(** Formal Reasoning About Programs * Chapter 6: Model Checking * Author: Adam Chlipala * License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *) Require Import Frap TransitionSystems. Set Implicit Arguments. (* Coming up with invariants ourselves can be tedious! Let's investigate how we * can automate the choice of invariants, for systems with only finitely many * reachable states. This style is known as model checking. First, let's think * more deliberately about how to grow a candidate invariant by adding new cases * that we missed. Here's what it means for one invariant to retain all cases of * another. *) Definition oneStepClosure_current {state} (sys : trsys state) (invariant1 invariant2 : state -> Prop) := forall st, invariant1 st -> invariant2 st. (* And here's what it means to add all new states reachable from the original * set. *) Definition oneStepClosure_new {state} (sys : trsys state) (invariant1 invariant2 : state -> Prop) := forall st st', invariant1 st -> sys.(Step) st st' -> invariant2 st'. (* Putting together the two conditions, we have a closure operator, for * enriching a candidate invariant with all new states reachable from it in a * single step. *) Definition oneStepClosure {state} (sys : trsys state) (invariant1 invariant2 : state -> Prop) := oneStepClosure_current sys invariant1 invariant2 /\ oneStepClosure_new sys invariant1 invariant2. (* Here's a simple restatement of [oneStepClosure] as a theorem with two * premises. *) Theorem prove_oneStepClosure : forall state (sys : trsys state) (inv1 inv2 : state -> Prop), (forall st, inv1 st -> inv2 st) -> (forall st st', inv1 st -> sys.(Step) st st' -> inv2 st') -> oneStepClosure sys inv1 inv2. Proof. unfold oneStepClosure. propositional. Qed. (* Now imagine the following general procedure to find an invariant. Start with * the initial states as the candidate invariant. Now take the one-step * closure, adding all states reachable in one step. Then take it again, and * again, until the invariant is "big enough." What is the formal meaning of * this termination condition? We are done if one-step closure brings us back * to the original set. (Of course, we must also retain all the initial * states.) *) Theorem oneStepClosure_done : forall state (sys : trsys state) (invariant : state -> Prop), (forall st, sys.(Initial) st -> invariant st) -> oneStepClosure sys invariant invariant -> invariantFor sys invariant. Proof. unfold oneStepClosure, oneStepClosure_current, oneStepClosure_new. propositional. apply invariant_induction. assumption. simplify. eapply H2. eassumption. assumption. Qed. (* Now we define an inductive relation, capturing repeated closure until * convergence. *) Inductive multiStepClosure {state} (sys : trsys state) : (state -> Prop) -> (state -> Prop) -> Prop := (* We might be done, if one-step closure has no effect. *) | MscDone : forall inv, oneStepClosure sys inv inv -> multiStepClosure sys inv inv (* Or we might need to run another one-step closure and recurse. *) | MscStep : forall inv inv' inv'', oneStepClosure sys inv inv' -> multiStepClosure sys inv' inv'' -> multiStepClosure sys inv inv''. (* Now, with the help of a lemma, we prove that multi-step closure is a sound * way to find an invariant for any transition system. Note that we really do * not have that silver bullet here, because, for many systems, multi-step * closure does not terminate! However, if it does, we get a correct * invariant. *) Lemma multiStepClosure_ok' : forall state (sys : trsys state) (inv inv' : state -> Prop), multiStepClosure sys inv inv' -> (forall st, sys.(Initial) st -> inv st) -> invariantFor sys inv'. Proof. induct 1; simplify. apply oneStepClosure_done. assumption. assumption. apply IHmultiStepClosure. simplify. unfold oneStepClosure, oneStepClosure_current in *. propositional. apply H3. apply H1. assumption. Qed. Theorem multiStepClosure_ok : forall state (sys : trsys state) (inv : state -> Prop), multiStepClosure sys sys.(Initial) inv -> invariantFor sys inv. Proof. simplify. eapply multiStepClosure_ok'. eassumption. propositional. Qed. (* OK, great. We know how to find invariants if we can evaluate one-step * closure efficiently. Here's one case that is particularly easy to evaluate, * starting from the empty set as the invariant. We use a function [constant] * from the FRAP library, for sets of finite size. In general, we write * [constant [x1; ..., xN]] for the set [{x1, ..., xN}], and in fact the latter * notation is available, too. *) Theorem oneStepClosure_empty : forall state (sys : trsys state), oneStepClosure sys (constant nil) (constant nil). Proof. unfold oneStepClosure, oneStepClosure_current, oneStepClosure_new; propositional. Qed. (* In general, for finite sets, we'll compute one-step closure by closing * separately over each element of the set. This theorem implements one step of * that process, where we learn that [inv1] accurately captures where we might * get from state [st] in one step. States [sts] are those left over to * consider. *) Theorem oneStepClosure_split : forall state (sys : trsys state) st sts (inv1 inv2 : state -> Prop), (forall st', sys.(Step) st st' -> inv1 st') -> oneStepClosure sys (constant sts) inv2 -> oneStepClosure sys (constant (st :: sts)) ({st} \cup inv1 \cup inv2). Proof. unfold oneStepClosure, oneStepClosure_current, oneStepClosure_new; propositional. invert H0. left. (* [left] and [right]: prove a disjunction by proving the left or right case, * respectively. Note that here, we are using the fact that set union * [\cup] is defined in terms of disjunction. *) left. simplify. propositional. right. apply H1. assumption. simplify. propositional. right. left. apply H. equality. right. right. eapply H2. eassumption. assumption. Qed. (* A trivial fact about union and singleton sets. *) Theorem singleton_in : forall {A} (x : A) rest, ({x} \cup rest) x. Proof. simplify. left. simplify. equality. Qed. (* OK, back to our example from last chapter, of factorial as a transition * system. Here's a good overall correctness condition, which we didn't bother * to state before. *) Definition fact_correct (original_input : nat) (st : fact_state) : Prop := match st with | AnswerIs ans => fact original_input = ans | WithAccumulator _ _ => True end. (* Let's also restate the initial-states set using a singleton set. *) Theorem fact_init_is : forall original_input, fact_init original_input = {WithAccumulator original_input 1}. Proof. simplify. apply sets_equal; simplify. (* Note the use of a theorem [sets_equal], saying that sets are equal if they * have the same elements. *) propositional. invert H. equality. rewrite <- H0. constructor. Qed. (* Now we will prove that factorial is correct, for the input 2, without needing * to write out an inductive invariant ourselves. Note that it's important that * we choose a small, constant input, so that the reachable state space is * finite and tractable. *) Theorem factorial_ok_2 : invariantFor (factorial_sys 2) (fact_correct 2). Proof. simplify. eapply invariant_weaken. (* We begin like in last chapter, by strengthening to an inductive * invariant. *) apply multiStepClosure_ok. (* The difference is that we will use multi-step closure to find the invariant * automatically. Note that the invariant appears as an existential variable, * whose name begins with a question mark. *) simplify. rewrite fact_init_is. (* It's important to phrase the current candidate invariant explicitly as a * finite set, before continuing. Otherwise, it won't be obvious how to take * the one-step closure. *) (* Compute which states are reachable after one step. *) eapply MscStep. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_empty. simplify. (* Compute which states are reachable after two steps. *) eapply MscStep. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_empty. simplify. (* Compute which states are reachable after three steps. *) eapply MscStep. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_split; simplify. invert H; simplify. apply singleton_in. apply oneStepClosure_empty. simplify. (* Now the candidate invariatn is closed under single steps. Let's prove * it. *) apply MscDone. apply prove_oneStepClosure; simplify. propositional. propositional; invert H0; try equality. invert H; equality. invert H1; equality. (* Finally, we prove that our new invariant implies the simpler, noninductive * one that we started with. *) simplify. propositional; subst; simplify; propositional. (* [subst]: remove all hypotheses like [x = e] for variables [x], simply * replacing all uses of [x] by [e]. *) Qed. (* That process was so rote that we can automate it all, in a generic way that * will work for most transition systems that have finitely many reachable * states. Here is a definition of some tactics to do the work. * BEGIN CODE THAT WILL NOT BE EXPLAINED IN DETAIL! *) Hint Rewrite fact_init_is. Ltac model_check_done := apply MscDone; apply prove_oneStepClosure; simplify; propositional; subst; repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => invert H end; simplify; equality. Theorem singleton_in_other : forall {A} (x : A) (s1 s2 : set A), s2 x -> (s1 \cup s2) x. Proof. simplify. right. right. assumption. Qed. Ltac singletoner := repeat match goal with | [ |- _ ?S ] => idtac S; apply singleton_in | [ |- (_ \cup _) _ ] => apply singleton_in_other end. Ltac model_check_step0 := eapply MscStep; [ repeat ((apply oneStepClosure_empty; simplify) || (apply oneStepClosure_split; [ simplify; repeat match goal with | [ H : _ |- _ ] => invert H; try congruence end; solve [ singletoner ] | ])) | simplify ]. Ltac model_check_step := match goal with | [ |- multiStepClosure _ ?inv1 _ ] => model_check_step0; match goal with | [ |- multiStepClosure _ ?inv2 _ ] => (assert (inv1 = inv2) by compare_sets; fail 3) || idtac end end. Ltac model_check_steps1 := model_check_step || model_check_done. Ltac model_check_steps := repeat model_check_steps1. Ltac model_check_finish := simplify; propositional; subst; simplify; equality. Ltac model_check_infer := apply multiStepClosure_ok; simplify; model_check_steps. Ltac model_check_find_invariant := simplify; eapply invariant_weaken; [ model_check_infer | ]; cbv beta in *. Ltac model_check := model_check_find_invariant; model_check_finish. (* END CODE THAT WILL NOT BE EXPLAINED IN DETAIL! *) (* Now watch this. We can check various instances of factorial * automatically. *) Theorem factorial_ok_2_snazzy : invariantFor (factorial_sys 2) (fact_correct 2). Proof. model_check. Qed. Theorem factorial_ok_3 : invariantFor (factorial_sys 3) (fact_correct 3). Proof. model_check. Qed. Theorem factorial_ok_5 : invariantFor (factorial_sys 5) (fact_correct 5). Proof. model_check. Qed. (* Let's see that last one broken into two steps, so that we get a look at the * inferred invariant. *) Theorem factorial_ok_5_again : invariantFor (factorial_sys 5) (fact_correct 5). Proof. model_check_find_invariant. model_check_finish. Qed. (** * Abstraction *) (* It's lovely when we happen to be analyzing a system with a finite state * space, but usually we aren't that lucky. For instance, imagine that we are * using a programming language with infinite-precision integers, and we want to * check this program: * << int global = 0; thread() { int local; while (true) { local = global; global = local + 2; } } >> * The program loops indefinitely, adding 2 to a global variable. We want to * prove that "global" always holds an even value. Here's how we can formalize * evenness inductively. *) Inductive isEven : nat -> Prop := | EvenO : isEven 0 | EvenSS : forall n, isEven n -> isEven (S (S n)). (* And now we define a transition system for the program, in a process that * should be routine by now. We use last chapter's concept of a multithreaded * transition system. *) Inductive add2_thread := | Read | Write (local : nat). Inductive add2_init : threaded_state nat add2_thread -> Prop := | Add2Init : add2_init {| Shared := 0; Private := Read |}. Inductive add2_step : threaded_state nat add2_thread -> threaded_state nat add2_thread -> Prop := | StepRead : forall global, add2_step {| Shared := global; Private := Read |} {| Shared := global; Private := Write global |} | StepWrite : forall global local, add2_step {| Shared := global; Private := Write local |} {| Shared := S (S local); Private := Read |}. Definition add2_sys1 := {| Initial := add2_init; Step := add2_step |}. Definition add2_sys := parallel add2_sys1 add2_sys1. (* Here is the invariant we want to prove. *) Definition add2_correct (st : threaded_state nat (add2_thread * add2_thread)) := isEven st.(Shared). (* We can't model-check [add2_sys] directly, because it can reach infinitely * many states. Even if we worked with fixed-precision integers, say with 64 * bits, the state space would be impractically large to explore directly. * Instead, we will *abstract* this system into another one that retains its * essential properties. In particular, we want to find another transition * system that *simulates* this one, in the sense made precise by this * definition, where [sys1] will be [add2_sys] for this example. *) Inductive simulates state1 state2 (R : state1 -> state2 -> Prop) (* [R] is a relation connecting the states of the two systems. *) (sys1 : trsys state1) (sys2 : trsys state2) : Prop := | Simulates : (* Every initial state of [sys1] has some matching initial state of [sys2]. *) (forall st1, sys1.(Initial) st1 -> exists st2, R st1 st2 /\ sys2.(Initial) st2) (* Starting from a pair of related states, every step in [sys1] can be matched * in [sys2], to destinations that are also related. *) -> (forall st1 st2, R st1 st2 -> forall st1', sys1.(Step) st1 st1' -> exists st2', R st1' st2' /\ sys2.(Step) st2 st2') -> simulates R sys1 sys2. (* Given an invariant for [sys2], we now have a generic way of defining an * invariant for [sys1], by composing with [R]. *) Inductive invariantViaSimulation state1 state2 (R : state1 -> state2 -> Prop) (inv2 : state2 -> Prop) : state1 -> Prop := | InvariantViaSimulation : forall st1 st2, R st1 st2 -> inv2 st2 -> invariantViaSimulation R inv2 st1. (* By way of a lemma, let's prove that, given a simulation, any * invariant-via-simulation really is an invariant for the original system. *) Lemma invariant_simulates' : forall state1 state2 (R : state1 -> state2 -> Prop) (sys1 : trsys state1) (sys2 : trsys state2), (forall st1 st2, R st1 st2 -> forall st1', sys1.(Step) st1 st1' -> exists st2', R st1' st2' /\ sys2.(Step) st2 st2') -> forall st1 st1', sys1.(Step)^* st1 st1' -> forall st2, R st1 st2 -> exists st2', R st1' st2' /\ sys2.(Step)^* st2 st2'. Proof. induct 2. simplify. exists st2. (* [exists E]: prove [exists x, P(x)] by proving [P(E)]. *) propositional. constructor. simplify. eapply H in H2. first_order. (* [first_order]: simplify first-order logic structure. Be forewarned: this * one is especially likely to run forever! *) apply IHtrc in H2. first_order. exists x1. propositional. econstructor. eassumption. assumption. assumption. Qed. Theorem invariant_simulates : forall state1 state2 (R : state1 -> state2 -> Prop) (sys1 : trsys state1) (sys2 : trsys state2) (inv2 : state2 -> Prop), simulates R sys1 sys2 -> invariantFor sys2 inv2 -> invariantFor sys1 (invariantViaSimulation R inv2). Proof. simplify. invert H. unfold invariantFor; simplify. apply H1 in H. first_order. apply invariant_simulates' with (sys2 := sys2) (R := R) (st2 := x) in H3; try assumption. first_order. unfold invariantFor in H0. apply H0 with (s' := x0) in H4; try assumption. econstructor. eassumption. assumption. Qed. (* OK, that's a general theory for abstracting a system with another one that * simulates it. What abstraction will work for our example of the two threads * and the counter? Here's another program that has replaced integers with * Booleans, where the Boolean is true iff the matching integer is even. * << bool global = true; thread() { bool local; while (true) { local = global; global = local; } } >> * We can formalize this program as a transition system, too. *) Inductive add2_bthread := | BRead | BWrite (local : bool). Inductive add2_binit : threaded_state bool add2_bthread -> Prop := | Add2BInit : add2_binit {| Shared := true; Private := BRead |}. Inductive add2_bstep : threaded_state bool add2_bthread -> threaded_state bool add2_bthread -> Prop := | StepBRead : forall global, add2_bstep {| Shared := global; Private := BRead |} {| Shared := global; Private := BWrite global |} | StepBWrite : forall global local, add2_bstep {| Shared := global; Private := BWrite local |} {| Shared := local; Private := BRead |}. Definition add2_bsys1 := {| Initial := add2_binit; Step := add2_bstep |}. Definition add2_bsys := parallel add2_bsys1 add2_bsys1. (* This invariant formalizes the connection between local states of threads, in * the original and abstracted systems. *) Inductive R_private1 : add2_thread -> add2_bthread -> Prop := | RpRead : R_private1 Read BRead | RpWrite : forall n b, (b = true <-> isEven n) -> R_private1 (Write n) (BWrite b). (* We lift [R_private1] to a relation over whole states. *) Inductive add2_R : threaded_state nat (add2_thread * add2_thread) -> threaded_state bool (add2_bthread * add2_bthread) -> Prop := | Add2_R : forall n b th1 th2 th1' th2', (b = true <-> isEven n) -> R_private1 th1 th1' -> R_private1 th2 th2' -> add2_R {| Shared := n; Private := (th1, th2) |} {| Shared := b; Private := (th1', th2') |}. (* Let's also recharacterize the initial states via a singleton set. *) Theorem add2_init_is : parallel1 add2_binit add2_binit = { {| Shared := true; Private := (BRead, BRead) |} }. Proof. simplify. apply sets_equal; simplify. propositional. invert H. invert H2. invert H4. equality. invert H0. constructor. constructor. constructor. Qed. (* We ask Coq to remember this lemma as a hint, which will be used by the * model-checking tactics that we refrain from explaining in detail. *) Hint Rewrite add2_init_is. (* Now, let's verify the original system. *) Theorem add2_ok : invariantFor add2_sys add2_correct. Proof. (* First step: strengthen the invariant. We leave an underscore for the * unknown invariant, to be found by model checking. *) eapply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := invariantViaSimulation add2_R _). (* One way to find an invariant-by-simulation is to find an invariant for the * abstracted system, as this step asks to do. *) apply invariant_simulates with (sys2 := add2_bsys). (* Now we must prove that the simulation via [add2_R] is valid, which is * routine. *) constructor; simplify. invert H. invert H0. invert H1. exists {| Shared := true; Private := (BRead, BRead) |}; simplify. propositional. constructor. propositional. constructor. constructor. constructor. invert H. invert H0; simplify. invert H7. invert H2. exists {| Shared := b; Private := (BWrite b, th2') |}. propositional. constructor. propositional. constructor. propositional. assumption. constructor. constructor. invert H2. exists {| Shared := b0; Private := (BRead, th2') |}. propositional. constructor. propositional. constructor. assumption. invert H0. propositional. constructor. assumption. constructor. constructor. invert H7. invert H3. exists {| Shared := b; Private := (th1', BWrite b) |}. propositional. constructor. propositional. assumption. constructor. propositional. constructor. constructor. invert H3. exists {| Shared := b0; Private := (th1', BRead) |}. propositional. constructor. propositional. constructor. assumption. invert H0. propositional. assumption. constructor. constructor. constructor. (* OK, we're glad to have that over with! Such a process could also be * automated, but we won't bother doing so here. However, we are now in a * good state, where our model checker can find the invariant * automatically. *) model_check_infer. (* It finds exactly four reachable states. We finish by showing that they all * obey the original invariant. *) invert 1. invert H0. simplify. unfold add2_correct. simplify. propositional; subst. invert H. propositional. invert H1. propositional. invert H. propositional. invert H1. propositional. Qed. (** * Another abstraction example *) (* Let's try a fancier example of abstraction. Here's a simple integer * function. * << f(int n) { int i, j; i = 0; j = 0; while (n > 0) { i = i + n; j = j + n; n = n - 1; } } >> * We might want to prove that "i" and "j" are always equal at the end. * First, we formalize the transition system. *) Inductive pc := | i_gets_0 | j_gets_0 | Loop | i_add_n | j_add_n | n_sub_1 | Done. Record vars := { N : nat; I : nat; J : nat }. Record state := { Pc : pc; Vars : vars }. Inductive initial : state -> Prop := | Init : forall vs, initial {| Pc := i_gets_0; Vars := vs |}. Inductive step : state -> state -> Prop := | Step_i_gets_0 : forall n i j, step {| Pc := i_gets_0; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := j_gets_0; Vars := {| N := n; I := 0; J := j |} |} | Step_j_gets_0 : forall n i j, step {| Pc := j_gets_0; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := Loop; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := 0 |} |} | Step_Loop_done : forall i j, step {| Pc := Loop; Vars := {| N := 0; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := Done; Vars := {| N := 0; I := i; J := j |} |} | Step_Loop_enter : forall n i j, step {| Pc := Loop; Vars := {| N := S n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := i_add_n; Vars := {| N := S n; I := i; J := j |} |} | Step_i_add_n : forall n i j, step {| Pc := i_add_n; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := j_add_n; Vars := {| N := n; I := i + n; J := j |} |} | Step_j_add_n : forall n i j, step {| Pc := j_add_n; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := n_sub_1; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j + n |} |} | Step_n_sub_1 : forall n i j, step {| Pc := n_sub_1; Vars := {| N := n; I := i; J := j |} |} {| Pc := Loop; Vars := {| N := n - 1; I := i; J := j |} |}. Definition loopy_sys := {| Initial := initial; Step := step |}. Definition loopy_correct (st : state) := st.(Pc) = Done -> st.(Vars).(I) = st.(Vars).(J). (* Which abstraction will give us a finite-state system? Unlike with factorial, * here we are more ambitious, seeking an abstraction that will be finite-state * even when considering all possible parameter values "n". Let's try this * simple abstract version of variable state. *) Inductive absvars := | Unknown (* We don't know anything about the values of the variables. *) | i_is_0 (* We know [i == 0]. *) | i_eq_j (* We know [i == j]. *) | i_eq_j_plus_n. (* We know [i == j + n]. *) (* To get our abstract states, we keep the same program counters and just change * out the variable state. *) Record absstate := { APc : pc; AVars : absvars }. (* Here's the rather boring new abstract step relation. Note the clever state * transformations, in terms of our new abstraction. *) Inductive absstep : absstate -> absstate -> Prop := | AStep_i_gets_0 : forall vs, absstep {| APc := i_gets_0; AVars := vs |} {| APc := j_gets_0; AVars := i_is_0 |} | AStep_j_gets_0_i_is_0 : absstep {| APc := j_gets_0; AVars := i_is_0 |} {| APc := Loop; AVars := i_eq_j |} | AStep_j_gets_0_Other : forall vs, vs <> i_is_0 -> absstep {| APc := j_gets_0; AVars := vs |} {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |} | AStep_Loop_done : forall vs, absstep {| APc := Loop; AVars := vs |} {| APc := Done; AVars := vs |} | AStep_Loop_enter : forall vs, absstep {| APc := Loop; AVars := vs |} {| APc := i_add_n; AVars := vs |} | AStep_i_add_n_i_eq_j : absstep {| APc := i_add_n; AVars := i_eq_j |} {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := i_eq_j_plus_n |} | AStep_i_add_n_Other : forall vs, vs <> i_eq_j -> absstep {| APc := i_add_n; AVars := vs |} {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := Unknown |} | AStep_j_add_n_i_eq_j_plus_n : absstep {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := i_eq_j_plus_n |} {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := i_eq_j |} | AStep_j_add_n_i_Other : forall vs, vs <> i_eq_j_plus_n -> absstep {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := vs |} {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := Unknown |} | AStep_n_sub_1_bad : absstep {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := i_eq_j_plus_n |} {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |} | AStep_n_sub_1_good : forall vs, vs <> i_eq_j_plus_n -> absstep {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := vs |} {| APc := Loop; AVars := vs |}. Definition absloopy_sys := {| Initial := { {| APc := i_gets_0; AVars := Unknown |} }; Step := absstep |}. (* Now we need our simulation relation. First, we define one just at the level * of local-variable state. It formalizes our intuition about those values. *) Inductive Rvars : vars -> absvars -> Prop := | Rv_Unknown : forall vs, Rvars vs Unknown | Rv_i_is_0 : forall vs, vs.(I) = 0 -> Rvars vs i_is_0 | Rv_i_eq_j : forall vs, vs.(I) = vs.(J) -> Rvars vs i_eq_j | Rv_i_eq_j_plus_n : forall vs, vs.(I) = vs.(J) + vs.(N) -> Rvars vs i_eq_j_plus_n. (* We lift to full states in the obvious way. *) Inductive R : state -> absstate -> Prop := | Rcon : forall pc vs avs, Rvars vs avs -> R {| Pc := pc; Vars := vs |} {| APc := pc; AVars := avs |}. (* Now we are ready to prove the original system correct. *) Theorem loopy_ok : invariantFor loopy_sys loopy_correct. Proof. eapply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := invariantViaSimulation R _). apply invariant_simulates with (sys2 := absloopy_sys). (* Here comes another boring simulation proof. *) constructor; simplify. invert H. exists {| APc := i_gets_0; AVars := Unknown |}. propositional. constructor. constructor. invert H0. invert H. exists {| APc := j_gets_0; AVars := i_is_0 |}. propositional; repeat constructor. invert H. invert H3. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := i_eq_j |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Done; AVars := st2.(AVars) |}. invert H; simplify; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := i_add_n; AVars := st2.(AVars) |}. invert H; simplify; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. invert H. invert H3. exists {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := i_eq_j_plus_n |}; repeat constructor; simplify; equality. exists {| APc := j_add_n; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. invert H. invert H3. exists {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := Unknown |}; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := n_sub_1; AVars := i_eq_j |}; repeat constructor; simplify; equality. invert H. invert H3. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := i_is_0 |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := i_eq_j |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. exists {| APc := Loop; AVars := Unknown |}; propositional; repeat constructor; equality. (* Finally, we can call the model checker to find an invariant of the abstract * system. *) model_check_infer. (* We get 7 neat little states, one per program counter. Next, we prove that * each of them implies the original invariant. *) invert 1. (* Note that this [1] means "first premise below the double * line." *) invert H0. unfold loopy_correct. simplify. propositional; subst. (* Most of the hypotheses we invert are contradictory, implying that distinct * program counters are equal. *) invert H2. invert H1. invert H2. invert H1. invert H. assumption. invert H2. invert H1. invert H2. Qed. (** * Modularity *) (* Throughout the book, we'll come again and again to our two main weapons in * soundly modeling complex transition systems with simpler ones. We just * learned about *abstraction*, to replace a full system with a simpler one. * The other key one is *modularity*, to replace a system with several others. * Let's study one example that helps with model checking, allowing us to check * programs with arbitrarily many threads running the same code, while still * finding an invariant automatically by brute-force enumeration. *) (* The key to this particular technique is instrumenting a step relation to * consider *interference*, or the actions that other threads might take, in * between steps of the thread that we focus on. This relation is parameterized * on an invariant [inv] that the other threads guarantee to preserve on the * shared state. That is, the other threads may mess with the shared state * arbitrarily between our own steps, *but* they guarantee that every value they * set for it satisfies [inv]. *) Inductive stepWithInterference shared private (inv : shared -> Prop) (step : threaded_state shared private -> threaded_state shared private -> Prop) : threaded_state shared private -> threaded_state shared private -> Prop := (* First kind of step: this thread runs in the normal way. *) | StepSelf : forall st st', step st st' -> stepWithInterference inv step st st' (* Second kind of step: other threads change shared state to some new value * satisfying [inv]. *) | StepEnvironment : forall sh pr sh', inv sh' -> stepWithInterference inv step {| Shared := sh; Private := pr |} {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr |}. (* Via this relation, we have an operator to build a new transition system from * an old one, given [inv]. *) Definition withInterference shared private (inv : shared -> Prop) (sys : trsys (threaded_state shared private)) : trsys (threaded_state shared private) := {| Initial := sys.(Initial); Step := stepWithInterference inv sys.(Step) |}. (* Tired of simulation proofs yet? Then you'll love this theorem, which shows * a free simulation for any use of [withInterference]! We even get to pick the * trivial simulation relation, state equality. *) Theorem withInterference_abstracts : forall shared private (inv : shared -> Prop) (sys : trsys (threaded_state shared private)), simulates (fun st st' => st = st') sys (withInterference inv sys). Proof. simplify. constructor; simplify. exists st1; propositional. exists st1'; propositional. constructor. equality. Qed. (* That proof was pretty straightforward, because we could construct the * simulation using only the first rule of [stepWithInterference], ignoring the * possibility for steps by other threads. We go next for a theorem with an * intimidating statement and a much more interesting proof, whose details we * nonetheless won't comment on in text. It may make sense to skip past the * next two lemma statements to the main theorem [withInterference_parallel]. *) Lemma withInterference_parallel1 : forall shared private1 private2 (invs : shared -> Prop) (sys1 : trsys (threaded_state shared private1)) (sys2 : trsys (threaded_state shared private2)) st st', (withInterference invs (parallel sys1 sys2)).(Step)^* st st' -> forall st1 st2, (forall st1', (withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* st1 st1' -> invs st1'.(Shared)) -> (forall st2', (withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* st2 st2' -> invs st2'.(Shared)) -> (withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* st1 {| Shared := st.(Shared); Private := fst st.(Private) |} -> (withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* st2 {| Shared := st.(Shared); Private := snd st.(Private) |} -> (withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* st1 {| Shared := st'.(Shared); Private := fst st'.(Private) |}. Proof. induct 1; simplify. assumption. invert H; simplify. invert H5; simplify. apply IHtrc with (st2 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr2 |}). simplify. apply H1. assumption. simplify. eapply H2. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). apply H1 with (st1' := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr1' |}). eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. econstructor. eassumption. constructor. assumption. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. econstructor. eassumption. constructor. constructor. apply IHtrc with (st2 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr2' |}). assumption. simplify. apply H2. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. constructor. eassumption. eassumption. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). apply H2 with (st2' := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr2' |}). eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. econstructor. eassumption. constructor. constructor. constructor. apply IHtrc with (st2 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := snd pr |}). assumption. simplify. eapply H2. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). assumption. assumption. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). assumption. constructor. constructor. Qed. Lemma withInterference_parallel2 : forall shared private1 private2 (invs : shared -> Prop) (sys1 : trsys (threaded_state shared private1)) (sys2 : trsys (threaded_state shared private2)) st st', (withInterference invs (parallel sys1 sys2)).(Step)^* st st' -> forall st1 st2, (forall st1', (withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* st1 st1' -> invs st1'.(Shared)) -> (forall st2', (withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* st2 st2' -> invs st2'.(Shared)) -> (withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* st1 {| Shared := st.(Shared); Private := fst st.(Private) |} -> (withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* st2 {| Shared := st.(Shared); Private := snd st.(Private) |} -> (withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* st2 {| Shared := st'.(Shared); Private := snd st'.(Private) |}. Proof. induct 1; simplify. assumption. invert H; simplify. invert H5; simplify. apply IHtrc with (st1 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr1' |}). simplify. apply H1. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. econstructor. eassumption. assumption. assumption. constructor. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). apply H1 with (st1' := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr1' |}). eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. econstructor. eassumption. constructor. constructor. apply IHtrc with (st1 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr1 |}). simplify. apply H1. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). apply H2 with (st2' := {| Shared := sh'; Private := pr2' |}). eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. constructor. eassumption. constructor. assumption. assumption. constructor. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. constructor. eassumption. constructor. apply IHtrc with (st1 := {| Shared := sh'; Private := fst pr |}). simplify. eapply H1. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). assumption. assumption. assumption. constructor. eapply trc_trans. eassumption. eapply TrcFront. apply StepEnvironment with (sh' := sh'). assumption. constructor. Qed. (* OK, we made it to the main theorem. It helps us find an invariant for a * [parallel] system to which we have applied the [withInterference] * construction. Crucially, we may check the invariant for each constituent * thread *separately*, avoiding the combinatorial state-space explosion that * would come from analyzing the combined system directly. This is the essence * of modularity! *) Theorem withInterference_parallel : forall shared private1 private2 (invs : shared -> Prop) (sys1 : trsys (threaded_state shared private1)) (sys2 : trsys (threaded_state shared private2)), invariantFor (withInterference invs sys1) (fun st => invs st.(Shared)) -> invariantFor (withInterference invs sys2) (fun st => invs st.(Shared)) -> invariantFor (withInterference invs (parallel sys1 sys2)) (fun st => invs st.(Shared)). Proof. unfold invariantFor. simplify. invert H1. (* [assert P]: first prove proposition [P], then continue with it as a new * hypothesis. *) assert ((withInterference invs sys1).(Step)^* {| Shared := sh; Private := pr1 |} {| Shared := s'.(Shared); Private := fst s'.(Private) |}). apply withInterference_parallel1 with (sys2 := sys2) (st := {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}) (st2 := {| Shared := sh; Private := pr2 |}); simplify; propositional. apply H in H1; propositional. apply H0 in H1; propositional. constructor. constructor. assert ((withInterference invs sys2).(Step)^* {| Shared := sh; Private := pr2 |} {| Shared := s'.(Shared); Private := snd s'.(Private) |}). apply withInterference_parallel2 with (sys1 := sys1) (st := {| Shared := sh; Private := (pr1, pr2) |}) (st1 := {| Shared := sh; Private := pr1 |}); simplify; propositional. apply H in H5; propositional. apply H0 in H5; propositional. constructor. constructor. apply H in H1; try assumption. Qed. (* Let's apply this principle on a concrete example. Consider a program with * many threads running calls to this function. * << int global = 0; f() { int local = 0; while (true) { local = global; local = 3 + local; local = 7 + local; global = local; } } >> * Here's the usual formalization as a transition system. *) Inductive twoadd_pc := ReadIt | Add3 | Add7 | WriteIt. Definition twoadd_initial := { {| Shared := 0; Private := (ReadIt, 0) |} }. Inductive twoadd_step : threaded_state nat (twoadd_pc * nat) -> threaded_state nat (twoadd_pc * nat) -> Prop := | Step_ReadIt : forall g l, twoadd_step {| Shared := g; Private := (ReadIt, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (Add3, g) |} | Step_Add3 : forall g l, twoadd_step {| Shared := g; Private := (Add3, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (Add7, 3 + l) |} | Step_Add7 : forall g l, twoadd_step {| Shared := g; Private := (Add7, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (WriteIt, 7 + l) |} | Step_WriteIt : forall g l, twoadd_step {| Shared := g; Private := (WriteIt, l) |} {| Shared := l; Private := (ReadIt, l) |}. Definition twoadd_sys := {| Initial := twoadd_initial; Step := twoadd_step |}. (* Invariant to prove: the global variable is always even, again. *) Definition twoadd_correct private (st : threaded_state nat private) := isEven st.(Shared). (* Here's an abstract version of the system where, much like before, we model * integers as Booleans, recording whether they are even or not. *) Definition twoadd_ainitial := { {| Shared := true; Private := (ReadIt, true) |} }. Inductive twoadd_astep : threaded_state bool (twoadd_pc * bool) -> threaded_state bool (twoadd_pc * bool) -> Prop := | AStep_ReadIt : forall g l, twoadd_astep {| Shared := g; Private := (ReadIt, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (Add3, g) |} | AStep_Add3 : forall g l, twoadd_astep {| Shared := g; Private := (Add3, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (Add7, negb l) |} | AStep_Add7 : forall g l, twoadd_astep {| Shared := g; Private := (Add7, l) |} {| Shared := g; Private := (WriteIt, negb l) |} | AStep_WriteIt : forall g l, twoadd_astep {| Shared := g; Private := (WriteIt, l) |} {| Shared := l; Private := (ReadIt, l) |} | AStep_Someone_Made_It_Even : forall g pr, twoadd_astep {| Shared := g; Private := pr |} {| Shared := true; Private := pr |}. Definition twoadd_asys := {| Initial := twoadd_ainitial; Step := twoadd_astep |}. (* Here's a simulation relation at the level of integers and their Boolean * counterparts. *) Definition even_R (n : nat) (b : bool) := isEven n <-> b = true. (* A few unsurprising properties hold of [even_R]. *) Lemma even_R_0 : even_R 0 true. Proof. unfold even_R; propositional. constructor. Qed. Lemma even_R_forward : forall n, isEven n -> even_R n true. Proof. unfold even_R; propositional. Qed. Lemma even_R_backward : forall n, even_R n true -> isEven n. Proof. unfold even_R; propositional. Qed. Lemma even_R_add2 : forall n b, even_R n b -> even_R (S (S n)) b. Proof. unfold even_R; propositional. invert H; propositional. constructor; assumption. Qed. (* The cases for evenness of an integer and its successor *) Lemma isEven_decide : forall n, (isEven n /\ ~isEven (S n)) \/ (~isEven n /\ isEven (S n)). Proof. induct n; simplify; propositional. left; propositional. constructor. invert H. right; propositional. constructor; assumption. left; propositional. invert H. propositional. Qed. Lemma even_R_add1 : forall n b, even_R n b -> even_R (S n) (negb b). Proof. unfold even_R; simplify. assert ((isEven n /\ ~isEven (S n)) \/ (~isEven n /\ isEven (S n))). apply isEven_decide. cases b; simplify; propositional. equality. equality. Qed. (* Here's the top-level simulation relation for our choice of abstraction. *) Inductive twoadd_R : threaded_state nat (twoadd_pc * nat) -> threaded_state bool (twoadd_pc * bool) -> Prop := | Twoadd_R : forall pc gn ln gb lb, even_R gn gb -> even_R ln lb -> twoadd_R {| Shared := gn; Private := (pc, ln) |} {| Shared := gb; Private := (pc, lb) |}. (* Step 1 of main proof: model-check an individual thread. *) Lemma twoadd_ok : invariantFor (withInterference isEven twoadd_sys) (fun st => isEven (Shared st)). Proof. eapply invariant_weaken. apply invariant_simulates with (sys2 := twoadd_asys) (R := twoadd_R). (* Boring simulation proof begins here. *) constructor; simplify. invert H. exists {| Shared := true; Private := (ReadIt, true) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. apply even_R_0. apply even_R_0. constructor. equality. simplify. propositional. invert H0. invert H1. invert H. exists {| Shared := gb; Private := (Add3, gb) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. constructor. invert H. exists {| Shared := gb; Private := (Add7, negb lb) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. apply even_R_add2. apply even_R_add1. assumption. constructor. invert H. exists {| Shared := gb; Private := (WriteIt, negb lb) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. repeat apply even_R_add2. apply even_R_add1. assumption. constructor. invert H. exists {| Shared := lb; Private := (ReadIt, lb) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. constructor. invert H. exists {| Shared := true; Private := (pc0, lb) |}; propositional. constructor; propositional. apply even_R_forward. assumption. constructor. (* Now find an invariant automatically. *) model_check_infer. (* Now prove that the invariant implies the correctness condition. *) invert 1. invert H0. simplify. propositional. invert H0. apply even_R_backward. assumption. invert H1. apply even_R_backward. assumption. invert H0. apply even_R_backward. assumption. invert H1. apply even_R_backward. assumption. Qed. (* Step 2: lift that result to the two-thread system, with no new model * checking. *) Theorem twoadd2_ok : invariantFor (parallel twoadd_sys twoadd_sys) (twoadd_correct (private := _)). Proof. eapply invariant_weaken. eapply invariant_simulates. apply withInterference_abstracts. apply withInterference_parallel. apply twoadd_ok. apply twoadd_ok. unfold twoadd_correct. invert 1. assumption. Qed. (* In fact, this modularity technique is so powerful that we now get correctness * for any number of threads, "for free"! Here's a tactic definition, which we * won't explain, but which is able to derive correctness for any number of * threads, just by repeating use of [withInterference_parallel] and * [twoadd_ok]. *) Ltac twoadd := eapply invariant_weaken; [ eapply invariant_simulates; [ apply withInterference_abstracts | repeat (apply withInterference_parallel || apply twoadd_ok) ] | unfold twoadd_correct; invert 1; assumption ]. (* For instance, let's verify the three-thread version. *) Theorem twoadd3_ok : invariantFor (parallel twoadd_sys (parallel twoadd_sys twoadd_sys)) (twoadd_correct (private := _)). Proof. twoadd. Qed. (* To save us time defining versions with many threads, here's a recursive * function, creating exponentially many threads with respect to its * parameter. *) Fixpoint manyadds_state (n : nat) : Type := match n with | O => twoadd_pc * nat | S n' => manyadds_state n' * manyadds_state n' end%type. Fixpoint manyadds (n : nat) : trsys (threaded_state nat (manyadds_state n)) := match n with | O => twoadd_sys | S n' => parallel (manyadds n') (manyadds n') end. (* Here are some examples of the systems we produce. *) Eval simpl in manyadds 0. Eval simpl in manyadds 1. Eval simpl in manyadds 2. Eval simpl in manyadds 3. Theorem twoadd4_ok : invariantFor (manyadds 4) (twoadd_correct (private := _)). Proof. twoadd. Qed. Theorem twoadd6_ok : invariantFor (manyadds 6) (twoadd_correct (private := _)). Proof. twoadd. Qed.