(* Continuation passing style is another mechanism for improving performance. Many of these are from Charlie Harper. *) type 'a tree = Empty | Fork of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree let t = Fork ( Fork ( Fork ( Empty, 1, Empty ), 2, Fork ( Empty, 3, Empty ) ), 4, Fork ( Fork ( Empty, 5, Empty ), 6, Fork ( Empty, 7, Empty ) ) ) let rec flatten t = match t with | Empty -> [] | Fork (t1, v, t2) -> flatten t1 @ [v] @ flatten t2 let flatten_c t = let f_c t c = match t with | Empty -> c | Fork (t1, v, t2) -> f_c t1 (v :: f_c t2 c) in f_c t [] (* How can we improve the performance of this function? *) (* Here the extra parameter is not accumulating the result. That is, we don't perform an operation on it directly. It is a continuation for the result. We keep adding to it. *) let flatten_c t = let rec flatten_with t c = match t with | Empty -> c | Fork (t1, v, t2) -> flatten_with t1 (v :: flatten_with t2 c) in flatten_with t [] (* When we speak of "continuation passing style" we typically mean passing a continuation that is a function. *) let ident x = x let tail_fact n = let rec tail_fact_rec n k = match n with | 0 -> k 1 | _ -> tail_fact_rec (n-1) (fun r -> k (r*n)) in tail_fact_rec n ident exception InvalidArgument (* This one is not quite so basic, but that's what you get when linearizing traversals of bifurcating paths. *) let tail_fib n = let rec tail_fib_rec n k = match n with | 0 -> k 0 | 1 -> k 1 | n -> tail_fib_rec (n - 1) (fun rn1 -> tail_fib_rec (n - 2) (fun rn2 -> (k (rn1 + rn2))) ) in if n >= 0 then tail_fib_rec n ident else raise InvalidArgument (* tfr 3 id tfr 2 c1 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) tfr 1 c2 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) where c2 = (\rn1 -> tfr 0 (\rn2 -> c1 (rn1 + rn2))) c2 1 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) where c2 = (\rn1 -> tfr 0 (\rn2 -> c1 (rn1 + rn2))) (\rn1 -> tfr 0 (\rn2 -> c1 (rn1 + rn2))) 1 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) tfr 0 (\rn2 -> c1 (1 + rn2)) where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) tfr 0 c3 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) where c3 = (\rn2 -> c1 (1 + rn2)) c3 0 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) where c3 = (\rn2 -> c1 (1 + rn2)) (\rn2 -> c1 (1 + rn2)) 0 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) c1 (1 + 0) where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) c1 1 where c1 = (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) (\rn1 -> tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (rn1 + rn2))) 1 tfr 1 (\rn2 -> id (1 + rn2)) (\rn2 -> id (1 + rn2)) 1 id (1 + 1) 2 *) let sum_range f low high step = let rec sum_range_rec x k = if x <= high then sum_range_rec (x + step) (fun r -> k (r + f x)) else k 0 in if low > high then raise InvalidArgument else sum_range_rec low ident (* Really useful for these, since the continuations allow the lists and values to be constructed in the correct patterns, especially for lists being recursively constructed non-reversed without using list concatenation. *) let rec map f lst = match lst with | [] -> [] | h::t -> f h :: map f t (* Exercise: write a tail recursive version of map. *) (*- here it is. *) let tail_map f lst = let rec tail_map_rec l k = match l with | [] -> k [] | h::t -> tail_map_rec t (fun r -> k ((f h)::r)) in tail_map_rec lst ident let tail_fold_right f lst v = let rec tail_fr_rec l k = match l with | an::[] -> k (f an v) | a::t -> tail_fr_rec t (fun r -> k (f a r)) | _ -> v in (* never goes down this branch *) match lst with | [] -> v | _ -> tail_fr_rec lst ident let tail_filter f lst = let rec tail_filter_rec l k = match l with | [] -> k [] | h::t when f h -> tail_filter_rec t (fun r -> k (h::r)) | _::t -> tail_filter_rec t k in tail_filter_rec lst ident (* A rewrite of tail_filter showing how some of the business logic of the problem can be moved into and out of the continuation. *) let tail_filter2 f lst = let rec tail_filter_rec l k = match l with | [] -> k [] | h::t -> tail_filter_rec t (fun r -> if f h then k (h::r) else k r) in tail_filter_rec lst ident