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2018-01-29 17:35:31 -06:00
module type Arithmetic = sig
type t
val zero: t
val add: t -> t -> t
val mul: t -> t -> t
val str: t -> string
module type Vector = sig
type t
type endpoint
val create: int -> endpoint -> t
val from_list: endpoint list -> t
val to_list: t -> endpoint list
val scalar_add: endpoint -> t -> t
val scalar_mul: endpoint -> t -> t
val scalar_prod: t -> t -> endpoint option
val to_string: t -> string
val size: t -> int
module Make_vector (Endpoint:Arithmetic) : (Vector with type endpoint := Endpoint.t) = struct
type t = Vector of Endpoint.t list
let create size init =
let rec create' c n =
if c = 0 then []
else n :: create' (c - 1) n
in Vector (create' size init)
let size v =
match v with
| Vector lst -> List.length lst
let from_list lst =
Vector lst
let to_list v =
match v with
| Vector lst -> lst
let scalar_add a b =
let rec s_add lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> Endpoint.add a x :: s_add xs
in match b with
| Vector b' -> Vector (s_add b')
let scalar_mul a b =
let rec s_mul lst =
match lst with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs -> Endpoint.mul a x :: s_mul xs
in match b with
| Vector b' -> Vector (s_mul b')
let scalar_prod a b =
if size a <> size b then None
else let rec d_prod (m:Endpoint.t list) (n:Endpoint.t list) (s:Endpoint.t): Endpoint.t option =
match (m, n, s) with
| ([], [], s') -> Some s'
| (_ :: _, [], s') -> None
| ([], _ :: _, s') -> None
| (m' :: ms, n' :: ns, s') -> d_prod ms ns (Endpoint.add s' (Endpoint.mul m' n'))
in match a, b with
| Vector alst, Vector blst -> d_prod alst blst
let to_string v =
let join lst sep: string =
let rec join' lst =
match lst with
| [] -> ""
| hd :: tl -> sep ^ (Endpoint.str hd) ^ (join' tl)
in match lst with
| [] -> ""
| hd :: tl -> (Endpoint.str hd) ^ (join' tl)
in match v with
| Vector lst -> "<< " ^ (string_of_int (size v)) ^ " | " ^ (join lst ", ") ^ " >>"