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2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00
## Feedback for Homework 05
Run on April 07, 04:36:00 AM.
+ Pass: Change into directory "Hwk_05".
### Feedback for ````
+ Pass: Check that file "" exists.
+ Pass: Check that an OCaml file "" has no syntax or type errors.
OCaml file "" has no syntax or type errors.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `ands [ true; true; true ]` matches the pattern `true`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `ands [ ]` matches the pattern `true`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `ands [ true; false; true ]` matches the pattern `false`.
### Feedback for ````
+ Pass: Check that file "" exists.
+ Pass: Check that an OCaml file "" has no syntax or type errors.
OCaml file "" has no syntax or type errors.
##### ``cubes_from``
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (cubes_from 2)` matches the pattern `8`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `take 5 (cubes_from 3)` matches the pattern `[27; 64; 125; 216; 343]`.
##### ``drop``
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head ( drop 3 nats )` matches the pattern `4`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `take 2 ( drop 3 ( squares ) )` matches the pattern `[ 16; 25 ]`.
##### ``drop_until``
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (drop_until (fun v -> v > 35) squares)` matches the pattern `36`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `take 3 (drop_until (fun x -> x > 10) nats)` matches the pattern `[11; 12; 13]`.
##### ``map``
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (map (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) nats)` matches the pattern `false`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `take 4 (map (fun x -> x mod 2 = 0) nats)` matches the pattern `[false; true; false; true]`.
##### ``squares_again``
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head squares_again` matches the pattern `1`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `take 5 squares_again` matches the pattern `[1; 4; 9; 16; 25]`.
##### square root approximations
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (sqrt_approximations 49.0)` is within 1.0 of `25.`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (drop 4 (sqrt_approximations 49.0))` is within 0.5 of `8.5`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head diminishing` is within 1.0 of `16.0`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `head (drop 6 diminishing)` is within 0.05 of `0.25`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `epsilon_diff 0.3 diminishing` is within 0.3 of `0.25`.
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `precise_calculation` is within 0.05 of `7.07`.
##### another square root approximation
+ Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `sqrt_threshold 50.0 3.0` is within 0.5 of `7.12`.
The total score is used only to count the number of tests passed. Actual point value for individual tests will change for assessment.
#### Total score: _30_ / _30_