(** Formal Reasoning About Programs * Chapter 2: Basic Program Syntax * Author: Adam Chlipala * License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *) Require Import Frap. (* This [Import] command is for including a library of code, theorems, tactics, etc. * Here we just include the standard library of the book. * We won't distinguish carefully between built-in Coq features and those provided by that library. *) (* As a first example, let's look at the syntax of simple arithmetic expressions. * We use the Coq feature of modules, which let us group related definitions together. * A key benefit is that names can be reused across modules, * which is helpful to define several variants of a suite of functionality, * within a single source file. *) Module ArithWithConstants. (* The following definition closely mirrors a standard BNF grammar for expressions. * It defines abstract syntax trees of arithmetic expressions. *) Inductive arith : Set := | Const (n : nat) | Plus (e1 e2 : arith) | Times (e1 e2 : arith). (* Here are a few examples of specific expressions. *) Example ex1 := Const 42. Example ex2 := Plus (Const 1) (Times (Const 2) (Const 3)). (* How many nodes appear in the tree for an expression? * Unlike in many programming languages, in Coq, * recursive functions must be marked as recursive explicitly. * That marking comes with the [Fixpoint] command, as opposed to [Definition]. * Note also that Coq checks termination of each recursive definition. * Intuitively, recursive calls must be on subterms of the original argument. *) Fixpoint size (e : arith) : nat := match e with | Const _ => 1 | Plus e1 e2 => 1 + size e1 + size e2 | Times e1 e2 => 1 + size e1 + size e2 end. (* Here's how to run a program (evaluate a term) in Coq. *) Compute size ex1. Compute size ex2. (* What's the longest path from the root of a syntax tree to a leaf? *) Fixpoint depth (e : arith) : nat := match e with | Const _ => 1 | Plus e1 e2 => 1 + max (depth e1) (depth e2) | Times e1 e2 => 1 + max (depth e1) (depth e2) end. Compute depth ex1. Compute depth ex2. (* Our first proof! * Size is an upper bound on depth. *) Theorem depth_le_size : forall e, depth e <= size e. Proof. (* Within a proof, we apply commands called *tactics*. * Here's our first one. * Throughout the book's Coq code, we give a brief note documenting each tactic, * after its first use. * Keep in mind that the best way to understand what's going on * is to run the proof script for yourself, inspecting intermediate states! *) induct e. (* [induct x]: where [x] is a variable in the theorem statement, * structure the proof by induction on the structure of [x]. * You will get one generated subgoal per constructor in the * inductive definition of [x]. (Indeed, it is required that * [x]'s type was introduced with [Inductive].) *) simplify. (* [simplify]: simplify throughout the goal, applying the definitions of * recursive functions directly. That is, when a subterm * matches one of the [match] cases in a defining [Fixpoint], * replace with the body of that case, then repeat. *) linear_arithmetic. (* [linear_arithmetic]: a complete decision procedure for linear arithmetic. * Relevant formulas are essentially those built up from * variables and constant natural numbers and integers * using only addition, with equality and inequality * comparisons on top. (Multiplication by constants * is supported, as a shorthand for repeated addition.) *) simplify. linear_arithmetic. simplify. linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem depth_le_size_snazzy : forall e, depth e <= size e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. (* Oo, look at that! Chaining tactics with semicolon, as in [t1; t2], * asks to run [t1] on the goal, then run [t2] on *every* * generated subgoal. This is an essential ingredient for automation. *) Qed. (* A silly recursive function: swap the operand orders of all binary operators. *) Fixpoint commuter (e : arith) : arith := match e with | Const _ => e | Plus e1 e2 => Plus (commuter e2) (commuter e1) | Times e1 e2 => Times (commuter e2) (commuter e1) end. Compute commuter ex1. Compute commuter ex2. (* [commuter] has all the appropriate interactions with other functions (and itself). *) Theorem size_commuter : forall e, size (commuter e) = size e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem depth_commuter : forall e, depth (commuter e) = depth e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem commuter_inverse : forall e, commuter (commuter e) = e. Proof. induct e; simplify; equality. (* [equality]: a complete decision procedure for the theory of equality * and uninterpreted functions. That is, the goal must follow * from only reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, and congruence * of equality, including that functions really do behave as functions. *) Qed. End ArithWithConstants. (* Let's shake things up a bit by adding variables to expressions. * Note that all of the automated proof scripts from before will keep working * with no changes! That sort of "free" proof evolution is invaluable for * theorems about real-world compilers, say. *) Module ArithWithVariables. Inductive arith : Set := | Const (n : nat) | Var (x : var) (* <-- this is the new constructor! *) | Plus (e1 e2 : arith) | Times (e1 e2 : arith). Example ex1 := Const 42. Example ex2 := Plus (Const 1) (Times (Var "x") (Const 3)). Fixpoint size (e : arith) : nat := match e with | Const _ => 1 | Var _ => 1 | Plus e1 e2 => 1 + size e1 + size e2 | Times e1 e2 => 1 + size e1 + size e2 end. Compute size ex1. Compute size ex2. Fixpoint depth (e : arith) : nat := match e with | Const _ => 1 | Var _ => 1 | Plus e1 e2 => 1 + max (depth e1) (depth e2) | Times e1 e2 => 1 + max (depth e1) (depth e2) end. Compute depth ex1. Compute depth ex2. Theorem depth_le_size : forall e, depth e <= size e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Fixpoint commuter (e : arith) : arith := match e with | Const _ => e | Var _ => e | Plus e1 e2 => Plus (commuter e2) (commuter e1) | Times e1 e2 => Times (commuter e2) (commuter e1) end. Compute commuter ex1. Compute commuter ex2. Theorem size_commuter : forall e, size (commuter e) = size e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem depth_commuter : forall e, depth (commuter e) = depth e. Proof. induct e; simplify; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem commuter_inverse : forall e, commuter (commuter e) = e. Proof. induct e; simplify; equality. Qed. (* Now that we have variables, we can consider new operations, * like substituting an expression for a variable. * We use an infix operator [==v] for equality tests on strings. * It has a somewhat funny and very expressive type, * whose details we will try to gloss over. * (To dig into it more on your own, the appropriate keyword is "dependent types.") *) Fixpoint substitute (inThis : arith) (replaceThis : var) (withThis : arith) : arith := match inThis with | Const _ => inThis | Var x => if x ==v replaceThis then withThis else inThis | Plus e1 e2 => Plus (substitute e1 replaceThis withThis) (substitute e2 replaceThis withThis) | Times e1 e2 => Times (substitute e1 replaceThis withThis) (substitute e2 replaceThis withThis) end. (* An intuitive property about how much [substitute] might increase depth. *) Theorem substitute_depth : forall replaceThis withThis inThis, depth (substitute inThis replaceThis withThis) <= depth inThis + depth withThis. Proof. induct inThis. simplify. linear_arithmetic. simplify. cases (x ==v replaceThis). (* [cases e]: break the proof into one case for each constructor that might have * been used to build the value of expression [e]. In the special case where * [e] essentially has a Boolean type, we consider whether [e] is true or false. *) linear_arithmetic. simplify. linear_arithmetic. simplify. linear_arithmetic. simplify. linear_arithmetic. Qed. (* Let's get fancier about automation, using [match goal] to pattern-match the goal * and decide what to do next! * The [|-] syntax separates hypotheses and conclusion in a goal. * The [context] syntax is for matching against *any subterm* of a term. * The construct [try] is also useful, for attempting a tactic and rolling back * the effect if any error is encountered. *) Theorem substitute_depth_snazzy : forall replaceThis withThis inThis, depth (substitute inThis replaceThis withThis) <= depth inThis + depth withThis. Proof. induct inThis; simplify; try match goal with | [ |- context[if ?a ==v ?b then _ else _] ] => cases (a ==v b); simplify end; linear_arithmetic. Qed. (* A silly self-substitution has no effect. *) Theorem substitute_self : forall replaceThis inThis, substitute inThis replaceThis (Var replaceThis) = inThis. Proof. induct inThis; simplify; try match goal with | [ |- context[if ?a ==v ?b then _ else _] ] => cases (a ==v b); simplify end; equality. Qed. (* We can do substitution and commuting in either order. *) Theorem substitute_commuter : forall replaceThis withThis inThis, commuter (substitute inThis replaceThis withThis) = substitute (commuter inThis) replaceThis (commuter withThis). Proof. induct inThis; simplify; try match goal with | [ |- context[if ?a ==v ?b then _ else _] ] => cases (a ==v b); simplify end; equality. Qed. (* *Constant folding* is one of the classic compiler optimizations. * We repeatedly find opportunities to replace fancier expressions * with known constant values. *) Fixpoint constantFold (e : arith) : arith := match e with | Const _ => e | Var _ => e | Plus e1 e2 => let e1' := constantFold e1 in let e2' := constantFold e2 in match e1', e2' with | Const n1, Const n2 => Const (n1 + n2) | Const 0, _ => e2' | _, Const 0 => e1' | _, _ => Plus e1' e2' end | Times e1 e2 => let e1' := constantFold e1 in let e2' := constantFold e2 in match e1', e2' with | Const n1, Const n2 => Const (n1 * n2) | Const 1, _ => e2' | _, Const 1 => e1' | Const 0, _ => Const 0 | _, Const 0 => Const 0 | _, _ => Times e1' e2' end end. (* This is supposed to be an *optimization*, so it had better not *increase* * the size of an expression! * There are enough cases to consider here that we skip straight to * the automation. * A new scripting construct is [match] patterns with dummy bodies. * Such a pattern matches *any* [match] in a goal, over any type! *) Theorem size_constantFold : forall e, size (constantFold e) <= size e. Proof. induct e; simplify; repeat match goal with | [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify end; linear_arithmetic. Qed. (* Business as usual, with another commuting law *) Theorem commuter_constantFold : forall e, commuter (constantFold e) = constantFold (commuter e). Proof. induct e; simplify; repeat match goal with | [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify | [ H : ?f _ = ?f _ |- _ ] => invert H | [ |- ?f _ = ?f _ ] => f_equal end; equality || linear_arithmetic || ring. (* [f_equal]: when the goal is an equality between two applications of * the same function, switch to proving that the function arguments are * pairwise equal. * [invert H]: replace hypothesis [H] with other facts that can be deduced * from the structure of [H]'s statement. This is admittedly a fuzzy * description for now; we'll learn much more about the logic shortly! * Here, what matters is that, when the hypothesis is an equality between * two applications of a constructor of an inductive type, we learn that * the arguments to the constructor must be pairwise equal. * [ring]: prove goals that are equalities over some registered ring or * semiring, in the sense of algebra, where the goal follows solely from * the axioms of that algebraic structure. *) Qed. (* To define a further transformation, we first write a roundabout way of * testing whether an expression is a constant. * This detour happens to be useful to avoid overhead in concert with * pattern matching, since Coq internally elaborates wildcard [_] patterns * into separate cases for all constructors not considered beforehand. * That expansion can create serious code blow-ups, leading to serious * proof blow-ups! *) Definition isConst (e : arith) : option nat := match e with | Const n => Some n | _ => None end. (* Our next target is a function that finds multiplications by constants * and pushes the multiplications to the leaves of syntax trees, * ideally finding constants, which can be replaced by larger constants, * not affecting the meanings of expressions. * This helper function takes a coefficient [multiplyBy] that should be * applied to an expression. *) Fixpoint pushMultiplicationInside' (multiplyBy : nat) (e : arith) : arith := match e with | Const n => Const (multiplyBy * n) | Var _ => Times (Const multiplyBy) e | Plus e1 e2 => Plus (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy e1) (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy e2) | Times e1 e2 => match isConst e1 with | Some k => pushMultiplicationInside' (k * multiplyBy) e2 | None => Times (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy e1) e2 end end. (* The overall transformation just fixes the initial coefficient as [1]. *) Definition pushMultiplicationInside (e : arith) : arith := pushMultiplicationInside' 1 e. (* Let's prove this boring arithmetic property, so that we may use it below. *) Lemma n_times_0 : forall n, n * 0 = 0. Proof. linear_arithmetic. Qed. (* A fun fact about pushing multiplication inside: * the coefficient has no effect on depth! * Let's start by showing any coefficient is equivalent to coefficient 0. *) Lemma depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance0 : forall e multiplyBy, depth (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy e) = depth (pushMultiplicationInside' 0 e). Proof. induct e; simplify. linear_arithmetic. linear_arithmetic. rewrite IHe1. (* [rewrite H]: where [H] is a hypothesis or previously proved theorem, * establishing [forall x1 .. xN, e1 = e2], find a subterm of the goal * that equals [e1], given the right choices of [xi] values, and replace * that subterm with [e2]. *) rewrite IHe2. linear_arithmetic. cases (isConst e1); simplify. rewrite IHe2. rewrite n_times_0. linear_arithmetic. rewrite IHe1. linear_arithmetic. Qed. (* It can be remarkably hard to get Coq's automation to be dumb enough to * help us demonstrate all of the primitive tactics. ;-) * In particular, we can redo the proof in an automated way, without the * explicit rewrites. *) Lemma depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance0_snazzy : forall e multiplyBy, depth (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy e) = depth (pushMultiplicationInside' 0 e). Proof. induct e; simplify; try match goal with | [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify end; equality. Qed. (* Now the general corollary about irrelevance of coefficients for depth. *) Lemma depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance : forall e multiplyBy1 multiplyBy2, depth (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy1 e) = depth (pushMultiplicationInside' multiplyBy2 e). Proof. simplify. transitivity (depth (pushMultiplicationInside' 0 e)). (* [transitivity X]: when proving [Y = Z], switch to proving [Y = X] * and [X = Z]. *) apply depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance0. (* [apply H]: for [H] a hypothesis or previously proved theorem, * establishing some fact that matches the structure of the current * conclusion, switch to proving [H]'s own hypotheses. * This is *backwards reasoning* via a known fact. *) symmetry. (* [symmetry]: when proving [X = Y], switch to proving [Y = X]. *) apply depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance0. Qed. (* Let's prove that pushing-inside has only a small effect on depth, * considering for now only coefficient 0. *) Lemma depth_pushMultiplicationInside' : forall e, depth (pushMultiplicationInside' 0 e) <= S (depth e). Proof. induct e; simplify. linear_arithmetic. linear_arithmetic. linear_arithmetic. cases (isConst e1); simplify. rewrite n_times_0. linear_arithmetic. linear_arithmetic. Qed. Hint Rewrite n_times_0. (* Registering rewrite hints will get [simplify] to apply them for us * automatically! *) Lemma depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_snazzy : forall e, depth (pushMultiplicationInside' 0 e) <= S (depth e). Proof. induct e; simplify; try match goal with | [ |- context[match ?E with _ => _ end] ] => cases E; simplify end; linear_arithmetic. Qed. Theorem depth_pushMultiplicationInside : forall e, depth (pushMultiplicationInside e) <= S (depth e). Proof. simplify. unfold pushMultiplicationInside. (* [unfold X]: replace [X] by its definition. *) rewrite depth_pushMultiplicationInside'_irrelevance0. apply depth_pushMultiplicationInside'. Qed. End ArithWithVariables.