
64 lines
1.2 KiB

program: decl*
?decl: iface
| node
| func
sep_trail{item, punc}: item (punc item)? punc?
func: "fn" ident "(" ")" ("->" ty) "{" "}"
iface: "iface" ident "{" sep_trail{iface_field, ","} "}"
iface_field: ident ":" ident
iface_ref: ident
iface_refs: iface_ref*
node: "node" ident ":" iface_refs "{" variants "}"
variants: variant*
variant: prod "=>" "{" equations "}"
prod: sym*
?sym: sym_rename
| sym_lit
sym_rename: "<" ident ":" node_ref ">"
?node_ref: node_ref_name
| node_regex
node_ref_name: ident
node_regex: ESCAPED_STRING
equations: equation_semi*
equation_semi: equation ";"
// TODO: the left side should really be a separate type
// called lvalue, and should NOT include literals
equation: expr "=" expr
// Expressions
?expr: expr2
| expr_add
expr_add: expr "+" expr2
?expr2: expr3
| expr_mul
| expr_call
expr_mul: expr2 "*" expr3
expr_call: expr2 "(" args ")"
?expr3: "(" expr ")"
| expr_dot
| expr_name
expr_dot: expr3 "." ident
expr_name: ident
args: sep_trail{expr, ","}
ty: ident
ident: IDENT
COMMENT: /\/\/[^\n]*/
IDENT: /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)|(_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/
%import python.STRING
%import common.WS
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%ignore WS
%ignore COMMENT