Michael Zhang 1fa36db752
2018-01-29 17:45:27 -06:00

187 lines
3.9 KiB

# Configuration information for processor tests.
# Common declarations for testing code
# Where's the assembler?
$yas = "../misc/yas";
# Which simulator is being tested?
$sim = "../pipe/psim";
# By default, don't test iaddq instruction.
$testiaddq = 0;
# Where should result files be placed?
$outputdir = ".";
# Generate performance targets?
$gen_perf = 0;
# Check performance targets?
$check_perf = 0;
# File with performance targets
$perf_file = "";
# Should this be a test of a Verilog implementation?
$test_vlog = 0;
# What model should be used for Verilog?
$vmodel = "pipe-std";
# What program does the Verilog testing
$vtest = "../verilog/";
$tcount = 0;
$ecount = 0;
$pecount = 0;
sub run_test
local ($tname) = @_;
## print("Running test $tname\n");
if ($test_vlog) {
} else {
sub run_sim_test
local ($tname) = @_;
system "$yas $tname.ys" || die "Can't open file $tname.ys\n";
local $result = `$sim -v 0 -t $tname.yo`;
if (!($result =~ "Succeed")) {
print "Test $tname failed\n";
if (!($outputdir eq ".")) {
system "mv $tname.ys $outputdir";
} else {
system "rm $tname.ys";
if ($gen_perf) {
$_ = $result;
$cycles = $1;
$instructions = $2;
print "$tname:$cycles:$instructions\n";
if ($check_perf) {
$_ = $result;
$tcycles = $1;
$tinstructions = $2;
$p = `grep $tname $perf_file` || die "Couldn't open file $perf_file\n";
chomp $p;
($pname, $pcycles, $pinstructions) = split /:/, $p;
if ($tcycles != $pcycles) {
print "Test $tname.\tMeasured cycles=$tcycles != Target cycles=$pcycles\n";
system "rm $tname.yo";
sub run_vlog_test
local ($tname) = @_;
local $proc;
local $version;
local $dir;
local $flags = "";
if ($vmodel =~ /(pipe|seq|seq\+)-(.*)/) {
$proc = $1;
$version = $2;
if ($proc =~ "seq") {
$dir = "seq";
} else {
$dir = "pipe";
$flags = "-p ../verilog/components/$proc-proc.v -H ../$dir/$proc-$version.hcl";
print "Running '$vtest -a $tname $flags'\n";
local $result = `$vtest -a $tname $flags`;
if (!($result =~ "Results match")) {
print "Test $tname failed\n";
if (!($outputdir eq ".")) {
system "mv $tname.ys $outputdir";
} else {
system "rm $tname.ys";
sub test_stat
if ($ecount == 0) {
print " All $tcount ISA Checks Succeed\n";
} else {
print " $ecount/$tcount ISA Checks Failed\n";
if ($check_perf) {
if ($pecount == 0) {
print " All $tcount Performance Checks Succeed\n";
} else {
print " $pecount/$tcount Performance Checks Failed\n";
sub cmdline {
# parse command line arguments
if ($opt_h) {
print STDERR "Usage $argv[0] [-h] [-i] [-s <sim>] [-P] [-p <pfile>]\n";
print STDERR " -h print Help message\n";
print STDERR " -i test iaddq instruction\n";
print STDERR " -s <sim> Specify simulator\n";
print STDERR " -d <dir> Specify directory for counterexamples\n";
print STDERR " -P Generate performance data\n";
print STDERR " -p <version> Check using performance file <pfile>\n";
print STDERR " -V test Verilog implementation\n";
print STDERR " -m <model> Model for Verilog\n";
die "\n";
if ($opt_i) {
$testiaddq = 1;
if ($opt_d) {
$outputdir = $opt_d;
if ($opt_P) {
$gen_perf = 1;
if ($opt_p) {
$check_perf = 1;
$perf_file = $opt_p;
if ($opt_s) {
$sim = $opt_s;
if ($opt_V) {
$test_vlog = 1;
if ($opt_m) {
$vmodel = $opt_m;
} else {
print "Simulating with $sim\n";
# Perl gives error messages without the following line !?!
$junk = 1;