### Feedback for Homework 04 Run on March 28, 08:49:48 AM. + Pass: Change into directory "Hwk_04". #### Feedback for ``aritmetic.ml`` + Pass: Check that file "arithmetic.ml" exists. + Pass: Check that an OCaml file "arithmetic.ml" has no syntax or type errors. OCaml file "arithmetic.ml" has no syntax or type errors. ##### ``show_expr`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_expr (Add(Const 1, Const 3))` matches the pattern `"(1+3)"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating ` show_expr (Add (Const 1, Mul (Const 3, Const 4)))` matches the pattern `"(1+(3*4))"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_expr (Mul (Add(Const 1, Const 3), Div(Const 8, Const 4)))` matches the pattern `"((1+3)*(8/4))"`. ##### ``show_pretty_expr`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Add (Const 1, Mul (Const 3, Const 4)))` matches the pattern `"1+3*4"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Add (Mul (Const 1, Const 3), Const 4))` matches the pattern `"1*3+4"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Add (Const 1, Add (Const 3, Const 4)))` matches the pattern `"1+(3+4)"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Add (Add (Const 1, Const 3), Const 4))` matches the pattern `"1+3+4"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Mul (Const 4, Add (Const 3, Const 2)))` matches the pattern `"4*(3+2)"`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `show_pretty_expr (Sub (Sub (Const 1, Const 2), Sub (Const 3, Const 4)))` matches the pattern `"1-2-(3-4)"`. #### Feedback for ``eval.ml`` + Pass: Check that file "eval.ml" exists. + Pass: Check that an OCaml file "eval.ml" has no syntax or type errors. OCaml file "eval.ml" has no syntax or type errors. ##### ``freevars`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `freevars (Add (Value (Int 3), Mul (Id "x", Id "y")))` matches the pattern `["x"; "y"]`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `freevars (Let ("x", Id "z", Add (Value (Int 3), Mul (Id "x", Id "y"))))` matches the pattern `["z"; "y"]`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `freevars (Let ("x", Id "x", Add (Value (Int 3), Mul (Id "x", Id "y"))))` matches the pattern `["x"; "y"]`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `freevars (Lambda ("x", Add (Value (Int 3), Mul (Id "x", Id "y"))))` matches the pattern `["y"]`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `freevars sumToN_expr` matches the pattern `[]`. ##### ``evaluate - arithmetic`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (Add (Value (Int 1), Mul (Value (Int 2), Value (Int 3))))` matches the pattern `Int 7`. ##### ``evaluate - logical`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (Eq (Value (Int 1), Mul (Value (Int 2), Value (Int 3))))` matches the pattern `Bool false`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (Lt (Value (Int 1), Mul (Value (Int 2), Value (Int 3))))` matches the pattern `Bool true`. ##### ``evaluate - conditional`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating ``` evaluate (If (Lt (Value (Int 1), Mul (Value (Int 2), Value (Int 3))), Value (Int 4), Value (Int 5))) ``` matches the pattern `Int 4`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating ``` evaluate (If (Lt (Value (Int 10), Mul (Value (Int 2), Value (Int 3))), Value (Int 4), Value (Int 5))) ``` matches the pattern `Int 5`. ##### ``evaluate - let expressions`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (Let ("x", Value (Int 2), Add (Id "x", Value (Int 4))))` matches the pattern `Int 6`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating ``` evaluate (Let ("x", Value (Int 2), Let ("y", Add (Id "x", Value (Int 4)), Add (Id "x", Id "y")))) ``` matches the pattern `Int 8`. ##### ``evaluate - non-recursive functions`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (App (add, Value (Int 1)))` matches the pattern `Closure ("y", Add (Id "x", Id "y"), [("x", Int 1)])`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (App ( (App (add, Value (Int 1))), Value (Int 2)))` matches the pattern `Int 3`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating ``` evaluate (Let ("add2", Let ("two", Value (Int 2), Lambda ("x", Add (Id "x", Id "two"))), App (Id "add2", Value (Int 4)))) ``` matches the pattern `Int 6`. ##### ``evaluate - recursive functions`` + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (App (sumToN_expr, Value (Int 0)))` matches the pattern `Int 0`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (App (sumToN_expr, Value (Int 1)))` matches the pattern `Int 1`. + Pass: Check that the result of evaluating `evaluate (App (sumToN_expr, Value (Int 10)))` matches the pattern `Int 55`. The total score is used only to count the number of tests passed. Actual point value for individual tests will change for assessment. #### Total score: _100_ / _100_