists P', hoare_triple linvs P' c Q /\ (P' * lockChunks l linvs)%sep h). Proof. simplify. apply invariant_induction; simplify. propositional; subst; simplify. eexists; propositional. eauto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. rewrite allLockChunks_lockChunks. auto. cases s. cases p. cases s'. cases p. simp. eapply preservation with (R := emp%sep) in H1; eauto. simp. eexists; propositional; eauto. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. eapply use_himp; try eassumption. cancel. Qed. Fixpoint notAboutToFail {result} (c : cmd result) := match c with | Fail _ => false | Bind _ _ c1 _ => notAboutToFail c1 | Par c1 c2 => notAboutToFail c1 && notAboutToFail c2 | _ => true end. Lemma hoare_triple_notAboutToFail : forall linvs P result (c : cmd result) Q, hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> notAboutToFail c = false -> P ===> [| False |]. Proof. induct 1; simp; try equality; eauto using himp_trans. apply andb_false_iff in H1; propositional. rewrite H1; cancel. rewrite H1; cancel. rewrite H1; cancel. Qed. Lemma False_star : forall p, [| False |] * p ===> [| False |]. Proof. cancel. Qed. Theorem hoare_triple_sound : forall linvs P {result} (c : cmd result) Q, hoare_triple linvs P c Q -> forall h, (P * allLockChunks linvs)%sep h -> invariantFor (trsys_of h {} c) (fun p => let '(_, _, c) := p in notAboutToFail c = true). Proof. simplify. eapply invariant_weaken. eapply hoare_triple_sound'; eauto. simp. cases s. cases p. simp. cases (notAboutToFail c0); auto. eapply hoare_triple_notAboutToFail in Heq; eauto. assert ([| False |]%sep f). apply use_himp with (x * lockChunks s linvs)%sep. rewrite Heq. apply False_star. assumption. invert H2; propositional. Qed.