425 lines
12 KiB
425 lines
12 KiB
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From Coq Require Export String.
From LF Require Import Poly.
Parameter MISSING: Type.
Module Check.
Ltac check_type A B :=
match type of A with
| context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A
| ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"]
Ltac print_manual_grade A :=
match eval compute in A with
| Some (_ ?S ?C) =>
idtac "Score:" S;
match eval compute in C with
| ""%string => idtac "Comment: None"
| _ => idtac "Comment:" C
| None =>
idtac "Score: Ungraded";
idtac "Comment: None"
End Check.
From LF Require Import Poly.
Import Check.
Goal True.
idtac "------------------- mumble_grumble --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Manually graded: mumble_grumble".
idtac "Possible points: 2".
print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_mumble_grumble.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- split --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> split".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @split ((forall X Y : Type, list (X * Y) -> list X * list Y)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions split.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_split".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_split (
(@split nat bool [(1, false); (2, false)] = ([1; 2], [false; false]))).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_split.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- filter_even_gt7 --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_filter_even_gt7_1".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_filter_even_gt7_1 (
(filter_even_gt7 [1; 2; 6; 9; 10; 3; 12; 8] = [10; 12; 8])).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_1.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_filter_even_gt7_2".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_filter_even_gt7_2 ((filter_even_gt7 [5; 2; 6; 19; 129] = [ ])).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- partition --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> partition".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @partition ((forall X : Type, (X -> bool) -> list X -> list X * list X)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions partition.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_partition1".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_partition1 ((@partition nat oddb [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] = ([1; 3; 5], [2; 4]))).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_partition1.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_partition2".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_partition2 (
(@partition nat (fun _ : nat => false) [5; 9; 0] = ([ ], [5; 9; 0]))).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_partition2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- map_rev --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> map_rev".
idtac "Possible points: 3".
check_type @map_rev (
(forall (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) (l : list X),
@map X Y f (@rev X l) = @rev Y (@map X Y f l))).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions map_rev.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- flat_map --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> flat_map".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @flat_map ((forall X Y : Type, (X -> list Y) -> list X -> list Y)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions flat_map.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> test_flat_map1".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @test_flat_map1 (
(@flat_map nat nat (fun n : nat => [n; n; n]) [1; 5; 4] =
[1; 1; 1; 5; 5; 5; 4; 4; 4])).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions test_flat_map1.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- fold_types_different --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Manually graded: fold_types_different".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_fold_types_different.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- fold_length --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.fold_length_correct".
idtac "Possible points: 2".
check_type @Exercises.fold_length_correct (
(forall (X : Type) (l : list X), @Exercises.fold_length X l = @length X l)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.fold_length_correct.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- fold_map --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Manually graded: Exercises.fold_map".
idtac "Possible points: 3".
print_manual_grade Exercises.manual_grade_for_fold_map.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- currying --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.uncurry_curry".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @Exercises.uncurry_curry (
(forall (X Y Z : Type) (f : X -> Y -> Z) (x : X) (y : Y),
@Exercises.prod_curry X Y Z (@Exercises.prod_uncurry X Y Z f) x y = f x y)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.uncurry_curry.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.curry_uncurry".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @Exercises.curry_uncurry (
(forall (X Y Z : Type) (f : X * Y -> Z) (p : X * Y),
@Exercises.prod_uncurry X Y Z (@Exercises.prod_curry X Y Z f) p = f p)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.curry_uncurry.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- nth_error_informal --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Manually graded: Exercises.informal_proof".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 2".
print_manual_grade Exercises.manual_grade_for_informal_proof.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- church_succ --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.succ_2".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.succ_2 (
(Exercises.Church.succ Exercises.Church.one = Exercises.Church.two)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.succ_3".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.succ_3 (
(Exercises.Church.succ Exercises.Church.two = Exercises.Church.three)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_3.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- church_plus --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.plus_2".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.plus_2 (
(Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.three =
Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.two)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.plus_3".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.plus_3 (
(Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two)
Exercises.Church.three =
Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.one
(Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three))).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_3.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- church_mult --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_1".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_1 (
(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.one Exercises.Church.one =
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_1.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_2".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_2 (
(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.zero
(Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three) =
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_3".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_3 (
(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.three =
Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_3.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "------------------- church_exp --------------------".
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_1".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_1 (
(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two =
Exercises.Church.plus Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two)).
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_1.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_2".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 0.5".
check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_2 (
(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.zero =
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_2.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_3".
idtac "Advanced".
idtac "Possible points: 1".
check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_3 (
(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.two =
(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two
(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two))
idtac "Assumptions:".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_3.
Goal True.
idtac " ".
idtac " ".
idtac "Max points - standard: 19".
idtac "Max points - advanced: 30".
idtac "".
idtac "********** Summary **********".
idtac "".
idtac "********** Standard **********".
idtac "---------- mumble_grumble ---------".
idtac "MANUAL".
idtac "---------- split ---------".
Print Assumptions split.
idtac "---------- test_split ---------".
Print Assumptions test_split.
idtac "---------- test_filter_even_gt7_1 ---------".
Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_1.
idtac "---------- test_filter_even_gt7_2 ---------".
Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_2.
idtac "---------- partition ---------".
Print Assumptions partition.
idtac "---------- test_partition1 ---------".
Print Assumptions test_partition1.
idtac "---------- test_partition2 ---------".
Print Assumptions test_partition2.
idtac "---------- map_rev ---------".
Print Assumptions map_rev.
idtac "---------- flat_map ---------".
Print Assumptions flat_map.
idtac "---------- test_flat_map1 ---------".
Print Assumptions test_flat_map1.
idtac "---------- Exercises.fold_length_correct ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.fold_length_correct.
idtac "---------- fold_map ---------".
idtac "MANUAL".
idtac "".
idtac "********** Advanced **********".
idtac "---------- fold_types_different ---------".
idtac "MANUAL".
idtac "---------- Exercises.uncurry_curry ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.uncurry_curry.
idtac "---------- Exercises.curry_uncurry ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.curry_uncurry.
idtac "---------- informal_proof ---------".
idtac "MANUAL".
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.succ_2 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_2.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.succ_3 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_3.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.plus_2 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_2.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.plus_3 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_3.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_1 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_1.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_2 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_2.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_3 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_3.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_1 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_1.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_2 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_2.
idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_3 ---------".
Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_3.
(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:09 EST 2019 *)