Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing". From Coq Require Export String. From LF Require Import Imp. Parameter MISSING: Type. Module Check. Ltac check_type A B := match type of A with | context[MISSING] => idtac "Missing:" A | ?T => first [unify T B; idtac "Type: ok" | idtac "Type: wrong - should be (" B ")"] end. Ltac print_manual_grade A := match eval compute in A with | Some (_ ?S ?C) => idtac "Score:" S; match eval compute in C with | ""%string => idtac "Comment: None" | _ => idtac "Comment:" C end | None => idtac "Score: Ungraded"; idtac "Comment: None" end. End Check. From LF Require Import Imp. Import Check. Goal True. idtac "------------------- optimize_0plus_b_sound --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound". idtac "Possible points: 3". check_type @AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound ( (forall b : AExp.bexp, AExp.beval (AExp.optimize_0plus_b b) = AExp.beval b)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- bevalR --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> AExp.beval_iff_bevalR". idtac "Possible points: 3". check_type @AExp.beval_iff_bevalR ( (forall (b : AExp.bexp) (bv : bool), AExp.bevalR b bv <-> AExp.beval b = bv)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions AExp.beval_iff_bevalR. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- ceval_example2 --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> ceval_example2". idtac "Possible points: 2". check_type @ceval_example2 ( (empty_st =[ X ::= 0;; Y ::= 1;; Z ::= 2 ]=> @Maps.t_update nat (@Maps.t_update nat (X !-> 0) Y 1) Z 2)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions ceval_example2. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- XtimesYinZ_spec --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> Manually graded: XtimesYinZ_spec". idtac "Possible points: 3". print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_XtimesYinZ_spec. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- loop_never_stops --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> loop_never_stops". idtac "Possible points: 3". check_type @loop_never_stops ((forall st st' : state, ~ st =[ loop ]=> st')). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions loop_never_stops. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- no_whiles_eqv --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> no_whiles_eqv". idtac "Possible points: 3". check_type @no_whiles_eqv ((forall c : com, no_whiles c = true <-> no_whilesR c)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions no_whiles_eqv. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- no_whiles_terminating --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> Manually graded: no_whiles_terminating". idtac "Possible points: 4". print_manual_grade manual_grade_for_no_whiles_terminating. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- stack_compiler --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> s_execute1". idtac "Possible points: 0.5". check_type @s_execute1 ( (s_execute empty_st (@nil nat) (SPush 5 :: (SPush 3 :: SPush 1 :: SMinus :: @nil sinstr)%list) = (2 :: 5 :: @nil nat)%list)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions s_execute1. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "#> s_execute2". idtac "Possible points: 0.5". check_type @s_execute2 ( (s_execute (X !-> 3) (3 :: (4 :: @nil nat)%list) (SPush 4 :: (SLoad X :: SMult :: SPlus :: @nil sinstr)%list) = (15 :: 4 :: @nil nat)%list)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions s_execute2. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "#> s_compile1". idtac "Possible points: 2". check_type @s_compile1 ( (s_compile (X - 2 * Y) = (SLoad X :: SPush 2 :: SLoad Y :: SMult :: SMinus :: @nil sinstr)%list)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions s_compile1. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- stack_compiler_correct --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> s_compile_correct". idtac "Advanced". idtac "Possible points: 4". check_type @s_compile_correct ( (forall (st : state) (e : aexp), s_execute st (@nil nat) (s_compile e) = (aeval st e :: @nil nat)%list)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions s_compile_correct. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "------------------- break_imp --------------------". idtac " ". idtac "#> BreakImp.break_ignore". idtac "Advanced". idtac "Possible points: 1". check_type @BreakImp.break_ignore ( (forall (c : (st st' : state) (s : BreakImp.result), BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CSeq BreakImp.CBreak c) st s st' -> st = st')). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions BreakImp.break_ignore. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "#> BreakImp.while_continue". idtac "Advanced". idtac "Possible points: 1". check_type @BreakImp.while_continue ( (forall (b : bexp) (c : (st st' : state) (s : BreakImp.result), BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CWhile b c) st s st' -> s = BreakImp.SContinue)). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_continue. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac "#> BreakImp.while_stops_on_break". idtac "Advanced". idtac "Possible points: 2". check_type @BreakImp.while_stops_on_break ( (forall (b : bexp) (c : (st st' : state), beval st b = true -> BreakImp.ceval c st BreakImp.SBreak st' -> BreakImp.ceval (BreakImp.CWhile b c) st BreakImp.SContinue st')). idtac "Assumptions:". Abort. Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_stops_on_break. Goal True. idtac " ". idtac " ". idtac "Max points - standard: 24". idtac "Max points - advanced: 32". idtac "". idtac "********** Summary **********". idtac "". idtac "********** Standard **********". idtac "---------- AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound ---------". Print Assumptions AExp.optimize_0plus_b_sound. idtac "---------- AExp.beval_iff_bevalR ---------". Print Assumptions AExp.beval_iff_bevalR. idtac "---------- ceval_example2 ---------". Print Assumptions ceval_example2. idtac "---------- XtimesYinZ_spec ---------". idtac "MANUAL". idtac "---------- loop_never_stops ---------". Print Assumptions loop_never_stops. idtac "---------- no_whiles_eqv ---------". Print Assumptions no_whiles_eqv. idtac "---------- no_whiles_terminating ---------". idtac "MANUAL". idtac "---------- s_execute1 ---------". Print Assumptions s_execute1. idtac "---------- s_execute2 ---------". Print Assumptions s_execute2. idtac "---------- s_compile1 ---------". Print Assumptions s_compile1. idtac "". idtac "********** Advanced **********". idtac "---------- s_compile_correct ---------". Print Assumptions s_compile_correct. idtac "---------- BreakImp.break_ignore ---------". Print Assumptions BreakImp.break_ignore. idtac "---------- BreakImp.while_continue ---------". Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_continue. idtac "---------- BreakImp.while_stops_on_break ---------". Print Assumptions BreakImp.while_stops_on_break. Abort. (* Wed Jan 9 12:02:24 EST 2019 *)