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2020-06-04 02:46:06 +00:00
(** * Extraction: Extracting ML from Coq *)
(* ################################################################# *)
(** * Basic Extraction *)
(** In its simplest form, extracting an efficient program from one
written in Coq is completely straightforward.
First we say what language we want to extract into. Options are
OCaml (the most mature), Haskell (mostly works), and Scheme (a bit
out of date). *)
Require Coq.extraction.Extraction.
Extraction Language OCaml.
(** Now we load up the Coq environment with some definitions, either
directly or by importing them from other modules. *)
From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith.
From Coq Require Import Init.Nat.
From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat.
From LF Require Import ImpCEvalFun.
(** Finally, we tell Coq the name of a definition to extract and the
name of a file to put the extracted code into. *)
Extraction "imp1.ml" ceval_step.
(** When Coq processes this command, it generates a file [imp1.ml]
containing an extracted version of [ceval_step], together with
everything that it recursively depends on. Compile the present
[.v] file and have a look at [imp1.ml] now. *)
(* ################################################################# *)
(** * Controlling Extraction of Specific Types *)
(** We can tell Coq to extract certain [Inductive] definitions to
specific OCaml types. For each one, we must say
- how the Coq type itself should be represented in OCaml, and
- how each constructor should be translated. *)
Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
(** Also, for non-enumeration types (where the constructors take
arguments), we give an OCaml expression that can be used as a
"recursor" over elements of the type. (Think Church numerals.) *)
Extract Inductive nat => "int"
[ "0" "(fun x -> x + 1)" ]
"(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))".
(** We can also extract defined constants to specific OCaml terms or
operators. *)
Extract Constant plus => "( + )".
Extract Constant mult => "( * )".
Extract Constant eqb => "( = )".
(** Important: It is entirely _your responsibility_ to make sure that
the translations you're proving make sense. For example, it might
be tempting to include this one
Extract Constant minus => "( - )".
but doing so could lead to serious confusion! (Why?)
Extraction "imp2.ml" ceval_step.
(** Have a look at the file [imp2.ml]. Notice how the fundamental
definitions have changed from [imp1.ml]. *)
(* ################################################################# *)
(** * A Complete Example *)
(** To use our extracted evaluator to run Imp programs, all we need to
add is a tiny driver program that calls the evaluator and prints
out the result.
For simplicity, we'll print results by dumping out the first four
memory locations in the final state.
Also, to make it easier to type in examples, let's extract a
parser from the [ImpParser] Coq module. To do this, we first need
to set up the right correspondence between Coq strings and lists
of OCaml characters. *)
Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
Require Import ExtrOcamlString.
(** We also need one more variant of booleans. *)
Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
(** The extraction is the same as always. *)
From LF Require Import Imp.
From LF Require Import ImpParser.
From LF Require Import Maps.
Extraction "imp.ml" empty_st ceval_step parse.
(** Now let's run our generated Imp evaluator. First, have a look at
[impdriver.ml]. (This was written by hand, not extracted.)
Next, compile the driver together with the extracted code and
execute it, as follows.
ocamlc -w -20 -w -26 -o impdriver imp.mli imp.ml impdriver.ml
(The [-w] flags to [ocamlc] are just there to suppress a few
spurious warnings.) *)
(* ################################################################# *)
(** * Discussion *)
(** Since we've proved that the [ceval_step] function behaves the same
as the [ceval] relation in an appropriate sense, the extracted
program can be viewed as a _certified_ Imp interpreter. Of
course, the parser we're using is not certified, since we didn't
prove anything about it! *)
(* ################################################################# *)
(** * Going Further *)
(** Further details about extraction can be found in the Extract
chapter in _Verified Functional Algorithms_ (_Software
Foundations_ volume 3). *)
(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *)