from typing import * from agast import * class TypecheckResult: def __init__(self, pd: str): self.parser_data = pd def typecheck(program: List[Decl]) -> TypecheckResult: i = 0 def gen(name: str = "") -> str: return f"__ag{i:03}{name}" # collect a list of name -> iface declarations ifaces: Dict[str, Decl] = dict( map(lambda c: (, c), filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, Iface), program))) print(ifaces) # a high-level dictionary of productions; this has sub-productions # that should be further expanded at a later step before converting # into lark code productions_hi: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] = dict() for node in filter(lambda c: isinstance(c, Node), program): print(node) return TypecheckResult("")