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2020-06-04 02:46:06 +00:00
(** val negb : bool -> bool **)
let negb = function
| true -> false
| false -> true
type 'a option =
| Some of 'a
| None
type sumbool =
| Left
| Right
(** val add : int -> int -> int **)
let rec add = ( + )
(** val mul : int -> int -> int **)
let rec mul = ( * )
(** val sub : int -> int -> int **)
let rec sub n m =
(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))
(fun _ -> n)
(fun k ->
(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))
(fun _ -> n)
(fun l -> sub k l)
(** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **)
let rec eqb = ( = )
(** val leb : int -> int -> bool **)
let rec leb n m =
(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))
(fun _ -> true)
(fun n' ->
(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))
(fun _ -> false)
(fun m' -> leb n' m')
(** val bool_dec : bool -> bool -> sumbool **)
let bool_dec b1 b2 =
if b1 then if b2 then Left else Right else if b2 then Right else Left
type ascii =
| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool
(** val ascii_dec : ascii -> ascii -> sumbool **)
let ascii_dec a b =
let Ascii (x, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = a in
let Ascii (b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15) = b in
(match bool_dec x b8 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x0 b9 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x1 b10 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x2 b11 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x3 b12 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x4 b13 with
| Left ->
(match bool_dec x5 b14 with
| Left -> bool_dec x6 b15
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
| Right -> Right)
type string =
| EmptyString
| String of ascii * string
(** val string_dec : string -> string -> sumbool **)
let rec string_dec s x =
match s with
| EmptyString -> (match x with
| EmptyString -> Left
| String (_, _) -> Right)
| String (a, s0) ->
(match x with
| EmptyString -> Right
| String (a0, s1) ->
(match ascii_dec a a0 with
| Left -> string_dec s0 s1
| Right -> Right))
(** val eqb_string : string -> string -> bool **)
let eqb_string x y =
match string_dec x y with
| Left -> true
| Right -> false
type 'a total_map = string -> 'a
(** val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> string -> 'a1 -> string -> 'a1 **)
let t_update m x v x' =
if eqb_string x x' then v else m x'
type state = int total_map
type aexp =
| ANum of int
| AId of string
| APlus of aexp * aexp
| AMinus of aexp * aexp
| AMult of aexp * aexp
type bexp =
| BTrue
| BFalse
| BEq of aexp * aexp
| BLe of aexp * aexp
| BNot of bexp
| BAnd of bexp * bexp
(** val aeval : state -> aexp -> int **)
let rec aeval st = function
| ANum n -> n
| AId x -> st x
| APlus (a1, a2) -> add (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2)
| AMinus (a1, a2) -> sub (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2)
| AMult (a1, a2) -> mul (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2)
(** val beval : state -> bexp -> bool **)
let rec beval st = function
| BTrue -> true
| BFalse -> false
| BEq (a1, a2) -> eqb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2)
| BLe (a1, a2) -> leb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2)
| BNot b1 -> negb (beval st b1)
| BAnd (b1, b2) -> if beval st b1 then beval st b2 else false
type com =
| CSkip
| CAss of string * aexp
| CSeq of com * com
| CIf of bexp * com * com
| CWhile of bexp * com
(** val ceval_step : state -> com -> int -> state option **)
let rec ceval_step st c i =
(fun zero succ n ->
if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))
(fun _ -> None)
(fun i' ->
match c with
| CSkip -> Some st
| CAss (l, a1) -> Some (t_update st l (aeval st a1))
| CSeq (c1, c2) ->
(match ceval_step st c1 i' with
| Some st' -> ceval_step st' c2 i'
| None -> None)
| CIf (b, c1, c2) ->
if beval st b then ceval_step st c1 i' else ceval_step st c2 i'
| CWhile (b1, c1) ->
if beval st b1
then (match ceval_step st c1 i' with
| Some st' -> ceval_step st' c i'
| None -> None)
else Some st)