2016-04-10 15:38:47 -04:00

29 lines
753 B

let rec i2n n =
match n with
| 0 -> O
| _ -> S (i2n (n - 1))
let interp c =
let h : (nat, nat) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 0 in
Hashtbl.add h (i2n 0) (i2n 2);
Hashtbl.add h (i2n 1) (i2n 1);
Hashtbl.add h (i2n 2) (i2n 8);
Hashtbl.add h (i2n 3) (i2n 6);
let rec interp' (c : 'a cmd) : 'a =
match c with
| Return v -> v
| Bind (c1, c2) -> interp' (c2 (interp' c1))
| Read a ->
Obj.magic (try
Hashtbl.find h a
with Not_found -> O)
| Write (a, v) -> Obj.magic (Hashtbl.replace h a v)
| Loop (i, b) ->
begin match Obj.magic (interp' (Obj.magic (b i))) with
| Done r -> r
| Again r -> interp' (Loop (r, b))
| Fail -> failwith "Fail"
in h, interp' c