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(** Formal Reasoning About Programs <http://adam.chlipala.net/frap/>
* Chapter 9: Types and Mutation
* Author: Adam Chlipala
* License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ *)
Require Import Frap.
(* Our approach to type soundness works beyond purely functional programs, too.
* Let's see how it applies to a classic ML feature: mutable references.
* We'll complete the full exercise for one semantics first, then go back and
* extend the result to cover a semantics with another crucial real-world
* feature. *)
Module References.
Notation loc := nat.
(* Locations are the values allowed for references. Think of them as memory
* addresses. *)
Inductive exp : Set :=
| Var (x : var)
| Const (n : nat)
| Plus (e1 e2 : exp)
| Abs (x : var) (e1 : exp)
| App (e1 e2 : exp)
| New (e1 : exp)
(* Allocate a fresh reference, initialized with this value. *)
| Read (e1 : exp)
(* Return the value stored at this address. *)
| Write (e1 e2 : exp)
(* Overwrite the value at address [e1] with new value [e2]. *)
| Loc (l : loc).
(* A twist: though source programs may not mention locations directly,
* intermediate execution states will need to include location constants. *)
Inductive value : exp -> Prop :=
| VConst : forall n, value (Const n)
| VAbs : forall x e1, value (Abs x e1)
| VLoc : forall l, value (Loc l).
(* Locations are values, too. *)
Fixpoint subst (e1 : exp) (x : string) (e2 : exp) : exp :=
match e2 with
| Var y => if y ==v x then e1 else Var y
| Const n => Const n
| Plus e2' e2'' => Plus (subst e1 x e2') (subst e1 x e2'')
| Abs y e2' => Abs y (if y ==v x then e2' else subst e1 x e2')
| App e2' e2'' => App (subst e1 x e2') (subst e1 x e2'')
| New e2' => New (subst e1 x e2')
| Read e2' => Read (subst e1 x e2')
| Write e2' e2'' => Write (subst e1 x e2') (subst e1 x e2'')
| Loc l => Loc l
(* We extend evaluation contexts in the natural way, though we won't dwell on
* the details. *)
Inductive context : Set :=
| Hole : context
| Plus1 : context -> exp -> context
| Plus2 : exp -> context -> context
| App1 : context -> exp -> context
| App2 : exp -> context -> context
| New1 : context -> context
| Read1 : context -> context
| Write1 : context -> exp -> context
| Write2 : exp -> context -> context.
Inductive plug : context -> exp -> exp -> Prop :=
| PlugHole : forall e, plug Hole e e
| PlugPlus1 : forall e e' C e2,
plug C e e'
-> plug (Plus1 C e2) e (Plus e' e2)
| PlugPlus2 : forall e e' v1 C,
value v1
-> plug C e e'
-> plug (Plus2 v1 C) e (Plus v1 e')
| PlugApp1 : forall e e' C e2,
plug C e e'
-> plug (App1 C e2) e (App e' e2)
| PlugApp2 : forall e e' v1 C,
value v1
-> plug C e e'
-> plug (App2 v1 C) e (App v1 e')
| PlugNew1 : forall e e' C,
plug C e e'
-> plug (New1 C) e (New e')
| PlugRead1 : forall e e' C,
plug C e e'
-> plug (Read1 C) e (Read e')
| PlugWrite1 : forall e e' C e2,
plug C e e'
-> plug (Write1 C e2) e (Write e' e2)
| PlugWrite2 : forall e e' v1 C,
value v1
-> plug C e e'
-> plug (Write2 v1 C) e (Write v1 e').
Definition heap := fmap loc exp.
(* A heap assigns a value to each allocated location. *)
Inductive step0 : heap * exp -> heap * exp -> Prop :=
| Beta : forall h x e v,
value v
-> step0 (h, App (Abs x e) v) (h, subst v x e)
| Add : forall h n1 n2,
step0 (h, Plus (Const n1) (Const n2)) (h, Const (n1 + n2))
(* To run a [New], pick a location [l] that isn't used yet and stash the
* requested value at that spot before returning it. *)
| Allocate : forall h v l,
value v
-> h $? l = None
-> step0 (h, New v) (h $+ (l, v), Loc l)
(* To run a [Read], just look up in the heap. *)
| Lookup : forall h v l,
h $? l = Some v
-> step0 (h, Read (Loc l)) (h, v)
(* To run a [Write], just replace in the heap, *after* verifying that the
* location is really present in the heap. If not, this is another
* opportunity to get stuck, which we will prove never occurs! *)
| Overwrite : forall h v l v',
value v'
-> h $? l = Some v
-> step0 (h, Write (Loc l) v') (h $+ (l, v'), v').
(* The overall relation is much like before, with a heap added. *)
Inductive step : heap * exp -> heap * exp -> Prop :=
| StepRule : forall C e1 e2 e1' e2' h h',
plug C e1 e1'
-> plug C e2 e2'
-> step0 (h, e1) (h', e2)
-> step (h, e1') (h', e2').
Definition trsys_of (e : exp) := {|
Initial := {($0, e)};
Step := step
Inductive type :=
| Nat
| Fun (dom ran : type)
| Ref (t : type).
(* Crucial type addition: reference types *)
(* New first parameter to typing relation: a *heap typing*, partial map from
* locations to types *)
Inductive hasty : fmap loc type -> fmap var type -> exp -> type -> Prop :=
| HtVar : forall H G x t,
G $? x = Some t
-> hasty H G (Var x) t
| HtConst : forall H G n,
hasty H G (Const n) Nat
| HtPlus : forall H G e1 e2,
hasty H G e1 Nat
-> hasty H G e2 Nat
-> hasty H G (Plus e1 e2) Nat
| HtAbs : forall H G x e1 t1 t2,
hasty H (G $+ (x, t1)) e1 t2
-> hasty H G (Abs x e1) (Fun t1 t2)
| HtApp : forall H G e1 e2 t1 t2,
hasty H G e1 (Fun t1 t2)
-> hasty H G e2 t1
-> hasty H G (App e1 e2) t2
| HtNew : forall H G e1 t1,
hasty H G e1 t1
-> hasty H G (New e1) (Ref t1)
| HtRead : forall H G e1 t1,
hasty H G e1 (Ref t1)
-> hasty H G (Read e1) t1
| HtWrite : forall H G e1 e2 t1,
hasty H G e1 (Ref t1)
-> hasty H G e2 t1
-> hasty H G (Write e1 e2) t1
| HtLoc : forall H G l t,
H $? l = Some t
-> hasty H G (Loc l) (Ref t).
(* Notice that the heap typing is only used here, for locations! *)
(* When are a heap and a heap typing compatible? *)
Inductive heapty (ht : fmap loc type) (h : fmap loc exp) : Prop :=
| Heapty : forall bound,
(* Condition 1: when the heap typing assigns a type to a location, the
* heap assigns a value of that type to that location. *)
(forall l t,
ht $? l = Some t
-> exists e, h $? l = Some e
/\ hasty ht $0 e t)
(* Condition 2: all addresses above some bound are unallocated in the
* heap. Without this condition, we could get stuck proving that progress
* can be made from a [New] expression, if the heap could be infinite! *)
-> (forall l, l >= bound
-> h $? l = None)
-> heapty ht h.
Hint Constructors value plug step0 step hasty heapty.
(* Perhaps surprisingly, this language admits well-typed, nonterminating
* programs! Here's an example. *)
Definition let_ (x : var) (e1 e2 : exp) :=
App (Abs x e2) e1.
Example loopy :=
let_ "r" (New (Abs "x" (Var "x")))
(let_ "_" (Write (Var "r") (Abs "x" (App (Read (Var "r")) (Var "x"))))
(App (Read (Var "r")) (Const 0))).
Theorem loopy_hasty : hasty $0 $0 loopy Nat.
repeat (econstructor; simplify).
Hint Resolve lookup_add_eq.
Ltac loopy := propositional; subst; simplify;
repeat match goal with
| [ x : (_ * _)%type |- _ ] => cases x; simplify
propositional; subst;
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H; propositional; subst
try match goal with
| [ H : step _ _ |- _ ] => invert H
repeat match goal with
| [ H : plug _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
| [ H : plug _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ H : step0 _ _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
| [ H : value _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
| [ H : ?X = Some _, H' : ?X = Some _ |- _ ] => rewrite H in H'; invert H'
end; eauto 7.
Theorem loopy_diverge : invariantFor (trsys_of loopy) (fun he => ~value (snd he)).
(* We prove divergence (unreachability of a value) by strengthening to an
* invariant that enumerates all reachable expressions. It isn't quite a
* finite set. We need to quantify existentially over the location chosen
* for "r". *)
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun he =>
snd he = loopy
\/ exists l,
(fst he $? l = Some (Abs "x" (Var "x")))
/\ (snd he = let_ "r" (Loc l)
(let_ "_" (Write (Var "r") (Abs "x" (App (Read (Var "r")) (Var "x"))))
(App (Read (Var "r")) (Const 0)))
\/ snd he = let_ "_" (Write (Loc l) (Abs "x" (App (Read (Loc l)) (Var "x"))))
(App (Read (Loc l)) (Const 0)))
\/ (fst he $? l = Some (Abs "x" (App (Read (Loc l)) (Var "x")))
/\ (snd he = let_ "_" (Abs "x" (App (Read (Loc l)) (Var "x")))
(App (Read (Loc l)) (Const 0))
\/ snd he = App (Read (Loc l)) (Const 0)
\/ snd he = App (Abs "x" (App (Read (Loc l)) (Var "x"))) (Const 0)))).
apply invariant_induction; simplify.
(** * Type soundness *)
Definition unstuck (he : heap * exp) := value (snd he)
\/ (exists he', step he he').
Ltac t0 := match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ |- context[?x ==v ?y] ] => cases (x ==v y)
| [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ H : heapty _ _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ H : step _ _ |- _ ] => invert H
| [ H : step0 _ _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
| [ H : hasty _ _ ?e _, H' : value ?e |- _ ] => (invert H'; invert H); []
| [ H : hasty _ _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
| [ H : plug _ _ _ |- _ ] => invert1 H
end; subst.
Ltac t := simplify; propositional; repeat (t0; simplify); try equality; eauto 7.
Hint Extern 2 (exists _ : _ * _, _) => eexists (_ $+ (_, _), _).
(* Progress is quite straightforward. *)
Lemma progress : forall ht h, heapty ht h
-> forall e t,
hasty ht $0 e t
-> value e
\/ exists he', step (h, e) he'.
induct 2; t.
match goal with
| [ H1 : _ = Some _, H2 : forall l : loc, _ |- _ ] => apply H2 in H1; t
match goal with
| [ H1 : _ = Some _, H2 : forall l : loc, _ |- _ ] => apply H2 in H1; t
(* Now, a series of lemmas essentially copied from original type-soundness
* proof. *)
Lemma weakening_override : forall (G G' : fmap var type) x t,
(forall x' t', G $? x' = Some t' -> G' $? x' = Some t')
-> (forall x' t', G $+ (x, t) $? x' = Some t'
-> G' $+ (x, t) $? x' = Some t').
cases (x ==v x'); simplify; eauto.
Hint Resolve weakening_override.
Lemma weakening : forall H G e t,
hasty H G e t
-> forall G', (forall x t, G $? x = Some t -> G' $? x = Some t)
-> hasty H G' e t.
induct 1; t.
Hint Resolve weakening.
Lemma hasty_change : forall H G e t,
hasty H G e t
-> forall G', G' = G
-> hasty H G' e t.
Hint Resolve hasty_change.
Lemma substitution : forall H G x t' e t e',
hasty H (G $+ (x, t')) e t
-> hasty H $0 e' t'
-> hasty H G (subst e' x e) t.
induct 1; t.
Hint Resolve substitution.
(* A new property: expanding the heap typing preserves typing. *)
Lemma heap_weakening : forall H G e t,
hasty H G e t
-> forall H', (forall x t, H $? x = Some t -> H' $? x = Some t)
-> hasty H' G e t.
induct 1; t.
Hint Resolve heap_weakening.
(* A property about extending heap typings *)
Lemma heap_override : forall H h k t t0 l,
H $? k = Some t
-> heapty H h
-> h $? l = None
-> H $+ (l, t0) $? k = Some t.
invert 2; simplify.
cases (l ==n k); simplify; eauto.
apply H2 in H0; t.
Hint Resolve heap_override.
(* A higher-level property, stated via [heapty] *)
Lemma heapty_extend : forall H h l t v,
heapty H h
-> hasty H $0 v t
-> h $? l = None
-> heapty (H $+ (l, t)) (h $+ (l, v)).
exists (max (S l) bound); simplify.
cases (l ==n l0); simplify.
invert H0; eauto 6.
apply H3 in H0; t.
rewrite lookup_add_ne by linear_arithmetic.
apply H4.
Hint Resolve heapty_extend.
(* The old cases of preservation proceed as before, and we need to fiddle with
* the heap in the new cases. Note a crucial change to the theorem statement:
* now we say that *for all* original heap typings, *there exists* a new heap
* typing that has not *dropped* any locations. *)
Lemma preservation0 : forall h1 e1 h2 e2,
step0 (h1, e1) (h2, e2)
-> forall H1 t, hasty H1 $0 e1 t
-> heapty H1 h1
-> exists H2, hasty H2 $0 e2 t
/\ heapty H2 h2
/\ (forall l t, H1 $? l = Some t
-> H2 $? l = Some t).
invert 1; t.
exists (H1 $+ (l, t1)).
eauto 6.
apply H3 in H9; t.
rewrite H1 in H2.
invert H2.
assert (H1 $? l = Some t) by assumption.
apply H2 in H9.
invert H9; propositional.
rewrite H5 in H6.
invert H6.
eexists; propositional.
exists bound; propositional.
cases (l ==n l0); simplify; eauto.
rewrite H0 in H; invert H.
apply H4 in H0.
cases (l ==n l0); simplify; equality.
Hint Resolve preservation0.
(* This lemma gets more complicated, too, to accommodate heap typings. *)
Lemma generalize_plug : forall H e1 C e1',
plug C e1 e1'
-> forall t, hasty H $0 e1' t
-> exists t0, hasty H $0 e1 t0
/\ (forall e2 e2' H',
hasty H' $0 e2 t0
-> plug C e2 e2'
-> (forall l t, H $? l = Some t -> H' $? l = Some t)
-> hasty H' $0 e2' t).
Ltac applyIn := match goal with
| [ H : forall x, _, H' : _ |- _ ] =>
apply H in H'; clear H; invert H'; propositional
induct 1; t; (try applyIn; eexists; t).
(* For overall preservation, most of the action was in the last few lemmas. *)
Lemma preservation : forall h1 e1 h2 e2,
step (h1, e1) (h2, e2)
-> forall H1 t, hasty H1 $0 e1 t
-> heapty H1 h1
-> exists H2, hasty H2 $0 e2 t
/\ heapty H2 h2.
invert 1; simplify.
eapply generalize_plug in H; eauto.
invert H; propositional.
eapply preservation0 in H6; eauto.
invert H6; propositional.
Hint Resolve progress preservation.
(* We'll need this fact for the base case of invariant induction. *)
Lemma heapty_empty : heapty $0 $0.
exists 0; t.
Hint Resolve heapty_empty.
(* Now there isn't much more to the proof of type safety. The crucial overall
* insight is a strengthened invariant that quantifies existentially over a
* heap typing. *)
Theorem safety : forall e t, hasty $0 $0 e t
-> invariantFor (trsys_of e)
(fun he' => value (snd he')
\/ exists he'', step he' he'').
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun he' => exists H,
hasty H $0 (snd he') t
/\ heapty H (fst he')); eauto.
apply invariant_induction; simplify; eauto.
subst; simplify.
invert H0.
cases s; cases s'; simplify.
invert 1.
cases s.
End References.
(* That last operational semantics lets references pile up in the heap. Their
* storage space is never reclaimed, even if the program will never use them
* again. It turns out, however, that our type system remains safe, even when
* we extend the operational semantics with explicit *garbage collection*! *)
Module GarbageCollection.
Import References.
(* We'll start from the definitions we just made, only adding a few new ones
* and revising a few. *)
(* First key ingredient: which location constants appear in an expression? *)
Fixpoint freeLocs (e : exp) : set loc :=
match e with
| Var _ => {}
| Const _ => {}
| Plus e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| Abs _ e1 => freeLocs e1
| App e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| New e1 => freeLocs e1
| Read e1 => freeLocs e1
| Write e1 e2 => freeLocs e1 \cup freeLocs e2
| Loc l => {l}
(* When is there a path from one location to another through the heap, via
* following free locations in the values associated to addresses? *)
Inductive reachableLoc (h : heap) : loc -> loc -> Prop :=
| ReachSelf : forall l, reachableLoc h l l
| ReachLookup : forall l e l' l'',
h $? l = Some e
-> l' \in freeLocs e
-> reachableLoc h l' l''
-> reachableLoc h l l''.
(* When is there a path from an expression to a location? *)
Inductive reachableLocFromExp (h : heap) : exp -> loc -> Prop :=
| ReachFromExp : forall l e l',
l \in freeLocs e
-> reachableLoc h l l'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l'.
Inductive step : heap * exp -> heap * exp -> Prop :=
| StepRule : forall C e1 e2 e1' e2' h h',
plug C e1 e1'
-> plug C e2 e2'
-> step0 (h, e1) (h', e2)
-> step (h, e1') (h', e2')
(* New rule for the operational semantics! Pick heap [h'] that is the result
* of garbage collecting [h]. *)
| StepGc : forall h h' e lDefinitelyGone,
(* Fundamental condition: any *reachable* location in [h] has been preserved
* precisely in [h']. *)
(forall l e',
reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> h $? l = Some e'
-> h' $? l = Some e')
(* However, [h'] has not sprouted any new locations. It only keeps some
* subset of [h]'s locations. *)
-> (forall l e',
h' $? l = Some e'
-> h $? l = Some e')
(* Finally, we require that [h'] has dropped at least one location from [h].
* Why? If not, type safety follows trivially, because, from any starting
* expression, we can run an infinite loop of no-op "garbage collection"! *)
-> h $? lDefinitelyGone <> None
-> h' $? lDefinitelyGone = None
-> step (h, e) (h', e).
Hint Constructors step.
Definition trsys_of (e : exp) := {|
Initial := {($0, e)};
Step := step
(** * Type soundness *)
Definition unstuck (he : heap * exp) := value (snd he)
\/ (exists he', step he he').
(* Progress is easy; we essentially reuse the old proof, since the original
* [step] case is enough to cover all expressions. *)
Lemma progress : forall ht h, heapty ht h
-> forall e t,
hasty ht $0 e t
-> value e
\/ exists he', step (h, e) he'.
eapply References.progress in H0; t.
(* For preservation, we'll need a few more lemmas. First, reachability is
* preserved by moving to a "larger" expression that contains "at least as
* many" free locations. *)
Lemma reachableLocFromExp_trans : forall h e1 l e2,
reachableLocFromExp h e1 l
-> freeLocs e1 \subseteq freeLocs e2
-> reachableLocFromExp h e2 l.
invert 1; simplify.
sets; eauto.
Hint Resolve reachableLocFromExp_trans.
Hint Extern 1 (_ \in _) => simplify; solve [ sets ].
Hint Extern 1 (_ \subseteq _) => simplify; solve [ sets ].
Hint Constructors reachableLoc reachableLocFromExp.
(* Typing is preserved by moving to a heap typing that only needs to preserve
* the mappings for *reachable* locations. *)
Lemma hasty_restrict : forall H h H' G e t,
heapty H h
-> hasty H G e t
-> (forall l t, reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> H $? l = Some t
-> H' $? l = Some t)
-> hasty H' G e t.
induct 2; simplify; econstructor; eauto.
(* The sandwich properties, for adding a new reachability step through the
* heap, between two other chains of arbitrary length *)
Lemma reachableLoc_sandwich : forall h l l' e l'',
reachableLoc h l l'
-> h $? l' = Some e
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l''
-> reachableLoc h l l''.
induct 1; simplify; eauto.
invert H0; eauto.
Lemma reachableLocFromExp_sandwich : forall h e l e' l',
reachableLocFromExp h e l
-> h $? l = Some e'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e' l'
-> reachableLocFromExp h e l'.
invert 1; simplify.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply reachableLoc_sandwich; eauto.
(* Finally, we are ready for preservation. *)
Lemma preservation : forall h1 e1 h2 e2,
step (h1, e1) (h2, e2)
-> forall H1 t, hasty H1 $0 e1 t
-> heapty H1 h1
-> exists H2, hasty H2 $0 e2 t
/\ heapty H2 h2.
invert 1; simplify.
(* The case for the original [step] rule proceeds exactly the same way as
* before. *)
eapply generalize_plug in H; eauto.
invert H; propositional.
eapply preservation0 in H6; eauto.
invert H6; propositional.
(* The key insight for the garbage-collection rule: as the new heap typing
* after collection, choose the *restriction* of the original heap typing to
* just the *reachable* locations. *)
exists (restrict (reachableLocFromExp h1 e2) H1).
eapply hasty_restrict; eauto.
invert H0.
assert (H1 $? l = Some t0) by assumption.
apply H8 in H0.
invert H0; propositional.
assert (heapty H1 h1) by assumption.
invert H2.
exists bound; simplify; propositional.
assert (reachableLocFromExp h1 e2 l) by (eapply lookup_restrict_true_fwd; eassumption).
apply H3 in H2.
invert H2; propositional.
apply H4 in H2; auto.
eexists; propositional.
eapply hasty_restrict.
assert (H1 $? l0 = Some t1) by assumption.
apply H3 in H13.
invert H13; propositional.
rewrite lookup_restrict_true; auto.
eapply reachableLocFromExp_sandwich; eauto.
cases (h2 $? l); eauto.
apply H8 in H2.
apply H5 in Heq.
Hint Resolve progress preservation.
(* The safety proof itself is anticlimactic, looking the same as before. *)
Theorem safety : forall e t, hasty $0 $0 e t
-> invariantFor (trsys_of e)
(fun he' => value (snd he')
\/ exists he'', step he' he'').
apply invariant_weaken with (invariant1 := fun he' => exists H,
hasty H $0 (snd he') t
/\ heapty H (fst he')); eauto.
apply invariant_induction; simplify; eauto.
subst; simplify.
invert H0.
cases s; cases s'; simplify.
invert 1.
cases s.
End GarbageCollection.