commit bc27534fa2d853cd20e0a9289f9de839be42c6c5 Author: Michael Zhang Date: Wed Jun 3 21:46:06 2020 -0500 initial diff --git a/Auto.v b/Auto.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53a98a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Auto.v @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +(** * Auto: More Automation *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Import omega.Omega. +From LF Require Import Maps. +From LF Require Import Imp. + +(** Up to now, we've used the more manual part of Coq's tactic + facilities. In this chapter, we'll learn more about some of Coq's + powerful automation features: proof search via the [auto] tactic, + automated forward reasoning via the [Ltac] hypothesis matching + machinery, and deferred instantiation of existential variables + using [eapply] and [eauto]. Using these features together with + Ltac's scripting facilities will enable us to make our proofs + startlingly short! Used properly, they can also make proofs more + maintainable and robust to changes in underlying definitions. A + deeper treatment of [auto] and [eauto] can be found in the + [UseAuto] chapter in _Programming Language Foundations_. + + There's another major category of automation we haven't discussed + much yet, namely built-in decision procedures for specific kinds + of problems: [omega] is one example, but there are others. This + topic will be deferred for a while longer. + + Our motivating example will be this proof, repeated with just a + few small changes from the [Imp] chapter. We will simplify + this proof in several stages. *) + +(** First, define a little Ltac macro to compress a common + pattern into a single command. *) +Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst; clear H. + +Theorem ceval_deterministic: forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2; + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2. + - (* E_Skip *) reflexivity. + - (* E_Ass *) reflexivity. + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1. + { (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; apply H1. } + subst st'0. + apply IHE1_2. assumption. + (* E_IfTrue *) + - (* b evaluates to true *) + apply IHE1. assumption. + - (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + (* E_IfFalse *) + - (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + - (* b evaluates to false *) + apply IHE1. assumption. + (* E_WhileFalse *) + - (* b evaluates to false *) + reflexivity. + - (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H2. inversion H2. + (* E_WhileTrue *) + - (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H4. inversion H4. + - (* b evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1. + { (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; assumption. } + subst st'0. + apply IHE1_2. assumption. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * The [auto] Tactic *) + +(** Thus far, our proof scripts mostly apply relevant hypotheses or + lemmas by name, and one at a time. *) + +Example auto_example_1 : forall (P Q R: Prop), + (P -> Q) -> (Q -> R) -> P -> R. +Proof. + intros P Q R H1 H2 H3. + apply H2. apply H1. assumption. +Qed. + +(** The [auto] tactic frees us from this drudgery by _searching_ for a + sequence of applications that will prove the goal: *) + +Example auto_example_1' : forall (P Q R: Prop), + (P -> Q) -> (Q -> R) -> P -> R. +Proof. + auto. +Qed. + +(** The [auto] tactic solves goals that are solvable by any combination of + - [intros] and + - [apply] (of hypotheses from the local context, by default). *) + +(** Using [auto] is always "safe" in the sense that it will never fail + and will never change the proof state: either it completely solves + the current goal, or it does nothing. *) + +(** Here is a more interesting example showing [auto]'s power: *) + +Example auto_example_2 : forall P Q R S T U : Prop, + (P -> Q) -> + (P -> R) -> + (T -> R) -> + (S -> T -> U) -> + ((P->Q) -> (P->S)) -> + T -> + P -> + U. +Proof. auto. Qed. + +(** Proof search could, in principle, take an arbitrarily long time, + so there are limits to how far [auto] will search by default. *) + +Example auto_example_3 : forall (P Q R S T U: Prop), + (P -> Q) -> + (Q -> R) -> + (R -> S) -> + (S -> T) -> + (T -> U) -> + P -> + U. +Proof. + (* When it cannot solve the goal, [auto] does nothing *) + auto. + (* Optional argument says how deep to search (default is 5) *) + auto 6. +Qed. + +(** When searching for potential proofs of the current goal, + [auto] considers the hypotheses in the current context together + with a _hint database_ of other lemmas and constructors. Some + common lemmas about equality and logical operators are installed + in this hint database by default. *) + +Example auto_example_4 : forall P Q R : Prop, + Q -> + (Q -> R) -> + P \/ (Q /\ R). +Proof. auto. Qed. + +(** We can extend the hint database just for the purposes of one + application of [auto] by writing "[auto using ...]". *) + +Lemma le_antisym : forall n m: nat, (n <= m /\ m <= n) -> n = m. +Proof. intros. omega. Qed. + +Example auto_example_6 : forall n m p : nat, + (n <= p -> (n <= m /\ m <= n)) -> + n <= p -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros. + auto using le_antisym. +Qed. + +(** Of course, in any given development there will probably be + some specific constructors and lemmas that are used very often in + proofs. We can add these to the global hint database by writing + + Hint Resolve T. + + at the top level, where [T] is a top-level theorem or a + constructor of an inductively defined proposition (i.e., anything + whose type is an implication). As a shorthand, we can write + + Hint Constructors c. + + to tell Coq to do a [Hint Resolve] for _all_ of the constructors + from the inductive definition of [c]. + + It is also sometimes necessary to add + + Hint Unfold d. + + where [d] is a defined symbol, so that [auto] knows to expand uses + of [d], thus enabling further possibilities for applying lemmas that + it knows about. *) + +(** It is also possible to define specialized hint databases that can + be activated only when needed. See the Coq reference manual for + more. *) + +Hint Resolve le_antisym. + +Example auto_example_6' : forall n m p : nat, + (n<= p -> (n <= m /\ m <= n)) -> + n <= p -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros. + auto. (* picks up hint from database *) +Qed. + +Definition is_fortytwo x := (x = 42). + +Example auto_example_7: forall x, + (x <= 42 /\ 42 <= x) -> is_fortytwo x. +Proof. + auto. (* does nothing *) +Abort. + +Hint Unfold is_fortytwo. + +Example auto_example_7' : forall x, + (x <= 42 /\ 42 <= x) -> is_fortytwo x. +Proof. auto. Qed. + +(** Let's take a first pass over [ceval_deterministic] to simplify the + proof script. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2; auto. + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. + - (* E_IfTrue *) + + (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + - (* E_IfFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + - (* E_WhileFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H2. inversion H2. + (* E_WhileTrue *) + - (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H4. inversion H4. + - (* b evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. +Qed. + +(** When we are using a particular tactic many times in a proof, we + can use a variant of the [Proof] command to make that tactic into + a default within the proof. Saying [Proof with t] (where [t] is + an arbitrary tactic) allows us to use [t1...] as a shorthand for + [t1;t] within the proof. As an illustration, here is an alternate + version of the previous proof, using [Proof with auto]. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic'_alt: forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof with auto. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2; + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; + intros st2 E2; inv E2... + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1... + subst st'0... + - (* E_IfTrue *) + + (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + - (* E_IfFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. inversion H5. + - (* E_WhileFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H2. inversion H2. + (* E_WhileTrue *) + - (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H4. inversion H4. + - (* b evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1... + subst st'0... +Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Searching For Hypotheses *) + +(** The proof has become simpler, but there is still an annoying + amount of repetition. Let's start by tackling the contradiction + cases. Each of them occurs in a situation where we have both + + H1: beval st b = false + + and + + H2: beval st b = true + + as hypotheses. The contradiction is evident, but demonstrating it + is a little complicated: we have to locate the two hypotheses [H1] + and [H2] and do a [rewrite] following by an [inversion]. We'd + like to automate this process. + + (In fact, Coq has a built-in tactic [congruence] that will do the + job in this case. But we'll ignore the existence of this tactic + for now, in order to demonstrate how to build forward search + tactics by hand.) + + As a first step, we can abstract out the piece of script in + question by writing a little function in Ltac. *) + +Ltac rwinv H1 H2 := rewrite H1 in H2; inv H2. + +Theorem ceval_deterministic'': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2; auto. + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. + - (* E_IfTrue *) + + (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rwinv H H5. + - (* E_IfFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rwinv H H5. + - (* E_WhileFalse *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rwinv H H2. + (* E_WhileTrue *) + - (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rwinv H H4. + - (* b evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. Qed. + +(** That was a bit better, but we really want Coq to discover the + relevant hypotheses for us. We can do this by using the [match + goal] facility of Ltac. *) + +Ltac find_rwinv := + match goal with + H1: ?E = true, + H2: ?E = false + |- _ => rwinv H1 H2 + end. + +(** This [match goal] looks for two distinct hypotheses that + have the form of equalities, with the same arbitrary expression + [E] on the left and with conflicting boolean values on the right. + If such hypotheses are found, it binds [H1] and [H2] to their + names and applies the [rwinv] tactic to [H1] and [H2]. + + Adding this tactic to the ones that we invoke in each case of the + induction handles all of the contradictory cases. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic''': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2; try find_rwinv; auto. + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. + - (* E_WhileTrue *) + + (* b evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1 by auto. + subst st'0. + auto. Qed. + +(** Let's see about the remaining cases. Each of them involves + applying a conditional hypothesis to extract an equality. + Currently we have phrased these as assertions, so that we have to + predict what the resulting equality will be (although we can then + use [auto] to prove it). An alternative is to pick the relevant + hypotheses to use and then [rewrite] with them, as follows: *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic'''': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2; try find_rwinv; auto. + - (* E_Seq *) + rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H1) in *. auto. + - (* E_WhileTrue *) + + (* b evaluates to true *) + rewrite (IHE1_1 st'0 H3) in *. auto. Qed. + +(** Now we can automate the task of finding the relevant hypotheses to + rewrite with. *) + +Ltac find_eqn := + match goal with + H1: forall x, ?P x -> ?L = ?R, + H2: ?P ?X + |- _ => rewrite (H1 X H2) in * + end. + +(** The pattern [forall x, ?P x -> ?L = ?R] matches any hypothesis of + the form "for all [x], _some property of [x]_ implies _some + equality_." The property of [x] is bound to the pattern variable + [P], and the left- and right-hand sides of the equality are bound + to [L] and [R]. The name of this hypothesis is bound to [H1]. + Then the pattern [?P ?X] matches any hypothesis that provides + evidence that [P] holds for some concrete [X]. If both patterns + succeed, we apply the [rewrite] tactic (instantiating the + quantified [x] with [X] and providing [H2] as the required + evidence for [P X]) in all hypotheses and the goal. + + One problem remains: in general, there may be several pairs of + hypotheses that have the right general form, and it seems tricky + to pick out the ones we actually need. A key trick is to realize + that we can _try them all_! Here's how this works: + + - each execution of [match goal] will keep trying to find a valid + pair of hypotheses until the tactic on the RHS of the match + succeeds; if there are no such pairs, it fails; + - [rewrite] will fail given a trivial equation of the form [X = X]; + - we can wrap the whole thing in a [repeat], which will keep doing + useful rewrites until only trivial ones are left. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic''''': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; intros st2 E2; inv E2; try find_rwinv; + repeat find_eqn; auto. +Qed. + +(** The big payoff in this approach is that our proof script should be + more robust in the face of modest changes to our language. To + test this, let's try adding a [REPEAT] command to the language. *) + +Module Repeat. + +Inductive com : Type := + | CSkip + | CAsgn (x : string) (a : aexp) + | CSeq (c1 c2 : com) + | CIf (b : bexp) (c1 c2 : com) + | CWhile (b : bexp) (c : com) + | CRepeat (c : com) (b : bexp). + +(** [REPEAT] behaves like [WHILE], except that the loop guard is + checked _after_ each execution of the body, with the loop + repeating as long as the guard stays _false_. Because of this, + the body will always execute at least once. *) + +Notation "'SKIP'" := + CSkip. +Notation "c1 ; c2" := + (CSeq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity). +Notation "X '::=' a" := + (CAsgn X a) (at level 60). +Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" := + (CWhile b c) (at level 80, right associativity). +Notation "'TEST' e1 'THEN' e2 'ELSE' e3 'FI'" := + (CIf e1 e2 e3) (at level 80, right associativity). +Notation "'REPEAT' e1 'UNTIL' b2 'END'" := + (CRepeat e1 b2) (at level 80, right associativity). + +Inductive ceval : state -> com -> state -> Prop := + | E_Skip : forall st, + ceval st SKIP st + | E_Ass : forall st a1 n X, + aeval st a1 = n -> + ceval st (X ::= a1) (t_update st X n) + | E_Seq : forall c1 c2 st st' st'', + ceval st c1 st' -> + ceval st' c2 st'' -> + ceval st (c1 ; c2) st'' + | E_IfTrue : forall st st' b1 c1 c2, + beval st b1 = true -> + ceval st c1 st' -> + ceval st (TEST b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) st' + | E_IfFalse : forall st st' b1 c1 c2, + beval st b1 = false -> + ceval st c2 st' -> + ceval st (TEST b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI) st' + | E_WhileFalse : forall b1 st c1, + beval st b1 = false -> + ceval st (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) st + | E_WhileTrue : forall st st' st'' b1 c1, + beval st b1 = true -> + ceval st c1 st' -> + ceval st' (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) st'' -> + ceval st (WHILE b1 DO c1 END) st'' + | E_RepeatEnd : forall st st' b1 c1, + ceval st c1 st' -> + beval st' b1 = true -> + ceval st (CRepeat c1 b1) st' + | E_RepeatLoop : forall st st' st'' b1 c1, + ceval st c1 st' -> + beval st' b1 = false -> + ceval st' (CRepeat c1 b1) st'' -> + ceval st (CRepeat c1 b1) st''. + +Notation "st '=[' c ']=>' st'" := (ceval st c st') + (at level 40). + +(** Our first attempt at the determinacy proof does not quite succeed: + the [E_RepeatEnd] and [E_RepeatLoop] cases are not handled by our + previous automation. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic: forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; + intros st2 E2; inv E2; try find_rwinv; repeat find_eqn; auto. + - (* E_RepeatEnd *) + + (* b evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + find_rwinv. + (* oops: why didn't [find_rwinv] solve this for us already? + answer: we did things in the wrong order. *) + - (* E_RepeatLoop *) + + (* b evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + find_rwinv. +Qed. + +(** Fortunately, to fix this, we just have to swap the invocations of + [find_eqn] and [find_rwinv]. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic': forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2; + induction E1; + intros st2 E2; inv E2; repeat find_eqn; try find_rwinv; auto. +Qed. + +End Repeat. + +(** These examples just give a flavor of what "hyper-automation" + can achieve in Coq. The details of [match goal] are a bit + tricky (and debugging scripts using it is, frankly, not very + pleasant). But it is well worth adding at least simple uses to + your proofs, both to avoid tedium and to "future proof" them. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** The [eapply] and [eauto] variants *) + +(** To close the chapter, we'll introduce one more convenient feature + of Coq: its ability to delay instantiation of quantifiers. To + motivate this feature, recall this example from the [Imp] + chapter: *) + +Example ceval_example1: + empty_st =[ + X ::= 2;; + TEST X <= 1 + THEN Y ::= 3 + ELSE Z ::= 4 + FI + ]=> (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2). +Proof. + (* We supply the intermediate state [st']... *) + apply E_Seq with (X !-> 2). + - apply E_Ass. reflexivity. + - apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** In the first step of the proof, we had to explicitly provide a + longish expression to help Coq instantiate a "hidden" argument to + the [E_Seq] constructor. This was needed because the definition + of [E_Seq]... + + E_Seq : forall c1 c2 st st' st'', + st =[ c1 ]=> st' -> + st' =[ c2 ]=> st'' -> + st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]=> st'' + + is quantified over a variable, [st'], that does not appear in its + conclusion, so unifying its conclusion with the goal state doesn't + help Coq find a suitable value for this variable. If we leave + out the [with], this step fails ("Error: Unable to find an + instance for the variable [st']"). + + What's silly about this error is that the appropriate value for [st'] + will actually become obvious in the very next step, where we apply + [E_Ass]. If Coq could just wait until we get to this step, there + would be no need to give the value explicitly. This is exactly what + the [eapply] tactic gives us: *) + +Example ceval'_example1: + empty_st =[ + X ::= 2;; + TEST X <= 1 + THEN Y ::= 3 + ELSE Z ::= 4 + FI + ]=> (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2). +Proof. + eapply E_Seq. (* 1 *) + - apply E_Ass. (* 2 *) + reflexivity. (* 3 *) + - (* 4 *) apply E_IfFalse. reflexivity. apply E_Ass. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** The [eapply H] tactic behaves just like [apply H] except + that, after it finishes unifying the goal state with the + conclusion of [H], it does not bother to check whether all the + variables that were introduced in the process have been given + concrete values during unification. + + If you step through the proof above, you'll see that the goal + state at position [1] mentions the _existential variable_ [?st'] + in both of the generated subgoals. The next step (which gets us + to position [2]) replaces [?st'] with a concrete value. This new + value contains a new existential variable [?n], which is + instantiated in its turn by the following [reflexivity] step, + position [3]. When we start working on the second + subgoal (position [4]), we observe that the occurrence of [?st'] + in this subgoal has been replaced by the value that it was given + during the first subgoal. *) + +(** Several of the tactics that we've seen so far, including [exists], + [constructor], and [auto], have similar variants. For example, + here's a proof using [eauto]: *) + +Hint Constructors ceval. +Hint Transparent state. +Hint Transparent total_map. + +Definition st12 := (Y !-> 2 ; X !-> 1). +Definition st21 := (Y !-> 1 ; X !-> 2). + +Example eauto_example : exists s', + st21 =[ + TEST X <= Y + THEN Z ::= Y - X + ELSE Y ::= X + Z + FI + ]=> s'. +Proof. eauto. Qed. + +(** The [eauto] tactic works just like [auto], except that it uses + [eapply] instead of [apply]. + + Pro tip: One might think that, since [eapply] and [eauto] are more + powerful than [apply] and [auto], it would be a good idea to use + them all the time. Unfortunately, they are also significantly + slower -- especially [eauto]. Coq experts tend to use [apply] and + [auto] most of the time, only switching to the [e] variants when + the ordinary variants don't do the job. *) + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:47 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/AutoTest.v b/AutoTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e01fd46 --- /dev/null +++ b/AutoTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Auto. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Auto. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:31 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Basics.v b/Basics.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea66eaf --- /dev/null +++ b/Basics.v @@ -0,0 +1,1422 @@ +(** * Basics: Functional Programming in Coq *) + +(* REMINDER: + + ##################################################### + ### PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE SOLUTIONS PUBLICLY ### + ##################################################### + + (See the [Preface] for why.) +*) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Introduction *) + +(** The functional programming style is founded on simple, everyday + mathematical intuition: If a procedure or method has no side + effects, then (ignoring efficiency) all we need to understand + about it is how it maps inputs to outputs -- that is, we can think + of it as just a concrete method for computing a mathematical + function. This is one sense of the word "functional" in + "functional programming." The direct connection between programs + and simple mathematical objects supports both formal correctness + proofs and sound informal reasoning about program behavior. + + The other sense in which functional programming is "functional" is + that it emphasizes the use of functions (or methods) as + _first-class_ values -- i.e., values that can be passed as + arguments to other functions, returned as results, included in + data structures, etc. The recognition that functions can be + treated as data gives rise to a host of useful and powerful + programming idioms. + + Other common features of functional languages include _algebraic + data types_ and _pattern matching_, which make it easy to + construct and manipulate rich data structures, and sophisticated + _polymorphic type systems_ supporting abstraction and code reuse. + Coq offers all of these features. + + The first half of this chapter introduces the most essential + elements of Coq's functional programming language, called + _Gallina_. The second half introduces some basic _tactics_ that + can be used to prove properties of Coq programs. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Data and Functions *) +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Enumerated Types *) + +(** One notable aspect of Coq is that its set of built-in + features is _extremely_ small. For example, instead of providing + the usual palette of atomic data types (booleans, integers, + strings, etc.), Coq offers a powerful mechanism for defining new + data types from scratch, with all these familiar types as + instances. + + Naturally, the Coq distribution comes preloaded with an extensive + standard library providing definitions of booleans, numbers, and + many common data structures like lists and hash tables. But there + is nothing magic or primitive about these library definitions. To + illustrate this, we will explicitly recapitulate all the + definitions we need in this course, rather than just getting them + implicitly from the library. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Days of the Week *) + +(** To see how this definition mechanism works, let's start with + a very simple example. The following declaration tells Coq that + we are defining a new set of data values -- a _type_. *) + +Inductive day : Type := + | monday + | tuesday + | wednesday + | thursday + | friday + | saturday + | sunday. + +(** The type is called [day], and its members are [monday], + [tuesday], etc. + + Having defined [day], we can write functions that operate on + days. *) + +Definition next_weekday (d:day) : day := + match d with + | monday => tuesday + | tuesday => wednesday + | wednesday => thursday + | thursday => friday + | friday => monday + | saturday => monday + | sunday => monday + end. + +(** One thing to note is that the argument and return types of + this function are explicitly declared. Like most functional + programming languages, Coq can often figure out these types for + itself when they are not given explicitly -- i.e., it can do _type + inference_ -- but we'll generally include them to make reading + easier. *) + +(** Having defined a function, we should check that it works on + some examples. There are actually three different ways to do this + in Coq. First, we can use the command [Compute] to evaluate a + compound expression involving [next_weekday]. *) + +Compute (next_weekday friday). +(* ==> monday : day *) + +Compute (next_weekday (next_weekday saturday)). +(* ==> tuesday : day *) + +(** (We show Coq's responses in comments, but, if you have a + computer handy, this would be an excellent moment to fire up the + Coq interpreter under your favorite IDE -- either CoqIde or Proof + General -- and try this for yourself. Load this file, [Basics.v], + from the book's Coq sources, find the above example, submit it to + Coq, and observe the result.) *) + +(** Second, we can record what we _expect_ the result to be in the + form of a Coq example: *) + +Example test_next_weekday: + (next_weekday (next_weekday saturday)) = tuesday. + +(** This declaration does two things: it makes an + assertion (that the second weekday after [saturday] is [tuesday]), + and it gives the assertion a name that can be used to refer to it + later. Having made the assertion, we can also ask Coq to verify + it, like this: *) + +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The details are not important for now (we'll come back to + them in a bit), but essentially this can be read as "The assertion + we've just made can be proved by observing that both sides of the + equality evaluate to the same thing, after some simplification." + + Third, we can ask Coq to _extract_, from our [Definition], a + program in some other, more conventional, programming + language (OCaml, Scheme, or Haskell) with a high-performance + compiler. This facility is very interesting, since it gives us a + way to go from proved-correct algorithms written in Gallina to + efficient machine code. (Of course, we are trusting the + correctness of the OCaml/Haskell/Scheme compiler, and of Coq's + extraction facility itself, but this is still a big step forward + from the way most software is developed today.) Indeed, this is + one of the main uses for which Coq was developed. We'll come back + to this topic in later chapters. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Homework Submission Guidelines *) + +(** If you are using _Software Foundations_ in a course, your + instructor may use automatic scripts to help grade your homework + assignments. In order for these scripts to work correctly (so + that you get full credit for your work!), please be careful to + follow these rules: + - The grading scripts work by extracting marked regions of the + [.v] files that you submit. It is therefore important that + you do not alter the "markup" that delimits exercises: the + Exercise header, the name of the exercise, the "empty square + bracket" marker at the end, etc. Please leave this markup + exactly as you find it. + - Do not delete exercises. If you skip an exercise (e.g., + because it is marked Optional, or because you can't solve it), + it is OK to leave a partial proof in your [.v] file, but in + this case please make sure it ends with [Admitted] (not, for + example [Abort]). + - It is fine to use additional definitions (of helper functions, + useful lemmas, etc.) in your solutions. You can put these + between the exercise header and the theorem you are asked to + prove. + + You will also notice that each chapter (like [Basics.v]) is + accompanied by a _test script_ ([BasicsTest.v]) that automatically + calculates points for the finished homework problems in the + chapter. These scripts are mostly for the auto-grading + infrastructure that your instructor may use to help process + assignments, but you may also like to use them to double-check + that your file is well formatted before handing it in. In a + terminal window either type [make BasicsTest.vo] or do the + following: + + coqc -Q . LF Basics.v + coqc -Q . LF BasicsTest.v + + There is no need to hand in [BasicsTest.v] itself (or [Preface.v]). + + _If your class is using the Canvas system to hand in assignments_: + - If you submit multiple versions of the assignment, you may + notice that they are given different names. This is fine: The + most recent submission is the one that will be graded. + - To hand in multiple files at the same time (if more than one + chapter is assigned in the same week), you need to make a + single submission with all the files at once using the button + "Add another file" just above the comment box. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Booleans *) + +(** In a similar way, we can define the standard type [bool] of + booleans, with members [true] and [false]. *) + +Inductive bool : Type := + | true + | false. + +(** Although we are rolling our own booleans here for the sake + of building up everything from scratch, Coq does, of course, + provide a default implementation of the booleans, together with a + multitude of useful functions and lemmas. (Take a look at + [Coq.Init.Datatypes] in the Coq library documentation if you're + interested.) Whenever possible, we'll name our own definitions + and theorems so that they exactly coincide with the ones in the + standard library. + + Functions over booleans can be defined in the same way as + above: *) + +Definition negb (b:bool) : bool := + match b with + | true => false + | false => true + end. + +Definition andb (b1:bool) (b2:bool) : bool := + match b1 with + | true => b2 + | false => false + end. + +Definition orb (b1:bool) (b2:bool) : bool := + match b1 with + | true => true + | false => b2 + end. + +(** The last two of these illustrate Coq's syntax for + multi-argument function definitions. The corresponding + multi-argument application syntax is illustrated by the following + "unit tests," which constitute a complete specification -- a truth + table -- for the [orb] function: *) + +Example test_orb1: (orb true false) = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_orb2: (orb false false) = false. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_orb3: (orb false true) = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_orb4: (orb true true) = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** We can also introduce some familiar syntax for the boolean + operations we have just defined. The [Notation] command defines a new + symbolic notation for an existing definition. *) + +Notation "x && y" := (andb x y). +Notation "x || y" := (orb x y). + +Example test_orb5: false || false || true = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** _A note on notation_: In [.v] files, we use square brackets + to delimit fragments of Coq code within comments; this convention, + also used by the [coqdoc] documentation tool, keeps them visually + separate from the surrounding text. In the HTML version of the + files, these pieces of text appear in a [different font]. + + The command [Admitted] can be used as a placeholder for an + incomplete proof. We'll use it in exercises, to indicate the + parts that we're leaving for you -- i.e., your job is to replace + [Admitted]s with real proofs. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (nandb) + + Remove "[Admitted.]" and complete the definition of the following + function; then make sure that the [Example] assertions below can + each be verified by Coq. (I.e., fill in each proof, following the + model of the [orb] tests above.) The function should return [true] + if either or both of its inputs are [false]. *) + +Definition nandb (b1:bool) (b2:bool) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_nandb1: (nandb true false) = true. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_nandb2: (nandb false false) = true. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_nandb3: (nandb false true) = true. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_nandb4: (nandb true true) = false. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (andb3) + + Do the same for the [andb3] function below. This function should + return [true] when all of its inputs are [true], and [false] + otherwise. *) + +Definition andb3 (b1:bool) (b2:bool) (b3:bool) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_andb31: (andb3 true true true) = true. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_andb32: (andb3 false true true) = false. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_andb33: (andb3 true false true) = false. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_andb34: (andb3 true true false) = false. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Types *) + +(** Every expression in Coq has a type, describing what sort of + thing it computes. The [Check] command asks Coq to print the type + of an expression. *) + +Check true. +(* ===> true : bool *) +Check (negb true). +(* ===> negb true : bool *) + +(** Functions like [negb] itself are also data values, just like + [true] and [false]. Their types are called _function types_, and + they are written with arrows. *) + +Check negb. +(* ===> negb : bool -> bool *) + +(** The type of [negb], written [bool -> bool] and pronounced + "[bool] arrow [bool]," can be read, "Given an input of type + [bool], this function produces an output of type [bool]." + Similarly, the type of [andb], written [bool -> bool -> bool], can + be read, "Given two inputs, both of type [bool], this function + produces an output of type [bool]." *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** New Types from Old *) + +(** The types we have defined so far are examples of "enumerated + types": their definitions explicitly enumerate a finite set of + elements, each of which is just a bare constructor. Here is a + more interesting type definition, where one of the constructors + takes an argument: *) + +Inductive rgb : Type := + | red + | green + | blue. + +Inductive color : Type := + | black + | white + | primary (p : rgb). + +(** Let's look at this in a little more detail. + + Every inductively defined type ([day], [bool], [rgb], [color], + etc.) contains a set of _constructor expressions_ built from + _constructors_ like [red], [primary], [true], [false], [monday], + etc. + + The definitions of [rgb] and [color] say how expressions in the + sets [rgb] and [color] can be built: + + - [red], [green], and [blue] are the constructors of [rgb]; + - [black], [white], and [primary] are the constructors of [color]; + - the expression [red] belongs to the set [rgb], as do the + expressions [green] and [blue]; + - the expressions [black] and [white] belong to the set [color]; + - if [p] is an expression belonging to the set [rgb], then + [primary p] (pronounced "the constructor [primary] applied to + the argument [p]") is an expression belonging to the set + [color]; and + - expressions formed in these ways are the _only_ ones belonging + to the sets [rgb] and [color]. *) + +(** We can define functions on colors using pattern matching just as + we have done for [day] and [bool]. *) + +Definition monochrome (c : color) : bool := + match c with + | black => true + | white => true + | primary q => false + end. + +(** Since the [primary] constructor takes an argument, a pattern + matching [primary] should include either a variable (as above -- + note that we can choose its name freely) or a constant of + appropriate type (as below). *) + +Definition isred (c : color) : bool := + match c with + | black => false + | white => false + | primary red => true + | primary _ => false + end. + +(** The pattern [primary _] here is shorthand for "[primary] applied + to any [rgb] constructor except [red]." (The wildcard pattern [_] + has the same effect as the dummy pattern variable [p] in the + definition of [monochrome].) *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Tuples *) + +(** A single constructor with multiple parameters can be used + to create a tuple type. As an example, consider representing + the four bits in a nybble (half a byte). We first define + a datatype [bit] that resembles [bool] (using the + constructors [B0] and [B1] for the two possible bit values), + and then define the datatype [nybble], which is essentially + a tuple of four bits. *) + +Inductive bit : Type := + | B0 + | B1. + +Inductive nybble : Type := + | bits (b0 b1 b2 b3 : bit). + +Check (bits B1 B0 B1 B0). +(* ==> bits B1 B0 B1 B0 : nybble *) + +(** The [bits] constructor acts as a wrapper for its contents. + Unwrapping can be done by pattern-matching, as in the [all_zero] + function which tests a nybble to see if all its bits are O. + Note that we are using underscore (_) as a _wildcard pattern_ to + avoid inventing variable names that will not be used. *) + +Definition all_zero (nb : nybble) : bool := + match nb with + | (bits B0 B0 B0 B0) => true + | (bits _ _ _ _) => false + end. + +Compute (all_zero (bits B1 B0 B1 B0)). +(* ===> false : bool *) +Compute (all_zero (bits B0 B0 B0 B0)). +(* ===> true : bool *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Modules *) + +(** Coq provides a _module system_, to aid in organizing large + developments. In this course we won't need most of its features, + but one is useful: If we enclose a collection of declarations + between [Module X] and [End X] markers, then, in the remainder of + the file after the [End], these definitions are referred to by + names like [] instead of just [foo]. We will use this + feature to introduce the definition of the type [nat] in an inner + module so that it does not interfere with the one from the + standard library (which we want to use in the rest because it + comes with a tiny bit of convenient special notation). *) + +Module NatPlayground. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Numbers *) + +(** The types we have defined so far, "enumerated types" such as + [day], [bool], and [bit], and tuple types such as [nybble] built + from them, share the property that each type has a finite set of + values. The natural numbers are an infinite set, and we need to + represent all of them in a datatype with a finite number of + constructors. There are many representations of numbers to choose + from. We are most familiar with decimal notation (base 10), using + the digits 0 through 9, for example, to form the number 123. You + may have encountered hexadecimal notation (base 16), in which the + same number is represented as 7B, or octal (base 8), where it is + 173, or binary (base 2), where it is 1111011. Using an enumerated + type to represent digits, we could use any of these to represent + natural numbers. There are circumstances where each of these + choices can be useful. + + Binary is valuable in computer hardware because it can in turn be + represented with two voltage levels, resulting in simple + circuitry. Analogously, we wish here to choose a representation + that makes _proofs_ simpler. + + Indeed, there is a representation of numbers that is even simpler + than binary, namely unary (base 1), in which only a single digit + is used (as one might do while counting days in prison by scratching + on the walls). To represent unary with a Coq datatype, we use + two constructors. The capital-letter [O] constructor represents zero. + When the [S] constructor is applied to the representation of the + natural number _n_, the result is the representation of _n+1_. + ([S] stands for "successor", or "scratch" if one is in prison.) + Here is the complete datatype definition. *) + +Inductive nat : Type := + | O + | S (n : nat). + +(** With this definition, 0 is represented by [O], 1 by [S O], + 2 by [S (S O)], and so on. *) + +(** The clauses of this definition can be read: + - [O] is a natural number (note that this is the letter "[O]," + not the numeral "[0]"). + - [S] can be put in front of a natural number to yield another + one -- if [n] is a natural number, then [S n] is too. *) + +(** Again, let's look at this in a little more detail. The definition + of [nat] says how expressions in the set [nat] can be built: + + - [O] and [S] are constructors; + - the expression [O] belongs to the set [nat]; + - if [n] is an expression belonging to the set [nat], then [S n] + is also an expression belonging to the set [nat]; and + - expressions formed in these two ways are the only ones belonging + to the set [nat]. *) + +(** The same rules apply for our definitions of [day], [bool], + [color], etc. + + The above conditions are the precise force of the [Inductive] + declaration. They imply that the expression [O], the expression + [S O], the expression [S (S O)], the expression [S (S (S O))], and + so on all belong to the set [nat], while other expressions built + from data constructors, like [true], [andb true false], [S (S + false)], and [O (O (O S))] do not. + + A critical point here is that what we've done so far is just to + define a _representation_ of numbers: a way of writing them down. + The names [O] and [S] are arbitrary, and at this point they have + no special meaning -- they are just two different marks that we + can use to write down numbers (together with a rule that says any + [nat] will be written as some string of [S] marks followed by an + [O]). If we like, we can write essentially the same definition + this way: *) + +Inductive nat' : Type := + | stop + | tick (foo : nat'). + +(** The _interpretation_ of these marks comes from how we use them to + compute. *) + +(** We can do this by writing functions that pattern match on + representations of natural numbers just as we did above with + booleans and days -- for example, here is the predecessor + function: *) + +Definition pred (n : nat) : nat := + match n with + | O => O + | S n' => n' + end. + +(** The second branch can be read: "if [n] has the form [S n'] + for some [n'], then return [n']." *) + +End NatPlayground. + +(** Because natural numbers are such a pervasive form of data, + Coq provides a tiny bit of built-in magic for parsing and printing + them: ordinary decimal numerals can be used as an alternative to + the "unary" notation defined by the constructors [S] and [O]. Coq + prints numbers in decimal form by default: *) + +Check (S (S (S (S O)))). + (* ===> 4 : nat *) + +Definition minustwo (n : nat) : nat := + match n with + | O => O + | S O => O + | S (S n') => n' + end. + +Compute (minustwo 4). + (* ===> 2 : nat *) + +(** The constructor [S] has the type [nat -> nat], just like + [pred] and functions like [minustwo]: *) + +Check S. +Check pred. +Check minustwo. + +(** These are all things that can be applied to a number to yield a + number. However, there is a fundamental difference between the + first one and the other two: functions like [pred] and [minustwo] + come with _computation rules_ -- e.g., the definition of [pred] + says that [pred 2] can be simplified to [1] -- while the + definition of [S] has no such behavior attached. Although it is + like a function in the sense that it can be applied to an + argument, it does not _do_ anything at all! It is just a way of + writing down numbers. (Think about standard decimal numerals: the + numeral [1] is not a computation; it's a piece of data. When we + write [111] to mean the number one hundred and eleven, we are + using [1], three times, to write down a concrete representation of + a number.) + + For most function definitions over numbers, just pattern matching + is not enough: we also need recursion. For example, to check that + a number [n] is even, we may need to recursively check whether + [n-2] is even. To write such functions, we use the keyword + [Fixpoint]. *) + +Fixpoint evenb (n:nat) : bool := + match n with + | O => true + | S O => false + | S (S n') => evenb n' + end. + +(** We can define [oddb] by a similar [Fixpoint] declaration, but here + is a simpler definition: *) + +Definition oddb (n:nat) : bool := negb (evenb n). + +Example test_oddb1: oddb 1 = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_oddb2: oddb 4 = false. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** (You will notice if you step through these proofs that + [simpl] actually has no effect on the goal -- all of the work is + done by [reflexivity]. We'll see more about why that is shortly.) + + Naturally, we can also define multi-argument functions by + recursion. *) + +Module NatPlayground2. + +Fixpoint plus (n : nat) (m : nat) : nat := + match n with + | O => m + | S n' => S (plus n' m) + end. + +(** Adding three to two now gives us five, as we'd expect. *) + +Compute (plus 3 2). + +(** The simplification that Coq performs to reach this conclusion can + be visualized as follows: *) + +(* [plus (S (S (S O))) (S (S O))] +==> [S (plus (S (S O)) (S (S O)))] + by the second clause of the [match] +==> [S (S (plus (S O) (S (S O))))] + by the second clause of the [match] +==> [S (S (S (plus O (S (S O)))))] + by the second clause of the [match] +==> [S (S (S (S (S O))))] + by the first clause of the [match] +*) + +(** As a notational convenience, if two or more arguments have + the same type, they can be written together. In the following + definition, [(n m : nat)] means just the same as if we had written + [(n : nat) (m : nat)]. *) + +Fixpoint mult (n m : nat) : nat := + match n with + | O => O + | S n' => plus m (mult n' m) + end. + +Example test_mult1: (mult 3 3) = 9. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** You can match two expressions at once by putting a comma + between them: *) + +Fixpoint minus (n m:nat) : nat := + match n, m with + | O , _ => O + | S _ , O => n + | S n', S m' => minus n' m' + end. + +End NatPlayground2. + +Fixpoint exp (base power : nat) : nat := + match power with + | O => S O + | S p => mult base (exp base p) + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (factorial) + + Recall the standard mathematical factorial function: + + factorial(0) = 1 + factorial(n) = n * factorial(n-1) (if n>0) + + Translate this into Coq. *) + +Fixpoint factorial (n:nat) : nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_factorial1: (factorial 3) = 6. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_factorial2: (factorial 5) = (mult 10 12). +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Again, we can make numerical expressions easier to read and write + by introducing notations for addition, multiplication, and + subtraction. *) + +Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) + (at level 50, left associativity) + : nat_scope. +Notation "x - y" := (minus x y) + (at level 50, left associativity) + : nat_scope. +Notation "x * y" := (mult x y) + (at level 40, left associativity) + : nat_scope. + +Check ((0 + 1) + 1). + +(** (The [level], [associativity], and [nat_scope] annotations + control how these notations are treated by Coq's parser. The + details are not important for our purposes, but interested readers + can refer to the "More on Notation" section at the end of this + chapter.) + + Note that these do not change the definitions we've already made: + they are simply instructions to the Coq parser to accept [x + y] + in place of [plus x y] and, conversely, to the Coq pretty-printer + to display [plus x y] as [x + y]. *) + +(** When we say that Coq comes with almost nothing built-in, we really + mean it: even equality testing is a user-defined operation! + + Here is a function [eqb], which tests natural numbers for + [eq]uality, yielding a [b]oolean. Note the use of nested + [match]es (we could also have used a simultaneous match, as we did + in [minus].) *) + +Fixpoint eqb (n m : nat) : bool := + match n with + | O => match m with + | O => true + | S m' => false + end + | S n' => match m with + | O => false + | S m' => eqb n' m' + end + end. + +(** Similarly, the [leb] function tests whether its first argument is + less than or equal to its second argument, yielding a boolean. *) + +Fixpoint leb (n m : nat) : bool := + match n with + | O => true + | S n' => + match m with + | O => false + | S m' => leb n' m' + end + end. + +Example test_leb1: (leb 2 2) = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_leb2: (leb 2 4) = true. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_leb3: (leb 4 2) = false. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Since we'll be using these (especially [eqb]) a lot, let's give + them infix notations. *) + +Notation "x =? y" := (eqb x y) (at level 70) : nat_scope. +Notation "x <=? y" := (leb x y) (at level 70) : nat_scope. + +Example test_leb3': (4 <=? 2) = false. +Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (ltb) + + The [ltb] function tests natural numbers for [l]ess-[t]han, + yielding a [b]oolean. Instead of making up a new [Fixpoint] for + this one, define it in terms of a previously defined + function. (It can be done with just one previously defined + function, but you can use two if you need to.) *) + +Definition ltb (n m : nat) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Notation "x + n + n = m + m. + +(** Instead of making a universal claim about all numbers [n] and [m], + it talks about a more specialized property that only holds when [n + = m]. The arrow symbol is pronounced "implies." + + As before, we need to be able to reason by assuming we are given such + numbers [n] and [m]. We also need to assume the hypothesis + [n = m]. The [intros] tactic will serve to move all three of these + from the goal into assumptions in the current context. + + Since [n] and [m] are arbitrary numbers, we can't just use + simplification to prove this theorem. Instead, we prove it by + observing that, if we are assuming [n = m], then we can replace + [n] with [m] in the goal statement and obtain an equality with the + same expression on both sides. The tactic that tells Coq to + perform this replacement is called [rewrite]. *) + +Proof. + (* move both quantifiers into the context: *) + intros n m. + (* move the hypothesis into the context: *) + intros H. + (* rewrite the goal using the hypothesis: *) + rewrite -> H. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The first line of the proof moves the universally quantified + variables [n] and [m] into the context. The second moves the + hypothesis [n = m] into the context and gives it the name [H]. + The third tells Coq to rewrite the current goal ([n + n = m + m]) + by replacing the left side of the equality hypothesis [H] with the + right side. + + (The arrow symbol in the [rewrite] has nothing to do with + implication: it tells Coq to apply the rewrite from left to right. + To rewrite from right to left, you can use [rewrite <-]. Try + making this change in the above proof and see what difference it + makes.) *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (plus_id_exercise) + + Remove "[Admitted.]" and fill in the proof. *) + +Theorem plus_id_exercise : forall n m o : nat, + n = m -> m = o -> n + m = m + o. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The [Admitted] command tells Coq that we want to skip trying + to prove this theorem and just accept it as a given. This can be + useful for developing longer proofs, since we can state subsidiary + lemmas that we believe will be useful for making some larger + argument, use [Admitted] to accept them on faith for the moment, + and continue working on the main argument until we are sure it + makes sense; then we can go back and fill in the proofs we + skipped. Be careful, though: every time you say [Admitted] you + are leaving a door open for total nonsense to enter Coq's nice, + rigorous, formally checked world! *) + +(** We can also use the [rewrite] tactic with a previously proved + theorem instead of a hypothesis from the context. If the statement + of the previously proved theorem involves quantified variables, + as in the example below, Coq tries to instantiate them + by matching with the current goal. *) + +Theorem mult_0_plus : forall n m : nat, + (0 + n) * m = n * m. +Proof. + intros n m. + rewrite -> plus_O_n. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (mult_S_1) *) +Theorem mult_S_1 : forall n m : nat, + m = S n -> + m * (1 + n) = m * m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + + (* (N.b. This proof can actually be completed with tactics other than + [rewrite], but please do use [rewrite] for the sake of the exercise.) + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Proof by Case Analysis *) + +(** Of course, not everything can be proved by simple + calculation and rewriting: In general, unknown, hypothetical + values (arbitrary numbers, booleans, lists, etc.) can block + simplification. For example, if we try to prove the following + fact using the [simpl] tactic as above, we get stuck. (We then + use the [Abort] command to give up on it for the moment.)*) + +Theorem plus_1_neq_0_firsttry : forall n : nat, + (n + 1) =? 0 = false. +Proof. + intros n. + simpl. (* does nothing! *) +Abort. + +(** The reason for this is that the definitions of both + [eqb] and [+] begin by performing a [match] on their first + argument. But here, the first argument to [+] is the unknown + number [n] and the argument to [eqb] is the compound + expression [n + 1]; neither can be simplified. + + To make progress, we need to consider the possible forms of [n] + separately. If [n] is [O], then we can calculate the final result + of [(n + 1) =? 0] and check that it is, indeed, [false]. And + if [n = S n'] for some [n'], then, although we don't know exactly + what number [n + 1] yields, we can calculate that, at least, it + will begin with one [S], and this is enough to calculate that, + again, [(n + 1) =? 0] will yield [false]. + + The tactic that tells Coq to consider, separately, the cases where + [n = O] and where [n = S n'] is called [destruct]. *) + +Theorem plus_1_neq_0 : forall n : nat, + (n + 1) =? 0 = false. +Proof. + intros n. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The [destruct] generates _two_ subgoals, which we must then + prove, separately, in order to get Coq to accept the theorem. + + The annotation "[as [| n']]" is called an _intro pattern_. It + tells Coq what variable names to introduce in each subgoal. In + general, what goes between the square brackets is a _list of + lists_ of names, separated by [|]. In this case, the first + component is empty, since the [O] constructor is nullary (it + doesn't have any arguments). The second component gives a single + name, [n'], since [S] is a unary constructor. + + In each subgoal, Coq remembers the assumption about [n] that is + relevant for this subgoal -- either [n = 0] or [n = S n'] for some + n'. The [eqn:E] annotation tells [destruct] to give the name [E] to + this equation. (Leaving off the [eqn:E] annotation causes Coq to + elide these assumptions in the subgoals. This slightly + streamlines proofs where the assumptions are not explicitly used, + but it is better practice to keep them for the sake of + documentation, as they can help keep you oriented when working + with the subgoals.) + + The [-] signs on the second and third lines are called _bullets_, + and they mark the parts of the proof that correspond to each + generated subgoal. The proof script that comes after a bullet is + the entire proof for a subgoal. In this example, each of the + subgoals is easily proved by a single use of [reflexivity], which + itself performs some simplification -- e.g., the second one + simplifies [(S n' + 1) =? 0] to [false] by first rewriting [(S n' + + 1)] to [S (n' + 1)], then unfolding [eqb], and then simplifying + the [match]. + + Marking cases with bullets is entirely optional: if bullets are + not present, Coq simply asks you to prove each subgoal in + sequence, one at a time. But it is a good idea to use bullets. + For one thing, they make the structure of a proof apparent, making + it more readable. Also, bullets instruct Coq to ensure that a + subgoal is complete before trying to verify the next one, + preventing proofs for different subgoals from getting mixed + up. These issues become especially important in large + developments, where fragile proofs lead to long debugging + sessions. + + There are no hard and fast rules for how proofs should be + formatted in Coq -- in particular, where lines should be broken + and how sections of the proof should be indented to indicate their + nested structure. However, if the places where multiple subgoals + are generated are marked with explicit bullets at the beginning of + lines, then the proof will be readable almost no matter what + choices are made about other aspects of layout. + + This is also a good place to mention one other piece of somewhat + obvious advice about line lengths. Beginning Coq users sometimes + tend to the extremes, either writing each tactic on its own line + or writing entire proofs on one line. Good style lies somewhere + in the middle. One reasonable convention is to limit yourself to + 80-character lines. + + The [destruct] tactic can be used with any inductively defined + datatype. For example, we use it next to prove that boolean + negation is involutive -- i.e., that negation is its own + inverse. *) + +Theorem negb_involutive : forall b : bool, + negb (negb b) = b. +Proof. + intros b. destruct b eqn:E. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Note that the [destruct] here has no [as] clause because + none of the subcases of the [destruct] need to bind any variables, + so there is no need to specify any names. (We could also have + written [as [|]], or [as []].) In fact, we can omit the [as] + clause from _any_ [destruct] and Coq will fill in variable names + automatically. This is generally considered bad style, since Coq + often makes confusing choices of names when left to its own + devices. + + It is sometimes useful to invoke [destruct] inside a subgoal, + generating yet more proof obligations. In this case, we use + different kinds of bullets to mark goals on different "levels." + For example: *) + +Theorem andb_commutative : forall b c, andb b c = andb c b. +Proof. + intros b c. destruct b eqn:Eb. + - destruct c eqn:Ec. + + reflexivity. + + reflexivity. + - destruct c eqn:Ec. + + reflexivity. + + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Each pair of calls to [reflexivity] corresponds to the + subgoals that were generated after the execution of the [destruct c] + line right above it. *) + +(** Besides [-] and [+], we can use [*] (asterisk) as a third kind of + bullet. We can also enclose sub-proofs in curly braces, which is + useful in case we ever encounter a proof that generates more than + three levels of subgoals: *) + +Theorem andb_commutative' : forall b c, andb b c = andb c b. +Proof. + intros b c. destruct b eqn:Eb. + { destruct c eqn:Ec. + { reflexivity. } + { reflexivity. } } + { destruct c eqn:Ec. + { reflexivity. } + { reflexivity. } } +Qed. + +(** Since curly braces mark both the beginning and the end of a + proof, they can be used for multiple subgoal levels, as this + example shows. Furthermore, curly braces allow us to reuse the + same bullet shapes at multiple levels in a proof: *) + +Theorem andb3_exchange : + forall b c d, andb (andb b c) d = andb (andb b d) c. +Proof. + intros b c d. destruct b eqn:Eb. + - destruct c eqn:Ec. + { destruct d eqn:Ed. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. } + { destruct d eqn:Ed. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. } + - destruct c eqn:Ec. + { destruct d eqn:Ed. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. } + { destruct d eqn:Ed. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. } +Qed. + +(** Before closing the chapter, let's mention one final + convenience. As you may have noticed, many proofs perform case + analysis on a variable right after introducing it: + + intros x y. destruct y as [|y] eqn:E. + + This pattern is so common that Coq provides a shorthand for it: we + can perform case analysis on a variable when introducing it by + using an intro pattern instead of a variable name. For instance, + here is a shorter proof of the [plus_1_neq_0] theorem + above. (You'll also note one downside of this shorthand: we lose + the equation recording the assumption we are making in each + subgoal, which we previously got from the [eqn:E] annotation.) *) + +Theorem plus_1_neq_0' : forall n : nat, + (n + 1) =? 0 = false. +Proof. + intros [|n]. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. Qed. + +(** If there are no arguments to name, we can just write [[]]. *) + +Theorem andb_commutative'' : + forall b c, andb b c = andb c b. +Proof. + intros [] []. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (andb_true_elim2) + + Prove the following claim, marking cases (and subcases) with + bullets when you use [destruct]. *) + +Theorem andb_true_elim2 : forall b c : bool, + andb b c = true -> c = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (zero_nbeq_plus_1) *) +Theorem zero_nbeq_plus_1 : forall n : nat, + 0 =? (n + 1) = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** More on Notation (Optional) *) + +(** (In general, sections marked Optional are not needed to follow the + rest of the book, except possibly other Optional sections. On a + first reading, you might want to skim these sections so that you + know what's there for future reference.) + + Recall the notation definitions for infix plus and times: *) + +Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) + (at level 50, left associativity) + : nat_scope. +Notation "x * y" := (mult x y) + (at level 40, left associativity) + : nat_scope. + +(** For each notation symbol in Coq, we can specify its _precedence + level_ and its _associativity_. The precedence level [n] is + specified by writing [at level n]; this helps Coq parse compound + expressions. The associativity setting helps to disambiguate + expressions containing multiple occurrences of the same + symbol. For example, the parameters specified above for [+] and + [*] say that the expression [1+2*3*4] is shorthand for + [(1+((2*3)*4))]. Coq uses precedence levels from 0 to 100, and + _left_, _right_, or _no_ associativity. We will see more examples + of this later, e.g., in the [Lists] + chapter. + + Each notation symbol is also associated with a _notation scope_. + Coq tries to guess what scope is meant from context, so when it + sees [S(O*O)] it guesses [nat_scope], but when it sees the + cartesian product (tuple) type [bool*bool] (which we'll see in + later chapters) it guesses [type_scope]. Occasionally, it is + necessary to help it out with percent-notation by writing + [(x*y)%nat], and sometimes in what Coq prints it will use [%nat] + to indicate what scope a notation is in. + + Notation scopes also apply to numeral notation ([3], [4], [5], + etc.), so you may sometimes see [0%nat], which means [O] (the + natural number [0] that we're using in this chapter), or [0%Z], + which means the Integer zero (which comes from a different part of + the standard library). + + Pro tip: Coq's notation mechanism is not especially powerful. + Don't expect too much from it! *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Fixpoints and Structural Recursion (Optional) *) + +(** Here is a copy of the definition of addition: *) + +Fixpoint plus' (n : nat) (m : nat) : nat := + match n with + | O => m + | S n' => S (plus' n' m) + end. + +(** When Coq checks this definition, it notes that [plus'] is + "decreasing on 1st argument." What this means is that we are + performing a _structural recursion_ over the argument [n] -- i.e., + that we make recursive calls only on strictly smaller values of + [n]. This implies that all calls to [plus'] will eventually + terminate. Coq demands that some argument of _every_ [Fixpoint] + definition is "decreasing." + + This requirement is a fundamental feature of Coq's design: In + particular, it guarantees that every function that can be defined + in Coq will terminate on all inputs. However, because Coq's + "decreasing analysis" is not very sophisticated, it is sometimes + necessary to write functions in slightly unnatural ways. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (decreasing) + + To get a concrete sense of this, find a way to write a sensible + [Fixpoint] definition (of a simple function on numbers, say) that + _does_ terminate on all inputs, but that Coq will reject because + of this restriction. (If you choose to turn in this optional + exercise as part of a homework assignment, make sure you comment + out your solution so that it doesn't cause Coq to reject the whole + file!) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * More Exercises *) + +(** Each SF chapter comes with a tester file (e.g. [BasicsTest.v]), + containing scripts that check most of the exercises. You can run + [make BasicsTest.vo] in a terminal and check its output to make + sure you didn't miss anything. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (indentity_fn_applied_twice) + + Use the tactics you have learned so far to prove the following + theorem about boolean functions. *) + +Theorem identity_fn_applied_twice : + forall (f : bool -> bool), + (forall (x : bool), f x = x) -> + forall (b : bool), f (f b) = b. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (negation_fn_applied_twice) + + Now state and prove a theorem [negation_fn_applied_twice] similar + to the previous one but where the second hypothesis says that the + function [f] has the property that [f x = negb x]. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) +(* The [Import] statement on the next line tells Coq to use the + standard library String module. We'll use strings more in later + chapters, but for the moment we just need syntax for literal + strings for the grader comments. *) +From Coq Require Export String. + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_negation_fn_applied_twice : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (andb_eq_orb) + + Prove the following theorem. (Hint: This one can be a bit tricky, + depending on how you approach it. You will probably need both + [destruct] and [rewrite], but destructing everything in sight is + not the best way.) *) + +Theorem andb_eq_orb : + forall (b c : bool), + (andb b c = orb b c) -> + b = c. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (binary) + + We can generalize our unary representation of natural numbers to + the more efficient binary representation by treating a binary + number as a sequence of constructors [A] and [B] (representing 0s + and 1s), terminated by a [Z]. For comparison, in the unary + representation, a number is a sequence of [S]s terminated by an + [O]. + + For example: + + decimal binary unary + 0 Z O + 1 B Z S O + 2 A (B Z) S (S O) + 3 B (B Z) S (S (S O)) + 4 A (A (B Z)) S (S (S (S O))) + 5 B (A (B Z)) S (S (S (S (S O)))) + 6 A (B (B Z)) S (S (S (S (S (S O))))) + 7 B (B (B Z)) S (S (S (S (S (S (S O)))))) + 8 A (A (A (B Z))) S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S O))))))) + + Note that the low-order bit is on the left and the high-order bit + is on the right -- the opposite of the way binary numbers are + usually written. This choice makes them easier to manipulate. *) + +Inductive bin : Type := + | Z + | A (n : bin) + | B (n : bin). + +(** (a) Complete the definitions below of an increment function [incr] + for binary numbers, and a function [bin_to_nat] to convert + binary numbers to unary numbers. *) + +Fixpoint incr (m:bin) : bin + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Fixpoint bin_to_nat (m:bin) : nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** (b) Write five unit tests [test_bin_incr1], [test_bin_incr2], etc. + for your increment and binary-to-unary functions. (A "unit + test" in Coq is a specific [Example] that can be proved with + just [reflexivity], as we've done for several of our + definitions.) Notice that incrementing a binary number and + then converting it to unary should yield the same result as + first converting it to unary and then incrementing. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_binary : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:44 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/BasicsTest.v b/BasicsTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2c4888 --- /dev/null +++ b/BasicsTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Basics. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Basics. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- nandb --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_nandb4". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_nandb4 ((nandb true true = false)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_nandb4. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- andb3 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_andb34". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_andb34 ((andb3 true true false = false)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_andb34. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- factorial --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_factorial2". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_factorial2 ((factorial 5 = 10 * 12)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_factorial2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ltb --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_ltb3". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_ltb3 (((4 plus_id_exercise". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @plus_id_exercise ((forall n m o : nat, n = m -> m = o -> n + m = m + o)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions plus_id_exercise. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- mult_S_1 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> mult_S_1". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @mult_S_1 ((forall n m : nat, m = S n -> m * (1 + n) = m * m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions mult_S_1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- andb_true_elim2 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> andb_true_elim2". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @andb_true_elim2 ((forall b c : bool, b && c = true -> c = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions andb_true_elim2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- zero_nbeq_plus_1 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> zero_nbeq_plus_1". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @zero_nbeq_plus_1 ((forall n : nat, (0 =? n + 1) = false)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions zero_nbeq_plus_1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- indentity_fn_applied_twice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> identity_fn_applied_twice". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @identity_fn_applied_twice ( +(forall f : bool -> bool, + (forall x : bool, f x = x) -> forall b : bool, f (f b) = b)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions identity_fn_applied_twice. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- negation_fn_applied_twice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: negation_fn_applied_twice". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_negation_fn_applied_twice. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- binary --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: binary". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_binary. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 15". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 15". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- test_nandb4 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_nandb4. +idtac "---------- test_andb34 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_andb34. +idtac "---------- test_factorial2 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_factorial2. +idtac "---------- test_ltb3 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_ltb3. +idtac "---------- plus_id_exercise ---------". +Print Assumptions plus_id_exercise. +idtac "---------- mult_S_1 ---------". +Print Assumptions mult_S_1. +idtac "---------- andb_true_elim2 ---------". +Print Assumptions andb_true_elim2. +idtac "---------- zero_nbeq_plus_1 ---------". +Print Assumptions zero_nbeq_plus_1. +idtac "---------- identity_fn_applied_twice ---------". +Print Assumptions identity_fn_applied_twice. +idtac "---------- negation_fn_applied_twice ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- binary ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:05 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Bib.v b/Bib.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58975ed --- /dev/null +++ b/Bib.v @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +(** * Bib: Bibliography *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Resources cited in this volume *) + +(** + +[Bertot 2004] Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development: + Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, by Yves Bertot and + Pierre Casteran. Springer-Verlag, 2004. + + +[Chlipala 2013] Certified Programming with Dependent Types, by + Adam Chlipala. MIT Press. 2013. + +[Lipovaca 2011] Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! A Beginner's + Guide, by Miran Lipovaca, No Starch Press, April 2011. + + +[O'Sullivan 2008] Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, and Don Stewart: + Real world Haskell - code you can believe in. O'Reilly + 2008. + +[Pugh 1991] Pugh, William. "The Omega test: a fast and practical + integer programming algorithm for dependence analysis." Proceedings + of the 1991 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing. ACM, 1991. + + +[Wadler 2015] Philip Wadler. "Propositions as types." + Communications of the ACM 58, no. 12 (2015): 75-84. + + +*) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:47 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/BibTest.v b/BibTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c4c940 --- /dev/null +++ b/BibTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Bib. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Bib. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:32 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Extraction.v b/Extraction.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09a3806 --- /dev/null +++ b/Extraction.v @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +(** * Extraction: Extracting ML from Coq *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Basic Extraction *) + +(** In its simplest form, extracting an efficient program from one + written in Coq is completely straightforward. + + First we say what language we want to extract into. Options are + OCaml (the most mature), Haskell (mostly works), and Scheme (a bit + out of date). *) + +Require Coq.extraction.Extraction. +Extraction Language OCaml. + +(** Now we load up the Coq environment with some definitions, either + directly or by importing them from other modules. *) + +From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. +From Coq Require Import Init.Nat. +From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat. +From LF Require Import ImpCEvalFun. + +(** Finally, we tell Coq the name of a definition to extract and the + name of a file to put the extracted code into. *) + +Extraction "" ceval_step. + +(** When Coq processes this command, it generates a file [] + containing an extracted version of [ceval_step], together with + everything that it recursively depends on. Compile the present + [.v] file and have a look at [] now. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Controlling Extraction of Specific Types *) + +(** We can tell Coq to extract certain [Inductive] definitions to + specific OCaml types. For each one, we must say + - how the Coq type itself should be represented in OCaml, and + - how each constructor should be translated. *) + +Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ]. + +(** Also, for non-enumeration types (where the constructors take + arguments), we give an OCaml expression that can be used as a + "recursor" over elements of the type. (Think Church numerals.) *) + +Extract Inductive nat => "int" + [ "0" "(fun x -> x + 1)" ] + "(fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1))". + +(** We can also extract defined constants to specific OCaml terms or + operators. *) + +Extract Constant plus => "( + )". +Extract Constant mult => "( * )". +Extract Constant eqb => "( = )". + +(** Important: It is entirely _your responsibility_ to make sure that + the translations you're proving make sense. For example, it might + be tempting to include this one + + Extract Constant minus => "( - )". + + but doing so could lead to serious confusion! (Why?) +*) + +Extraction "" ceval_step. + +(** Have a look at the file []. Notice how the fundamental + definitions have changed from []. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * A Complete Example *) + +(** To use our extracted evaluator to run Imp programs, all we need to + add is a tiny driver program that calls the evaluator and prints + out the result. + + For simplicity, we'll print results by dumping out the first four + memory locations in the final state. + + Also, to make it easier to type in examples, let's extract a + parser from the [ImpParser] Coq module. To do this, we first need + to set up the right correspondence between Coq strings and lists + of OCaml characters. *) + +Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic. +Require Import ExtrOcamlString. + +(** We also need one more variant of booleans. *) + +Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" ["true" "false"]. + +(** The extraction is the same as always. *) + +From LF Require Import Imp. +From LF Require Import ImpParser. + +From LF Require Import Maps. +Extraction "" empty_st ceval_step parse. + +(** Now let's run our generated Imp evaluator. First, have a look at + []. (This was written by hand, not extracted.) + + Next, compile the driver together with the extracted code and + execute it, as follows. + + ocamlc -w -20 -w -26 -o impdriver imp.mli + ./impdriver + + (The [-w] flags to [ocamlc] are just there to suppress a few + spurious warnings.) *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Discussion *) + +(** Since we've proved that the [ceval_step] function behaves the same + as the [ceval] relation in an appropriate sense, the extracted + program can be viewed as a _certified_ Imp interpreter. Of + course, the parser we're using is not certified, since we didn't + prove anything about it! *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Going Further *) + +(** Further details about extraction can be found in the Extract + chapter in _Verified Functional Algorithms_ (_Software + Foundations_ volume 3). *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ExtractionTest.v b/ExtractionTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92c0b33 --- /dev/null +++ b/ExtractionTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Extraction. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Extraction. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:29 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Imp.v b/Imp.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..189b55f --- /dev/null +++ b/Imp.v @@ -0,0 +1,1956 @@ +(** * Imp: Simple Imperative Programs *) + +(** In this chapter, we take a more serious look at how to use Coq to + study other things. Our case study is a _simple imperative + programming language_ called Imp, embodying a tiny core fragment + of conventional mainstream languages such as C and Java. Here is + a familiar mathematical function written in Imp. + + Z ::= X;; + Y ::= 1;; + WHILE ~(Z = 0) DO + Y ::= Y * Z;; + Z ::= Z - 1 + END +*) + +(** We concentrate here on defining the _syntax_ and _semantics_ of + Imp; later chapters in _Programming Language Foundations_ + (_Software Foundations_, volume 2) develop a theory of + _program equivalence_ and introduce _Hoare Logic_, a widely + used logic for reasoning about imperative programs. *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool. +From Coq Require Import Init.Nat. +From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. +From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat. +From Coq Require Import omega.Omega. +From Coq Require Import Lists.List. +From Coq Require Import Strings.String. +Import ListNotations. + +From LF Require Import Maps. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Arithmetic and Boolean Expressions *) + +(** We'll present Imp in three parts: first a core language of + _arithmetic and boolean expressions_, then an extension of these + expressions with _variables_, and finally a language of _commands_ + including assignment, conditions, sequencing, and loops. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Syntax *) + +Module AExp. + +(** These two definitions specify the _abstract syntax_ of + arithmetic and boolean expressions. *) + +Inductive aexp : Type := + | ANum (n : nat) + | APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMult (a1 a2 : aexp). + +Inductive bexp : Type := + | BTrue + | BFalse + | BEq (a1 a2 : aexp) + | BLe (a1 a2 : aexp) + | BNot (b : bexp) + | BAnd (b1 b2 : bexp). + +(** In this chapter, we'll mostly elide the translation from the + concrete syntax that a programmer would actually write to these + abstract syntax trees -- the process that, for example, would + translate the string ["1 + 2 * 3"] to the AST + + APlus (ANum 1) (AMult (ANum 2) (ANum 3)). + + The optional chapter [ImpParser] develops a simple lexical + analyzer and parser that can perform this translation. You do + _not_ need to understand that chapter to understand this one, but + if you haven't already taken a course where these techniques are + covered (e.g., a compilers course) you may want to skim it. *) + +(** For comparison, here's a conventional BNF (Backus-Naur Form) + grammar defining the same abstract syntax: + + a ::= nat + | a + a + | a - a + | a * a + + b ::= true + | false + | a = a + | a <= a + | ~ b + | b && b +*) + +(** Compared to the Coq version above... + + - The BNF is more informal -- for example, it gives some + suggestions about the surface syntax of expressions (like the + fact that the addition operation is written with an infix + [+]) while leaving other aspects of lexical analysis and + parsing (like the relative precedence of [+], [-], and + [*], the use of parens to group subexpressions, etc.) + unspecified. Some additional information -- and human + intelligence -- would be required to turn this description + into a formal definition, e.g., for implementing a compiler. + + The Coq version consistently omits all this information and + concentrates on the abstract syntax only. + + - Conversely, the BNF version is lighter and easier to read. + Its informality makes it flexible, a big advantage in + situations like discussions at the blackboard, where + conveying general ideas is more important than getting every + detail nailed down precisely. + + Indeed, there are dozens of BNF-like notations and people + switch freely among them, usually without bothering to say + which kind of BNF they're using because there is no need to: + a rough-and-ready informal understanding is all that's + important. + + It's good to be comfortable with both sorts of notations: informal + ones for communicating between humans and formal ones for carrying + out implementations and proofs. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Evaluation *) + +(** _Evaluating_ an arithmetic expression produces a number. *) + +Fixpoint aeval (a : aexp) : nat := + match a with + | ANum n => n + | APlus a1 a2 => (aeval a1) + (aeval a2) + | AMinus a1 a2 => (aeval a1) - (aeval a2) + | AMult a1 a2 => (aeval a1) * (aeval a2) + end. + +Example test_aeval1: + aeval (APlus (ANum 2) (ANum 2)) = 4. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Similarly, evaluating a boolean expression yields a boolean. *) + +Fixpoint beval (b : bexp) : bool := + match b with + | BTrue => true + | BFalse => false + | BEq a1 a2 => (aeval a1) =? (aeval a2) + | BLe a1 a2 => (aeval a1) <=? (aeval a2) + | BNot b1 => negb (beval b1) + | BAnd b1 b2 => andb (beval b1) (beval b2) + end. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Optimization *) + +(** We haven't defined very much yet, but we can already get + some mileage out of the definitions. Suppose we define a function + that takes an arithmetic expression and slightly simplifies it, + changing every occurrence of [0 + e] (i.e., [(APlus (ANum 0) e]) + into just [e]. *) + +Fixpoint optimize_0plus (a:aexp) : aexp := + match a with + | ANum n => ANum n + | APlus (ANum 0) e2 => optimize_0plus e2 + | APlus e1 e2 => APlus (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2) + | AMinus e1 e2 => AMinus (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2) + | AMult e1 e2 => AMult (optimize_0plus e1) (optimize_0plus e2) + end. + +(** To make sure our optimization is doing the right thing we + can test it on some examples and see if the output looks OK. *) + +Example test_optimize_0plus: + optimize_0plus (APlus (ANum 2) + (APlus (ANum 0) + (APlus (ANum 0) (ANum 1)))) + = APlus (ANum 2) (ANum 1). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** But if we want to be sure the optimization is correct -- + i.e., that evaluating an optimized expression gives the same + result as the original -- we should prove it. *) + +Theorem optimize_0plus_sound: forall a, + aeval (optimize_0plus a) = aeval a. +Proof. + intros a. induction a. + - (* ANum *) reflexivity. + - (* APlus *) destruct a1 eqn:Ea1. + + (* a1 = ANum n *) destruct n eqn:En. + * (* n = 0 *) simpl. apply IHa2. + * (* n <> 0 *) simpl. rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. + + (* a1 = APlus a1_1 a1_2 *) + simpl. simpl in IHa1. rewrite IHa1. + rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. + + (* a1 = AMinus a1_1 a1_2 *) + simpl. simpl in IHa1. rewrite IHa1. + rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. + + (* a1 = AMult a1_1 a1_2 *) + simpl. simpl in IHa1. rewrite IHa1. + rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. + - (* AMinus *) + simpl. rewrite IHa1. rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. + - (* AMult *) + simpl. rewrite IHa1. rewrite IHa2. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Coq Automation *) + +(** The amount of repetition in this last proof is a little + annoying. And if either the language of arithmetic expressions or + the optimization being proved sound were significantly more + complex, it would start to be a real problem. + + So far, we've been doing all our proofs using just a small handful + of Coq's tactics and completely ignoring its powerful facilities + for constructing parts of proofs automatically. This section + introduces some of these facilities, and we will see more over the + next several chapters. Getting used to them will take some + energy -- Coq's automation is a power tool -- but it will allow us + to scale up our efforts to more complex definitions and more + interesting properties without becoming overwhelmed by boring, + repetitive, low-level details. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Tacticals *) + +(** _Tacticals_ is Coq's term for tactics that take other tactics as + arguments -- "higher-order tactics," if you will. *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** The [try] Tactical *) + +(** If [T] is a tactic, then [try T] is a tactic that is just like [T] + except that, if [T] fails, [try T] _successfully_ does nothing at + all (rather than failing). *) + +Theorem silly1 : forall ae, aeval ae = aeval ae. +Proof. try reflexivity. (* This just does [reflexivity]. *) Qed. + +Theorem silly2 : forall (P : Prop), P -> P. +Proof. + intros P HP. + try reflexivity. (* Just [reflexivity] would have failed. *) + apply HP. (* We can still finish the proof in some other way. *) +Qed. + +(** There is no real reason to use [try] in completely manual + proofs like these, but it is very useful for doing automated + proofs in conjunction with the [;] tactical, which we show + next. *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** The [;] Tactical (Simple Form) *) + +(** In its most common form, the [;] tactical takes two tactics as + arguments. The compound tactic [T;T'] first performs [T] and then + performs [T'] on _each subgoal_ generated by [T]. *) + +(** For example, consider the following trivial lemma: *) + +Lemma foo : forall n, 0 <=? n = true. +Proof. + intros. + destruct n. + (* Leaves two subgoals, which are discharged identically... *) + - (* n=0 *) simpl. reflexivity. + - (* n=Sn' *) simpl. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** We can simplify this proof using the [;] tactical: *) + +Lemma foo' : forall n, 0 <=? n = true. +Proof. + intros. + (* [destruct] the current goal *) + destruct n; + (* then [simpl] each resulting subgoal *) + simpl; + (* and do [reflexivity] on each resulting subgoal *) + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Using [try] and [;] together, we can get rid of the repetition in + the proof that was bothering us a little while ago. *) + +Theorem optimize_0plus_sound': forall a, + aeval (optimize_0plus a) = aeval a. +Proof. + intros a. + induction a; + (* Most cases follow directly by the IH... *) + try (simpl; rewrite IHa1; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity). + (* ... but the remaining cases -- ANum and APlus -- + are different: *) + - (* ANum *) reflexivity. + - (* APlus *) + destruct a1 eqn:Ea1; + (* Again, most cases follow directly by the IH: *) + try (simpl; simpl in IHa1; rewrite IHa1; + rewrite IHa2; reflexivity). + (* The interesting case, on which the [try...] + does nothing, is when [e1 = ANum n]. In this + case, we have to destruct [n] (to see whether + the optimization applies) and rewrite with the + induction hypothesis. *) + + (* a1 = ANum n *) destruct n eqn:En; + simpl; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Coq experts often use this "[...; try... ]" idiom after a tactic + like [induction] to take care of many similar cases all at once. + Naturally, this practice has an analog in informal proofs. For + example, here is an informal proof of the optimization theorem + that matches the structure of the formal one: + + _Theorem_: For all arithmetic expressions [a], + + aeval (optimize_0plus a) = aeval a. + + _Proof_: By induction on [a]. Most cases follow directly from the + IH. The remaining cases are as follows: + + - Suppose [a = ANum n] for some [n]. We must show + + aeval (optimize_0plus (ANum n)) = aeval (ANum n). + + This is immediate from the definition of [optimize_0plus]. + + - Suppose [a = APlus a1 a2] for some [a1] and [a2]. We must + show + + aeval (optimize_0plus (APlus a1 a2)) = aeval (APlus a1 a2). + + Consider the possible forms of [a1]. For most of them, + [optimize_0plus] simply calls itself recursively for the + subexpressions and rebuilds a new expression of the same form + as [a1]; in these cases, the result follows directly from the + IH. + + The interesting case is when [a1 = ANum n] for some [n]. If + [n = 0], then + + optimize_0plus (APlus a1 a2) = optimize_0plus a2 + + and the IH for [a2] is exactly what we need. On the other + hand, if [n = S n'] for some [n'], then again [optimize_0plus] + simply calls itself recursively, and the result follows from + the IH. [] *) + +(** However, this proof can still be improved: the first case (for + [a = ANum n]) is very trivial -- even more trivial than the cases + that we said simply followed from the IH -- yet we have chosen to + write it out in full. It would be better and clearer to drop it + and just say, at the top, "Most cases are either immediate or + direct from the IH. The only interesting case is the one for + [APlus]..." We can make the same improvement in our formal proof + too. Here's how it looks: *) + +Theorem optimize_0plus_sound'': forall a, + aeval (optimize_0plus a) = aeval a. +Proof. + intros a. + induction a; + (* Most cases follow directly by the IH *) + try (simpl; rewrite IHa1; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity); + (* ... or are immediate by definition *) + try reflexivity. + (* The interesting case is when a = APlus a1 a2. *) + - (* APlus *) + destruct a1; try (simpl; simpl in IHa1; rewrite IHa1; + rewrite IHa2; reflexivity). + + (* a1 = ANum n *) destruct n; + simpl; rewrite IHa2; reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** The [;] Tactical (General Form) *) + +(** The [;] tactical also has a more general form than the simple + [T;T'] we've seen above. If [T], [T1], ..., [Tn] are tactics, + then + + T; [T1 | T2 | ... | Tn] + + is a tactic that first performs [T] and then performs [T1] on the + first subgoal generated by [T], performs [T2] on the second + subgoal, etc. + + So [T;T'] is just special notation for the case when all of the + [Ti]'s are the same tactic; i.e., [T;T'] is shorthand for: + + T; [T' | T' | ... | T'] +*) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** The [repeat] Tactical *) + +(** The [repeat] tactical takes another tactic and keeps applying this + tactic until it fails. Here is an example showing that [10] is in + a long list using repeat. *) + +Theorem In10 : In 10 [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10]. +Proof. + repeat (try (left; reflexivity); right). +Qed. + +(** The tactic [repeat T] never fails: if the tactic [T] doesn't apply + to the original goal, then repeat still succeeds without changing + the original goal (i.e., it repeats zero times). *) + +Theorem In10' : In 10 [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10]. +Proof. + repeat (left; reflexivity). + repeat (right; try (left; reflexivity)). +Qed. + +(** The tactic [repeat T] also does not have any upper bound on the + number of times it applies [T]. If [T] is a tactic that always + succeeds, then repeat [T] will loop forever (e.g., [repeat simpl] + loops, since [simpl] always succeeds). While evaluation in Coq's + term language, Gallina, is guaranteed to terminate, tactic + evaluation is not! This does not affect Coq's logical + consistency, however, since the job of [repeat] and other tactics + is to guide Coq in constructing proofs; if the construction + process diverges (i.e., it does not terminate), this simply means + that we have failed to construct a proof, not that we have + constructed a wrong one. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (optimize_0plus_b_sound) + + Since the [optimize_0plus] transformation doesn't change the value + of [aexp]s, we should be able to apply it to all the [aexp]s that + appear in a [bexp] without changing the [bexp]'s value. Write a + function that performs this transformation on [bexp]s and prove + it is sound. Use the tacticals we've just seen to make the proof + as elegant as possible. *) + +Fixpoint optimize_0plus_b (b : bexp) : bexp + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Theorem optimize_0plus_b_sound : forall b, + beval (optimize_0plus_b b) = beval b. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (optimize) + + _Design exercise_: The optimization implemented by our + [optimize_0plus] function is only one of many possible + optimizations on arithmetic and boolean expressions. Write a more + sophisticated optimizer and prove it correct. (You will probably + find it easiest to start small -- add just a single, simple + optimization and its correctness proof -- and build up to + something more interesting incrementially.) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Defining New Tactic Notations *) + +(** Coq also provides several ways of "programming" tactic + scripts. + + - The [Tactic Notation] idiom illustrated below gives a handy way + to define "shorthand tactics" that bundle several tactics into a + single command. + + - For more sophisticated programming, Coq offers a built-in + language called [Ltac] with primitives that can examine and + modify the proof state. The details are a bit too complicated + to get into here (and it is generally agreed that [Ltac] is not + the most beautiful part of Coq's design!), but they can be found + in the reference manual and other books on Coq, and there are + many examples of [Ltac] definitions in the Coq standard library + that you can use as examples. + + - There is also an OCaml API, which can be used to build tactics + that access Coq's internal structures at a lower level, but this + is seldom worth the trouble for ordinary Coq users. + + The [Tactic Notation] mechanism is the easiest to come to grips + with, and it offers plenty of power for many purposes. Here's an + example. *) + +Tactic Notation "simpl_and_try" tactic(c) := + simpl; + try c. + +(** This defines a new tactical called [simpl_and_try] that takes one + tactic [c] as an argument and is defined to be equivalent to the + tactic [simpl; try c]. Now writing "[simpl_and_try reflexivity.]" + in a proof will be the same as writing "[simpl; try reflexivity.]" *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** The [omega] Tactic *) + +(** The [omega] tactic implements a decision procedure for a subset of + first-order logic called _Presburger arithmetic_. It is based on + the Omega algorithm invented by William Pugh [Pugh 1991] (in Bib.v). + + If the goal is a universally quantified formula made out of + + - numeric constants, addition ([+] and [S]), subtraction ([-] + and [pred]), and multiplication by constants (this is what + makes it Presburger arithmetic), + + - equality ([=] and [<>]) and ordering ([<=]), and + + - the logical connectives [/\], [\/], [~], and [->], + + then invoking [omega] will either solve the goal or fail, meaning + that the goal is actually false. (If the goal is _not_ of this + form, [omega] will also fail.) *) + +Example silly_presburger_example : forall m n o p, + m + n <= n + o /\ o + 3 = p + 3 -> + m <= p. +Proof. + intros. omega. +Qed. + +(** (Note the [From Coq Require Import omega.Omega.] at the top of + the file.) *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** A Few More Handy Tactics *) + +(** Finally, here are some miscellaneous tactics that you may find + convenient. + + - [clear H]: Delete hypothesis [H] from the context. + + - [subst x]: For a variable [x], find an assumption [x = e] or + [e = x] in the context, replace [x] with [e] throughout the + context and current goal, and clear the assumption. + + - [subst]: Substitute away _all_ assumptions of the form [x = e] + or [e = x] (where [x] is a variable). + + - [rename... into...]: Change the name of a hypothesis in the + proof context. For example, if the context includes a variable + named [x], then [rename x into y] will change all occurrences + of [x] to [y]. + + - [assumption]: Try to find a hypothesis [H] in the context that + exactly matches the goal; if one is found, behave like [apply + H]. + + - [contradiction]: Try to find a hypothesis [H] in the current + context that is logically equivalent to [False]. If one is + found, solve the goal. + + - [constructor]: Try to find a constructor [c] (from some + [Inductive] definition in the current environment) that can be + applied to solve the current goal. If one is found, behave + like [apply c]. + + We'll see examples of all of these as we go along. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Evaluation as a Relation *) + +(** We have presented [aeval] and [beval] as functions defined by + [Fixpoint]s. Another way to think about evaluation -- one that we + will see is often more flexible -- is as a _relation_ between + expressions and their values. This leads naturally to [Inductive] + definitions like the following one for arithmetic expressions... *) + +Module aevalR_first_try. + +Inductive aevalR : aexp -> nat -> Prop := + | E_ANum n : + aevalR (ANum n) n + | E_APlus (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) : + aevalR e1 n1 -> + aevalR e2 n2 -> + aevalR (APlus e1 e2) (n1 + n2) + | E_AMinus (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) : + aevalR e1 n1 -> + aevalR e2 n2 -> + aevalR (AMinus e1 e2) (n1 - n2) + | E_AMult (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) : + aevalR e1 n1 -> + aevalR e2 n2 -> + aevalR (AMult e1 e2) (n1 * n2). + +Module TooHardToRead. + +(* A small notational aside. We would previously have written the + definition of [aevalR] like this, with explicit names for the + hypotheses in each case: *) + +Inductive aevalR : aexp -> nat -> Prop := + | E_ANum n : + aevalR (ANum n) n + | E_APlus (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) + (H1 : aevalR e1 n1) + (H2 : aevalR e2 n2) : + aevalR (APlus e1 e2) (n1 + n2) + | E_AMinus (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) + (H1 : aevalR e1 n1) + (H2 : aevalR e2 n2) : + aevalR (AMinus e1 e2) (n1 - n2) + | E_AMult (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat) + (H1 : aevalR e1 n1) + (H2 : aevalR e2 n2) : + aevalR (AMult e1 e2) (n1 * n2). + +(** Instead, we've chosen to leave the hypotheses anonymous, just + giving their types. This style gives us less control over the + names that Coq chooses during proofs involving [aevalR], but it + makes the definition itself quite a bit lighter. *) + +End TooHardToRead. + +(** It will be convenient to have an infix notation for + [aevalR]. We'll write [e \\ n] to mean that arithmetic expression + [e] evaluates to value [n]. *) + +Notation "e '\\' n" + := (aevalR e n) + (at level 50, left associativity) + : type_scope. + +End aevalR_first_try. + +(** In fact, Coq provides a way to use this notation in the + definition of [aevalR] itself. This reduces confusion by avoiding + situations where we're working on a proof involving statements in + the form [e \\ n] but we have to refer back to a definition + written using the form [aevalR e n]. + + We do this by first "reserving" the notation, then giving the + definition together with a declaration of what the notation + means. *) + +Reserved Notation "e '\\' n" (at level 90, left associativity). + +Inductive aevalR : aexp -> nat -> Prop := + | E_ANum (n : nat) : + (ANum n) \\ n + | E_APlus (e1 e2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (e1 \\ n1) -> (e2 \\ n2) -> (APlus e1 e2) \\ (n1 + n2) + | E_AMinus (e1 e2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (e1 \\ n1) -> (e2 \\ n2) -> (AMinus e1 e2) \\ (n1 - n2) + | E_AMult (e1 e2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (e1 \\ n1) -> (e2 \\ n2) -> (AMult e1 e2) \\ (n1 * n2) + + where "e '\\' n" := (aevalR e n) : type_scope. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Inference Rule Notation *) + +(** In informal discussions, it is convenient to write the rules + for [aevalR] and similar relations in the more readable graphical + form of _inference rules_, where the premises above the line + justify the conclusion below the line (we have already seen them + in the [IndProp] chapter). *) + +(** For example, the constructor [E_APlus]... + + | E_APlus : forall (e1 e2: aexp) (n1 n2: nat), + aevalR e1 n1 -> + aevalR e2 n2 -> + aevalR (APlus e1 e2) (n1 + n2) + + ...would be written like this as an inference rule: + + e1 \\ n1 + e2 \\ n2 + -------------------- (E_APlus) + APlus e1 e2 \\ n1+n2 +*) + +(** Formally, there is nothing deep about inference rules: they + are just implications. You can read the rule name on the right as + the name of the constructor and read each of the linebreaks + between the premises above the line (as well as the line itself) + as [->]. All the variables mentioned in the rule ([e1], [n1], + etc.) are implicitly bound by universal quantifiers at the + beginning. (Such variables are often called _metavariables_ to + distinguish them from the variables of the language we are + defining. At the moment, our arithmetic expressions don't include + variables, but we'll soon be adding them.) The whole collection + of rules is understood as being wrapped in an [Inductive] + declaration. In informal prose, this is either elided or else + indicated by saying something like "Let [aevalR] be the smallest + relation closed under the following rules...". *) + +(** For example, [\\] is the smallest relation closed under these + rules: + + ----------- (E_ANum) + ANum n \\ n + + e1 \\ n1 + e2 \\ n2 + -------------------- (E_APlus) + APlus e1 e2 \\ n1+n2 + + e1 \\ n1 + e2 \\ n2 + --------------------- (E_AMinus) + AMinus e1 e2 \\ n1-n2 + + e1 \\ n1 + e2 \\ n2 + -------------------- (E_AMult) + AMult e1 e2 \\ n1*n2 +*) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (beval_rules) + + Here, again, is the Coq definition of the [beval] function: + + Fixpoint beval (e : bexp) : bool := + match e with + | BTrue => true + | BFalse => false + | BEq a1 a2 => (aeval a1) =? (aeval a2) + | BLe a1 a2 => (aeval a1) <=? (aeval a2) + | BNot b1 => negb (beval b1) + | BAnd b1 b2 => andb (beval b1) (beval b2) + end. + + Write out a corresponding definition of boolean evaluation as a + relation (in inference rule notation). *) +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_beval_rules : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Equivalence of the Definitions *) + +(** It is straightforward to prove that the relational and functional + definitions of evaluation agree: *) + +Theorem aeval_iff_aevalR : forall a n, + (a \\ n) <-> aeval a = n. +Proof. + split. + - (* -> *) + intros H. + induction H; simpl. + + (* E_ANum *) + reflexivity. + + (* E_APlus *) + rewrite IHaevalR1. rewrite IHaevalR2. reflexivity. + + (* E_AMinus *) + rewrite IHaevalR1. rewrite IHaevalR2. reflexivity. + + (* E_AMult *) + rewrite IHaevalR1. rewrite IHaevalR2. reflexivity. + - (* <- *) + generalize dependent n. + induction a; + simpl; intros; subst. + + (* ANum *) + apply E_ANum. + + (* APlus *) + apply E_APlus. + apply IHa1. reflexivity. + apply IHa2. reflexivity. + + (* AMinus *) + apply E_AMinus. + apply IHa1. reflexivity. + apply IHa2. reflexivity. + + (* AMult *) + apply E_AMult. + apply IHa1. reflexivity. + apply IHa2. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** We can make the proof quite a bit shorter by making more + use of tacticals. *) + +Theorem aeval_iff_aevalR' : forall a n, + (a \\ n) <-> aeval a = n. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + split. + - (* -> *) + intros H; induction H; subst; reflexivity. + - (* <- *) + generalize dependent n. + induction a; simpl; intros; subst; constructor; + try apply IHa1; try apply IHa2; reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (bevalR) + + Write a relation [bevalR] in the same style as + [aevalR], and prove that it is equivalent to [beval]. *) + +Inductive bevalR: bexp -> bool -> Prop := +(* FILL IN HERE *) +. + +Lemma beval_iff_bevalR : forall b bv, + bevalR b bv <-> beval b = bv. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +End AExp. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Computational vs. Relational Definitions *) + +(** For the definitions of evaluation for arithmetic and boolean + expressions, the choice of whether to use functional or relational + definitions is mainly a matter of taste: either way works. + + However, there are circumstances where relational definitions of + evaluation work much better than functional ones. *) + +Module aevalR_division. + +(** For example, suppose that we wanted to extend the arithmetic + operations with division: *) + +Inductive aexp : Type := + | ANum (n : nat) + | APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMult (a1 a2 : aexp) + | ADiv (a1 a2 : aexp). (* <--- NEW *) + +(** Extending the definition of [aeval] to handle this new operation + would not be straightforward (what should we return as the result + of [ADiv (ANum 5) (ANum 0)]?). But extending [aevalR] is + straightforward. *) + +Reserved Notation "e '\\' n" + (at level 90, left associativity). + +Inductive aevalR : aexp -> nat -> Prop := + | E_ANum (n : nat) : + (ANum n) \\ n + | E_APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (APlus a1 a2) \\ (n1 + n2) + | E_AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (AMinus a1 a2) \\ (n1 - n2) + | E_AMult (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (AMult a1 a2) \\ (n1 * n2) + | E_ADiv (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 n3 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (n2 > 0) -> + (mult n2 n3 = n1) -> (ADiv a1 a2) \\ n3 + +where "a '\\' n" := (aevalR a n) : type_scope. + +End aevalR_division. + +Module aevalR_extended. + +(** Or suppose that we want to extend the arithmetic operations by a + nondeterministic number generator [any] that, when evaluated, may + yield any number. (Note that this is not the same as making a + _probabilistic_ choice among all possible numbers -- we're not + specifying any particular probability distribution for the + results, just saying what results are _possible_.) *) + +Reserved Notation "e '\\' n" (at level 90, left associativity). + +Inductive aexp : Type := + | AAny (* <--- NEW *) + | ANum (n : nat) + | APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMult (a1 a2 : aexp). + +(** Again, extending [aeval] would be tricky, since now evaluation is + _not_ a deterministic function from expressions to numbers, but + extending [aevalR] is no problem... *) + +Inductive aevalR : aexp -> nat -> Prop := + | E_Any (n : nat) : + AAny \\ n (* <--- NEW *) + | E_ANum (n : nat) : + (ANum n) \\ n + | E_APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (APlus a1 a2) \\ (n1 + n2) + | E_AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (AMinus a1 a2) \\ (n1 - n2) + | E_AMult (a1 a2 : aexp) (n1 n2 : nat) : + (a1 \\ n1) -> (a2 \\ n2) -> (AMult a1 a2) \\ (n1 * n2) + +where "a '\\' n" := (aevalR a n) : type_scope. + +End aevalR_extended. + +(** At this point you maybe wondering: which style should I use by + default? In the examples we've just seen, relational definitions + turned out to be more useful than functional ones. For situations + like these, where the thing being defined is not easy to express + as a function, or indeed where it is _not_ a function, there is no + real choice. But what about when both styles are workable? + + One point in favor of relational definitions is that they can be + more elegant and easier to understand. + + Another is that Coq automatically generates nice inversion and + induction principles from [Inductive] definitions. *) + +(** On the other hand, functional definitions can often be more + convenient: + - Functions are by definition deterministic and defined on all + arguments; for a relation we have to show these properties + explicitly if we need them. + - With functions we can also take advantage of Coq's computation + mechanism to simplify expressions during proofs. + + Furthermore, functions can be directly "extracted" from Gallina to + executable code in OCaml or Haskell. *) + +(** Ultimately, the choice often comes down to either the specifics of + a particular situation or simply a question of taste. Indeed, in + large Coq developments it is common to see a definition given in + _both_ functional and relational styles, plus a lemma stating that + the two coincide, allowing further proofs to switch from one point + of view to the other at will. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Expressions With Variables *) + +(** Back to defining Imp. The next thing we need to do is to enrich + our arithmetic and boolean expressions with variables. To keep + things simple, we'll assume that all variables are global and that + they only hold numbers. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** States *) + +(** Since we'll want to look variables up to find out their current + values, we'll reuse maps from the [Maps] chapter, and + [string]s will be used to represent variables in Imp. + + A _machine state_ (or just _state_) represents the current values + of _all_ variables at some point in the execution of a program. *) + +(** For simplicity, we assume that the state is defined for + _all_ variables, even though any given program is only going to + mention a finite number of them. The state captures all of the + information stored in memory. For Imp programs, because each + variable stores a natural number, we can represent the state as a + mapping from strings to [nat], and will use [0] as default value + in the store. For more complex programming languages, the state + might have more structure. *) + +Definition state := total_map nat. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Syntax *) + +(** We can add variables to the arithmetic expressions we had before by + simply adding one more constructor: *) + +Inductive aexp : Type := + | ANum (n : nat) + | AId (x : string) (* <--- NEW *) + | APlus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMinus (a1 a2 : aexp) + | AMult (a1 a2 : aexp). + +(** Defining a few variable names as notational shorthands will make + examples easier to read: *) + +Definition W : string := "W". +Definition X : string := "X". +Definition Y : string := "Y". +Definition Z : string := "Z". + +(** (This convention for naming program variables ([X], [Y], + [Z]) clashes a bit with our earlier use of uppercase letters for + types. Since we're not using polymorphism heavily in the chapters + developed to Imp, this overloading should not cause confusion.) *) + +(** The definition of [bexp]s is unchanged (except that it now refers + to the new [aexp]s): *) + +Inductive bexp : Type := + | BTrue + | BFalse + | BEq (a1 a2 : aexp) + | BLe (a1 a2 : aexp) + | BNot (b : bexp) + | BAnd (b1 b2 : bexp). + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Notations *) + +(** To make Imp programs easier to read and write, we introduce some + notations and implicit coercions. + + You do not need to understand exactly what these declarations do. + Briefly, though, the [Coercion] declaration in Coq stipulates that + a function (or constructor) can be implicitly used by the type + system to coerce a value of the input type to a value of the + output type. For instance, the coercion declaration for [AId] + allows us to use plain strings when an [aexp] is expected; the + string will implicitly be wrapped with [AId]. *) + +(** The notations below are declared in specific _notation scopes_, in + order to avoid conflicts with other interpretations of the same + symbols. Again, it is not necessary to understand the details, + but it is important to recognize that we are defining _new_ + intepretations for some familiar operators like [+], [-], [*], + [=., [<=], etc. *) + +Coercion AId : string >-> aexp. +Coercion ANum : nat >-> aexp. + +Definition bool_to_bexp (b : bool) : bexp := + if b then BTrue else BFalse. +Coercion bool_to_bexp : bool >-> bexp. + +Bind Scope imp_scope with aexp. +Bind Scope imp_scope with bexp. +Delimit Scope imp_scope with imp. + +Notation "x + y" := (APlus x y) (at level 50, left associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "x - y" := (AMinus x y) (at level 50, left associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "x * y" := (AMult x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "x <= y" := (BLe x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "x = y" := (BEq x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "x && y" := (BAnd x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "'~' b" := (BNot b) (at level 75, right associativity) : imp_scope. + +Definition example_aexp := (3 + (X * 2))%imp : aexp. +Definition example_bexp := (true && ~(X <= 4))%imp : bexp. + +(** One downside of these coercions is that they can make it a little + harder for humans to calculate the types of expressions. If you + get confused, try doing [Set Printing Coercions] to see exactly + what is going on. *) + +Set Printing Coercions. + +Print example_bexp. +(* ===> example_bexp = bool_to_bexp true && ~ (AId X <= ANum 4) *) + +Unset Printing Coercions. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Evaluation *) + +(** The arith and boolean evaluators are extended to handle + variables in the obvious way, taking a state as an extra + argument: *) + +Fixpoint aeval (st : state) (a : aexp) : nat := + match a with + | ANum n => n + | AId x => st x (* <--- NEW *) + | APlus a1 a2 => (aeval st a1) + (aeval st a2) + | AMinus a1 a2 => (aeval st a1) - (aeval st a2) + | AMult a1 a2 => (aeval st a1) * (aeval st a2) + end. + +Fixpoint beval (st : state) (b : bexp) : bool := + match b with + | BTrue => true + | BFalse => false + | BEq a1 a2 => (aeval st a1) =? (aeval st a2) + | BLe a1 a2 => (aeval st a1) <=? (aeval st a2) + | BNot b1 => negb (beval st b1) + | BAnd b1 b2 => andb (beval st b1) (beval st b2) + end. + +(** We specialize our notation for total maps to the specific case of + states, i.e. using [(_ !-> 0)] as empty state. *) + +Definition empty_st := (_ !-> 0). + +(** Now we can add a notation for a "singleton state" with just one + variable bound to a value. *) +Notation "a '!->' x" := (t_update empty_st a x) (at level 100). + +Example aexp1 : + aeval (X !-> 5) (3 + (X * 2))%imp + = 13. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example bexp1 : + beval (X !-> 5) (true && ~(X <= 4))%imp + = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Commands *) + +(** Now we are ready define the syntax and behavior of Imp + _commands_ (sometimes called _statements_). *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Syntax *) + +(** Informally, commands [c] are described by the following BNF + grammar. + + c ::= SKIP | x ::= a | c ;; c | TEST b THEN c ELSE c FI + | WHILE b DO c END + + (We choose this slightly awkward concrete syntax for the + sake of being able to define Imp syntax using Coq's notation + mechanism. In particular, we use [TEST] to avoid conflicting with + the [if] and [IF] notations from the standard library.) + For example, here's factorial in Imp: + + Z ::= X;; + Y ::= 1;; + WHILE ~(Z = 0) DO + Y ::= Y * Z;; + Z ::= Z - 1 + END + + When this command terminates, the variable [Y] will contain the + factorial of the initial value of [X]. *) + +(** Here is the formal definition of the abstract syntax of + commands: *) + +Inductive com : Type := + | CSkip + | CAss (x : string) (a : aexp) + | CSeq (c1 c2 : com) + | CIf (b : bexp) (c1 c2 : com) + | CWhile (b : bexp) (c : com). + +(** As for expressions, we can use a few [Notation] declarations to + make reading and writing Imp programs more convenient. *) + +Bind Scope imp_scope with com. +Notation "'SKIP'" := + CSkip : imp_scope. +Notation "x '::=' a" := + (CAss x a) (at level 60) : imp_scope. +Notation "c1 ;; c2" := + (CSeq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" := + (CWhile b c) (at level 80, right associativity) : imp_scope. +Notation "'TEST' c1 'THEN' c2 'ELSE' c3 'FI'" := + (CIf c1 c2 c3) (at level 80, right associativity) : imp_scope. + +(** For example, here is the factorial function again, written as a + formal definition to Coq: *) + +Definition fact_in_coq : com := + (Z ::= X;; + Y ::= 1;; + WHILE ~(Z = 0) DO + Y ::= Y * Z;; + Z ::= Z - 1 + END)%imp. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Desugaring notations *) + +(** Coq offers a rich set of features to manage the increasing + complexity of the objects we work with, such as coercions + and notations. However, their heavy usage can make for quite + overwhelming syntax. It is often instructive to "turn off" + those features to get a more elementary picture of things, + using the following commands: + + - [Unset Printing Notations] (undo with [Set Printing Notations]) + - [Set Printing Coercions] (undo with [Unset Printing Coercions]) + - [Set Printing All] (undo with [Unset Printing All]) + + These commands can also be used in the middle of a proof, + to elaborate the current goal and context. + *) + +Unset Printing Notations. +Print fact_in_coq. +(* ===> + fact_in_coq = + CSeq (CAss Z X) + (CSeq (CAss Y (S O)) + (CWhile (BNot (BEq Z O)) + (CSeq (CAss Y (AMult Y Z)) + (CAss Z (AMinus Z (S O)))))) + : com *) +Set Printing Notations. + +Set Printing Coercions. +Print fact_in_coq. +(* ===> + fact_in_coq = + (Z ::= AId X;; + Y ::= ANum 1;; + WHILE ~ (AId Z = ANum 0) DO + Y ::= AId Y * AId Z;; + Z ::= AId Z - ANum 1 + END)%imp + : com *) +Unset Printing Coercions. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** The [Locate] command *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Finding notations *) + +(** When faced with unknown notation, use [Locate] with a _string_ + containing one of its symbols to see its possible + interpretations. *) +Locate "&&". +(* ===> + Notation "x && y" := andb x y : bool_scope (default interpretation) *) + +Locate ";;". +(* ===> + Notation "c1 ;; c2" := CSeq c1 c2 : imp_scope (default interpretation) *) + +Locate "WHILE". +(* ===> + Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" := CWhile b c : imp_scope + (default interpretation) *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Finding identifiers *) + +(** When used with an identifier, the command [Locate] prints + the full path to every value in scope with the same name. + This is useful to troubleshoot problems due to variable + shadowing. *) +Locate aexp. +(* ===> + Inductive Top.aexp + Inductive Top.AExp.aexp + (shorter name to refer to it in current context is AExp.aexp) + Inductive Top.aevalR_division.aexp + (shorter name to refer to it in current context is aevalR_division.aexp) + Inductive Top.aevalR_extended.aexp + (shorter name to refer to it in current context is aevalR_extended.aexp) +*) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** More Examples *) + +(** Assignment: *) + +Definition plus2 : com := + X ::= X + 2. + +Definition XtimesYinZ : com := + Z ::= X * Y. + +Definition subtract_slowly_body : com := + Z ::= Z - 1 ;; + X ::= X - 1. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Loops *) + +Definition subtract_slowly : com := + (WHILE ~(X = 0) DO + subtract_slowly_body + END)%imp. + +Definition subtract_3_from_5_slowly : com := + X ::= 3 ;; + Z ::= 5 ;; + subtract_slowly. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** An infinite loop: *) + +Definition loop : com := + WHILE true DO + SKIP + END. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Evaluating Commands *) + +(** Next we need to define what it means to evaluate an Imp command. + The fact that [WHILE] loops don't necessarily terminate makes + defining an evaluation function tricky... *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Evaluation as a Function (Failed Attempt) *) + +(** Here's an attempt at defining an evaluation function for commands, + omitting the [WHILE] case. *) + +(** The following declaration is needed to be able to use the + notations in match patterns. *) +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint ceval_fun_no_while (st : state) (c : com) + : state := + match c with + | SKIP => + st + | x ::= a1 => + (x !-> (aeval st a1) ; st) + | c1 ;; c2 => + let st' := ceval_fun_no_while st c1 in + ceval_fun_no_while st' c2 + | TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_fun_no_while st c1 + else ceval_fun_no_while st c2 + | WHILE b DO c END => + st (* bogus *) + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +(** In a traditional functional programming language like OCaml or + Haskell we could add the [WHILE] case as follows: + + Fixpoint ceval_fun (st : state) (c : com) : state := + match c with + ... + | WHILE b DO c END => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_fun st (c ;; WHILE b DO c END) + else st + end. + + Coq doesn't accept such a definition ("Error: Cannot guess + decreasing argument of fix") because the function we want to + define is not guaranteed to terminate. Indeed, it _doesn't_ always + terminate: for example, the full version of the [ceval_fun] + function applied to the [loop] program above would never + terminate. Since Coq is not just a functional programming + language but also a consistent logic, any potentially + non-terminating function needs to be rejected. Here is + an (invalid!) program showing what would go wrong if Coq + allowed non-terminating recursive functions: + + Fixpoint loop_false (n : nat) : False := loop_false n. + + That is, propositions like [False] would become provable + ([loop_false 0] would be a proof of [False]), which + would be a disaster for Coq's logical consistency. + + Thus, because it doesn't terminate on all inputs, + of [ceval_fun] cannot be written in Coq -- at least not without + additional tricks and workarounds (see chapter [ImpCEvalFun] + if you're curious about what those might be). *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Evaluation as a Relation *) + +(** Here's a better way: define [ceval] as a _relation_ rather than a + _function_ -- i.e., define it in [Prop] instead of [Type], as we + did for [aevalR] above. *) + +(** This is an important change. Besides freeing us from awkward + workarounds, it gives us a lot more flexibility in the definition. + For example, if we add nondeterministic features like [any] to the + language, we want the definition of evaluation to be + nondeterministic -- i.e., not only will it not be total, it will + not even be a function! *) + +(** We'll use the notation [st =[ c ]=> st'] for the [ceval] relation: + [st =[ c ]=> st'] means that executing program [c] in a starting + state [st] results in an ending state [st']. This can be + pronounced "[c] takes state [st] to [st']". *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Operational Semantics *) + +(** Here is an informal definition of evaluation, presented as inference + rules for readability: + + ----------------- (E_Skip) + st =[ SKIP ]=> st + + aeval st a1 = n + -------------------------------- (E_Ass) + st =[ x := a1 ]=> (x !-> n ; st) + + st =[ c1 ]=> st' + st' =[ c2 ]=> st'' + --------------------- (E_Seq) + st =[ c1;;c2 ]=> st'' + + beval st b1 = true + st =[ c1 ]=> st' + --------------------------------------- (E_IfTrue) + st =[ TEST b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]=> st' + + beval st b1 = false + st =[ c2 ]=> st' + --------------------------------------- (E_IfFalse) + st =[ TEST b1 THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]=> st' + + beval st b = false + ----------------------------- (E_WhileFalse) + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st + + beval st b = true + st =[ c ]=> st' + st' =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st'' + -------------------------------- (E_WhileTrue) + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st'' +*) + +(** Here is the formal definition. Make sure you understand + how it corresponds to the inference rules. *) + +Reserved Notation "st '=[' c ']=>' st'" + (at level 40). + +Inductive ceval : com -> state -> state -> Prop := + | E_Skip : forall st, + st =[ SKIP ]=> st + | E_Ass : forall st a1 n x, + aeval st a1 = n -> + st =[ x ::= a1 ]=> (x !-> n ; st) + | E_Seq : forall c1 c2 st st' st'', + st =[ c1 ]=> st' -> + st' =[ c2 ]=> st'' -> + st =[ c1 ;; c2 ]=> st'' + | E_IfTrue : forall st st' b c1 c2, + beval st b = true -> + st =[ c1 ]=> st' -> + st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]=> st' + | E_IfFalse : forall st st' b c1 c2, + beval st b = false -> + st =[ c2 ]=> st' -> + st =[ TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI ]=> st' + | E_WhileFalse : forall b st c, + beval st b = false -> + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st + | E_WhileTrue : forall st st' st'' b c, + beval st b = true -> + st =[ c ]=> st' -> + st' =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st'' -> + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st'' + + where "st =[ c ]=> st'" := (ceval c st st'). + +(** The cost of defining evaluation as a relation instead of a + function is that we now need to construct _proofs_ that some + program evaluates to some result state, rather than just letting + Coq's computation mechanism do it for us. *) + +Example ceval_example1: + empty_st =[ + X ::= 2;; + TEST X <= 1 + THEN Y ::= 3 + ELSE Z ::= 4 + FI + ]=> (Z !-> 4 ; X !-> 2). +Proof. + (* We must supply the intermediate state *) + apply E_Seq with (X !-> 2). + - (* assignment command *) + apply E_Ass. reflexivity. + - (* if command *) + apply E_IfFalse. + reflexivity. + apply E_Ass. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (ceval_example2) *) +Example ceval_example2: + empty_st =[ + X ::= 0;; Y ::= 1;; Z ::= 2 + ]=> (Z !-> 2 ; Y !-> 1 ; X !-> 0). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (pup_to_n) + + Write an Imp program that sums the numbers from [1] to + [X] (inclusive: [1 + 2 + ... + X]) in the variable [Y]. + Prove that this program executes as intended for [X] = [2] + (this is trickier than you might expect). *) + +Definition pup_to_n : com + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Theorem pup_to_2_ceval : + (X !-> 2) =[ + pup_to_n + ]=> (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 3 ; X !-> 1 ; Y !-> 2 ; Y !-> 0 ; X !-> 2). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Determinism of Evaluation *) + +(** Changing from a computational to a relational definition of + evaluation is a good move because it frees us from the artificial + requirement that evaluation should be a total function. But it + also raises a question: Is the second definition of evaluation + really a partial function? Or is it possible that, beginning from + the same state [st], we could evaluate some command [c] in + different ways to reach two different output states [st'] and + [st'']? + + In fact, this cannot happen: [ceval] _is_ a partial function: *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic: forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 E1 E2. + generalize dependent st2. + induction E1; + intros st2 E2; inversion E2; subst. + - (* E_Skip *) reflexivity. + - (* E_Ass *) reflexivity. + - (* E_Seq *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1. + { (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; assumption. } + subst st'0. + apply IHE1_2. assumption. + - (* E_IfTrue, b1 evaluates to true *) + apply IHE1. assumption. + - (* E_IfTrue, b1 evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5. + - (* E_IfFalse, b1 evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5. + - (* E_IfFalse, b1 evaluates to false *) + apply IHE1. assumption. + - (* E_WhileFalse, b1 evaluates to false *) + reflexivity. + - (* E_WhileFalse, b1 evaluates to true (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H2. discriminate H2. + - (* E_WhileTrue, b1 evaluates to false (contradiction) *) + rewrite H in H4. discriminate H4. + - (* E_WhileTrue, b1 evaluates to true *) + assert (st' = st'0) as EQ1. + { (* Proof of assertion *) apply IHE1_1; assumption. } + subst st'0. + apply IHE1_2. assumption. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Reasoning About Imp Programs *) + +(** We'll get deeper into more systematic and powerful techniques for + reasoning about Imp programs in _Programming Language + Foundations_, but we can get some distance just working with the + bare definitions. This section explores some examples. *) + +Theorem plus2_spec : forall st n st', + st X = n -> + st =[ plus2 ]=> st' -> + st' X = n + 2. +Proof. + intros st n st' HX Heval. + + (** Inverting [Heval] essentially forces Coq to expand one step of + the [ceval] computation -- in this case revealing that [st'] + must be [st] extended with the new value of [X], since [plus2] + is an assignment. *) + + inversion Heval. subst. clear Heval. simpl. + apply t_update_eq. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (XtimesYinZ_spec) + + State and prove a specification of [XtimesYinZ]. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_XtimesYinZ_spec : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (loop_never_stops) *) +Theorem loop_never_stops : forall st st', + ~(st =[ loop ]=> st'). +Proof. + intros st st' contra. unfold loop in contra. + remember (WHILE true DO SKIP END)%imp as loopdef + eqn:Heqloopdef. + + (** Proceed by induction on the assumed derivation showing that + [loopdef] terminates. Most of the cases are immediately + contradictory (and so can be solved in one step with + [discriminate]). *) + + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (no_whiles_eqv) + + Consider the following function: *) + +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint no_whiles (c : com) : bool := + match c with + | SKIP => + true + | _ ::= _ => + true + | c1 ;; c2 => + andb (no_whiles c1) (no_whiles c2) + | TEST _ THEN ct ELSE cf FI => + andb (no_whiles ct) (no_whiles cf) + | WHILE _ DO _ END => + false + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +(** This predicate yields [true] just on programs that have no while + loops. Using [Inductive], write a property [no_whilesR] such that + [no_whilesR c] is provable exactly when [c] is a program with no + while loops. Then prove its equivalence with [no_whiles]. *) + +Inductive no_whilesR: com -> Prop := + (* FILL IN HERE *) +. + +Theorem no_whiles_eqv: + forall c, no_whiles c = true <-> no_whilesR c. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard (no_whiles_terminating) + + Imp programs that don't involve while loops always terminate. + State and prove a theorem [no_whiles_terminating] that says this. + + Use either [no_whiles] or [no_whilesR], as you prefer. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_no_whiles_terminating : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Additional Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (stack_compiler) + + Old HP Calculators, programming languages like Forth and Postscript, + and abstract machines like the Java Virtual Machine all evaluate + arithmetic expressions using a _stack_. For instance, the expression + + (2*3)+(3*(4-2)) + + would be written as + + 2 3 * 3 4 2 - * + + + and evaluated like this (where we show the program being evaluated + on the right and the contents of the stack on the left): + + [ ] | 2 3 * 3 4 2 - * + + [2] | 3 * 3 4 2 - * + + [3, 2] | * 3 4 2 - * + + [6] | 3 4 2 - * + + [3, 6] | 4 2 - * + + [4, 3, 6] | 2 - * + + [2, 4, 3, 6] | - * + + [2, 3, 6] | * + + [6, 6] | + + [12] | + + The goal of this exercise is to write a small compiler that + translates [aexp]s into stack machine instructions. + + The instruction set for our stack language will consist of the + following instructions: + - [SPush n]: Push the number [n] on the stack. + - [SLoad x]: Load the identifier [x] from the store and push it + on the stack + - [SPlus]: Pop the two top numbers from the stack, add them, and + push the result onto the stack. + - [SMinus]: Similar, but subtract. + - [SMult]: Similar, but multiply. *) + +Inductive sinstr : Type := +| SPush (n : nat) +| SLoad (x : string) +| SPlus +| SMinus +| SMult. + +(** Write a function to evaluate programs in the stack language. It + should take as input a state, a stack represented as a list of + numbers (top stack item is the head of the list), and a program + represented as a list of instructions, and it should return the + stack after executing the program. Test your function on the + examples below. + + Note that the specification leaves unspecified what to do when + encountering an [SPlus], [SMinus], or [SMult] instruction if the + stack contains less than two elements. In a sense, it is + immaterial what we do, since our compiler will never emit such a + malformed program. *) + +Fixpoint s_execute (st : state) (stack : list nat) + (prog : list sinstr) + : list nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example s_execute1 : + s_execute empty_st [] + [SPush 5; SPush 3; SPush 1; SMinus] + = [2; 5]. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example s_execute2 : + s_execute (X !-> 3) [3;4] + [SPush 4; SLoad X; SMult; SPlus] + = [15; 4]. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Next, write a function that compiles an [aexp] into a stack + machine program. The effect of running the program should be the + same as pushing the value of the expression on the stack. *) + +Fixpoint s_compile (e : aexp) : list sinstr + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** After you've defined [s_compile], prove the following to test + that it works. *) + +Example s_compile1 : + s_compile (X - (2 * Y))%imp + = [SLoad X; SPush 2; SLoad Y; SMult; SMinus]. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (stack_compiler_correct) + + Now we'll prove the correctness of the compiler implemented in the + previous exercise. Remember that the specification left + unspecified what to do when encountering an [SPlus], [SMinus], or + [SMult] instruction if the stack contains less than two + elements. (In order to make your correctness proof easier you + might find it helpful to go back and change your implementation!) + + Prove the following theorem. You will need to start by stating a + more general lemma to get a usable induction hypothesis; the main + theorem will then be a simple corollary of this lemma. *) + +Theorem s_compile_correct : forall (st : state) (e : aexp), + s_execute st [] (s_compile e) = [ aeval st e ]. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (short_circuit) + + Most modern programming languages use a "short-circuit" evaluation + rule for boolean [and]: to evaluate [BAnd b1 b2], first evaluate + [b1]. If it evaluates to [false], then the entire [BAnd] + expression evaluates to [false] immediately, without evaluating + [b2]. Otherwise, [b2] is evaluated to determine the result of the + [BAnd] expression. + + Write an alternate version of [beval] that performs short-circuit + evaluation of [BAnd] in this manner, and prove that it is + equivalent to [beval]. (N.b. This is only true because expression + evaluation in Imp is rather simple. In a bigger language where + evaluating an expression might diverge, the short-circuiting [BAnd] + would _not_ be equivalent to the original, since it would make more + programs terminate.) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +Module BreakImp. +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (break_imp) + + Imperative languages like C and Java often include a [break] or + similar statement for interrupting the execution of loops. In this + exercise we consider how to add [break] to Imp. First, we need to + enrich the language of commands with an additional case. *) + +Inductive com : Type := + | CSkip + | CBreak (* <--- NEW *) + | CAss (x : string) (a : aexp) + | CSeq (c1 c2 : com) + | CIf (b : bexp) (c1 c2 : com) + | CWhile (b : bexp) (c : com). + +Notation "'SKIP'" := + CSkip. +Notation "'BREAK'" := + CBreak. +Notation "x '::=' a" := + (CAss x a) (at level 60). +Notation "c1 ;; c2" := + (CSeq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity). +Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c 'END'" := + (CWhile b c) (at level 80, right associativity). +Notation "'TEST' c1 'THEN' c2 'ELSE' c3 'FI'" := + (CIf c1 c2 c3) (at level 80, right associativity). + +(** Next, we need to define the behavior of [BREAK]. Informally, + whenever [BREAK] is executed in a sequence of commands, it stops + the execution of that sequence and signals that the innermost + enclosing loop should terminate. (If there aren't any + enclosing loops, then the whole program simply terminates.) The + final state should be the same as the one in which the [BREAK] + statement was executed. + + One important point is what to do when there are multiple loops + enclosing a given [BREAK]. In those cases, [BREAK] should only + terminate the _innermost_ loop. Thus, after executing the + following... + + X ::= 0;; + Y ::= 1;; + WHILE ~(0 = Y) DO + WHILE true DO + BREAK + END;; + X ::= 1;; + Y ::= Y - 1 + END + + ... the value of [X] should be [1], and not [0]. + + One way of expressing this behavior is to add another parameter to + the evaluation relation that specifies whether evaluation of a + command executes a [BREAK] statement: *) + +Inductive result : Type := + | SContinue + | SBreak. + +Reserved Notation "st '=[' c ']=>' st' '/' s" + (at level 40, st' at next level). + +(** Intuitively, [st =[ c ]=> st' / s] means that, if [c] is started in + state [st], then it terminates in state [st'] and either signals + that the innermost surrounding loop (or the whole program) should + exit immediately ([s = SBreak]) or that execution should continue + normally ([s = SContinue]). + + The definition of the "[st =[ c ]=> st' / s]" relation is very + similar to the one we gave above for the regular evaluation + relation ([st =[ c ]=> st']) -- we just need to handle the + termination signals appropriately: + + - If the command is [SKIP], then the state doesn't change and + execution of any enclosing loop can continue normally. + + - If the command is [BREAK], the state stays unchanged but we + signal a [SBreak]. + + - If the command is an assignment, then we update the binding for + that variable in the state accordingly and signal that execution + can continue normally. + + - If the command is of the form [TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI], then + the state is updated as in the original semantics of Imp, except + that we also propagate the signal from the execution of + whichever branch was taken. + + - If the command is a sequence [c1 ;; c2], we first execute + [c1]. If this yields a [SBreak], we skip the execution of [c2] + and propagate the [SBreak] signal to the surrounding context; + the resulting state is the same as the one obtained by + executing [c1] alone. Otherwise, we execute [c2] on the state + obtained after executing [c1], and propagate the signal + generated there. + + - Finally, for a loop of the form [WHILE b DO c END], the + semantics is almost the same as before. The only difference is + that, when [b] evaluates to true, we execute [c] and check the + signal that it raises. If that signal is [SContinue], then the + execution proceeds as in the original semantics. Otherwise, we + stop the execution of the loop, and the resulting state is the + same as the one resulting from the execution of the current + iteration. In either case, since [BREAK] only terminates the + innermost loop, [WHILE] signals [SContinue]. *) + +(** Based on the above description, complete the definition of the + [ceval] relation. *) + +Inductive ceval : com -> state -> result -> state -> Prop := + | E_Skip : forall st, + st =[ CSkip ]=> st / SContinue + (* FILL IN HERE *) + + where "st '=[' c ']=>' st' '/' s" := (ceval c st s st'). + +(** Now prove the following properties of your definition of [ceval]: *) + +Theorem break_ignore : forall c st st' s, + st =[ BREAK;; c ]=> st' / s -> + st = st'. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem while_continue : forall b c st st' s, + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st' / s -> + s = SContinue. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem while_stops_on_break : forall b c st st', + beval st b = true -> + st =[ c ]=> st' / SBreak -> + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st' / SContinue. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced, optional (while_break_true) *) +Theorem while_break_true : forall b c st st', + st =[ WHILE b DO c END ]=> st' / SContinue -> + beval st' b = true -> + exists st'', st'' =[ c ]=> st' / SBreak. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced, optional (ceval_deterministic) *) +Theorem ceval_deterministic: forall (c:com) st st1 st2 s1 s2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 / s1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 / s2 -> + st1 = st2 /\ s1 = s2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) +End BreakImp. + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (add_for_loop) + + Add C-style [for] loops to the language of commands, update the + [ceval] definition to define the semantics of [for] loops, and add + cases for [for] loops as needed so that all the proofs in this + file are accepted by Coq. + + A [for] loop should be parameterized by (a) a statement executed + initially, (b) a test that is run on each iteration of the loop to + determine whether the loop should continue, (c) a statement + executed at the end of each loop iteration, and (d) a statement + that makes up the body of the loop. (You don't need to worry + about making up a concrete Notation for [for] loops, but feel free + to play with this too if you like.) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ImpCEvalFun.v b/ImpCEvalFun.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e0f2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ImpCEvalFun.v @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ +(** * ImpCEvalFun: An Evaluation Function for Imp *) + +(** We saw in the [Imp] chapter how a naive approach to defining a + function representing evaluation for Imp runs into difficulties. + There, we adopted the solution of changing from a functional to a + relational definition of evaluation. In this optional chapter, we + consider strategies for getting the functional approach to + work. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * A Broken Evaluator *) + +From Coq Require Import omega.Omega. +From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. +From LF Require Import Imp Maps. + +(** Here was our first try at an evaluation function for commands, + omitting [WHILE]. *) + +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint ceval_step1 (st : state) (c : com) : state := + match c with + | SKIP => + st + | l ::= a1 => + (l !-> aeval st a1 ; st) + | c1 ;; c2 => + let st' := ceval_step1 st c1 in + ceval_step1 st' c2 + | TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_step1 st c1 + else ceval_step1 st c2 + | WHILE b1 DO c1 END => + st (* bogus *) + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +(** As we remarked in chapter [Imp], in a traditional functional + programming language like ML or Haskell we could write the WHILE + case as follows: + + | WHILE b1 DO c1 END => + if (beval st b1) then + ceval_step1 st (c1;; WHILE b1 DO c1 END) + else st + + Coq doesn't accept such a definition ([Error: Cannot guess + decreasing argument of fix]) because the function we want to + define is not guaranteed to terminate. Indeed, the changed + [ceval_step1] function applied to the [loop] program from [Imp.v] + would never terminate. Since Coq is not just a functional + programming language, but also a consistent logic, any potentially + non-terminating function needs to be rejected. Here is an + invalid(!) Coq program showing what would go wrong if Coq allowed + non-terminating recursive functions: + + Fixpoint loop_false (n : nat) : False := loop_false n. + + That is, propositions like [False] would become + provable (e.g., [loop_false 0] would be a proof of [False]), which + would be a disaster for Coq's logical consistency. + + Thus, because it doesn't terminate on all inputs, the full version + of [ceval_step1] cannot be written in Coq -- at least not without + one additional trick... *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * A Step-Indexed Evaluator *) + +(** The trick we need is to pass an _additional_ parameter to the + evaluation function that tells it how long to run. Informally, we + start the evaluator with a certain amount of "gas" in its tank, + and we allow it to run until either it terminates in the usual way + _or_ it runs out of gas, at which point we simply stop evaluating + and say that the final result is the empty memory. (We could also + say that the result is the current state at the point where the + evaluator runs out of gas -- it doesn't really matter because the + result is going to be wrong in either case!) *) + +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint ceval_step2 (st : state) (c : com) (i : nat) : state := + match i with + | O => empty_st + | S i' => + match c with + | SKIP => + st + | l ::= a1 => + (l !-> aeval st a1 ; st) + | c1 ;; c2 => + let st' := ceval_step2 st c1 i' in + ceval_step2 st' c2 i' + | TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_step2 st c1 i' + else ceval_step2 st c2 i' + | WHILE b1 DO c1 END => + if (beval st b1) + then let st' := ceval_step2 st c1 i' in + ceval_step2 st' c i' + else st + end + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +(** _Note_: It is tempting to think that the index [i] here is + counting the "number of steps of evaluation." But if you look + closely you'll see that this is not the case: for example, in the + rule for sequencing, the same [i] is passed to both recursive + calls. Understanding the exact way that [i] is treated will be + important in the proof of [ceval__ceval_step], which is given as + an exercise below. + + One thing that is not so nice about this evaluator is that we + can't tell, from its result, whether it stopped because the + program terminated normally or because it ran out of gas. Our + next version returns an [option state] instead of just a [state], + so that we can distinguish between normal and abnormal + termination. *) + +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint ceval_step3 (st : state) (c : com) (i : nat) + : option state := + match i with + | O => None + | S i' => + match c with + | SKIP => + Some st + | l ::= a1 => + Some (l !-> aeval st a1 ; st) + | c1 ;; c2 => + match (ceval_step3 st c1 i') with + | Some st' => ceval_step3 st' c2 i' + | None => None + end + | TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_step3 st c1 i' + else ceval_step3 st c2 i' + | WHILE b1 DO c1 END => + if (beval st b1) + then match (ceval_step3 st c1 i') with + | Some st' => ceval_step3 st' c i' + | None => None + end + else Some st + end + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +(** We can improve the readability of this version by introducing a + bit of auxiliary notation to hide the plumbing involved in + repeatedly matching against optional states. *) + +Notation "'LETOPT' x <== e1 'IN' e2" + := (match e1 with + | Some x => e2 + | None => None + end) + (right associativity, at level 60). + +Open Scope imp_scope. +Fixpoint ceval_step (st : state) (c : com) (i : nat) + : option state := + match i with + | O => None + | S i' => + match c with + | SKIP => + Some st + | l ::= a1 => + Some (l !-> aeval st a1 ; st) + | c1 ;; c2 => + LETOPT st' <== ceval_step st c1 i' IN + ceval_step st' c2 i' + | TEST b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI => + if (beval st b) + then ceval_step st c1 i' + else ceval_step st c2 i' + | WHILE b1 DO c1 END => + if (beval st b1) + then LETOPT st' <== ceval_step st c1 i' IN + ceval_step st' c i' + else Some st + end + end. +Close Scope imp_scope. + +Definition test_ceval (st:state) (c:com) := + match ceval_step st c 500 with + | None => None + | Some st => Some (st X, st Y, st Z) + end. + +(* Compute + (test_ceval empty_st + (X ::= 2;; + TEST (X <= 1) + THEN Y ::= 3 + ELSE Z ::= 4 + FI)). + ====> + Some (2, 0, 4) *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (pup_to_n) + + Write an Imp program that sums the numbers from [1] to + [X] (inclusive: [1 + 2 + ... + X]) in the variable [Y]. Make sure + your solution satisfies the test that follows. *) + +Definition pup_to_n : com + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(* + +Example pup_to_n_1 : + test_ceval (X !-> 5) pup_to_n + = Some (0, 15, 0). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (peven) + + Write an [Imp] program that sets [Z] to [0] if [X] is even and + sets [Z] to [1] otherwise. Use [test_ceval] to test your + program. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Relational vs. Step-Indexed Evaluation *) + +(** As for arithmetic and boolean expressions, we'd hope that + the two alternative definitions of evaluation would actually + amount to the same thing in the end. This section shows that this + is the case. *) + +Theorem ceval_step__ceval: forall c st st', + (exists i, ceval_step st c i = Some st') -> + st =[ c ]=> st'. +Proof. + intros c st st' H. + inversion H as [i E]. + clear H. + generalize dependent st'. + generalize dependent st. + generalize dependent c. + induction i as [| i' ]. + + - (* i = 0 -- contradictory *) + intros c st st' H. discriminate H. + + - (* i = S i' *) + intros c st st' H. + destruct c; + simpl in H; inversion H; subst; clear H. + + (* SKIP *) apply E_Skip. + + (* ::= *) apply E_Ass. reflexivity. + + + (* ;; *) + destruct (ceval_step st c1 i') eqn:Heqr1. + * (* Evaluation of r1 terminates normally *) + apply E_Seq with s. + apply IHi'. rewrite Heqr1. reflexivity. + apply IHi'. simpl in H1. assumption. + * (* Otherwise -- contradiction *) + discriminate H1. + + + (* TEST *) + destruct (beval st b) eqn:Heqr. + * (* r = true *) + apply E_IfTrue. rewrite Heqr. reflexivity. + apply IHi'. assumption. + * (* r = false *) + apply E_IfFalse. rewrite Heqr. reflexivity. + apply IHi'. assumption. + + + (* WHILE *) destruct (beval st b) eqn :Heqr. + * (* r = true *) + destruct (ceval_step st c i') eqn:Heqr1. + { (* r1 = Some s *) + apply E_WhileTrue with s. rewrite Heqr. + reflexivity. + apply IHi'. rewrite Heqr1. reflexivity. + apply IHi'. simpl in H1. assumption. } + { (* r1 = None *) discriminate H1. } + * (* r = false *) + injection H1. intros H2. rewrite <- H2. + apply E_WhileFalse. apply Heqr. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard (ceval_step__ceval_inf) + + Write an informal proof of [ceval_step__ceval], following the + usual template. (The template for case analysis on an inductively + defined value should look the same as for induction, except that + there is no induction hypothesis.) Make your proof communicate + the main ideas to a human reader; do not simply transcribe the + steps of the formal proof. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_ceval_step__ceval_inf : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +Theorem ceval_step_more: forall i1 i2 st st' c, + i1 <= i2 -> + ceval_step st c i1 = Some st' -> + ceval_step st c i2 = Some st'. +Proof. +induction i1 as [|i1']; intros i2 st st' c Hle Hceval. + - (* i1 = 0 *) + simpl in Hceval. discriminate Hceval. + - (* i1 = S i1' *) + destruct i2 as [|i2']. inversion Hle. + assert (Hle': i1' <= i2') by omega. + destruct c. + + (* SKIP *) + simpl in Hceval. inversion Hceval. + reflexivity. + + (* ::= *) + simpl in Hceval. inversion Hceval. + reflexivity. + + (* ;; *) + simpl in Hceval. simpl. + destruct (ceval_step st c1 i1') eqn:Heqst1'o. + * (* st1'o = Some *) + apply (IHi1' i2') in Heqst1'o; try assumption. + rewrite Heqst1'o. simpl. simpl in Hceval. + apply (IHi1' i2') in Hceval; try assumption. + * (* st1'o = None *) + discriminate Hceval. + + + (* TEST *) + simpl in Hceval. simpl. + destruct (beval st b); apply (IHi1' i2') in Hceval; + assumption. + + + (* WHILE *) + simpl in Hceval. simpl. + destruct (beval st b); try assumption. + destruct (ceval_step st c i1') eqn: Heqst1'o. + * (* st1'o = Some *) + apply (IHi1' i2') in Heqst1'o; try assumption. + rewrite -> Heqst1'o. simpl. simpl in Hceval. + apply (IHi1' i2') in Hceval; try assumption. + * (* i1'o = None *) + simpl in Hceval. discriminate Hceval. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (ceval__ceval_step) + + Finish the following proof. You'll need [ceval_step_more] in a + few places, as well as some basic facts about [<=] and [plus]. *) + +Theorem ceval__ceval_step: forall c st st', + st =[ c ]=> st' -> + exists i, ceval_step st c i = Some st'. +Proof. + intros c st st' Hce. + induction Hce. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +Theorem ceval_and_ceval_step_coincide: forall c st st', + st =[ c ]=> st' + <-> exists i, ceval_step st c i = Some st'. +Proof. + intros c st st'. + split. apply ceval__ceval_step. apply ceval_step__ceval. +Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Determinism of Evaluation Again *) + +(** Using the fact that the relational and step-indexed definition of + evaluation are the same, we can give a slicker proof that the + evaluation _relation_ is deterministic. *) + +Theorem ceval_deterministic' : forall c st st1 st2, + st =[ c ]=> st1 -> + st =[ c ]=> st2 -> + st1 = st2. +Proof. + intros c st st1 st2 He1 He2. + apply ceval__ceval_step in He1. + apply ceval__ceval_step in He2. + inversion He1 as [i1 E1]. + inversion He2 as [i2 E2]. + apply ceval_step_more with (i2 := i1 + i2) in E1. + apply ceval_step_more with (i2 := i1 + i2) in E2. + rewrite E1 in E2. inversion E2. reflexivity. + omega. omega. Qed. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ImpCEvalFunTest.v b/ImpCEvalFunTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a39809 --- /dev/null +++ b/ImpCEvalFunTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import ImpCEvalFun. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import ImpCEvalFun. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- pup_to_n --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> pup_to_n". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @pup_to_n ( +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions pup_to_n. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ceval_step__ceval_inf --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: ceval_step__ceval_inf". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_ceval_step__ceval_inf. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ceval__ceval_step --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ceval__ceval_step". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @ceval__ceval_step ( +(forall (c : (st st' : Imp.state), + Imp.ceval c st st' -> + exists i : nat, ceval_step st c i = @Some Imp.state st')). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ceval__ceval_step. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 9". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 9". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- pup_to_n ---------". +Print Assumptions pup_to_n. +idtac "---------- ceval_step__ceval_inf ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- ceval__ceval_step ---------". +Print Assumptions ceval__ceval_step. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:27 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ImpParser.v b/ImpParser.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6cf24a --- /dev/null +++ b/ImpParser.v @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +(** * ImpParser: Lexing and Parsing in Coq *) + +(** The development of the Imp language in [Imp.v] completely ignores + issues of concrete syntax -- how an ascii string that a programmer + might write gets translated into abstract syntax trees defined by + the datatypes [aexp], [bexp], and [com]. In this chapter, we + illustrate how the rest of the story can be filled in by building + a simple lexical analyzer and parser using Coq's functional + programming facilities. *) + +(** It is not important to understand all the details here (and + accordingly, the explanations are fairly terse and there are no + exercises). The main point is simply to demonstrate that it can + be done. You are invited to look through the code -- most of it + is not very complicated, though the parser relies on some + "monadic" programming idioms that may require a little work to + make out -- but most readers will probably want to just skim down + to the Examples section at the very end to get the punchline. *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Import Strings.String. +From Coq Require Import Strings.Ascii. +From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. +From Coq Require Import Init.Nat. +From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat. +From Coq Require Import Lists.List. +Import ListNotations. +From LF Require Import Maps Imp. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Internals *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Lexical Analysis *) + +Definition isWhite (c : ascii) : bool := + let n := nat_of_ascii c in + orb (orb (n =? 32) (* space *) + (n =? 9)) (* tab *) + (orb (n =? 10) (* linefeed *) + (n =? 13)). (* Carriage return. *) + +Notation "x '<=?' y" := (x <=? y) + (at level 70, no associativity) : nat_scope. + +Definition isLowerAlpha (c : ascii) : bool := + let n := nat_of_ascii c in + andb (97 <=? n) (n <=? 122). + +Definition isAlpha (c : ascii) : bool := + let n := nat_of_ascii c in + orb (andb (65 <=? n) (n <=? 90)) + (andb (97 <=? n) (n <=? 122)). + +Definition isDigit (c : ascii) : bool := + let n := nat_of_ascii c in + andb (48 <=? n) (n <=? 57). + +Inductive chartype := white | alpha | digit | other. + +Definition classifyChar (c : ascii) : chartype := + if isWhite c then + white + else if isAlpha c then + alpha + else if isDigit c then + digit + else + other. + +Fixpoint list_of_string (s : string) : list ascii := + match s with + | EmptyString => [] + | String c s => c :: (list_of_string s) + end. + +Fixpoint string_of_list (xs : list ascii) : string := + fold_right String EmptyString xs. + +Definition token := string. + +Fixpoint tokenize_helper (cls : chartype) (acc xs : list ascii) + : list (list ascii) := + let tk := match acc with [] => [] | _::_ => [rev acc] end in + match xs with + | [] => tk + | (x::xs') => + match cls, classifyChar x, x with + | _, _, "(" => + tk ++ ["("]::(tokenize_helper other [] xs') + | _, _, ")" => + tk ++ [")"]::(tokenize_helper other [] xs') + | _, white, _ => + tk ++ (tokenize_helper white [] xs') + | alpha,alpha,x => + tokenize_helper alpha (x::acc) xs' + | digit,digit,x => + tokenize_helper digit (x::acc) xs' + | other,other,x => + tokenize_helper other (x::acc) xs' + | _,tp,x => + tk ++ (tokenize_helper tp [x] xs') + end + end %char. + +Definition tokenize (s : string) : list string := + map string_of_list (tokenize_helper white [] (list_of_string s)). + +Example tokenize_ex1 : + tokenize "abc12=3 223*(3+(a+c))" %string + = ["abc"; "12"; "="; "3"; "223"; + "*"; "("; "3"; "+"; "("; + "a"; "+"; "c"; ")"; ")"]%string. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Parsing *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Options With Errors *) + +(** An [option] type with error messages: *) + +Inductive optionE (X:Type) : Type := + | SomeE (x : X) + | NoneE (s : string). + +Arguments SomeE {X}. +Arguments NoneE {X}. + +(** Some syntactic sugar to make writing nested match-expressions on + optionE more convenient. *) + +Notation "' p <- e1 ;; e2" + := (match e1 with + | SomeE p => e2 + | NoneE err => NoneE err + end) + (right associativity, p pattern, at level 60, e1 at next level). + +Notation "'TRY' ' p <- e1 ;; e2 'OR' e3" + := (match e1 with + | SomeE p => e2 + | NoneE _ => e3 + end) + (right associativity, p pattern, + at level 60, e1 at next level, e2 at next level). + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Generic Combinators for Building Parsers *) + +Open Scope string_scope. + +Definition parser (T : Type) := + list token -> optionE (T * list token). + +Fixpoint many_helper {T} (p : parser T) acc steps xs := + match steps, p xs with + | 0, _ => + NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | _, NoneE _ => + SomeE ((rev acc), xs) + | S steps', SomeE (t, xs') => + many_helper p (t :: acc) steps' xs' + end. + +(** A (step-indexed) parser that expects zero or more [p]s: *) + +Fixpoint many {T} (p : parser T) (steps : nat) : parser (list T) := + many_helper p [] steps. + +(** A parser that expects a given token, followed by [p]: *) + +Definition firstExpect {T} (t : token) (p : parser T) + : parser T := + fun xs => match xs with + | x::xs' => + if string_dec x t + then p xs' + else NoneE ("expected '" ++ t ++ "'.") + | [] => + NoneE ("expected '" ++ t ++ "'.") + end. + +(** A parser that expects a particular token: *) + +Definition expect (t : token) : parser unit := + firstExpect t (fun xs => SomeE (tt, xs)). + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** A Recursive-Descent Parser for Imp *) + +(** Identifiers: *) + +Definition parseIdentifier (xs : list token) + : optionE (string * list token) := +match xs with +| [] => NoneE "Expected identifier" +| x::xs' => + if forallb isLowerAlpha (list_of_string x) then + SomeE (x, xs') + else + NoneE ("Illegal identifier:'" ++ x ++ "'") +end. + +(** Numbers: *) + +Definition parseNumber (xs : list token) + : optionE (nat * list token) := +match xs with +| [] => NoneE "Expected number" +| x::xs' => + if forallb isDigit (list_of_string x) then + SomeE (fold_left + (fun n d => + 10 * n + (nat_of_ascii d - + nat_of_ascii "0"%char)) + (list_of_string x) + 0, + xs') + else + NoneE "Expected number" +end. + +(** Parse arithmetic expressions *) + +Fixpoint parsePrimaryExp (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) + : optionE (aexp * list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + TRY ' (i, rest) <- parseIdentifier xs ;; + SomeE (AId i, rest) + OR + TRY ' (n, rest) <- parseNumber xs ;; + SomeE (ANum n, rest) + OR + ' (e, rest) <- firstExpect "(" (parseSumExp steps') xs ;; + ' (u, rest') <- expect ")" rest ;; + SomeE (e,rest') + end + +with parseProductExp (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + ' (e, rest) <- parsePrimaryExp steps' xs ;; + ' (es, rest') <- many (firstExpect "*" (parsePrimaryExp steps')) + steps' rest ;; + SomeE (fold_left AMult es e, rest') + end + +with parseSumExp (steps:nat) (xs : list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + ' (e, rest) <- parseProductExp steps' xs ;; + ' (es, rest') <- + many (fun xs => + TRY ' (e,rest') <- + firstExpect "+" + (parseProductExp steps') xs ;; + SomeE ( (true, e), rest') + OR + ' (e, rest') <- + firstExpect "-" + (parseProductExp steps') xs ;; + SomeE ( (false, e), rest')) + steps' rest ;; + SomeE (fold_left (fun e0 term => + match term with + | (true, e) => APlus e0 e + | (false, e) => AMinus e0 e + end) + es e, + rest') + end. + +Definition parseAExp := parseSumExp. + +(** Parsing boolean expressions: *) + +Fixpoint parseAtomicExp (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) := +match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + TRY ' (u,rest) <- expect "true" xs ;; + SomeE (BTrue,rest) + OR + TRY ' (u,rest) <- expect "false" xs ;; + SomeE (BFalse,rest) + OR + TRY ' (e,rest) <- firstExpect "~" + (parseAtomicExp steps') + xs ;; + SomeE (BNot e, rest) + OR + TRY ' (e,rest) <- firstExpect "(" + (parseConjunctionExp steps') + xs ;; + ' (u,rest') <- expect ")" rest ;; + SomeE (e, rest') + OR + ' (e, rest) <- parseProductExp steps' xs ;; + TRY ' (e', rest') <- firstExpect "=" + (parseAExp steps') rest ;; + SomeE (BEq e e', rest') + OR + TRY ' (e', rest') <- firstExpect "<=" + (parseAExp steps') rest ;; + SomeE (BLe e e', rest') + OR + NoneE "Expected '=' or '<=' after arithmetic expression" +end + +with parseConjunctionExp (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + ' (e, rest) <- parseAtomicExp steps' xs ;; + ' (es, rest') <- many (firstExpect "&&" + (parseAtomicExp steps')) + steps' rest ;; + SomeE (fold_left BAnd es e, rest') + end. + +Definition parseBExp := parseConjunctionExp. + +Check parseConjunctionExp. + +Definition testParsing {X : Type} + (p : nat -> + list token -> + optionE (X * list token)) + (s : string) := + let t := tokenize s in + p 100 t. + +(* +Eval compute in + testParsing parseProductExp "x.y.(x.x).x". + +Eval compute in + testParsing parseConjunctionExp "~(x=x&&x*x<=(x*x)*x)&&x=x". +*) + +(** Parsing commands: *) + +Fixpoint parseSimpleCommand (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + TRY ' (u, rest) <- expect "SKIP" xs ;; + SomeE (SKIP%imp, rest) + OR + TRY ' (e,rest) <- + firstExpect "TEST" + (parseBExp steps') xs ;; + ' (c,rest') <- + firstExpect "THEN" + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest ;; + ' (c',rest'') <- + firstExpect "ELSE" + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest' ;; + ' (tt,rest''') <- + expect "END" rest'' ;; + SomeE(TEST e THEN c ELSE c' FI%imp, rest''') + OR + TRY ' (e,rest) <- + firstExpect "WHILE" + (parseBExp steps') xs ;; + ' (c,rest') <- + firstExpect "DO" + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest ;; + ' (u,rest'') <- + expect "END" rest' ;; + SomeE(WHILE e DO c END%imp, rest'') + OR + TRY ' (i, rest) <- parseIdentifier xs ;; + ' (e, rest') <- firstExpect "::=" (parseAExp steps') rest ;; + SomeE ((i ::= e)%imp, rest') + OR + NoneE "Expecting a command" +end + +with parseSequencedCommand (steps:nat) + (xs : list token) := + match steps with + | 0 => NoneE "Too many recursive calls" + | S steps' => + ' (c, rest) <- parseSimpleCommand steps' xs ;; + TRY ' (c', rest') <- + firstExpect ";;" + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest ;; + SomeE ((c ;; c')%imp, rest') + OR + SomeE (c, rest) + end. + +Definition bignumber := 1000. + +Definition parse (str : string) : optionE com := + let tokens := tokenize str in + match parseSequencedCommand bignumber tokens with + | SomeE (c, []) => SomeE c + | SomeE (_, t::_) => NoneE ("Trailing tokens remaining: " ++ t) + | NoneE err => NoneE err + end. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Examples *) + +Example eg1 : parse " + TEST x = y + 1 + 2 - y * 6 + 3 THEN + x ::= x * 1;; + y ::= 0 + ELSE + SKIP + END " += + SomeE ( + TEST "x" = "y" + 1 + 2 - "y" * 6 + 3 THEN + "x" ::= "x" * 1;; + "y" ::= 0 + ELSE + SKIP + FI)%imp. +Proof. cbv. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example eg2 : parse " + SKIP;; + z::=x*y*(x*x);; + WHILE x=x DO + TEST (z <= z*z) && ~(x = 2) THEN + x ::= z;; + y ::= z + ELSE + SKIP + END;; + SKIP + END;; + x::=z " += + SomeE ( + SKIP;; + "z" ::= "x" * "y" * ("x" * "x");; + WHILE "x" = "x" DO + TEST ("z" <= "z" * "z") && ~("x" = 2) THEN + "x" ::= "z";; + "y" ::= "z" + ELSE + SKIP + FI;; + SKIP + END;; + "x" ::= "z")%imp. +Proof. cbv. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ImpParserTest.v b/ImpParserTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62f2a38 --- /dev/null +++ b/ImpParserTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import ImpParser. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import ImpParser. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:26 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ImpTest.v b/ImpTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cf679d --- /dev/null +++ b/ImpTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Imp. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Imp. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- optimize_0plus_b_sound --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound ( +(forall b : AExp.bexp, AExp.beval (AExp.optimize_0plus_b b) = AExp.beval b)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- bevalR --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> AExp.beval_iff_bevalR". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @AExp.beval_iff_bevalR ( +(forall (b : AExp.bexp) (bv : bool), AExp.bevalR b bv <-> AExp.beval b = bv)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions AExp.beval_iff_bevalR. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ceval_example2 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ceval_example2". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @ceval_example2 ( +(empty_st =[ X ::= 0;; Y ::= 1;; Z ::= 2 + ]=> @Maps.t_update nat (@Maps.t_update nat (X !-> 0) Y 1) Z 2)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ceval_example2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- XtimesYinZ_spec --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: XtimesYinZ_spec". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_XtimesYinZ_spec. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- loop_never_stops --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> loop_never_stops". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @loop_never_stops ((forall st st' : state, ~ st =[ loop ]=> st')). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions loop_never_stops. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- no_whiles_eqv --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> no_whiles_eqv". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @no_whiles_eqv ((forall c : com, no_whiles c = true <-> no_whilesR c)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions no_whiles_eqv. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- no_whiles_terminating --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: no_whiles_terminating". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_no_whiles_terminating. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- stack_compiler --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> s_execute1". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @s_execute1 ( +(s_execute empty_st (@nil nat) + (SPush 5 :: (SPush 3 :: SPush 1 :: SMinus :: @nil sinstr)%list) = + (2 :: 5 :: @nil nat)%list)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions s_execute1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> s_execute2". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @s_execute2 ( +(s_execute (X !-> 3) (3 :: (4 :: @nil nat)%list) + (SPush 4 :: (SLoad X :: SMult :: SPlus :: @nil sinstr)%list) = + (15 :: 4 :: @nil nat)%list)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions s_execute2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> s_compile1". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @s_compile1 ( +(s_compile (X - 2 * Y) = + (SLoad X :: SPush 2 :: SLoad Y :: SMult :: SMinus :: @nil sinstr)%list)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions s_compile1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- stack_compiler_correct --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> s_compile_correct". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +check_type @s_compile_correct ( +(forall (st : state) (e : aexp), + s_execute st (@nil nat) (s_compile e) = (aeval st e :: @nil nat)%list)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions s_compile_correct. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- break_imp --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> BreakImp.break_ignore". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @BreakImp.break_ignore ( +(forall (c : (st st' : state) (s : BreakImp.result), + BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CSeq BreakImp.CBreak c) st s st' -> st = st')). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions BreakImp.break_ignore. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> BreakImp.while_continue". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @BreakImp.while_continue ( +(forall (b : bexp) (c : (st st' : state) (s : BreakImp.result), + BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CWhile b c) st s st' -> s = BreakImp.SContinue)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_continue. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> BreakImp.while_stops_on_break". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @BreakImp.while_stops_on_break ( +(forall (b : bexp) (c : (st st' : state), + beval st b = true -> + BreakImp.ceval c st BreakImp.SBreak st' -> + BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CWhile b c) st BreakImp.SContinue st')). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_stops_on_break. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 24". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 32". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound ---------". +Print Assumptions AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound. +idtac "---------- AExp.beval_iff_bevalR ---------". +Print Assumptions AExp.beval_iff_bevalR. +idtac "---------- ceval_example2 ---------". +Print Assumptions ceval_example2. +idtac "---------- XtimesYinZ_spec ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- loop_never_stops ---------". +Print Assumptions loop_never_stops. +idtac "---------- no_whiles_eqv ---------". +Print Assumptions no_whiles_eqv. +idtac "---------- no_whiles_terminating ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- s_execute1 ---------". +Print Assumptions s_execute1. +idtac "---------- s_execute2 ---------". +Print Assumptions s_execute2. +idtac "---------- s_compile1 ---------". +Print Assumptions s_compile1. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- s_compile_correct ---------". +Print Assumptions s_compile_correct. +idtac "---------- BreakImp.break_ignore ---------". +Print Assumptions BreakImp.break_ignore. +idtac "---------- BreakImp.while_continue ---------". +Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_continue. +idtac "---------- BreakImp.while_stops_on_break ---------". +Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_stops_on_break. +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:24 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/IndPrinciples.v b/IndPrinciples.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df6e0b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/IndPrinciples.v @@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ +(** * IndPrinciples: Induction Principles *) + +(** With the Curry-Howard correspondence and its realization in Coq in + mind, we can now take a deeper look at induction principles. *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export ProofObjects. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Basics *) + +(** Every time we declare a new [Inductive] datatype, Coq + automatically generates an _induction principle_ for this type. + This induction principle is a theorem like any other: If [t] is + defined inductively, the corresponding induction principle is + called [t_ind]. Here is the one for natural numbers: *) + +Check nat_ind. +(* ===> nat_ind : + forall P : nat -> Prop, + P 0 -> + (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> + forall n : nat, P n *) + +(** The [induction] tactic is a straightforward wrapper that, at its + core, simply performs [apply t_ind]. To see this more clearly, + let's experiment with directly using [apply nat_ind], instead of + the [induction] tactic, to carry out some proofs. Here, for + example, is an alternate proof of a theorem that we saw in the + [Basics] chapter. *) + +Theorem mult_0_r' : forall n:nat, + n * 0 = 0. +Proof. + apply nat_ind. + - (* n = O *) reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) simpl. intros n' IHn'. rewrite -> IHn'. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** This proof is basically the same as the earlier one, but a + few minor differences are worth noting. + + First, in the induction step of the proof (the ["S"] case), we + have to do a little bookkeeping manually (the [intros]) that + [induction] does automatically. + + Second, we do not introduce [n] into the context before applying + [nat_ind] -- the conclusion of [nat_ind] is a quantified formula, + and [apply] needs this conclusion to exactly match the shape of + the goal state, including the quantifier. By contrast, the + [induction] tactic works either with a variable in the context or + a quantified variable in the goal. + + These conveniences make [induction] nicer to use in practice than + applying induction principles like [nat_ind] directly. But it is + important to realize that, modulo these bits of bookkeeping, + applying [nat_ind] is what we are really doing. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (plus_one_r') + + Complete this proof without using the [induction] tactic. *) + +Theorem plus_one_r' : forall n:nat, + n + 1 = S n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Coq generates induction principles for every datatype defined with + [Inductive], including those that aren't recursive. Although of + course we don't need induction to prove properties of + non-recursive datatypes, the idea of an induction principle still + makes sense for them: it gives a way to prove that a property + holds for all values of the type. + + These generated principles follow a similar pattern. If we define + a type [t] with constructors [c1] ... [cn], Coq generates a + theorem with this shape: + + t_ind : forall P : t -> Prop, + ... case for c1 ... -> + ... case for c2 ... -> ... + ... case for cn ... -> + forall n : t, P n + + The specific shape of each case depends on the arguments to the + corresponding constructor. Before trying to write down a general + rule, let's look at some more examples. First, an example where + the constructors take no arguments: *) + +Inductive yesno : Type := + | yes + | no. + +Check yesno_ind. +(* ===> yesno_ind : forall P : yesno -> Prop, + P yes -> + P no -> + forall y : yesno, P y *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (rgb) + + Write out the induction principle that Coq will generate for the + following datatype. Write down your answer on paper or type it + into a comment, and then compare it with what Coq prints. *) + +Inductive rgb : Type := + | red + | green + | blue. +Check rgb_ind. +(** [] *) + +(** Here's another example, this time with one of the constructors + taking some arguments. *) + +Inductive natlist : Type := + | nnil + | ncons (n : nat) (l : natlist). + +Check natlist_ind. +(* ===> (modulo a little variable renaming) + natlist_ind : + forall P : natlist -> Prop, + P nnil -> + (forall (n : nat) (l : natlist), + P l -> P (ncons n l)) -> + forall n : natlist, P n *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (natlist1) + + Suppose we had written the above definition a little + differently: *) + +Inductive natlist1 : Type := + | nnil1 + | nsnoc1 (l : natlist1) (n : nat). + +(** Now what will the induction principle look like? + + [] *) + +(** From these examples, we can extract this general rule: + + - The type declaration gives several constructors; each + corresponds to one clause of the induction principle. + - Each constructor [c] takes argument types [a1] ... [an]. + - Each [ai] can be either [t] (the datatype we are defining) or + some other type [s]. + - The corresponding case of the induction principle says: + + - "For all values [x1]...[xn] of types [a1]...[an], if [P] + holds for each of the inductive arguments (each [xi] of type + [t]), then [P] holds for [c x1 ... xn]". +*) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (byntree_ind) + + Write out the induction principle that Coq will generate for the + following datatype. (Again, write down your answer on paper or + type it into a comment, and then compare it with what Coq + prints.) *) + +Inductive byntree : Type := + | bempty + | bleaf (yn : yesno) + | nbranch (yn : yesno) (t1 t2 : byntree). +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (ex_set) + + Here is an induction principle for an inductively defined + set. + + ExSet_ind : + forall P : ExSet -> Prop, + (forall b : bool, P (con1 b)) -> + (forall (n : nat) (e : ExSet), P e -> P (con2 n e)) -> + forall e : ExSet, P e + + Give an [Inductive] definition of [ExSet]: *) + +Inductive ExSet : Type := + (* FILL IN HERE *) +. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Polymorphism *) + +(** Next, what about polymorphic datatypes? + + The inductive definition of polymorphic lists + + Inductive list (X:Type) : Type := + | nil : list X + | cons : X -> list X -> list X. + + is very similar to that of [natlist]. The main difference is + that, here, the whole definition is _parameterized_ on a set [X]: + that is, we are defining a _family_ of inductive types [list X], + one for each [X]. (Note that, wherever [list] appears in the body + of the declaration, it is always applied to the parameter [X].) + The induction principle is likewise parameterized on [X]: + + list_ind : + forall (X : Type) (P : list X -> Prop), + P [] -> + (forall (x : X) (l : list X), P l -> P (x :: l)) -> + forall l : list X, P l + + Note that the _whole_ induction principle is parameterized on + [X]. That is, [list_ind] can be thought of as a polymorphic + function that, when applied to a type [X], gives us back an + induction principle specialized to the type [list X]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (tree) + + Write out the induction principle that Coq will generate for + the following datatype. Compare your answer with what Coq + prints. *) + +Inductive tree (X:Type) : Type := + | leaf (x : X) + | node (t1 t2 : tree X). +Check tree_ind. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (mytype) + + Find an inductive definition that gives rise to the + following induction principle: + + mytype_ind : + forall (X : Type) (P : mytype X -> Prop), + (forall x : X, P (constr1 X x)) -> + (forall n : nat, P (constr2 X n)) -> + (forall m : mytype X, P m -> + forall n : nat, P (constr3 X m n)) -> + forall m : mytype X, P m +*) +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (foo) + + Find an inductive definition that gives rise to the + following induction principle: + + foo_ind : + forall (X Y : Type) (P : foo X Y -> Prop), + (forall x : X, P (bar X Y x)) -> + (forall y : Y, P (baz X Y y)) -> + (forall f1 : nat -> foo X Y, + (forall n : nat, P (f1 n)) -> P (quux X Y f1)) -> + forall f2 : foo X Y, P f2 +*) +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (foo') + + Consider the following inductive definition: *) + +Inductive foo' (X:Type) : Type := + | C1 (l : list X) (f : foo' X) + | C2. + +(** What induction principle will Coq generate for [foo']? Fill + in the blanks, then check your answer with Coq.) + + foo'_ind : + forall (X : Type) (P : foo' X -> Prop), + (forall (l : list X) (f : foo' X), + _______________________ -> + _______________________ ) -> + ___________________________________________ -> + forall f : foo' X, ________________________ +*) + +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Induction Hypotheses *) + +(** Where does the phrase "induction hypothesis" fit into this story? + + The induction principle for numbers + + forall P : nat -> Prop, + P 0 -> + (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> + forall n : nat, P n + + is a generic statement that holds for all propositions + [P] (or rather, strictly speaking, for all families of + propositions [P] indexed by a number [n]). Each time we + use this principle, we are choosing [P] to be a particular + expression of type [nat->Prop]. + + We can make proofs by induction more explicit by giving + this expression a name. For example, instead of stating + the theorem [mult_0_r] as "[forall n, n * 0 = 0]," we can + write it as "[forall n, P_m0r n]", where [P_m0r] is defined + as... *) + +Definition P_m0r (n:nat) : Prop := + n * 0 = 0. + +(** ... or equivalently: *) + +Definition P_m0r' : nat->Prop := + fun n => n * 0 = 0. + +(** Now it is easier to see where [P_m0r] appears in the proof. *) + +Theorem mult_0_r'' : forall n:nat, + P_m0r n. +Proof. + apply nat_ind. + - (* n = O *) reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) + (* Note the proof state at this point! *) + intros n IHn. + unfold P_m0r in IHn. unfold P_m0r. simpl. apply IHn. Qed. + +(** This extra naming step isn't something that we do in + normal proofs, but it is useful to do it explicitly for an example + or two, because it allows us to see exactly what the induction + hypothesis is. If we prove [forall n, P_m0r n] by induction on + [n] (using either [induction] or [apply nat_ind]), we see that the + first subgoal requires us to prove [P_m0r 0] ("[P] holds for + zero"), while the second subgoal requires us to prove [forall n', + P_m0r n' -> P_m0r (S n')] (that is "[P] holds of [S n'] if it + holds of [n']" or, more elegantly, "[P] is preserved by [S]"). + The _induction hypothesis_ is the premise of this latter + implication -- the assumption that [P] holds of [n'], which we are + allowed to use in proving that [P] holds for [S n']. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * More on the [induction] Tactic *) + +(** The [induction] tactic actually does even more low-level + bookkeeping for us than we discussed above. + + Recall the informal statement of the induction principle for + natural numbers: + - If [P n] is some proposition involving a natural number n, and + we want to show that P holds for _all_ numbers n, we can + reason like this: + - show that [P O] holds + - show that, if [P n'] holds, then so does [P (S n')] + - conclude that [P n] holds for all n. + So, when we begin a proof with [intros n] and then [induction n], + we are first telling Coq to consider a _particular_ [n] (by + introducing it into the context) and then telling it to prove + something about _all_ numbers (by using induction). + + What Coq actually does in this situation, internally, is to + "re-generalize" the variable we perform induction on. For + example, in our original proof that [plus] is associative... *) + +Theorem plus_assoc' : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. +Proof. + (* ...we first introduce all 3 variables into the context, + which amounts to saying "Consider an arbitrary [n], [m], and + [p]..." *) + intros n m p. + (* ...We now use the [induction] tactic to prove [P n] (that + is, [n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p]) for _all_ [n], + and hence also for the particular [n] that is in the context + at the moment. *) + induction n as [| n']. + - (* n = O *) reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) + (* In the second subgoal generated by [induction] -- the + "inductive step" -- we must prove that [P n'] implies + [P (S n')] for all [n']. The [induction] tactic + automatically introduces [n'] and [P n'] into the context + for us, leaving just [P (S n')] as the goal. *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** It also works to apply [induction] to a variable that is + quantified in the goal. *) + +Theorem plus_comm' : forall n m : nat, + n + m = m + n. +Proof. + induction n as [| n']. + - (* n = O *) intros m. rewrite <- plus_n_O. reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) intros m. simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. + rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Note that [induction n] leaves [m] still bound in the goal -- + i.e., what we are proving inductively is a statement beginning + with [forall m]. + + If we do [induction] on a variable that is quantified in the goal + _after_ some other quantifiers, the [induction] tactic will + automatically introduce the variables bound by these quantifiers + into the context. *) + +Theorem plus_comm'' : forall n m : nat, + n + m = m + n. +Proof. + (* Let's do induction on [m] this time, instead of [n]... *) + induction m as [| m']. + - (* m = O *) simpl. rewrite <- plus_n_O. reflexivity. + - (* m = S m' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHm'. + rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (plus_explicit_prop) + + Rewrite both [plus_assoc'] and [plus_comm'] and their proofs in + the same style as [mult_0_r''] above -- that is, for each theorem, + give an explicit [Definition] of the proposition being proved by + induction, and state the theorem and proof in terms of this + defined proposition. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Induction Principles in [Prop] *) + +(** Earlier, we looked in detail at the induction principles that Coq + generates for inductively defined _sets_. The induction + principles for inductively defined _propositions_ like [even] are a + tiny bit more complicated. As with all induction principles, we + want to use the induction principle on [even] to prove things by + inductively considering the possible shapes that something in [even] + can have. Intuitively speaking, however, what we want to prove + are not statements about _evidence_ but statements about + _numbers_: accordingly, we want an induction principle that lets + us prove properties of numbers by induction on evidence. + + For example, from what we've said so far, you might expect the + inductive definition of [even]... + + Inductive even : nat -> Prop := + | ev_0 : even 0 + | ev_SS : forall n : nat, even n -> even (S (S n)). + + give rise to an induction principle that looks like this... + + ev_ind_max : forall P : (forall n : nat, even n -> Prop), + P O ev_0 -> + (forall (m : nat) (E : even m), + P m E -> + P (S (S m)) (ev_SS m E)) -> + forall (n : nat) (E : even n), + P n E + + ... because: + + - Since [even] is indexed by a number [n] (every [even] object [E] is + a piece of evidence that some particular number [n] is even), + the proposition [P] is parameterized by both [n] and [E] -- + that is, the induction principle can be used to prove + assertions involving both an even number and the evidence that + it is even. + + - Since there are two ways of giving evidence of evenness ([even] + has two constructors), applying the induction principle + generates two subgoals: + + - We must prove that [P] holds for [O] and [ev_0]. + + - We must prove that, whenever [n] is an even number and [E] + is an evidence of its evenness, if [P] holds of [n] and + [E], then it also holds of [S (S n)] and [ev_SS n E]. + + - If these subgoals can be proved, then the induction principle + tells us that [P] is true for _all_ even numbers [n] and + evidence [E] of their evenness. + + This is more flexibility than we normally need or want: it is + giving us a way to prove logical assertions where the assertion + involves properties of some piece of _evidence_ of evenness, while + all we really care about is proving properties of _numbers_ that + are even -- we are interested in assertions about numbers, not + about evidence. It would therefore be more convenient to have an + induction principle for proving propositions [P] that are + parameterized just by [n] and whose conclusion establishes [P] for + all even numbers [n]: + + forall P : nat -> Prop, + ... -> + forall n : nat, + even n -> P n + + For this reason, Coq actually generates the following simplified + induction principle for [even]: *) + +Check even_ind. +(* ===> ev_ind + : forall P : nat -> Prop, + P 0 -> + (forall n : nat, even n -> P n -> P (S (S n))) -> + forall n : nat, + even n -> P n *) + +(** In particular, Coq has dropped the evidence term [E] as a + parameter of the the proposition [P]. *) + +(** In English, [ev_ind] says: + + - Suppose, [P] is a property of natural numbers (that is, [P n] is + a [Prop] for every [n]). To show that [P n] holds whenever [n] + is even, it suffices to show: + + - [P] holds for [0], + + - for any [n], if [n] is even and [P] holds for [n], then [P] + holds for [S (S n)]. *) + +(** As expected, we can apply [ev_ind] directly instead of using + [induction]. For example, we can use it to show that [even'] (the + slightly awkward alternate definition of evenness that we saw in + an exercise in the \chap{IndProp} chapter) is equivalent to the + cleaner inductive definition [even]: *) +Theorem ev_ev' : forall n, even n -> even' n. +Proof. + apply even_ind. + - (* ev_0 *) + apply even'_0. + - (* ev_SS *) + intros m Hm IH. + apply (even'_sum 2 m). + + apply even'_2. + + apply IH. +Qed. + +(** The precise form of an [Inductive] definition can affect the + induction principle Coq generates. + + For example, in chapter [IndProp], we defined [<=] as: *) + +(* Inductive le : nat -> nat -> Prop := + | le_n : forall n, le n n + | le_S : forall n m, (le n m) -> (le n (S m)). *) + +(** This definition can be streamlined a little by observing that the + left-hand argument [n] is the same everywhere in the definition, + so we can actually make it a "general parameter" to the whole + definition, rather than an argument to each constructor. *) + +Inductive le (n:nat) : nat -> Prop := + | le_n : le n n + | le_S m (H : le n m) : le n (S m). + +Notation "m <= n" := (le m n). + +(** The second one is better, even though it looks less symmetric. + Why? Because it gives us a simpler induction principle. *) + +Check le_ind. +(* ===> forall (n : nat) (P : nat -> Prop), + P n -> + (forall m : nat, n <= m -> P m -> P (S m)) -> + forall n0 : nat, n <= n0 -> P n0 *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Formal vs. Informal Proofs by Induction *) + +(** Question: What is the relation between a formal proof of a + proposition [P] and an informal proof of the same proposition [P]? + + Answer: The latter should _teach_ the reader how to produce the + former. + + Question: How much detail is needed?? + + Unfortunately, there is no single right answer; rather, there is a + range of choices. + + At one end of the spectrum, we can essentially give the reader the + whole formal proof (i.e., the "informal" proof will amount to just + transcribing the formal one into words). This may give the reader + the ability to reproduce the formal one for themselves, but it + probably doesn't _teach_ them anything much. + + At the other end of the spectrum, we can say "The theorem is true + and you can figure out why for yourself if you think about it hard + enough." This is also not a good teaching strategy, because often + writing the proof requires one or more significant insights into + the thing we're proving, and most readers will give up before they + rediscover all the same insights as we did. + + In the middle is the golden mean -- a proof that includes all of + the essential insights (saving the reader the hard work that we + went through to find the proof in the first place) plus high-level + suggestions for the more routine parts to save the reader from + spending too much time reconstructing these (e.g., what the IH says + and what must be shown in each case of an inductive proof), but not + so much detail that the main ideas are obscured. + + Since we've spent much of this chapter looking "under the hood" at + formal proofs by induction, now is a good moment to talk a little + about _informal_ proofs by induction. + + In the real world of mathematical communication, written proofs + range from extremely longwinded and pedantic to extremely brief and + telegraphic. Although the ideal is somewhere in between, while one + is getting used to the style it is better to start out at the + pedantic end. Also, during the learning phase, it is probably + helpful to have a clear standard to compare against. With this in + mind, we offer two templates -- one for proofs by induction over + _data_ (i.e., where the thing we're doing induction on lives in + [Type]) and one for proofs by induction over _evidence_ (i.e., + where the inductively defined thing lives in [Prop]). *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Induction Over an Inductively Defined Set *) + +(** _Template_: + + - _Theorem_: + + _Proof_: By induction on [n]. + + + + - Suppose [n = c a1 ... ak], where <...and here we state + the IH for each of the [a]'s that has type [S], if any>. + We must show <...and here we restate [P(c a1 ... ak)]>. + + + + - [] + + _Example_: + + - _Theorem_: For all sets [X], lists [l : list X], and numbers + [n], if [length l = n] then [index (S n) l = None]. + + _Proof_: By induction on [l]. + + - Suppose [l = []]. We must show, for all numbers [n], + that, if [length [] = n], then [index (S n) [] = + None]. + + This follows immediately from the definition of [index]. + + - Suppose [l = x :: l'] for some [x] and [l'], where + [length l' = n'] implies [index (S n') l' = None], for + any number [n']. We must show, for all [n], that, if + [length (x::l') = n] then [index (S n) (x::l') = + None]. + + Let [n] be a number with [length l = n]. Since + + length l = length (x::l') = S (length l'), + + it suffices to show that + + index (S (length l')) l' = None. + + But this follows directly from the induction hypothesis, + picking [n'] to be [length l']. [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Induction Over an Inductively Defined Proposition *) + +(** Since inductively defined proof objects are often called + "derivation trees," this form of proof is also known as _induction + on derivations_. + + _Template_: + + - _Theorem_: P]," where [Q] is + some inductively defined proposition (more generally, + "For all [x] [y] [z], [Q x y z -> P x y z]")> + + _Proof_: By induction on a derivation of [Q]. + + + + - Suppose the final rule used to show [Q] is [c]. Then + <...and here we state the types of all of the [a]'s + together with any equalities that follow from the + definition of the constructor and the IH for each of + the [a]'s that has type [Q], if there are any>. We must + show <...and here we restate [P]>. + + + + - [] + + _Example_ + + - _Theorem_: The [<=] relation is transitive -- i.e., for all + numbers [n], [m], and [o], if [n <= m] and [m <= o], then + [n <= o]. + + _Proof_: By induction on a derivation of [m <= o]. + + - Suppose the final rule used to show [m <= o] is + [le_n]. Then [m = o] and we must show that [n <= m], + which is immediate by hypothesis. + + - Suppose the final rule used to show [m <= o] is + [le_S]. Then [o = S o'] for some [o'] with [m <= o']. + We must show that [n <= S o']. + By induction hypothesis, [n <= o']. + + But then, by [le_S], [n <= S o']. [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/IndPrinciplesTest.v b/IndPrinciplesTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f770e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/IndPrinciplesTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import IndPrinciples. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import IndPrinciples. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:19 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/IndProp.v b/IndProp.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63104f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/IndProp.v @@ -0,0 +1,2089 @@ +(** * IndProp: Inductively Defined Propositions *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export Logic. +Require + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Inductively Defined Propositions *) + +(** In the [Logic] chapter, we looked at several ways of writing + propositions, including conjunction, disjunction, and existential + quantification. In this chapter, we bring yet another new tool + into the mix: _inductive definitions_. *) + +(** In past chapters, we have seen two ways of stating that a number + [n] is even: We can say + + (1) [evenb n = true], or + + (2) [exists k, n = double k]. + + Yet another possibility is to say that [n] is even if we can + establish its evenness from the following rules: + + - Rule [ev_0]: The number [0] is even. + - Rule [ev_SS]: If [n] is even, then [S (S n)] is even. *) + +(** To illustrate how this new definition of evenness works, + let's imagine using it to show that [4] is even. By rule [ev_SS], + it suffices to show that [2] is even. This, in turn, is again + guaranteed by rule [ev_SS], as long as we can show that [0] is + even. But this last fact follows directly from the [ev_0] rule. *) + +(** We will see many definitions like this one during the rest + of the course. For purposes of informal discussions, it is + helpful to have a lightweight notation that makes them easy to + read and write. _Inference rules_ are one such notation: + + ------------ (ev_0) + even 0 + + even n + ---------------- (ev_SS) + even (S (S n)) +*) + +(** Each of the textual rules above is reformatted here as an + inference rule; the intended reading is that, if the _premises_ + above the line all hold, then the _conclusion_ below the line + follows. For example, the rule [ev_SS] says that, if [n] + satisfies [even], then [S (S n)] also does. If a rule has no + premises above the line, then its conclusion holds + unconditionally. + + We can represent a proof using these rules by combining rule + applications into a _proof tree_. Here's how we might transcribe + the above proof that [4] is even: + + -------- (ev_0) + even 0 + -------- (ev_SS) + even 2 + -------- (ev_SS) + even 4 +*) + +(** (Why call this a "tree" (rather than a "stack", for example)? + Because, in general, inference rules can have multiple premises. + We will see examples of this shortly. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Inductive Definition of Evenness *) + +(** Putting all of this together, we can translate the definition of + evenness into a formal Coq definition using an [Inductive] + declaration, where each constructor corresponds to an inference + rule: *) + +Inductive even : nat -> Prop := +| ev_0 : even 0 +| ev_SS (n : nat) (H : even n) : even (S (S n)). + +(** This definition is different in one crucial respect from previous + uses of [Inductive]: the thing we are defining is not a [Type], + but rather a function from [nat] to [Prop] -- that is, a property + of numbers. We've already seen other inductive definitions that + result in functions -- for example, [list], whose type is [Type -> + Type]. What is really new here is that, because the [nat] + argument of [even] appears to the _right_ of the colon, it is + allowed to take different values in the types of different + constructors: [0] in the type of [ev_0] and [S (S n)] in the type + of [ev_SS]. + + In contrast, the definition of [list] names the [X] parameter + _globally_, to the _left_ of the colon, forcing the result of + [nil] and [cons] to be the same ([list X]). Had we tried to bring + [nat] to the left in defining [even], we would have seen an + error: *) + +Fail Inductive wrong_ev (n : nat) : Prop := +| wrong_ev_0 : wrong_ev 0 +| wrong_ev_SS : wrong_ev n -> wrong_ev (S (S n)). +(* ===> Error: Last occurrence of "[wrong_ev]" must have "[n]" + as 1st argument in "[wrong_ev 0]". *) + +(** In an [Inductive] definition, an argument to the type + constructor on the left of the colon is called a "parameter", + whereas an argument on the right is called an "index". + + For example, in [Inductive list (X : Type) := ...], [X] is a + parameter; in [Inductive even : nat -> Prop := ...], the + unnamed [nat] argument is an index. *) + +(** We can think of the definition of [even] as defining a Coq + property [even : nat -> Prop], together with primitive theorems + [ev_0 : even 0] and [ev_SS : forall n, even n -> even (S (S n))]. *) + +(** That definition can also be written as follows... + + Inductive even : nat -> Prop := + | ev_0 : even 0 + | ev_SS : forall n, even n -> even (S (S n)). +*) + +(** ... making explicit the type of the rule [ev_SS]. *) + +(** Such "constructor theorems" have the same status as proven + theorems. In particular, we can use Coq's [apply] tactic with the + rule names to prove [even] for particular numbers... *) + +Theorem ev_4 : even 4. +Proof. apply ev_SS. apply ev_SS. apply ev_0. Qed. + +(** ... or we can use function application syntax: *) + +Theorem ev_4' : even 4. +Proof. apply (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)). Qed. + +(** We can also prove theorems that have hypotheses involving [even]. *) + +Theorem ev_plus4 : forall n, even n -> even (4 + n). +Proof. + intros n. simpl. intros Hn. + apply ev_SS. apply ev_SS. apply Hn. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (ev_double) *) +Theorem ev_double : forall n, + even (double n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Using Evidence in Proofs *) + +(** Besides _constructing_ evidence that numbers are even, we can also + _reason about_ such evidence. + + Introducing [even] with an [Inductive] declaration tells Coq not + only that the constructors [ev_0] and [ev_SS] are valid ways to + build evidence that some number is even, but also that these two + constructors are the _only_ ways to build evidence that numbers + are even (in the sense of [even]). *) + +(** In other words, if someone gives us evidence [E] for the assertion + [even n], then we know that [E] must have one of two shapes: + + - [E] is [ev_0] (and [n] is [O]), or + - [E] is [ev_SS n' E'] (and [n] is [S (S n')], where [E'] is + evidence for [even n']). *) + +(** This suggests that it should be possible to analyze a + hypothesis of the form [even n] much as we do inductively defined + data structures; in particular, it should be possible to argue by + _induction_ and _case analysis_ on such evidence. Let's look at a + few examples to see what this means in practice. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Inversion on Evidence *) + +(** Suppose we are proving some fact involving a number [n], and + we are given [even n] as a hypothesis. We already know how to + perform case analysis on [n] using [destruct] or [induction], + generating separate subgoals for the case where [n = O] and the + case where [n = S n'] for some [n']. But for some proofs we may + instead want to analyze the evidence that [even n] _directly_. As + a tool, we can prove our characterization of evidence for + [even n], using [destruct]. *) + +Theorem ev_inversion : + forall (n : nat), even n -> + (n = 0) \/ (exists n', n = S (S n') /\ even n'). +Proof. + intros n E. + destruct E as [ | n' E']. + - (* E = ev_0 : even 0 *) + left. reflexivity. + - (* E = ev_SS n' E' : even (S (S n')) *) + right. exists n'. split. reflexivity. apply E'. +Qed. + +(** The following theorem can easily be proved using [destruct] on + evidence. *) + +Theorem ev_minus2 : forall n, + even n -> even (pred (pred n)). +Proof. + intros n E. + destruct E as [| n' E']. + - (* E = ev_0 *) simpl. apply ev_0. + - (* E = ev_SS n' E' *) simpl. apply E'. +Qed. + +(** However, this variation cannot easily be handled with [destruct]. *) + +Theorem evSS_ev : forall n, + even (S (S n)) -> even n. +(** Intuitively, we know that evidence for the hypothesis cannot + consist just of the [ev_0] constructor, since [O] and [S] are + different constructors of the type [nat]; hence, [ev_SS] is the + only case that applies. Unfortunately, [destruct] is not smart + enough to realize this, and it still generates two subgoals. Even + worse, in doing so, it keeps the final goal unchanged, failing to + provide any useful information for completing the proof. *) +Proof. + intros n E. + destruct E as [| n' E']. + - (* E = ev_0. *) + (* We must prove that [n] is even from no assumptions! *) +Abort. + +(** What happened, exactly? Calling [destruct] has the effect of + replacing all occurrences of the property argument by the values + that correspond to each constructor. This is enough in the case + of [ev_minus2] because that argument [n] is mentioned directly + in the final goal. However, it doesn't help in the case of + [evSS_ev] since the term that gets replaced ([S (S n)]) is not + mentioned anywhere. *) + +(** We could patch this proof by replacing the goal [even n], + which does not mention the replaced term [S (S n)], by the + equivalent goal [even (pred (pred (S (S n))))], which does mention + this term, after which [destruct] can make progress. But it is + more straightforward to use our inversion lemma. *) + +Theorem evSS_ev : forall n, even (S (S n)) -> even n. +Proof. intros n H. apply ev_inversion in H. destruct H. + - discriminate H. + - destruct H as [n' [Hnm Hev]]. injection Hnm. + intro Heq. rewrite Heq. apply Hev. +Qed. + +(** Coq provides a tactic called [inversion], which does the work of + our inversion lemma and more besides. *) + +(** The [inversion] tactic can detect (1) that the first case + ([n = 0]) does not apply and (2) that the [n'] that appears in the + [ev_SS] case must be the same as [n]. It has an "[as]" variant + similar to [destruct], allowing us to assign names rather than + have Coq choose them. *) + +Theorem evSS_ev' : forall n, + even (S (S n)) -> even n. +Proof. + intros n E. + inversion E as [| n' E']. + (* We are in the [E = ev_SS n' E'] case now. *) + apply E'. +Qed. + +(** The [inversion] tactic can apply the principle of explosion to + "obviously contradictory" hypotheses involving inductive + properties, something that takes a bit more work using our + inversion lemma. For example: *) +Theorem one_not_even : ~ even 1. +Proof. + intros H. apply ev_inversion in H. + destruct H as [ | [m [Hm _]]]. + - discriminate H. + - discriminate Hm. +Qed. + +Theorem one_not_even' : ~ even 1. + intros H. inversion H. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (inversion_practice) + + Prove the following result using [inversion]. For extra practice, + prove it using the inversion lemma. *) + +Theorem SSSSev__even : forall n, + even (S (S (S (S n)))) -> even n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (even5_nonsense) + + Prove the following result using [inversion]. *) + +Theorem even5_nonsense : + even 5 -> 2 + 2 = 9. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The [inversion] tactic does quite a bit of work. When + applied to equalities, as a special case, it does the work of both + [discriminate] and [injection]. In addition, it carries out the + [intros] and [rewrite]s that are typically necessary in the case + of [injection]. It can also be applied, more generally, to analyze + evidence for inductively defined propositions. As examples, we'll + use it to reprove some theorems from [Tactics.v]. *) + +Theorem inversion_ex1 : forall (n m o : nat), + [n; m] = [o; o] -> + [n] = [m]. +Proof. + intros n m o H. inversion H. reflexivity. Qed. + +Theorem inversion_ex2 : forall (n : nat), + S n = O -> + 2 + 2 = 5. +Proof. + intros n contra. inversion contra. Qed. + +(** Here's how [inversion] works in general. Suppose the name + [H] refers to an assumption [P] in the current context, where [P] + has been defined by an [Inductive] declaration. Then, for each of + the constructors of [P], [inversion H] generates a subgoal in which + [H] has been replaced by the exact, specific conditions under + which this constructor could have been used to prove [P]. Some of + these subgoals will be self-contradictory; [inversion] throws + these away. The ones that are left represent the cases that must + be proved to establish the original goal. For those, [inversion] + adds all equations into the proof context that must hold of the + arguments given to [P] (e.g., [S (S n') = n] in the proof of + [evSS_ev]). *) + +(** The [ev_double] exercise above shows that our new notion of + evenness is implied by the two earlier ones (since, by + [even_bool_prop] in chapter [Logic], we already know that + those are equivalent to each other). To show that all three + coincide, we just need the following lemma. *) + +Lemma ev_even_firsttry : forall n, + even n -> exists k, n = double k. +Proof. +(* WORKED IN CLASS *) + +(** We could try to proceed by case analysis or induction on [n]. But + since [even] is mentioned in a premise, this strategy would + probably lead to a dead end, as in the previous section. Thus, it + seems better to first try [inversion] on the evidence for [even]. + Indeed, the first case can be solved trivially. *) + + intros n E. inversion E as [| n' E']. + - (* E = ev_0 *) + exists 0. reflexivity. + - (* E = ev_SS n' E' *) simpl. + +(** Unfortunately, the second case is harder. We need to show [exists + k, S (S n') = double k], but the only available assumption is + [E'], which states that [even n'] holds. Since this isn't + directly useful, it seems that we are stuck and that performing + case analysis on [E] was a waste of time. + + If we look more closely at our second goal, however, we can see + that something interesting happened: By performing case analysis + on [E], we were able to reduce the original result to a similar + one that involves a _different_ piece of evidence for [even]: + namely [E']. More formally, we can finish our proof by showing + that + + exists k', n' = double k', + + which is the same as the original statement, but with [n'] instead + of [n]. Indeed, it is not difficult to convince Coq that this + intermediate result suffices. *) + + assert (I : (exists k', n' = double k') -> + (exists k, S (S n') = double k)). + { intros [k' Hk']. rewrite Hk'. exists (S k'). reflexivity. } + apply I. (* reduce the original goal to the new one *) + +Abort. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Induction on Evidence *) + +(** If this looks familiar, it is no coincidence: We've + encountered similar problems in the [Induction] chapter, when + trying to use case analysis to prove results that required + induction. And once again the solution is... induction! + + The behavior of [induction] on evidence is the same as its + behavior on data: It causes Coq to generate one subgoal for each + constructor that could have used to build that evidence, while + providing an induction hypotheses for each recursive occurrence of + the property in question. + + To prove a property of [n] holds for all numbers for which [even + n] holds, we can use induction on [even n]. This requires us to + prove two things, corresponding to the two ways in which [even n] + could have been constructed. If it was constructed by [ev_0], then + [n=0], and the property must hold of [0]. If it was constructed by + [ev_SS], then the evidence of [even n] is of the form [ev_SS n' + E'], where [n = S (S n')] and [E'] is evidence for [even n']. In + this case, the inductive hypothesis says that the property we are + trying to prove holds for [n']. *) + +(** Let's try our current lemma again: *) + +Lemma ev_even : forall n, + even n -> exists k, n = double k. +Proof. + intros n E. + induction E as [|n' E' IH]. + - (* E = ev_0 *) + exists 0. reflexivity. + - (* E = ev_SS n' E' + with IH : exists k', n' = double k' *) + destruct IH as [k' Hk']. + rewrite Hk'. exists (S k'). reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Here, we can see that Coq produced an [IH] that corresponds + to [E'], the single recursive occurrence of [even] in its own + definition. Since [E'] mentions [n'], the induction hypothesis + talks about [n'], as opposed to [n] or some other number. *) + +(** The equivalence between the second and third definitions of + evenness now follows. *) + +Theorem ev_even_iff : forall n, + even n <-> exists k, n = double k. +Proof. + intros n. split. + - (* -> *) apply ev_even. + - (* <- *) intros [k Hk]. rewrite Hk. apply ev_double. +Qed. + +(** As we will see in later chapters, induction on evidence is a + recurring technique across many areas, and in particular when + formalizing the semantics of programming languages, where many + properties of interest are defined inductively. *) + +(** The following exercises provide simple examples of this + technique, to help you familiarize yourself with it. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (ev_sum) *) +Theorem ev_sum : forall n m, even n -> even m -> even (n + m). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced, optional (even'_ev) + + In general, there may be multiple ways of defining a + property inductively. For example, here's a (slightly contrived) + alternative definition for [even]: *) + +Inductive even' : nat -> Prop := +| even'_0 : even' 0 +| even'_2 : even' 2 +| even'_sum n m (Hn : even' n) (Hm : even' m) : even' (n + m). + +(** Prove that this definition is logically equivalent to the old + one. (You may want to look at the previous theorem when you get + to the induction step.) *) + +Theorem even'_ev : forall n, even' n <-> even n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced, recommended (ev_ev__ev) + + Finding the appropriate thing to do induction on is a + bit tricky here: *) + +Theorem ev_ev__ev : forall n m, + even (n+m) -> even n -> even m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (ev_plus_plus) + + This exercise just requires applying existing lemmas. No + induction or even case analysis is needed, though some of the + rewriting may be tedious. *) + +Theorem ev_plus_plus : forall n m p, + even (n+m) -> even (n+p) -> even (m+p). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Inductive Relations *) + +(** A proposition parameterized by a number (such as [even]) + can be thought of as a _property_ -- i.e., it defines + a subset of [nat], namely those numbers for which the proposition + is provable. In the same way, a two-argument proposition can be + thought of as a _relation_ -- i.e., it defines a set of pairs for + which the proposition is provable. *) + +Module Playground. + +(** One useful example is the "less than or equal to" relation on + numbers. *) + +(** The following definition should be fairly intuitive. It + says that there are two ways to give evidence that one number is + less than or equal to another: either observe that they are the + same number, or give evidence that the first is less than or equal + to the predecessor of the second. *) + +Inductive le : nat -> nat -> Prop := + | le_n n : le n n + | le_S n m (H : le n m) : le n (S m). + +Notation "m <= n" := (le m n). + +(** Proofs of facts about [<=] using the constructors [le_n] and + [le_S] follow the same patterns as proofs about properties, like + [even] above. We can [apply] the constructors to prove [<=] + goals (e.g., to show that [3<=3] or [3<=6]), and we can use + tactics like [inversion] to extract information from [<=] + hypotheses in the context (e.g., to prove that [(2 <= 1) -> + 2+2=5].) *) + +(** Here are some sanity checks on the definition. (Notice that, + although these are the same kind of simple "unit tests" as we gave + for the testing functions we wrote in the first few lectures, we + must construct their proofs explicitly -- [simpl] and + [reflexivity] don't do the job, because the proofs aren't just a + matter of simplifying computations.) *) + +Theorem test_le1 : + 3 <= 3. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + apply le_n. Qed. + +Theorem test_le2 : + 3 <= 6. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + apply le_S. apply le_S. apply le_S. apply le_n. Qed. + +Theorem test_le3 : + (2 <= 1) -> 2 + 2 = 5. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros H. inversion H. inversion H2. Qed. + +(** The "strictly less than" relation [n < m] can now be defined + in terms of [le]. *) + +End Playground. + +Definition lt (n m:nat) := le (S n) m. + +Notation "m < n" := (lt m n). + +(** Here are a few more simple relations on numbers: *) + +Inductive square_of : nat -> nat -> Prop := + | sq n : square_of n (n * n). + +Inductive next_nat : nat -> nat -> Prop := + | nn n : next_nat n (S n). + +Inductive next_even : nat -> nat -> Prop := + | ne_1 n : even (S n) -> next_even n (S n) + | ne_2 n (H : even (S (S n))) : next_even n (S (S n)). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (total_relation) + + Define an inductive binary relation [total_relation] that holds + between every pair of natural numbers. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (empty_relation) + + Define an inductive binary relation [empty_relation] (on numbers) + that never holds. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** From the definition of [le], we can sketch the behaviors of + [destruct], [inversion], and [induction] on a hypothesis [H] + providing evidence of the form [le e1 e2]. Doing [destruct H] + will generate two cases. In the first case, [e1 = e2], and it + will replace instances of [e2] with [e1] in the goal and context. + In the second case, [e2 = S n'] for some [n'] for which [le e1 n'] + holds, and it will replace instances of [e2] with [S n']. + Doing [inversion H] will remove impossible cases and add generated + equalities to the context for further use. Doing [induction H] + will, in the second case, add the induction hypothesis that the + goal holds when [e2] is replaced with [n']. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (le_exercises) + + Here are a number of facts about the [<=] and [<] relations that + we are going to need later in the course. The proofs make good + practice exercises. *) + +Lemma le_trans : forall m n o, m <= n -> n <= o -> m <= o. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem O_le_n : forall n, + 0 <= n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm : forall n m, + n <= m -> S n <= S m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m : forall n m, + S n <= S m -> n <= m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem le_plus_l : forall a b, + a <= a + b. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem plus_lt : forall n1 n2 m, + n1 + n2 < m -> + n1 < m /\ n2 < m. +Proof. + unfold lt. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem lt_S : forall n m, + n < m -> + n < S m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem leb_complete : forall n m, + n <=? m = true -> n <= m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Hint: The next one may be easiest to prove by induction on [m]. *) + +Theorem leb_correct : forall n m, + n <= m -> + n <=? m = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Hint: This one can easily be proved without using [induction]. *) + +Theorem leb_true_trans : forall n m o, + n <=? m = true -> m <=? o = true -> n <=? o = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (leb_iff) *) +Theorem leb_iff : forall n m, + n <=? m = true <-> n <= m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +Module R. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (R_provability) + + We can define three-place relations, four-place relations, + etc., in just the same way as binary relations. For example, + consider the following three-place relation on numbers: *) + +Inductive R : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop := + | c1 : R 0 0 0 + | c2 m n o (H : R m n o) : R (S m) n (S o) + | c3 m n o (H : R m n o) : R m (S n) (S o) + | c4 m n o (H : R (S m) (S n) (S (S o))) : R m n o + | c5 m n o (H : R m n o) : R n m o. + +(** - Which of the following propositions are provable? + - [R 1 1 2] + - [R 2 2 6] + + - If we dropped constructor [c5] from the definition of [R], + would the set of provable propositions change? Briefly (1 + sentence) explain your answer. + + - If we dropped constructor [c4] from the definition of [R], + would the set of provable propositions change? Briefly (1 + sentence) explain your answer. + +(* FILL IN HERE *) +*) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_R_provability : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (R_fact) + + The relation [R] above actually encodes a familiar function. + Figure out which function; then state and prove this equivalence + in Coq? *) + +Definition fR : nat -> nat -> nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Theorem R_equiv_fR : forall m n o, R m n o <-> fR m n = o. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +End R. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (subsequence) + + A list is a _subsequence_ of another list if all of the elements + in the first list occur in the same order in the second list, + possibly with some extra elements in between. For example, + + [1;2;3] + + is a subsequence of each of the lists + + [1;2;3] + [1;1;1;2;2;3] + [1;2;7;3] + [5;6;1;9;9;2;7;3;8] + + but it is _not_ a subsequence of any of the lists + + [1;2] + [1;3] + [5;6;2;1;7;3;8]. + + - Define an inductive proposition [subseq] on [list nat] that + captures what it means to be a subsequence. (Hint: You'll need + three cases.) + + - Prove [subseq_refl] that subsequence is reflexive, that is, + any list is a subsequence of itself. + + - Prove [subseq_app] that for any lists [l1], [l2], and [l3], + if [l1] is a subsequence of [l2], then [l1] is also a subsequence + of [l2 ++ l3]. + + - (Optional, harder) Prove [subseq_trans] that subsequence is + transitive -- that is, if [l1] is a subsequence of [l2] and [l2] + is a subsequence of [l3], then [l1] is a subsequence of [l3]. + Hint: choose your induction carefully! *) + +Inductive subseq : list nat -> list nat -> Prop := +(* FILL IN HERE *) +. + +Theorem subseq_refl : forall (l : list nat), subseq l l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem subseq_app : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list nat), + subseq l1 l2 -> + subseq l1 (l2 ++ l3). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem subseq_trans : forall (l1 l2 l3 : list nat), + subseq l1 l2 -> + subseq l2 l3 -> + subseq l1 l3. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (R_provability2) + + Suppose we give Coq the following definition: + + Inductive R : nat -> list nat -> Prop := + | c1 : R 0 [] + | c2 : forall n l, R n l -> R (S n) (n :: l) + | c3 : forall n l, R (S n) l -> R n l. + + Which of the following propositions are provable? + + - [R 2 [1;0]] + - [R 1 [1;2;1;0]] + - [R 6 [3;2;1;0]] *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Case Study: Regular Expressions *) + +(** The [even] property provides a simple example for + illustrating inductive definitions and the basic techniques for + reasoning about them, but it is not terribly exciting -- after + all, it is equivalent to the two non-inductive definitions of + evenness that we had already seen, and does not seem to offer any + concrete benefit over them. + + To give a better sense of the power of inductive definitions, we + now show how to use them to model a classic concept in computer + science: _regular expressions_. *) + +(** Regular expressions are a simple language for describing sets of + strings. Their syntax is defined as follows: *) + +Inductive reg_exp {T : Type} : Type := + | EmptySet + | EmptyStr + | Char (t : T) + | App (r1 r2 : reg_exp) + | Union (r1 r2 : reg_exp) + | Star (r : reg_exp). + +(** Note that this definition is _polymorphic_: Regular + expressions in [reg_exp T] describe strings with characters drawn + from [T] -- that is, lists of elements of [T]. + + (We depart slightly from standard practice in that we do not + require the type [T] to be finite. This results in a somewhat + different theory of regular expressions, but the difference is not + significant for our purposes.) *) + +(** We connect regular expressions and strings via the following + rules, which define when a regular expression _matches_ some + string: + + - The expression [EmptySet] does not match any string. + + - The expression [EmptyStr] matches the empty string [[]]. + + - The expression [Char x] matches the one-character string [[x]]. + + - If [re1] matches [s1], and [re2] matches [s2], + then [App re1 re2] matches [s1 ++ s2]. + + - If at least one of [re1] and [re2] matches [s], + then [Union re1 re2] matches [s]. + + - Finally, if we can write some string [s] as the concatenation + of a sequence of strings [s = s_1 ++ ... ++ s_k], and the + expression [re] matches each one of the strings [s_i], + then [Star re] matches [s]. + + As a special case, the sequence of strings may be empty, so + [Star re] always matches the empty string [[]] no matter what + [re] is. *) + +(** We can easily translate this informal definition into an + [Inductive] one as follows: *) + +Inductive exp_match {T} : list T -> reg_exp -> Prop := + | MEmpty : exp_match [] EmptyStr + | MChar x : exp_match [x] (Char x) + | MApp s1 re1 s2 re2 + (H1 : exp_match s1 re1) + (H2 : exp_match s2 re2) : + exp_match (s1 ++ s2) (App re1 re2) + | MUnionL s1 re1 re2 + (H1 : exp_match s1 re1) : + exp_match s1 (Union re1 re2) + | MUnionR re1 s2 re2 + (H2 : exp_match s2 re2) : + exp_match s2 (Union re1 re2) + | MStar0 re : exp_match [] (Star re) + | MStarApp s1 s2 re + (H1 : exp_match s1 re) + (H2 : exp_match s2 (Star re)) : + exp_match (s1 ++ s2) (Star re). + +(** Again, for readability, we can also display this definition using + inference-rule notation. At the same time, let's introduce a more + readable infix notation. *) + +Notation "s =~ re" := (exp_match s re) (at level 80). + +(** + + ---------------- (MEmpty) + [] =~ EmptyStr + + --------------- (MChar) + [x] =~ Char x + + s1 =~ re1 s2 =~ re2 + ------------------------- (MApp) + s1 ++ s2 =~ App re1 re2 + + s1 =~ re1 + --------------------- (MUnionL) + s1 =~ Union re1 re2 + + s2 =~ re2 + --------------------- (MUnionR) + s2 =~ Union re1 re2 + + --------------- (MStar0) + [] =~ Star re + + s1 =~ re s2 =~ Star re + --------------------------- (MStarApp) + s1 ++ s2 =~ Star re +*) + +(** Notice that these rules are not _quite_ the same as the + informal ones that we gave at the beginning of the section. + First, we don't need to include a rule explicitly stating that no + string matches [EmptySet]; we just don't happen to include any + rule that would have the effect of some string matching + [EmptySet]. (Indeed, the syntax of inductive definitions doesn't + even _allow_ us to give such a "negative rule.") + + Second, the informal rules for [Union] and [Star] correspond + to two constructors each: [MUnionL] / [MUnionR], and [MStar0] / + [MStarApp]. The result is logically equivalent to the original + rules but more convenient to use in Coq, since the recursive + occurrences of [exp_match] are given as direct arguments to the + constructors, making it easier to perform induction on evidence. + (The [exp_match_ex1] and [exp_match_ex2] exercises below ask you + to prove that the constructors given in the inductive declaration + and the ones that would arise from a more literal transcription of + the informal rules are indeed equivalent.) + + Let's illustrate these rules with a few examples. *) + +Example reg_exp_ex1 : [1] =~ Char 1. +Proof. + apply MChar. +Qed. + +Example reg_exp_ex2 : [1; 2] =~ App (Char 1) (Char 2). +Proof. + apply (MApp [1] _ [2]). + - apply MChar. + - apply MChar. +Qed. + +(** (Notice how the last example applies [MApp] to the strings + [[1]] and [[2]] directly. Since the goal mentions [[1; 2]] + instead of [[1] ++ [2]], Coq wouldn't be able to figure out how to + split the string on its own.) + + Using [inversion], we can also show that certain strings do _not_ + match a regular expression: *) + +Example reg_exp_ex3 : ~ ([1; 2] =~ Char 1). +Proof. + intros H. inversion H. +Qed. + +(** We can define helper functions for writing down regular + expressions. The [reg_exp_of_list] function constructs a regular + expression that matches exactly the list that it receives as an + argument: *) + +Fixpoint reg_exp_of_list {T} (l : list T) := + match l with + | [] => EmptyStr + | x :: l' => App (Char x) (reg_exp_of_list l') + end. + +Example reg_exp_ex4 : [1; 2; 3] =~ reg_exp_of_list [1; 2; 3]. +Proof. + simpl. apply (MApp [1]). + { apply MChar. } + apply (MApp [2]). + { apply MChar. } + apply (MApp [3]). + { apply MChar. } + apply MEmpty. +Qed. + +(** We can also prove general facts about [exp_match]. For instance, + the following lemma shows that every string [s] that matches [re] + also matches [Star re]. *) + +Lemma MStar1 : + forall T s (re : @reg_exp T) , + s =~ re -> + s =~ Star re. +Proof. + intros T s re H. + rewrite <- (app_nil_r _ s). + apply (MStarApp s [] re). + - apply H. + - apply MStar0. +Qed. + +(** (Note the use of [app_nil_r] to change the goal of the theorem to + exactly the same shape expected by [MStarApp].) *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (exp_match_ex1) + + The following lemmas show that the informal matching rules given + at the beginning of the chapter can be obtained from the formal + inductive definition. *) + +Lemma empty_is_empty : forall T (s : list T), + ~ (s =~ EmptySet). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Lemma MUnion' : forall T (s : list T) (re1 re2 : @reg_exp T), + s =~ re1 \/ s =~ re2 -> + s =~ Union re1 re2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** The next lemma is stated in terms of the [fold] function from the + [Poly] chapter: If [ss : list (list T)] represents a sequence of + strings [s1, ..., sn], then [fold app ss []] is the result of + concatenating them all together. *) + +Lemma MStar' : forall T (ss : list (list T)) (re : reg_exp), + (forall s, In s ss -> s =~ re) -> + fold app ss [] =~ Star re. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (reg_exp_of_list_spec) + + Prove that [reg_exp_of_list] satisfies the following + specification: *) + +Lemma reg_exp_of_list_spec : forall T (s1 s2 : list T), + s1 =~ reg_exp_of_list s2 <-> s1 = s2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Since the definition of [exp_match] has a recursive + structure, we might expect that proofs involving regular + expressions will often require induction on evidence. *) + +(** For example, suppose that we wanted to prove the following + intuitive result: If a regular expression [re] matches some string + [s], then all elements of [s] must occur as character literals + somewhere in [re]. + + To state this theorem, we first define a function [re_chars] that + lists all characters that occur in a regular expression: *) + +Fixpoint re_chars {T} (re : reg_exp) : list T := + match re with + | EmptySet => [] + | EmptyStr => [] + | Char x => [x] + | App re1 re2 => re_chars re1 ++ re_chars re2 + | Union re1 re2 => re_chars re1 ++ re_chars re2 + | Star re => re_chars re + end. + +(** We can then phrase our theorem as follows: *) + +Theorem in_re_match : forall T (s : list T) (re : reg_exp) (x : T), + s =~ re -> + In x s -> + In x (re_chars re). +Proof. + intros T s re x Hmatch Hin. + induction Hmatch + as [| x' + | s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 + | s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH + | re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2]. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + - (* MEmpty *) + apply Hin. + - (* MChar *) + apply Hin. + - simpl. rewrite In_app_iff in *. + destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin]. + + (* In x s1 *) + left. apply (IH1 Hin). + + (* In x s2 *) + right. apply (IH2 Hin). + - (* MUnionL *) + simpl. rewrite In_app_iff. + left. apply (IH Hin). + - (* MUnionR *) + simpl. rewrite In_app_iff. + right. apply (IH Hin). + - (* MStar0 *) + destruct Hin. + +(** Something interesting happens in the [MStarApp] case. We obtain + _two_ induction hypotheses: One that applies when [x] occurs in + [s1] (which matches [re]), and a second one that applies when [x] + occurs in [s2] (which matches [Star re]). This is a good + illustration of why we need induction on evidence for [exp_match], + rather than induction on the regular expression [re]: The latter + would only provide an induction hypothesis for strings that match + [re], which would not allow us to reason about the case [In x + s2]. *) + + - (* MStarApp *) + simpl. rewrite In_app_iff in Hin. + destruct Hin as [Hin | Hin]. + + (* In x s1 *) + apply (IH1 Hin). + + (* In x s2 *) + apply (IH2 Hin). +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard (re_not_empty) + + Write a recursive function [re_not_empty] that tests whether a + regular expression matches some string. Prove that your function + is correct. *) + +Fixpoint re_not_empty {T : Type} (re : @reg_exp T) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Lemma re_not_empty_correct : forall T (re : @reg_exp T), + (exists s, s =~ re) <-> re_not_empty re = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** The [remember] Tactic *) + +(** One potentially confusing feature of the [induction] tactic is + that it will let you try to perform an induction over a term that + isn't sufficiently general. The effect of this is to lose + information (much as [destruct] without an [eqn:] clause can do), + and leave you unable to complete the proof. Here's an example: *) + +Lemma star_app: forall T (s1 s2 : list T) (re : @reg_exp T), + s1 =~ Star re -> + s2 =~ Star re -> + s1 ++ s2 =~ Star re. +Proof. + intros T s1 s2 re H1. + +(** Just doing an [inversion] on [H1] won't get us very far in + the recursive cases. (Try it!). So we need induction (on + evidence!). Here is a naive first attempt: *) + + induction H1 + as [|x'|s1 re1 s2' re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 + |s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH|re1 s2' re2 Hmatch IH + |re''|s1 s2' re'' Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2]. + +(** But now, although we get seven cases (as we would expect from the + definition of [exp_match]), we have lost a very important bit of + information from [H1]: the fact that [s1] matched something of the + form [Star re]. This means that we have to give proofs for _all_ + seven constructors of this definition, even though all but two of + them ([MStar0] and [MStarApp]) are contradictory. We can still + get the proof to go through for a few constructors, such as + [MEmpty]... *) + + - (* MEmpty *) + simpl. intros H. apply H. + +(** ... but most cases get stuck. For [MChar], for instance, we + must show that + + s2 =~ Char x' -> x' :: s2 =~ Char x', + + which is clearly impossible. *) + + - (* MChar. Stuck... *) +Abort. + +(** The problem is that [induction] over a Prop hypothesis only works + properly with hypotheses that are completely general, i.e., ones + in which all the arguments are variables, as opposed to more + complex expressions, such as [Star re]. + + (In this respect, [induction] on evidence behaves more like + [destruct]-without-[eqn:] than like [inversion].) + + An awkward way to solve this problem is "manually generalizing" + over the problematic expressions by adding explicit equality + hypotheses to the lemma: *) + +Lemma star_app: forall T (s1 s2 : list T) (re re' : reg_exp), + re' = Star re -> + s1 =~ re' -> + s2 =~ Star re -> + s1 ++ s2 =~ Star re. + +(** We can now proceed by performing induction over evidence directly, + because the argument to the first hypothesis is sufficiently + general, which means that we can discharge most cases by inverting + the [re' = Star re] equality in the context. + + This idiom is so common that Coq provides a tactic to + automatically generate such equations for us, avoiding thus the + need for changing the statements of our theorems. *) + +Abort. + +(** The tactic [remember e as x] causes Coq to (1) replace all + occurrences of the expression [e] by the variable [x], and (2) add + an equation [x = e] to the context. Here's how we can use it to + show the above result: *) + +Lemma star_app: forall T (s1 s2 : list T) (re : reg_exp), + s1 =~ Star re -> + s2 =~ Star re -> + s1 ++ s2 =~ Star re. +Proof. + intros T s1 s2 re H1. + remember (Star re) as re'. + +(** We now have [Heqre' : re' = Star re]. *) + + generalize dependent s2. + induction H1 + as [|x'|s1 re1 s2' re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 + |s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH|re1 s2' re2 Hmatch IH + |re''|s1 s2' re'' Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2]. + +(** The [Heqre'] is contradictory in most cases, allowing us to + conclude immediately. *) + + - (* MEmpty *) discriminate. + - (* MChar *) discriminate. + - (* MApp *) discriminate. + - (* MUnionL *) discriminate. + - (* MUnionR *) discriminate. + +(** The interesting cases are those that correspond to [Star]. Note + that the induction hypothesis [IH2] on the [MStarApp] case + mentions an additional premise [Star re'' = Star re'], which + results from the equality generated by [remember]. *) + + - (* MStar0 *) + injection Heqre'. intros Heqre'' s H. apply H. + + - (* MStarApp *) + injection Heqre'. intros H0. + intros s2 H1. rewrite <- app_assoc. + apply MStarApp. + + apply Hmatch1. + + apply IH2. + * rewrite H0. reflexivity. + * apply H1. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (exp_match_ex2) *) + +(** The [MStar''] lemma below (combined with its converse, the + [MStar'] exercise above), shows that our definition of [exp_match] + for [Star] is equivalent to the informal one given previously. *) + +Lemma MStar'' : forall T (s : list T) (re : reg_exp), + s =~ Star re -> + exists ss : list (list T), + s = fold app ss [] + /\ forall s', In s' ss -> s' =~ re. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, advanced (pumping) + + One of the first really interesting theorems in the theory of + regular expressions is the so-called _pumping lemma_, which + states, informally, that any sufficiently long string [s] matching + a regular expression [re] can be "pumped" by repeating some middle + section of [s] an arbitrary number of times to produce a new + string also matching [re]. + + To begin, we need to define "sufficiently long." Since we are + working in a constructive logic, we actually need to be able to + calculate, for each regular expression [re], the minimum length + for strings [s] to guarantee "pumpability." *) + +Module Pumping. + +Fixpoint pumping_constant {T} (re : @reg_exp T) : nat := + match re with + | EmptySet => 0 + | EmptyStr => 1 + | Char _ => 2 + | App re1 re2 => + pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2 + | Union re1 re2 => + pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2 + | Star _ => 1 + end. + +(** Next, it is useful to define an auxiliary function that repeats a + string (appends it to itself) some number of times. *) + +Fixpoint napp {T} (n : nat) (l : list T) : list T := + match n with + | 0 => [] + | S n' => l ++ napp n' l + end. + +Lemma napp_plus: forall T (n m : nat) (l : list T), + napp (n + m) l = napp n l ++ napp m l. +Proof. + intros T n m l. + induction n as [|n IHn]. + - reflexivity. + - simpl. rewrite IHn, app_assoc. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Now, the pumping lemma itself says that, if [s =~ re] and if the + length of [s] is at least the pumping constant of [re], then [s] + can be split into three substrings [s1 ++ s2 ++ s3] in such a way + that [s2] can be repeated any number of times and the result, when + combined with [s1] and [s3] will still match [re]. Since [s2] is + also guaranteed not to be the empty string, this gives us + a (constructive!) way to generate strings matching [re] that are + as long as we like. *) + +Lemma pumping : forall T (re : @reg_exp T) s, + s =~ re -> + pumping_constant re <= length s -> + exists s1 s2 s3, + s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 /\ + s2 <> [] /\ + forall m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re. + +(** To streamline the proof (which you are to fill in), the [omega] + tactic, which is enabled by the following [Require], is helpful in + several places for automatically completing tedious low-level + arguments involving equalities or inequalities over natural + numbers. We'll return to [omega] in a later chapter, but feel + free to experiment with it now if you like. The first case of the + induction gives an example of how it is used. *) + +Import + +Proof. + intros T re s Hmatch. + induction Hmatch + as [ | x | s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 + | s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH | re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH + | re | s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2 ]. + - (* MEmpty *) + simpl. omega. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +End Pumping. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Case Study: Improving Reflection *) + +(** We've seen in the [Logic] chapter that we often need to + relate boolean computations to statements in [Prop]. But + performing this conversion as we did it there can result in + tedious proof scripts. Consider the proof of the following + theorem: *) + +Theorem filter_not_empty_In : forall n l, + filter (fun x => n =? x) l <> [] -> + In n l. +Proof. + intros n l. induction l as [|m l' IHl']. + - (* l = [] *) + simpl. intros H. apply H. reflexivity. + - (* l = m :: l' *) + simpl. destruct (n =? m) eqn:H. + + (* n =? m = true *) + intros _. rewrite eqb_eq in H. rewrite H. + left. reflexivity. + + (* n =? m = false *) + intros H'. right. apply IHl'. apply H'. +Qed. + +(** In the first branch after [destruct], we explicitly apply + the [eqb_eq] lemma to the equation generated by + destructing [n =? m], to convert the assumption [n =? m + = true] into the assumption [n = m]; then we had to [rewrite] + using this assumption to complete the case. *) + +(** We can streamline this by defining an inductive proposition that + yields a better case-analysis principle for [n =? m]. + Instead of generating an equation such as [(n =? m) = true], + which is generally not directly useful, this principle gives us + right away the assumption we really need: [n = m]. *) + +Inductive reflect (P : Prop) : bool -> Prop := +| ReflectT (H : P) : reflect P true +| ReflectF (H : ~ P) : reflect P false. + +(** The [reflect] property takes two arguments: a proposition + [P] and a boolean [b]. Intuitively, it states that the property + [P] is _reflected_ in (i.e., equivalent to) the boolean [b]: that + is, [P] holds if and only if [b = true]. To see this, notice + that, by definition, the only way we can produce evidence for + [reflect P true] is by showing [P] and then using the [ReflectT] + constructor. If we invert this statement, this means that it + should be possible to extract evidence for [P] from a proof of + [reflect P true]. Similarly, the only way to show [reflect P + false] is by combining evidence for [~ P] with the [ReflectF] + constructor. + + It is easy to formalize this intuition and show that the + statements [P <-> b = true] and [reflect P b] are indeed + equivalent. First, the left-to-right implication: *) + +Theorem iff_reflect : forall P b, (P <-> b = true) -> reflect P b. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros P b H. destruct b. + - apply ReflectT. rewrite H. reflexivity. + - apply ReflectF. rewrite H. intros H'. discriminate. +Qed. + +(** Now you prove the right-to-left implication: *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (reflect_iff) *) +Theorem reflect_iff : forall P b, reflect P b -> (P <-> b = true). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The advantage of [reflect] over the normal "if and only if" + connective is that, by destructing a hypothesis or lemma of the + form [reflect P b], we can perform case analysis on [b] while at + the same time generating appropriate hypothesis in the two + branches ([P] in the first subgoal and [~ P] in the second). *) + +Lemma eqbP : forall n m, reflect (n = m) (n =? m). +Proof. + intros n m. apply iff_reflect. rewrite eqb_eq. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** A smoother proof of [filter_not_empty_In] now goes as follows. + Notice how the calls to [destruct] and [apply] are combined into a + single call to [destruct]. *) + +(** (To see this clearly, look at the two proofs of + [filter_not_empty_In] with Coq and observe the differences in + proof state at the beginning of the first case of the + [destruct].) *) + +Theorem filter_not_empty_In' : forall n l, + filter (fun x => n =? x) l <> [] -> + In n l. +Proof. + intros n l. induction l as [|m l' IHl']. + - (* l = [] *) + simpl. intros H. apply H. reflexivity. + - (* l = m :: l' *) + simpl. destruct (eqbP n m) as [H | H]. + + (* n = m *) + intros _. rewrite H. left. reflexivity. + + (* n <> m *) + intros H'. right. apply IHl'. apply H'. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (eqbP_practice) + + Use [eqbP] as above to prove the following: *) + +Fixpoint count n l := + match l with + | [] => 0 + | m :: l' => (if n =? m then 1 else 0) + count n l' + end. + +Theorem eqbP_practice : forall n l, + count n l = 0 -> ~(In n l). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** This small example shows how reflection gives us a small gain in + convenience; in larger developments, using [reflect] consistently + can often lead to noticeably shorter and clearer proof scripts. + We'll see many more examples in later chapters and in _Programming + Language Foundations_. + + The use of the [reflect] property has been popularized by + _SSReflect_, a Coq library that has been used to formalize + important results in mathematics, including as the 4-color theorem + and the Feit-Thompson theorem. The name SSReflect stands for + _small-scale reflection_, i.e., the pervasive use of reflection to + simplify small proof steps with boolean computations. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Additional Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (nostutter_defn) + + Formulating inductive definitions of properties is an important + skill you'll need in this course. Try to solve this exercise + without any help at all. + + We say that a list "stutters" if it repeats the same element + consecutively. (This is different from not containing duplicates: + the sequence [[1;4;1]] repeats the element [1] but does not + stutter.) The property "[nostutter mylist]" means that [mylist] + does not stutter. Formulate an inductive definition for + [nostutter]. *) + +Inductive nostutter {X:Type} : list X -> Prop := + (* FILL IN HERE *) +. +(** Make sure each of these tests succeeds, but feel free to change + the suggested proof (in comments) if the given one doesn't work + for you. Your definition might be different from ours and still + be correct, in which case the examples might need a different + proof. (You'll notice that the suggested proofs use a number of + tactics we haven't talked about, to make them more robust to + different possible ways of defining [nostutter]. You can probably + just uncomment and use them as-is, but you can also prove each + example with more basic tactics.) *) + +Example test_nostutter_1: nostutter [3;1;4;1;5;6]. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(* + Proof. repeat constructor; apply eqb_neq; auto. + Qed. +*) + +Example test_nostutter_2: nostutter (@nil nat). +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(* + Proof. repeat constructor; apply eqb_neq; auto. + Qed. +*) + +Example test_nostutter_3: nostutter [5]. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(* + Proof. repeat constructor; apply eqb_false; auto. Qed. +*) + +Example test_nostutter_4: not (nostutter [3;1;1;4]). +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(* + Proof. intro. + repeat match goal with + h: nostutter _ |- _ => inversion h; clear h; subst + end. + contradiction Hneq0; auto. Qed. +*) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_nostutter : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (filter_challenge) + + Let's prove that our definition of [filter] from the [Poly] + chapter matches an abstract specification. Here is the + specification, written out informally in English: + + A list [l] is an "in-order merge" of [l1] and [l2] if it contains + all the same elements as [l1] and [l2], in the same order as [l1] + and [l2], but possibly interleaved. For example, + + [1;4;6;2;3] + + is an in-order merge of + + [1;6;2] + + and + + [4;3]. + + Now, suppose we have a set [X], a function [test: X->bool], and a + list [l] of type [list X]. Suppose further that [l] is an + in-order merge of two lists, [l1] and [l2], such that every item + in [l1] satisfies [test] and no item in [l2] satisfies test. Then + [filter test l = l1]. + + Translate this specification into a Coq theorem and prove + it. (You'll need to begin by defining what it means for one list + to be a merge of two others. Do this with an inductive relation, + not a [Fixpoint].) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_filter_challenge : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, advanced, optional (filter_challenge_2) + + A different way to characterize the behavior of [filter] goes like + this: Among all subsequences of [l] with the property that [test] + evaluates to [true] on all their members, [filter test l] is the + longest. Formalize this claim and prove it. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (palindromes) + + A palindrome is a sequence that reads the same backwards as + forwards. + + - Define an inductive proposition [pal] on [list X] that + captures what it means to be a palindrome. (Hint: You'll need + three cases. Your definition should be based on the structure + of the list; just having a single constructor like + + c : forall l, l = rev l -> pal l + + may seem obvious, but will not work very well.) + + - Prove ([pal_app_rev]) that + + forall l, pal (l ++ rev l). + + - Prove ([pal_rev] that) + + forall l, pal l -> l = rev l. +*) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_pal_pal_app_rev_pal_rev : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (palindrome_converse) + + Again, the converse direction is significantly more difficult, due + to the lack of evidence. Using your definition of [pal] from the + previous exercise, prove that + + forall l, l = rev l -> pal l. +*) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced, optional (NoDup) + + Recall the definition of the [In] property from the [Logic] + chapter, which asserts that a value [x] appears at least once in a + list [l]: *) + +(* Fixpoint In (A : Type) (x : A) (l : list A) : Prop := + match l with + | [] => False + | x' :: l' => x' = x \/ In A x l' + end *) + +(** Your first task is to use [In] to define a proposition [disjoint X + l1 l2], which should be provable exactly when [l1] and [l2] are + lists (with elements of type X) that have no elements in + common. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(** Next, use [In] to define an inductive proposition [NoDup X + l], which should be provable exactly when [l] is a list (with + elements of type [X]) where every member is different from every + other. For example, [NoDup nat [1;2;3;4]] and [NoDup + bool []] should be provable, while [NoDup nat [1;2;1]] and + [NoDup bool [true;true]] should not be. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(** Finally, state and prove one or more interesting theorems relating + [disjoint], [NoDup] and [++] (list append). *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_NoDup_disjoint_etc : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced, optional (pigeonhole_principle) + + The _pigeonhole principle_ states a basic fact about counting: if + we distribute more than [n] items into [n] pigeonholes, some + pigeonhole must contain at least two items. As often happens, this + apparently trivial fact about numbers requires non-trivial + machinery to prove, but we now have enough... *) + +(** First prove an easy useful lemma. *) + +Lemma in_split : forall (X:Type) (x:X) (l:list X), + In x l -> + exists l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Now define a property [repeats] such that [repeats X l] asserts + that [l] contains at least one repeated element (of type [X]). *) + +Inductive repeats {X:Type} : list X -> Prop := + (* FILL IN HERE *) +. + +(** Now, here's a way to formalize the pigeonhole principle. Suppose + list [l2] represents a list of pigeonhole labels, and list [l1] + represents the labels assigned to a list of items. If there are + more items than labels, at least two items must have the same + label -- i.e., list [l1] must contain repeats. + + This proof is much easier if you use the [excluded_middle] + hypothesis to show that [In] is decidable, i.e., [forall x l, (In x + l) \/ ~ (In x l)]. However, it is also possible to make the proof + go through _without_ assuming that [In] is decidable; if you + manage to do this, you will not need the [excluded_middle] + hypothesis. *) + +Theorem pigeonhole_principle: forall (X:Type) (l1 l2:list X), + excluded_middle -> + (forall x, In x l1 -> In x l2) -> + length l2 < length l1 -> + repeats l1. +Proof. + intros X l1. induction l1 as [|x l1' IHl1']. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_check_repeats : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Extended Exercise: A Verified Regular-Expression Matcher *) + +(** We have now defined a match relation over regular expressions and + polymorphic lists. We can use such a definition to manually prove that + a given regex matches a given string, but it does not give us a + program that we can run to determine a match autmatically. + + It would be reasonable to hope that we can translate the definitions + of the inductive rules for constructing evidence of the match relation + into cases of a recursive function reflects the relation by recursing + on a given regex. However, it does not seem straightforward to define + such a function in which the given regex is a recursion variable + recognized by Coq. As a result, Coq will not accept that the function + always terminates. + + Heavily-optimized regex matchers match a regex by translating a given + regex into a state machine and determining if the state machine + accepts a given string. However, regex matching can also be + implemented using an algorithm that operates purely on strings and + regexes without defining and maintaining additional datatypes, such as + state machines. We'll implemement such an algorithm, and verify that + its value reflects the match relation. *) + +(** We will implement a regex matcher that matches strings represented + as lists of ASCII characters: *) +Require Export Coq.Strings.Ascii. + +Definition string := list ascii. + +(** The Coq standard library contains a distinct inductive definition + of strings of ASCII characters. However, we will use the above + definition of strings as lists as ASCII characters in order to apply + the existing definition of the match relation. + + We could also define a regex matcher over polymorphic lists, not lists + of ASCII characters specifically. The matching algorithm that we will + implement needs to be able to test equality of elements in a given + list, and thus needs to be given an equality-testing + function. Generalizing the definitions, theorems, and proofs that we + define for such a setting is a bit tedious, but workable. *) + +(** The proof of correctness of the regex matcher will combine + properties of the regex-matching function with properties of the + [match] relation that do not depend on the matching function. We'll go + ahead and prove the latter class of properties now. Most of them have + straightforward proofs, which have been given to you, although there + are a few key lemmas that are left for you to prove. *) + +(** Each provable [Prop] is equivalent to [True]. *) +Lemma provable_equiv_true : forall (P : Prop), P -> (P <-> True). +Proof. + intros. + split. + - intros. constructor. + - intros _. apply H. +Qed. + +(** Each [Prop] whose negation is provable is equivalent to [False]. *) +Lemma not_equiv_false : forall (P : Prop), ~P -> (P <-> False). +Proof. + intros. + split. + - apply H. + - intros. destruct H0. +Qed. + +(** [EmptySet] matches no string. *) +Lemma null_matches_none : forall (s : string), (s =~ EmptySet) <-> False. +Proof. + intros. + apply not_equiv_false. + unfold not. intros. inversion H. +Qed. + +(** [EmptyStr] only matches the empty string. *) +Lemma empty_matches_eps : forall (s : string), s =~ EmptyStr <-> s = [ ]. +Proof. + split. + - intros. inversion H. reflexivity. + - intros. rewrite H. apply MEmpty. +Qed. + +(** [EmptyStr] matches no non-empty string. *) +Lemma empty_nomatch_ne : forall (a : ascii) s, (a :: s =~ EmptyStr) <-> False. +Proof. + intros. + apply not_equiv_false. + unfold not. intros. inversion H. +Qed. + +(** [Char a] matches no string that starts with a non-[a] character. *) +Lemma char_nomatch_char : + forall (a b : ascii) s, b <> a -> (b :: s =~ Char a <-> False). +Proof. + intros. + apply not_equiv_false. + unfold not. + intros. + apply H. + inversion H0. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** If [Char a] matches a non-empty string, then the string's tail is empty. *) +Lemma char_eps_suffix : forall (a : ascii) s, a :: s =~ Char a <-> s = [ ]. +Proof. + split. + - intros. inversion H. reflexivity. + - intros. rewrite H. apply MChar. +Qed. + +(** [App re0 re1] matches string [s] iff [s = s0 ++ s1], where [s0] + matches [re0] and [s1] matches [re1]. *) +Lemma app_exists : forall (s : string) re0 re1, + s =~ App re0 re1 <-> + exists s0 s1, s = s0 ++ s1 /\ s0 =~ re0 /\ s1 =~ re1. +Proof. + intros. + split. + - intros. inversion H. exists s1, s2. split. + * reflexivity. + * split. apply H3. apply H4. + - intros [ s0 [ s1 [ Happ [ Hmat0 Hmat1 ] ] ] ]. + rewrite Happ. apply (MApp s0 _ s1 _ Hmat0 Hmat1). +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (app_ne) + + [App re0 re1] matches [a::s] iff [re0] matches the empty string + and [a::s] matches [re1] or [s=s0++s1], where [a::s0] matches [re0] + and [s1] matches [re1]. + + Even though this is a property of purely the match relation, it is a + critical observation behind the design of our regex matcher. So (1) + take time to understand it, (2) prove it, and (3) look for how you'll + use it later. *) +Lemma app_ne : forall (a : ascii) s re0 re1, + a :: s =~ (App re0 re1) <-> + ([ ] =~ re0 /\ a :: s =~ re1) \/ + exists s0 s1, s = s0 ++ s1 /\ a :: s0 =~ re0 /\ s1 =~ re1. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** [s] matches [Union re0 re1] iff [s] matches [re0] or [s] matches [re1]. *) +Lemma union_disj : forall (s : string) re0 re1, + s =~ Union re0 re1 <-> s =~ re0 \/ s =~ re1. +Proof. + intros. split. + - intros. inversion H. + + left. apply H2. + + right. apply H1. + - intros [ H | H ]. + + apply MUnionL. apply H. + + apply MUnionR. apply H. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (star_ne) + + [a::s] matches [Star re] iff [s = s0 ++ s1], where [a::s0] matches + [re] and [s1] matches [Star re]. Like [app_ne], this observation is + critical, so understand it, prove it, and keep it in mind. + + Hint: you'll need to perform induction. There are quite a few + reasonable candidates for [Prop]'s to prove by induction. The only one + that will work is splitting the [iff] into two implications and + proving one by induction on the evidence for [a :: s =~ Star re]. The + other implication can be proved without induction. + + In order to prove the right property by induction, you'll need to + rephrase [a :: s =~ Star re] to be a [Prop] over general variables, + using the [remember] tactic. *) + +Lemma star_ne : forall (a : ascii) s re, + a :: s =~ Star re <-> + exists s0 s1, s = s0 ++ s1 /\ a :: s0 =~ re /\ s1 =~ Star re. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The definition of our regex matcher will include two fixpoint + functions. The first function, given regex [re], will evaluate to a + value that reflects whether [re] matches the empty string. The + function will satisfy the following property: *) +Definition refl_matches_eps m := + forall re : @reg_exp ascii, reflect ([ ] =~ re) (m re). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (match_eps) + + Complete the definition of [match_eps] so that it tests if a given + regex matches the empty string: *) +Fixpoint match_eps (re: @reg_exp ascii) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (match_eps_refl) + + Now, prove that [match_eps] indeed tests if a given regex matches + the empty string. (Hint: You'll want to use the reflection lemmas + [ReflectT] and [ReflectF].) *) +Lemma match_eps_refl : refl_matches_eps match_eps. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** We'll define other functions that use [match_eps]. However, the + only property of [match_eps] that you'll need to use in all proofs + over these functions is [match_eps_refl]. *) + +(** The key operation that will be performed by our regex matcher will + be to iteratively construct a sequence of regex derivatives. For each + character [a] and regex [re], the derivative of [re] on [a] is a regex + that matches all suffixes of strings matched by [re] that start with + [a]. I.e., [re'] is a derivative of [re] on [a] if they satisfy the + following relation: *) + +Definition is_der re (a : ascii) re' := + forall s, a :: s =~ re <-> s =~ re'. + +(** A function [d] derives strings if, given character [a] and regex + [re], it evaluates to the derivative of [re] on [a]. I.e., [d] + satisfies the following property: *) +Definition derives d := forall a re, is_der re a (d a re). + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (derive) + + Define [derive] so that it derives strings. One natural + implementation uses [match_eps] in some cases to determine if key + regex's match the empty string. *) +Fixpoint derive (a : ascii) (re : @reg_exp ascii) : @reg_exp ascii + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The [derive] function should pass the following tests. Each test + establishes an equality between an expression that will be + evaluated by our regex matcher and the final value that must be + returned by the regex matcher. Each test is annotated with the + match fact that it reflects. *) +Example c := ascii_of_nat 99. +Example d := ascii_of_nat 100. + +(** "c" =~ EmptySet: *) +Example test_der0 : match_eps (derive c (EmptySet)) = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "c" =~ Char c: *) +Example test_der1 : match_eps (derive c (Char c)) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "c" =~ Char d: *) +Example test_der2 : match_eps (derive c (Char d)) = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "c" =~ App (Char c) EmptyStr: *) +Example test_der3 : match_eps (derive c (App (Char c) EmptyStr)) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "c" =~ App EmptyStr (Char c): *) +Example test_der4 : match_eps (derive c (App EmptyStr (Char c))) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "c" =~ Star c: *) +Example test_der5 : match_eps (derive c (Star (Char c))) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "cd" =~ App (Char c) (Char d): *) +Example test_der6 : + match_eps (derive d (derive c (App (Char c) (Char d)))) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** "cd" =~ App (Char d) (Char c): *) +Example test_der7 : + match_eps (derive d (derive c (App (Char d) (Char c)))) = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (derive_corr) + + Prove that [derive] in fact always derives strings. + + Hint: one proof performs induction on [re], although you'll need + to carefully choose the property that you prove by induction by + generalizing the appropriate terms. + + Hint: if your definition of [derive] applies [match_eps] to a + particular regex [re], then a natural proof will apply + [match_eps_refl] to [re] and destruct the result to generate cases + with assumptions that the [re] does or does not match the empty + string. + + Hint: You can save quite a bit of work by using lemmas proved + above. In particular, to prove many cases of the induction, you + can rewrite a [Prop] over a complicated regex (e.g., [s =~ Union + re0 re1]) to a Boolean combination of [Prop]'s over simple + regex's (e.g., [s =~ re0 \/ s =~ re1]) using lemmas given above + that are logical equivalences. You can then reason about these + [Prop]'s naturally using [intro] and [destruct]. *) +Lemma derive_corr : derives derive. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** We'll define the regex matcher using [derive]. However, the only + property of [derive] that you'll need to use in all proofs of + properties of the matcher is [derive_corr]. *) + +(** A function [m] matches regexes if, given string [s] and regex [re], + it evaluates to a value that reflects whether [s] is matched by + [re]. I.e., [m] holds the following property: *) +Definition matches_regex m : Prop := + forall (s : string) re, reflect (s =~ re) (m s re). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (regex_match) + + Complete the definition of [regex_match] so that it matches + regexes. *) +Fixpoint regex_match (s : string) (re : @reg_exp ascii) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (regex_refl) + + Finally, prove that [regex_match] in fact matches regexes. + + Hint: if your definition of [regex_match] applies [match_eps] to + regex [re], then a natural proof applies [match_eps_refl] to [re] + and destructs the result to generate cases in which you may assume + that [re] does or does not match the empty string. + + Hint: if your definition of [regex_match] applies [derive] to + character [x] and regex [re], then a natural proof applies + [derive_corr] to [x] and [re] to prove that [x :: s =~ re] given + [s =~ derive x re], and vice versa. *) +Theorem regex_refl : matches_regex regex_match. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:45 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/IndPropTest.v b/IndPropTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2b09b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/IndPropTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import IndProp. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import IndProp. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- ev_double --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ev_double". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @ev_double ((forall n : nat, even (double n))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ev_double. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- inversion_practice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> SSSSev__even". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @SSSSev__even ((forall n : nat, even (S (S (S (S n)))) -> even n)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions SSSSev__even. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- even5_nonsense --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> even5_nonsense". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @even5_nonsense ((even 5 -> 2 + 2 = 9)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions even5_nonsense. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ev_sum --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ev_sum". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @ev_sum ((forall n m : nat, even n -> even m -> even (n + m))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ev_sum. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- ev_ev__ev --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ev_ev__ev". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @ev_ev__ev ((forall n m : nat, even (n + m) -> even n -> even m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ev_ev__ev. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- R_provability --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: R.R_provability". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade R.manual_grade_for_R_provability. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- subsequence --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> subseq_refl". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @subseq_refl ((forall l : list nat, subseq l l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions subseq_refl. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> subseq_app". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @subseq_app ( +(forall l1 l2 l3 : list nat, subseq l1 l2 -> subseq l1 (l2 ++ l3))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions subseq_app. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- exp_match_ex1 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> empty_is_empty". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @empty_is_empty ((forall (T : Type) (s : list T), ~ (s =~ @EmptySet T))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions empty_is_empty. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> MUnion'". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @MUnion' ( +(forall (T : Type) (s : list T) (re1 re2 : @reg_exp T), + s =~ re1 \/ s =~ re2 -> s =~ @Union T re1 re2)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions MUnion'. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> MStar'". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @MStar' ( +(forall (T : Type) (ss : list (list T)) (re : @reg_exp T), + (forall s : list T, @In (list T) s ss -> s =~ re) -> + @fold (list T) (list T) (@app T) ss [ ] =~ @Star T re)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions MStar'. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- re_not_empty --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> re_not_empty". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @re_not_empty ((forall T : Type, @reg_exp T -> bool)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions re_not_empty. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> re_not_empty_correct". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @re_not_empty_correct ( +(forall (T : Type) (re : @reg_exp T), + (exists s : list T, s =~ re) <-> @re_not_empty T re = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions re_not_empty_correct. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- pumping --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Pumping.pumping". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 5". +check_type @Pumping.pumping ( +(forall (T : Type) (re : @reg_exp T) (s : list T), + s =~ re -> + @Pumping.pumping_constant T re <= @length T s -> + exists s1 s2 s3 : list T, + s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 /\ + s2 <> [ ] /\ (forall m : nat, s1 ++ @Pumping.napp T m s2 ++ s3 =~ re))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Pumping.pumping. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- reflect_iff --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> reflect_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @reflect_iff ((forall (P : Prop) (b : bool), reflect P b -> P <-> b = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions reflect_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqbP_practice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqbP_practice". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @eqbP_practice ( +(forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), count n l = 0 -> ~ @In nat n l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqbP_practice. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- nostutter_defn --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: nostutter". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_nostutter. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- filter_challenge --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: filter_challenge". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_filter_challenge. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 23". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 37". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- ev_double ---------". +Print Assumptions ev_double. +idtac "---------- SSSSev__even ---------". +Print Assumptions SSSSev__even. +idtac "---------- even5_nonsense ---------". +Print Assumptions even5_nonsense. +idtac "---------- ev_sum ---------". +Print Assumptions ev_sum. +idtac "---------- R_provability ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- empty_is_empty ---------". +Print Assumptions empty_is_empty. +idtac "---------- MUnion' ---------". +Print Assumptions MUnion'. +idtac "---------- MStar' ---------". +Print Assumptions MStar'. +idtac "---------- re_not_empty ---------". +Print Assumptions re_not_empty. +idtac "---------- re_not_empty_correct ---------". +Print Assumptions re_not_empty_correct. +idtac "---------- reflect_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions reflect_iff. +idtac "---------- eqbP_practice ---------". +Print Assumptions eqbP_practice. +idtac "---------- nostutter ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- ev_ev__ev ---------". +Print Assumptions ev_ev__ev. +idtac "---------- subseq_refl ---------". +Print Assumptions subseq_refl. +idtac "---------- subseq_app ---------". +Print Assumptions subseq_app. +idtac "---------- Pumping.pumping ---------". +Print Assumptions Pumping.pumping. +idtac "---------- filter_challenge ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:15 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Induction.v b/Induction.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fdfab5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Induction.v @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +(** * Induction: Proof by Induction *) + +(** Before getting started, we need to import all of our + definitions from the previous chapter: *) + +From LF Require Export Basics. + +(** For the [Require Export] to work, Coq needs to be able to + find a compiled version of [Basics.v], called [Basics.vo], in a directory + associated with the prefix [LF]. This file is analogous to the [.class] + files compiled from [.java] source files and the [.o] files compiled from + [.c] files. + + First create a file named [_CoqProject] containing the following line + (if you obtained the whole volume "Logical Foundations" as a single + archive, a [_CoqProject] should already exist and you can skip this step): + + [-Q . LF] + + This maps the current directory ("[.]", which contains [Basics.v], + [Induction.v], etc.) to the prefix (or "logical directory") "[LF]". + PG and CoqIDE read [_CoqProject] automatically, so they know to where to + look for the file [Basics.vo] corresponding to the library [LF.Basics]. + + Once [_CoqProject] is thus created, there are various ways to build + [Basics.vo]: + + - In Proof General: The compilation can be made to happen automatically + when you submit the [Require] line above to PG, by setting the emacs + variable [coq-compile-before-require] to [t]. + + - In CoqIDE: Open [Basics.v]; then, in the "Compile" menu, click + on "Compile Buffer". + + - From the command line: Generate a [Makefile] using the [coq_makefile] + utility, that comes installed with Coq (if you obtained the whole + volume as a single archive, a [Makefile] should already exist + and you can skip this step): + + [coq_makefile -f _CoqProject *.v -o Makefile] + + Note: You should rerun that command whenever you add or remove Coq files + to the directory. + + Then you can compile [Basics.v] by running [make] with the corresponding + [.vo] file as a target: + + [make Basics.vo] + + All files in the directory can be compiled by giving no arguments: + + [make] + + Under the hood, [make] uses the Coq compiler, [coqc]. You can also + run [coqc] directly: + + [coqc -Q . LF Basics.v] + + But [make] also calculates dependencies between source files to compile + them in the right order, so [make] should generally be prefered over + explicit [coqc]. + + If you have trouble (e.g., if you get complaints about missing + identifiers later in the file), it may be because the "load path" + for Coq is not set up correctly. The [Print LoadPath.] command + may be helpful in sorting out such issues. + + In particular, if you see a message like + + [Compiled library Foo makes inconsistent assumptions over + library Bar] + + check whether you have multiple installations of Coq on your machine. + It may be that commands (like [coqc]) that you execute in a terminal + window are getting a different version of Coq than commands executed by + Proof General or CoqIDE. + + - Another common reason is that the library [Bar] was modified and + recompiled without also recompiling [Foo] which depends on it. Recompile + [Foo], or everything if too many files are affected. (Using the third + solution above: [make clean; make].) + + One more tip for CoqIDE users: If you see messages like [Error: + Unable to locate library Basics], a likely reason is + inconsistencies between compiling things _within CoqIDE_ vs _using + [coqc] from the command line_. This typically happens when there + are two incompatible versions of [coqc] installed on your + system (one associated with CoqIDE, and one associated with [coqc] + from the terminal). The workaround for this situation is + compiling using CoqIDE only (i.e. choosing "make" from the menu), + and avoiding using [coqc] directly at all. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Proof by Induction *) + +(** We proved in the last chapter that [0] is a neutral element + for [+] on the left, using an easy argument based on + simplification. We also observed that proving the fact that it is + also a neutral element on the _right_... *) + +Theorem plus_n_O_firsttry : forall n:nat, + n = n + 0. + +(** ... can't be done in the same simple way. Just applying + [reflexivity] doesn't work, since the [n] in [n + 0] is an arbitrary + unknown number, so the [match] in the definition of [+] can't be + simplified. *) + +Proof. + intros n. + simpl. (* Does nothing! *) +Abort. + +(** And reasoning by cases using [destruct n] doesn't get us much + further: the branch of the case analysis where we assume [n = 0] + goes through fine, but in the branch where [n = S n'] for some [n'] we + get stuck in exactly the same way. *) + +Theorem plus_n_O_secondtry : forall n:nat, + n = n + 0. +Proof. + intros n. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + - (* n = 0 *) + reflexivity. (* so far so good... *) + - (* n = S n' *) + simpl. (* ...but here we are stuck again *) +Abort. + +(** We could use [destruct n'] to get one step further, but, + since [n] can be arbitrarily large, if we just go on like this + we'll never finish. *) + +(** To prove interesting facts about numbers, lists, and other + inductively defined sets, we usually need a more powerful + reasoning principle: _induction_. + + Recall (from high school, a discrete math course, etc.) the + _principle of induction over natural numbers_: If [P(n)] is some + proposition involving a natural number [n] and we want to show + that [P] holds for all numbers [n], we can reason like this: + - show that [P(O)] holds; + - show that, for any [n'], if [P(n')] holds, then so does + [P(S n')]; + - conclude that [P(n)] holds for all [n]. + + In Coq, the steps are the same: we begin with the goal of proving + [P(n)] for all [n] and break it down (by applying the [induction] + tactic) into two separate subgoals: one where we must show [P(O)] + and another where we must show [P(n') -> P(S n')]. Here's how + this works for the theorem at hand: *) + +Theorem plus_n_O : forall n:nat, n = n + 0. +Proof. + intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn']. + - (* n = 0 *) reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) simpl. rewrite <- IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Like [destruct], the [induction] tactic takes an [as...] + clause that specifies the names of the variables to be introduced + in the subgoals. Since there are two subgoals, the [as...] clause + has two parts, separated by [|]. (Strictly speaking, we can omit + the [as...] clause and Coq will choose names for us. In practice, + this is a bad idea, as Coq's automatic choices tend to be + confusing.) + + In the first subgoal, [n] is replaced by [0]. No new variables + are introduced (so the first part of the [as...] is empty), and + the goal becomes [0 = 0 + 0], which follows by simplification. + + In the second subgoal, [n] is replaced by [S n'], and the + assumption [n' + 0 = n'] is added to the context with the name + [IHn'] (i.e., the Induction Hypothesis for [n']). These two names + are specified in the second part of the [as...] clause. The goal + in this case becomes [S n' = (S n') + 0], which simplifies to + [S n' = S (n' + 0)], which in turn follows from [IHn']. *) + +Theorem minus_diag : forall n, + minus n n = 0. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn']. + - (* n = 0 *) + simpl. reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** (The use of the [intros] tactic in these proofs is actually + redundant. When applied to a goal that contains quantified + variables, the [induction] tactic will automatically move them + into the context as needed.) *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (basic_induction) + + Prove the following using induction. You might need previously + proven results. *) + +Theorem mult_0_r : forall n:nat, + n * 0 = 0. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem plus_n_Sm : forall n m : nat, + S (n + m) = n + (S m). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem plus_comm : forall n m : nat, + n + m = m + n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem plus_assoc : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (double_plus) + + Consider the following function, which doubles its argument: *) + +Fixpoint double (n:nat) := + match n with + | O => O + | S n' => S (S (double n')) + end. + +(** Use induction to prove this simple fact about [double]: *) + +Lemma double_plus : forall n, double n = n + n . +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (evenb_S) + + One inconvenient aspect of our definition of [evenb n] is the + recursive call on [n - 2]. This makes proofs about [evenb n] + harder when done by induction on [n], since we may need an + induction hypothesis about [n - 2]. The following lemma gives an + alternative characterization of [evenb (S n)] that works better + with induction: *) + +Theorem evenb_S : forall n : nat, + evenb (S n) = negb (evenb n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (destruct_induction) + + Briefly explain the difference between the tactics [destruct] + and [induction]. + +(* FILL IN HERE *) +*) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_destruct_induction : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Proofs Within Proofs *) + +(** In Coq, as in informal mathematics, large proofs are often + broken into a sequence of theorems, with later proofs referring to + earlier theorems. But sometimes a proof will require some + miscellaneous fact that is too trivial and of too little general + interest to bother giving it its own top-level name. In such + cases, it is convenient to be able to simply state and prove the + needed "sub-theorem" right at the point where it is used. The + [assert] tactic allows us to do this. For example, our earlier + proof of the [mult_0_plus] theorem referred to a previous theorem + named [plus_O_n]. We could instead use [assert] to state and + prove [plus_O_n] in-line: *) + +Theorem mult_0_plus' : forall n m : nat, + (0 + n) * m = n * m. +Proof. + intros n m. + assert (H: 0 + n = n). { reflexivity. } + rewrite -> H. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The [assert] tactic introduces two sub-goals. The first is + the assertion itself; by prefixing it with [H:] we name the + assertion [H]. (We can also name the assertion with [as] just as + we did above with [destruct] and [induction], i.e., [assert (0 + n + = n) as H].) Note that we surround the proof of this assertion + with curly braces [{ ... }], both for readability and so that, + when using Coq interactively, we can see more easily when we have + finished this sub-proof. The second goal is the same as the one + at the point where we invoke [assert] except that, in the context, + we now have the assumption [H] that [0 + n = n]. That is, + [assert] generates one subgoal where we must prove the asserted + fact and a second subgoal where we can use the asserted fact to + make progress on whatever we were trying to prove in the first + place. *) + +(** Another example of [assert]... *) + +(** For example, suppose we want to prove that [(n + m) + (p + q) + = (m + n) + (p + q)]. The only difference between the two sides of + the [=] is that the arguments [m] and [n] to the first inner [+] + are swapped, so it seems we should be able to use the + commutativity of addition ([plus_comm]) to rewrite one into the + other. However, the [rewrite] tactic is not very smart about + _where_ it applies the rewrite. There are three uses of [+] here, + and it turns out that doing [rewrite -> plus_comm] will affect + only the _outer_ one... *) + +Theorem plus_rearrange_firsttry : forall n m p q : nat, + (n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q). +Proof. + intros n m p q. + (* We just need to swap (n + m) for (m + n)... seems + like plus_comm should do the trick! *) + rewrite -> plus_comm. + (* Doesn't work...Coq rewrites the wrong plus! *) +Abort. + +(** To use [plus_comm] at the point where we need it, we can introduce + a local lemma stating that [n + m = m + n] (for the particular [m] + and [n] that we are talking about here), prove this lemma using + [plus_comm], and then use it to do the desired rewrite. *) + +Theorem plus_rearrange : forall n m p q : nat, + (n + m) + (p + q) = (m + n) + (p + q). +Proof. + intros n m p q. + assert (H: n + m = m + n). + { rewrite -> plus_comm. reflexivity. } + rewrite -> H. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Formal vs. Informal Proof *) + +(** "_Informal proofs are algorithms; formal proofs are code_." *) + +(** What constitutes a successful proof of a mathematical claim? + The question has challenged philosophers for millennia, but a + rough and ready definition could be this: A proof of a + mathematical proposition [P] is a written (or spoken) text that + instills in the reader or hearer the certainty that [P] is true -- + an unassailable argument for the truth of [P]. That is, a proof + is an act of communication. + + Acts of communication may involve different sorts of readers. On + one hand, the "reader" can be a program like Coq, in which case + the "belief" that is instilled is that [P] can be mechanically + derived from a certain set of formal logical rules, and the proof + is a recipe that guides the program in checking this fact. Such + recipes are _formal_ proofs. + + Alternatively, the reader can be a human being, in which case the + proof will be written in English or some other natural language, + and will thus necessarily be _informal_. Here, the criteria for + success are less clearly specified. A "valid" proof is one that + makes the reader believe [P]. But the same proof may be read by + many different readers, some of whom may be convinced by a + particular way of phrasing the argument, while others may not be. + Some readers may be particularly pedantic, inexperienced, or just + plain thick-headed; the only way to convince them will be to make + the argument in painstaking detail. But other readers, more + familiar in the area, may find all this detail so overwhelming + that they lose the overall thread; all they want is to be told the + main ideas, since it is easier for them to fill in the details for + themselves than to wade through a written presentation of them. + Ultimately, there is no universal standard, because there is no + single way of writing an informal proof that is guaranteed to + convince every conceivable reader. + + In practice, however, mathematicians have developed a rich set of + conventions and idioms for writing about complex mathematical + objects that -- at least within a certain community -- make + communication fairly reliable. The conventions of this stylized + form of communication give a fairly clear standard for judging + proofs good or bad. + + Because we are using Coq in this course, we will be working + heavily with formal proofs. But this doesn't mean we can + completely forget about informal ones! Formal proofs are useful + in many ways, but they are _not_ very efficient ways of + communicating ideas between human beings. *) + +(** For example, here is a proof that addition is associative: *) + +Theorem plus_assoc' : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. +Proof. intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn']. reflexivity. + simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Coq is perfectly happy with this. For a human, however, it + is difficult to make much sense of it. We can use comments and + bullets to show the structure a little more clearly... *) + +Theorem plus_assoc'' : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. +Proof. + intros n m p. induction n as [| n' IHn']. + - (* n = 0 *) + reflexivity. + - (* n = S n' *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** ... and if you're used to Coq you may be able to step + through the tactics one after the other in your mind and imagine + the state of the context and goal stack at each point, but if the + proof were even a little bit more complicated this would be next + to impossible. + + A (pedantic) mathematician might write the proof something like + this: *) + +(** - _Theorem_: For any [n], [m] and [p], + + n + (m + p) = (n + m) + p. + + _Proof_: By induction on [n]. + + - First, suppose [n = 0]. We must show + + 0 + (m + p) = (0 + m) + p. + + This follows directly from the definition of [+]. + + - Next, suppose [n = S n'], where + + n' + (m + p) = (n' + m) + p. + + We must show + + (S n') + (m + p) = ((S n') + m) + p. + + By the definition of [+], this follows from + + S (n' + (m + p)) = S ((n' + m) + p), + + which is immediate from the induction hypothesis. _Qed_. *) + +(** The overall form of the proof is basically similar, and of + course this is no accident: Coq has been designed so that its + [induction] tactic generates the same sub-goals, in the same + order, as the bullet points that a mathematician would write. But + there are significant differences of detail: the formal proof is + much more explicit in some ways (e.g., the use of [reflexivity]) + but much less explicit in others (in particular, the "proof state" + at any given point in the Coq proof is completely implicit, + whereas the informal proof reminds the reader several times where + things stand). *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced, recommended (plus_comm_informal) + + Translate your solution for [plus_comm] into an informal proof: + + Theorem: Addition is commutative. + + Proof: (* FILL IN HERE *) +*) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_plus_comm_informal : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (eqb_refl_informal) + + Write an informal proof of the following theorem, using the + informal proof of [plus_assoc] as a model. Don't just + paraphrase the Coq tactics into English! + + Theorem: [true = n =? n] for any [n]. + + Proof: (* FILL IN HERE *) + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * More Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (mult_comm) + + Use [assert] to help prove this theorem. You shouldn't need to + use induction on [plus_swap]. *) + +Theorem plus_swap : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = m + (n + p). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Now prove commutativity of multiplication. (You will probably + need to define and prove a separate subsidiary theorem to be used + in the proof of this one. You may find that [plus_swap] comes in + handy.) *) + +Theorem mult_comm : forall m n : nat, + m * n = n * m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (more_exercises) + + Take a piece of paper. For each of the following theorems, first + _think_ about whether (a) it can be proved using only + simplification and rewriting, (b) it also requires case + analysis ([destruct]), or (c) it also requires induction. Write + down your prediction. Then fill in the proof. (There is no need + to turn in your piece of paper; this is just to encourage you to + reflect before you hack!) *) + +Check leb. + +Theorem leb_refl : forall n:nat, + true = (n <=? n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem zero_nbeq_S : forall n:nat, + 0 =? (S n) = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem andb_false_r : forall b : bool, + andb b false = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem plus_ble_compat_l : forall n m p : nat, + n <=? m = true -> (p + n) <=? (p + m) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem S_nbeq_0 : forall n:nat, + (S n) =? 0 = false. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem mult_1_l : forall n:nat, 1 * n = n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem all3_spec : forall b c : bool, + orb + (andb b c) + (orb (negb b) + (negb c)) + = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem mult_plus_distr_r : forall n m p : nat, + (n + m) * p = (n * p) + (m * p). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem mult_assoc : forall n m p : nat, + n * (m * p) = (n * m) * p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (eqb_refl) + + Prove the following theorem. (Putting the [true] on the left-hand + side of the equality may look odd, but this is how the theorem is + stated in the Coq standard library, so we follow suit. Rewriting + works equally well in either direction, so we will have no problem + using the theorem no matter which way we state it.) *) + +Theorem eqb_refl : forall n : nat, + true = (n =? n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (plus_swap') + + The [replace] tactic allows you to specify a particular subterm to + rewrite and what you want it rewritten to: [replace (t) with (u)] + replaces (all copies of) expression [t] in the goal by expression + [u], and generates [t = u] as an additional subgoal. This is often + useful when a plain [rewrite] acts on the wrong part of the goal. + + Use the [replace] tactic to do a proof of [plus_swap'], just like + [plus_swap] but without needing [assert (n + m = m + n)]. *) + +Theorem plus_swap' : forall n m p : nat, + n + (m + p) = m + (n + p). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (binary_commute) + + Recall the [incr] and [bin_to_nat] functions that you + wrote for the [binary] exercise in the [Basics] chapter. Prove + that the following diagram commutes: + + incr + bin ----------------------> bin + | | + bin_to_nat | | bin_to_nat + | | + v v + nat ----------------------> nat + S + + That is, incrementing a binary number and then converting it to + a (unary) natural number yields the same result as first converting + it to a natural number and then incrementing. + Name your theorem [bin_to_nat_pres_incr] ("pres" for "preserves"). + + Before you start working on this exercise, copy the definitions + from your solution to the [binary] exercise here so that this file + can be graded on its own. If you want to change your original + definitions to make the property easier to prove, feel free to + do so! *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_binary_commute : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, advanced (binary_inverse) + + This is a further continuation of the previous exercises about + binary numbers. You may find you need to go back and change your + earlier definitions to get things to work here. + + (a) First, write a function to convert natural numbers to binary + numbers. *) + +Fixpoint nat_to_bin (n:nat) : bin + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** Prove that, if we start with any [nat], convert it to binary, and + convert it back, we get the same [nat] we started with. (Hint: If + your definition of [nat_to_bin] involved any extra functions, you + may need to prove a subsidiary lemma showing how such functions + relate to [nat_to_bin].) *) + +Theorem nat_bin_nat : forall n, bin_to_nat (nat_to_bin n) = n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_a : option (nat*string) := None. + +(** (b) One might naturally expect that we should also prove the + opposite direction -- that starting with a binary number, + converting to a natural, and then back to binary should yield + the same number we started with. However, this is not the + case! Explain (in a comment) what the problem is. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_b : option (nat*string) := None. + +(** (c) Define a normalization function -- i.e., a function + [normalize] going directly from [bin] to [bin] (i.e., _not_ by + converting to [nat] and back) such that, for any binary number + [b], converting [b] to a natural and then back to binary yields + [(normalize b)]. Prove it. (Warning: This part is a bit + tricky -- you may end up defining several auxiliary lemmas. + One good way to find out what you need is to start by trying + to prove the main statement, see where you get stuck, and see + if you can find a lemma -- perhaps requiring its own inductive + proof -- that will allow the main proof to make progress.) Don't + define thi using nat_to_bin and bin_to_nat! *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_c : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:44 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/InductionTest.v b/InductionTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fa42da --- /dev/null +++ b/InductionTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Induction. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Induction. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- basic_induction --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> mult_0_r". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @mult_0_r ((forall n : nat, n * 0 = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions mult_0_r. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> plus_n_Sm". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @plus_n_Sm ((forall n m : nat, S (n + m) = n + S m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions plus_n_Sm. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> plus_comm". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @plus_comm ((forall n m : nat, n + m = m + n)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions plus_comm. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> plus_assoc". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @plus_assoc ((forall n m p : nat, n + (m + p) = n + m + p)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions plus_assoc. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- double_plus --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> double_plus". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @double_plus ((forall n : nat, double n = n + n)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions double_plus. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- destruct_induction --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: destruct_induction". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_destruct_induction. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- plus_comm_informal --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: plus_comm_informal". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_plus_comm_informal. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- mult_comm --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> mult_comm". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @mult_comm ((forall m n : nat, m * n = n * m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions mult_comm. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- binary_commute --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: binary_commute". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_binary_commute. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- binary_inverse --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: binary_inverse_a". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_a. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: binary_inverse_b". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_b. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: binary_inverse_c". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_binary_inverse_c. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 11". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 18". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- mult_0_r ---------". +Print Assumptions mult_0_r. +idtac "---------- plus_n_Sm ---------". +Print Assumptions plus_n_Sm. +idtac "---------- plus_comm ---------". +Print Assumptions plus_comm. +idtac "---------- plus_assoc ---------". +Print Assumptions plus_assoc. +idtac "---------- double_plus ---------". +Print Assumptions double_plus. +idtac "---------- destruct_induction ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- mult_comm ---------". +Print Assumptions mult_comm. +idtac "---------- binary_commute ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- plus_comm_informal ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- binary_inverse_a ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- binary_inverse_b ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- binary_inverse_c ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:06 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Lists.v b/Lists.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7550139 --- /dev/null +++ b/Lists.v @@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@ +(** * Lists: Working with Structured Data *) + +From LF Require Export Induction. +Module NatList. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Pairs of Numbers *) + +(** In an [Inductive] type definition, each constructor can take + any number of arguments -- none (as with [true] and [O]), one (as + with [S]), or more than one (as with [nybble], and here): *) + +Inductive natprod : Type := +| pair (n1 n2 : nat). + +(** This declaration can be read: "There is just one way to + construct a pair of numbers: by applying the constructor [pair] to + two arguments of type [nat]." *) + +Check (pair 3 5). + +(** Here are simple functions for extracting the first and + second components of a pair. *) + +Definition fst (p : natprod) : nat := + match p with + | pair x y => x + end. + +Definition snd (p : natprod) : nat := + match p with + | pair x y => y + end. + +Compute (fst (pair 3 5)). +(* ===> 3 *) + +(** Since pairs will be used heavily, it is nice to be able to + write them with the standard mathematical notation [(x,y)] instead + of [pair x y]. We can tell Coq to allow this with a [Notation] + declaration. *) + +Notation "( x , y )" := (pair x y). + +(** The new pair notation can be used both in expressions and in + pattern matches. *) + +Compute (fst (3,5)). + +Definition fst' (p : natprod) : nat := + match p with + | (x,y) => x + end. + +Definition snd' (p : natprod) : nat := + match p with + | (x,y) => y + end. + +Definition swap_pair (p : natprod) : natprod := + match p with + | (x,y) => (y,x) + end. + +(** Note that pattern-matching on a pair (with parentheses: [(x, y)]) + is not to be confused with the "multiple pattern" syntax + (with no parentheses: [x, y]) that we have seen previously. + + The above examples illustrate pattern matching on a pair with + elements [x] and [y], whereas [minus] below (taken from + [Basics]) performs pattern matching on the values [n] + and [m]. + + Fixpoint minus (n m : nat) : nat := + match n, m with + | O , _ => O + | S _ , O => n + | S n', S m' => minus n' m' + end. + + The distinction is minor, but it is worth knowing that they + are not the same. For instance, the following definitions are + ill-formed: + + (* Can't match on a pair with multiple patterns: *) + Definition bad_fst (p : natprod) : nat := + match p with + | x, y => x + end. + + (* Can't match on multiple values with pair patterns: *) + Definition bad_minus (n m : nat) : nat := + match n, m with + | (O , _ ) => O + | (S _ , O ) => n + | (S n', S m') => bad_minus n' m' + end. +*) + +(** Let's try to prove a few simple facts about pairs. + + If we state things in a slightly peculiar way, we can complete + proofs with just reflexivity (and its built-in simplification): *) + +Theorem surjective_pairing' : forall (n m : nat), + (n,m) = (fst (n,m), snd (n,m)). +Proof. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** But [reflexivity] is not enough if we state the lemma in a more + natural way: *) + +Theorem surjective_pairing_stuck : forall (p : natprod), + p = (fst p, snd p). +Proof. + simpl. (* Doesn't reduce anything! *) +Abort. + +(** We have to expose the structure of [p] so that [simpl] can + perform the pattern match in [fst] and [snd]. We can do this with + [destruct]. *) + +Theorem surjective_pairing : forall (p : natprod), + p = (fst p, snd p). +Proof. + intros p. destruct p as [n m]. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Notice that, unlike its behavior with [nat]s, where it + generates two subgoals, [destruct] generates just one subgoal + here. That's because [natprod]s can only be constructed in one + way. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (snd_fst_is_swap) *) +Theorem snd_fst_is_swap : forall (p : natprod), + (snd p, fst p) = swap_pair p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (fst_swap_is_snd) *) +Theorem fst_swap_is_snd : forall (p : natprod), + fst (swap_pair p) = snd p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Lists of Numbers *) + +(** Generalizing the definition of pairs, we can describe the + type of _lists_ of numbers like this: "A list is either the empty + list or else a pair of a number and another list." *) + +Inductive natlist : Type := + | nil + | cons (n : nat) (l : natlist). + +(** For example, here is a three-element list: *) + +Definition mylist := cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)). + +(** As with pairs, it is more convenient to write lists in + familiar programming notation. The following declarations + allow us to use [::] as an infix [cons] operator and square + brackets as an "outfix" notation for constructing lists. *) + +Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l) + (at level 60, right associativity). +Notation "[ ]" := nil. +Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..). + +(** It is not necessary to understand the details of these + declarations, but here is roughly what's going on in case you are + interested. The [right associativity] annotation tells Coq how to + parenthesize expressions involving multiple uses of [::] so that, + for example, the next three declarations mean exactly the same + thing: *) + +Definition mylist1 := 1 :: (2 :: (3 :: nil)). +Definition mylist2 := 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil. +Definition mylist3 := [1;2;3]. + +(** The [at level 60] part tells Coq how to parenthesize + expressions that involve both [::] and some other infix operator. + For example, since we defined [+] as infix notation for the [plus] + function at level 50, + + Notation "x + y" := (plus x y) + (at level 50, left associativity). + + the [+] operator will bind tighter than [::], so [1 + 2 :: [3]] + will be parsed, as we'd expect, as [(1 + 2) :: [3]] rather than + [1 + (2 :: [3])]. + + (Expressions like "[1 + 2 :: [3]]" can be a little confusing when + you read them in a [.v] file. The inner brackets, around 3, indicate + a list, but the outer brackets, which are invisible in the HTML + rendering, are there to instruct the "coqdoc" tool that the bracketed + part should be displayed as Coq code rather than running text.) + + The second and third [Notation] declarations above introduce the + standard square-bracket notation for lists; the right-hand side of + the third one illustrates Coq's syntax for declaring n-ary + notations and translating them to nested sequences of binary + constructors. *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Repeat *) + +(** A number of functions are useful for manipulating lists. + For example, the [repeat] function takes a number [n] and a + [count] and returns a list of length [count] where every element + is [n]. *) + +Fixpoint repeat (n count : nat) : natlist := + match count with + | O => nil + | S count' => n :: (repeat n count') + end. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Length *) + +(** The [length] function calculates the length of a list. *) + +Fixpoint length (l:natlist) : nat := + match l with + | nil => O + | h :: t => S (length t) + end. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Append *) + +(** The [app] function concatenates (appends) two lists. *) + +Fixpoint app (l1 l2 : natlist) : natlist := + match l1 with + | nil => l2 + | h :: t => h :: (app t l2) + end. + +(** Since [app] will be used extensively in what follows, it is + again convenient to have an infix operator for it. *) + +Notation "x ++ y" := (app x y) + (right associativity, at level 60). + +Example test_app1: [1;2;3] ++ [4;5] = [1;2;3;4;5]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_app2: nil ++ [4;5] = [4;5]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_app3: [1;2;3] ++ nil = [1;2;3]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Head (With Default) and Tail *) + +(** Here are two smaller examples of programming with lists. + The [hd] function returns the first element (the "head") of the + list, while [tl] returns everything but the first element (the + "tail"). Since the empty list has no first element, we must pass + a default value to be returned in that case. *) + +Definition hd (default:nat) (l:natlist) : nat := + match l with + | nil => default + | h :: t => h + end. + +Definition tl (l:natlist) : natlist := + match l with + | nil => nil + | h :: t => t + end. + +Example test_hd1: hd 0 [1;2;3] = 1. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_hd2: hd 0 [] = 0. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_tl: tl [1;2;3] = [2;3]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (list_funs) + + Complete the definitions of [nonzeros], [oddmembers], and + [countoddmembers] below. Have a look at the tests to understand + what these functions should do. *) + +Fixpoint nonzeros (l:natlist) : natlist + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_nonzeros: + nonzeros [0;1;0;2;3;0;0] = [1;2;3]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Fixpoint oddmembers (l:natlist) : natlist + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_oddmembers: + oddmembers [0;1;0;2;3;0;0] = [1;3]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Definition countoddmembers (l:natlist) : nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_countoddmembers1: + countoddmembers [1;0;3;1;4;5] = 4. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_countoddmembers2: + countoddmembers [0;2;4] = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_countoddmembers3: + countoddmembers nil = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (alternate) + + Complete the definition of [alternate], which interleaves two + lists into one, alternating between elements taken from the first + list and elements from the second. See the tests below for more + specific examples. + + (Note: one natural and elegant way of writing [alternate] will + fail to satisfy Coq's requirement that all [Fixpoint] definitions + be "obviously terminating." If you find yourself in this rut, + look for a slightly more verbose solution that considers elements + of both lists at the same time. One possible solution involves + defining a new kind of pairs, but this is not the only way.) *) + +Fixpoint alternate (l1 l2 : natlist) : natlist + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_alternate1: + alternate [1;2;3] [4;5;6] = [1;4;2;5;3;6]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_alternate2: + alternate [1] [4;5;6] = [1;4;5;6]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_alternate3: + alternate [1;2;3] [4] = [1;4;2;3]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_alternate4: + alternate [] [20;30] = [20;30]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Bags via Lists *) + +(** A [bag] (or [multiset]) is like a set, except that each element + can appear multiple times rather than just once. One possible + representation for a bag of numbers is as a list. *) + +Definition bag := natlist. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (bag_functions) + + Complete the following definitions for the functions + [count], [sum], [add], and [member] for bags. *) + +Fixpoint count (v:nat) (s:bag) : nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** All these proofs can be done just by [reflexivity]. *) + +Example test_count1: count 1 [1;2;3;1;4;1] = 3. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_count2: count 6 [1;2;3;1;4;1] = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Multiset [sum] is similar to set [union]: [sum a b] contains all + the elements of [a] and of [b]. (Mathematicians usually define + [union] on multisets a little bit differently -- using max instead + of sum -- which is why we don't use that name for this operation.) + For [sum] we're giving you a header that does not give explicit + names to the arguments. Moreover, it uses the keyword + [Definition] instead of [Fixpoint], so even if you had names for + the arguments, you wouldn't be able to process them recursively. + The point of stating the question this way is to encourage you to + think about whether [sum] can be implemented in another way -- + perhaps by using functions that have already been defined. *) + +Definition sum : bag -> bag -> bag + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_sum1: count 1 (sum [1;2;3] [1;4;1]) = 3. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Definition add (v:nat) (s:bag) : bag + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_add1: count 1 (add 1 [1;4;1]) = 3. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_add2: count 5 (add 1 [1;4;1]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Definition member (v:nat) (s:bag) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_member1: member 1 [1;4;1] = true. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_member2: member 2 [1;4;1] = false. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (bag_more_functions) + + Here are some more [bag] functions for you to practice with. *) + +(** When [remove_one] is applied to a bag without the number to + remove, it should return the same bag unchanged. (This exercise + is optional, but students following the advanced track will need + to fill in the definition of [remove_one] for a later + exercise.) *) + +Fixpoint remove_one (v:nat) (s:bag) : bag + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_remove_one1: + count 5 (remove_one 5 [2;1;5;4;1]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_remove_one2: + count 5 (remove_one 5 [2;1;4;1]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_remove_one3: + count 4 (remove_one 5 [2;1;4;5;1;4]) = 2. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_remove_one4: + count 5 (remove_one 5 [2;1;5;4;5;1;4]) = 1. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Fixpoint remove_all (v:nat) (s:bag) : bag + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_remove_all1: count 5 (remove_all 5 [2;1;5;4;1]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_remove_all2: count 5 (remove_all 5 [2;1;4;1]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_remove_all3: count 4 (remove_all 5 [2;1;4;5;1;4]) = 2. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_remove_all4: count 5 (remove_all 5 [2;1;5;4;5;1;4;5;1;4]) = 0. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Fixpoint subset (s1:bag) (s2:bag) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_subset1: subset [1;2] [2;1;4;1] = true. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_subset2: subset [1;2;2] [2;1;4;1] = false. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (bag_theorem) + + Write down an interesting theorem [bag_theorem] about bags + involving the functions [count] and [add], and prove it. Note + that, since this problem is somewhat open-ended, it's possible + that you may come up with a theorem which is true, but whose proof + requires techniques you haven't learned yet. Feel free to ask for + help if you get stuck! *) + +(* +Theorem bag_theorem : ... +Proof. + ... +Qed. +*) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_bag_theorem : option (nat*string) := None. +(* Note to instructors: For silly technical reasons, in this + file (only) you will need to write [Some (Datatypes.pair 3 ""%string)] + rather than [Some (3,""%string)] to enter your grade and comments. + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Reasoning About Lists *) + +(** As for numbers, simple facts about list-processing functions + can sometimes be proved entirely by simplification. For example, + the simplification performed by [reflexivity] is enough for this + theorem... *) + +Theorem nil_app : forall l:natlist, + [] ++ l = l. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** ...because the [[]] is substituted into the + "scrutinee" (the expression whose value is being "scrutinized" by + the match) in the definition of [app], allowing the match itself + to be simplified. *) + +(** Also, as with numbers, it is sometimes helpful to perform case + analysis on the possible shapes (empty or non-empty) of an unknown + list. *) + +Theorem tl_length_pred : forall l:natlist, + pred (length l) = length (tl l). +Proof. + intros l. destruct l as [| n l']. + - (* l = nil *) + reflexivity. + - (* l = cons n l' *) + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Here, the [nil] case works because we've chosen to define + [tl nil = nil]. Notice that the [as] annotation on the [destruct] + tactic here introduces two names, [n] and [l'], corresponding to + the fact that the [cons] constructor for lists takes two + arguments (the head and tail of the list it is constructing). *) + +(** Usually, though, interesting theorems about lists require + induction for their proofs. *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Micro-Sermon *) + +(** Simply _reading_ proof scripts will not get you very far! It is + important to step through the details of each one using Coq and + think about what each step achieves. Otherwise it is more or less + guaranteed that the exercises will make no sense when you get to + them. 'Nuff said. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Induction on Lists *) + +(** Proofs by induction over datatypes like [natlist] are a + little less familiar than standard natural number induction, but + the idea is equally simple. Each [Inductive] declaration defines + a set of data values that can be built up using the declared + constructors: a boolean can be either [true] or [false]; a number + can be either [O] or [S] applied to another number; a list can be + either [nil] or [cons] applied to a number and a list. + + Moreover, applications of the declared constructors to one another + are the _only_ possible shapes that elements of an inductively + defined set can have, and this fact directly gives rise to a way + of reasoning about inductively defined sets: a number is either + [O] or else it is [S] applied to some _smaller_ number; a list is + either [nil] or else it is [cons] applied to some number and some + _smaller_ list; etc. So, if we have in mind some proposition [P] + that mentions a list [l] and we want to argue that [P] holds for + _all_ lists, we can reason as follows: + + - First, show that [P] is true of [l] when [l] is [nil]. + + - Then show that [P] is true of [l] when [l] is [cons n l'] for + some number [n] and some smaller list [l'], assuming that [P] + is true for [l']. + + Since larger lists can only be built up from smaller ones, + eventually reaching [nil], these two arguments together establish + the truth of [P] for all lists [l]. Here's a concrete example: *) + +Theorem app_assoc : forall l1 l2 l3 : natlist, + (l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3). +Proof. + intros l1 l2 l3. induction l1 as [| n l1' IHl1']. + - (* l1 = nil *) + reflexivity. + - (* l1 = cons n l1' *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHl1'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Notice that, as when doing induction on natural numbers, the + [as...] clause provided to the [induction] tactic gives a name to + the induction hypothesis corresponding to the smaller list [l1'] + in the [cons] case. Once again, this Coq proof is not especially + illuminating as a static document -- it is easy to see what's + going on if you are reading the proof in an interactive Coq + session and you can see the current goal and context at each + point, but this state is not visible in the written-down parts of + the Coq proof. So a natural-language proof -- one written for + human readers -- will need to include more explicit signposts; in + particular, it will help the reader stay oriented if we remind + them exactly what the induction hypothesis is in the second + case. *) + +(** For comparison, here is an informal proof of the same theorem. *) + +(** _Theorem_: For all lists [l1], [l2], and [l3], + [(l1 ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1 ++ (l2 ++ l3)]. + + _Proof_: By induction on [l1]. + + - First, suppose [l1 = []]. We must show + + ([] ++ l2) ++ l3 = [] ++ (l2 ++ l3), + + which follows directly from the definition of [++]. + + - Next, suppose [l1 = n::l1'], with + + (l1' ++ l2) ++ l3 = l1' ++ (l2 ++ l3) + + (the induction hypothesis). We must show + + ((n :: l1') ++ l2) ++ l3 = (n :: l1') ++ (l2 ++ l3). + + By the definition of [++], this follows from + + n :: ((l1' ++ l2) ++ l3) = n :: (l1' ++ (l2 ++ l3)), + + which is immediate from the induction hypothesis. [] *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Reversing a List *) + +(** For a slightly more involved example of inductive proof over + lists, suppose we use [app] to define a list-reversing function + [rev]: *) + +Fixpoint rev (l:natlist) : natlist := + match l with + | nil => nil + | h :: t => rev t ++ [h] + end. + +Example test_rev1: rev [1;2;3] = [3;2;1]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_rev2: rev nil = nil. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Properties of [rev] *) + +(** Now, for something a bit more challenging than the proofs + we've seen so far, let's prove that reversing a list does not + change its length. Our first attempt gets stuck in the successor + case... *) + +Theorem rev_length_firsttry : forall l : natlist, + length (rev l) = length l. +Proof. + intros l. induction l as [| n l' IHl']. + - (* l = [] *) + reflexivity. + - (* l = n :: l' *) + (* This is the tricky case. Let's begin as usual + by simplifying. *) + simpl. + (* Now we seem to be stuck: the goal is an equality + involving [++], but we don't have any useful equations + in either the immediate context or in the global + environment! We can make a little progress by using + the IH to rewrite the goal... *) + rewrite <- IHl'. + (* ... but now we can't go any further. *) +Abort. + +(** So let's take the equation relating [++] and [length] that + would have enabled us to make progress and state it as a separate + lemma. *) + +Theorem app_length : forall l1 l2 : natlist, + length (l1 ++ l2) = (length l1) + (length l2). +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros l1 l2. induction l1 as [| n l1' IHl1']. + - (* l1 = nil *) + reflexivity. + - (* l1 = cons *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHl1'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Note that, to make the lemma as general as possible, we + quantify over _all_ [natlist]s, not just those that result from an + application of [rev]. This should seem natural, because the truth + of the goal clearly doesn't depend on the list having been + reversed. Moreover, it is easier to prove the more general + property. *) + +(** Now we can complete the original proof. *) + +Theorem rev_length : forall l : natlist, + length (rev l) = length l. +Proof. + intros l. induction l as [| n l' IHl']. + - (* l = nil *) + reflexivity. + - (* l = cons *) + simpl. rewrite -> app_length, plus_comm. + simpl. rewrite -> IHl'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** For comparison, here are informal proofs of these two theorems: + + _Theorem_: For all lists [l1] and [l2], + [length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2]. + + _Proof_: By induction on [l1]. + + - First, suppose [l1 = []]. We must show + + length ([] ++ l2) = length [] + length l2, + + which follows directly from the definitions of + [length] and [++]. + + - Next, suppose [l1 = n::l1'], with + + length (l1' ++ l2) = length l1' + length l2. + + We must show + + length ((n::l1') ++ l2) = length (n::l1') + length l2). + + This follows directly from the definitions of [length] and [++] + together with the induction hypothesis. [] *) + +(** _Theorem_: For all lists [l], [length (rev l) = length l]. + + _Proof_: By induction on [l]. + + - First, suppose [l = []]. We must show + + length (rev []) = length [], + + which follows directly from the definitions of [length] + and [rev]. + + - Next, suppose [l = n::l'], with + + length (rev l') = length l'. + + We must show + + length (rev (n :: l')) = length (n :: l'). + + By the definition of [rev], this follows from + + length ((rev l') ++ [n]) = S (length l') + + which, by the previous lemma, is the same as + + length (rev l') + length [n] = S (length l'). + + This follows directly from the induction hypothesis and the + definition of [length]. [] *) + +(** The style of these proofs is rather longwinded and pedantic. + After the first few, we might find it easier to follow proofs that + give fewer details (which we can easily work out in our own minds or + on scratch paper if necessary) and just highlight the non-obvious + steps. In this more compressed style, the above proof might look + like this: *) + +(** _Theorem_: + For all lists [l], [length (rev l) = length l]. + + _Proof_: First, observe that [length (l ++ [n]) = S (length l)] + for any [l] (this follows by a straightforward induction on [l]). + The main property again follows by induction on [l], using the + observation together with the induction hypothesis in the case + where [l = n'::l']. [] *) + +(** Which style is preferable in a given situation depends on + the sophistication of the expected audience and how similar the + proof at hand is to ones that the audience will already be + familiar with. The more pedantic style is a good default for our + present purposes. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** [Search] *) + +(** We've seen that proofs can make use of other theorems we've + already proved, e.g., using [rewrite]. But in order to refer to a + theorem, we need to know its name! Indeed, it is often hard even + to remember what theorems have been proven, much less what they + are called. + + Coq's [Search] command is quite helpful with this. Typing [Search + foo] into your .v file and evaluating this line will cause Coq to + display a list of all theorems involving [foo]. For example, try + uncommenting the following line to see a list of theorems that we + have proved about [rev]: *) + +(* Search rev. *) + +(** Keep [Search] in mind as you do the following exercises and + throughout the rest of the book; it can save you a lot of time! + + If you are using ProofGeneral, you can run [Search] with + [C-c C-a C-a]. Pasting its response into your buffer can be + accomplished with [C-c C-;]. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** List Exercises, Part 1 *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (list_exercises) + + More practice with lists: *) + +Theorem app_nil_r : forall l : natlist, + l ++ [] = l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem rev_app_distr: forall l1 l2 : natlist, + rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem rev_involutive : forall l : natlist, + rev (rev l) = l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** There is a short solution to the next one. If you find yourself + getting tangled up, step back and try to look for a simpler + way. *) + +Theorem app_assoc4 : forall l1 l2 l3 l4 : natlist, + l1 ++ (l2 ++ (l3 ++ l4)) = ((l1 ++ l2) ++ l3) ++ l4. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** An exercise about your implementation of [nonzeros]: *) + +Lemma nonzeros_app : forall l1 l2 : natlist, + nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = (nonzeros l1) ++ (nonzeros l2). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (eqblist) + + Fill in the definition of [eqblist], which compares + lists of numbers for equality. Prove that [eqblist l l] + yields [true] for every list [l]. *) + +Fixpoint eqblist (l1 l2 : natlist) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_eqblist1 : + (eqblist nil nil = true). + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_eqblist2 : + eqblist [1;2;3] [1;2;3] = true. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_eqblist3 : + eqblist [1;2;3] [1;2;4] = false. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem eqblist_refl : forall l:natlist, + true = eqblist l l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** List Exercises, Part 2 *) + +(** Here are a couple of little theorems to prove about your + definitions about bags above. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (count_member_nonzero) *) +Theorem count_member_nonzero : forall (s : bag), + 1 <=? (count 1 (1 :: s)) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The following lemma about [leb] might help you in the next exercise. *) + +Theorem leb_n_Sn : forall n, + n <=? (S n) = true. +Proof. + intros n. induction n as [| n' IHn']. + - (* 0 *) + simpl. reflexivity. + - (* S n' *) + simpl. rewrite IHn'. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Before doing the next exercise, make sure you've filled in the + definition of [remove_one] above. *) +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (remove_does_not_increase_count) *) +Theorem remove_does_not_increase_count: forall (s : bag), + (count 0 (remove_one 0 s)) <=? (count 0 s) = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (bag_count_sum) + + Write down an interesting theorem [bag_count_sum] about bags + involving the functions [count] and [sum], and prove it using + Coq. (You may find that the difficulty of the proof depends on + how you defined [count]!) *) +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced (rev_injective) + + Prove that the [rev] function is injective -- that is, + + forall (l1 l2 : natlist), rev l1 = rev l2 -> l1 = l2. + + (There is a hard way and an easy way to do this.) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_rev_injective : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Options *) + +(** Suppose we want to write a function that returns the [n]th + element of some list. If we give it type [nat -> natlist -> nat], + then we'll have to choose some number to return when the list is + too short... *) + +Fixpoint nth_bad (l:natlist) (n:nat) : nat := + match l with + | nil => 42 (* arbitrary! *) + | a :: l' => match n =? O with + | true => a + | false => nth_bad l' (pred n) + end + end. + +(** This solution is not so good: If [nth_bad] returns [42], we + can't tell whether that value actually appears on the input + without further processing. A better alternative is to change the + return type of [nth_bad] to include an error value as a possible + outcome. We call this type [natoption]. *) + +Inductive natoption : Type := + | Some (n : nat) + | None. + +(** We can then change the above definition of [nth_bad] to + return [None] when the list is too short and [Some a] when the + list has enough members and [a] appears at position [n]. We call + this new function [nth_error] to indicate that it may result in an + error. *) + +Fixpoint nth_error (l:natlist) (n:nat) : natoption := + match l with + | nil => None + | a :: l' => match n =? O with + | true => Some a + | false => nth_error l' (pred n) + end + end. + +Example test_nth_error1 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 0 = Some 4. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_nth_error2 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 3 = Some 7. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_nth_error3 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 9 = None. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** (In the HTML version, the boilerplate proofs of these + examples are elided. Click on a box if you want to see one.) + + This example is also an opportunity to introduce one more small + feature of Coq's programming language: conditional + expressions... *) + +Fixpoint nth_error' (l:natlist) (n:nat) : natoption := + match l with + | nil => None + | a :: l' => if n =? O then Some a + else nth_error' l' (pred n) + end. + +(** Coq's conditionals are exactly like those found in any other + language, with one small generalization. Since the boolean type + is not built in, Coq actually supports conditional expressions over + _any_ inductively defined type with exactly two constructors. The + guard is considered true if it evaluates to the first constructor + in the [Inductive] definition and false if it evaluates to the + second. *) + +(** The function below pulls the [nat] out of a [natoption], returning + a supplied default in the [None] case. *) + +Definition option_elim (d : nat) (o : natoption) : nat := + match o with + | Some n' => n' + | None => d + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (hd_error) + + Using the same idea, fix the [hd] function from earlier so we don't + have to pass a default element for the [nil] case. *) + +Definition hd_error (l : natlist) : natoption + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_hd_error1 : hd_error [] = None. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_hd_error2 : hd_error [1] = Some 1. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_hd_error3 : hd_error [5;6] = Some 5. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (option_elim_hd) + + This exercise relates your new [hd_error] to the old [hd]. *) + +Theorem option_elim_hd : forall (l:natlist) (default:nat), + hd default l = option_elim default (hd_error l). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +End NatList. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Partial Maps *) + +(** As a final illustration of how data structures can be defined in + Coq, here is a simple _partial map_ data type, analogous to the + map or dictionary data structures found in most programming + languages. *) + +(** First, we define a new inductive datatype [id] to serve as the + "keys" of our partial maps. *) + +Inductive id : Type := + | Id (n : nat). + +(** Internally, an [id] is just a number. Introducing a separate type + by wrapping each nat with the tag [Id] makes definitions more + readable and gives us the flexibility to change representations + later if we wish. *) + +(** We'll also need an equality test for [id]s: *) + +Definition eqb_id (x1 x2 : id) := + match x1, x2 with + | Id n1, Id n2 => n1 =? n2 + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (eqb_id_refl) *) +Theorem eqb_id_refl : forall x, true = eqb_id x x. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Now we define the type of partial maps: *) + +Module PartialMap. +Export NatList. + +Inductive partial_map : Type := + | empty + | record (i : id) (v : nat) (m : partial_map). + +(** This declaration can be read: "There are two ways to construct a + [partial_map]: either using the constructor [empty] to represent an + empty partial map, or by applying the constructor [record] to + a key, a value, and an existing [partial_map] to construct a + [partial_map] with an additional key-to-value mapping." *) + +(** The [update] function overrides the entry for a given key in a + partial map by shadowing it with a new one (or simply adds a new + entry if the given key is not already present). *) + +Definition update (d : partial_map) + (x : id) (value : nat) + : partial_map := + record x value d. + +(** Last, the [find] function searches a [partial_map] for a given + key. It returns [None] if the key was not found and [Some val] if + the key was associated with [val]. If the same key is mapped to + multiple values, [find] will return the first one it + encounters. *) + +Fixpoint find (x : id) (d : partial_map) : natoption := + match d with + | empty => None + | record y v d' => if eqb_id x y + then Some v + else find x d' + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (update_eq) *) +Theorem update_eq : + forall (d : partial_map) (x : id) (v: nat), + find x (update d x v) = Some v. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (update_neq) *) +Theorem update_neq : + forall (d : partial_map) (x y : id) (o: nat), + eqb_id x y = false -> find x (update d y o) = find x d. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) +End PartialMap. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (baz_num_elts) + + Consider the following inductive definition: *) + +Inductive baz : Type := + | Baz1 (x : baz) + | Baz2 (y : baz) (b : bool). + +(** How _many_ elements does the type [baz] have? (Explain in words, + in a comment.) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_baz_num_elts : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:44 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ListsTest.v b/ListsTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9e9d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/ListsTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Lists. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Lists. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- snd_fst_is_swap --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.snd_fst_is_swap". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.snd_fst_is_swap ( +(forall p : NatList.natprod, + NatList.pair (NatList.snd p) (NatList.fst p) = NatList.swap_pair p)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.snd_fst_is_swap. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- list_funs --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_nonzeros". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_nonzeros ( +(NatList.nonzeros + (NatList.cons 0 + (NatList.cons 1 + (NatList.cons 0 + (NatList.cons 2 + (NatList.cons 3 (NatList.cons 0 (NatList.cons 0 NatList.nil))))))) = + NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 2 (NatList.cons 3 NatList.nil)))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_nonzeros. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_oddmembers". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_oddmembers ( +(NatList.oddmembers + (NatList.cons 0 + (NatList.cons 1 + (NatList.cons 0 + (NatList.cons 2 + (NatList.cons 3 (NatList.cons 0 (NatList.cons 0 NatList.nil))))))) = + NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 3 NatList.nil))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_oddmembers. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_countoddmembers2". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_countoddmembers2 ( +(NatList.countoddmembers + (NatList.cons 0 (NatList.cons 2 (NatList.cons 4 NatList.nil))) = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_countoddmembers2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_countoddmembers3". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_countoddmembers3 ((NatList.countoddmembers NatList.nil = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_countoddmembers3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- alternate --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_alternate1". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.test_alternate1 ( +(NatList.alternate + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 2 (NatList.cons 3 NatList.nil))) + (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 5 (NatList.cons 6 NatList.nil))) = + NatList.cons 1 + (NatList.cons 4 + (NatList.cons 2 + (NatList.cons 5 (NatList.cons 3 (NatList.cons 6 NatList.nil))))))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_alternate2". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.test_alternate2 ( +(NatList.alternate (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil) + (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 5 (NatList.cons 6 NatList.nil))) = + NatList.cons 1 + (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 5 (NatList.cons 6 NatList.nil))))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_alternate4". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.test_alternate4 ( +(NatList.alternate NatList.nil + (NatList.cons 20 (NatList.cons 30 NatList.nil)) = + NatList.cons 20 (NatList.cons 30 NatList.nil))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate4. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- bag_functions --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_count2". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_count2 ( +(NatList.count 6 + (NatList.cons 1 + (NatList.cons 2 + (NatList.cons 3 + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil)))))) = + 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_count2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_sum1". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_sum1 ( +(NatList.count 1 + (NatList.sum + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 2 (NatList.cons 3 NatList.nil))) + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil)))) = 3)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_sum1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_add1". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_add1 ( +(NatList.count 1 + (NatList.add 1 + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil)))) = 3)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_add1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_add2". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_add2 ( +(NatList.count 5 + (NatList.add 1 + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil)))) = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_add2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_member1". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_member1 ( +(NatList.member 1 + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil))) = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_member1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.test_member2". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.test_member2 ( +(NatList.member 2 + (NatList.cons 1 (NatList.cons 4 (NatList.cons 1 NatList.nil))) = false)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.test_member2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- bag_theorem --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: NatList.bag_theorem". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade NatList.manual_grade_for_bag_theorem. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- list_exercises --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.app_nil_r". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.app_nil_r ( +(forall l : NatList.natlist, l NatList.nil = l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.app_nil_r. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.rev_app_distr". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.rev_app_distr ( +(forall l1 l2 : NatList.natlist, + NatList.rev ( l1 l2) = + (NatList.rev l2) (NatList.rev l1))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.rev_app_distr. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.rev_involutive". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.rev_involutive ( +(forall l : NatList.natlist, NatList.rev (NatList.rev l) = l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.rev_involutive. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.app_assoc4". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @NatList.app_assoc4 ( +(forall l1 l2 l3 l4 : NatList.natlist, + l1 ( l2 ( l3 l4)) = + ( ( l1 l2) l3) l4)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.app_assoc4. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.nonzeros_app". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.nonzeros_app ( +(forall l1 l2 : NatList.natlist, + NatList.nonzeros ( l1 l2) = + (NatList.nonzeros l1) (NatList.nonzeros l2))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.nonzeros_app. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqblist --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.eqblist_refl". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @NatList.eqblist_refl ( +(forall l : NatList.natlist, true = NatList.eqblist l l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.eqblist_refl. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- count_member_nonzero --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.count_member_nonzero". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @NatList.count_member_nonzero ( +(forall s : NatList.bag, (1 <=? NatList.count 1 (NatList.cons 1 s)) = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.count_member_nonzero. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- remove_does_not_increase_count --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.remove_does_not_increase_count". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @NatList.remove_does_not_increase_count ( +(forall s : NatList.bag, + (NatList.count 0 (NatList.remove_one 0 s) <=? NatList.count 0 s) = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.remove_does_not_increase_count. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- rev_injective --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: NatList.rev_injective". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +print_manual_grade NatList.manual_grade_for_rev_injective. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- hd_error --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> NatList.hd_error". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @NatList.hd_error ((NatList.natlist -> NatList.natoption)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions NatList.hd_error. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_id_refl --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqb_id_refl". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @eqb_id_refl ((forall x : id, true = eqb_id x x)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqb_id_refl. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- update_eq --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> PartialMap.update_eq". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @PartialMap.update_eq ( +(forall (d : PartialMap.partial_map) (x : id) (v : nat), + PartialMap.find x (PartialMap.update d x v) = NatList.Some v)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions PartialMap.update_eq. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- update_neq --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> PartialMap.update_neq". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @PartialMap.update_neq ( +(forall (d : PartialMap.partial_map) (x y : id) (o : nat), + eqb_id x y = false -> + PartialMap.find x (PartialMap.update d y o) = PartialMap.find x d)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions PartialMap.update_neq. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- baz_num_elts --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: baz_num_elts". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_baz_num_elts. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 21". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 31". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- NatList.snd_fst_is_swap ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.snd_fst_is_swap. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_nonzeros ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_nonzeros. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_oddmembers ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_oddmembers. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_countoddmembers2 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_countoddmembers2. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_countoddmembers3 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_countoddmembers3. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_count2 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_count2. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_sum1 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_sum1. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_add1 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_add1. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_add2 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_add2. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_member1 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_member1. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_member2 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_member2. +idtac "---------- bag_theorem ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- NatList.app_nil_r ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.app_nil_r. +idtac "---------- NatList.rev_app_distr ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.rev_app_distr. +idtac "---------- NatList.rev_involutive ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.rev_involutive. +idtac "---------- NatList.app_assoc4 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.app_assoc4. +idtac "---------- NatList.nonzeros_app ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.nonzeros_app. +idtac "---------- NatList.eqblist_refl ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.eqblist_refl. +idtac "---------- NatList.count_member_nonzero ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.count_member_nonzero. +idtac "---------- NatList.hd_error ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.hd_error. +idtac "---------- eqb_id_refl ---------". +Print Assumptions eqb_id_refl. +idtac "---------- PartialMap.update_eq ---------". +Print Assumptions PartialMap.update_eq. +idtac "---------- PartialMap.update_neq ---------". +Print Assumptions PartialMap.update_neq. +idtac "---------- baz_num_elts ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- NatList.test_alternate1 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate1. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_alternate2 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate2. +idtac "---------- NatList.test_alternate4 ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.test_alternate4. +idtac "---------- NatList.remove_does_not_increase_count ---------". +Print Assumptions NatList.remove_does_not_increase_count. +idtac "---------- rev_injective ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:08 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Logic.v b/Logic.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a4c452 --- /dev/null +++ b/Logic.v @@ -0,0 +1,1603 @@ +(** * Logic: Logic in Coq *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export Tactics. + +(** In previous chapters, we have seen many examples of factual + claims (_propositions_) and ways of presenting evidence of their + truth (_proofs_). In particular, we have worked extensively with + _equality propositions_ of the form [e1 = e2], with + implications ([P -> Q]), and with quantified propositions ([forall + x, P]). In this chapter, we will see how Coq can be used to carry + out other familiar forms of logical reasoning. + + Before diving into details, let's talk a bit about the status of + mathematical statements in Coq. Recall that Coq is a _typed_ + language, which means that every sensible expression in its world + has an associated type. Logical claims are no exception: any + statement we might try to prove in Coq has a type, namely [Prop], + the type of _propositions_. We can see this with the [Check] + command: *) + +Check 3 = 3. +(* ===> Prop *) + +Check forall n m : nat, n + m = m + n. +(* ===> Prop *) + +(** Note that _all_ syntactically well-formed propositions have type + [Prop] in Coq, regardless of whether they are true. *) + +(** Simply _being_ a proposition is one thing; being _provable_ is + something else! *) + +Check 2 = 2. +(* ===> Prop *) + +Check forall n : nat, n = 2. +(* ===> Prop *) + +Check 3 = 4. +(* ===> Prop *) + +(** Indeed, propositions don't just have types: they are + _first-class objects_ that can be manipulated in the same ways as + the other entities in Coq's world. *) + +(** So far, we've seen one primary place that propositions can appear: + in [Theorem] (and [Lemma] and [Example]) declarations. *) + +Theorem plus_2_2_is_4 : + 2 + 2 = 4. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** But propositions can be used in many other ways. For example, we + can give a name to a proposition using a [Definition], just as we + have given names to expressions of other sorts. *) + +Definition plus_fact : Prop := 2 + 2 = 4. +Check plus_fact. +(* ===> plus_fact : Prop *) + +(** We can later use this name in any situation where a proposition is + expected -- for example, as the claim in a [Theorem] declaration. *) + +Theorem plus_fact_is_true : + plus_fact. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** We can also write _parameterized_ propositions -- that is, + functions that take arguments of some type and return a + proposition. *) + +(** For instance, the following function takes a number + and returns a proposition asserting that this number is equal to + three: *) + +Definition is_three (n : nat) : Prop := + n = 3. +Check is_three. +(* ===> nat -> Prop *) + +(** In Coq, functions that return propositions are said to define + _properties_ of their arguments. + + For instance, here's a (polymorphic) property defining the + familiar notion of an _injective function_. *) + +Definition injective {A B} (f : A -> B) := + forall x y : A, f x = f y -> x = y. + +Lemma succ_inj : injective S. +Proof. + intros n m H. injection H as H1. apply H1. +Qed. + +(** The equality operator [=] is also a function that returns a + [Prop]. + + The expression [n = m] is syntactic sugar for [eq n m] (defined + using Coq's [Notation] mechanism). Because [eq] can be used with + elements of any type, it is also polymorphic: *) + +Check @eq. +(* ===> forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop *) + +(** (Notice that we wrote [@eq] instead of [eq]: The type + argument [A] to [eq] is declared as implicit, so we need to turn + off implicit arguments to see the full type of [eq].) *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Logical Connectives *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Conjunction *) + +(** The _conjunction_, or _logical and_, of propositions [A] and [B] + is written [A /\ B], representing the claim that both [A] and [B] + are true. *) + +Example and_example : 3 + 4 = 7 /\ 2 * 2 = 4. + +(** To prove a conjunction, use the [split] tactic. It will generate + two subgoals, one for each part of the statement: *) + +Proof. + split. + - (* 3 + 4 = 7 *) reflexivity. + - (* 2 + 2 = 4 *) reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** For any propositions [A] and [B], if we assume that [A] is true + and we assume that [B] is true, we can conclude that [A /\ B] is + also true. *) + +Lemma and_intro : forall A B : Prop, A -> B -> A /\ B. +Proof. + intros A B HA HB. split. + - apply HA. + - apply HB. +Qed. + +(** Since applying a theorem with hypotheses to some goal has the + effect of generating as many subgoals as there are hypotheses for + that theorem, we can apply [and_intro] to achieve the same effect + as [split]. *) + +Example and_example' : 3 + 4 = 7 /\ 2 * 2 = 4. +Proof. + apply and_intro. + - (* 3 + 4 = 7 *) reflexivity. + - (* 2 + 2 = 4 *) reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (and_exercise) *) +Example and_exercise : + forall n m : nat, n + m = 0 -> n = 0 /\ m = 0. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** So much for proving conjunctive statements. To go in the other + direction -- i.e., to _use_ a conjunctive hypothesis to help prove + something else -- we employ the [destruct] tactic. + + If the proof context contains a hypothesis [H] of the form + [A /\ B], writing [destruct H as [HA HB]] will remove [H] from the + context and add two new hypotheses: [HA], stating that [A] is + true, and [HB], stating that [B] is true. *) + +Lemma and_example2 : + forall n m : nat, n = 0 /\ m = 0 -> n + m = 0. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros n m H. + destruct H as [Hn Hm]. + rewrite Hn. rewrite Hm. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** As usual, we can also destruct [H] right when we introduce it, + instead of introducing and then destructing it: *) + +Lemma and_example2' : + forall n m : nat, n = 0 /\ m = 0 -> n + m = 0. +Proof. + intros n m [Hn Hm]. + rewrite Hn. rewrite Hm. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** You may wonder why we bothered packing the two hypotheses [n = 0] + and [m = 0] into a single conjunction, since we could have also + stated the theorem with two separate premises: *) + +Lemma and_example2'' : + forall n m : nat, n = 0 -> m = 0 -> n + m = 0. +Proof. + intros n m Hn Hm. + rewrite Hn. rewrite Hm. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** For this theorem, both formulations are fine. But it's important + to understand how to work with conjunctive hypotheses because + conjunctions often arise from intermediate steps in proofs, + especially in bigger developments. Here's a simple example: *) + +Lemma and_example3 : + forall n m : nat, n + m = 0 -> n * m = 0. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros n m H. + assert (H' : n = 0 /\ m = 0). + { apply and_exercise. apply H. } + destruct H' as [Hn Hm]. + rewrite Hn. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Another common situation with conjunctions is that we know + [A /\ B] but in some context we need just [A] (or just [B]). + The following lemmas are useful in such cases: *) + +Lemma proj1 : forall P Q : Prop, + P /\ Q -> P. +Proof. + intros P Q [HP HQ]. + apply HP. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (proj2) *) +Lemma proj2 : forall P Q : Prop, + P /\ Q -> Q. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Finally, we sometimes need to rearrange the order of conjunctions + and/or the grouping of multi-way conjunctions. The following + commutativity and associativity theorems are handy in such + cases. *) + +Theorem and_commut : forall P Q : Prop, + P /\ Q -> Q /\ P. +Proof. + intros P Q [HP HQ]. + split. + - (* left *) apply HQ. + - (* right *) apply HP. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (and_assoc) + + (In the following proof of associativity, notice how the _nested_ + [intros] pattern breaks the hypothesis [H : P /\ (Q /\ R)] down into + [HP : P], [HQ : Q], and [HR : R]. Finish the proof from + there.) *) + +Theorem and_assoc : forall P Q R : Prop, + P /\ (Q /\ R) -> (P /\ Q) /\ R. +Proof. + intros P Q R [HP [HQ HR]]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** By the way, the infix notation [/\] is actually just syntactic + sugar for [and A B]. That is, [and] is a Coq operator that takes + two propositions as arguments and yields a proposition. *) + +Check and. +(* ===> and : Prop -> Prop -> Prop *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Disjunction *) + +(** Another important connective is the _disjunction_, or _logical or_, + of two propositions: [A \/ B] is true when either [A] or [B] + is. (This infix notation stands for [or A B], where [or : Prop -> + Prop -> Prop].) *) + +(** To use a disjunctive hypothesis in a proof, we proceed by case + analysis, which, as for [nat] or other data types, can be done + explicitly with [destruct] or implicitly with an [intros] pattern: *) + +Lemma or_example : + forall n m : nat, n = 0 \/ m = 0 -> n * m = 0. +Proof. + (* This pattern implicitly does case analysis on + [n = 0 \/ m = 0] *) + intros n m [Hn | Hm]. + - (* Here, [n = 0] *) + rewrite Hn. reflexivity. + - (* Here, [m = 0] *) + rewrite Hm. rewrite <- mult_n_O. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Conversely, to show that a disjunction holds, we need to show that + one of its sides does. This is done via two tactics, [left] and + [right]. As their names imply, the first one requires + proving the left side of the disjunction, while the second + requires proving its right side. Here is a trivial use... *) + +Lemma or_intro : forall A B : Prop, A -> A \/ B. +Proof. + intros A B HA. + left. + apply HA. +Qed. + +(** ... and here is a slightly more interesting example requiring both + [left] and [right]: *) + +Lemma zero_or_succ : + forall n : nat, n = 0 \/ n = S (pred n). +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros [|n]. + - left. reflexivity. + - right. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (mult_eq_0) *) +Lemma mult_eq_0 : + forall n m, n * m = 0 -> n = 0 \/ m = 0. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (or_commut) *) +Theorem or_commut : forall P Q : Prop, + P \/ Q -> Q \/ P. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Falsehood and Negation + + So far, we have mostly been concerned with proving that certain + things are _true_ -- addition is commutative, appending lists is + associative, etc. Of course, we may also be interested in + negative results, showing that some given proposition is _not_ + true. In Coq, such statements are expressed with the negation + operator [~]. *) + +(** To see how negation works, recall the _principle of explosion_ + from the [Tactics] chapter; it asserts that, if we assume a + contradiction, then any other proposition can be derived. + + Following this intuition, we could define [~ P] ("not [P]") as + [forall Q, P -> Q]. + + Coq actually makes a slightly different (but equivalent) choice, + defining [~ P] as [P -> False], where [False] is a specific + contradictory proposition defined in the standard library. *) + +Module MyNot. + +Definition not (P:Prop) := P -> False. + +Notation "~ x" := (not x) : type_scope. + +Check not. +(* ===> Prop -> Prop *) + +End MyNot. + +(** Since [False] is a contradictory proposition, the principle of + explosion also applies to it. If we get [False] into the proof + context, we can use [destruct] on it to complete any goal: *) + +Theorem ex_falso_quodlibet : forall (P:Prop), + False -> P. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros P contra. + destruct contra. Qed. + +(** The Latin _ex falso quodlibet_ means, literally, "from falsehood + follows whatever you like"; this is another common name for the + principle of explosion. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (not_implies_our_not) + + Show that Coq's definition of negation implies the intuitive one + mentioned above: *) + +Fact not_implies_our_not : forall (P:Prop), + ~ P -> (forall (Q:Prop), P -> Q). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Inequality is a frequent enough example of negated statement + that there is a special notation for it, [x <> y]: + + Notation "x <> y" := (~(x = y)). +*) + +(** We can use [not] to state that [0] and [1] are different elements + of [nat]: *) + +Theorem zero_not_one : 0 <> 1. +Proof. + (** The proposition [0 <> 1] is exactly the same as + [~(0 = 1)], that is [not (0 = 1)], which unfolds to + [(0 = 1) -> False]. (We use [unfold not] explicitly here + to illustrate that point, but generally it can be omitted.) *) + unfold not. + (** To prove an inequality, we may assume the opposite + equality... *) + intros contra. + (** ... and deduce a contradiction from it. Here, the + equality [O = S O] contradicts the disjointness of + constructors [O] and [S], so [discriminate] takes care + of it. *) + discriminate contra. +Qed. + +(** It takes a little practice to get used to working with negation in + Coq. Even though you can see perfectly well why a statement + involving negation is true, it can be a little tricky at first to + get things into the right configuration so that Coq can understand + it! Here are proofs of a few familiar facts to get you warmed + up. *) + +Theorem not_False : + ~ False. +Proof. + unfold not. intros H. destruct H. Qed. + +Theorem contradiction_implies_anything : forall P Q : Prop, + (P /\ ~P) -> Q. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros P Q [HP HNA]. unfold not in HNA. + apply HNA in HP. destruct HP. Qed. + +Theorem double_neg : forall P : Prop, + P -> ~~P. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros P H. unfold not. intros G. apply G. apply H. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (double_neg_inf) + + Write an informal proof of [double_neg]: + + _Theorem_: [P] implies [~~P], for any proposition [P]. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_double_neg_inf : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (contrapositive) *) +Theorem contrapositive : forall (P Q : Prop), + (P -> Q) -> (~Q -> ~P). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (not_both_true_and_false) *) +Theorem not_both_true_and_false : forall P : Prop, + ~ (P /\ ~P). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, advanced (informal_not_PNP) + + Write an informal proof (in English) of the proposition [forall P + : Prop, ~(P /\ ~P)]. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_informal_not_PNP : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** Similarly, since inequality involves a negation, it requires a + little practice to be able to work with it fluently. Here is one + useful trick. If you are trying to prove a goal that is + nonsensical (e.g., the goal state is [false = true]), apply + [ex_falso_quodlibet] to change the goal to [False]. This makes it + easier to use assumptions of the form [~P] that may be available + in the context -- in particular, assumptions of the form + [x<>y]. *) + +Theorem not_true_is_false : forall b : bool, + b <> true -> b = false. +Proof. + intros [] H. + - (* b = true *) + unfold not in H. + apply ex_falso_quodlibet. + apply H. reflexivity. + - (* b = false *) + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Since reasoning with [ex_falso_quodlibet] is quite common, Coq + provides a built-in tactic, [exfalso], for applying it. *) + +Theorem not_true_is_false' : forall b : bool, + b <> true -> b = false. +Proof. + intros [] H. + - (* b = true *) + unfold not in H. + exfalso. (* <=== *) + apply H. reflexivity. + - (* b = false *) reflexivity. +Qed. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Truth *) + +(** Besides [False], Coq's standard library also defines [True], a + proposition that is trivially true. To prove it, we use the + predefined constant [I : True]: *) + +Lemma True_is_true : True. +Proof. apply I. Qed. + +(** Unlike [False], which is used extensively, [True] is used quite + rarely, since it is trivial (and therefore uninteresting) to prove + as a goal, and it carries no useful information as a hypothesis. + + But it can be quite useful when defining complex [Prop]s using + conditionals or as a parameter to higher-order [Prop]s. + We will see examples of such uses of [True] later on. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Logical Equivalence *) + +(** The handy "if and only if" connective, which asserts that two + propositions have the same truth value, is just the conjunction of + two implications. *) + +Module MyIff. + +Definition iff (P Q : Prop) := (P -> Q) /\ (Q -> P). + +Notation "P <-> Q" := (iff P Q) + (at level 95, no associativity) + : type_scope. + +End MyIff. + +Theorem iff_sym : forall P Q : Prop, + (P <-> Q) -> (Q <-> P). +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros P Q [HAB HBA]. + split. + - (* -> *) apply HBA. + - (* <- *) apply HAB. Qed. + +Lemma not_true_iff_false : forall b, + b <> true <-> b = false. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros b. split. + - (* -> *) apply not_true_is_false. + - (* <- *) + intros H. rewrite H. intros H'. discriminate H'. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (iff_properties) + + Using the above proof that [<->] is symmetric ([iff_sym]) as + a guide, prove that it is also reflexive and transitive. *) + +Theorem iff_refl : forall P : Prop, + P <-> P. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem iff_trans : forall P Q R : Prop, + (P <-> Q) -> (Q <-> R) -> (P <-> R). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (or_distributes_over_and) *) +Theorem or_distributes_over_and : forall P Q R : Prop, + P \/ (Q /\ R) <-> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Some of Coq's tactics treat [iff] statements specially, avoiding + the need for some low-level proof-state manipulation. In + particular, [rewrite] and [reflexivity] can be used with [iff] + statements, not just equalities. To enable this behavior, we need + to import a Coq library that supports it: *) + +From Coq Require Import Setoids.Setoid. + +(** Here is a simple example demonstrating how these tactics work with + [iff]. First, let's prove a couple of basic iff equivalences... *) + +Lemma mult_0 : forall n m, n * m = 0 <-> n = 0 \/ m = 0. +Proof. + split. + - apply mult_eq_0. + - apply or_example. +Qed. + +Lemma or_assoc : + forall P Q R : Prop, P \/ (Q \/ R) <-> (P \/ Q) \/ R. +Proof. + intros P Q R. split. + - intros [H | [H | H]]. + + left. left. apply H. + + left. right. apply H. + + right. apply H. + - intros [[H | H] | H]. + + left. apply H. + + right. left. apply H. + + right. right. apply H. +Qed. + +(** We can now use these facts with [rewrite] and [reflexivity] to + give smooth proofs of statements involving equivalences. Here is + a ternary version of the previous [mult_0] result: *) + +Lemma mult_0_3 : + forall n m p, n * m * p = 0 <-> n = 0 \/ m = 0 \/ p = 0. +Proof. + intros n m p. + rewrite mult_0. rewrite mult_0. rewrite or_assoc. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** The [apply] tactic can also be used with [<->]. When given an + equivalence as its argument, [apply] tries to guess which side of + the equivalence to use. *) + +Lemma apply_iff_example : + forall n m : nat, n * m = 0 -> n = 0 \/ m = 0. +Proof. + intros n m H. apply mult_0. apply H. +Qed. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Existential Quantification *) + +(** Another important logical connective is _existential + quantification_. To say that there is some [x] of type [T] such + that some property [P] holds of [x], we write [exists x : T, + P]. As with [forall], the type annotation [: T] can be omitted if + Coq is able to infer from the context what the type of [x] should + be. *) + +(** To prove a statement of the form [exists x, P], we must show that + [P] holds for some specific choice of value for [x], known as the + _witness_ of the existential. This is done in two steps: First, + we explicitly tell Coq which witness [t] we have in mind by + invoking the tactic [exists t]. Then we prove that [P] holds after + all occurrences of [x] are replaced by [t]. *) + +Lemma four_is_even : exists n : nat, 4 = n + n. +Proof. + exists 2. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Conversely, if we have an existential hypothesis [exists x, P] in + the context, we can destruct it to obtain a witness [x] and a + hypothesis stating that [P] holds of [x]. *) + +Theorem exists_example_2 : forall n, + (exists m, n = 4 + m) -> + (exists o, n = 2 + o). +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros n [m Hm]. (* note implicit [destruct] here *) + exists (2 + m). + apply Hm. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, recommended (dist_not_exists) + + Prove that "[P] holds for all [x]" implies "there is no [x] for + which [P] does not hold." (Hint: [destruct H as [x E]] works on + existential assumptions!) *) + +Theorem dist_not_exists : forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop), + (forall x, P x) -> ~ (exists x, ~ P x). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (dist_exists_or) + + Prove that existential quantification distributes over + disjunction. *) + +Theorem dist_exists_or : forall (X:Type) (P Q : X -> Prop), + (exists x, P x \/ Q x) <-> (exists x, P x) \/ (exists x, Q x). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Programming with Propositions *) + +(** The logical connectives that we have seen provide a rich + vocabulary for defining complex propositions from simpler ones. + To illustrate, let's look at how to express the claim that an + element [x] occurs in a list [l]. Notice that this property has a + simple recursive structure: + + - If [l] is the empty list, then [x] cannot occur on it, so the + property "[x] appears in [l]" is simply false. + + - Otherwise, [l] has the form [x' :: l']. In this case, [x] + occurs in [l] if either it is equal to [x'] or it occurs in + [l']. *) + +(** We can translate this directly into a straightforward recursive + function taking an element and a list and returning a proposition: *) + +Fixpoint In {A : Type} (x : A) (l : list A) : Prop := + match l with + | [] => False + | x' :: l' => x' = x \/ In x l' + end. + +(** When [In] is applied to a concrete list, it expands into a + concrete sequence of nested disjunctions. *) + +Example In_example_1 : In 4 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + simpl. right. right. right. left. reflexivity. +Qed. + +Example In_example_2 : + forall n, In n [2; 4] -> + exists n', n = 2 * n'. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + simpl. + intros n [H | [H | []]]. + - exists 1. rewrite <- H. reflexivity. + - exists 2. rewrite <- H. reflexivity. +Qed. +(** (Notice the use of the empty pattern to discharge the last case + _en passant_.) *) + +(** We can also prove more generic, higher-level lemmas about [In]. + + Note, in the next, how [In] starts out applied to a variable and + only gets expanded when we do case analysis on this variable: *) + +Lemma In_map : + forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) (x : A), + In x l -> + In (f x) (map f l). +Proof. + intros A B f l x. + induction l as [|x' l' IHl']. + - (* l = nil, contradiction *) + simpl. intros []. + - (* l = x' :: l' *) + simpl. intros [H | H]. + + rewrite H. left. reflexivity. + + right. apply IHl'. apply H. +Qed. + +(** This way of defining propositions recursively, though convenient + in some cases, also has some drawbacks. In particular, it is + subject to Coq's usual restrictions regarding the definition of + recursive functions, e.g., the requirement that they be "obviously + terminating." In the next chapter, we will see how to define + propositions _inductively_, a different technique with its own set + of strengths and limitations. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (In_map_iff) *) +Lemma In_map_iff : + forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) (y : B), + In y (map f l) <-> + exists x, f x = y /\ In x l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (In_app_iff) *) +Lemma In_app_iff : forall A l l' (a:A), + In a (l++l') <-> In a l \/ In a l'. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (All) + + Recall that functions returning propositions can be seen as + _properties_ of their arguments. For instance, if [P] has type + [nat -> Prop], then [P n] states that property [P] holds of [n]. + + Drawing inspiration from [In], write a recursive function [All] + stating that some property [P] holds of all elements of a list + [l]. To make sure your definition is correct, prove the [All_In] + lemma below. (Of course, your definition should _not_ just + restate the left-hand side of [All_In].) *) + +Fixpoint All {T : Type} (P : T -> Prop) (l : list T) : Prop + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Lemma All_In : + forall T (P : T -> Prop) (l : list T), + (forall x, In x l -> P x) <-> + All P l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (combine_odd_even) + + Complete the definition of the [combine_odd_even] function below. + It takes as arguments two properties of numbers, [Podd] and + [Peven], and it should return a property [P] such that [P n] is + equivalent to [Podd n] when [n] is odd and equivalent to [Peven n] + otherwise. *) + +Definition combine_odd_even (Podd Peven : nat -> Prop) : nat -> Prop + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** To test your definition, prove the following facts: *) + +Theorem combine_odd_even_intro : + forall (Podd Peven : nat -> Prop) (n : nat), + (oddb n = true -> Podd n) -> + (oddb n = false -> Peven n) -> + combine_odd_even Podd Peven n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem combine_odd_even_elim_odd : + forall (Podd Peven : nat -> Prop) (n : nat), + combine_odd_even Podd Peven n -> + oddb n = true -> + Podd n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem combine_odd_even_elim_even : + forall (Podd Peven : nat -> Prop) (n : nat), + combine_odd_even Podd Peven n -> + oddb n = false -> + Peven n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Applying Theorems to Arguments *) + +(** One feature of Coq that distinguishes it from some other + popular proof assistants (e.g., ACL2 and Isabelle) is that it + treats _proofs_ as first-class objects. + + There is a great deal to be said about this, but it is not + necessary to understand it all in detail in order to use Coq. This + section gives just a taste, while a deeper exploration can be + found in the optional chapters [ProofObjects] and + [IndPrinciples]. *) + +(** We have seen that we can use the [Check] command to ask Coq to + print the type of an expression. We can also use [Check] to ask + what theorem a particular identifier refers to. *) + +Check plus_comm. +(* ===> forall n m : nat, n + m = m + n *) + +(** Coq prints the _statement_ of the [plus_comm] theorem in the same + way that it prints the _type_ of any term that we ask it to + [Check]. Why? *) + +(** The reason is that the identifier [plus_comm] actually refers to a + _proof object_ -- a data structure that represents a logical + derivation establishing of the truth of the statement [forall n m + : nat, n + m = m + n]. The type of this object _is_ the statement + of the theorem that it is a proof of. *) + +(** Intuitively, this makes sense because the statement of a theorem + tells us what we can use that theorem for, just as the type of a + computational object tells us what we can do with that object -- + e.g., if we have a term of type [nat -> nat -> nat], we can give + it two [nat]s as arguments and get a [nat] back. Similarly, if we + have an object of type [n = m -> n + n = m + m] and we provide it + an "argument" of type [n = m], we can derive [n + n = m + m]. *) + +(** Operationally, this analogy goes even further: by applying a + theorem, as if it were a function, to hypotheses with matching + types, we can specialize its result without having to resort to + intermediate assertions. For example, suppose we wanted to prove + the following result: *) + +Lemma plus_comm3 : + forall x y z, x + (y + z) = (z + y) + x. + +(** It appears at first sight that we ought to be able to prove this + by rewriting with [plus_comm] twice to make the two sides match. + The problem, however, is that the second [rewrite] will undo the + effect of the first. *) + +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros x y z. + rewrite plus_comm. + rewrite plus_comm. + (* We are back where we started... *) +Abort. + +(** One simple way of fixing this problem, using only tools that we + already know, is to use [assert] to derive a specialized version + of [plus_comm] that can be used to rewrite exactly where we + want. *) + +Lemma plus_comm3_take2 : + forall x y z, x + (y + z) = (z + y) + x. +Proof. + intros x y z. + rewrite plus_comm. + assert (H : y + z = z + y). + { rewrite plus_comm. reflexivity. } + rewrite H. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** A more elegant alternative is to apply [plus_comm] directly to the + arguments we want to instantiate it with, in much the same way as + we apply a polymorphic function to a type argument. *) + +Lemma plus_comm3_take3 : + forall x y z, x + (y + z) = (z + y) + x. +Proof. + intros x y z. + rewrite plus_comm. + rewrite (plus_comm y z). + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Let us show another example of using a theorem or lemma + like a function. The following theorem says: any list [l] + containing some element must be nonempty. *) + +Lemma in_not_nil : + forall A (x : A) (l : list A), In x l -> l <> []. +Proof. + intros A x l H. unfold not. intro Hl. destruct l. + - simpl in H. destruct H. + - discriminate Hl. +Qed. + +(** What makes this interesting is that one quantified variable + ([x]) does not appear in the conclusion ([l <> []]). *) + +(** We can use this lemma to prove the special case where [x] + is [42]. Naively, the tactic [apply in_not_nil] will fail because + it cannot infer the value of [x]. There are several ways to work + around that... *) + +Lemma in_not_nil_42 : + forall l : list nat, In 42 l -> l <> []. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros l H. + Fail apply in_not_nil. +Abort. + +(* [apply ... with ...] *) +Lemma in_not_nil_42_take2 : + forall l : list nat, In 42 l -> l <> []. +Proof. + intros l H. + apply in_not_nil with (x := 42). + apply H. +Qed. + +(* [apply ... in ...] *) +Lemma in_not_nil_42_take3 : + forall l : list nat, In 42 l -> l <> []. +Proof. + intros l H. + apply in_not_nil in H. + apply H. +Qed. + +(* Explicitly apply the lemma to the value for [x]. *) +Lemma in_not_nil_42_take4 : + forall l : list nat, In 42 l -> l <> []. +Proof. + intros l H. + apply (in_not_nil nat 42). + apply H. +Qed. + +(* Explicitly apply the lemma to a hypothesis. *) +Lemma in_not_nil_42_take5 : + forall l : list nat, In 42 l -> l <> []. +Proof. + intros l H. + apply (in_not_nil _ _ _ H). +Qed. + +(** You can "use theorems as functions" in this way with almost all + tactics that take a theorem name as an argument. Note also that + theorem application uses the same inference mechanisms as function + application; thus, it is possible, for example, to supply + wildcards as arguments to be inferred, or to declare some + hypotheses to a theorem as implicit by default. These features + are illustrated in the proof below. (The details of how this proof + works are not critical -- the goal here is just to illustrate what + can be done.) *) + +Example lemma_application_ex : + forall {n : nat} {ns : list nat}, + In n (map (fun m => m * 0) ns) -> + n = 0. +Proof. + intros n ns H. + destruct (proj1 _ _ (In_map_iff _ _ _ _ _) H) + as [m [Hm _]]. + rewrite mult_0_r in Hm. rewrite <- Hm. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** We will see many more examples in later chapters. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Coq vs. Set Theory *) + +(** Coq's logical core, the _Calculus of Inductive + Constructions_, differs in some important ways from other formal + systems that are used by mathematicians to write down precise and + rigorous proofs. For example, in the most popular foundation for + paper-and-pencil mathematics, Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory (ZFC), a + mathematical object can potentially be a member of many different + sets; a term in Coq's logic, on the other hand, is a member of at + most one type. This difference often leads to slightly different + ways of capturing informal mathematical concepts, but these are, + by and large, about equally natural and easy to work with. For + example, instead of saying that a natural number [n] belongs to + the set of even numbers, we would say in Coq that [even n] holds, + where [even : nat -> Prop] is a property describing even numbers. + + However, there are some cases where translating standard + mathematical reasoning into Coq can be cumbersome or sometimes + even impossible, unless we enrich the core logic with additional + axioms. + + We conclude this chapter with a brief discussion of some of the + most significant differences between the two worlds. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Functional Extensionality *) + +(** The equality assertions that we have seen so far mostly have + concerned elements of inductive types ([nat], [bool], etc.). But + since Coq's equality operator is polymorphic, these are not the + only possibilities -- in particular, we can write propositions + claiming that two _functions_ are equal to each other: *) + +Example function_equality_ex1 : + (fun x => 3 + x) = (fun x => (pred 4) + x). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** In common mathematical practice, two functions [f] and [g] are + considered equal if they produce the same outputs: + + (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g + + This is known as the principle of _functional extensionality_. *) + +(** Informally speaking, an "extensional property" is one that + pertains to an object's observable behavior. Thus, functional + extensionality simply means that a function's identity is + completely determined by what we can observe from it -- i.e., in + Coq terms, the results we obtain after applying it. *) + +(** Functional extensionality is not part of Coq's built-in logic. + This means that some "reasonable" propositions are not provable. *) + +Example function_equality_ex2 : + (fun x => plus x 1) = (fun x => plus 1 x). +Proof. + (* Stuck *) +Abort. + +(** However, we can add functional extensionality to Coq's core using + the [Axiom] command. *) + +Axiom functional_extensionality : forall {X Y: Type} + {f g : X -> Y}, + (forall (x:X), f x = g x) -> f = g. + +(** Using [Axiom] has the same effect as stating a theorem and + skipping its proof using [Admitted], but it alerts the reader that + this isn't just something we're going to come back and fill in + later! *) + +(** We can now invoke functional extensionality in proofs: *) + +Example function_equality_ex2 : + (fun x => plus x 1) = (fun x => plus 1 x). +Proof. + apply functional_extensionality. intros x. + apply plus_comm. +Qed. + +(** Naturally, we must be careful when adding new axioms into Coq's + logic, as they may render it _inconsistent_ -- that is, they may + make it possible to prove every proposition, including [False], + [2+2=5], etc.! + + Unfortunately, there is no simple way of telling whether an axiom + is safe to add: hard work by highly-trained trained experts is + generally required to establish the consistency of any particular + combination of axioms. + + Fortunately, it is known that adding functional extensionality, in + particular, _is_ consistent. *) + +(** To check whether a particular proof relies on any additional + axioms, use the [Print Assumptions] command. *) + +Print Assumptions function_equality_ex2. +(* ===> + Axioms: + functional_extensionality : + forall (X Y : Type) (f g : X -> Y), + (forall x : X, f x = g x) -> f = g *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, standard (tr_rev_correct) + + One problem with the definition of the list-reversing function + [rev] that we have is that it performs a call to [app] on each + step; running [app] takes time asymptotically linear in the size + of the list, which means that [rev] has quadratic running time. + We can improve this with the following definition: *) + +Fixpoint rev_append {X} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X := + match l1 with + | [] => l2 + | x :: l1' => rev_append l1' (x :: l2) + end. + +Definition tr_rev {X} (l : list X) : list X := + rev_append l []. + +(** This version is said to be _tail-recursive_, because the recursive + call to the function is the last operation that needs to be + performed (i.e., we don't have to execute [++] after the recursive + call); a decent compiler will generate very efficient code in this + case. Prove that the two definitions are indeed equivalent. *) + +Lemma tr_rev_correct : forall X, @tr_rev X = @rev X. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Propositions and Booleans *) + +(** We've seen two different ways of expressing logical claims in Coq: + with _booleans_ (of type [bool]), and with _propositions_ (of type + [Prop]). + + For instance, to claim that a number [n] is even, we can say + either... *) + +(** ... that [evenb n] evaluates to [true]... *) +Example even_42_bool : evenb 42 = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** ... or that there exists some [k] such that [n = double k]. *) +Example even_42_prop : exists k, 42 = double k. +Proof. exists 21. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Of course, it would be pretty strange if these two + characterizations of evenness did not describe the same set of + natural numbers! Fortunately, we can prove that they do... *) + +(** We first need two helper lemmas. *) +Theorem evenb_double : forall k, evenb (double k) = true. +Proof. + intros k. induction k as [|k' IHk']. + - reflexivity. + - simpl. apply IHk'. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (evenb_double_conv) *) +Theorem evenb_double_conv : forall n, + exists k, n = if evenb n then double k + else S (double k). +Proof. + (* Hint: Use the [evenb_S] lemma from [Induction.v]. *) + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +Theorem even_bool_prop : forall n, + evenb n = true <-> exists k, n = double k. +Proof. + intros n. split. + - intros H. destruct (evenb_double_conv n) as [k Hk]. + rewrite Hk. rewrite H. exists k. reflexivity. + - intros [k Hk]. rewrite Hk. apply evenb_double. +Qed. + +(** In view of this theorem, we say that the boolean computation + [evenb n] is reflected in the truth of the proposition [exists k, + n = double k]. *) + +(** Similarly, to state that two numbers [n] and [m] are equal, we can + say either + - (1) that [n =? m] returns [true], or + - (2) that [n = m]. + Again, these two notions are equivalent. *) + +Theorem eqb_eq : forall n1 n2 : nat, + n1 =? n2 = true <-> n1 = n2. +Proof. + intros n1 n2. split. + - apply eqb_true. + - intros H. rewrite H. rewrite <- eqb_refl. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** However, even when the boolean and propositional formulations of a + claim are equivalent from a purely logical perspective, they may + not be equivalent _operationally_. *) + +(** In the case of even numbers above, when proving the + backwards direction of [even_bool_prop] (i.e., [evenb_double], + going from the propositional to the boolean claim), we used a + simple induction on [k]. On the other hand, the converse (the + [evenb_double_conv] exercise) required a clever generalization, + since we can't directly prove + [(evenb n = true) -> (exists k, n = double k)]. *) + +(** For these examples, the propositional claims are more useful than + their boolean counterparts, but this is not always the case. For + instance, we cannot test whether a general proposition is true or + not in a function definition; as a consequence, the following code + fragment is rejected: *) + +Fail Definition is_even_prime n := + if n = 2 then true + else false. + +(** Coq complains that [n = 2] has type [Prop], while it expects + an element of [bool] (or some other inductive type with two + elements). The reason for this error message has to do with the + _computational_ nature of Coq's core language, which is designed + so that every function that it can express is computable and + total. One reason for this is to allow the extraction of + executable programs from Coq developments. As a consequence, + [Prop] in Coq does _not_ have a universal case analysis operation + telling whether any given proposition is true or false, since such + an operation would allow us to write non-computable functions. + + Although general non-computable properties cannot be phrased as + boolean computations, it is worth noting that even many + _computable_ properties are easier to express using [Prop] than + [bool], since recursive function definitions are subject to + significant restrictions in Coq. For instance, the next chapter + shows how to define the property that a regular expression matches + a given string using [Prop]. Doing the same with [bool] would + amount to writing a regular expression matcher, which would be + more complicated, harder to understand, and harder to reason + about. + + Conversely, an important side benefit of stating facts using + booleans is enabling some proof automation through computation + with Coq terms, a technique known as _proof by + reflection_. Consider the following statement: *) + +Example even_1000 : exists k, 1000 = double k. + +(** The most direct proof of this fact is to give the value of [k] + explicitly. *) + +Proof. exists 500. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** On the other hand, the proof of the corresponding boolean + statement is even simpler: *) + +Example even_1000' : evenb 1000 = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** What is interesting is that, since the two notions are equivalent, + we can use the boolean formulation to prove the other one without + mentioning the value 500 explicitly: *) + +Example even_1000'' : exists k, 1000 = double k. +Proof. apply even_bool_prop. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Although we haven't gained much in terms of proof-script + size in this case, larger proofs can often be made considerably + simpler by the use of reflection. As an extreme example, the Coq + proof of the famous _4-color theorem_ uses reflection to reduce + the analysis of hundreds of different cases to a boolean + computation. *) + +(** Another notable difference is that the negation of a "boolean + fact" is straightforward to state and prove: simply flip the + expected boolean result. *) + +Example not_even_1001 : evenb 1001 = false. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** In contrast, propositional negation may be more difficult + to grasp. *) + +Example not_even_1001' : ~(exists k, 1001 = double k). +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + rewrite <- even_bool_prop. + unfold not. + simpl. + intro H. + discriminate H. +Qed. + +(** Equality provides a complementary example: knowing that + [n =? m = true] is generally of little direct help in the middle + of a proof involving [n] and [m]; however, if we convert the + statement to the equivalent form [n = m], we can rewrite with it. + *) + +Lemma plus_eqb_example : forall n m p : nat, + n =? m = true -> n + p =? m + p = true. +Proof. + (* WORKED IN CLASS *) + intros n m p H. + rewrite eqb_eq in H. + rewrite H. + rewrite eqb_eq. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** We won't cover reflection in much detail, but it serves as a good + example showing the complementary strengths of booleans and + general propositions. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (logical_connectives) + + The following lemmas relate the propositional connectives studied + in this chapter to the corresponding boolean operations. *) + +Lemma andb_true_iff : forall b1 b2:bool, + b1 && b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Lemma orb_true_iff : forall b1 b2, + b1 || b2 = true <-> b1 = true \/ b2 = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (eqb_neq) + + The following theorem is an alternate "negative" formulation of + [eqb_eq] that is more convenient in certain + situations (we'll see examples in later chapters). *) + +Theorem eqb_neq : forall x y : nat, + x =? y = false <-> x <> y. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (eqb_list) + + Given a boolean operator [eqb] for testing equality of elements of + some type [A], we can define a function [eqb_list] for testing + equality of lists with elements in [A]. Complete the definition + of the [eqb_list] function below. To make sure that your + definition is correct, prove the lemma [eqb_list_true_iff]. *) + +Fixpoint eqb_list {A : Type} (eqb : A -> A -> bool) + (l1 l2 : list A) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Lemma eqb_list_true_iff : + forall A (eqb : A -> A -> bool), + (forall a1 a2, eqb a1 a2 = true <-> a1 = a2) -> + forall l1 l2, eqb_list eqb l1 l2 = true <-> l1 = l2. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (All_forallb) + + Recall the function [forallb], from the exercise + [forall_exists_challenge] in chapter [Tactics]: *) + +Fixpoint forallb {X : Type} (test : X -> bool) (l : list X) : bool := + match l with + | [] => true + | x :: l' => andb (test x) (forallb test l') + end. + +(** Prove the theorem below, which relates [forallb] to the [All] + property of the above exercise. *) + +Theorem forallb_true_iff : forall X test (l : list X), + forallb test l = true <-> All (fun x => test x = true) l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** Are there any important properties of the function [forallb] which + are not captured by this specification? *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Classical vs. Constructive Logic *) + +(** We have seen that it is not possible to test whether or not a + proposition [P] holds while defining a Coq function. You may be + surprised to learn that a similar restriction applies to _proofs_! + In other words, the following intuitive reasoning principle is not + derivable in Coq: *) + +Definition excluded_middle := forall P : Prop, + P \/ ~ P. + +(** To understand operationally why this is the case, recall + that, to prove a statement of the form [P \/ Q], we use the [left] + and [right] tactics, which effectively require knowing which side + of the disjunction holds. But the universally quantified [P] in + [excluded_middle] is an _arbitrary_ proposition, which we know + nothing about. We don't have enough information to choose which + of [left] or [right] to apply, just as Coq doesn't have enough + information to mechanically decide whether [P] holds or not inside + a function. *) + +(** However, if we happen to know that [P] is reflected in some + boolean term [b], then knowing whether it holds or not is trivial: + we just have to check the value of [b]. *) + +Theorem restricted_excluded_middle : forall P b, + (P <-> b = true) -> P \/ ~ P. +Proof. + intros P [] H. + - left. rewrite H. reflexivity. + - right. rewrite H. intros contra. discriminate contra. +Qed. + +(** In particular, the excluded middle is valid for equations [n = m], + between natural numbers [n] and [m]. *) + +Theorem restricted_excluded_middle_eq : forall (n m : nat), + n = m \/ n <> m. +Proof. + intros n m. + apply (restricted_excluded_middle (n = m) (n =? m)). + symmetry. + apply eqb_eq. +Qed. + +(** It may seem strange that the general excluded middle is not + available by default in Coq; after all, any given claim must be + either true or false. Nonetheless, there is an advantage in not + assuming the excluded middle: statements in Coq can make stronger + claims than the analogous statements in standard mathematics. + Notably, if there is a Coq proof of [exists x, P x], it is + possible to explicitly exhibit a value of [x] for which we can + prove [P x] -- in other words, every proof of existence is + necessarily _constructive_. *) + +(** Logics like Coq's, which do not assume the excluded middle, are + referred to as _constructive logics_. + + More conventional logical systems such as ZFC, in which the + excluded middle does hold for arbitrary propositions, are referred + to as _classical_. *) + +(** The following example illustrates why assuming the excluded middle + may lead to non-constructive proofs: + + _Claim_: There exist irrational numbers [a] and [b] such that [a ^ + b] is rational. + + _Proof_: It is not difficult to show that [sqrt 2] is irrational. + If [sqrt 2 ^ sqrt 2] is rational, it suffices to take [a = b = + sqrt 2] and we are done. Otherwise, [sqrt 2 ^ sqrt 2] is + irrational. In this case, we can take [a = sqrt 2 ^ sqrt 2] and + [b = sqrt 2], since [a ^ b = sqrt 2 ^ (sqrt 2 * sqrt 2) = sqrt 2 ^ + 2 = 2]. [] + + Do you see what happened here? We used the excluded middle to + consider separately the cases where [sqrt 2 ^ sqrt 2] is rational + and where it is not, without knowing which one actually holds! + Because of that, we wind up knowing that such [a] and [b] exist + but we cannot determine what their actual values are (at least, + using this line of argument). + + As useful as constructive logic is, it does have its limitations: + There are many statements that can easily be proven in classical + logic but that have much more complicated constructive proofs, and + there are some that are known to have no constructive proof at + all! Fortunately, like functional extensionality, the excluded + middle is known to be compatible with Coq's logic, allowing us to + add it safely as an axiom. However, we will not need to do so in + this book: the results that we cover can be developed entirely + within constructive logic at negligible extra cost. + + It takes some practice to understand which proof techniques must + be avoided in constructive reasoning, but arguments by + contradiction, in particular, are infamous for leading to + non-constructive proofs. Here's a typical example: suppose that + we want to show that there exists [x] with some property [P], + i.e., such that [P x]. We start by assuming that our conclusion + is false; that is, [~ exists x, P x]. From this premise, it is not + hard to derive [forall x, ~ P x]. If we manage to show that this + intermediate fact results in a contradiction, we arrive at an + existence proof without ever exhibiting a value of [x] for which + [P x] holds! + + The technical flaw here, from a constructive standpoint, is that + we claimed to prove [exists x, P x] using a proof of + [~ ~ (exists x, P x)]. Allowing ourselves to remove double + negations from arbitrary statements is equivalent to assuming the + excluded middle, as shown in one of the exercises below. Thus, + this line of reasoning cannot be encoded in Coq without assuming + additional axioms. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (excluded_middle_irrefutable) + + Proving the consistency of Coq with the general excluded middle + axiom requires complicated reasoning that cannot be carried out + within Coq itself. However, the following theorem implies that it + is always safe to assume a decidability axiom (i.e., an instance + of excluded middle) for any _particular_ Prop [P]. Why? Because + we cannot prove the negation of such an axiom. If we could, we + would have both [~ (P \/ ~P)] and [~ ~ (P \/ ~P)] (since [P] + implies [~ ~ P], by the exercise below), which would be a + contradiction. But since we can't, it is safe to add [P \/ ~P] as + an axiom. *) + +Theorem excluded_middle_irrefutable: forall (P:Prop), + ~ ~ (P \/ ~ P). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (not_exists_dist) + + It is a theorem of classical logic that the following two + assertions are equivalent: + + ~ (exists x, ~ P x) + forall x, P x + + The [dist_not_exists] theorem above proves one side of this + equivalence. Interestingly, the other direction cannot be proved + in constructive logic. Your job is to show that it is implied by + the excluded middle. *) + +Theorem not_exists_dist : + excluded_middle -> + forall (X:Type) (P : X -> Prop), + ~ (exists x, ~ P x) -> (forall x, P x). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (classical_axioms) + + For those who like a challenge, here is an exercise taken from the + Coq'Art book by Bertot and Casteran (p. 123). Each of the + following four statements, together with [excluded_middle], can be + considered as characterizing classical logic. We can't prove any + of them in Coq, but we can consistently add any one of them as an + axiom if we wish to work in classical logic. + + Prove that all five propositions (these four plus + [excluded_middle]) are equivalent. *) + +Definition peirce := forall P Q: Prop, + ((P->Q)->P)->P. + +Definition double_negation_elimination := forall P:Prop, + ~~P -> P. + +Definition de_morgan_not_and_not := forall P Q:Prop, + ~(~P /\ ~Q) -> P\/Q. + +Definition implies_to_or := forall P Q:Prop, + (P->Q) -> (~P\/Q). + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:45 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/LogicTest.v b/LogicTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14fa8a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/LogicTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Logic. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Logic. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- and_exercise --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> and_exercise". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @and_exercise ((forall n m : nat, n + m = 0 -> n = 0 /\ m = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions and_exercise. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- and_assoc --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> and_assoc". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @and_assoc ((forall P Q R : Prop, P /\ Q /\ R -> (P /\ Q) /\ R)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions and_assoc. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- mult_eq_0 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> mult_eq_0". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @mult_eq_0 ((forall n m : nat, n * m = 0 -> n = 0 \/ m = 0)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions mult_eq_0. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- or_commut --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> or_commut". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @or_commut ((forall P Q : Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ P)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions or_commut. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- double_neg_inf --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: double_neg_inf". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_double_neg_inf. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- contrapositive --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> contrapositive". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @contrapositive ((forall P Q : Prop, (P -> Q) -> ~ Q -> ~ P)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions contrapositive. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- not_both_true_and_false --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> not_both_true_and_false". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @not_both_true_and_false ((forall P : Prop, ~ (P /\ ~ P))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions not_both_true_and_false. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- informal_not_PNP --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: informal_not_PNP". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_informal_not_PNP. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- or_distributes_over_and --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> or_distributes_over_and". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @or_distributes_over_and ( +(forall P Q R : Prop, P \/ Q /\ R <-> (P \/ Q) /\ (P \/ R))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions or_distributes_over_and. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- dist_not_exists --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> dist_not_exists". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @dist_not_exists ( +(forall (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop), + (forall x : X, P x) -> ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions dist_not_exists. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- dist_exists_or --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> dist_exists_or". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @dist_exists_or ( +(forall (X : Type) (P Q : X -> Prop), + (exists x : X, P x \/ Q x) <-> (exists x : X, P x) \/ (exists x : X, Q x))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions dist_exists_or. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- In_map_iff --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> In_map_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @In_map_iff ( +(forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (l : list A) (y : B), + @In B y (@map A B f l) <-> (exists x : A, f x = y /\ @In A x l))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions In_map_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- In_app_iff --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> In_app_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @In_app_iff ( +(forall (A : Type) (l l' : list A) (a : A), + @In A a (l ++ l') <-> @In A a l \/ @In A a l')). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions In_app_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- All --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> All". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @All ((forall T : Type, (T -> Prop) -> list T -> Prop)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions All. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- combine_odd_even --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> combine_odd_even". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @combine_odd_even (((nat -> Prop) -> (nat -> Prop) -> nat -> Prop)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions combine_odd_even. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- tr_rev_correct --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> tr_rev_correct". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +check_type @tr_rev_correct ((forall X : Type, @tr_rev X = @rev X)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions tr_rev_correct. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- evenb_double_conv --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> evenb_double_conv". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @evenb_double_conv ( +(forall n : nat, + exists k : nat, n = (if evenb n then double k else S (double k)))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions evenb_double_conv. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- logical_connectives --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> andb_true_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @andb_true_iff ( +(forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 && b2 = true <-> b1 = true /\ b2 = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions andb_true_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> orb_true_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @orb_true_iff ( +(forall b1 b2 : bool, b1 || b2 = true <-> b1 = true \/ b2 = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions orb_true_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_neq --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqb_neq". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @eqb_neq ((forall x y : nat, (x =? y) = false <-> x <> y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqb_neq. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_list --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqb_list". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @eqb_list ((forall A : Type, (A -> A -> bool) -> list A -> list A -> bool)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqb_list. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- All_forallb --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> forallb_true_iff". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @forallb_true_iff ( +(forall (X : Type) (test : X -> bool) (l : list X), + @forallb X test l = true <-> @All X (fun x : X => test x = true) l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions forallb_true_iff. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- excluded_middle_irrefutable --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> excluded_middle_irrefutable". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @excluded_middle_irrefutable ((forall P : Prop, ~ ~ (P \/ ~ P))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions excluded_middle_irrefutable. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- not_exists_dist --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> not_exists_dist". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @not_exists_dist ( +(excluded_middle -> + forall (X : Type) (P : X -> Prop), + ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x) -> forall x : X, P x)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions not_exists_dist. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 43". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 49". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- and_exercise ---------". +Print Assumptions and_exercise. +idtac "---------- and_assoc ---------". +Print Assumptions and_assoc. +idtac "---------- mult_eq_0 ---------". +Print Assumptions mult_eq_0. +idtac "---------- or_commut ---------". +Print Assumptions or_commut. +idtac "---------- contrapositive ---------". +Print Assumptions contrapositive. +idtac "---------- not_both_true_and_false ---------". +Print Assumptions not_both_true_and_false. +idtac "---------- or_distributes_over_and ---------". +Print Assumptions or_distributes_over_and. +idtac "---------- dist_not_exists ---------". +Print Assumptions dist_not_exists. +idtac "---------- dist_exists_or ---------". +Print Assumptions dist_exists_or. +idtac "---------- In_map_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions In_map_iff. +idtac "---------- In_app_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions In_app_iff. +idtac "---------- All ---------". +Print Assumptions All. +idtac "---------- combine_odd_even ---------". +Print Assumptions combine_odd_even. +idtac "---------- tr_rev_correct ---------". +Print Assumptions tr_rev_correct. +idtac "---------- evenb_double_conv ---------". +Print Assumptions evenb_double_conv. +idtac "---------- andb_true_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions andb_true_iff. +idtac "---------- orb_true_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions orb_true_iff. +idtac "---------- eqb_neq ---------". +Print Assumptions eqb_neq. +idtac "---------- eqb_list ---------". +Print Assumptions eqb_list. +idtac "---------- forallb_true_iff ---------". +Print Assumptions forallb_true_iff. +idtac "---------- excluded_middle_irrefutable ---------". +Print Assumptions excluded_middle_irrefutable. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- double_neg_inf ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- informal_not_PNP ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- not_exists_dist ---------". +Print Assumptions not_exists_dist. +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:13 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..819410c --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,828 @@ +############################################################################### +## v # The Coq Proof Assistant ## +## /dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?)) +STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT) +else +ifeq (0,$(shell gtime -f $(TIMEFMT) true >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?)) +STDTIME?=gtime -f $(TIMEFMT) +else +STDTIME?=command time +endif +endif +else +STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT) +endif + +ifneq (,$(COQBIN)) +# add an ending / +COQBIN:=$(COQBIN)/ +endif + +# Coq binaries +COQC ?= "$(COQBIN)coqc" +COQTOP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqtop" +COQCHK ?= "$(COQBIN)coqchk" +COQDEP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdep" +COQDOC ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdoc" +COQPP ?= "$(COQBIN)coqpp" +COQMKFILE ?= "$(COQBIN)coq_makefile" + +# Timing scripts +COQMAKE_ONE_TIME_FILE ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/" +COQMAKE_BOTH_TIME_FILES ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/" +COQMAKE_BOTH_SINGLE_TIMING_FILES ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/" +BEFORE ?= +AFTER ?= + +# FIXME this should be generated by Coq (modules already linked by Coq) +CAMLDONTLINK=unix,str + +# OCaml binaries +CAMLC ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc -c +CAMLOPTC ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" opt -c +CAMLLINK ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc -linkpkg -dontlink $(CAMLDONTLINK) +CAMLOPTLINK ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" opt -linkpkg -dontlink $(CAMLDONTLINK) +CAMLDOC ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldoc +CAMLDEP ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldep -slash -ml-synonym .mlpack + +# DESTDIR is prepended to all installation paths +DESTDIR ?= + +# Debug builds, typically -g to OCaml, -debug to Coq. +CAMLDEBUG ?= +COQDEBUG ?= + +# Extra packages to be linked in (as in findlib -package) +CAMLPKGS ?= + +# Option for making timing files +TIMING?= +# Option for changing sorting of timing output file +TIMING_SORT_BY ?= auto +# Output file names for timed builds +TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build.log +TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE ?= time-of-build-before.log +TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE ?= time-of-build-after.log +TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build-pretty.log +TIME_OF_PRETTY_BOTH_BUILD_FILE ?= time-of-build-both.log +TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES ?= - # also output to the command line + +TGTS ?= + +########## End of parameters ################################################## +# What follows may be relevant to you only if you need to +# extend this Makefile. If so, look for 'Extension point' here and +# put in Makefile.local double colon rules accordingly. +# E.g. to perform some work after the all target completes you can write +# +# post-all:: +# echo "All done!" +# +# in Makefile.local +# +############################################################################### + + + + +# Flags ####################################################################### +# +# We define a bunch of variables combining the parameters. +# To add additional flags to coq, coqchk or coqdoc, set the +# {COQ,COQCHK,COQDOC}EXTRAFLAGS variable to whatever you want to add. +# To overwrite the default choice and set your own flags entirely, set the +# {COQ,COQCHK,COQDOC}FLAGS variable. + +SHOW := $(if $(VERBOSE),@true "",@echo "") +HIDE := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@) + +TIMER=$(if $(TIMED), $(STDTIME), $(TIMECMD)) + +OPT?= + +# The DYNOBJ and DYNLIB variables are used by "coqdep -dyndep var" in .v.d +ifeq '$(OPT)' '-byte' +USEBYTE:=true +DYNOBJ:=.cma +DYNLIB:=.cma +else +USEBYTE:= +DYNOBJ:=.cmxs +DYNLIB:=.cmxs +endif + +# these variables are meant to be overridden if you want to add *extra* flags +COQEXTRAFLAGS?= +COQCHKEXTRAFLAGS?= +COQDOCEXTRAFLAGS?= + +# these flags do NOT contain the libraries, to make them easier to overwrite +COQFLAGS?=-q $(OTHERFLAGS) $(COQEXTRAFLAGS) +COQCHKFLAGS?=-silent -o $(COQCHKEXTRAFLAGS) +COQDOCFLAGS?=-interpolate -utf8 $(COQDOCEXTRAFLAGS) + +COQDOCLIBS?=$(COQLIBS_NOML) + +# The version of Coq being run and the version of coq_makefile that +# generated this makefile +COQ_VERSION:=$(shell $(COQC) --print-version | cut -d " " -f 1) +COQMAKEFILE_VERSION:=8.11.1 + +COQSRCLIBS?= $(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), -I "$(COQLIB)/$(d)") + +CAMLFLAGS+=$(OCAMLLIBS) $(COQSRCLIBS) +# ocamldoc fails with unknown argument otherwise +CAMLDOCFLAGS:=$(filter-out -annot, $(filter-out -bin-annot, $(CAMLFLAGS))) +CAMLFLAGS+=$(OCAMLWARN) + +ifneq (,$(TIMING)) +TIMING_ARG=-time +ifeq (after,$(TIMING)) +TIMING_EXT=after-timing +else +ifeq (before,$(TIMING)) +TIMING_EXT=before-timing +else +TIMING_EXT=timing +endif +endif +else +TIMING_ARG= +endif + +# Retro compatibility (DESTDIR is standard on Unix, DSTROOT is not) +ifdef DSTROOT +DESTDIR := $(DSTROOT) +endif + +concat_path = $(if $(1),$(1)/$(if $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),$(subst $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),/,$(2)),$(2)),$(2)) + +COQLIBINSTALL = $(call concat_path,$(DESTDIR),$(COQLIB)/user-contrib) +COQDOCINSTALL = $(call concat_path,$(DESTDIR),$(DOCDIR)/user-contrib) +COQTOPINSTALL = $(call concat_path,$(DESTDIR),$(COQLIB)/toploop) + +# Files ####################################################################### +# +# We here define a bunch of variables about the files being part of the +# Coq project in order to ease the writing of build target and build rules + +VDFILE := .Makefile.d + +ALLSRCFILES := \ + $(MLGFILES) \ + $(MLFILES) \ + $(MLPACKFILES) \ + $(MLLIBFILES) \ + $(MLIFILES) + +# helpers +vo_to_obj = $(addsuffix .o,\ + $(filter-out Warning: Error:,\ + $(shell $(COQTOP) -q -noinit -batch -quiet -print-mod-uid $(1)))) +strip_dotslash = $(patsubst ./%,%,$(1)) + +# without this we get undefined variables in the expansion for the +# targets of the [deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] rule +with_undef = $(if $(filter-out undefined, $(origin $(1))),$($(1))) + +VO = vo +VOS = vos + +VOFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.$(VO)) +GLOBFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.glob) +HTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.html) +GHTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.html) +BEAUTYFILES = $(addsuffix .beautified,$(VFILES)) +TEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.tex) +GTEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) +CMOFILES = \ + $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo) \ + $( \ + $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo) +CMXFILES = $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx) +OFILES = $(CMXFILES:.cmx=.o) +CMAFILES = $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma) +CMXAFILES = $(CMAFILES:.cma=.cmxa) +CMIFILES = \ + $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi) \ + $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi) +# the /if/ is because old _CoqProject did not list a .ml(pack|lib) but just +# a .mlg file +CMXSFILES = \ + $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) \ + $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.cmxs) \ + $(if $(MLPACKFILES)$(CMXAFILES),,\ + $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs) $( + +# files that are packed into a plugin (no extension) +PACKEDFILES = \ + $(call strip_dotslash, \ + $(foreach lib, \ + $(call strip_dotslash, \ + $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib)))) +# files that are archived into a .cma (mllib) +LIBEDFILES = \ + $(call strip_dotslash, \ + $(foreach lib, \ + $(call strip_dotslash, \ + $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib)))) +CMIFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmi,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMIFILES)) +CMOFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmo,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMOFILES)) +OBJFILES = $(call vo_to_obj,$(VOFILES)) +ALLNATIVEFILES = \ + $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmi) \ + $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmx) \ + $(OBJFILES:.o=.cmxs) +# trick: wildcard filters out non-existing files, so that `install` doesn't show +# warnings and `clean` doesn't pass to rm a list of files that is too long for +# the shell. +NATIVEFILES = $(wildcard $(ALLNATIVEFILES)) +FILESTOINSTALL = \ + $(VOFILES) \ + $(VFILES) \ + $(GLOBFILES) \ + $(NATIVEFILES) \ + $(CMIFILESTOINSTALL) +BYTEFILESTOINSTALL = \ + $(CMOFILESTOINSTALL) \ + $(CMAFILES) +ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true' +DO_NATDYNLINK = yes +FILESTOINSTALL += $(CMXSFILES) $(CMXAFILES) $(CMOFILESTOINSTALL:.cmo=.cmx) +else +DO_NATDYNLINK = +endif + +ALLDFILES = $(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)) $(VDFILE) + +# Compilation targets ######################################################### + +all: + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all +.PHONY: all + +all.timing.diff: + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all.timing.diff TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES="" + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all +.PHONY: all.timing.diff + +make-pretty-timed-before:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE) +make-pretty-timed-after:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE) +make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after:: + $(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok + $(HIDE)($(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" $(TGTS) TIMED=1 2>&1 && touch pretty-timed-success.ok) | tee -a $(TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE) + $(HIDE)rm pretty-timed-success.ok # must not be -f; must fail if the touch failed +print-pretty-timed:: + $(HIDE)$(COQMAKE_ONE_TIME_FILE) $(TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES) +print-pretty-timed-diff:: + $(HIDE)$(COQMAKE_BOTH_TIME_FILES) --sort-by=$(TIMING_SORT_BY) $(TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE) $(TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BOTH_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES) +ifeq (,$(BEFORE)) +print-pretty-single-time-diff:: + @echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing' + $(HIDE)false +else +ifeq (,$(AFTER)) +print-pretty-single-time-diff:: + @echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing' + $(HIDE)false +else +print-pretty-single-time-diff:: + $(HIDE)$(COQMAKE_BOTH_SINGLE_TIMING_FILES) --sort-by=$(TIMING_SORT_BY) $(AFTER) $(BEFORE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES) +endif +endif +pretty-timed: + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" make-pretty-timed + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-timed +.PHONY: pretty-timed make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff + +# Extension points for actions to be performed before/after the all target +pre-all:: + @# Extension point + $(HIDE)if [ "$(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)" != "$(COQ_VERSION)" ]; then\ + echo "W: This Makefile was generated by Coq $(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)";\ + echo "W: while the current Coq version is $(COQ_VERSION)";\ + fi +.PHONY: pre-all + +post-all:: + @# Extension point +.PHONY: post-all + +real-all: $(VOFILES) $(if $(USEBYTE),bytefiles,optfiles) +.PHONY: real-all + +real-all.timing.diff: $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff) +.PHONY: real-all.timing.diff + +bytefiles: $(CMOFILES) $(CMAFILES) +.PHONY: bytefiles + +optfiles: $(if $(DO_NATDYNLINK),$(CMXSFILES)) +.PHONY: optfiles + +# FIXME, see Ralf's bugreport +# quick is deprecated, now renamed vio +vio: $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio) +.PHONY: vio +quick: vio + $(warning "'make quick' is deprecated, use 'make vio' or consider using 'vos' files") +.PHONY: quick + +vio2vo: + $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) \ + -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio) +.PHONY: vio2vo + +# quick2vo is undocumented +quick2vo: + $(HIDE)make -j $(J) vio + $(HIDE)VIOFILES=$$(for vofile in $(VOFILES); do \ + viofile="$$(echo "$$vofile" | sed "s/\.vo$$/.vio/")"; \ + if [ "$$vofile" -ot "$$viofile" -o ! -e "$$vofile" ]; then printf "$$viofile "; fi; \ + done); \ + echo "VIO2VO: $$VIOFILES"; \ + if [ -n "$$VIOFILES" ]; then \ + $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $$VIOFILES; \ + fi +.PHONY: quick2vo + +checkproofs: + $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) \ + -schedule-vio-checking $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio) +.PHONY: checkproofs + +vos: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vos) +.PHONY: vos + +vok: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vok) +.PHONY: vok + +validate: $(VOFILES) + $(TIMER) $(COQCHK) $(COQCHKFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $^ +.PHONY: validate + +only: $(TGTS) +.PHONY: only + +# Documentation targets ####################################################### + +html: $(GLOBFILES) $(VFILES) + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -d html $(GAL)' + $(HIDE)mkdir -p html + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \ + -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES) + +mlihtml: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi) + $(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -d $@' + $(HIDE)mkdir $@ || rm -rf $@/* + $(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -html \ + -d $@ -m A $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLDOCFLAGS) $(MLIFILES) + +all-mli.tex: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi) + $(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -latex $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -latex \ + -o $@ -m A $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLDOCFLAGS) $(MLIFILES) + $(VFILES) + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -ps $(GAL)' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \ + -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) \ + -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)` + +all.pdf: $(VFILES) + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -pdf $(GAL)' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \ + -toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) \ + -o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort -suffix .v $(VFILES)` + +# FIXME: not quite right, since the output name is different +gallinahtml: GAL=-g +gallinahtml: html + GAL=-g + +all-gal.pdf: GAL=-g +all-gal.pdf: all.pdf + +# ? +beautify: $(BEAUTYFILES) + for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done + @echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!' + @echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/' +.PHONY: beautify + +# Installation targets ######################################################## +# +# There rules can be extended in Makefile.local +# Extensions can't assume when they run. + +install: + $(HIDE)code=0; for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do\ + if ! [ -f "$$f" ]; then >&2 echo $$f does not exist; code=1; fi \ + done; exit $$code + $(HIDE)for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do\ + df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`";\ + if [ "$$?" != "0" -o -z "$$df" ]; then\ + echo SKIP "$$f" since it has no logical path;\ + else\ + install -d "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\ + install -m 0644 "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\ + echo INSTALL "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df";\ + fi;\ + done + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) install-extra -f "$(SELF)" +install-extra:: + @# Extension point +.PHONY: install install-extra + +install-byte: + $(HIDE)for f in $(BYTEFILESTOINSTALL); do\ + df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`";\ + if [ "$$?" != "0" -o -z "$$df" ]; then\ + echo SKIP "$$f" since it has no logical path;\ + else\ + install -d "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\ + install -m 0644 "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\ + echo INSTALL "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df";\ + fi;\ + done + +install-doc:: html mlihtml + @# Extension point + $(HIDE)install -d "$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/html" + $(HIDE)for i in html/*; do \ + dest="$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/$$i";\ + install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\ + echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\ + done + $(HIDE)install -d \ + "$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/mlihtml" + $(HIDE)for i in mlihtml/*; do \ + dest="$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/$$i";\ + install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\ + echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\ + done +.PHONY: install-doc + +uninstall:: + @# Extension point + $(HIDE)for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do \ + df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`" &&\ + instf="$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/`basename $$f`" &&\ + rm -f "$$instf" &&\ + echo RM "$$instf" &&\ + (rmdir "$(call concat_path,,$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/)" 2>/dev/null || true); \ + done +.PHONY: uninstall + +uninstall-doc:: + @# Extension point + $(SHOW)'RM $(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/html' + $(HIDE)rm -rf "$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/html" + $(SHOW)'RM $(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/mlihtml' + $(HIDE)rm -rf "$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/mlihtml" + $(HIDE) rmdir "$(COQDOCINSTALL)/$(INSTALLCOQDOCROOT)/" || true +.PHONY: uninstall-doc + +# Cleaning #################################################################### +# +# There rules can be extended in Makefile.local +# Extensions can't assume when they run. + +clean:: + @# Extension point + $(SHOW)'CLEAN' + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMIFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMAFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXAFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXSFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.o) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.a) + $(HIDE)rm -f $( + $(HIDE)rm -f $(ALLDFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(NATIVEFILES) + $(HIDE)find . -name .coq-native -type d -empty -delete + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vos) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vok) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(BEAUTYFILES) $(VFILES:=.old) + $(HIDE)rm -f all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob all-mli.tex + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.glob) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.tex) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex) + $(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok + $(HIDE)rm -rf html mlihtml +.PHONY: clean + +cleanall:: clean + @# Extension point + $(SHOW)'CLEAN *.aux *.timing' + $(HIDE)rm -f $(foreach f,$(VFILES:.v=),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).aux) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE) $(TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE) $(TIME_OF_PRETTY_BOTH_BUILD_FILE) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.before-timing) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.after-timing) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff) +.PHONY: cleanall + +archclean:: + @# Extension point + $(SHOW)'CLEAN *.cmx *.o' + $(HIDE)rm -f $(NATIVEFILES) + $(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:%.cmo=%.cmx) +.PHONY: archclean + + +# Compilation rules ########################################################### + +$(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi): %.cmi: %.mli + $(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLC) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) $< + +$( %.mlg + $(SHOW)'COQPP $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQPP) $< + +# Stupid hack around a deficient syntax: we cannot concatenate two expansions +$(filter %.cmo, $( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo)): %.cmo: + $(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLC) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) $< + +# Same hack +$(filter %.cmx, $( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmx)): %.cmx: + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -c $(FOR_PACK) $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTC) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) $(FOR_PACK) $< + + +$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) \ + -linkall -shared -o $@ $< + +$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma): %.cma: | %.mllib + $(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) -a -o $@ $^ + +$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxa): %.cmxa: | %.mllib + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) -a -o $@ $^ + + +$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) \ + -shared -linkall -o $@ $< + +$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxa): %.cmxa: %.cmx + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) -a -o $@ $< + +$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma): %.cma: %.cmo | %.mlpack + $(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) -a -o $@ $^ + +$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo): %.cmo: | %.mlpack + $(SHOW)'CAMLC -pack -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) -pack -o $@ $^ + +$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmx): %.cmx: | %.mlpack + $(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -pack -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) -pack -o $@ $^ + +# This rule is for _CoqProject with no .mllib nor .mlpack +$(filter-out $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(PACKEDFILES)) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(LIBEDFILES)),$( $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs)): %.cmxs: %.cmx + $(SHOW)'[deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] CAMLOPT -shared -o $@' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLOPTLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) $(CAMLPKGS) \ + -shared -o $@ $< + +ifneq (,$(TIMING)) +TIMING_EXTRA = > $<.$(TIMING_EXT) +else +TIMING_EXTRA = +endif + +$(VOFILES): %.vo: %.v + $(SHOW)COQC $< + $(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(TIMING_ARG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $< $(TIMING_EXTRA) + +# FIXME ?merge with .vo / .vio ? +$(GLOBFILES): %.glob: %.v + $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $< + +$(VFILES:.v=.vio): %.vio: %.v + $(SHOW)COQC -vio $< + $(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) -vio $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $< + +$(VFILES:.v=.vos): %.vos: %.v + $(SHOW)COQC -vos $< + $(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) -vos $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $< + +$(VFILES:.v=.vok): %.vok: %.v + $(SHOW)COQC -vok $< + $(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) -vok $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) $< + +$(addsuffix .timing.diff,$(VFILES)): %.timing.diff : %.before-timing %.after-timing + $(SHOW)PYTHON TIMING-DIFF $< + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-single-time-diff BEFORE=$*.before-timing AFTER=$*.after-timing TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE="$@" + +$(BEAUTYFILES): %.v.beautified: %.v + $(SHOW)'BEAUTIFY $<' + $(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -beautify $< + +$(TEXFILES): %.tex: %.v + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@ + +$(GTEXFILES): %.g.tex: %.v + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex -g $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@ + +$(HTMLFILES): %.html: %.v %.glob + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -html $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@ + +$(GHTMLFILES): %.g.html: %.v %.glob + $(SHOW)'COQDOC -html -g $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html -g $< -o $@ + +# Dependency files ############################################################ + +ifndef MAKECMDGOALS + -include $(ALLDFILES) +else + ifneq ($(filter-out archclean clean cleanall printenv make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) + -include $(ALLDFILES) + endif +endif + +.SECONDARY: $(ALLDFILES) + +redir_if_ok = > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $$RV ) + +GENMLFILES:=$( +$(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)): $(GENMLFILES) + +$(addsuffix .d,$(MLIFILES)): %.mli.d: %.mli + $(SHOW)'CAMLDEP $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok) + +$(addsuffix .d,$(MLGFILES)): %.mlg.d: + $(SHOW)'CAMLDEP $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok) + +$(addsuffix .d,$(MLFILES)): + $(SHOW)'CAMLDEP $<' + $(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok) + +$(addsuffix .d,$(MLLIBFILES)): %.mllib.d: %.mllib + $(SHOW)'COQDEP $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) -c "$<" $(redir_if_ok) + +$(addsuffix .d,$(MLPACKFILES)): %.mlpack.d: %.mlpack + $(SHOW)'COQDEP $<' + $(HIDE)$(COQDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) -c "$<" $(redir_if_ok) + +# If this makefile is created using a _CoqProject we have coqdep get +# options from it. This avoids argument length limits for pathological +# projects. Note that extra options might be on the command line. +VDFILE_FLAGS:=$(if ,-f ,) $(CMDLINE_COQLIBS) $(CMDLINE_VFILES) + +$(VDFILE): $(VFILES) + $(SHOW)'COQDEP VFILES' + $(HIDE)$(COQDEP) -vos -dyndep var $(VDFILE_FLAGS) $(redir_if_ok) + +# Misc ######################################################################## + +byte: + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte" -f "$(SELF)" +.PHONY: byte + +opt: + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt" -f "$(SELF)" +.PHONY: opt + +# This is deprecated. To extend this makefile use +# extension points and Makefile.local +printenv:: + $(warning printenv is deprecated) + $(warning write extensions in Makefile.local or include Makefile.conf) + @echo 'LOCAL = $(LOCAL)' + @echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIB)' + @echo 'DOCDIR = $(DOCDIR)' + @echo 'OCAMLFIND = $(OCAMLFIND)' + @echo 'HASNATDYNLINK = $(HASNATDYNLINK)' + @echo 'SRC_SUBDIRS = $(SRC_SUBDIRS)' + @echo 'COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS = $(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS)' + @echo 'OCAMLFIND = $(OCAMLFIND)' + @echo 'PP = $(PP)' + @echo 'COQFLAGS = $(COQFLAGS)' + @echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIBS)' + @echo 'COQLIBINSTALL = $(COQLIBINSTALL)' + @echo 'COQDOCINSTALL = $(COQDOCINSTALL)' +.PHONY: printenv + +# Generate a .merlin file. If you need to append directives to this +# file you can extend the merlin-hook target in Makefile.local +.merlin: + $(SHOW)'FILL .merlin' + $(HIDE)echo 'FLG $(COQMF_CAMLFLAGS)' > .merlin + $(HIDE)echo 'B $(COQLIB)' >> .merlin + $(HIDE)echo 'S $(COQLIB)' >> .merlin + $(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), \ + echo 'B $(COQLIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;) + $(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), \ + echo 'S $(COQLIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;) + $(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'B $(d)' >> .merlin;) + $(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'S $(d)' >> .merlin;) + $(HIDE)$(MAKE) merlin-hook -f "$(SELF)" +.PHONY: merlin + +merlin-hook:: + @# Extension point +.PHONY: merlin-hook + +# prints all variables +debug: + $(foreach v,\ + $(sort $(filter-out $(INITIAL_VARS) INITIAL_VARS,\ + $(.VARIABLES))),\ + $(info $(v) = $($(v)))) +.PHONY: debug + +.DEFAULT_GOAL := all + +# Local Variables: +# mode: makefile-gmake +# End: diff --git a/Makefile.conf b/Makefile.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cc704d --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile.conf @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# This configuration file was generated by running: +# coq_makefile -Q . LF OTHERFLAGS = '-Q . LF ' COQLIBS = '' -install none Preface.v Basics.v Induction.v Lists.v Poly.v Tactics.v Logic.v IndProp.v Maps.v ProofObjects.v IndPrinciples.v Rel.v Imp.v ImpParser.v ImpCEvalFun.v Extraction.v Auto.v Postscript.v Bib.v PrefaceTest.v BasicsTest.v InductionTest.v ListsTest.v PolyTest.v TacticsTest.v LogicTest.v IndPropTest.v MapsTest.v ProofObjectsTest.v IndPrinciplesTest.v RelTest.v ImpTest.v ImpParserTest.v ImpCEvalFunTest.v ExtractionTest.v AutoTest.v PostscriptTest.v BibTest.v -o Makefile + + +############################################################################### +# # +# Project files. # +# # +############################################################################### + +COQMF_VFILES = Preface.v Basics.v Induction.v Lists.v Poly.v Tactics.v Logic.v IndProp.v Maps.v ProofObjects.v IndPrinciples.v Rel.v Imp.v ImpParser.v ImpCEvalFun.v Extraction.v Auto.v Postscript.v Bib.v PrefaceTest.v BasicsTest.v InductionTest.v ListsTest.v PolyTest.v TacticsTest.v LogicTest.v IndPropTest.v MapsTest.v ProofObjectsTest.v IndPrinciplesTest.v RelTest.v ImpTest.v ImpParserTest.v ImpCEvalFunTest.v ExtractionTest.v AutoTest.v PostscriptTest.v BibTest.v +COQMF_MLIFILES = +COQMF_MLFILES = +COQMF_MLGFILES = +COQMF_MLPACKFILES = +COQMF_MLLIBFILES = +COQMF_CMDLINE_VFILES = Preface.v Basics.v Induction.v Lists.v Poly.v Tactics.v Logic.v IndProp.v Maps.v ProofObjects.v IndPrinciples.v Rel.v Imp.v ImpParser.v ImpCEvalFun.v Extraction.v Auto.v Postscript.v Bib.v PrefaceTest.v BasicsTest.v InductionTest.v ListsTest.v PolyTest.v TacticsTest.v LogicTest.v IndPropTest.v MapsTest.v ProofObjectsTest.v IndPrinciplesTest.v RelTest.v ImpTest.v ImpParserTest.v ImpCEvalFunTest.v ExtractionTest.v AutoTest.v PostscriptTest.v BibTest.v + +############################################################################### +# # +# Path directives (-I, -R, -Q). # +# # +############################################################################### + +COQMF_OCAMLLIBS = +COQMF_SRC_SUBDIRS = +COQMF_COQLIBS = -Q . LF +COQMF_COQLIBS_NOML = -Q . LF +COQMF_CMDLINE_COQLIBS = -Q . LF + +############################################################################### +# # +# Coq configuration. # +# # +############################################################################### + +COQMF_LOCAL=0 +COQMF_COQLIB=/home/michael/.opam/default/lib/coq/ +COQMF_DOCDIR=/home/michael/.opam/default/doc/ +COQMF_OCAMLFIND=/home/michael/.opam/default/bin/ocamlfind +COQMF_CAMLFLAGS=-thread -rectypes -w +a-4-9-27-41-42-44-45-48-58-67 -safe-string -strict-sequence +COQMF_WARN=-warn-error +a-3 +COQMF_HASNATDYNLINK=true +COQMF_COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS=config lib clib kernel library engine pretyping interp gramlib gramlib/.pack parsing proofs tactics toplevel printing ide stm vernac plugins/btauto plugins/cc plugins/derive plugins/extraction plugins/firstorder plugins/fourier plugins/funind plugins/ltac plugins/micromega plugins/nsatz plugins/omega plugins/rtauto plugins/setoid_ring plugins/ssr plugins/ssrmatching plugins/syntax +COQMF_WINDRIVE= + +############################################################################### +# # +# Extra variables. # +# # +############################################################################### + +OTHERFLAGS = -Q . LF +COQLIBS = +COQMF_OTHERFLAGS = +COQMF_INSTALLCOQDOCROOT = LF diff --git a/Maps.v b/Maps.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d76052 --- /dev/null +++ b/Maps.v @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +(** * Maps: Total and Partial Maps *) + +(** _Maps_ (or _dictionaries_) are ubiquitous data structures both + generally and in the theory of programming languages in + particular; we're going to need them in many places in the coming + chapters. They also make a nice case study using ideas we've seen + in previous chapters, including building data structures out of + higher-order functions (from [Basics] and [Poly]) and the use of + reflection to streamline proofs (from [IndProp]). + + We'll define two flavors of maps: _total_ maps, which include a + "default" element to be returned when a key being looked up + doesn't exist, and _partial_ maps, which return an [option] to + indicate success or failure. The latter is defined in terms of + the former, using [None] as the default element. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * The Coq Standard Library *) + +(** One small digression before we begin... + + Unlike the chapters we have seen so far, this one does not + [Require Import] the chapter before it (and, transitively, all the + earlier chapters). Instead, in this chapter and from now, on + we're going to import the definitions and theorems we need + directly from Coq's standard library stuff. You should not notice + much difference, though, because we've been careful to name our + own definitions and theorems the same as their counterparts in the + standard library, wherever they overlap. *) + +From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith. +From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool. +Require Export Coq.Strings.String. +From Coq Require Import Logic.FunctionalExtensionality. +From Coq Require Import Lists.List. +Import ListNotations. + +(** Documentation for the standard library can be found at + + + The [Search] command is a good way to look for theorems involving + objects of specific types. Take a minute now to experiment with it. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Identifiers *) + +(** First, we need a type for the keys that we use to index into our + maps. In [Lists.v] we introduced a fresh type [id] for a similar + purpose; here and for the rest of _Software Foundations_ we will + use the [string] type from Coq's standard library. *) + +(** To compare strings, we define the function [eqb_string], which + internally uses the function [string_dec] from Coq's string + library. *) + +Definition eqb_string (x y : string) : bool := + if string_dec x y then true else false. + +(** (The function [string_dec] comes from Coq's string library. + If you check the result type of [string_dec], you'll see that it + does not actually return a [bool], but rather a type that looks + like [{x = y} + {x <> y}], called a [sumbool], which can be + thought of as an "evidence-carrying boolean." Formally, an + element of [sumbool] is either a proof that two things are equal + or a proof that they are unequal, together with a tag indicating + which. But for present purposes you can think of it as just a + fancy [bool].) *) + +(** Now we need a few basic properties of string equality... *) +Theorem eqb_string_refl : forall s : string, true = eqb_string s s. +Proof. intros s. unfold eqb_string. destruct (string_dec s s) as [|Hs]. + - reflexivity. + - destruct Hs. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** The following useful property follows from an analogous + lemma about strings: *) + +Theorem eqb_string_true_iff : forall x y : string, + eqb_string x y = true <-> x = y. +Proof. + intros x y. + unfold eqb_string. + destruct (string_dec x y) as [|Hs]. + - subst. split. reflexivity. reflexivity. + - split. + + intros contra. discriminate contra. + + intros H. rewrite H in Hs. destruct Hs. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** Similarly: *) + +Theorem eqb_string_false_iff : forall x y : string, + eqb_string x y = false <-> x <> y. +Proof. + intros x y. rewrite <- eqb_string_true_iff. + rewrite not_true_iff_false. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** This handy variant follows just by rewriting: *) + +Theorem false_eqb_string : forall x y : string, + x <> y -> eqb_string x y = false. +Proof. + intros x y. rewrite eqb_string_false_iff. + intros H. apply H. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Total Maps *) + +(** Our main job in this chapter will be to build a definition of + partial maps that is similar in behavior to the one we saw in the + [Lists] chapter, plus accompanying lemmas about its behavior. + + This time around, though, we're going to use _functions_, rather + than lists of key-value pairs, to build maps. The advantage of + this representation is that it offers a more _extensional_ view of + maps, where two maps that respond to queries in the same way will + be represented as literally the same thing (the very same function), + rather than just "equivalent" data structures. This, in turn, + simplifies proofs that use maps. *) + +(** We build partial maps in two steps. First, we define a type of + _total maps_ that return a default value when we look up a key + that is not present in the map. *) + +Definition total_map (A : Type) := string -> A. + +(** Intuitively, a total map over an element type [A] is just a + function that can be used to look up [string]s, yielding [A]s. *) + +(** The function [t_empty] yields an empty total map, given a default + element; this map always returns the default element when applied + to any string. *) + +Definition t_empty {A : Type} (v : A) : total_map A := + (fun _ => v). + +(** More interesting is the [update] function, which (as before) takes + a map [m], a key [x], and a value [v] and returns a new map that + takes [x] to [v] and takes every other key to whatever [m] does. *) + +Definition t_update {A : Type} (m : total_map A) + (x : string) (v : A) := + fun x' => if eqb_string x x' then v else m x'. + +(** This definition is a nice example of higher-order programming: + [t_update] takes a _function_ [m] and yields a new function + [fun x' => ...] that behaves like the desired map. *) + +(** For example, we can build a map taking [string]s to [bool]s, where + ["foo"] and ["bar"] are mapped to [true] and every other key is + mapped to [false], like this: *) + +Definition examplemap := + t_update (t_update (t_empty false) "foo" true) + "bar" true. + +(** Next, let's introduce some new notations to facilitate working + with maps. *) + +(** First, we will use the following notation to create an empty + total map with a default value. *) +Notation "'_' '!->' v" := (t_empty v) + (at level 100, right associativity). + +Example example_empty := (_ !-> false). + +(** We then introduce a convenient notation for extending an existing + map with some bindings. *) +Notation "x '!->' v ';' m" := (t_update m x v) + (at level 100, v at next level, right associativity). + +(** The [examplemap] above can now be defined as follows: *) + +Definition examplemap' := + ( "bar" !-> true; + "foo" !-> true; + _ !-> false + ). + +(** This completes the definition of total maps. Note that we + don't need to define a [find] operation because it is just + function application! *) + +Example update_example1 : examplemap' "baz" = false. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example update_example2 : examplemap' "foo" = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example update_example3 : examplemap' "quux" = false. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example update_example4 : examplemap' "bar" = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** To use maps in later chapters, we'll need several fundamental + facts about how they behave. *) + +(** Even if you don't work the following exercises, make sure + you thoroughly understand the statements of the lemmas! *) + +(** (Some of the proofs require the functional extensionality axiom, + which is discussed in the [Logic] chapter.) *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (t_apply_empty) + + First, the empty map returns its default element for all keys: *) + +Lemma t_apply_empty : forall (A : Type) (x : string) (v : A), + (_ !-> v) x = v. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (t_update_eq) + + Next, if we update a map [m] at a key [x] with a new value [v] + and then look up [x] in the map resulting from the [update], we + get back [v]: *) + +Lemma t_update_eq : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) x v, + (x !-> v ; m) x = v. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (t_update_neq) + + On the other hand, if we update a map [m] at a key [x1] and then + look up a _different_ key [x2] in the resulting map, we get the + same result that [m] would have given: *) + +Theorem t_update_neq : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) x1 x2 v, + x1 <> x2 -> + (x1 !-> v ; m) x2 = m x2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (t_update_shadow) + + If we update a map [m] at a key [x] with a value [v1] and then + update again with the same key [x] and another value [v2], the + resulting map behaves the same (gives the same result when applied + to any key) as the simpler map obtained by performing just + the second [update] on [m]: *) + +Lemma t_update_shadow : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) x v1 v2, + (x !-> v2 ; x !-> v1 ; m) = (x !-> v2 ; m). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** For the final two lemmas about total maps, it's convenient to use + the reflection idioms introduced in chapter [IndProp]. We begin + by proving a fundamental _reflection lemma_ relating the equality + proposition on [id]s with the boolean function [eqb_id]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (eqb_stringP) + + Use the proof of [eqbP] in chapter [IndProp] as a template to + prove the following: *) + +Lemma eqb_stringP : forall x y : string, + reflect (x = y) (eqb_string x y). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Now, given [string]s [x1] and [x2], we can use the tactic + [destruct (eqb_stringP x1 x2)] to simultaneously perform case + analysis on the result of [eqb_string x1 x2] and generate + hypotheses about the equality (in the sense of [=]) of [x1] + and [x2]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (t_update_same) + + With the example in chapter [IndProp] as a template, use + [eqb_stringP] to prove the following theorem, which states that + if we update a map to assign key [x] the same value as it already + has in [m], then the result is equal to [m]: *) + +Theorem t_update_same : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) x, + (x !-> m x ; m) = m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (t_update_permute) + + Use [eqb_stringP] to prove one final property of the [update] + function: If we update a map [m] at two distinct keys, it doesn't + matter in which order we do the updates. *) + +Theorem t_update_permute : forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) + v1 v2 x1 x2, + x2 <> x1 -> + (x1 !-> v1 ; x2 !-> v2 ; m) + = + (x2 !-> v2 ; x1 !-> v1 ; m). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Partial maps *) + +(** Finally, we define _partial maps_ on top of total maps. A partial + map with elements of type [A] is simply a total map with elements + of type [option A] and default element [None]. *) + +Definition partial_map (A : Type) := total_map (option A). + +Definition empty {A : Type} : partial_map A := + t_empty None. + +Definition update {A : Type} (m : partial_map A) + (x : string) (v : A) := + (x !-> Some v ; m). + +(** We introduce a similar notation for partial maps: *) +Notation "x '|->' v ';' m" := (update m x v) + (at level 100, v at next level, right associativity). + +(** We can also hide the last case when it is empty. *) +Notation "x '|->' v" := (update empty x v) + (at level 100). + +Example examplepmap := + ("Church" |-> true ; "Turing" |-> false). + +(** We now straightforwardly lift all of the basic lemmas about total + maps to partial maps. *) + +Lemma apply_empty : forall (A : Type) (x : string), + @empty A x = None. +Proof. + intros. unfold empty. rewrite t_apply_empty. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +Lemma update_eq : forall (A : Type) (m : partial_map A) x v, + (x |-> v ; m) x = Some v. +Proof. + intros. unfold update. rewrite t_update_eq. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +Theorem update_neq : forall (A : Type) (m : partial_map A) x1 x2 v, + x2 <> x1 -> + (x2 |-> v ; m) x1 = m x1. +Proof. + intros A m x1 x2 v H. + unfold update. rewrite t_update_neq. reflexivity. + apply H. Qed. + +Lemma update_shadow : forall (A : Type) (m : partial_map A) x v1 v2, + (x |-> v2 ; x |-> v1 ; m) = (x |-> v2 ; m). +Proof. + intros A m x v1 v2. unfold update. rewrite t_update_shadow. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +Theorem update_same : forall (A : Type) (m : partial_map A) x v, + m x = Some v -> + (x |-> v ; m) = m. +Proof. + intros A m x v H. unfold update. rewrite <- H. + apply t_update_same. +Qed. + +Theorem update_permute : forall (A : Type) (m : partial_map A) + x1 x2 v1 v2, + x2 <> x1 -> + (x1 |-> v1 ; x2 |-> v2 ; m) = (x2 |-> v2 ; x1 |-> v1 ; m). +Proof. + intros A m x1 x2 v1 v2. unfold update. + apply t_update_permute. +Qed. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:45 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/MapsTest.v b/MapsTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43531f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/MapsTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Maps. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Maps. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- t_update_same --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> t_update_same". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @t_update_same ( +(forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (x : string), (x !-> m x; m) = m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions t_update_same. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- t_update_permute --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> t_update_permute". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @t_update_permute ( +(forall (A : Type) (m : total_map A) (v1 v2 : A) (x1 x2 : string), + x2 <> x1 -> (x1 !-> v1; x2 !-> v2; m) = (x2 !-> v2; x1 !-> v1; m))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions t_update_permute. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 5". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 5". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- t_update_same ---------". +Print Assumptions t_update_same. +idtac "---------- t_update_permute ---------". +Print Assumptions t_update_permute. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:17 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Poly.v b/Poly.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ab9a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Poly.v @@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@ +(** * Poly: Polymorphism and Higher-Order Functions *) + +(* Final reminder: Please do not put solutions to the exercises in + publicly accessible places. Thank you!! *) + +(* Suppress some annoying warnings from Coq: *) +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export Lists. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Polymorphism *) + +(** In this chapter we continue our development of basic + concepts of functional programming. The critical new ideas are + _polymorphism_ (abstracting functions over the types of the data + they manipulate) and _higher-order functions_ (treating functions + as data). We begin with polymorphism. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Polymorphic Lists *) + +(** For the last couple of chapters, we've been working just + with lists of numbers. Obviously, interesting programs also need + to be able to manipulate lists with elements from other types -- + lists of strings, lists of booleans, lists of lists, etc. We + _could_ just define a new inductive datatype for each of these, + for example... *) + +Inductive boollist : Type := + | bool_nil + | bool_cons (b : bool) (l : boollist). + +(** ... but this would quickly become tedious, partly because we + have to make up different constructor names for each datatype, but + mostly because we would also need to define new versions of all + our list manipulating functions ([length], [rev], etc.) for each + new datatype definition. *) + +(** To avoid all this repetition, Coq supports _polymorphic_ + inductive type definitions. For example, here is a _polymorphic + list_ datatype. *) + +Inductive list (X:Type) : Type := + | nil + | cons (x : X) (l : list X). + +(** This is exactly like the definition of [natlist] from the + previous chapter, except that the [nat] argument to the [cons] + constructor has been replaced by an arbitrary type [X], a binding + for [X] has been added to the header, and the occurrences of + [natlist] in the types of the constructors have been replaced by + [list X]. (We can re-use the constructor names [nil] and [cons] + because the earlier definition of [natlist] was inside of a + [Module] definition that is now out of scope.) + + What sort of thing is [list] itself? One good way to think + about it is that [list] is a _function_ from [Type]s to + [Inductive] definitions; or, to put it another way, [list] is a + function from [Type]s to [Type]s. For any particular type [X], + the type [list X] is an [Inductive]ly defined set of lists whose + elements are of type [X]. *) + +Check list. +(* ===> list : Type -> Type *) + +(** The parameter [X] in the definition of [list] automatically + becomes a parameter to the constructors [nil] and [cons] -- that + is, [nil] and [cons] are now polymorphic constructors; when we use + them, we must now provide a first argument that is the type of the + list they are building. For example, [nil nat] constructs the + empty list of type [nat]. *) + +Check (nil nat). +(* ===> nil nat : list nat *) + +(** Similarly, [cons nat] adds an element of type [nat] to a list of + type [list nat]. Here is an example of forming a list containing + just the natural number 3. *) + +Check (cons nat 3 (nil nat)). +(* ===> cons nat 3 (nil nat) : list nat *) + +(** What might the type of [nil] be? We can read off the type [list X] + from the definition, but this omits the binding for [X] which is + the parameter to [list]. [Type -> list X] does not explain the + meaning of [X]. [(X : Type) -> list X] comes closer. Coq's + notation for this situation is [forall X : Type, list X]. *) + +Check nil. +(* ===> nil : forall X : Type, list X *) + +(** Similarly, the type of [cons] from the definition looks like + [X -> list X -> list X], but using this convention to explain the + meaning of [X] results in the type [forall X, X -> list X -> list + X]. *) + +Check cons. +(* ===> cons : forall X : Type, X -> list X -> list X *) + +(** (Side note on notation: In .v files, the "forall" quantifier + is spelled out in letters. In the generated HTML files and in the + way various IDEs show .v files (with certain settings of their + display controls), [forall] is usually typeset as the usual + mathematical "upside down A," but you'll still see the spelled-out + "forall" in a few places. This is just a quirk of typesetting: + there is no difference in meaning.) *) + +(** Having to supply a type argument for each use of a list + constructor may seem an awkward burden, but we will soon see + ways of reducing that burden. *) + +Check (cons nat 2 (cons nat 1 (nil nat))). + +(** (We've written [nil] and [cons] explicitly here because we haven't + yet defined the [ [] ] and [::] notations for the new version of + lists. We'll do that in a bit.) *) + +(** We can now go back and make polymorphic versions of all the + list-processing functions that we wrote before. Here is [repeat], + for example: *) + +Fixpoint repeat (X : Type) (x : X) (count : nat) : list X := + match count with + | 0 => nil X + | S count' => cons X x (repeat X x count') + end. + +(** As with [nil] and [cons], we can use [repeat] by applying it + first to a type and then to an element of this type (and a number): *) + +Example test_repeat1 : + repeat nat 4 2 = cons nat 4 (cons nat 4 (nil nat)). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** To use [repeat] to build other kinds of lists, we simply + instantiate it with an appropriate type parameter: *) + +Example test_repeat2 : + repeat bool false 1 = cons bool false (nil bool). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (mumble_grumble) + + Consider the following two inductively defined types. *) + +Module MumbleGrumble. + +Inductive mumble : Type := + | a + | b (x : mumble) (y : nat) + | c. + +Inductive grumble (X:Type) : Type := + | d (m : mumble) + | e (x : X). + +(** Which of the following are well-typed elements of [grumble X] for + some type [X]? (Add YES or NO to each line.) + - [d (b a 5)] + - [d mumble (b a 5)] + - [d bool (b a 5)] + - [e bool true] + - [e mumble (b c 0)] + - [e bool (b c 0)] + - [c] *) +(* FILL IN HERE *) +End MumbleGrumble. + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_mumble_grumble : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Type Annotation Inference *) + +(** Let's write the definition of [repeat] again, but this time we + won't specify the types of any of the arguments. Will Coq still + accept it? *) + +Fixpoint repeat' X x count : list X := + match count with + | 0 => nil X + | S count' => cons X x (repeat' X x count') + end. + +(** Indeed it will. Let's see what type Coq has assigned to [repeat']: *) + +Check repeat'. +(* ===> forall X : Type, X -> nat -> list X *) +Check repeat. +(* ===> forall X : Type, X -> nat -> list X *) + +(** It has exactly the same type as [repeat]. Coq was able + to use _type inference_ to deduce what the types of [X], [x], and + [count] must be, based on how they are used. For example, since + [X] is used as an argument to [cons], it must be a [Type], since + [cons] expects a [Type] as its first argument; matching [count] + with [0] and [S] means it must be a [nat]; and so on. + + This powerful facility means we don't always have to write + explicit type annotations everywhere, although explicit type + annotations are still quite useful as documentation and sanity + checks, so we will continue to use them most of the time. You + should try to find a balance in your own code between too many + type annotations (which can clutter and distract) and too + few (which forces readers to perform type inference in their heads + in order to understand your code). *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Type Argument Synthesis *) + +(** To use a polymorphic function, we need to pass it one or + more types in addition to its other arguments. For example, the + recursive call in the body of the [repeat] function above must + pass along the type [X]. But since the second argument to + [repeat] is an element of [X], it seems entirely obvious that the + first argument can only be [X] -- why should we have to write it + explicitly? + + Fortunately, Coq permits us to avoid this kind of redundancy. In + place of any type argument we can write a "hole" [_], which can be + read as "Please try to figure out for yourself what belongs here." + More precisely, when Coq encounters a [_], it will attempt to + _unify_ all locally available information -- the type of the + function being applied, the types of the other arguments, and the + type expected by the context in which the application appears -- + to determine what concrete type should replace the [_]. + + This may sound similar to type annotation inference -- indeed, the + two procedures rely on the same underlying mechanisms. Instead of + simply omitting the types of some arguments to a function, like + + repeat' X x count : list X := + + we can also replace the types with [_] + + repeat' (X : _) (x : _) (count : _) : list X := + + to tell Coq to attempt to infer the missing information. + + Using holes, the [repeat] function can be written like this: *) + +Fixpoint repeat'' X x count : list X := + match count with + | 0 => nil _ + | S count' => cons _ x (repeat'' _ x count') + end. + +(** In this instance, we don't save much by writing [_] instead of + [X]. But in many cases the difference in both keystrokes and + readability is nontrivial. For example, suppose we want to write + down a list containing the numbers [1], [2], and [3]. Instead of + writing this... *) + +Definition list123 := + cons nat 1 (cons nat 2 (cons nat 3 (nil nat))). + +(** ...we can use holes to write this: *) + +Definition list123' := + cons _ 1 (cons _ 2 (cons _ 3 (nil _))). + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Implicit Arguments *) + +(** We can go further and even avoid writing [_]'s in most cases by + telling Coq _always_ to infer the type argument(s) of a given + function. + + The [Arguments] directive specifies the name of the function (or + constructor) and then lists its argument names, with curly braces + around any arguments to be treated as implicit. (If some + arguments of a definition don't have a name, as is often the case + for constructors, they can be marked with a wildcard pattern + [_].) *) + +Arguments nil {X}. +Arguments cons {X} _ _. +Arguments repeat {X} x count. + +(** Now, we don't have to supply type arguments at all: *) + +Definition list123'' := cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)). + +(** Alternatively, we can declare an argument to be implicit + when defining the function itself, by surrounding it in curly + braces instead of parens. For example: *) + +Fixpoint repeat''' {X : Type} (x : X) (count : nat) : list X := + match count with + | 0 => nil + | S count' => cons x (repeat''' x count') + end. + +(** (Note that we didn't even have to provide a type argument to the + recursive call to [repeat''']; indeed, it would be invalid to + provide one!) + + We will use the latter style whenever possible, but we will + continue to use explicit [Argument] declarations for [Inductive] + constructors. The reason for this is that marking the parameter + of an inductive type as implicit causes it to become implicit for + the type itself, not just for its constructors. For instance, + consider the following alternative definition of the [list] + type: *) + +Inductive list' {X:Type} : Type := + | nil' + | cons' (x : X) (l : list'). + +(** Because [X] is declared as implicit for the _entire_ inductive + definition including [list'] itself, we now have to write just + [list'] whether we are talking about lists of numbers or booleans + or anything else, rather than [list' nat] or [list' bool] or + whatever; this is a step too far. *) + +(** Let's finish by re-implementing a few other standard list + functions on our new polymorphic lists... *) + +Fixpoint app {X : Type} (l1 l2 : list X) + : (list X) := + match l1 with + | nil => l2 + | cons h t => cons h (app t l2) + end. + +Fixpoint rev {X:Type} (l:list X) : list X := + match l with + | nil => nil + | cons h t => app (rev t) (cons h nil) + end. + +Fixpoint length {X : Type} (l : list X) : nat := + match l with + | nil => 0 + | cons _ l' => S (length l') + end. + +Example test_rev1 : + rev (cons 1 (cons 2 nil)) = (cons 2 (cons 1 nil)). +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example test_rev2: + rev (cons true nil) = cons true nil. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example test_length1: length (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) = 3. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Supplying Type Arguments Explicitly *) + +(** One small problem with declaring arguments [Implicit] is + that, occasionally, Coq does not have enough local information to + determine a type argument; in such cases, we need to tell Coq that + we want to give the argument explicitly just this time. For + example, suppose we write this: *) + +Fail Definition mynil := nil. + +(** (The [Fail] qualifier that appears before [Definition] can be + used with _any_ command, and is used to ensure that that command + indeed fails when executed. If the command does fail, Coq prints + the corresponding error message, but continues processing the rest + of the file.) + + Here, Coq gives us an error because it doesn't know what type + argument to supply to [nil]. We can help it by providing an + explicit type declaration (so that Coq has more information + available when it gets to the "application" of [nil]): *) + +Definition mynil : list nat := nil. + +(** Alternatively, we can force the implicit arguments to be explicit by + prefixing the function name with [@]. *) + +Check @nil. + +Definition mynil' := @nil nat. + +(** Using argument synthesis and implicit arguments, we can + define convenient notation for lists, as before. Since we have + made the constructor type arguments implicit, Coq will know to + automatically infer these when we use the notations. *) + +Notation "x :: y" := (cons x y) + (at level 60, right associativity). +Notation "[ ]" := nil. +Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y []) ..). +Notation "x ++ y" := (app x y) + (at level 60, right associativity). + +(** Now lists can be written just the way we'd hope: *) + +Definition list123''' := [1; 2; 3]. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (poly_exercises) + + Here are a few simple exercises, just like ones in the [Lists] + chapter, for practice with polymorphism. Complete the proofs below. *) + +Theorem app_nil_r : forall (X:Type), forall l:list X, + l ++ [] = l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem app_assoc : forall A (l m n:list A), + l ++ m ++ n = (l ++ m) ++ n. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Lemma app_length : forall (X:Type) (l1 l2 : list X), + length (l1 ++ l2) = length l1 + length l2. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (more_poly_exercises) + + Here are some slightly more interesting ones... *) + +Theorem rev_app_distr: forall X (l1 l2 : list X), + rev (l1 ++ l2) = rev l2 ++ rev l1. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem rev_involutive : forall X : Type, forall l : list X, + rev (rev l) = l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Polymorphic Pairs *) + +(** Following the same pattern, the type definition we gave in + the last chapter for pairs of numbers can be generalized to + _polymorphic pairs_, often called _products_: *) + +Inductive prod (X Y : Type) : Type := +| pair (x : X) (y : Y). + +Arguments pair {X} {Y} _ _. + +(** As with lists, we make the type arguments implicit and define the + familiar concrete notation. *) + +Notation "( x , y )" := (pair x y). + +(** We can also use the [Notation] mechanism to define the standard + notation for product _types_: *) + +Notation "X * Y" := (prod X Y) : type_scope. + +(** (The annotation [: type_scope] tells Coq that this abbreviation + should only be used when parsing types. This avoids a clash with + the multiplication symbol.) *) + +(** It is easy at first to get [(x,y)] and [X*Y] confused. + Remember that [(x,y)] is a _value_ built from two other values, + while [X*Y] is a _type_ built from two other types. If [x] has + type [X] and [y] has type [Y], then [(x,y)] has type [X*Y]. *) + +(** The first and second projection functions now look pretty + much as they would in any functional programming language. *) + +Definition fst {X Y : Type} (p : X * Y) : X := + match p with + | (x, y) => x + end. + +Definition snd {X Y : Type} (p : X * Y) : Y := + match p with + | (x, y) => y + end. + +(** The following function takes two lists and combines them + into a list of pairs. In other functional languages, it is often + called [zip]; we call it [combine] for consistency with Coq's + standard library. *) + +Fixpoint combine {X Y : Type} (lx : list X) (ly : list Y) + : list (X*Y) := + match lx, ly with + | [], _ => [] + | _, [] => [] + | x :: tx, y :: ty => (x, y) :: (combine tx ty) + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (combine_checks) + + Try answering the following questions on paper and + checking your answers in Coq: + - What is the type of [combine] (i.e., what does [Check + @combine] print?) + - What does + + Compute (combine [1;2] [false;false;true;true]). + + print? + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (split) + + The function [split] is the right inverse of [combine]: it takes a + list of pairs and returns a pair of lists. In many functional + languages, it is called [unzip]. + + Fill in the definition of [split] below. Make sure it passes the + given unit test. *) + +Fixpoint split {X Y : Type} (l : list (X*Y)) + : (list X) * (list Y) + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_split: + split [(1,false);(2,false)] = ([1;2],[false;false]). +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Polymorphic Options *) + +(** One last polymorphic type for now: _polymorphic options_, + which generalize [natoption] from the previous chapter. (We put + the definition inside a module because the standard library + already defines [option] and it's this one that we want to use + below.) *) + +Module OptionPlayground. + +Inductive option (X:Type) : Type := + | Some (x : X) + | None. + +Arguments Some {X} _. +Arguments None {X}. + +End OptionPlayground. + +(** We can now rewrite the [nth_error] function so that it works + with any type of lists. *) + +Fixpoint nth_error {X : Type} (l : list X) (n : nat) + : option X := + match l with + | [] => None + | a :: l' => if n =? O then Some a else nth_error l' (pred n) + end. + +Example test_nth_error1 : nth_error [4;5;6;7] 0 = Some 4. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_nth_error2 : nth_error [[1];[2]] 1 = Some [2]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_nth_error3 : nth_error [true] 2 = None. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (hd_error_poly) + + Complete the definition of a polymorphic version of the + [hd_error] function from the last chapter. Be sure that it + passes the unit tests below. *) + +Definition hd_error {X : Type} (l : list X) : option X + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** Once again, to force the implicit arguments to be explicit, + we can use [@] before the name of the function. *) + +Check @hd_error. + +Example test_hd_error1 : hd_error [1;2] = Some 1. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_hd_error2 : hd_error [[1];[2]] = Some [1]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Functions as Data *) + +(** Like many other modern programming languages -- including + all functional languages (ML, Haskell, Scheme, Scala, Clojure, + etc.) -- Coq treats functions as first-class citizens, allowing + them to be passed as arguments to other functions, returned as + results, stored in data structures, etc. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Higher-Order Functions *) + +(** Functions that manipulate other functions are often called + _higher-order_ functions. Here's a simple one: *) + +Definition doit3times {X:Type} (f:X->X) (n:X) : X := + f (f (f n)). + +(** The argument [f] here is itself a function (from [X] to + [X]); the body of [doit3times] applies [f] three times to some + value [n]. *) + +Check @doit3times. +(* ===> doit3times : forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> X -> X *) + +Example test_doit3times: doit3times minustwo 9 = 3. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example test_doit3times': doit3times negb true = false. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Filter *) + +(** Here is a more useful higher-order function, taking a list + of [X]s and a _predicate_ on [X] (a function from [X] to [bool]) + and "filtering" the list, returning a new list containing just + those elements for which the predicate returns [true]. *) + +Fixpoint filter {X:Type} (test: X->bool) (l:list X) + : (list X) := + match l with + | [] => [] + | h :: t => if test h then h :: (filter test t) + else filter test t + end. + +(** For example, if we apply [filter] to the predicate [evenb] + and a list of numbers [l], it returns a list containing just the + even members of [l]. *) + +Example test_filter1: filter evenb [1;2;3;4] = [2;4]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Definition length_is_1 {X : Type} (l : list X) : bool := + (length l) =? 1. + +Example test_filter2: + filter length_is_1 + [ [1; 2]; [3]; [4]; [5;6;7]; []; [8] ] + = [ [3]; [4]; [8] ]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** We can use [filter] to give a concise version of the + [countoddmembers] function from the [Lists] chapter. *) + +Definition countoddmembers' (l:list nat) : nat := + length (filter oddb l). + +Example test_countoddmembers'1: countoddmembers' [1;0;3;1;4;5] = 4. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_countoddmembers'2: countoddmembers' [0;2;4] = 0. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_countoddmembers'3: countoddmembers' nil = 0. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Anonymous Functions *) + +(** It is arguably a little sad, in the example just above, to + be forced to define the function [length_is_1] and give it a name + just to be able to pass it as an argument to [filter], since we + will probably never use it again. Moreover, this is not an + isolated example: when using higher-order functions, we often want + to pass as arguments "one-off" functions that we will never use + again; having to give each of these functions a name would be + tedious. + + Fortunately, there is a better way. We can construct a function + "on the fly" without declaring it at the top level or giving it a + name. *) + +Example test_anon_fun': + doit3times (fun n => n * n) 2 = 256. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The expression [(fun n => n * n)] can be read as "the function + that, given a number [n], yields [n * n]." *) + +(** Here is the [filter] example, rewritten to use an anonymous + function. *) + +Example test_filter2': + filter (fun l => (length l) =? 1) + [ [1; 2]; [3]; [4]; [5;6;7]; []; [8] ] + = [ [3]; [4]; [8] ]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (filter_even_gt7) + + Use [filter] (instead of [Fixpoint]) to write a Coq function + [filter_even_gt7] that takes a list of natural numbers as input + and returns a list of just those that are even and greater than + 7. *) + +Definition filter_even_gt7 (l : list nat) : list nat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_filter_even_gt7_1 : + filter_even_gt7 [1;2;6;9;10;3;12;8] = [10;12;8]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_filter_even_gt7_2 : + filter_even_gt7 [5;2;6;19;129] = []. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (partition) + + Use [filter] to write a Coq function [partition]: + + partition : forall X : Type, + (X -> bool) -> list X -> list X * list X + + Given a set [X], a test function of type [X -> bool] and a [list + X], [partition] should return a pair of lists. The first member of + the pair is the sublist of the original list containing the + elements that satisfy the test, and the second is the sublist + containing those that fail the test. The order of elements in the + two sublists should be the same as their order in the original + list. *) + +Definition partition {X : Type} + (test : X -> bool) + (l : list X) + : list X * list X + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_partition1: partition oddb [1;2;3;4;5] = ([1;3;5], [2;4]). +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +Example test_partition2: partition (fun x => false) [5;9;0] = ([], [5;9;0]). +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Map *) + +(** Another handy higher-order function is called [map]. *) + +Fixpoint map {X Y: Type} (f:X->Y) (l:list X) : (list Y) := + match l with + | [] => [] + | h :: t => (f h) :: (map f t) + end. + +(** It takes a function [f] and a list [ l = [n1, n2, n3, ...] ] + and returns the list [ [f n1, f n2, f n3,...] ], where [f] has + been applied to each element of [l] in turn. For example: *) + +Example test_map1: map (fun x => plus 3 x) [2;0;2] = [5;3;5]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** The element types of the input and output lists need not be + the same, since [map] takes _two_ type arguments, [X] and [Y]; it + can thus be applied to a list of numbers and a function from + numbers to booleans to yield a list of booleans: *) + +Example test_map2: + map oddb [2;1;2;5] = [false;true;false;true]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** It can even be applied to a list of numbers and + a function from numbers to _lists_ of booleans to + yield a _list of lists_ of booleans: *) + +Example test_map3: + map (fun n => [evenb n;oddb n]) [2;1;2;5] + = [[true;false];[false;true];[true;false];[false;true]]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (map_rev) + + Show that [map] and [rev] commute. You may need to define an + auxiliary lemma. *) + +Theorem map_rev : forall (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) (l : list X), + map f (rev l) = rev (map f l). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (flat_map) + + The function [map] maps a [list X] to a [list Y] using a function + of type [X -> Y]. We can define a similar function, [flat_map], + which maps a [list X] to a [list Y] using a function [f] of type + [X -> list Y]. Your definition should work by 'flattening' the + results of [f], like so: + + flat_map (fun n => [n;n+1;n+2]) [1;5;10] + = [1; 2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 10; 11; 12]. +*) + +Fixpoint flat_map {X Y: Type} (f: X -> list Y) (l: list X) + : (list Y) + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_flat_map1: + flat_map (fun n => [n;n;n]) [1;5;4] + = [1; 1; 1; 5; 5; 5; 4; 4; 4]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Lists are not the only inductive type for which [map] makes sense. + Here is a [map] for the [option] type: *) + +Definition option_map {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (xo : option X) + : option Y := + match xo with + | None => None + | Some x => Some (f x) + end. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (implicit_args) + + The definitions and uses of [filter] and [map] use implicit + arguments in many places. Replace the curly braces around the + implicit arguments with parentheses, and then fill in explicit + type parameters where necessary and use Coq to check that you've + done so correctly. (This exercise is not to be turned in; it is + probably easiest to do it on a _copy_ of this file that you can + throw away afterwards.) + + [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Fold *) + +(** An even more powerful higher-order function is called + [fold]. This function is the inspiration for the "[reduce]" + operation that lies at the heart of Google's map/reduce + distributed programming framework. *) + +Fixpoint fold {X Y: Type} (f: X->Y->Y) (l: list X) (b: Y) + : Y := + match l with + | nil => b + | h :: t => f h (fold f t b) + end. + +(** Intuitively, the behavior of the [fold] operation is to + insert a given binary operator [f] between every pair of elements + in a given list. For example, [ fold plus [1;2;3;4] ] intuitively + means [1+2+3+4]. To make this precise, we also need a "starting + element" that serves as the initial second input to [f]. So, for + example, + + fold plus [1;2;3;4] 0 + + yields + + 1 + (2 + (3 + (4 + 0))). + + Some more examples: *) + +Check (fold andb). +(* ===> fold andb : list bool -> bool -> bool *) + +Example fold_example1 : + fold mult [1;2;3;4] 1 = 24. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example fold_example2 : + fold andb [true;true;false;true] true = false. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example fold_example3 : + fold app [[1];[];[2;3];[4]] [] = [1;2;3;4]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, advanced (fold_types_different) + + Observe that the type of [fold] is parameterized by _two_ type + variables, [X] and [Y], and the parameter [f] is a binary operator + that takes an [X] and a [Y] and returns a [Y]. Can you think of a + situation where it would be useful for [X] and [Y] to be + different? *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_fold_types_different : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Functions That Construct Functions *) + +(** Most of the higher-order functions we have talked about so + far take functions as arguments. Let's look at some examples that + involve _returning_ functions as the results of other functions. + To begin, here is a function that takes a value [x] (drawn from + some type [X]) and returns a function from [nat] to [X] that + yields [x] whenever it is called, ignoring its [nat] argument. *) + +Definition constfun {X: Type} (x: X) : nat->X := + fun (k:nat) => x. + +Definition ftrue := constfun true. + +Example constfun_example1 : ftrue 0 = true. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +Example constfun_example2 : (constfun 5) 99 = 5. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** In fact, the multiple-argument functions we have already + seen are also examples of passing functions as data. To see why, + recall the type of [plus]. *) + +Check plus. +(* ==> nat -> nat -> nat *) + +(** Each [->] in this expression is actually a _binary_ operator + on types. This operator is _right-associative_, so the type of + [plus] is really a shorthand for [nat -> (nat -> nat)] -- i.e., it + can be read as saying that "[plus] is a one-argument function that + takes a [nat] and returns a one-argument function that takes + another [nat] and returns a [nat]." In the examples above, we + have always applied [plus] to both of its arguments at once, but + if we like we can supply just the first. This is called _partial + application_. *) + +Definition plus3 := plus 3. +Check plus3. + +Example test_plus3 : plus3 4 = 7. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_plus3' : doit3times plus3 0 = 9. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. +Example test_plus3'' : doit3times (plus 3) 0 = 9. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Additional Exercises *) + +Module Exercises. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (fold_length) + + Many common functions on lists can be implemented in terms of + [fold]. For example, here is an alternative definition of [length]: *) + +Definition fold_length {X : Type} (l : list X) : nat := + fold (fun _ n => S n) l 0. + +Example test_fold_length1 : fold_length [4;7;0] = 3. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Prove the correctness of [fold_length]. (Hint: It may help to + know that [reflexivity] simplifies expressions a bit more + aggressively than [simpl] does -- i.e., you may find yourself in a + situation where [simpl] does nothing but [reflexivity] solves the + goal.) *) + +Theorem fold_length_correct : forall X (l : list X), + fold_length l = length l. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (fold_map) + + We can also define [map] in terms of [fold]. Finish [fold_map] + below. *) + +Definition fold_map {X Y: Type} (f: X -> Y) (l: list X) : list Y + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** Write down a theorem [fold_map_correct] in Coq stating that + [fold_map] is correct, and prove it. (Hint: again, remember that + [reflexivity] simplifies expressions a bit more aggressively than + [simpl].) *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_fold_map : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (currying) + + In Coq, a function [f : A -> B -> C] really has the type [A + -> (B -> C)]. That is, if you give [f] a value of type [A], it + will give you function [f' : B -> C]. If you then give [f'] a + value of type [B], it will return a value of type [C]. This + allows for partial application, as in [plus3]. Processing a list + of arguments with functions that return functions is called + _currying_, in honor of the logician Haskell Curry. + + Conversely, we can reinterpret the type [A -> B -> C] as [(A * + B) -> C]. This is called _uncurrying_. With an uncurried binary + function, both arguments must be given at once as a pair; there is + no partial application. *) + +(** We can define currying as follows: *) + +Definition prod_curry {X Y Z : Type} + (f : X * Y -> Z) (x : X) (y : Y) : Z := f (x, y). + +(** As an exercise, define its inverse, [prod_uncurry]. Then prove + the theorems below to show that the two are inverses. *) + +Definition prod_uncurry {X Y Z : Type} + (f : X -> Y -> Z) (p : X * Y) : Z + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +(** As a (trivial) example of the usefulness of currying, we can use it + to shorten one of the examples that we saw above: *) + +Example test_map1': map (plus 3) [2;0;2] = [5;3;5]. +Proof. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Thought exercise: before running the following commands, can you + calculate the types of [prod_curry] and [prod_uncurry]? *) + +Check @prod_curry. +Check @prod_uncurry. + +Theorem uncurry_curry : forall (X Y Z : Type) + (f : X -> Y -> Z) + x y, + prod_curry (prod_uncurry f) x y = f x y. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Theorem curry_uncurry : forall (X Y Z : Type) + (f : (X * Y) -> Z) (p : X * Y), + prod_uncurry (prod_curry f) p = f p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (nth_error_informal) + + Recall the definition of the [nth_error] function: + + Fixpoint nth_error {X : Type} (l : list X) (n : nat) : option X := + match l with + | [] => None + | a :: l' => if n =? O then Some a else nth_error l' (pred n) + end. + + Write an informal proof of the following theorem: + + forall X n l, length l = n -> @nth_error X l n = None +*) +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_informal_proof : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** The following exercises explore an alternative way of defining + natural numbers, using the so-called _Church numerals_, named + after mathematician Alonzo Church. We can represent a natural + number [n] as a function that takes a function [f] as a parameter + and returns [f] iterated [n] times. *) + +Module Church. +Definition cnat := forall X : Type, (X -> X) -> X -> X. + +(** Let's see how to write some numbers with this notation. Iterating + a function once should be the same as just applying it. Thus: *) + +Definition one : cnat := + fun (X : Type) (f : X -> X) (x : X) => f x. + +(** Similarly, [two] should apply [f] twice to its argument: *) + +Definition two : cnat := + fun (X : Type) (f : X -> X) (x : X) => f (f x). + +(** Defining [zero] is somewhat trickier: how can we "apply a function + zero times"? The answer is actually simple: just return the + argument untouched. *) + +Definition zero : cnat := + fun (X : Type) (f : X -> X) (x : X) => x. + +(** More generally, a number [n] can be written as [fun X f x => f (f + ... (f x) ...)], with [n] occurrences of [f]. Notice in + particular how the [doit3times] function we've defined previously + is actually just the Church representation of [3]. *) + +Definition three : cnat := @doit3times. + +(** Complete the definitions of the following functions. Make sure + that the corresponding unit tests pass by proving them with + [reflexivity]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, advanced (church_succ) *) + +(** Successor of a natural number: given a Church numeral [n], + the successor [succ n] is a function that iterates its + argument once more than [n]. *) +Definition succ (n : cnat) : cnat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example succ_1 : succ zero = one. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example succ_2 : succ one = two. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example succ_3 : succ two = three. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, advanced (church_plus) *) + +(** Addition of two natural numbers: *) +Definition plus (n m : cnat) : cnat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example plus_1 : plus zero one = one. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example plus_2 : plus two three = plus three two. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example plus_3 : + plus (plus two two) three = plus one (plus three three). +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (church_mult) *) + +(** Multiplication: *) +Definition mult (n m : cnat) : cnat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example mult_1 : mult one one = one. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example mult_2 : mult zero (plus three three) = zero. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example mult_3 : mult two three = plus three three. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (church_exp) *) + +(** Exponentiation: *) + +(** (_Hint_: Polymorphism plays a crucial role here. However, + choosing the right type to iterate over can be tricky. If you hit + a "Universe inconsistency" error, try iterating over a different + type. Iterating over [cnat] itself is usually problematic.) *) + +Definition exp (n m : cnat) : cnat + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example exp_1 : exp two two = plus two two. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example exp_2 : exp three zero = one. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example exp_3 : exp three two = plus (mult two (mult two two)) one. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +End Church. + +End Exercises. + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:44 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/PolyTest.v b/PolyTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c838e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/PolyTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Poly. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Poly. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- mumble_grumble --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: mumble_grumble". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_mumble_grumble. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- split --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> split". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @split ((forall X Y : Type, list (X * Y) -> list X * list Y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions split. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_split". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_split ( +(@split nat bool [(1, false); (2, false)] = ([1; 2], [false; false]))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_split. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- filter_even_gt7 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_filter_even_gt7_1". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_filter_even_gt7_1 ( +(filter_even_gt7 [1; 2; 6; 9; 10; 3; 12; 8] = [10; 12; 8])). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_filter_even_gt7_2". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_filter_even_gt7_2 ((filter_even_gt7 [5; 2; 6; 19; 129] = [ ])). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- partition --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> partition". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @partition ((forall X : Type, (X -> bool) -> list X -> list X * list X)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions partition. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_partition1". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_partition1 ((@partition nat oddb [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] = ([1; 3; 5], [2; 4]))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_partition1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_partition2". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_partition2 ( +(@partition nat (fun _ : nat => false) [5; 9; 0] = ([ ], [5; 9; 0]))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_partition2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- map_rev --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> map_rev". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @map_rev ( +(forall (X Y : Type) (f : X -> Y) (l : list X), + @map X Y f (@rev X l) = @rev Y (@map X Y f l))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions map_rev. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- flat_map --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> flat_map". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @flat_map ((forall X Y : Type, (X -> list Y) -> list X -> list Y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions flat_map. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> test_flat_map1". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @test_flat_map1 ( +(@flat_map nat nat (fun n : nat => [n; n; n]) [1; 5; 4] = + [1; 1; 1; 5; 5; 5; 4; 4; 4])). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions test_flat_map1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- fold_types_different --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: fold_types_different". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_fold_types_different. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- fold_length --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.fold_length_correct". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @Exercises.fold_length_correct ( +(forall (X : Type) (l : list X), @Exercises.fold_length X l = @length X l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.fold_length_correct. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- fold_map --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: Exercises.fold_map". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade Exercises.manual_grade_for_fold_map. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- currying --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.uncurry_curry". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @Exercises.uncurry_curry ( +(forall (X Y Z : Type) (f : X -> Y -> Z) (x : X) (y : Y), + @Exercises.prod_curry X Y Z (@Exercises.prod_uncurry X Y Z f) x y = f x y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.uncurry_curry. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.curry_uncurry". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @Exercises.curry_uncurry ( +(forall (X Y Z : Type) (f : X * Y -> Z) (p : X * Y), + @Exercises.prod_uncurry X Y Z (@Exercises.prod_curry X Y Z f) p = f p)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.curry_uncurry. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- nth_error_informal --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: Exercises.informal_proof". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade Exercises.manual_grade_for_informal_proof. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- church_succ --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.succ_2". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.succ_2 ( +(Exercises.Church.succ = Exercises.Church.two)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.succ_3". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.succ_3 ( +(Exercises.Church.succ Exercises.Church.two = Exercises.Church.three)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- church_plus --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.plus_2". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.plus_2 ( +( Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.three = + Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.two)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.plus_3". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.plus_3 ( +( + ( Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two) + Exercises.Church.three = + + ( Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- church_mult --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_1". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_1 ( +(Exercises.Church.mult = + +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_2". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_2 ( +(Exercises.Church.mult + ( Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three) = + +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.mult_3". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @Exercises.Church.mult_3 ( +(Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.three = + Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.three)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- church_exp --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_1". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_1 ( +(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two = + Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_2". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 0.5". +check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_2 ( +(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.three = + +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_2. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Exercises.Church.exp_3". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @Exercises.Church.exp_3 ( +(Exercises.Church.exp Exercises.Church.three Exercises.Church.two = + + (Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two + (Exercises.Church.mult Exercises.Church.two Exercises.Church.two)) + +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 19". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 30". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- mumble_grumble ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- split ---------". +Print Assumptions split. +idtac "---------- test_split ---------". +Print Assumptions test_split. +idtac "---------- test_filter_even_gt7_1 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_1. +idtac "---------- test_filter_even_gt7_2 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_filter_even_gt7_2. +idtac "---------- partition ---------". +Print Assumptions partition. +idtac "---------- test_partition1 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_partition1. +idtac "---------- test_partition2 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_partition2. +idtac "---------- map_rev ---------". +Print Assumptions map_rev. +idtac "---------- flat_map ---------". +Print Assumptions flat_map. +idtac "---------- test_flat_map1 ---------". +Print Assumptions test_flat_map1. +idtac "---------- Exercises.fold_length_correct ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.fold_length_correct. +idtac "---------- fold_map ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- fold_types_different ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- Exercises.uncurry_curry ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.uncurry_curry. +idtac "---------- Exercises.curry_uncurry ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.curry_uncurry. +idtac "---------- informal_proof ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.succ_2 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_2. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.succ_3 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.succ_3. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.plus_2 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_2. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.plus_3 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.plus_3. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_1 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_1. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_2 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_2. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.mult_3 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.mult_3. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_1 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_1. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_2 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_2. +idtac "---------- Exercises.Church.exp_3 ---------". +Print Assumptions Exercises.Church.exp_3. +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:09 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Postscript.v b/Postscript.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2005ec4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Postscript.v @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +(** * Postscript *) + +(** Congratulations: We've made it to the end! *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Looking Back *) + +(** We've covered quite a bit of ground so far. Here's a quick review... + + - _Functional programming_: + - "declarative" programming style (recursion over immutable + data structures, rather than looping over mutable arrays + or pointer structures) + - higher-order functions + - polymorphism *) + +(** + - _Logic_, the mathematical basis for software engineering: + + logic calculus + -------------------- ~ ---------------------------- + software engineering mechanical/civil engineering + + - inductively defined sets and relations + - inductive proofs + - proof objects *) + +(** + - _Coq_, an industrial-strength proof assistant + - functional core language + - core tactics + - automation +*) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Looking Forward *) + +(** If what you've seen so far has whetted your interest, you have two + choices for further reading in the _Software Foundations_ series: + + - _Programming Language Foundations_ (volume 2, by a set of + authors similar to this book's) covers material that + might be found in a graduate course on the theory of + programming languages, including Hoare logic, operational + semantics, and type systems. + + - _Verified Functional Algorithms_ (volume 3, by Andrew + Appel) builds on the themes of functional programming and + program verification in Coq, addressing a range of topics + that might be found in a standard data structures course, + with an eye to formal verification. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Other sources *) + +(** Here are some other good places to learn more... + + - This book includes some optional chapters covering topics + that you may find useful. Take a look at the table of contents and the chapter dependency diagram to find + them. + + - For questions about Coq, the [#coq] area of Stack + Overflow ( + is an excellent community resource. + + - Here are some great books on functional programming + - Learn You a Haskell for Great Good, by Miran Lipovaca + [Lipovaca 2011] (in Bib.v). + - Real World Haskell, by Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, + and Don Stewart [O'Sullivan 2008] (in Bib.v) + - ...and many other excellent books on Haskell, OCaml, + Scheme, Racket, Scala, F sharp, etc., etc. + + - And some further resources for Coq: + - Certified Programming with Dependent Types, by Adam + Chlipala [Chlipala 2013] (in Bib.v). + - Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development: + Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, by Yves + Bertot and Pierre Casteran [Bertot 2004] (in Bib.v). + + - If you're interested in real-world applications of formal + verification to critical software, see the Postscript chapter + of _Programming Language Foundations_. + + - For applications of Coq in building verified systems, the + lectures and course materials for the 2017 DeepSpec Summer + School are a great resource. + +*) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:47 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/PostscriptTest.v b/PostscriptTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eaffa36 --- /dev/null +++ b/PostscriptTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Postscript. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Postscript. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:31 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Preface.v b/Preface.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d4c251 --- /dev/null +++ b/Preface.v @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +(** * Preface *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Welcome *) + +(** This is the entry point in a series of electronic textbooks on + various aspects of _Software Foundations_ -- the mathematical + underpinnings of reliable software. Topics in the series include + basic concepts of logic, computer-assisted theorem proving, the + Coq proof assistant, functional programming, operational + semantics, logics for reasoning about programs, and static type + systems. The exposition is intended for a broad range of readers, + from advanced undergraduates to PhD students and researchers. No + specific background in logic or programming languages is assumed, + though a degree of mathematical maturity will be helpful. + + The principal novelty of the series is that it is one hundred + percent formalized and machine-checked: each text is literally a + script for Coq. The books are intended to be read alongside (or + inside) an interactive session with Coq. All the details in the + text are fully formalized in Coq, and most of the exercises are + designed to be worked using Coq. + + The files in each book are organized into a sequence of core + chapters, covering about one semester's worth of material and + organized into a coherent linear narrative, plus a number of + "offshoot" chapters covering additional topics. All the core + chapters are suitable for both upper-level undergraduate and + graduate students. + + This book, _Logical Foundations_, lays groundwork for the others, + introducing the reader to the basic ideas of functional + programming, constructive logic, and the Coq proof assistant. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Overview *) + +(** Building reliable software is really hard. The scale and + complexity of modern systems, the number of people involved, and + the range of demands placed on them make it extremely difficult to + build software that is even more-or-less correct, much less 100%% + correct. At the same time, the increasing degree to which + information processing is woven into every aspect of society + greatly amplifies the cost of bugs and insecurities. + + Computer scientists and software engineers have responded to these + challenges by developing a whole host of techniques for improving + software reliability, ranging from recommendations about managing + software projects teams (e.g., extreme programming) to design + philosophies for libraries (e.g., model-view-controller, + publish-subscribe, etc.) and programming languages (e.g., + object-oriented programming, aspect-oriented programming, + functional programming, ...) to mathematical techniques for + specifying and reasoning about properties of software and tools + for helping validate these properties. The _Software Foundations_ + series is focused on this last set of techniques. + + The text is constructed around three conceptual threads: + + (1) basic tools from _logic_ for making and justifying precise + claims about programs; + + (2) the use of _proof assistants_ to construct rigorous logical + arguments; + + (3) _functional programming_, both as a method of programming that + simplifies reasoning about programs and as a bridge between + programming and logic. + + Some suggestions for further reading can be found in the + [Postscript] chapter. Bibliographic information for all + cited works can be found in the file [Bib]. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Logic *) + +(** Logic is the field of study whose subject matter is _proofs_ -- + unassailable arguments for the truth of particular propositions. + Volumes have been written about the central role of logic in + computer science. Manna and Waldinger called it "the calculus of + computer science," while Halpern et al.'s paper _On the Unusual + Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science_ catalogs scores of + ways in which logic offers critical tools and insights. Indeed, + they observe that, "As a matter of fact, logic has turned out to + be significantly more effective in computer science than it has + been in mathematics. This is quite remarkable, especially since + much of the impetus for the development of logic during the past + one hundred years came from mathematics." + + In particular, the fundamental tools of _inductive proof_ are + ubiquitous in all of computer science. You have surely seen them + before, perhaps in a course on discrete math or analysis of + algorithms, but in this course we will examine them more deeply + than you have probably done so far. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Proof Assistants *) + +(** The flow of ideas between logic and computer science has not been + unidirectional: CS has also made important contributions to logic. + One of these has been the development of software tools for + helping construct proofs of logical propositions. These tools + fall into two broad categories: + + - _Automated theorem provers_ provide "push-button" operation: + you give them a proposition and they return either _true_ or + _false_ (or, sometimes, _don't know: ran out of time_). + Although their capabilities are still limited to specific + domains, they have matured tremendously in recent years and + are used now in a multitude of settings. Examples of such + tools include SAT solvers, SMT solvers, and model checkers. + + - _Proof assistants_ are hybrid tools that automate the more + routine aspects of building proofs while depending on human + guidance for more difficult aspects. Widely used proof + assistants include Isabelle, Agda, Twelf, ACL2, PVS, and Coq, + among many others. + + This course is based around Coq, a proof assistant that has been + under development since 1983 and that in recent years has + attracted a large community of users in both research and + industry. Coq provides a rich environment for interactive + development of machine-checked formal reasoning. The kernel of + the Coq system is a simple proof-checker, which guarantees that + only correct deduction steps are ever performed. On top of this + kernel, the Coq environment provides high-level facilities for + proof development, including a large library of common definitions + and lemmas, powerful tactics for constructing complex proofs + semi-automatically, and a special-purpose programming language for + defining new proof-automation tactics for specific situations. + + Coq has been a critical enabler for a huge variety of work across + computer science and mathematics: + + - As a _platform for modeling programming languages_, it has + become a standard tool for researchers who need to describe and + reason about complex language definitions. It has been used, + for example, to check the security of the JavaCard platform, + obtaining the highest level of common criteria certification, + and for formal specifications of the x86 and LLVM instruction + sets and programming languages such as C. + + - As an _environment for developing formally certified software + and hardware_, Coq has been used, for example, to build + CompCert, a fully-verified optimizing compiler for C, and + CertiKos, a fully verified hypervisor, for proving the + correctness of subtle algorithms involving floating point + numbers, and as the basis for CertiCrypt, an environment for + reasoning about the security of cryptographic algorithms. It is + also being used to build verified implementations of the + open-source RISC-V processor. + + - As a _realistic environment for functional programming with + dependent types_, it has inspired numerous innovations. For + example, the Ynot system embeds "relational Hoare reasoning" (an + extension of the _Hoare Logic_ we will see later in this course) + in Coq. + + - As a _proof assistant for higher-order logic_, it has been used + to validate a number of important results in mathematics. For + example, its ability to include complex computations inside + proofs made it possible to develop the first formally verified + proof of the 4-color theorem. This proof had previously been + controversial among mathematicians because part of it included + checking a large number of configurations using a program. In + the Coq formalization, everything is checked, including the + correctness of the computational part. More recently, an even + more massive effort led to a Coq formalization of the + Feit-Thompson Theorem -- the first major step in the + classification of finite simple groups. + + By the way, in case you're wondering about the name, here's what + the official Coq web site at INRIA (the French national research + lab where Coq has mostly been developed) says about it: "Some + French computer scientists have a tradition of naming their + software as animal species: Caml, Elan, Foc or Phox are examples of + this tacit convention. In French, 'coq' means rooster, and it + sounds like the initials of the Calculus of Constructions (CoC) on + which it is based." The rooster is also the national symbol of + France, and C-o-q are the first three letters of the name of + Thierry Coquand, one of Coq's early developers. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Functional Programming *) + +(** The term _functional programming_ refers both to a collection of + programming idioms that can be used in almost any programming + language and to a family of programming languages designed to + emphasize these idioms, including Haskell, OCaml, Standard ML, + F##, Scala, Scheme, Racket, Common Lisp, Clojure, Erlang, and Coq. + + Functional programming has been developed over many decades -- + indeed, its roots go back to Church's lambda-calculus, which was + invented in the 1930s, well before the first computers (at least + the first electronic ones)! But since the early '90s it has + enjoyed a surge of interest among industrial engineers and + language designers, playing a key role in high-value systems at + companies like Jane St. Capital, Microsoft, Facebook, and + Ericsson. + + The most basic tenet of functional programming is that, as much as + possible, computation should be _pure_, in the sense that the only + effect of execution should be to produce a result: it should be + free from _side effects_ such as I/O, assignments to mutable + variables, redirecting pointers, etc. For example, whereas an + _imperative_ sorting function might take a list of numbers and + rearrange its pointers to put the list in order, a pure sorting + function would take the original list and return a _new_ list + containing the same numbers in sorted order. + + A significant benefit of this style of programming is that it + makes programs easier to understand and reason about. If every + operation on a data structure yields a new data structure, leaving + the old one intact, then there is no need to worry about how that + structure is being shared and whether a change by one part of the + program might break an invariant that another part of the program + relies on. These considerations are particularly critical in + concurrent systems, where every piece of mutable state that is + shared between threads is a potential source of pernicious bugs. + Indeed, a large part of the recent interest in functional + programming in industry is due to its simpler behavior in the + presence of concurrency. + + Another reason for the current excitement about functional + programming is related to the first: functional programs are often + much easier to parallelize than their imperative counterparts. If + running a computation has no effect other than producing a result, + then it does not matter _where_ it is run. Similarly, if a data + structure is never modified destructively, then it can be copied + freely, across cores or across the network. Indeed, the + "Map-Reduce" idiom, which lies at the heart of massively + distributed query processors like Hadoop and is used by Google to + index the entire web is a classic example of functional + programming. + + For purposes of this course, functional programming has yet + another significant attraction: it serves as a bridge between + logic and computer science. Indeed, Coq itself can be viewed as a + combination of a small but extremely expressive functional + programming language plus a set of tools for stating and proving + logical assertions. Moreover, when we come to look more closely, + we find that these two sides of Coq are actually aspects of the + very same underlying machinery -- i.e., _proofs are programs_. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Further Reading *) + +(** This text is intended to be self contained, but readers looking + for a deeper treatment of particular topics will find some + suggestions for further reading in the [Postscript] + chapter. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Practicalities *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Chapter Dependencies *) + +(** A diagram of the dependencies between chapters and some suggested + paths through the material can be found in the file [deps.html]. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** System Requirements *) + +(** Coq runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. You will need: + + - A current installation of Coq, available from the Coq home page. + These files have been tested with Coq 8.8.1. + + - An IDE for interacting with Coq. Currently, there are two + choices: + + - Proof General is an Emacs-based IDE. It tends to be + preferred by users who are already comfortable with Emacs. + It requires a separate installation (google "Proof + General"). + + Adventurous users of Coq within Emacs may also want to check + out extensions such as [company-coq] and [control-lock]. + + - CoqIDE is a simpler stand-alone IDE. It is distributed with + Coq, so it should be available once you have Coq installed. + It can also be compiled from scratch, but on some platforms + this may involve installing additional packages for GUI + libraries and such. + + Users who like CoqIDE should consider running it with the + "asynchronous" and "error resilience" modes disabled: + + coqide -async-proofs off -async-proofs-command-error-resilience off Foo.v & +*) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Exercises *) + +(** Each chapter includes numerous exercises. Each is marked with a + "star rating," which can be interpreted as follows: + + - One star: easy exercises that underscore points in the text + and that, for most readers, should take only a minute or two. + Get in the habit of working these as you reach them. + + - Two stars: straightforward exercises (five or ten minutes). + + - Three stars: exercises requiring a bit of thought (ten + minutes to half an hour). + + - Four and five stars: more difficult exercises (half an hour + and up). + + Also, some exercises are marked "advanced," and some are marked + "optional." Doing just the non-optional, non-advanced exercises + should provide good coverage of the core material. Optional + exercises provide a bit of extra practice with key concepts and + introduce secondary themes that may be of interest to some + readers. Advanced exercises are for readers who want an extra + challenge and a deeper cut at the material. + + _Please do not post solutions to the exercises in a public place_. + Software Foundations is widely used both for self-study and for + university courses. Having solutions easily available makes it + much less useful for courses, which typically have graded homework + assignments. We especially request that readers not post + solutions to the exercises anyplace where they can be found by + search engines. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Downloading the Coq Files *) + +(** A tar file containing the full sources for the "release version" + of this book (as a collection of Coq scripts and HTML files) is + available at + + If you are using the book as part of a class, your professor may + give you access to a locally modified version of the files; you + should use this one instead of the public release version, so that + you get any local updates during the semester. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Resources *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Sample Exams *) + +(** A large compendium of exams from many offerings of + CIS500 ("Software Foundations") at the University of Pennsylvania + can be found at + + There has been some drift of notations over the years, but most of + the problems are still relevant to the current text. *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Lecture Videos *) + +(** Lectures for two intensive summer courses based on _Logical + Foundations_ (part of the DeepSpec summer school series) can be + found at and + The video quality in the + 2017 lectures is poor at the beginning but gets better in the + later lectures. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Note for Instructors *) + +(** If you plan to use these materials in your own course, you will + undoubtedly find things you'd like to change, improve, or add. + Your contributions are welcome! + + In order to keep the legalities simple and to have a single point + of responsibility in case the need should ever arise to adjust the + license terms, sublicense, etc., we ask all contributors (i.e., + everyone with access to the developers' repository) to assign + copyright in their contributions to the appropriate "author of + record," as follows: + + - I hereby assign copyright in my past and future contributions + to the Software Foundations project to the Author of Record of + each volume or component, to be licensed under the same terms + as the rest of Software Foundations. I understand that, at + present, the Authors of Record are as follows: For Volumes 1 + and 2, known until 2016 as "Software Foundations" and from + 2016 as (respectively) "Logical Foundations" and "Programming + Foundations," and for Volume 4, "QuickChick: Property-Based + Testing in Coq," the Author of Record is Benjamin C. Pierce. + For Volume 3, "Verified Functional Algorithms", the Author of + Record is Andrew W. Appel. For components outside of + designated volumes (e.g., typesetting and grading tools and + other software infrastructure), the Author of Record is + Benjamin Pierce. + + To get started, please send an email to Benjamin Pierce, + describing yourself and how you plan to use the materials and + including (1) the above copyright transfer text and (2) your + github username. + + We'll set you up with access to the git repository and developers' + mailing lists. In the repository you'll find a file [INSTRUCTORS] + with further instructions. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Translations *) + +(** Thanks to the efforts of a team of volunteer translators, + _Software Foundations_ can be enjoyed in Japanese at + A Chinese translation is also underway; + you can preview it at *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Thanks *) + +(** Development of the _Software Foundations_ series has been + supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation under the + NSF Expeditions grant 1521523, _The Science of Deep + Specification_. *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:43 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/PrefaceTest.v b/PrefaceTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5c1fe --- /dev/null +++ b/PrefaceTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Preface. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Preface. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:04 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ProofObjects.v b/ProofObjects.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e06e98b --- /dev/null +++ b/ProofObjects.v @@ -0,0 +1,618 @@ +(** * ProofObjects: The Curry-Howard Correspondence *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export IndProp. + +(** "_Algorithms are the computational content of proofs_." --Robert Harper *) + +(** We have seen that Coq has mechanisms both for _programming_, + using inductive data types like [nat] or [list] and functions over + these types, and for _proving_ properties of these programs, using + inductive propositions (like [even]), implication, universal + quantification, and the like. So far, we have mostly treated + these mechanisms as if they were quite separate, and for many + purposes this is a good way to think. But we have also seen hints + that Coq's programming and proving facilities are closely related. + For example, the keyword [Inductive] is used to declare both data + types and propositions, and [->] is used both to describe the type + of functions on data and logical implication. This is not just a + syntactic accident! In fact, programs and proofs in Coq are + almost the same thing. In this chapter we will study how this + works. + + We have already seen the fundamental idea: provability in Coq is + represented by concrete _evidence_. When we construct the proof + of a basic proposition, we are actually building a tree of + evidence, which can be thought of as a data structure. + + If the proposition is an implication like [A -> B], then its proof + will be an evidence _transformer_: a recipe for converting + evidence for A into evidence for B. So at a fundamental level, + proofs are simply programs that manipulate evidence. *) + +(** Question: If evidence is data, what are propositions themselves? + + Answer: They are types! *) + +(** Look again at the formal definition of the [even] property. *) + +Print even. +(* ==> + Inductive even : nat -> Prop := + | ev_0 : even 0 + | ev_SS : forall n, even n -> even (S (S n)). +*) + +(** Suppose we introduce an alternative pronunciation of "[:]". + Instead of "has type," we can say "is a proof of." For example, + the second line in the definition of [even] declares that [ev_0 : even + 0]. Instead of "[ev_0] has type [even 0]," we can say that "[ev_0] + is a proof of [even 0]." *) + +(** This pun between types and propositions -- between [:] as "has type" + and [:] as "is a proof of" or "is evidence for" -- is called the + _Curry-Howard correspondence_. It proposes a deep connection + between the world of logic and the world of computation: + + propositions ~ types + proofs ~ data values + + See [Wadler 2015] (in Bib.v) for a brief history and up-to-date exposition. *) + +(** Many useful insights follow from this connection. To begin with, + it gives us a natural interpretation of the type of the [ev_SS] + constructor: *) + +Check ev_SS. +(* ===> ev_SS : forall n, + even n -> + even (S (S n)) *) + +(** This can be read "[ev_SS] is a constructor that takes two + arguments -- a number [n] and evidence for the proposition [even + n] -- and yields evidence for the proposition [even (S (S n))]." *) + +(** Now let's look again at a previous proof involving [even]. *) + +Theorem ev_4 : even 4. +Proof. + apply ev_SS. apply ev_SS. apply ev_0. Qed. + +(** As with ordinary data values and functions, we can use the [Print] + command to see the _proof object_ that results from this proof + script. *) + +Print ev_4. +(* ===> ev_4 = ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0) + : even 4 *) + +(** Indeed, we can also write down this proof object _directly_, + without the need for a separate proof script: *) + +Check (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)). +(* ===> even 4 *) + +(** The expression [ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)] can be thought of as + instantiating the parameterized constructor [ev_SS] with the + specific arguments [2] and [0] plus the corresponding proof + objects for its premises [even 2] and [even 0]. Alternatively, we can + think of [ev_SS] as a primitive "evidence constructor" that, when + applied to a particular number, wants to be further applied to + evidence that that number is even; its type, + + forall n, even n -> even (S (S n)), + + expresses this functionality, in the same way that the polymorphic + type [forall X, list X] expresses the fact that the constructor + [nil] can be thought of as a function from types to empty lists + with elements of that type. *) + +(** We saw in the [Logic] chapter that we can use function + application syntax to instantiate universally quantified variables + in lemmas, as well as to supply evidence for assumptions that + these lemmas impose. For instance: *) + +Theorem ev_4': even 4. +Proof. + apply (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)). +Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Proof Scripts *) + +(** The _proof objects_ we've been discussing lie at the core of how + Coq operates. When Coq is following a proof script, what is + happening internally is that it is gradually constructing a proof + object -- a term whose type is the proposition being proved. The + tactics between [Proof] and [Qed] tell it how to build up a term + of the required type. To see this process in action, let's use + the [Show Proof] command to display the current state of the proof + tree at various points in the following tactic proof. *) + +Theorem ev_4'' : even 4. +Proof. + Show Proof. + apply ev_SS. + Show Proof. + apply ev_SS. + Show Proof. + apply ev_0. + Show Proof. +Qed. + +(** At any given moment, Coq has constructed a term with a + "hole" (indicated by [?Goal] here, and so on), and it knows what + type of evidence is needed to fill this hole. + + Each hole corresponds to a subgoal, and the proof is + finished when there are no more subgoals. At this point, the + evidence we've built stored in the global context under the name + given in the [Theorem] command. *) + +(** Tactic proofs are useful and convenient, but they are not + essential: in principle, we can always construct the required + evidence by hand, as shown above. Then we can use [Definition] + (rather than [Theorem]) to give a global name directly to this + evidence. *) + +Definition ev_4''' : even 4 := + ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0). + +(** All these different ways of building the proof lead to exactly the + same evidence being saved in the global environment. *) + +Print ev_4. +(* ===> ev_4 = ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0) : even 4 *) +Print ev_4'. +(* ===> ev_4' = ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0) : even 4 *) +Print ev_4''. +(* ===> ev_4'' = ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0) : even 4 *) +Print ev_4'''. +(* ===> ev_4''' = ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0) : even 4 *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (eight_is_even) + + Give a tactic proof and a proof object showing that [even 8]. *) + +Theorem ev_8 : even 8. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Definition ev_8' : even 8 + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Quantifiers, Implications, Functions *) + +(** In Coq's computational universe (where data structures and + programs live), there are two sorts of values with arrows in their + types: _constructors_ introduced by [Inductive]ly defined data + types, and _functions_. + + Similarly, in Coq's logical universe (where we carry out proofs), + there are two ways of giving evidence for an implication: + constructors introduced by [Inductive]ly defined propositions, + and... functions! *) + +(** For example, consider this statement: *) + +Theorem ev_plus4 : forall n, even n -> even (4 + n). +Proof. + intros n H. simpl. + apply ev_SS. + apply ev_SS. + apply H. +Qed. + +(** What is the proof object corresponding to [ev_plus4]? + + We're looking for an expression whose _type_ is [forall n, even n -> + even (4 + n)] -- that is, a _function_ that takes two arguments (one + number and a piece of evidence) and returns a piece of evidence! + + Here it is: *) + +Definition ev_plus4' : forall n, even n -> even (4 + n) := + fun (n : nat) => fun (H : even n) => + ev_SS (S (S n)) (ev_SS n H). + +(** Recall that [fun n => blah] means "the function that, given [n], + yields [blah]," and that Coq treats [4 + n] and [S (S (S (S n)))] + as synonyms. Another equivalent way to write this definition is: *) + +Definition ev_plus4'' (n : nat) (H : even n) + : even (4 + n) := + ev_SS (S (S n)) (ev_SS n H). + +Check ev_plus4''. +(* ===> + : forall n : nat, even n -> even (4 + n) *) + +(** When we view the proposition being proved by [ev_plus4] as a + function type, one interesting point becomes apparent: The second + argument's type, [even n], mentions the _value_ of the first + argument, [n]. + + While such _dependent types_ are not found in conventional + programming languages, they can be useful in programming too, as + the recent flurry of activity in the functional programming + community demonstrates. *) + +(** Notice that both implication ([->]) and quantification ([forall]) + correspond to functions on evidence. In fact, they are really the + same thing: [->] is just a shorthand for a degenerate use of + [forall] where there is no dependency, i.e., no need to give a + name to the type on the left-hand side of the arrow: + + forall (x:nat), nat + = forall (_:nat), nat + = nat -> nat +*) + +(** For example, consider this proposition: *) + +Definition ev_plus2 : Prop := + forall n, forall (E : even n), even (n + 2). + +(** A proof term inhabiting this proposition would be a function + with two arguments: a number [n] and some evidence [E] that [n] is + even. But the name [E] for this evidence is not used in the rest + of the statement of [ev_plus2], so it's a bit silly to bother + making up a name for it. We could write it like this instead, + using the dummy identifier [_] in place of a real name: *) + +Definition ev_plus2' : Prop := + forall n, forall (_ : even n), even (n + 2). + +(** Or, equivalently, we can write it in more familiar notation: *) + +Definition ev_plus2'' : Prop := + forall n, even n -> even (n + 2). + +(** In general, "[P -> Q]" is just syntactic sugar for + "[forall (_:P), Q]". *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Programming with Tactics *) + +(** If we can build proofs by giving explicit terms rather than + executing tactic scripts, you may be wondering whether we can + build _programs_ using _tactics_ rather than explicit terms. + Naturally, the answer is yes! *) + +Definition add1 : nat -> nat. +intro n. +Show Proof. +apply S. +Show Proof. +apply n. Defined. + +Print add1. +(* ==> + add1 = fun n : nat => S n + : nat -> nat +*) + +Compute add1 2. +(* ==> 3 : nat *) + +(** Notice that we terminate the [Definition] with a [.] rather than + with [:=] followed by a term. This tells Coq to enter _proof + scripting mode_ to build an object of type [nat -> nat]. Also, we + terminate the proof with [Defined] rather than [Qed]; this makes + the definition _transparent_ so that it can be used in computation + like a normally-defined function. ([Qed]-defined objects are + opaque during computation.) + + This feature is mainly useful for writing functions with dependent + types, which we won't explore much further in this book. But it + does illustrate the uniformity and orthogonality of the basic + ideas in Coq. *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Logical Connectives as Inductive Types *) + +(** Inductive definitions are powerful enough to express most of the + connectives we have seen so far. Indeed, only universal + quantification (with implication as a special case) is built into + Coq; all the others are defined inductively. We'll see these + definitions in this section. *) + +Module Props. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Conjunction *) + +(** To prove that [P /\ Q] holds, we must present evidence for both + [P] and [Q]. Thus, it makes sense to define a proof object for [P + /\ Q] as consisting of a pair of two proofs: one for [P] and + another one for [Q]. This leads to the following definition. *) + +Module And. + +Inductive and (P Q : Prop) : Prop := +| conj : P -> Q -> and P Q. + +End And. + +(** Notice the similarity with the definition of the [prod] type, + given in chapter [Poly]; the only difference is that [prod] takes + [Type] arguments, whereas [and] takes [Prop] arguments. *) + +Print prod. +(* ===> + Inductive prod (X Y : Type) : Type := + | pair : X -> Y -> X * Y. *) + +(** This similarity should clarify why [destruct] and [intros] + patterns can be used on a conjunctive hypothesis. Case analysis + allows us to consider all possible ways in which [P /\ Q] was + proved -- here just one (the [conj] constructor). + + Similarly, the [split] tactic actually works for any inductively + defined proposition with exactly one constructor. In particular, + it works for [and]: *) + +Lemma and_comm : forall P Q : Prop, P /\ Q <-> Q /\ P. +Proof. + intros P Q. split. + - intros [HP HQ]. split. + + apply HQ. + + apply HP. + - intros [HP HQ]. split. + + apply HQ. + + apply HP. +Qed. + +(** This shows why the inductive definition of [and] can be + manipulated by tactics as we've been doing. We can also use it to + build proofs directly, using pattern-matching. For instance: *) + +Definition and_comm'_aux P Q (H : P /\ Q) : Q /\ P := + match H with + | conj HP HQ => conj HQ HP + end. + +Definition and_comm' P Q : P /\ Q <-> Q /\ P := + conj (and_comm'_aux P Q) (and_comm'_aux Q P). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (conj_fact) + + Construct a proof object demonstrating the following proposition. *) + +Definition conj_fact : forall P Q R, P /\ Q -> Q /\ R -> P /\ R + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Disjunction *) + +(** The inductive definition of disjunction uses two constructors, one + for each side of the disjunct: *) + +Module Or. + +Inductive or (P Q : Prop) : Prop := +| or_introl : P -> or P Q +| or_intror : Q -> or P Q. + +End Or. + +(** This declaration explains the behavior of the [destruct] tactic on + a disjunctive hypothesis, since the generated subgoals match the + shape of the [or_introl] and [or_intror] constructors. + + Once again, we can also directly write proof objects for theorems + involving [or], without resorting to tactics. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (or_commut'') + + Try to write down an explicit proof object for [or_commut] (without + using [Print] to peek at the ones we already defined!). *) + +Definition or_comm : forall P Q, P \/ Q -> Q \/ P + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Existential Quantification *) + +(** To give evidence for an existential quantifier, we package a + witness [x] together with a proof that [x] satisfies the property + [P]: *) + +Module Ex. + +Inductive ex {A : Type} (P : A -> Prop) : Prop := +| ex_intro : forall x : A, P x -> ex P. + +End Ex. + +(** This may benefit from a little unpacking. The core definition is + for a type former [ex] that can be used to build propositions of + the form [ex P], where [P] itself is a _function_ from witness + values in the type [A] to propositions. The [ex_intro] + constructor then offers a way of constructing evidence for [ex P], + given a witness [x] and a proof of [P x]. *) + +(** The more familiar form [exists x, P x] desugars to an expression + involving [ex]: *) + +Check ex (fun n => even n). +(* ===> exists n : nat, even n + : Prop *) + +(** Here's how to define an explicit proof object involving [ex]: *) + +Definition some_nat_is_even : exists n, even n := + ex_intro even 4 (ev_SS 2 (ev_SS 0 ev_0)). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (ex_ev_Sn) + + Complete the definition of the following proof object: *) + +Definition ex_ev_Sn : ex (fun n => even (S n)) + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** [True] and [False] *) + +(** The inductive definition of the [True] proposition is simple: *) + +Inductive True : Prop := + | I : True. + +(** It has one constructor (so every proof of [True] is the same, so + being given a proof of [True] is not informative.) *) + +(** [False] is equally simple -- indeed, so simple it may look + syntactically wrong at first glance! *) + +Inductive False : Prop := . + +(** That is, [False] is an inductive type with _no_ constructors -- + i.e., no way to build evidence for it. *) + +End Props. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Equality *) + +(** Even Coq's equality relation is not built in. It has the + following inductive definition. (Actually, the definition in the + standard library is a slight variant of this, which gives an + induction principle that is slightly easier to use.) *) + +Module MyEquality. + +Inductive eq {X:Type} : X -> X -> Prop := +| eq_refl : forall x, eq x x. + +Notation "x == y" := (eq x y) + (at level 70, no associativity) + : type_scope. + +(** The way to think about this definition is that, given a set [X], + it defines a _family_ of propositions "[x] is equal to [y]," + indexed by pairs of values ([x] and [y]) from [X]. There is just + one way of constructing evidence for members of this family: + applying the constructor [eq_refl] to a type [X] and a single + value [x : X], which yields evidence that [x] is equal to [x]. + + Other types of the form [eq x y] where [x] and [y] are not the + same are thus uninhabited. *) + +(** We can use [eq_refl] to construct evidence that, for example, [2 = + 2]. Can we also use it to construct evidence that [1 + 1 = 2]? + Yes, we can. Indeed, it is the very same piece of evidence! + + The reason is that Coq treats as "the same" any two terms that are + _convertible_ according to a simple set of computation rules. + + These rules, which are similar to those used by [Compute], include + evaluation of function application, inlining of definitions, and + simplification of [match]es. *) + +Lemma four: 2 + 2 == 1 + 3. +Proof. + apply eq_refl. +Qed. + +(** The [reflexivity] tactic that we have used to prove equalities up + to now is essentially just shorthand for [apply eq_refl]. + + In tactic-based proofs of equality, the conversion rules are + normally hidden in uses of [simpl] (either explicit or implicit in + other tactics such as [reflexivity]). + + But you can see them directly at work in the following explicit + proof objects: *) + +Definition four' : 2 + 2 == 1 + 3 := + eq_refl 4. + +Definition singleton : forall (X:Type) (x:X), []++[x] == x::[] := + fun (X:Type) (x:X) => eq_refl [x]. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (equality__leibniz_equality) + + The inductive definition of equality implies _Leibniz equality_: + what we mean when we say "[x] and [y] are equal" is that every + property on [P] that is true of [x] is also true of [y]. *) + +Lemma equality__leibniz_equality : forall (X : Type) (x y: X), + x == y -> forall P:X->Prop, P x -> P y. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (leibniz_equality__equality) + + Show that, in fact, the inductive definition of equality is + _equivalent_ to Leibniz equality: *) + +Lemma leibniz_equality__equality : forall (X : Type) (x y: X), + (forall P:X->Prop, P x -> P y) -> x == y. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + +End MyEquality. + +(* ================================================================= *) +(** ** Inversion, Again *) + +(** We've seen [inversion] used with both equality hypotheses and + hypotheses about inductively defined propositions. Now that we've + seen that these are actually the same thing, we're in a position + to take a closer look at how [inversion] behaves. + + In general, the [inversion] tactic... + + - takes a hypothesis [H] whose type [P] is inductively defined, + and + + - for each constructor [C] in [P]'s definition, + + - generates a new subgoal in which we assume [H] was + built with [C], + + - adds the arguments (premises) of [C] to the context of + the subgoal as extra hypotheses, + + - matches the conclusion (result type) of [C] against the + current goal and calculates a set of equalities that must + hold in order for [C] to be applicable, + + - adds these equalities to the context (and, for convenience, + rewrites them in the goal), and + + - if the equalities are not satisfiable (e.g., they involve + things like [S n = O]), immediately solves the subgoal. *) + +(** _Example_: If we invert a hypothesis built with [or], there are + two constructors, so two subgoals get generated. The + conclusion (result type) of the constructor ([P \/ Q]) doesn't + place any restrictions on the form of [P] or [Q], so we don't get + any extra equalities in the context of the subgoal. *) + +(** _Example_: If we invert a hypothesis built with [and], there is + only one constructor, so only one subgoal gets generated. Again, + the conclusion (result type) of the constructor ([P /\ Q]) doesn't + place any restrictions on the form of [P] or [Q], so we don't get + any extra equalities in the context of the subgoal. The + constructor does have two arguments, though, and these can be seen + in the context in the subgoal. *) + +(** _Example_: If we invert a hypothesis built with [eq], there is + again only one constructor, so only one subgoal gets generated. + Now, though, the form of the [eq_refl] constructor does give us + some extra information: it tells us that the two arguments to [eq] + must be the same! The [inversion] tactic adds this fact to the + context. *) + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:45 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ProofObjectsTest.v b/ProofObjectsTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c8df83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ProofObjectsTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import ProofObjects. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import ProofObjects. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- eight_is_even --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ev_8". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @ev_8 ((even 8)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ev_8. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> ev_8'". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @ev_8' ((even 8)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions ev_8'. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- equality__leibniz_equality --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> MyEquality.equality__leibniz_equality". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @MyEquality.equality__leibniz_equality ( +(forall (X : Type) (x y : X), + @MyEquality.eq X x y -> forall P : X -> Prop, P x -> P y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions MyEquality.equality__leibniz_equality. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 4". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 4". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- ev_8 ---------". +Print Assumptions ev_8. +idtac "---------- ev_8' ---------". +Print Assumptions ev_8'. +idtac "---------- MyEquality.equality__leibniz_equality ---------". +Print Assumptions MyEquality.equality__leibniz_equality. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:18 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Rel.v b/Rel.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1cc090 --- /dev/null +++ b/Rel.v @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +(** * Rel: Properties of Relations *) + +(** This short (and optional) chapter develops some basic definitions + and a few theorems about binary relations in Coq. The key + definitions are repeated where they are actually used (in the + [Smallstep] chapter of _Programming Language Foundations_), + so readers who are already comfortable with these ideas can safely + skim or skip this chapter. However, relations are also a good + source of exercises for developing facility with Coq's basic + reasoning facilities, so it may be useful to look at this material + just after the [IndProp] chapter. *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export IndProp. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Relations *) + +(** A binary _relation_ on a set [X] is a family of propositions + parameterized by two elements of [X] -- i.e., a proposition about + pairs of elements of [X]. *) + +Definition relation (X: Type) := X -> X -> Prop. + +(** Confusingly, the Coq standard library hijacks the generic term + "relation" for this specific instance of the idea. To maintain + consistency with the library, we will do the same. So, henceforth + the Coq identifier [relation] will always refer to a binary + relation between some set and itself, whereas the English word + "relation" can refer either to the specific Coq concept or the + more general concept of a relation between any number of possibly + different sets. The context of the discussion should always make + clear which is meant. *) + +(** An example relation on [nat] is [le], the less-than-or-equal-to + relation, which we usually write [n1 <= n2]. *) + +Print le. +(* ====> Inductive le (n : nat) : nat -> Prop := + le_n : n <= n + | le_S : forall m : nat, n <= m -> n <= S m *) +Check le : nat -> nat -> Prop. +Check le : relation nat. +(** (Why did we write it this way instead of starting with [Inductive + le : relation nat...]? Because we wanted to put the first [nat] + to the left of the [:], which makes Coq generate a somewhat nicer + induction principle for reasoning about [<=].) *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Basic Properties *) + +(** As anyone knows who has taken an undergraduate discrete math + course, there is a lot to be said about relations in general, + including ways of classifying relations (as reflexive, transitive, + etc.), theorems that can be proved generically about certain sorts + of relations, constructions that build one relation from another, + etc. For example... *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Partial Functions *) + +(** A relation [R] on a set [X] is a _partial function_ if, for every + [x], there is at most one [y] such that [R x y] -- i.e., [R x y1] + and [R x y2] together imply [y1 = y2]. *) + +Definition partial_function {X: Type} (R: relation X) := + forall x y1 y2 : X, R x y1 -> R x y2 -> y1 = y2. + +(** For example, the [next_nat] relation defined earlier is a partial + function. *) + +Print next_nat. +(* ====> Inductive next_nat (n : nat) : nat -> Prop := + nn : next_nat n (S n) *) +Check next_nat : relation nat. + +Theorem next_nat_partial_function : + partial_function next_nat. +Proof. + unfold partial_function. + intros x y1 y2 H1 H2. + inversion H1. inversion H2. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** However, the [<=] relation on numbers is not a partial + function. (Assume, for a contradiction, that [<=] is a partial + function. But then, since [0 <= 0] and [0 <= 1], it follows that + [0 = 1]. This is nonsense, so our assumption was + contradictory.) *) + +Theorem le_not_a_partial_function : + ~ (partial_function le). +Proof. + unfold not. unfold partial_function. intros Hc. + assert (0 = 1) as Nonsense. { + apply Hc with (x := 0). + - apply le_n. + - apply le_S. apply le_n. } + discriminate Nonsense. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (total_relation_not_partial) + + Show that the [total_relation] defined in (an exercise in) + [IndProp] is not a partial function. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (empty_relation_partial) + + Show that the [empty_relation] defined in (an exercise in) + [IndProp] is a partial function. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Reflexive Relations *) + +(** A _reflexive_ relation on a set [X] is one for which every element + of [X] is related to itself. *) + +Definition reflexive {X: Type} (R: relation X) := + forall a : X, R a a. + +Theorem le_reflexive : + reflexive le. +Proof. + unfold reflexive. intros n. apply le_n. Qed. + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Transitive Relations *) + +(** A relation [R] is _transitive_ if [R a c] holds whenever [R a b] + and [R b c] do. *) + +Definition transitive {X: Type} (R: relation X) := + forall a b c : X, (R a b) -> (R b c) -> (R a c). + +Theorem le_trans : + transitive le. +Proof. + intros n m o Hnm Hmo. + induction Hmo. + - (* le_n *) apply Hnm. + - (* le_S *) apply le_S. apply IHHmo. Qed. + +Theorem lt_trans: + transitive lt. +Proof. + unfold lt. unfold transitive. + intros n m o Hnm Hmo. + apply le_S in Hnm. + apply le_trans with (a := (S n)) (b := (S m)) (c := o). + apply Hnm. + apply Hmo. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (le_trans_hard_way) + + We can also prove [lt_trans] more laboriously by induction, + without using [le_trans]. Do this. *) + +Theorem lt_trans' : + transitive lt. +Proof. + (* Prove this by induction on evidence that [m] is less than [o]. *) + unfold lt. unfold transitive. + intros n m o Hnm Hmo. + induction Hmo as [| m' Hm'o]. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (lt_trans'') + + Prove the same thing again by induction on [o]. *) + +Theorem lt_trans'' : + transitive lt. +Proof. + unfold lt. unfold transitive. + intros n m o Hnm Hmo. + induction o as [| o']. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The transitivity of [le], in turn, can be used to prove some facts + that will be useful later (e.g., for the proof of antisymmetry + below)... *) + +Theorem le_Sn_le : forall n m, S n <= m -> n <= m. +Proof. + intros n m H. apply le_trans with (S n). + - apply le_S. apply le_n. + - apply H. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (le_S_n) *) +Theorem le_S_n : forall n m, + (S n <= S m) -> (n <= m). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (le_Sn_n_inf) + + Provide an informal proof of the following theorem: + + Theorem: For every [n], [~ (S n <= n)] + + A formal proof of this is an optional exercise below, but try + writing an informal proof without doing the formal proof first. + + Proof: *) + (* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (le_Sn_n) *) +Theorem le_Sn_n : forall n, + ~ (S n <= n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Reflexivity and transitivity are the main concepts we'll need for + later chapters, but, for a bit of additional practice working with + relations in Coq, let's look at a few other common ones... *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Symmetric and Antisymmetric Relations *) + +(** A relation [R] is _symmetric_ if [R a b] implies [R b a]. *) + +Definition symmetric {X: Type} (R: relation X) := + forall a b : X, (R a b) -> (R b a). + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (le_not_symmetric) *) +Theorem le_not_symmetric : + ~ (symmetric le). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** A relation [R] is _antisymmetric_ if [R a b] and [R b a] together + imply [a = b] -- that is, if the only "cycles" in [R] are trivial + ones. *) + +Definition antisymmetric {X: Type} (R: relation X) := + forall a b : X, (R a b) -> (R b a) -> a = b. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (le_antisymmetric) *) +Theorem le_antisymmetric : + antisymmetric le. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (le_step) *) +Theorem le_step : forall n m p, + n < m -> + m <= S p -> + n <= p. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Equivalence Relations *) + +(** A relation is an _equivalence_ if it's reflexive, symmetric, and + transitive. *) + +Definition equivalence {X:Type} (R: relation X) := + (reflexive R) /\ (symmetric R) /\ (transitive R). + +(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *) +(** *** Partial Orders and Preorders *) + +(** A relation is a _partial order_ when it's reflexive, + _anti_-symmetric, and transitive. In the Coq standard library + it's called just "order" for short. *) + +Definition order {X:Type} (R: relation X) := + (reflexive R) /\ (antisymmetric R) /\ (transitive R). + +(** A preorder is almost like a partial order, but doesn't have to be + antisymmetric. *) + +Definition preorder {X:Type} (R: relation X) := + (reflexive R) /\ (transitive R). + +Theorem le_order : + order le. +Proof. + unfold order. split. + - (* refl *) apply le_reflexive. + - split. + + (* antisym *) apply le_antisymmetric. + + (* transitive. *) apply le_trans. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Reflexive, Transitive Closure *) + +(** The _reflexive, transitive closure_ of a relation [R] is the + smallest relation that contains [R] and that is both reflexive and + transitive. Formally, it is defined like this in the Relations + module of the Coq standard library: *) + +Inductive clos_refl_trans {A: Type} (R: relation A) : relation A := + | rt_step x y (H : R x y) : clos_refl_trans R x y + | rt_refl x : clos_refl_trans R x x + | rt_trans x y z + (Hxy : clos_refl_trans R x y) + (Hyz : clos_refl_trans R y z) : + clos_refl_trans R x z. + +(** For example, the reflexive and transitive closure of the + [next_nat] relation coincides with the [le] relation. *) + +Theorem next_nat_closure_is_le : forall n m, + (n <= m) <-> ((clos_refl_trans next_nat) n m). +Proof. + intros n m. split. + - (* -> *) + intro H. induction H. + + (* le_n *) apply rt_refl. + + (* le_S *) + apply rt_trans with m. apply IHle. apply rt_step. + apply nn. + - (* <- *) + intro H. induction H. + + (* rt_step *) inversion H. apply le_S. apply le_n. + + (* rt_refl *) apply le_n. + + (* rt_trans *) + apply le_trans with y. + apply IHclos_refl_trans1. + apply IHclos_refl_trans2. Qed. + +(** The above definition of reflexive, transitive closure is natural: + it says, explicitly, that the reflexive and transitive closure of + [R] is the least relation that includes [R] and that is closed + under rules of reflexivity and transitivity. But it turns out + that this definition is not very convenient for doing proofs, + since the "nondeterminism" of the [rt_trans] rule can sometimes + lead to tricky inductions. Here is a more useful definition: *) + +Inductive clos_refl_trans_1n {A : Type} + (R : relation A) (x : A) + : A -> Prop := + | rt1n_refl : clos_refl_trans_1n R x x + | rt1n_trans (y z : A) + (Hxy : R x y) (Hrest : clos_refl_trans_1n R y z) : + clos_refl_trans_1n R x z. + +(** Our new definition of reflexive, transitive closure "bundles" + the [rt_step] and [rt_trans] rules into the single rule step. + The left-hand premise of this step is a single use of [R], + leading to a much simpler induction principle. + + Before we go on, we should check that the two definitions do + indeed define the same relation... + + First, we prove two lemmas showing that [clos_refl_trans_1n] mimics + the behavior of the two "missing" [clos_refl_trans] + constructors. *) + +Lemma rsc_R : forall (X:Type) (R:relation X) (x y : X), + R x y -> clos_refl_trans_1n R x y. +Proof. + intros X R x y H. + apply rt1n_trans with y. apply H. apply rt1n_refl. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (rsc_trans) *) +Lemma rsc_trans : + forall (X:Type) (R: relation X) (x y z : X), + clos_refl_trans_1n R x y -> + clos_refl_trans_1n R y z -> + clos_refl_trans_1n R x z. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** Then we use these facts to prove that the two definitions of + reflexive, transitive closure do indeed define the same + relation. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (rtc_rsc_coincide) *) +Theorem rtc_rsc_coincide : + forall (X:Type) (R: relation X) (x y : X), + clos_refl_trans R x y <-> clos_refl_trans_1n R x y. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:46 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/RelTest.v b/RelTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f83e7e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/RelTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Rel. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Rel. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 0". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 0". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:21 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/Tactics.v b/Tactics.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bb932a --- /dev/null +++ b/Tactics.v @@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@ +(** * Tactics: More Basic Tactics *) + +(** This chapter introduces several additional proof strategies + and tactics that allow us to begin proving more interesting + properties of functional programs. We will see: + + - how to use auxiliary lemmas in both "forward-style" and + "backward-style" proofs; + - how to reason about data constructors (in particular, how to use + the fact that they are injective and disjoint); + - how to strengthen an induction hypothesis (and when such + strengthening is required); and + - more details on how to reason by case analysis. *) + +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From LF Require Export Poly. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * The [apply] Tactic *) + +(** We often encounter situations where the goal to be proved is + _exactly_ the same as some hypothesis in the context or some + previously proved lemma. *) + +Theorem silly1 : forall (n m o p : nat), + n = m -> + [n;o] = [n;p] -> + [n;o] = [m;p]. +Proof. + intros n m o p eq1 eq2. + rewrite <- eq1. + +(** Here, we could finish with "[rewrite -> eq2. reflexivity.]" as we + have done several times before. We can achieve the same effect in + a single step by using the [apply] tactic instead: *) + + apply eq2. Qed. + +(** The [apply] tactic also works with _conditional_ hypotheses + and lemmas: if the statement being applied is an implication, then + the premises of this implication will be added to the list of + subgoals needing to be proved. *) + +Theorem silly2 : forall (n m o p : nat), + n = m -> + (forall (q r : nat), q = r -> [q;o] = [r;p]) -> + [n;o] = [m;p]. +Proof. + intros n m o p eq1 eq2. + apply eq2. apply eq1. Qed. + +(** Typically, when we use [apply H], the statement [H] will + begin with a [forall] that binds some _universal variables_. When + Coq matches the current goal against the conclusion of [H], it + will try to find appropriate values for these variables. For + example, when we do [apply eq2] in the following proof, the + universal variable [q] in [eq2] gets instantiated with [n] and [r] + gets instantiated with [m]. *) + +Theorem silly2a : forall (n m : nat), + (n,n) = (m,m) -> + (forall (q r : nat), (q,q) = (r,r) -> [q] = [r]) -> + [n] = [m]. +Proof. + intros n m eq1 eq2. + apply eq2. apply eq1. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (silly_ex) + + Complete the following proof without using [simpl]. *) + +Theorem silly_ex : + (forall n, evenb n = true -> oddb (S n) = true) -> + oddb 3 = true -> + evenb 4 = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** To use the [apply] tactic, the (conclusion of the) fact + being applied must match the goal exactly -- for example, [apply] + will not work if the left and right sides of the equality are + swapped. *) + +Theorem silly3_firsttry : forall (n : nat), + true = (n =? 5) -> + (S (S n)) =? 7 = true. +Proof. + intros n H. + +(** Here we cannot use [apply] directly, but we can use the [symmetry] + tactic, which switches the left and right sides of an equality in + the goal. *) + + symmetry. + simpl. (** (This [simpl] is optional, since [apply] will perform + simplification first, if needed.) *) + apply H. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (apply_exercise1) + + (_Hint_: You can use [apply] with previously defined lemmas, not + just hypotheses in the context. Remember that [Search] is + your friend.) *) + +Theorem rev_exercise1 : forall (l l' : list nat), + l = rev l' -> + l' = rev l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard, optional (apply_rewrite) + + Briefly explain the difference between the tactics [apply] and + [rewrite]. What are the situations where both can usefully be + applied? *) + +(* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * The [apply with] Tactic *) + +(** The following silly example uses two rewrites in a row to + get from [[a;b]] to [[e;f]]. *) + +Example trans_eq_example : forall (a b c d e f : nat), + [a;b] = [c;d] -> + [c;d] = [e;f] -> + [a;b] = [e;f]. +Proof. + intros a b c d e f eq1 eq2. + rewrite -> eq1. rewrite -> eq2. reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Since this is a common pattern, we might like to pull it out + as a lemma recording, once and for all, the fact that equality is + transitive. *) + +Theorem trans_eq : forall (X:Type) (n m o : X), + n = m -> m = o -> n = o. +Proof. + intros X n m o eq1 eq2. rewrite -> eq1. rewrite -> eq2. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** Now, we should be able to use [trans_eq] to prove the above + example. However, to do this we need a slight refinement of the + [apply] tactic. *) + +Example trans_eq_example' : forall (a b c d e f : nat), + [a;b] = [c;d] -> + [c;d] = [e;f] -> + [a;b] = [e;f]. +Proof. + intros a b c d e f eq1 eq2. + +(** If we simply tell Coq [apply trans_eq] at this point, it can + tell (by matching the goal against the conclusion of the lemma) + that it should instantiate [X] with [[nat]], [n] with [[a,b]], and + [o] with [[e,f]]. However, the matching process doesn't determine + an instantiation for [m]: we have to supply one explicitly by + adding [with (m:=[c,d])] to the invocation of [apply]. *) + + apply trans_eq with (m:=[c;d]). + apply eq1. apply eq2. Qed. + +(** Actually, we usually don't have to include the name [m] in + the [with] clause; Coq is often smart enough to figure out which + instantiation we're giving. We could instead write: [apply + trans_eq with [c;d]]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (apply_with_exercise) *) +Example trans_eq_exercise : forall (n m o p : nat), + m = (minustwo o) -> + (n + p) = m -> + (n + p) = (minustwo o). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * The [injection] and [discriminate] Tactics *) + +(** Recall the definition of natural numbers: + + Inductive nat : Type := + | O : nat + | S : nat -> nat. + + It is obvious from this definition that every number has one of + two forms: either it is the constructor [O] or it is built by + applying the constructor [S] to another number. But there is more + here than meets the eye: implicit in the definition (and in our + informal understanding of how datatype declarations work in other + programming languages) are two more facts: + + - The constructor [S] is _injective_. That is, if [S n = S m], it + must be the case that [n = m]. + + - The constructors [O] and [S] are _disjoint_. That is, [O] is not + equal to [S n] for any [n]. + + Similar principles apply to all inductively defined types: all + constructors are injective, and the values built from distinct + constructors are never equal. For lists, the [cons] constructor + is injective and [nil] is different from every non-empty list. + For booleans, [true] and [false] are different. (Since neither + [true] nor [false] take any arguments, their injectivity is not + interesting.) And so on. *) + +(** For example, we can prove the injectivity of [S] by using the + [pred] function defined in [Basics.v]. *) + +Theorem S_injective : forall (n m : nat), + S n = S m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m H1. + assert (H2: n = pred (S n)). { reflexivity. } + rewrite H2. rewrite H1. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** This technique can be generalized to any constructor by + writing the equivalent of [pred] for that constructor -- i.e., + writing a function that "undoes" one application of the + constructor. As a more convenient alternative, Coq provides a + tactic called [injection] that allows us to exploit the + injectivity of any constructor. Here is an alternate proof of the + above theorem using [injection]: *) + +Theorem S_injective' : forall (n m : nat), + S n = S m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m H. + +(** By writing [injection H] at this point, we are asking Coq to + generate all equations that it can infer from [H] using the + injectivity of constructors. Each such equation is added as a + premise to the goal. In the present example, adds the premise + [n = m]. *) + + injection H. intros Hnm. apply Hnm. +Qed. + +(** Here's a more interesting example that shows how [injection] can + derive multiple equations at once. *) + +Theorem injection_ex1 : forall (n m o : nat), + [n; m] = [o; o] -> + [n] = [m]. +Proof. + intros n m o H. + injection H. intros H1 H2. + rewrite H1. rewrite H2. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** The "[as]" variant of [injection] permits us to choose names for + the introduced equations rather than letting Coq do it. *) + +Theorem injection_ex2 : forall (n m : nat), + [n] = [m] -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m H. + injection H as Hnm. rewrite Hnm. + reflexivity. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (injection_ex3) *) +Example injection_ex3 : forall (X : Type) (x y z : X) (l j : list X), + x :: y :: l = z :: j -> + y :: l = x :: j -> + x = y. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** So much for injectivity of constructors. What about disjointness? + + The principle of disjointness says that two terms beginning with + different constructors (like [O] and [S], or [true] and [false]) + can never be equal. This means that, any time we find ourselves + working in a context where we've _assumed_ that two such terms are + equal, we are justified in concluding anything we want to (because + the assumption is nonsensical). + + The [discriminate] tactic embodies this principle: It is used on a + hypothesis involving an equality between different + constructors (e.g., [S n = O]), and it solves the current goal + immediately. For example: *) + +Theorem eqb_0_l : forall n, + 0 =? n = true -> n = 0. +Proof. + intros n. + +(** We can proceed by case analysis on [n]. The first case is + trivial. *) + + destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + - (* n = 0 *) + intros H. reflexivity. + +(** However, the second one doesn't look so simple: assuming [0 + =? (S n') = true], we must show [S n' = 0]! The way forward is to + observe that the assumption itself is nonsensical: *) + + - (* n = S n' *) + simpl. + +(** If we use [discriminate] on this hypothesis, Coq confirms + that the subgoal we are working on is impossible and removes it + from further consideration. *) + + intros H. discriminate H. +Qed. + +(** This is an instance of a logical principle known as the _principle + of explosion_, which asserts that a contradictory hypothesis + entails anything, even false things! *) + +Theorem discriminate_ex1 : forall (n : nat), + S n = O -> + 2 + 2 = 5. +Proof. + intros n contra. discriminate contra. Qed. + +Theorem discriminate_ex2 : forall (n m : nat), + false = true -> + [n] = [m]. +Proof. + intros n m contra. discriminate contra. Qed. + +(** If you find the principle of explosion confusing, remember + that these proofs are _not_ showing that the conclusion of the + statement holds. Rather, they are showing that, if the + nonsensical situation described by the premise did somehow arise, + then the nonsensical conclusion would follow. We'll explore the + principle of explosion of more detail in the next chapter. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 1 star, standard (discriminate_ex3) *) +Example discriminate_ex3 : + forall (X : Type) (x y z : X) (l j : list X), + x :: y :: l = [] -> + x = z. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The injectivity of constructors allows us to reason that + [forall (n m : nat), S n = S m -> n = m]. The converse of this + implication is an instance of a more general fact about both + constructors and functions, which we will find convenient in a few + places below: *) + +Theorem f_equal : forall (A B : Type) (f: A -> B) (x y: A), + x = y -> f x = f y. +Proof. intros A B f x y eq. rewrite eq. reflexivity. Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Using Tactics on Hypotheses *) + +(** By default, most tactics work on the goal formula and leave + the context unchanged. However, most tactics also have a variant + that performs a similar operation on a statement in the context. + + For example, the tactic [simpl in H] performs simplification in + the hypothesis named [H] in the context. *) + +Theorem S_inj : forall (n m : nat) (b : bool), + (S n) =? (S m) = b -> + n =? m = b. +Proof. + intros n m b H. simpl in H. apply H. Qed. + +(** Similarly, [apply L in H] matches some conditional statement + [L] (of the form [X -> Y], say) against a hypothesis [H] in the + context. However, unlike ordinary [apply] (which rewrites a goal + matching [Y] into a subgoal [X]), [apply L in H] matches [H] + against [X] and, if successful, replaces it with [Y]. + + In other words, [apply L in H] gives us a form of "forward + reasoning": from [X -> Y] and a hypothesis matching [X], it + produces a hypothesis matching [X]. By contrast, [apply L] is + "backward reasoning": it says that if we know [X -> Y] and we + are trying to prove [Y], it suffices to prove [X]. + + Here is a variant of a proof from above, using forward reasoning + throughout instead of backward reasoning. *) + +Theorem silly3' : forall (n : nat), + (n =? 5 = true -> (S (S n)) =? 7 = true) -> + true = (n =? 5) -> + true = ((S (S n)) =? 7). +Proof. + intros n eq H. + symmetry in H. apply eq in H. symmetry in H. + apply H. Qed. + +(** Forward reasoning starts from what is _given_ (premises, + previously proven theorems) and iteratively draws conclusions from + them until the goal is reached. Backward reasoning starts from + the _goal_, and iteratively reasons about what would imply the + goal, until premises or previously proven theorems are reached. + + If you've seen informal proofs before (for example, in a math or + computer science class), they probably used forward reasoning. In + general, idiomatic use of Coq tends to favor backward reasoning, + but in some situations the forward style can be easier to think + about. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (plus_n_n_injective) + + Practice using "in" variants in this proof. (Hint: use + [plus_n_Sm].) *) + +Theorem plus_n_n_injective : forall n m, + n + n = m + m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n. induction n as [| n']. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Varying the Induction Hypothesis *) + +(** Sometimes it is important to control the exact form of the + induction hypothesis when carrying out inductive proofs in Coq. + In particular, we need to be careful about which of the + assumptions we move (using [intros]) from the goal to the context + before invoking the [induction] tactic. For example, suppose + we want to show that [double] is injective -- i.e., that it maps + different arguments to different results: + + Theorem double_injective: forall n m, + double n = double m -> n = m. + + The way we _start_ this proof is a bit delicate: if we begin with + + intros n. induction n. + + all is well. But if we begin it with + + intros n m. induction n. + + we get stuck in the middle of the inductive case... *) + +Theorem double_injective_FAILED : forall n m, + double n = double m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m. induction n as [| n']. + - (* n = O *) simpl. intros eq. destruct m as [| m'] eqn:E. + + (* m = O *) reflexivity. + + (* m = S m' *) discriminate eq. + - (* n = S n' *) intros eq. destruct m as [| m'] eqn:E. + + (* m = O *) discriminate eq. + + (* m = S m' *) apply f_equal. + +(** At this point, the induction hypothesis, [IHn'], does _not_ give us + [n' = m'] -- there is an extra [S] in the way -- so the goal is + not provable. *) + + Abort. + +(** What went wrong? *) + +(** The problem is that, at the point we invoke the induction + hypothesis, we have already introduced [m] into the context -- + intuitively, we have told Coq, "Let's consider some particular [n] + and [m]..." and we now have to prove that, if [double n = double + m] for _these particular_ [n] and [m], then [n = m]. + + The next tactic, [induction n] says to Coq: We are going to show + the goal by induction on [n]. That is, we are going to prove, for + _all_ [n], that the proposition + + - [P n] = "if [double n = double m], then [n = m]" + + holds, by showing + + - [P O] + + (i.e., "if [double O = double m] then [O = m]") and + + - [P n -> P (S n)] + + (i.e., "if [double n = double m] then [n = m]" implies "if + [double (S n) = double m] then [S n = m]"). + + If we look closely at the second statement, it is saying something + rather strange: it says that, for a _particular_ [m], if we know + + - "if [double n = double m] then [n = m]" + + then we can prove + + - "if [double (S n) = double m] then [S n = m]". + + To see why this is strange, let's think of a particular [m] -- + say, [5]. The statement is then saying that, if we know + + - [Q] = "if [double n = 10] then [n = 5]" + + then we can prove + + - [R] = "if [double (S n) = 10] then [S n = 5]". + + But knowing [Q] doesn't give us any help at all with proving + [R]! (If we tried to prove [R] from [Q], we would start with + something like "Suppose [double (S n) = 10]..." but then we'd be + stuck: knowing that [double (S n)] is [10] tells us nothing about + whether [double n] is [10], so [Q] is useless.) *) + +(** Trying to carry out this proof by induction on [n] when [m] is + already in the context doesn't work because we are then trying to + prove a statement involving _every_ [n] but just a _single_ [m]. *) + +(** The successful proof of [double_injective] leaves [m] in the goal + statement at the point where the [induction] tactic is invoked on + [n]: *) + +Theorem double_injective : forall n m, + double n = double m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n. induction n as [| n']. + - (* n = O *) simpl. intros m eq. destruct m as [| m'] eqn:E. + + (* m = O *) reflexivity. + + (* m = S m' *) discriminate eq. + + - (* n = S n' *) simpl. + +(** Notice that both the goal and the induction hypothesis are + different this time: the goal asks us to prove something more + general (i.e., to prove the statement for _every_ [m]), but the IH + is correspondingly more flexible, allowing us to choose any [m] we + like when we apply the IH. *) + + intros m eq. + +(** Now we've chosen a particular [m] and introduced the assumption + that [double n = double m]. Since we are doing a case analysis on + [n], we also need a case analysis on [m] to keep the two "in sync." *) + + destruct m as [| m'] eqn:E. + + (* m = O *) simpl. + +(** The 0 case is trivial: *) + + discriminate eq. + + + (* m = S m' *) + apply f_equal. + +(** At this point, since we are in the second branch of the [destruct + m], the [m'] mentioned in the context is the predecessor of the + [m] we started out talking about. Since we are also in the [S] + branch of the induction, this is perfect: if we instantiate the + generic [m] in the IH with the current [m'] (this instantiation is + performed automatically by the [apply] in the next step), then + [IHn'] gives us exactly what we need to finish the proof. *) + + apply IHn'. injection eq as goal. apply goal. Qed. + +(** What you should take away from all this is that we need to be + careful, when using induction, that we are not trying to prove + something too specific: To prove a property of [n] and [m] by + induction on [n], it is sometimes important to leave [m] + generic. *) + +(** The following exercise requires the same pattern. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (eqb_true) *) +Theorem eqb_true : forall n m, + n =? m = true -> n = m. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, advanced (eqb_true_informal) + + Give a careful informal proof of [eqb_true], being as explicit + as possible about quantifiers. *) + +(* FILL IN HERE *) + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_informal_proof : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** The strategy of doing fewer [intros] before an [induction] to + obtain a more general IH doesn't always work by itself; sometimes + some _rearrangement_ of quantified variables is needed. Suppose, + for example, that we wanted to prove [double_injective] by + induction on [m] instead of [n]. *) + +Theorem double_injective_take2_FAILED : forall n m, + double n = double m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m. induction m as [| m']. + - (* m = O *) simpl. intros eq. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + + (* n = O *) reflexivity. + + (* n = S n' *) discriminate eq. + - (* m = S m' *) intros eq. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + + (* n = O *) discriminate eq. + + (* n = S n' *) apply f_equal. + (* Stuck again here, just like before. *) +Abort. + +(** The problem is that, to do induction on [m], we must first + introduce [n]. (If we simply say [induction m] without + introducing anything first, Coq will automatically introduce [n] + for us!) *) + +(** What can we do about this? One possibility is to rewrite the + statement of the lemma so that [m] is quantified before [n]. This + works, but it's not nice: We don't want to have to twist the + statements of lemmas to fit the needs of a particular strategy for + proving them! Rather we want to state them in the clearest and + most natural way. *) + +(** What we can do instead is to first introduce all the quantified + variables and then _re-generalize_ one or more of them, + selectively taking variables out of the context and putting them + back at the beginning of the goal. The [generalize dependent] + tactic does this. *) + +Theorem double_injective_take2 : forall n m, + double n = double m -> + n = m. +Proof. + intros n m. + (* [n] and [m] are both in the context *) + generalize dependent n. + (* Now [n] is back in the goal and we can do induction on + [m] and get a sufficiently general IH. *) + induction m as [| m']. + - (* m = O *) simpl. intros n eq. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + + (* n = O *) reflexivity. + + (* n = S n' *) discriminate eq. + - (* m = S m' *) intros n eq. destruct n as [| n'] eqn:E. + + (* n = O *) discriminate eq. + + (* n = S n' *) apply f_equal. + apply IHm'. injection eq as goal. apply goal. Qed. + +(** Let's look at an informal proof of this theorem. Note that + the proposition we prove by induction leaves [n] quantified, + corresponding to the use of generalize dependent in our formal + proof. + + _Theorem_: For any nats [n] and [m], if [double n = double m], then + [n = m]. + + _Proof_: Let [m] be a [nat]. We prove by induction on [m] that, for + any [n], if [double n = double m] then [n = m]. + + - First, suppose [m = 0], and suppose [n] is a number such + that [double n = double m]. We must show that [n = 0]. + + Since [m = 0], by the definition of [double] we have [double n = + 0]. There are two cases to consider for [n]. If [n = 0] we are + done, since [m = 0 = n], as required. Otherwise, if [n = S n'] + for some [n'], we derive a contradiction: by the definition of + [double], we can calculate [double n = S (S (double n'))], but + this contradicts the assumption that [double n = 0]. + + - Second, suppose [m = S m'] and that [n] is again a number such + that [double n = double m]. We must show that [n = S m'], with + the induction hypothesis that for every number [s], if [double s = + double m'] then [s = m']. + + By the fact that [m = S m'] and the definition of [double], we + have [double n = S (S (double m'))]. There are two cases to + consider for [n]. + + If [n = 0], then by definition [double n = 0], a contradiction. + + Thus, we may assume that [n = S n'] for some [n'], and again by + the definition of [double] we have [S (S (double n')) = + S (S (double m'))], which implies by injectivity that [double n' = + double m']. Instantiating the induction hypothesis with [n'] thus + allows us to conclude that [n' = m'], and it follows immediately + that [S n' = S m']. Since [S n' = n] and [S m' = m], this is just + what we wanted to show. [] *) + +(** Before we close this section and move on to some exercises, + let's digress briefly and use [eqb_true] to prove a similar + property of identifiers that we'll need in later chapters: *) + +Theorem eqb_id_true : forall x y, + eqb_id x y = true -> x = y. +Proof. + intros [m] [n]. simpl. intros H. + assert (H' : m = n). { apply eqb_true. apply H. } + rewrite H'. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, recommended (gen_dep_practice) + + Prove this by induction on [l]. *) + +Theorem nth_error_after_last: forall (n : nat) (X : Type) (l : list X), + length l = n -> + nth_error l n = None. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Unfolding Definitions *) + +(** It sometimes happens that we need to manually unfold a name that + has been introduced by a [Definition] so that we can manipulate + its right-hand side. For example, if we define... *) + +Definition square n := n * n. + +(** ... and try to prove a simple fact about [square]... *) + +Lemma square_mult : forall n m, square (n * m) = square n * square m. +Proof. + intros n m. + simpl. + +(** ... we appear to be stuck: [simpl] doesn't simplify anything at + this point, and since we haven't proved any other facts about + [square], there is nothing we can [apply] or [rewrite] with. + + To make progress, we can manually [unfold] the definition of + [square]: *) + + unfold square. + +(** Now we have plenty to work with: both sides of the equality are + expressions involving multiplication, and we have lots of facts + about multiplication at our disposal. In particular, we know that + it is commutative and associative, and from these it is not hard + to finish the proof. *) + + rewrite mult_assoc. + assert (H : n * m * n = n * n * m). + { rewrite mult_comm. apply mult_assoc. } + rewrite H. rewrite mult_assoc. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** At this point, some discussion of unfolding and simplification is + in order. + + You may already have observed that tactics like [simpl], + [reflexivity], and [apply] will often unfold the definitions of + functions automatically when this allows them to make progress. + For example, if we define [foo m] to be the constant [5]... *) + +Definition foo (x: nat) := 5. + +(** .... then the [simpl] in the following proof (or the + [reflexivity], if we omit the [simpl]) will unfold [foo m] to + [(fun x => 5) m] and then further simplify this expression to just + [5]. *) + +Fact silly_fact_1 : forall m, foo m + 1 = foo (m + 1) + 1. +Proof. + intros m. + simpl. + reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** However, this automatic unfolding is somewhat conservative. For + example, if we define a slightly more complicated function + involving a pattern match... *) + +Definition bar x := + match x with + | O => 5 + | S _ => 5 + end. + +(** ...then the analogous proof will get stuck: *) + +Fact silly_fact_2_FAILED : forall m, bar m + 1 = bar (m + 1) + 1. +Proof. + intros m. + simpl. (* Does nothing! *) +Abort. + +(** The reason that [simpl] doesn't make progress here is that it + notices that, after tentatively unfolding [bar m], it is left with + a match whose scrutinee, [m], is a variable, so the [match] cannot + be simplified further. It is not smart enough to notice that the + two branches of the [match] are identical, so it gives up on + unfolding [bar m] and leaves it alone. Similarly, tentatively + unfolding [bar (m+1)] leaves a [match] whose scrutinee is a + function application (that cannot itself be simplified, even + after unfolding the definition of [+]), so [simpl] leaves it + alone. *) + +(** At this point, there are two ways to make progress. One is to use + [destruct m] to break the proof into two cases, each focusing on a + more concrete choice of [m] ([O] vs [S _]). In each case, the + [match] inside of [bar] can now make progress, and the proof is + easy to complete. *) + +Fact silly_fact_2 : forall m, bar m + 1 = bar (m + 1) + 1. +Proof. + intros m. + destruct m eqn:E. + - simpl. reflexivity. + - simpl. reflexivity. +Qed. + +(** This approach works, but it depends on our recognizing that the + [match] hidden inside [bar] is what was preventing us from making + progress. *) + +(** A more straightforward way to make progress is to explicitly tell + Coq to unfold [bar]. *) + +Fact silly_fact_2' : forall m, bar m + 1 = bar (m + 1) + 1. +Proof. + intros m. + unfold bar. + +(** Now it is apparent that we are stuck on the [match] expressions on + both sides of the [=], and we can use [destruct] to finish the + proof without thinking too hard. *) + + destruct m eqn:E. + - reflexivity. + - reflexivity. +Qed. + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Using [destruct] on Compound Expressions *) + +(** We have seen many examples where [destruct] is used to + perform case analysis of the value of some variable. But + sometimes we need to reason by cases on the result of some + _expression_. We can also do this with [destruct]. + + Here are some examples: *) + +Definition sillyfun (n : nat) : bool := + if n =? 3 then false + else if n =? 5 then false + else false. + +Theorem sillyfun_false : forall (n : nat), + sillyfun n = false. +Proof. + intros n. unfold sillyfun. + destruct (n =? 3) eqn:E1. + - (* n =? 3 = true *) reflexivity. + - (* n =? 3 = false *) destruct (n =? 5) eqn:E2. + + (* n =? 5 = true *) reflexivity. + + (* n =? 5 = false *) reflexivity. Qed. + +(** After unfolding [sillyfun] in the above proof, we find that + we are stuck on [if (n =? 3) then ... else ...]. But either + [n] is equal to [3] or it isn't, so we can use [destruct (eqb + n 3)] to let us reason about the two cases. + + In general, the [destruct] tactic can be used to perform case + analysis of the results of arbitrary computations. If [e] is an + expression whose type is some inductively defined type [T], then, + for each constructor [c] of [T], [destruct e] generates a subgoal + in which all occurrences of [e] (in the goal and in the context) + are replaced by [c]. *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (combine_split) + + Here is an implementation of the [split] function mentioned in + chapter [Poly]: *) + +Fixpoint split {X Y : Type} (l : list (X*Y)) + : (list X) * (list Y) := + match l with + | [] => ([], []) + | (x, y) :: t => + match split t with + | (lx, ly) => (x :: lx, y :: ly) + end + end. + +(** Prove that [split] and [combine] are inverses in the following + sense: *) + +Theorem combine_split : forall X Y (l : list (X * Y)) l1 l2, + split l = (l1, l2) -> + combine l1 l2 = l. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** The [eqn:] part of the [destruct] tactic is optional: We've chosen + to include it most of the time, just for the sake of + documentation, but many Coq proofs omit it. + + When [destruct]ing compound expressions, however, the information + recorded by the [eqn:] can actually be critical: if we leave it + out, then [destruct] can sometimes erase information we need to + complete a proof. + + For example, suppose we define a function [sillyfun1] like + this: *) + +Definition sillyfun1 (n : nat) : bool := + if n =? 3 then true + else if n =? 5 then true + else false. + +(** Now suppose that we want to convince Coq of the (rather + obvious) fact that [sillyfun1 n] yields [true] only when [n] is + odd. If we start the proof like this (with no [eqn:] on the + destruct)... *) + +Theorem sillyfun1_odd_FAILED : forall (n : nat), + sillyfun1 n = true -> + oddb n = true. +Proof. + intros n eq. unfold sillyfun1 in eq. + destruct (n =? 3). + (* stuck... *) +Abort. + +(** ... then we are stuck at this point because the context does + not contain enough information to prove the goal! The problem is + that the substitution performed by [destruct] is quite brutal -- + in this case, it thows away every occurrence of [n =? 3], but we + need to keep some memory of this expression and how it was + destructed, because we need to be able to reason that, since [n =? + 3 = true] in this branch of the case analysis, it must be that [n + = 3], from which it follows that [n] is odd. + + What we want here is to substitute away all existing occurences of + [n =? 3], but at the same time add an equation to the context that + records which case we are in. This is precisely what the [eqn:] + qualifier does. *) + +Theorem sillyfun1_odd : forall (n : nat), + sillyfun1 n = true -> + oddb n = true. +Proof. + intros n eq. unfold sillyfun1 in eq. + destruct (n =? 3) eqn:Heqe3. + (* Now we have the same state as at the point where we got + stuck above, except that the context contains an extra + equality assumption, which is exactly what we need to + make progress. *) + - (* e3 = true *) apply eqb_true in Heqe3. + rewrite -> Heqe3. reflexivity. + - (* e3 = false *) + (* When we come to the second equality test in the body + of the function we are reasoning about, we can use + [eqn:] again in the same way, allowing us to finish the + proof. *) + destruct (n =? 5) eqn:Heqe5. + + (* e5 = true *) + apply eqb_true in Heqe5. + rewrite -> Heqe5. reflexivity. + + (* e5 = false *) discriminate eq. Qed. + +(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (destruct_eqn_practice) *) +Theorem bool_fn_applied_thrice : + forall (f : bool -> bool) (b : bool), + f (f (f b)) = f b. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Review *) + +(** We've now seen many of Coq's most fundamental tactics. We'll + introduce a few more in the coming chapters, and later on we'll + see some more powerful _automation_ tactics that make Coq help us + with low-level details. But basically we've got what we need to + get work done. + + Here are the ones we've seen: + + - [intros]: move hypotheses/variables from goal to context + + - [reflexivity]: finish the proof (when the goal looks like [e = + e]) + + - [apply]: prove goal using a hypothesis, lemma, or constructor + + - [apply... in H]: apply a hypothesis, lemma, or constructor to + a hypothesis in the context (forward reasoning) + + - [apply... with...]: explicitly specify values for variables + that cannot be determined by pattern matching + + - [simpl]: simplify computations in the goal + + - [simpl in H]: ... or a hypothesis + + - [rewrite]: use an equality hypothesis (or lemma) to rewrite + the goal + + - [rewrite ... in H]: ... or a hypothesis + + - [symmetry]: changes a goal of the form [t=u] into [u=t] + + - [symmetry in H]: changes a hypothesis of the form [t=u] into + [u=t] + + - [unfold]: replace a defined constant by its right-hand side in + the goal + + - [unfold... in H]: ... or a hypothesis + + - [destruct... as...]: case analysis on values of inductively + defined types + + - [destruct... eqn:...]: specify the name of an equation to be + added to the context, recording the result of the case + analysis + + - [induction... as...]: induction on values of inductively + defined types + + - [injection]: reason by injectivity on equalities + between values of inductively defined types + + - [discriminate]: reason by disjointness of constructors on + equalities between values of inductively defined types + + - [assert (H: e)] (or [assert (e) as H]): introduce a "local + lemma" [e] and call it [H] + + - [generalize dependent x]: move the variable [x] (and anything + else that depends on it) from the context back to an explicit + hypothesis in the goal formula *) + +(* ################################################################# *) +(** * Additional Exercises *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard (eqb_sym) *) +Theorem eqb_sym : forall (n m : nat), + (n =? m) = (m =? n). +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced, optional (eqb_sym_informal) + + Give an informal proof of this lemma that corresponds to your + formal proof above: + + Theorem: For any [nat]s [n] [m], [(n =? m) = (m =? n)]. + + Proof: *) + (* FILL IN HERE + + [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, standard, optional (eqb_trans) *) +Theorem eqb_trans : forall n m p, + n =? m = true -> + m =? p = true -> + n =? p = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (split_combine) + + We proved, in an exercise above, that for all lists of pairs, + [combine] is the inverse of [split]. How would you formalize the + statement that [split] is the inverse of [combine]? When is this + property true? + + Complete the definition of [split_combine_statement] below with a + property that states that [split] is the inverse of + [combine]. Then, prove that the property holds. (Be sure to leave + your induction hypothesis general by not doing [intros] on more + things than necessary. Hint: what property do you need of [l1] + and [l2] for [split (combine l1 l2) = (l1,l2)] to be true?) *) + +Definition split_combine_statement : Prop + (* ("[: Prop]" means that we are giving a name to a + logical proposition here.) *) + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Theorem split_combine : split_combine_statement. +Proof. +(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(* Do not modify the following line: *) +Definition manual_grade_for_split_combine : option (nat*string) := None. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 3 stars, advanced (filter_exercise) + + This one is a bit challenging. Pay attention to the form of your + induction hypothesis. *) + +Theorem filter_exercise : forall (X : Type) (test : X -> bool) + (x : X) (l lf : list X), + filter test l = x :: lf -> + test x = true. +Proof. + (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. +(** [] *) + +(** **** Exercise: 4 stars, advanced, recommended (forall_exists_challenge) + + Define two recursive [Fixpoints], [forallb] and [existsb]. The + first checks whether every element in a list satisfies a given + predicate: + + forallb oddb [1;3;5;7;9] = true + + forallb negb [false;false] = true + + forallb evenb [0;2;4;5] = false + + forallb (eqb 5) [] = true + + The second checks whether there exists an element in the list that + satisfies a given predicate: + + existsb (eqb 5) [0;2;3;6] = false + + existsb (andb true) [true;true;false] = true + + existsb oddb [1;0;0;0;0;3] = true + + existsb evenb [] = false + + Next, define a _nonrecursive_ version of [existsb] -- call it + [existsb'] -- using [forallb] and [negb]. + + Finally, prove a theorem [existsb_existsb'] stating that + [existsb'] and [existsb] have the same behavior. *) + +Fixpoint forallb {X : Type} (test : X -> bool) (l : list X) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_forallb_1 : forallb oddb [1;3;5;7;9] = true. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_forallb_2 : forallb negb [false;false] = true. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_forallb_3 : forallb evenb [0;2;4;5] = false. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_forallb_4 : forallb (eqb 5) [] = true. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Fixpoint existsb {X : Type} (test : X -> bool) (l : list X) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Example test_existsb_1 : existsb (eqb 5) [0;2;3;6] = false. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_existsb_2 : existsb (andb true) [true;true;false] = true. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_existsb_3 : existsb oddb [1;0;0;0;0;3] = true. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Example test_existsb_4 : existsb evenb [] = false. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +Definition existsb' {X : Type} (test : X -> bool) (l : list X) : bool + (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted. + +Theorem existsb_existsb' : forall (X : Type) (test : X -> bool) (l : list X), + existsb test l = existsb' test l. +Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted. + +(** [] *) + + + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:44 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/TacticsTest.v b/TacticsTest.v new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20bdf5d --- /dev/null +++ b/TacticsTest.v @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". +From Coq Require Export String. +From LF Require Import Tactics. + +Parameter MISSING: Type. + +Module Check. + +Ltac check_type A B := + match type of A with + | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A + | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] + end. + +Ltac print_manual_grade A := + match eval compute in A with + | Some (_ ?S ?C) => + idtac "Score:" S; + match eval compute in C with + | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" + | _ => idtac "Comment:" C + end + | None => + idtac "Score: Ungraded"; + idtac "Comment: None" + end. + +End Check. + +From LF Require Import Tactics. +Import Check. + +Goal True. + +idtac "------------------- apply_exercise1 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> rev_exercise1". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @rev_exercise1 ((forall l l' : list nat, l = @rev nat l' -> l' = @rev nat l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions rev_exercise1. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- injection_ex3 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> injection_ex3". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @injection_ex3 ( +(forall (X : Type) (x y z : X) (l j : list X), + x :: y :: l = z :: j -> y :: l = x :: j -> x = y)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions injection_ex3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- discriminate_ex3 --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> discriminate_ex3". +idtac "Possible points: 1". +check_type @discriminate_ex3 ( +(forall (X : Type) (x y z : X) (l : list X), + list X -> x :: y :: l = [ ] -> x = z)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions discriminate_ex3. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- plus_n_n_injective --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> plus_n_n_injective". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @plus_n_n_injective ((forall n m : nat, n + n = m + m -> n = m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions plus_n_n_injective. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_true --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqb_true". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @eqb_true ((forall n m : nat, (n =? m) = true -> n = m)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqb_true. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_true_informal --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: informal_proof". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_informal_proof. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- gen_dep_practice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> nth_error_after_last". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @nth_error_after_last ( +(forall (n : nat) (X : Type) (l : list X), + @length X l = n -> @nth_error X l n = @None X)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions nth_error_after_last. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- destruct_eqn_practice --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> bool_fn_applied_thrice". +idtac "Possible points: 2". +check_type @bool_fn_applied_thrice ( +(forall (f : bool -> bool) (b : bool), f (f (f b)) = f b)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions bool_fn_applied_thrice. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- eqb_sym --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> eqb_sym". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @eqb_sym ((forall n m : nat, (n =? m) = (m =? n))). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions eqb_sym. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- split_combine --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> Manually graded: split_combine". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_split_combine. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- filter_exercise --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> filter_exercise". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 3". +check_type @filter_exercise ( +(forall (X : Type) (test : X -> bool) (x : X) (l lf : list X), + @filter X test l = x :: lf -> test x = true)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions filter_exercise. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac "------------------- forall_exists_challenge --------------------". +idtac " ". + +idtac "#> existsb_existsb'". +idtac "Advanced". +idtac "Possible points: 4". +check_type @existsb_existsb' ( +(forall (X : Type) (test : X -> bool) (l : list X), + @existsb X test l = @existsb' X test l)). +idtac "Assumptions:". +Abort. +Print Assumptions existsb_existsb'. +Goal True. +idtac " ". + +idtac " ". + +idtac "Max points - standard: 18". +idtac "Max points - advanced: 30". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Summary **********". +idtac "". +idtac "********** Standard **********". +idtac "---------- rev_exercise1 ---------". +Print Assumptions rev_exercise1. +idtac "---------- injection_ex3 ---------". +Print Assumptions injection_ex3. +idtac "---------- discriminate_ex3 ---------". +Print Assumptions discriminate_ex3. +idtac "---------- plus_n_n_injective ---------". +Print Assumptions plus_n_n_injective. +idtac "---------- eqb_true ---------". +Print Assumptions eqb_true. +idtac "---------- nth_error_after_last ---------". +Print Assumptions nth_error_after_last. +idtac "---------- bool_fn_applied_thrice ---------". +Print Assumptions bool_fn_applied_thrice. +idtac "---------- eqb_sym ---------". +Print Assumptions eqb_sym. +idtac "". +idtac "********** Advanced **********". +idtac "---------- informal_proof ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- split_combine ---------". +idtac "MANUAL". +idtac "---------- filter_exercise ---------". +Print Assumptions filter_exercise. +idtac "---------- existsb_existsb' ---------". +Print Assumptions existsb_existsb'. +Abort. + +(* Wed Jan 9 12:02:11 EST 2019 *) diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0df05a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,2042 @@ + +(** val negb : bool -> bool **) + +let negb = function +| true -> false +| false -> true + +(** val app : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **) + +let rec app l m = + match l with + | [] -> m + | a :: l1 -> a :: (app l1 m) + +module Coq__1 = struct + (** val add : int -> int -> int **)let rec add = ( + ) +end +include Coq__1 + +(** val mul : int -> int -> int **) + +let rec mul = ( * ) + +(** val sub : int -> int -> int **) + +let rec sub n0 m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> n0) + (fun k -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> n0) + (fun l -> sub k l) + m) + n0 + +(** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **) + +let rec eqb = ( = ) + +(** val leb : int -> int -> bool **) + +let rec leb n0 m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> true) + (fun n' -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> false) + (fun m' -> leb n' m') + m) + n0 + +module Nat = + struct + (** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **) + + let rec eqb n0 m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> true) + (fun _ -> false) + m) + (fun n' -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> false) + (fun m' -> eqb n' m') + m) + n0 + + (** val leb : int -> int -> bool **) + + let rec leb n0 m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> true) + (fun n' -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> false) + (fun m' -> leb n' m') + m) + n0 + end + +type positive = +| XI of positive +| XO of positive +| XH + +type n = +| N0 +| Npos of positive + +module Pos = + struct + (** val succ : positive -> positive **) + + let rec succ = function + | XI p -> XO (succ p) + | XO p -> XI p + | XH -> XO XH + + (** val add : positive -> positive -> positive **) + + let rec add x y = + match x with + | XI p -> + (match y with + | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q) + | XO q -> XI (add p q) + | XH -> XO (succ p)) + | XO p -> + (match y with + | XI q -> XI (add p q) + | XO q -> XO (add p q) + | XH -> XI p) + | XH -> (match y with + | XI q -> XO (succ q) + | XO q -> XI q + | XH -> XO XH) + + (** val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive **) + + and add_carry x y = + match x with + | XI p -> + (match y with + | XI q -> XI (add_carry p q) + | XO q -> XO (add_carry p q) + | XH -> XI (succ p)) + | XO p -> + (match y with + | XI q -> XO (add_carry p q) + | XO q -> XI (add p q) + | XH -> XO (succ p)) + | XH -> + (match y with + | XI q -> XI (succ q) + | XO q -> XO (succ q) + | XH -> XI XH) + + (** val mul : positive -> positive -> positive **) + + let rec mul x y = + match x with + | XI p -> add y (XO (mul p y)) + | XO p -> XO (mul p y) + | XH -> y + + (** val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **) + + let rec iter_op op p a = + match p with + | XI p0 -> op a (iter_op op p0 (op a a)) + | XO p0 -> iter_op op p0 (op a a) + | XH -> a + + (** val to_nat : positive -> int **) + + let to_nat x = + iter_op Coq__1.add x ((fun x -> x + 1) 0) + end + +module N = + struct + (** val add : n -> n -> n **) + + let add n0 m = + match n0 with + | N0 -> m + | Npos p -> (match m with + | N0 -> n0 + | Npos q -> Npos (Pos.add p q)) + + (** val mul : n -> n -> n **) + + let mul n0 m = + match n0 with + | N0 -> N0 + | Npos p -> (match m with + | N0 -> N0 + | Npos q -> Npos (Pos.mul p q)) + + (** val to_nat : n -> int **) + + let to_nat = function + | N0 -> 0 + | Npos p -> Pos.to_nat p + end + +(** val rev : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list **) + +let rec rev = function +| [] -> [] +| x :: l' -> app (rev l') (x :: []) + +(** val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list **) + +let rec map f = function +| [] -> [] +| a :: t -> (f a) :: (map f t) + +(** val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1 **) + +let rec fold_left f l a0 = + match l with + | [] -> a0 + | b :: t -> fold_left f t (f a0 b) + +(** val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 **) + +let rec fold_right f a0 = function +| [] -> a0 +| b :: t -> f b (fold_right f a0 t) + +(** val forallb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool **) + +let rec forallb f = function +| [] -> true +| a :: l0 -> (&&) (f a) (forallb f l0) + +(** val n_of_digits : bool list -> n **) + +let rec n_of_digits = function +| [] -> N0 +| b :: l' -> + N.add (if b then Npos XH else N0) (N.mul (Npos (XO XH)) (n_of_digits l')) + +(** val n_of_ascii : char -> n **) + +let n_of_ascii a = + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 -> + n_of_digits + (a0 :: (a1 :: (a2 :: (a3 :: (a4 :: (a5 :: (a6 :: (a7 :: []))))))))) + a + +(** val nat_of_ascii : char -> int **) + +let nat_of_ascii a = + N.to_nat (n_of_ascii a) + +(** val string_dec : char list -> char list -> bool **) + +let rec string_dec s x = + match s with + | [] -> (match x with + | [] -> true + | _::_ -> false) + | a::s0 -> + (match x with + | [] -> false + | a0::s1 -> if (=) a a0 then string_dec s0 s1 else false) + +(** val append : char list -> char list -> char list **) + +let rec append s1 s2 = + match s1 with + | [] -> s2 + | c::s1' -> c::(append s1' s2) + +(** val eqb_string : char list -> char list -> bool **) + +let eqb_string x y = + if string_dec x y then true else false + +type 'a total_map = char list -> 'a + +(** val t_empty : 'a1 -> 'a1 total_map **) + +let t_empty v _ = + v + +(** val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> char list -> 'a1 -> char list -> 'a1 **) + +let t_update m x v x' = + if eqb_string x x' then v else m x' + +type state = int total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of int +| AId of char list +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +(** val aeval : state -> aexp -> int **) + +let rec aeval st = function +| ANum n0 -> n0 +| AId x -> st x +| APlus (a1, a2) -> add (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMinus (a1, a2) -> sub (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMult (a1, a2) -> mul (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) + +(** val beval : state -> bexp -> bool **) + +let rec beval st = function +| BTrue -> true +| BFalse -> false +| BEq (a1, a2) -> eqb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BLe (a1, a2) -> leb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BNot b1 -> negb (beval st b1) +| BAnd (b1, b2) -> (&&) (beval st b1) (beval st b2) + +(** val empty_st : int total_map **) + +let empty_st = + t_empty 0 + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of char list * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +(** val ceval_step : state -> com -> int -> state option **) + +let rec ceval_step st c i = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> None) + (fun i' -> + match c with + | CSkip -> Some st + | CAss (l, a1) -> Some (t_update st l (aeval st a1)) + | CSeq (c1, c2) -> + (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c2 i' + | None -> None) + | CIf (b, c1, c2) -> + if beval st b then ceval_step st c1 i' else ceval_step st c2 i' + | CWhile (b1, c1) -> + if beval st b1 + then (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c i' + | None -> None) + else Some st) + i + +(** val isWhite : char -> bool **) + +let isWhite c = + let n0 = nat_of_ascii c in + (||) + ((||) + (Nat.eqb n0 ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) 0))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (Nat.eqb n0 ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) 0))))))))))) + ((||) + (Nat.eqb n0 ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) 0))))))))))) + (Nat.eqb n0 ((fun x -> 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((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + 0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + +(** val isDigit : char -> bool **) + +let isDigit c = + let n0 = nat_of_ascii c in + (&&) + (Nat.leb ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) 0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) n0) + (Nat.leb n0 ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + 0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + +type chartype = +| White +| Alpha +| Digit +| Other + +(** val classifyChar : char -> chartype **) + +let classifyChar c = + if isWhite c + then White + else if isAlpha c then Alpha else if isDigit c then Digit else Other + +(** val list_of_string : char list -> char list **) + +let rec list_of_string = function +| [] -> [] +| c::s0 -> c :: (list_of_string s0) + +(** val string_of_list : char list -> char list **) + +let rec string_of_list xs = + fold_right (fun x x0 -> x::x0) [] xs + +type token = char list + +(** val tokenize_helper : + chartype -> char list -> char list -> char list list **) + +let rec tokenize_helper cls acc xs = + let tk = match acc with + | [] -> [] + | _ :: _ -> (rev acc) :: [] in + (match xs with + | [] -> tk + | x :: xs' -> + (match cls with + | White -> + (match classifyChar x with + | White -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs')) + x + | Other -> + let tp = Other in + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs')) + x + | x0 -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs')) + x) + | Alpha -> + (match classifyChar x with + | White -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs')) + x + | Alpha -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Alpha + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Alpha + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b0 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Alpha + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Alpha + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Alpha (x :: acc) xs') + x + | Digit -> + let tp = Digit in + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs')) + x + | Other -> + let tp = Other in + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs')) + x) + | Digit -> + (match classifyChar x with + | White -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs')) + x + | Alpha -> + let tp = Alpha in + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs')) + x + | Digit -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Digit + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Digit + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b0 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Digit + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Digit + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Digit (x :: acc) xs') + x + | Other -> + let tp = Other in + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper tp + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper tp (x :: []) xs')) + x) + | Other -> + (match classifyChar x with + | White -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] + xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper White + [] xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper White [] xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper White [] xs')) + x + | Other -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Other + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Other + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b0 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b1 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b2 + then if b3 + then tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs' + else if b4 + then if b5 + then tokenize_helper Other + (x :: acc) xs' + else if b6 + then tokenize_helper Other + (x :: acc) xs' + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) + xs' + else tokenize_helper Other (x :: acc) xs') + x + | x0 -> + (* If this appears, you're using Ascii internals. Please don't *) + (fun f c -> + let n = Char.code c in + let h i = (n land (1 lsl i)) <> 0 in + f (h 0) (h 1) (h 2) (h 3) (h 4) (h 5) (h 6) (h 7)) + (fun b b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 -> + if b + then if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + ((')' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b0 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b1 + then app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b2 + then if b3 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs') + else if b4 + then if b5 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else if b6 + then app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 + (x :: []) xs') + else app tk + (('(' :: []) :: + (tokenize_helper Other + [] xs')) + else app tk + (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) + xs') + else app tk (tokenize_helper x0 (x :: []) xs')) + x))) + +(** val tokenize : char list -> char list list **) + +let tokenize s = + map string_of_list (tokenize_helper White [] (list_of_string s)) + +type 'x optionE = +| SomeE of 'x +| NoneE of char list + +type 't parser0 = token list -> ('t * token list) optionE + +(** val many_helper : + 'a1 parser0 -> 'a1 list -> int -> token list -> ('a1 list * token list) + optionE **) + +let rec many_helper p acc steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match p xs with + | SomeE x -> let (t, xs') = x in many_helper p (t :: acc) steps' xs' + | NoneE _ -> SomeE ((rev acc), xs)) + steps + +(** val many : 'a1 parser0 -> int -> 'a1 list parser0 **) + +let rec many p steps = + many_helper p [] steps + +(** val firstExpect : token -> 'a1 parser0 -> 'a1 parser0 **) + +let firstExpect t p = function +| [] -> + NoneE + (append + ('e'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('\''::[])))))))))) + (append t ('\''::('.'::[])))) +| x :: xs' -> + if string_dec x t + then p xs' + else NoneE + (append + ('e'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('\''::[])))))))))) + (append t ('\''::('.'::[])))) + +(** val expect : token -> unit parser0 **) + +let expect t = + firstExpect t (fun xs -> SomeE ((), xs)) + +(** val parseIdentifier : token list -> (char list * token list) optionE **) + +let parseIdentifier = function +| [] -> + NoneE + ('E'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('i'::('d'::('e'::('n'::('t'::('i'::('f'::('i'::('e'::('r'::[]))))))))))))))))))) +| x :: xs' -> + if forallb isLowerAlpha (list_of_string x) + then SomeE (x, xs') + else NoneE + (append + ('I'::('l'::('l'::('e'::('g'::('a'::('l'::(' '::('i'::('d'::('e'::('n'::('t'::('i'::('f'::('i'::('e'::('r'::(':'::('\''::[])))))))))))))))))))) + (append x ('\''::[]))) + +(** val parseNumber : token list -> (int * token list) optionE **) + +let parseNumber = function +| [] -> + NoneE + ('E'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('n'::('u'::('m'::('b'::('e'::('r'::[]))))))))))))))) +| x :: xs' -> + if forallb isDigit (list_of_string x) + then SomeE + ((fold_left (fun n0 d -> + add + (mul ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) 0)))))))))) n0) + (sub (nat_of_ascii d) (nat_of_ascii '0'))) (list_of_string x) 0), + xs') + else NoneE + ('E'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('n'::('u'::('m'::('b'::('e'::('r'::[]))))))))))))))) + +(** val parsePrimaryExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE **) + +let rec parsePrimaryExp steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match parseIdentifier xs with + | SomeE x -> let (i, rest) = x in SomeE ((AId i), rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match parseNumber xs with + | SomeE x -> let (n0, rest) = x in SomeE ((ANum n0), rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('('::[]) (parseSumExp steps') xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match expect (')'::[]) rest with + | SomeE x0 -> let (_, rest') = x0 in SomeE (e, rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err))) + steps + +(** val parseProductExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE **) + +and parseProductExp steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match parsePrimaryExp steps' xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match many (firstExpect ('*'::[]) (parsePrimaryExp steps')) steps' rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (es, rest') = x0 in + SomeE ((fold_left (fun x1 x2 -> AMult (x1, x2)) es e), rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + steps + +(** val parseSumExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE **) + +and parseSumExp steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match parseProductExp steps' xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match many (fun xs0 -> + match firstExpect ('+'::[]) (parseProductExp steps') xs0 with + | SomeE x0 -> let (e0, rest') = x0 in SomeE ((true, e0), rest') + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('-'::[]) (parseProductExp steps') xs0 with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (e0, rest') = x0 in SomeE ((false, e0), rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err)) steps' rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (es, rest') = x0 in + SomeE + ((fold_left (fun e0 term -> + let (y, e1) = term in + if y then APlus (e0, e1) else AMinus (e0, e1)) es e), rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + steps + +(** val parseAExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE **) + +let parseAExp = + parseSumExp + +(** val parseAtomicExp : int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE **) + +let rec parseAtomicExp steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match expect ('t'::('r'::('u'::('e'::[])))) xs with + | SomeE x -> let (_, rest) = x in SomeE (BTrue, rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match expect ('f'::('a'::('l'::('s'::('e'::[]))))) xs with + | SomeE x -> let (_, rest) = x in SomeE (BFalse, rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('~'::[]) (parseAtomicExp steps') xs with + | SomeE x -> let (e, rest) = x in SomeE ((BNot e), rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('('::[]) (parseConjunctionExp steps') xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match expect (')'::[]) rest with + | SomeE x0 -> let (_, rest') = x0 in SomeE (e, rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE _ -> + (match parseProductExp steps' xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match firstExpect ('='::[]) (parseAExp steps') rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (e', rest') = x0 in SomeE ((BEq (e, e')), rest') + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('<'::('='::[])) (parseAExp steps') + rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (e', rest') = x0 in SomeE ((BLe (e, e')), rest') + | NoneE _ -> + NoneE + ('E'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('e'::('d'::(' '::('\''::('='::('\''::(' '::('o'::('r'::(' '::('\''::('<'::('='::('\''::(' '::('a'::('f'::('t'::('e'::('r'::(' '::('a'::('r'::('i'::('t'::('h'::('m'::('e'::('t'::('i'::('c'::(' '::('e'::('x'::('p'::('r'::('e'::('s'::('s'::('i'::('o'::('n'::[])))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err))))) + steps + +(** val parseConjunctionExp : + int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE **) + +and parseConjunctionExp steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match parseAtomicExp steps' xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match many (firstExpect ('&'::('&'::[])) (parseAtomicExp steps')) + steps' rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (es, rest') = x0 in + SomeE ((fold_left (fun x1 x2 -> BAnd (x1, x2)) es e), rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + steps + +(** val parseBExp : int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE **) + +let parseBExp = + parseConjunctionExp + +(** val parseSimpleCommand : + int -> token list -> (com * token list) optionE **) + +let rec parseSimpleCommand steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match expect ('S'::('K'::('I'::('P'::[])))) xs with + | SomeE x -> let (_, rest) = x in SomeE (CSkip, rest) + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('T'::('E'::('S'::('T'::[])))) (parseBExp steps') xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match firstExpect ('T'::('H'::('E'::('N'::[])))) + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (c, rest') = x0 in + (match firstExpect ('E'::('L'::('S'::('E'::[])))) + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest' with + | SomeE x1 -> + let (c', rest'') = x1 in + (match expect ('E'::('N'::('D'::[]))) rest'' with + | SomeE x2 -> + let (_, rest''') = x2 in SomeE ((CIf (e, c, c')), rest''') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE _ -> + (match firstExpect ('W'::('H'::('I'::('L'::('E'::[]))))) + (parseBExp steps') xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (e, rest) = x in + (match firstExpect ('D'::('O'::[])) + (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (c, rest') = x0 in + (match expect ('E'::('N'::('D'::[]))) rest' with + | SomeE x1 -> + let (_, rest'') = x1 in SomeE ((CWhile (e, c)), rest'') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE _ -> + (match parseIdentifier xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (i, rest) = x in + (match firstExpect (':'::(':'::('='::[]))) (parseAExp steps') + rest with + | SomeE x0 -> + let (e, rest') = x0 in SomeE ((CAss (i, e)), rest') + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + | NoneE _ -> + NoneE + ('E'::('x'::('p'::('e'::('c'::('t'::('i'::('n'::('g'::(' '::('a'::(' '::('c'::('o'::('m'::('m'::('a'::('n'::('d'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))) + steps + +(** val parseSequencedCommand : + int -> token list -> (com * token list) optionE **) + +and parseSequencedCommand steps xs = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> NoneE + ('T'::('o'::('o'::(' '::('m'::('a'::('n'::('y'::(' '::('r'::('e'::('c'::('u'::('r'::('s'::('i'::('v'::('e'::(' '::('c'::('a'::('l'::('l'::('s'::[]))))))))))))))))))))))))) + (fun steps' -> + match parseSimpleCommand steps' xs with + | SomeE x -> + let (c, rest) = x in + (match firstExpect (';'::(';'::[])) (parseSequencedCommand steps') rest with + | SomeE x0 -> let (c', rest') = x0 in SomeE ((CSeq (c, c')), rest') + | NoneE _ -> SomeE (c, rest)) + | NoneE err -> NoneE err) + steps + +(** val bignumber : int **) + +let bignumber = + (fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) + ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x 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N0 +| Npos of positive + +module Pos : + sig + val succ : positive -> positive + + val add : positive -> positive -> positive + + val add_carry : positive -> positive -> positive + + val mul : positive -> positive -> positive + + val iter_op : ('a1 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> positive -> 'a1 -> 'a1 + + val to_nat : positive -> int + end + +module N : + sig + val add : n -> n -> n + + val mul : n -> n -> n + + val to_nat : n -> int + end + +val rev : 'a1 list -> 'a1 list + +val map : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list + +val fold_left : ('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a1) -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 -> 'a1 + +val fold_right : ('a2 -> 'a1 -> 'a1) -> 'a1 -> 'a2 list -> 'a1 + +val forallb : ('a1 -> bool) -> 'a1 list -> bool + +val n_of_digits : bool list -> n + +val n_of_ascii : char -> n + +val nat_of_ascii : char -> int + +val string_dec : char list -> char list -> bool + +val append : char list -> char list -> char list + +val eqb_string : char list -> char list -> bool + +type 'a total_map = char list -> 'a + +val t_empty : 'a1 -> 'a1 total_map + +val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> char list -> 'a1 -> char list -> 'a1 + +type state = int total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of int +| AId of char list +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +val aeval : state -> aexp -> int + +val beval : state -> bexp -> bool + +val empty_st : int total_map + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of char list * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +val ceval_step : state -> com -> int -> state option + +val isWhite : char -> bool + +val isLowerAlpha : char -> bool + +val isAlpha : char -> bool + +val isDigit : char -> bool + +type chartype = +| White +| Alpha +| Digit +| Other + +val classifyChar : char -> chartype + +val list_of_string : char list -> char list + +val string_of_list : char list -> char list + +type token = char list + +val tokenize_helper : chartype -> char list -> char list -> char list list + +val tokenize : char list -> char list list + +type 'x optionE = +| SomeE of 'x +| NoneE of char list + +type 't parser0 = token list -> ('t * token list) optionE + +val many_helper : + 'a1 parser0 -> 'a1 list -> int -> token list -> ('a1 list * token list) + optionE + +val many : 'a1 parser0 -> int -> 'a1 list parser0 + +val firstExpect : token -> 'a1 parser0 -> 'a1 parser0 + +val expect : token -> unit parser0 + +val parseIdentifier : token list -> (char list * token list) optionE + +val parseNumber : token list -> (int * token list) optionE + +val parsePrimaryExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE + +val parseProductExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE + +val parseSumExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE + +val parseAExp : int -> token list -> (aexp * token list) optionE + +val parseAtomicExp : int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE + +val parseConjunctionExp : int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE + +val parseBExp : int -> token list -> (bexp * token list) optionE + +val parseSimpleCommand : int -> token list -> (com * token list) optionE + +val parseSequencedCommand : int -> token list -> (com * token list) optionE + +val bignumber : int + +val parse : char list -> com optionE diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2504bf --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ + +type bool = +| True +| False + +(** val negb : bool -> bool **) + +let negb = function +| True -> False +| False -> True + +type nat = +| O +| S of nat + +type 'a option = +| Some of 'a +| None + +type sumbool = +| Left +| Right + +(** val add : nat -> nat -> nat **) + +let rec add n m = + match n with + | O -> m + | S p -> S (add p m) + +(** val mul : nat -> nat -> nat **) + +let rec mul n m = + match n with + | O -> O + | S p -> add m (mul p m) + +(** val sub : nat -> nat -> nat **) + +let rec sub n m = + match n with + | O -> n + | S k -> (match m with + | O -> n + | S l -> sub k l) + +(** val eqb : nat -> nat -> bool **) + +let rec eqb n m = + match n with + | O -> (match m with + | O -> True + | S _ -> False) + | S n' -> (match m with + | O -> False + | S m' -> eqb n' m') + +(** val leb : nat -> nat -> bool **) + +let rec leb n m = + match n with + | O -> True + | S n' -> (match m with + | O -> False + | S m' -> leb n' m') + +(** val bool_dec : bool -> bool -> sumbool **) + +let bool_dec b1 b2 = + match b1 with + | True -> (match b2 with + | True -> Left + | False -> Right) + | False -> (match b2 with + | True -> Right + | False -> Left) + +type ascii = +| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool + +(** val ascii_dec : ascii -> ascii -> sumbool **) + +let ascii_dec a b = + let Ascii (x, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = a in + let Ascii (b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15) = b in + (match bool_dec x b8 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x0 b9 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x1 b10 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x2 b11 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x3 b12 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x4 b13 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x5 b14 with + | Left -> bool_dec x6 b15 + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + +type string = +| EmptyString +| String of ascii * string + +(** val string_dec : string -> string -> sumbool **) + +let rec string_dec s x = + match s with + | EmptyString -> (match x with + | EmptyString -> Left + | String (_, _) -> Right) + | String (a, s0) -> + (match x with + | EmptyString -> Right + | String (a0, s1) -> + (match ascii_dec a a0 with + | Left -> string_dec s0 s1 + | Right -> Right)) + +(** val eqb_string : string -> string -> bool **) + +let eqb_string x y = + match string_dec x y with + | Left -> True + | Right -> False + +type 'a total_map = string -> 'a + +(** val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> string -> 'a1 -> string -> 'a1 **) + +let t_update m x v x' = + match eqb_string x x' with + | True -> v + | False -> m x' + +type state = nat total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of nat +| AId of string +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +(** val aeval : state -> aexp -> nat **) + +let rec aeval st = function +| ANum n -> n +| AId x -> st x +| APlus (a1, a2) -> add (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMinus (a1, a2) -> sub (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMult (a1, a2) -> mul (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) + +(** val beval : state -> bexp -> bool **) + +let rec beval st = function +| BTrue -> True +| BFalse -> False +| BEq (a1, a2) -> eqb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BLe (a1, a2) -> leb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BNot b1 -> negb (beval st b1) +| BAnd (b1, b2) -> + (match beval st b1 with + | True -> beval st b2 + | False -> False) + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of string * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +(** val ceval_step : state -> com -> nat -> state option **) + +let rec ceval_step st c = function +| O -> None +| S i' -> + (match c with + | CSkip -> Some st + | CAss (l, a1) -> Some (t_update st l (aeval st a1)) + | CSeq (c1, c2) -> + (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c2 i' + | None -> None) + | CIf (b, c1, c2) -> + (match beval st b with + | True -> ceval_step st c1 i' + | False -> ceval_step st c2 i') + | CWhile (b1, c1) -> + (match beval st b1 with + | True -> + (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c i' + | None -> None) + | False -> Some st)) diff --git a/imp1.mli b/imp1.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b66c86 --- /dev/null +++ b/imp1.mli @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ + +type bool = +| True +| False + +val negb : bool -> bool + +type nat = +| O +| S of nat + +type 'a option = +| Some of 'a +| None + +type sumbool = +| Left +| Right + +val add : nat -> nat -> nat + +val mul : nat -> nat -> nat + +val sub : nat -> nat -> nat + +val eqb : nat -> nat -> bool + +val leb : nat -> nat -> bool + +val bool_dec : bool -> bool -> sumbool + +type ascii = +| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool + +val ascii_dec : ascii -> ascii -> sumbool + +type string = +| EmptyString +| String of ascii * string + +val string_dec : string -> string -> sumbool + +val eqb_string : string -> string -> bool + +type 'a total_map = string -> 'a + +val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> string -> 'a1 -> string -> 'a1 + +type state = nat total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of nat +| AId of string +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +val aeval : state -> aexp -> nat + +val beval : state -> bexp -> bool + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of string * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +val ceval_step : state -> com -> nat -> state option diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b57289 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ + +(** val negb : bool -> bool **) + +let negb = function +| true -> false +| false -> true + +type 'a option = +| Some of 'a +| None + +type sumbool = +| Left +| Right + +(** val add : int -> int -> int **) + +let rec add = ( + ) + +(** val mul : int -> int -> int **) + +let rec mul = ( * ) + +(** val sub : int -> int -> int **) + +let rec sub n m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> n) + (fun k -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> n) + (fun l -> sub k l) + m) + n + +(** val eqb : int -> int -> bool **) + +let rec eqb = ( = ) + +(** val leb : int -> int -> bool **) + +let rec leb n m = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> true) + (fun n' -> + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> false) + (fun m' -> leb n' m') + m) + n + +(** val bool_dec : bool -> bool -> sumbool **) + +let bool_dec b1 b2 = + if b1 then if b2 then Left else Right else if b2 then Right else Left + +type ascii = +| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool + +(** val ascii_dec : ascii -> ascii -> sumbool **) + +let ascii_dec a b = + let Ascii (x, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = a in + let Ascii (b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14, b15) = b in + (match bool_dec x b8 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x0 b9 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x1 b10 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x2 b11 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x3 b12 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x4 b13 with + | Left -> + (match bool_dec x5 b14 with + | Left -> bool_dec x6 b15 + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + | Right -> Right) + +type string = +| EmptyString +| String of ascii * string + +(** val string_dec : string -> string -> sumbool **) + +let rec string_dec s x = + match s with + | EmptyString -> (match x with + | EmptyString -> Left + | String (_, _) -> Right) + | String (a, s0) -> + (match x with + | EmptyString -> Right + | String (a0, s1) -> + (match ascii_dec a a0 with + | Left -> string_dec s0 s1 + | Right -> Right)) + +(** val eqb_string : string -> string -> bool **) + +let eqb_string x y = + match string_dec x y with + | Left -> true + | Right -> false + +type 'a total_map = string -> 'a + +(** val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> string -> 'a1 -> string -> 'a1 **) + +let t_update m x v x' = + if eqb_string x x' then v else m x' + +type state = int total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of int +| AId of string +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +(** val aeval : state -> aexp -> int **) + +let rec aeval st = function +| ANum n -> n +| AId x -> st x +| APlus (a1, a2) -> add (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMinus (a1, a2) -> sub (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| AMult (a1, a2) -> mul (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) + +(** val beval : state -> bexp -> bool **) + +let rec beval st = function +| BTrue -> true +| BFalse -> false +| BEq (a1, a2) -> eqb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BLe (a1, a2) -> leb (aeval st a1) (aeval st a2) +| BNot b1 -> negb (beval st b1) +| BAnd (b1, b2) -> if beval st b1 then beval st b2 else false + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of string * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +(** val ceval_step : state -> com -> int -> state option **) + +let rec ceval_step st c i = + (fun zero succ n -> + if n=0 then zero () else succ (n-1)) + (fun _ -> None) + (fun i' -> + match c with + | CSkip -> Some st + | CAss (l, a1) -> Some (t_update st l (aeval st a1)) + | CSeq (c1, c2) -> + (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c2 i' + | None -> None) + | CIf (b, c1, c2) -> + if beval st b then ceval_step st c1 i' else ceval_step st c2 i' + | CWhile (b1, c1) -> + if beval st b1 + then (match ceval_step st c1 i' with + | Some st' -> ceval_step st' c i' + | None -> None) + else Some st) + i diff --git a/imp2.mli b/imp2.mli new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9672fde --- /dev/null +++ b/imp2.mli @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + +val negb : bool -> bool + +type 'a option = +| Some of 'a +| None + +type sumbool = +| Left +| Right + +val add : int -> int -> int + +val mul : int -> int -> int + +val sub : int -> int -> int + +val eqb : int -> int -> bool + +val leb : int -> int -> bool + +val bool_dec : bool -> bool -> sumbool + +type ascii = +| Ascii of bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool * bool + +val ascii_dec : ascii -> ascii -> sumbool + +type string = +| EmptyString +| String of ascii * string + +val string_dec : string -> string -> sumbool + +val eqb_string : string -> string -> bool + +type 'a total_map = string -> 'a + +val t_update : 'a1 total_map -> string -> 'a1 -> string -> 'a1 + +type state = int total_map + +type aexp = +| ANum of int +| AId of string +| APlus of aexp * aexp +| AMinus of aexp * aexp +| AMult of aexp * aexp + +type bexp = +| BTrue +| BFalse +| BEq of aexp * aexp +| BLe of aexp * aexp +| BNot of bexp +| BAnd of bexp * bexp + +val aeval : state -> aexp -> int + +val beval : state -> bexp -> bool + +type com = +| CSkip +| CAss of string * aexp +| CSeq of com * com +| CIf of bexp * com * com +| CWhile of bexp * com + +val ceval_step : state -> com -> int -> state option